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GIS Project Profile EGIS Solutions Ltd

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EGIS Solutions Ltd. EGIS Solutions Ltd. EGIS Solutions Ltd. EGIS Solutions Ltd. [email protected], http://www.egissolutions.co.uk/, 07794949503 Copyright © All Rights Reserved
Page 1: GIS Project Profile EGIS Solutions Ltd

EGIS Solutions Ltd.EGIS Solutions Ltd.EGIS Solutions Ltd.EGIS Solutions [email protected], http://www.egissolutions.co.uk/, 07794949503

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Page 2: GIS Project Profile EGIS Solutions Ltd

I am a Chartered Geographer (GIS), work for my limited company named "EGIS Solutions Ltd.“, have more than 15

years experienced in various GIS and Data Management roles in Environment, Planning and Development sectors.

I offers expert , professional and cost effective services interfacing GIS, Data Management and sectors such as

Environment, Renewable Energy, Water, Transportation, Water Utilities etc. I promise to serving clients using

the most efficient technology and by offering no nonsense and practical solutions.

My background enables me to easily understand, communicate and apply the most appropriate and effective

solutions to problems arise due to interactions among built environment and Environmental & Ecology, Human and

Physical Environment.

This service is suitable for small to medium companies who don’t want to setup a permanent GIS facility or do need

additional GIS support. I have experiences in providing GIS supports to all phases of a project cycle. The spatial extent

of the projects ranges from small to medium and national levels encompassing a range of disciplines such as:

Surveys:• Bird

• Geophysical

• Geotechnical

• Metocean

• Sediment Sampling,


• Nature Conservation


• Air & Water Quality

• Benthic Ecology

• Fisheries

• Archaeology

• Ground Conditions and

Contaminated Land

• Telecommunications and


• Aviation and Military


• Land Ownership

• Marine Mammals

• Noise and Vibration

• Offshore Infrastructure

• Ornithology

• Soils and Land Use

• Terrestrial and

Freshwater Ecology

• Traffic and


• Water Environment

• Physical Processes

• Recreation

• Seascape Landscape

and Visual

• Shipping and


• Socio Economics

and Tourism

EEEEGGGGIIIISSSS SSSSoooolllluuuuttttiiiioooonnnnssss [email protected], http://www.egissolutions.co.uk/, 07794949503

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Page 3: GIS Project Profile EGIS Solutions Ltd

I have a wider range of expertise in areas such as:

• Geographic and Risk

Model Development

• Liner Referencing (Cable


• Be-spoke Desktop and

Web based GIS

application development

• Spatial Analysis

• 3D Analysis

• Network Analysis

• Spatial Data Standard

• System Analysis

• Database Management

• Metadata

• Address Geo-coding

Capability of using and customising a wide range of industry leading software and applications such as:

• ArcGIS,

• 3D Analyst,

• Spatial Analyst,

• Network Analyst,

• Model Builder,

• ArcInfo,

• MapInfo,

• Small World GIS,

• Erdas Imagine,

• Surfer 3D,

• Productivity Suite etc.

• MapServer,


• GeoServer,

• Google API,

• OS OpenSpace API,

• WMS etc.

• QA/QC procedure

• Data Conversion

• Remote Sensing (satellite

image processing, geo-

referencing, image

classification etc.) etc.

EEEEGGGGIIIISSSS SSSSoooolllluuuuttttiiiioooonnnnssss [email protected], http://www.egissolutions.co.uk/, 07794949503

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Page 4: GIS Project Profile EGIS Solutions Ltd

GIS and Data Management Experience– Offshore Wind Project

Main responsibility is to provide GIS and data management supports to the Consent, Environment, Engineering,

Land and other general work streams for the project. I have been involved since the inception of the project and

led the GIS support to submit the planning application to the Planning Inspectorate.

Presently I am proving GIS and Data Management support to the post application activities and FEED studies, design

and procurement processes.

Highlights of Support provided:

• Manage GIS data to a high standard, ensuring that all relevant data is retained and can be easily retrieved

• Setting and enhancing the systems and processes used for GIS and Data management in line with TCE ZDA’s

data clause requirement.

• Manage Data licensing conditions.

• Liaise with the regulatory bodies and contractors and surveyors regarding data and metadata standards.

• Support and advise the client and contractors best and efficient practice of the data handling and analysis

• Ensure suitable GIS management clauses are included within contracts issued to relevant third parties

• Conduct data procurement bringing best value

• Overseeing all audits on GIS data, ensuring all corrective actions identified are followed up and overseeing all

GIS data handovers to and from the Origination and Development team.

