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GIT3 - Small, Large Surgical Pathology

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  • 7/29/2019 GIT3 - Small, Large Surgical Pathology


    Surgical Pathology & X-rays for

    Medical Students2008

    GIT-3Small intestine


    Rectum & anal canal

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    GIT 32

    Abnormal gas patterns

    in plain X-ray abdomen

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    GIT 33

    The intestinal tract of normal adults generally contains less than 200 cc of gas

    Five gases make up greater than 99% of gas passed per rectum.These are N2 , O2 , CO2 , H2 , and CH4

    There are three sources of intestinal gas

    Air swallowing Bacterial production Diffusion from the blood

    depends upon theposition of thepatient and the levelof anxiety of thepatient

    Bedridden patients,for example, may be

    unable to eructate swallowed air, thus allowing it to pass

    distally into the GIT

    Bacterial metabolism is thesource of hydrogen andmethane production

    Certain foodstuffs, (e.g.beans)

    deliver nonabsorbablecarbohydrates to the colonwhere bacterial metabolismproduces both hydrogen andmethane.

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    GIT 34

    Normal plain X-ray film of the abdomen, demonstrating

    soft tissue densities

    Normal plain X-ray film of the abdomen demonstrating

    the bowel gas pattern

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    GIT 35

    The radiographic evaluation of intestinal gas should include the following points:

    what segment ofbowel containsthe gas

    Dimension of theair-filled gut

    Most distal pointthe gas has

    passed in theintestine

    Identify gutmucosa outlinedby the gas

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    GIT 36

    In the supine position:Gas normally accumulates in the anteriorly placed segments of intestine:

    the distal stomach, transverse colon, and sigmoid colon.

    Gas within the remainder of the colon, particularly the rectum, is not uncommon

    The gas-filled gut that in the most superior portion of the abdomen on the supine film is usually the stomach

    The transverse colon lies immediately inferior

    Ascending and descending portions of the colon occupy the right and left lateral most portions of the abdominal cavity

    Air in the sigmoid colon tends to occupy a lower mid-line position, but because of variations in the length of the sigmoid mesocolon may extend into the upper mid-abdomen as well

    Rectal air occupies a mid-line pelvic position

    Small intestinal gas tends to accumulate in the mid-abdomen, framed by the colon

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    GIT 37

    Stomach : AlwaysSmall Bowel : Twoor three loops of non-distended

    bowelNormal diameter = 2.5 cm = 1US quarter

    Large Bowel : Inrectum or sigmoid

    almost always

    Gas instomach

    Gas in a fewloops ofsmall bowel

    Gas inrectum or


    Normal Gas Pattern

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    GIT 38

    Erect Abdomen

    A few air in

    small bowel

    Alwaysair/fluid level

    in stomach

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    GIT 39

    The position of the bowel is helpful. Small bowel is central while colon isperipheral (frame)

    The gas may outline the colonic haustra or intestinal plicae circulares.

    Haustra tend to be two to three millimeters wide, and occur at centimeter intervals.

    Plicae circulares are approximately one millimeter wide and occur at millimeter intervals.

    Extension of either of these soft tissue lines across the entire width of the lumen is

    not the only helpful point of distinction. The width of the lines, spacing, and locationof the bowel loop are felt to be more helpful

    Occasionally the distinction between colon and small bowel cannot bedetermined and a contrast study is necessary

    The distinction between colon and small bowel

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    GIT 310

    Air is seen in non-dilated loops of smalland large bowel.

    Small loops arecentrally located, andcolon is distributedperipherally like apicture frame.

    Normal BowelGas Pattern :

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    GIT 311

    Small bowel loops aredistributed centrally inthe abdomen andhave mucosal foldsthat cross the entirelumen of the bowel .These folds are calledvalvulae conniventes or plica circularis andare visible in gas-filled loops

    Plain X-ray supine : Small intestinal obstruction

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    GIT 312

    The colon gas patternis usually distributed likea picture frame aroundthe periphery of theabdomen.

