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Give clients a balanced life - wbassoc.comwbassoc.com/.../12/Nationwide-YourLife+Indexed+UL... ·...

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Page 1: Give clients a balanced life - wbassoc.comwbassoc.com/.../12/Nationwide-YourLife+Indexed+UL... · In general, Nationwide YourLife Indexed UL works like other universal life products.

Give clients a balanced life

advisor GUidE

Nationwide YourLife® Indexed UL


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as your clients’ personal situations change (i.e., marriage, birth of a child or job promotion), so will their life insurance needs. Care should be taken to ensure these strategies and products are suitable for their long-term life insurance needs. Clients should weigh their objectives and time horizon as well as any associated costs before making a purchasing decision. Life insurance has fees and charges associated with it that include costs of insurance that vary with such characteristics of the insured as sex, health and age, underlying fund charges and expenses, and additional charges for riders that customize a policy to fit your clients’ individual needs.

indexed universal life insurance policies are not stock market investments, do not directly participate in any stock or equity investments and do not receive dividend or capital gains participation. Past index performance is no indication of future crediting rates. also, be aware that interest crediting fluctuations can lead to the need for additional premium in your clients’ policy.

Preparing for the future can be stressful

for your clients. While many of them may want

growth, they may also be wary of market volatility.

Nationwide YourLife® Indexed UL may help you ease their concerns and get them on a path they can feel comfortable with.

Our indexed universal life (IUL) product was

designed to offer your clients a calm approach to

planning — with the proper balance of potential for

growth and protection from loss. And it’s all backed

by the strength and stability of Nationwide®,

so you can both breathe a little easier.

• Not a deposit • Not FdiC or NCUsiF insured • Not guaranteed by the institution • Not insured by any federal government agency • May lose value

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Let’s take a closer look.

What’s inside?


1 What is indexed universal life insurance? 2

2 What does Nationwide YourLife indexed UL offer? 3

3 How does it work? 4

4 How is it different? 6

5 What are the details? 10

6 Where’s the sweet spot? 14

7 Why Nationwide?

8 Glossary

9 Give us a call



Page 4: Give clients a balanced life - wbassoc.comwbassoc.com/.../12/Nationwide-YourLife+Indexed+UL... · In general, Nationwide YourLife Indexed UL works like other universal life products.


Indexed universal life insurance (IUL) is a fixed life product offering all the traditional advantages of a universal life product — including permanent death benefit protection, tax advantages and minimum guarantees — with the added benefit of potential cash value accumulation.

It uses an interest crediting strategy that’s based, in large part, on the movement of specific market indexes. Because traditional universal life products have an interest rate set by the carrier, IUL offers clients the opportunity for greater cash value accumulation.

When your clients purchase an IUL product, they are subject to a cap on the interest they can earn. But this is fixed life insurance and not a security, so, money is never actually invested in the market and your clients are protected from loss during market declines.

Permanent life insurance scale

What is indexed universal life insurance?1

Death benefit guarantees1

Cash value accumulation

Whole life NLG-ULCurrent

Assumption UL

Accumulation UL Indexed UL Protection



Nonregistered products registered products

1 Guarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company.

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What does Nationwide YourLife® indexed UL offer?2


Flexible death benefit guarantees — a 20-year base policy death benefit guarantee (reduced for issue ages 65 and above) plus the optional Extended Death Benefit Guarantee rider

One of the most competitive current participation rates in the industry — 140%2 — giving your clients more potential for growth (60% guaranteed)

Streamlined indexed interest crediting strategy allocation process using a blended average of three indexes — the S&P 500®, the NASDAQ-100® and the Dow Jones Industrial AverageSM — which are weighted so your clients always benefit more from the better-performing indexes

A one-year monthly average interest crediting strategy that can potentially help smooth market volatility

Competitive underwriting — including simplified issue and guaranteed issue for corporate-owned and corporate-sponsored arrangements — helps you get the case sold

An indemnity-style long-term care rider that gives your clients more control of their money while maintaining their independence

Help clients maximize their potential for growth and minimize their loss with a 12%2 cap rate (current) and a 0% floor (current and guaranteed)

2 Current rate, subject to change.

as with most indexed universal life policies, the cash value is determined by the sum of premiums paid net of any loads, deductions of policy charges, plus interest credited. Policy charges are deducted monthly and include a flat administrative fee, an expense charge based on face value issued, cost of insurance charges and charges for any rider.