• Day to day GIS administration and data processing

• Coordinate and manage the purchasing, acquisition and renewal of datasets

• Develop data management and quality control procedures as required

• Oversee the map production and cartography

EEEEGGGGIIIISSSS SSSSoooolllluuuuttttiiiioooonnnnssss [email protected], http://www.egissolutions.co.uk/, 07794949503

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Page 5: GIS Project Profile EGIS Solutions Ltd

EIA for Road Improvement Project

Managing and performing GIS works for

Phase-1 Ecology, Cultural Heritage, Environmental Masterplan, Noise, Air Quality and Transportation. Assessing and quantifying effects of the project on

ecology, noise and air quality.

EEEEGGGGIIIISSSS SSSSoooolllluuuuttttiiiioooonnnnssss [email protected], http://www.egissolutions.co.uk/, 07794949503

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Page 6: GIS Project Profile EGIS Solutions Ltd

CAD to GIS (EnVIS) Data Conversion

CAD Drawing

GIS Layer (Polygon)

GIS Layer (Polyline)

GIS Layer (Point)

GIS Layer (Annotation)

• Landscapefeaturelayers (e.g. Grassland, Vegetationetc.)

• Text boxes.

CAD to shapefile conversion

• Landscapefeaturelayers (e.g. Hedges, Hard Featuresetc.)

• Leader lines

• Landscapefeaturelayers (e.g. Vegetation, Hard Featuresetc.)

• Point layer withattributeinformation asText/Textmemo


Attribute information attached to point annotation layer

Joining Point layer with Text box by Spatial Location

End point of the leader line traced to join with the polygon with the Text box which joins with the attribute information

Creating separate layers using “layer” field info in the CAD drawing

• Converting Landscape and

Environment CAD drawing

into Highways Agency’s

Environmental Information

System (EnvIS)

• Developed a semi-

automated CAD to GIS

attribute conversion


• Recognized as one of the

most comprehensive

datasets received to date

by EMT.

• Created a worked example

for others experiencing

building an EnvIS dataset.

EEEEGGGGIIIISSSS SSSSoooolllluuuuttttiiiioooonnnnssss [email protected], http://www.egissolutions.co.uk/, 07794949503

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Page 7: GIS Project Profile EGIS Solutions Ltd

Time series analysis of river channel movement

3D Modelling of Ground Strata

• Used GIS and Database techniques in

multiple disciplines such as AQ,

Contaminated Land, Drainage,

Ecology, Highways, Noise, Surface

water and Transportation etc.

• Created 3D ground model.

Time series of Satellite Imageries of

different resolutions and bands were used

to delineate the river channels to study the

channel movement.

EEEEGGGGIIIISSSS SSSSoooolllluuuuttttiiiioooonnnnssss [email protected], http://www.egissolutions.co.uk/, 07794949503

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Page 8: GIS Project Profile EGIS Solutions Ltd

Spatial Multi-criteria Decision Analysis

Wind, Solar and Hydro

power technologies were

appraised in terms of their

potential spatial

application across the

Highways Agency estate.

GIS model was created

including the Agency

network, incorporating

various spatial constraints

for selected technologies

(e.g. designated sites,

wind resource). This model

was then used to identify

and quantify potential

opportunity areas for

renewable energy.

Illustration of Areas Suitable for Wind Turbines Based on Wind Speed

Constraints and Suitability

Select Technologies from Shortlist

Establish Spatial Constraints

Establish Highways

Agency Land Ownership

Model Technologies & Constraints

Identify & Quantify Opportunity Areas

Establish Highways

Agency Land Ownership

Illustration of Areas Suitable for Wind Turbines by Tip-over Distance

EEEEGGGGIIIISSSS SSSSoooolllluuuuttttiiiioooonnnnssss [email protected], http://www.egissolutions.co.uk/, 07794949503

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Page 9: GIS Project Profile EGIS Solutions Ltd

Renewable Energy (Solar)

Orientation of non-horizontal ground =

southeast to southwest facing

Elevation = 0-90 degrees from horizontal

Illustration of the Analysis of the Suitability for PV Panels

Illustration of Suitability Analysis for PV Panels on Sample Area

Illustration of Aspect and Slope of the Sample

Areas at Junction 3, 4 and 5 on M27

EEEEGGGGIIIISSSS SSSSoooolllluuuuttttiiiioooonnnnssss [email protected], http://www.egissolutions.co.uk/, 07794949503

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Page 10: GIS Project Profile EGIS Solutions Ltd

Outfall Prioritization

-ve Gradient

+ve Gradient

High Point




-ve Gradient

+ve Gradient

High Point




-ve Gradient

+ve Gradient

High Point




-ve Gradient

+ve Gradient

High Point




• Developed and implemented multi criteria GIS model to

priorities outfalls in HA network.