    Colonic loops containhaustrations which donot extend all the wayacross the lumen of thebowel

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    GIT 313

    Large vs. Small Bowel

    Large BowelPeripheral

    Haustral markings don't

    extend from wall to wallSmall Bowel


    Valvulae extend acrosslumen

    Maximum diameter of 2"

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    GIT 314

    This is a normal plainX-ray abdomen in thesupine position

    In supine X-raysof the abdomenwe look for:

    Free airAir-fluid levels

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    GIT 315

    Abnormal Gas Patterns

    Functional Ileus

    Localized (Sentinel Loops)Generalized adynamic ileus

    Mechanical Obstruction


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    GIT 316

    Plain X-ray Abdomen - Postoperative adynamic ileus

    Multiple loops of minimally dilated small bowel with air fluid levels at differentlevels within the same loop of intestine on the upright (103-2) film. There is asmall amount of gas in the right colon

    Supine Erect

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    GIT 317

    Plain X-ray abdomen (erect position)

    Multiple fluid levels

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    GIT 318

    Plain X-ray abdomen (erect position)

    Multiple fluid levels

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    GIT 319

    Mechanical Small bowlobstruction (supine position)

    Dilated small bowelFrequent audible intestinal sounds(Fighting loops)

    Little gas in colon, especially rectumKey: disproportionate dilatation of SB

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    GIT 320

    Plain X-ray- Small bowel obstruction secondary to adhesions


    The supine view of the abdomendemonstrate dilated small bowel without

    any air in the colon


    Erect Film shows a large amount of fluidwithin the small bowel. There are multiplesmall pockets of air arranged in a line noted in theleft lower quadrant (residual colonic gas)

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    GIT 321

    Plain abdominalradiograph: Inverted U-shaped, gaseous, dilated

    small bowel loops canbe observed above oneanother (arrows) in themiddle of the abdomen.The double arrow pointsto an air-fluid level in theintestines

    Small intestinal illius

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    GIT 322

    Mechanical SBO

    Causes Adhesions



    Gallstone ileus*


    *Cause may be visible on plain film

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    GIT 323

    Mechanical LBO

    Key Features

    Dilated colon to point of obstruction

    Little or no air in rectum/sigmoidLittle or no gas in small bowel, if

    Ileocecal valve remains competent

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    GIT 324

    Mechanicallarge bowelobstruction

    Dilated colon to point of obstructionLittle or no air in rectum/sigmoid(according to the site of obstruction)Little or no gas in small bowel, if Ileocecal valve remains competent

    Tumor (CA colon)Volvulus (Sigmoid)Hernia (strangulated)IntussusceptionDiverticulitis

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    GIT 325

    Sigmoid carcinoma causing colon obstruction

    Supine Erect

    Multiple dilated loops of bowel with scattered air fluid levels on the upright film. The caliber and locationof the bowel loops suggest that the air is within the colon. There is some small intestinal gas noted inthe right mid abdomen, but the preponderance of air is in the colon. There is little rectal gas present

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    GIT 326

    Barium enema of the same patient

    shows an abruptobstruction at thelevel of the

    sigmoid colon

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    GIT 327

    Large bowl obstruction

    (supine position)

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    GIT 328

    History : Elderly man with newonset of abdominal painPhysical exam : distended,tympanitic abdomen

    Diagnosis: SigmoidVolvulus

    In sigmoid volulus, the colon

    appears as a dilated,inverted U-shaped loop which extends from the pelvis into the mid-upper abdomen. (coffee bean sign)

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    GIT 329

    Sigmoid VolvulusMost common colonic volvulus

    Water soluble enema confirms

    distal obstructionIf discovered early,

    colonoscopic decompression isusually effective

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    GIT 330

    Volvulous of thesigmoid colon

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    GIT 331

    Volvulous of thesigmoid colon

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    GIT 332

    Generalizedadynamic ileus


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    GIT 333

    Generalized Adynamic Ileus

    Gas in dilated small bowel and large bowel to rectumLong air-fluid levelsOnly post-op patients have generalized ileus

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    GIT 334

    Both mucosaland serosalsurfaces of

    bowel wall areoutlined by gasindicating thatthere must befree gas in theperitonealcavity