Nationwide YourLife Indexed UL was specifically designed using feedback we received from professionals, just like you, and offers your clients an approachable strategy for planning for the future.

1 Guarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company.

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How does it work?3

In general, Nationwide YourLife Indexed UL works like other universal life products. The difference is in the indexed interest crediting strategy and how the interest rate your clients will receive is determined. So, let’s look at the details of this feature more closely.

Allocating to the indexed interest strategy

Step 1 An index segment is created when the allocated cash value is moved from fixed interest strategy into the indexed interest strategy on the sweep date — which occurs on the 15th of each month. Cap, floor and participation rates for each segment are locked in place for the duration of the segment. There must be enough money in the fixed interest strategy to cover 12 months’ worth of policy charges. This figure is determined automatically for the client.

declared interest credited

index-linked interest credited

Reallocation at segment maturity (according to policyholder instructions)

indexed interest strategy

Fixed interest strategy

Net premium

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Step 2

On the 15th of each subsequent month, the value is noted for each of the three indexes. And at the end of the segment period (which is one year), these 12 values are averaged for each index. They are then compared to the initial values on the sweep date to determine the index performance.

Step 3The performance in each index is then ranked — best, second best and third best — and then weighted so the best-performing index counts for 50% of the total average rate, the second best counts for 30% and the third best counts for 20%.

Step 4These three averages are added together to arrive at the total average rate.

Step 5The total average rate is multiplied by the participation rate (140%3 current, 60% guaranteed).

Step 6Then cap or floor rates (currently 12%3 and 0%, respectively) are applied, if needed, to determine the rate that will be credited to the cash value in the indexed interest strategy.

Step 2iNdEX a iNdEX B iNdEX C

initial value 2,131.33 10,525.84 1,221.34

Month 1 2,187.21 10,709.90 1,238.02

Month 2 2,227.07 10,811.60 1,260.22

Month 3 2,364.06 11,006.88 1,302.35

Month 4 2,263.90 10,703.08 1,257.26

Month 5 2,352.82 11,317.54 1,351.06

Month 6 2,588.09 12,004.13 1,380.90

Month 7 2,362.55 11,342.89 1,311.46

Month 8 2,215.51 11,144.06 1,267.03

Month 9 2,176.53 10,883.49 1,214.62

Month 10 2,219.34 11,102.01 1,231.86

Month 11 2,234.46 11,368.24 1,286.33

Month 12 2,142.78 10,488.32 1,132.89

average 2,277.86 11,073.51 1,269.50

Step 3 and 4iNdEX a iNdEX B iNdEX C

Gain/loss 2,277.86 – 2,131.33 = 146.53 11,073.51 – 10,525.84 = 547.67 1,269.50 – 1,221.34 = 48.16

index growth (Rounded up) 146.53/2,131.33 = 6.88% 547.67/10,525.84 = 5.20% 48.16/1,221.34 = 3.94%

Weight 50% 30% 20%

return 3.44% 1.56% 0.79%

Total average rate 3.44% + 1.56% + 0.79% = 5.79%

Step 5 and 6

Participation rate 140%3 x 5.79% = 8.10%

Cap rate/ Floor rate 12%3/0%

Credited rate 8.10%3 Current rate, subject to change.

The hypothetical illustrations used above are actual/hypothetical figures for the dates indicated, however they may not represent actual results. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance or of values of indexed life insurance. Cap rates are illustrative in nature, are not guaranteed, are subject to change. Cap rates and participation rates may vary. Different time scenarios will produce varying results which could be less favorable or more favorable depending on the performance of each entity. Indexed universal life policies are not stock market investments and do not directly participate in any stock or equity investments.