• Combination of various spatial and statistical techniques

with huge volume of data.

• Developed Excel database with the facilities to change the

weighting of different parameter to get instant changes in

prioritization of outfalls.

EEEEGGGGIIIISSSS SSSSoooolllluuuuttttiiiioooonnnnssss [email protected], http://www.egissolutions.co.uk/, 07794949503

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Page 11: GIS Project Profile EGIS Solutions Ltd

Contaminated Land: Assessment of Soils for Human Health

• Developed based on MS Access database and ArcGIS to

assess contam parameters.

• The output is a borehole location map with occurrence of

contaminants failure comparing with some set of

assessment criteria.

EEEEGGGGIIIISSSS SSSSoooolllluuuuttttiiiioooonnnnssss [email protected], http://www.egissolutions.co.uk/, 07794949503

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Page 12: GIS Project Profile EGIS Solutions Ltd

Transportation – Route Analysis

PPG13 states that, where a new

development is likely to have

significant transport

implications, a Transport

Assessment (TA) should be

prepared and submitted with a

planning application for the


Measurement of accessibility is

an important part of a TA and

isochrones is one of the ways to

assess the accessibility which is

defined as a line drawn on a map

connecting points at which

something occurs or arrives at

the same time.

Isochrone-based measures tend

to be more easily understood as

they are expressed in units

(usually time) and are also split

into simple categories (usually 0-

15 minutes, 15-30 minutes, etc.).











Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyr igh t and database right 2014

0 21 km

N.B. Assumed cycling speed is 4.2 m/s,

(i.e. 5 km equates to a travel time of

approximately 20 minutes)


Site Location

Cycling Isochrones

Cycling Time

0 - 5 minutes

6 - 10 minutes

11 - 15 minutes

16 - 20 minutes

21 - 25 minutes

EEEEGGGGIIIISSSS SSSSoooolllluuuuttttiiiioooonnnnssss [email protected], http://www.egissolutions.co.uk/, 07794949503

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Web-based GIS application for Asset Information Management

• Created MS Access application

to retrieve and add OS Open

data into ArcGIS and ESRI GIS

free viewer to create site

location map based on

postcode.1. List of layers: can be switched on/off.2. Reference map: when zoomed in it will

show the current location with a red box

1. Map Viewer

4. Toolbar: explained separately5. Search6. Scale7. Link, Print, Download tool8. Current Cursor Location

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Page 14: GIS Project Profile EGIS Solutions Ltd

Wind Energy - FeasibilityAssessing more than 30 landfill site for potential wind energy generation based on wind speed, ecological

and landscape, aeronautical and settlement constraints using GIS.

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Page 15: GIS Project Profile EGIS Solutions Ltd

Drainage - Flow path

Highway storm water flow model construction with before and after development scenarios

Flow path and direction - prior to development Flow path and direction - After development

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View shed Analysis for typical a Wind Farm

Weir Frame Analysis for typical a Wind Farm

Viewshed Analysis for a typical wind


EEEEGGGGIIIISSSS SSSSoooolllluuuuttttiiiioooonnnnssss [email protected], http://www.egissolutions.co.uk/, 07794949503

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Page 17: GIS Project Profile EGIS Solutions Ltd

Map FactoryThis system uses MS Access Database for retrieving the tile information

using input X and Y coordinate and uses ESRI’s free ArcGIS Explorere to

show the tiles on a map. This system can be used without having MS

access installed and it comes with the necessary installation files needed

for ArcGIS Explorer.

Inputting XY of the location (can be determined by Post Code

using the given web link Dreamhoster or Streetmap) and a

buffer distance it will determine which tiles covers the area

Shows list of tiles, hovering the mouse on the names of

the data types will show snapshot of the raster data to

help the selection of the appropriate type.

Choose the map type

and upon clicking on

“Launch ArcGIS

Explorer” button it open

the tiles.A typical project location map – can be export and printed as pdf

to use in the report.

EEEEGGGGIIIISSSS SSSSoooolllluuuuttttiiiioooonnnnssss [email protected], http://www.egissolutions.co.uk/, 07794949503

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