    Plain X-rayabdomen



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    GIT 335


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    GIT 336

    Intestinal obstruction

    Dynamic AdynamicPeristalsis is workingagainst mechanical

    obstruction Absent peristalsis

    Paralytic ileus

    Nonpropulsive peristalsis

    Mesenteric vascular occlusion

    Intraluminal Impacted faeces

    Foreign body

    Intramural Malignant or inflammatory stricture

    Extramural Peritoneal bands

    Strangulated hernia


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    GIT 337

    Dynamic obstruction

    Abdominal pain Distension Vomiting Absolute constipation

    Symptoms of intestinal obstruction

    These symptoms will vary according to the site of obstruction

    Clinical types of obstruction Small bowel obstruction Large bowel obstruction

    High Low

    Distension is early & markedPain is mild

    Vomiting & dehydration arelate

    Early profusevomiting (Rapiddehydration)

    Minimal distension

    Minimal fluid levels

    in abdominal X-ray

    Vomiting is delayedPain is predominant

    with central distension

    Multiple central fluid

    levels in x-ray

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    GIT 338

    The clinical picture of intestinal obstruction is also influenced by whether the presentation is:

    Acute Chronic Acute onchronic


    Usually insmall bowel

    obstructionSudden onset

    of severecolicky centralabdominal pain

    & distensionEarly vomiting

    & constipation

    Usually inlarge bowel


    abdominal colic& constipation

    Followed bydistension

    Short history of distension &

    vomiting on topof backgroundof pain &constipation


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    GIT 339


    Above obstruction Below obstructionObstruction

    The bowel has normalperistalsis & absorption untilit becomes empty, then becomes immobile

    Proximal peristalsis increases toovercome obstruction (increases intestinal sounds)

    If obstruction is not relieved, the

    bowel will dilate, peristalsis willdecrease

    With more dilatation the bowelbecomes flaccid & paralyzed

    Distension is due to :Gas produced by overgrowth of organisms

    Fluid of digestive juices which is not absorbed

    Dehydration & electrolyte loss are due to:Reduced oral intake

    Defective intestinal absorption


    Fluid sequestration in bowel lumen

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    GIT 340

    Examples of dynamic obstruction

    Extramural Peritoneal bands

    Strangulated hernia


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    GIT 341

    Peritoneal bands

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    GIT 342

    Small bowel obstructionsecondary to intraperitonealfibrous band adhesion

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    GIT 343

    Intestinal Obstruction Small Bowel Infarctionsecondary to intraperitoneal

    fibrous band (Late presentation

    irreversible intestinal ischemia)

    The commonestcause of inrtaperitonealbands is previousinrtaperitonealoperation. e.g. : appendectomy,exploration,..

    S ll b l b i

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    GIT 344

    Central distension of small intestinal loops.

    Note the metal clips of a previous operation

    Small bowel obstruction

    Erect :

    Multiple fluid levels

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    GIT 345

    Strangulated hernia

    St g l t d f l h i i g

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    GIT 346

    Strangulated femoral hernia causingintestinal obstruction





    S ll i i l l i

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    GIT 347

    Small intestinal strangulation

    This loop of intestine was strangulatedwithin a hernia.

    How would you know that this loop is viable or not?

    Strangulated femoral hernia

    Strangulated para-umbilical hernia

    S ll i t ti l

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    GIT 348

    Small intestinal gangrene

    This gangrenous loop of small intestine was strangulated within a hernia.

    What was the possible clinical presentation of this patient?

    What is the next step in management?

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    GIT 349


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    GIT 350

    Small bowlIntussusception

    More pictures for intussusception will come later

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    GIT 351

    Small bowel obstruction

    Erect :

    Multiple fluid levels

    Supine :

    Central distension of small intestinal loops

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    GIT 352


    Si id

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    GIT 353


    Sigmoid volvulus

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    GIT 354

    Sigmoid volvulus

    (late irreversible gangrene)

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    GIT 355

    Small bowl volvulus

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    GIT 356

    Examples of dynamic obstruction

    Intramural Malignant or

    inflammatory stricture

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    GIT 357

    Chronic intestinalobstruction due to CAdescending colon

    Ba enema shows the shadow of the mass

    Dilated intestinal loops are seen

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    GIT 358

    Dilated bowelloops proximal tothe obstruction.

    Arrow points tothe etiology of obstruction

    Ba enema:

    The ilio-cecal valve in this patient is incompetent

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    GIT 359

    Examples of dynamic obstruction

    Intraluminal Impacted faeces

    Foreign body

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    GIT 360

    Fecal impaction

    As a result of chronic constipation,the patient is unable to expel stools, itfurther accumulates into a larger,harder mass that is impossible topass by normal defecation.