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For you —Competitive product design

To help you give clients the growth they need, Nationwide YourLife Indexed UL is designed with one of the most competitive current participation rates in the industry for IUL products — 140%4 (60% guaranteed). This means your clients could potentially receive 140% of the actual index return, subject to the cap rate.

Additionally, the cap and floor rates (currently 12%4 and 0%, respectively) offered by the product were designed to help maximize the benefit your clients receive during up markets, while still protecting them from loss during times of market decline.

Which would your clients rather have?

4 Current rate, subject to change.

How is it different?4
















10% 10%


8% 8%


Sample index Product offering 100% participation rate

Nationwide YourLife® Indexed UL


12%4 current cap

0% guaranteed floor

6% 6%


Example 3 Example 5Example 4Example 2Example 1

0% 0%


12% 12%

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A streamlined indexed interest crediting strategy allocation process

Nationwide YourLife indexed UL offers a blended average of three indexes — the s&P 500®, the NasdaQ - 100® and the dow Jones industrial averagesM — which are then weighted to help determine the final rate your clients receive:

50%of the best-performing index

30%of the second best

20%of the third best

Weighting the averages helps eliminate the guesswork in selecting the right strategy for your clients, because each segment always benefits more from the better-performing indexes.

Nationwide may discontinue any index that becomes unavailable (i.e., is no longer published) or the calculation of which is substantially changed. Nationwide may substitute with a comparable index or may adjust the method of calculating index segment interest.

indexed universal life policies are not stock market investments and do not directly participate in any stock or equity investments.

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Flexible loan options Select declared rate or alternative loans so you can tailor the policy to more effectively meet your clients’ needs and risk tolerance.

Declared rate loan In situations where the Moody’s rate is high, the declared rate loan can offer a more conservative approach to borrowing money from their policy. This is the typical loan in most permanent life policies.

Alternative loan option The interest charged on an alternative loan is based on Moody’s Corporate Bond Yield Average. So in markets where this rate is low and the assumed policy interest credited rate is high, an alternative loan can help reduce the rate your clients are charged — even creating the potential to earn interest on their loan value.

In the first example, the loan is being charged less than the policy is being credited, so it’s more beneficial to the client.

But in the second example, the loan is being charged more than the policy is credited, so the declared rate loan would have been more beneficial for the client.

Just remember that only one type of loan can be carried on a policy at one time.

5 other current loan rates may be subject to change.6 Please note that the alternative loan charge rate cannot exceed 8%.

This graph does not take into consideration policy charges. actual crediting rate will be less than assumed and this chart is hypothetical.

also, any money which is removed from an indexed interest strategy segment during an interest crediting period for any reason (e.g., withdrawal, certain loans, policy surrender, to pay policy charges or expenses, etc.) is not credited with any index-linked interest for such interest crediting period.

Declared rate loan

Declared loan charge rate (current, years 1 to 10): 3.9%5

Declared loan credited rate (current): 3.0%Net cost of loan 0.9%

Declared loan charge rate (current, years 11+): 3.0%Declared loan charge rate (current): 3.0%Net cost of loan 0.0%

Alternative loan option

Example 1: Assumed Moody's Corporate Bond Yield Average:


Assumed policy interest credited rate: 8.3%

Interest charged on loan: 5.5%Assumed policy interest credited rate: 8.3%Net cost of loan: -2.8%

Example 2: Assumed Moody's Corporate Bond Yield Average:


Assumed policy interest credited rate: 6.0%

Interest charged on loan6: 8.0%Assumed policy interest credited rate: 6.0%Net cost of loan: 2.0%

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For your clients —More stable returns during volatile markets

Nationwide YourLife Indexed UL offers your clients an annual interest crediting strategy using monthly averaging. This means we look at the rates each month and use an average of the 12 to determine the annual rate of change within the index. This crediting method may be especially helpful for clients during volatile markets because it uses more points of measure. (See the chart on Pages 4 and 5 for more detail.)

Flexible death benefit guarantee options

Every Nationwide YourLife Indexed UL policy comes with a death benefit guarantee that lasts up to 20 years (reduced for issue ages 65 and above).