    Impaction is most common ininactive elderly people

    Symptoms include chronic

    constipation. There can be fecalincontinence and paradoxical diarrheaas liquid stool passes around theobstruction

    Foreign body

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    GIT 361

    Foreign body

    Phyto-bezoar in the jejunum


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    GIT 362


    Primary Infection of the peritoneal fluid withoutintra-abdominal disease:Haematogenous spread Lymphatic spread Direct spread: usually associated with CAPD catheters Ascending infection: from the female genital tract

    Secondary Inflammation of the peritoneum arisingfrom an intra-abdominal source:Infectious Non-infectious Blood Ischaemia Bile Chemical Foreign body


    Usually due to spreadinginflammation across thewall of an intra-

    abdominal viscus



    Patho-physiology of Normally , the greater omentum

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    GIT 363

    protein-rich fibrinousexudate

    Patho-physiology ofperitonitis

    Early : hyperemia & fluid transudate

    y , gchanges its position with

    intestinal peristalsis & abdominal muscles contraction

    Peritoneal inflammation willsuppress peristalsis & abdominal

    muscles contractions

    Clinically : Early: Guarding, reboundtenderness, decreased

    or absent intestinalsounds

    The greater omentum willadhere to & surround the

    inflamed organ preventingfurther spread of inflammation

    The exudate willsuppress peristalsis

    (paralytic ileus), and limitsspread of infection

    Ileus --- fluid accumulates withinthe intestine + intraperitoneal

    exudate --- decreased intravascular volume --- hyopvolemia

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    GIT 364

    The most common cause of generalized peritonitis is

    perforation of an intra-abdominal viscus

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    GIT 365




    Area of ischemic necrosis caused by

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    GIT 366

    Infarction:Aetiology ofinfarction

    Occlusive Arterial :

    Embolism Thrombosis Extrinsic compression Venous :

    Thrombosis Extrinsic compression

    Non-occlusive Shock:

    Hypovolaemia Cardiogenic Sepsis

    Vasoconstrictor drugs

    impaired arterial supply or venous drainage

    Arterial mesenteric vascular occlusion

    Infarction of small intestine

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    GIT 367

    Compare the dark red to grey infarcted bowel with the pale pink normal bowel atthe bottom. Some organs such as bowel with anastomosing blood supplies, or liver with a dual blood supply, are hard to infarct.

    This bowel was caught in a hernia and the mesenteric blood supply wasconstricted by the small opening to the hernia sac.

    What other causes can result in such massive intestinal infarction?

    M i l

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    GIT 368

    Mesenteric vascularocclusion

    Irreversible small bowl ischemia

    Mesenteric ischaemia

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    GIT 369

    Mesenteric ischaemia

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    GIT 370


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    GIT 371

    Intussusception (Ileo-ileal)

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    GIT 372

    Intussusception (Ileo-ileal)

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    GIT 373

    Intussusception (Ileo-ileal) - postmortum


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    GIT 374


    Intussusception (Ileo-ileal)

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    GIT 375

    Intussusception (Ileo ileal)

    What are the early clinical featuresof a child presenting withintussusception?

    A child of about 6 months old, developssudden onset of screaming with drawingof the legs. The attacks are recurrent.Vommiting may occure early, stoolsmay be normal first, then the child

    passes blood & mucous

    Redcurrent jelly stools

    Intussusception of ileum into the colon

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    GIT 376

    The leading proximal, small bowelsegment (intussusceptum) telescopes into the distal, colonsegment (intussuscipens).

    The small intestine (blue arrow) is goinginto the large intestine (green arrow)

    Intussusception (Ileo-colic)

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    GIT 377


    Barium enema with rectal instillation under fluoroscopy is the gold standard for both diagnosing and red cing childhood ileo colic or colocolic intussusception

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    GIT 378

    Barium enema showingintussusception

    Passing from the rectum, the barium fillsthe colon untill a mass is noted (the intussusception)

    Transverse colon

    Barium enema is used for reduction of the intussusception

    It is about to be completelyreduced (note the barium is going into the small intestine)

    both diagnosing and reducing childhood ileo-colic or colocolic intussusception

    Barium enema for diagnosis & reduction of intussusception

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    GIT 379

    Head of intussusceptionis at hepatic flexure

    Free flow of contrast intodistal small bowel indicates

    complete reduction

    Partial reduction

    Barium enema

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    GIT 380

    Barium enema

    Intussusception (Claw sign)

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    GIT 381

    The rectallyadministeredcontrast materialdraws around thehead of theintussusception(arrow) (Claw sign)

    Barium enema

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    GIT 382

    Intussusception (Claw sign)

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    GIT 383

    Barium enema

    Intussusception (Claw sign)

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    GIT 384

    Small IntestineOther pathological conditions

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    GIT 385

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    GIT 386

    Meckels diverticulum


    Remember the complicationsof Meckels diverticulum

    Infection & obstruction (as theappendix)May contain gastric, colonic or pancreatictissue usually at the diverticulum mouth

    Peptic ulceration with severe bleeding


    Intestinal obstruction (band between umbalicus & diverticulum)

    Meckels diverticulum

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    GIT 387

    ec e s d ve t cu u

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    GIT 388


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    GIT 389

    Crohns Disease

    Regional enteritis

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    GIT 390

    Deep linear mucosal ulcerations, with edema of the mucosa between the ulcers

    Remember that symptoms & signs of acute Crohns resemble acuteappendicitis

    Chronic Crohns can cause enteric

    strictures & fistulae

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    GIT 391

    The Appendix

    Normal appendix

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    GIT 392

    Normal appendix (postmortem)

    Acute appendicitis with gangrenous tip

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    GIT 393

    Various positionsof appendix inorder offrequency:

    1. Retrocecal 74%

    2. Pelvic 21%

    3. Paracecal 2%

    4. Subcecal 1.5%

    5. Preileal 1%

    6. Postileal 0.5%

    7. Sub-hepatic 8. Lt. iliac fossa in situs invertus

    How can differentpositions alter theclassical clinicalpicture?


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    GIT 394

    Acute Appendicitis

    Acute Appendicitis

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    GIT 395

    Acute Appendicitis

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    GIT 396

    Note flakes of pus

    Acute Appendicitis

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    GIT 397

    Opened to showfecalith inside

    Regarding appendicitis

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    GIT 398

    g g ppa. The risk of developing the illness is greatest inchildhoodb. Mortality increases with age and is greatest in theelderlyc. 20% of appendices are extraperitoneal in a

    retrocaecal positiond. Faecoliths are present in 75-80% of resectedspecimense. Appendicitis is a possible diagnosis in the

    absence of abdominal tenderness All answers are correct.

    Pelvic appendicitic can present with few abdominal symptoms & signs. Rectalexamination is t he key to diagnosis.

    A i i i

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    GIT 399

    Acute peritonitis

    The loops of bowelare plasteredtogether withyellowish fibrinousexudate containing alarge number of neutrophils.

    When this process heals, what complications may develop?

    What are the factorsthat favor thedevelopment of diffuse peritonitis?

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    GIT 3100

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    GIT 3101


    abscess A pocket of infectionhas developedbeneath thediaphragm elevatingit as seen on thechest x-ray

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    GIT 3102


    l d f h l

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    GIT 3103

    Diverticular disease of the colon

    Sigmoid Colon Most Common SiteDiverticula are small (0.5 to 1.0 cm in diameter) outpouchings of the colon that occur inrows at sites of vascular penetration between the single mesenteric taenia and one of

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    GIT 3104

    rows at sites of vascular penetration between the single mesenteric taenia and one of the antimesenteric taeniae. At the sites of most diverticula, the muscular layer isabsent (see Figure 1). Technically, such lesions are really pseudodiverticula; truediverticula (which are much less common than pseudodiverticula) involve all layers of

    the bowel wall. Nevertheless, both pseudodiverticula and true diverticula are generallyreferred to as diverticula

    Diverticula are located at sites whereblood vessels enter the colonic wall

    The sigmoid colon is the most common siteof diverticula: in 90% of patients withdiverticulosis, the sigmoid colon is involved.If a diverticulum becomes inflamed as aresult of obstruction by feces or hardenedmucus or of mucosal erosion, a localized

    perforation (microperforation) may occur --a process known as diverticulitis. Theincidence of diverticulitis is about 10% to25% in patients with colonic diverticula