If your clients want a little more protection, they can purchase the Extended Death Benefit Guarantee rider, which allows them to choose:

• A longer guarantee period — from policy year 21 (earlier for issue ages 65 and above) to lifetime coverage; and

• The amount of protection — from 50% to 100% of the base policy specified amount

A way to plan for possible long-term care expenses

Help clients maintain control of their money — and their independence — with our indemnity-style long-term care rider. Rather than requiring clients to submit receipts to receive benefits, we send payments once deemed eligible directly to the policyowner, or if held in trust, the trustee, allowing clients to maintain control of their money and spend it as they wish.

And because beneficiaries receive the death benefit if long-term care is never needed, you eliminate the “use it or lose it” objection to many traditional long-term care policies.

Just remember that the long-term care benefit is an acceleration of the death benefit and reduces the death benefit and cash surrender value dollar for dollar. Care should be taken to make sure each client’s life insurance needs will continue to be met, even if the rider pays out in full. There is no guarantee the rider will cover the entire cost for all of the insured’s long-term care since these costs vary with the needs of each insured.

Riders may not be available in every state, may be known by different names in different states and may be available for an additional charge.5 other current loan rates may be subject to change.

6 Please note that the alternative loan charge rate cannot exceed 8%.

This graph does not take into consideration policy charges. actual crediting rate will be less than assumed and this chart is hypothetical.

also, any money which is removed from an indexed interest strategy segment during an interest crediting period for any reason (e.g., withdrawal, certain loans, policy surrender, to pay policy charges or expenses, etc.) is not credited with any index-linked interest for such interest crediting period.

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What are the details?5

Product type Affordable universal life insurance with minimum guarantees, strong indexed-linked cash value accumulation and flexible access for supplemental cash needs

Target market Clients ages 35 to 55 looking for guarantees and the potential for growth

issue ages 0 to 85; 18 to 80 Preferred (Age nearest birthday)

Minimum specified amount $100,000 for all specified amounts

Underwriting classes and ages Preferred Tobacco, 18 to 80Standard Tobacco, 18 to 85Nontobacco Preferred Plus, 18 to 80Nontobacco Preferred, 18 to 80Nontobacco Standard, 0 to 85(Juveniles receive Nontobacco rates)Guaranteed Issue and Simplified Issue available for corporate-owned and corporate-sponsored arrangements7

death benefit guaranteeGuarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company

The death benefit is guaranteed for 20 years on the base product (reduced for issue ages 65 and above)

The Extended death Benefit Guarantee rider (available at an additional cost) — Allows clients to choose the duration (21 to attained age 120, earlier for issue ages 65 and above) and amount (50% to 100% of the base policy specified amount) of protection

indexed interest strategy One-year monthly average

reference indexes(Indexed universal life policies are not stock market investments and do not participate in any stock or equity investments.)

S&P 500®


Dow Jones Industrial AverageSM

Multi-index blend method8 Weighted average multi-index blend • 50% from best performing index • 30% from second best performing index• 20% from third best performing index

Calculated at each segment maturity date (or segment anniversary)

segment period One year

Participation rate 140%9 (current)60% (guaranteed)The participation rate will be applied before the cap rate

7 Available on Nationwide® Executive Indexed UL.8 Nationwide may discontinue any index that becomes unavailable (i.e., is no longer published) or the calculation of which is substantially

changed. Nationwide may substitute with a comparable index or may adjust the method of calculating Index Segment Interest.9 Subject to change.

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Cap rate 12%10 (current) 3% (guaranteed)

Floor rate 0% (current) 0% (guaranteed)

sweep frequency Monthly (current) Quarterly (guaranteed frequency) Sweeps scheduled on the 15th of the month

Policy expenses Premium charges Current: 6%Guaranteed: 10%

Monthly administrative fees Current: $10 Guaranteed: $20

Cost of insurance Varies by age, sex, duration, death benefit option, total specified amount, smoking status, rating and accumulated value; deducted monthly

Monthly per-thousand charges Current: Varies by age, sex, death benefit option and total specified amount; assessed for the first 15 years following policy issue and any increase in specified amount; rate per $1,000 decreases as the specified amount increases; decrease breakpoints occur at $250,000 and $500,000

Guaranteed: Varies by age and total specified amount; assessed for all policy years following policy issue and any increase in specified amount

Maturity Attained age 120

specified amount bands Band 3: $100,000 to $249,999Band 4: $250,000 to $499,999Band 5: $500,000 to $999,999Band 6: $1,000,000+

surrender charges Maximum surrender charge varies by issue age, sex, risk classification, specified amount and rating; 15-year declining schedule to age 65, 10-year declining schedule for issue ages 70+

10 Subject to change.

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Loans11 • There are two types of loans available on this product: declared rate loans and alternative loans

• Only one type of loan can be carried on the policy at one time — either all declared rate or all alternative loans

• If clients have a declared rate loan and want to take out an alternative loan, they must first pay back the declared rate loan, and vice-versa

• Only once during any 12-month period can clients pay off one type of loan and take out a different loan type

• Minimum amount of any loan is $200

• Maximum amount of any loan is the net surrender value of the policy less the sum of the next three monthly charges

declared rate loans credited rate:Current: 3%Guaranteed: 2%

declared rate loan charged rate:Current: 3.9% (years 1 – 10); 3% (years 11+)Guaranteed: 3.9% (years 1 – 10); 3.25% (years 11+)

alternative loan credited rate:There is no alternative loan interest credited. Instead, the policy’s accumulated value remains allocated to the Fixed Interest Strategy and/or Indexed Interest Strategy and continues to receive interest credited to those investment options according to their interest crediting formulas.

alternative loan charged rate:Will not exceed the lesser of:

1. The maximum alternative policy loan interest charged rate: 8%2. The greater of:

a. Moody’s Corporate Bond Yield Average — Monthly average as published by Moody’s Investor Service, or its successor, for the calendar month ending two months prior to the date the rate is determined, or:

b. the Fixed Interest Strategy’s guaranteed minimum accumulated value minimum interest rate, plus 1% annually

Unpaid loans will reduce the cash surrender value and any death benefit proceeds payable, and if the policy lapses with a loan outstanding, it will be treated as a distribution and may be subject to income tax.

11 All references to loans assume that the contract remains in force and qualifies as life insurance under Section 7702 of the Internal Revenue Code and is not a modified endowment contract (MEC) under Section 7702(A). Loans from a MEC will generally be taxable and, if taken prior to age 59½, may be subject to a 10% tax penalty.

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Withdrawals/ partial surrenders

$500 minimum

Fixed interest strategy — credited rate

Current: 4%12 Guaranteed: 2%

optional features(Riders may have an additional cost, may be known by different names in different states and may not be available in all states.)

Accelerated Death Benefit rider Accidental Death Benefit rider Additional Term Insurance riderChange of Insured rider (Only available with GI/SI corporate-owned and corporate-sponsored arrangements)Children’s Insurance rider Extended Death Benefit Guarantee rider Long-term care rider Overloan Lapse Protection rider Premium Waiver riderSpouse Insurance riderSurrender Value Enhancement benefit (only available with GI/SI corporate-owned and corporate-sponsored arrangements)Waiver of Monthly Deductions rider

12 Subject to change.

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Nationwide YourLife Indexed UL was specifically designed to give clients the potential for cash value accumulation while minimizing the risk they experience. The accumulation within their policy can then be used to help meet a wide variety of income planning needs.

Other design features:• Focuses on the potential for growth accumulation and distribution for target

clients, ages 35 to 55

• Performs well for long-term cash value accumulation and distribution performance (assuming comparable illustrative rate projections)

• Competes well in protection-oriented premium solves

• Provides flexible death benefit guarantees — a 20-year base policy death benefit guarantee (reduced for issue ages 65 and above) plus the optional Extended Death Benefit Guarantee rider

• Offers two-year rolling target premiums with a one-year chargeback

• Offers an indemnity-style long-term care rider that gives your clients more control of their money

Where is the sweet spot?6

Most Competitive13

More Competitive



5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

Insurance-based retirement planning

Supplemental funding for educational needs

162 Bonus/REBA plan

Long-term care planning

Split dollar

SERP funding

Estate planning

Wealth transfer

Charitable gifting

Income replacement

Business continuation

Possible individual and business strategies

13 all competitive observations are believed to be current as of september 2011 and are based on benchmarking analysis of Nationwide’s price versus other indexed UL carriers.