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    GIT 3105

    Colonic diverticula are outpouchings of the mucosal layer of the large bowel through thesubmucosa and circular muscle layer of the bowel. Colonic diverticula are virtuallyrestricted to the sigmoid colon only; the rectum is spared as its complete longitudinalmuscle coat protects against their development. Diverticula stimulate marked hypertrophyof the circular muscle layer of the muscle coat. They tend to arise at weak points whereblood vessels penetrate the submucosa

    Which of the following statements regarding colonic diverticula are true? (Tick all

    those that apply)a)They are true diverticula which contain all the layers of the colonic wall.b)The sigmoid and rectum are the commonest site, as faeces are most solid here andrequire higher pressure to propelc)Their presence stimulates hypertrophy of the circular muscle layer of the large bowel.d)They tend to arise at weak point where blood vessels penetrate the submucosa of thelarge bowel.

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    GIT 3106

    Profuse Bleeding in Complicated Diverticulitis Usually Ceases SpontaneouslyIn complicated diverticulitis, the disease process has progressed to obstruction,abscess or fistula formation, or free perforation. Complicated diverticulitis may beparticularly challenging to manage,[1] especially because patients may have no knownhistory of diverticular disease.[2] Gastrointestinal bleeding is a complication of diverticular disease in 30% to 50% of cases; in fact, diverticula are the most commoncolonic cause of lower GI bleeding. Approximately 50% of diverticular bleedingoriginates in the right colon, despite the low incidence of diverticula in this segment of the colon. Patients tend to be elderly[1] and to have cardiovascular disease andhypertension. Although patients may lose 1 to 2 units of blood, the bleeding usuallyceases spontaneously, and expeditious operative treatment generally is not necessary.

    Barium enema- double contrast

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    GIT 3107

    Diverticular disease of colon

    Barium enema

    Diverticular disease of colon

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    GIT 3108

    Diverticular disease of colon

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    GIT 3109

    Barium enema - Diverticular disease of colon

    Ba. Enema-Diverticulitis

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    GIT 3110


    An area of eccentricnarrowing ispresent in thesigmoid colon

    (arrows). Withinthis areadiverticula areseen

    Barium enema

    Di ti l di f l l t t

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    GIT 3111

    Diverticular disease of colon late stage

    Theradiographtaken severaldays after theexamination,remains of contrastmaterial in thediverticula

    demonstrateextendeddiverticulosisinvolving theentire colon

    78 year old man is complainingof blood in the feces.

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    GIT 3112

    This is the air-contrast barium

    enema showing the sigmoid &descending colon

    Does the X ray explain the clinical presentation? Explain.

    What is the next step?

    The film demonstrates several smallprojections extending out of thecolon. The appearance is typical of diverticulosis


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    GIT 3113

    g g p yActive bleedingfrom right-sidedcolonicdiverticulum

    This early film

    shows a focus of extravasation(arrow) arisingfrom a division of the right colicbranch of thesuperior mesenteric artery

    The later filmd t t

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    GIT 3114


    extravasation inthis area withfilling of anadjacentdiverticular-likestructure

    Adenomatous polyp (colon)

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    GIT 3115

    A polyp is any outgrowth of a mucosalsurface (as compared to a papilloma,

    which is an outgrowth from squamous or transitional epithelium).

    Polyps are particularly common in thecolon. This one is on a long stalk(pedunculated).

    Polyps of the colon sometimes becomemalignant so that microscopicexamination is important.

    The term adenoma is also used since

    they are tumors of glandular origin.

    How might a patient know that he had a polyp? (What is the possible clinicalpresentation?)


    Polyps of large intestine

  • 7/29/2019 GIT3 - Small, Large Surgical Pathology


    GIT 3116




    Neoplastic AdenomaTubular adenoma

    Villous adenoma


    Solitary adenomas are usually found during investigations of colonicbleeding

    Villous adenomas usually cause diarrhea, mucous discharge & occasionallyhypokalemia

    The risk of malignant transformation in an adenomatous polyp is related to

    its size .

    Adenomatous polypof the colon

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    GIT 3117

    of the colon

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    GIT 3118

    Colon polyp longitudinal section - wall layers are preserved (purly mucosal)

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    GIT 3119

    Familial adenomatous polyposis

    Familial adenomatouspolyposis

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    GIT 3120

    Multiple adenomatous polyps of the cecum are seen here in a case of familialadenomatous polyposis , a genetic syndrome in which an abnormal genetic mutation leads todevelopment of multiple neoplasms in the colon.

    p yp

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    GIT 3121

    Multiple colonicadenomatous polyps infamilial adenomatous


    When those patients undergototal colectomy , they will need

    regular follow-up. Why?

    This is an autosomal dominant

    familial disease. Why shouldmembers of affected families beregularly screened starting fromthe age of 10?

    Barium enema

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    GIT 3122

    Familial polyposis of thecolon

    Barium enema

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    GIT 3123

    Familial polyposis of thecolon

    Familial adenomatous polyposis

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    GIT 3124

    Importance of screening program

    Large bowl carcinoma occurs 10 20 years after the onset of polyposis

    Operative options:

    Colectomy with ilio-rectal anastomosis (needsregular follow-up for recurrent polps in the rectalstump. Treated by fulgration

    Proctocolectomy with restorative ilio-analanastomosis

    Proctocolectomy with iliostomy

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    GIT 3125

    Cancer colon

    cecum What are the possible

    clinical presentations?

    What are the differentmacroscopic types?

    Common macroscopic varieties of colon carcinoma:

    1. Annular

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    GIT 3126

    2. Tubular

    3. Ulcer 4. Cauliflower

    Possible clinical presentations :

    Recent alteration in bowl habbits with constipation needing more laxativesEmergency presentation with intestinal obstruction

    Colonic bleeding or progressive anemia

    Segmoid carcinoma may cause tenesmus

    Palpable mass

    Caecal carcinoma may be accidentally discovered during operation for appendicitis or appendicular abscess

    Metastasis (usually liver) & ascitis

    Cancer cecum

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    GIT 3127

    Terminal ileum

    Remember thedifferent clinicalpresentations of

    cancer cecum

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    GIT 3128

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    GIT 3129 . Everted edge & necrotic floor Malignant ulcer of the colon

    Resected segmentof colon from a 70

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    GIT 3130

    of colon from a 70year old man with

    iron deficiencyanemia

    What condition

    does this patient have? Why is he


    Colon Carcinoma

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    GIT 3131

    Causing luminal stenosis

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    GIT 3132 Cancer sigmoid colon

    Barium enema

    CA cecum

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    GIT 3133

    CA cecum

    Barium enema

    CA cecum

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    GIT 3134

    Barium enema

    Apple-core type lesion in the sigmoidcolon typical of a carcinoma Air contrast barium film

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    GIT 3135

    colon , typical of a carcinoma Air contrast barium film

    Diverticulosis in the colon, in themiddle of which is found a small apple-core lesion typical of a carcinoma

    Barium enema:

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    GIT 3136

    Barium enema:

    A 6 cm long section of the recto-sigmoid regionhas irregular contour,narrowed lumen (1 cm)and filling defect (arrow)

    Ba. Enema-Carcinoma ofsigmoid colon

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    GIT 3137

    sigmoid coloncausing complete


    An irregular massencroaches on thelumen, which ultimatelynarrows to a thindistorted wisp of barium. The massinvolves both thesuperior and inferior margins of the sigmoidcolon, and is thereforecircumferential.

    Diverticula are present distal to the obstructing mass. They represent anincidental finding

    Barium enema

    CA ascending colon

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    GIT 3138


    Barium enema

    CA ascending colon

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    GIT 3139


    Barium enema

    CA ascending colon

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    GIT 3140


    Barium enema

    CA hepatic fle re

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    GIT 3141

    CA hepatic flexure

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    GIT 3142

    Barium enema

    CA i id l

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    GIT 3143

    CA sigmoid colon

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    GIT 3144

    Rectum &

    Anal Canal

    Thrombosed, infectedpiles

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    GIT 3145 What are the complications of piles?

    What are the symptoms of piles?

    1.Bright red painless bleeding. 2.Mucous discharge

    3.Prolapsed piles 4.Pain only with prolapse

    Complications of piles :

  • 7/29/2019 GIT3 - Small, Large Surgical Pathology


    GIT 3146

    1. Bleeding

    2. Strangulation (prolapsed & gripped by theexternal sphincter impairing venous return)

    3. Thrombosis of strangulated piles will follow if notreduced within an hour or two

    4. Ulceration of the mucous membrane

    5. Gangrene if strangulation occludes arterial supply

    6. Suppuration if infection is superadded

    7. Portal pyaemia


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    GIT 3147




    What are the organs that may be involved due to local spread of CA rectum?

    Rectal cancer well within the reach of an examiner's finger

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    GIT 3148

    Autopsy Picture

    Anal canal

    Malignantulcer in the


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    GIT 3149

    The Colon

    Normal Barium enema

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    GIT 3150

    The first two films are of an air contrast barium enema. There is bothbarium and air within the colon. By changing the position of the patient,

    different areas are well outlined with the air. When the patient is lying on hisright side, the air accumulates on the left and vice-versa

    The 3 rd film is a single contrast barium enema where only barium is instilledin the colon. The complete colon is well demonstrated. The colonic haustraare well seen. The terminal ileum and appendix are also filled

    Hirschsprungs disease

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    GIT 3151

    Hirschsprung s disease

    Hirschsprungs disease

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    GIT 3152

    Barium enema:The contrast materialoutlines a bowelsegment without

    ganglions (arrows), above whichprestenotic dilatationis visible

    Barium enema

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    GIT 3153

    Hirschsprungs disease

    Barium enema

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    GIT 3154

    Hirschsprungs disease

    Ba enema Ulcerative cholitis

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    GIT 3155

    The colon is short, withsmooth haustration andnarrow lumen.

    Filling excesses (caused by ulceration) and fillingdefects (caused by mucosal regeneration) give a typicalpicture

    Ba. Follow-through-Tuberculous enterocolitis

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    GIT 3156

    The cecum and ascending

    colon are markedly narrowed,nodular, and shortened. Theileocecal valve is gaping, andthe terminal ileum is narrowed

    and nodular

    Ba. Follow-through-Ischemic colitis

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    GIT 3157

    segmental narrowing of the entire transversecolon. Within thenarrowed segment, thereare multiple nodular

    indentations, many of which have theappearance of thumbprinting

    Ba. Follow-through-Advanced Crohn'sdisease of the colon

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    GIT 3158

    Diffuse narrowing of theascending colon andcecum, associated withextensive deep ulceration

    seen in profile. Similar changes are present inthe upper descendingcolon. The terminal ileumis narrowed and has anodular mucosal pattern

    Invertogram An invertogram may be used toinvestigate the extent of the defect inanal or rectal atresia

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    GIT 3159

    anal or rectal atresia.The anus is marked with aradiopaque marker, and the babyinverted. A lateral radiograph is taken.The air in the rectum will rise to thehighest point, giving an indication of

    the extent of the atresia

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    GIT 3160

    Plain X-ray abdomen(erect position)

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    GIT 3161

    Duodenal atresia

    Plain X-ray abdomen(erect position)

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    GIT 3162

    Duodenal atresia

    Ba. Meal follow-through- Smallbowel obstruction by an adhesiveband (Lt. lateral position).

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    GIT 3163

    The film shows complete interruption of thelumen of the jejunum. Stretched circular mucosal folds without distortion or nodularity extend to the site of the lumeninterruption.

    The patient gave a history of abdominal surgery done several years before. Palpationduring fluoroscopy shows fixation of the site of obstruction, usually to the anterior abdominal wall.

    The absence of fold distortion or of nodularity is against a malignant cause for

    the obstruction. When it is possible toobserve peristaltic activity changing theoutline of the obstructed segment (this bestseen in the single contrast phase), adiagnosis of non-malignant obstruction canbe confidently made even when there is a

    history of abdominal surgery for malignancy.

    Ba follow-through-Low gradeobstruction by a

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    GIT 3164

    obstruction by asingle bandadhesion

    Dilatation of the proximal jejunum terminating at a

    sharply demarcated,short and narrowsegment (arrow); anormal fold pattern in anunderfilled lumen is seenbeyond the narrowedsegment. The patienthad abdominal surgeryseveral years before

    Free air underdiaphragm

    P f d

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