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We’re glad you askedAs a stable, Midwestern company with more than 80 years of experience, we’re conservative by nature. And, because we’re in the business of offering annuities, life insurance, retirement plans and mutual funds, we know risk management and take many steps to protect our customers.

We’re proud of the company we keep and the company we’ve built:

33,79314 associates give back to the communities they live and work in

A Fortune 500 company15 and one of the largest financial services companies in the United States

Through the years, we’ve worked hard to build things you can rely on:

• Diversified sources of earnings and cash flows

• A strong balance sheet

• A sound and disciplined investment policy

• A long history of maintaining a quality investment portfolio

Spend some time with us and you’ll quickly see a difference. Our conservative, family-based culture allows us to bring a unique brand of personalized service to our customers. We call it being On Your Side® and it’s what drives us to help you and your clients protect what matters most.

14 12/31/1015 Fortune magazine (May 2011).

Why Nationwide?7

33,793associates you



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Cap rate: The percentage that will be used in limiting, or capping, the strategy’s interest credit rate. While the current cap rate can be adjusted up or down, it will never be below a minimum amount, known as the guaranteed cap rate.

Floor rate: The minimum rate of interest that will be credited if the segment’s performance is less than that minimum rate. While the floor can be adjusted up or down, it will never be below a minimum amount, known as the guaranteed floor.

Index: The underlying index a client can choose within the product, e.g., the S&P 500®.

Index performance: Percentage of change in the value of the index over the segment period of the specific indexed interest strategy selected.

Index segment period: Lasts one year and is created when the allocated cash value is moved from the fixed interest strategy into the indexed interest strategy on the sweep date.

Indexed interest segment: The period of time between the sweep date on which the segment was created and the one-year

anniversary of that date. The interest credited to each segment may vary.

Indexed interest strategy:The method used to determine the annual change of the designated index between two points in time. This value will be used to help calculate the interest credit rate.

Participation rate: The percentage of the index performance used to help calculate the strategy’s interest crediting rate. For example, if the participation rate is 100%, then 100% of the actual performance within the index will be used. While the current participation rate can be adjusted, it will never be below a minimum, known as the guaranteed participation rate.

Surrender charge schedule: The number of years the policy will have a level or decreasing surrender charge.

Sweep frequency: How often money will be moved from the fixed interest strategy into the indexed interest strategy. Each time money is swept, it creates a new index segment.


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9 Give us a call

Nationwide YourLife Indexed UL can help restore your clients’ confidence in the future — even during volatile times. So, call us today for more information or to discuss a specific case.

National Sales Desk:


Nationwide Financial Network®:1-877-223-0795

Brokerage General Agents (BGAs): 1-888-767-7373

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Life insurance is issued by Nationwide Life insurance Company or Nationwide Life and annuity insurance Company, Columbus, ohio.

Nationwide, the Nationwide framemark, Nationwide Financial Network, on Your side and Nationwide YourLife are service marks of Nationwide Mutual insurance Company.

© 2011 Nationwide Financial services, inc. all rights reserved.

FLM-0764ao (10/11)


s&P®, s&P 500®, standard & Poor’s®, standard & Poor’s 500TM are trademarks of standard

& Poor’s and has been licensed for use by Nationwide Life insurance Company and

Nationwide Life and annuity insurance Company. Nationwide YourLife indexed UL is

not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by standard & Poor’s and standard & Poor’s

makes no representation regarding the advisability of investing in the Product.

NasdaQ®, oMX®, NasdaQ oMX®, NasdaQ-100®, and NasdaQ-100 index® are registered

trademarks of The NasdaQ oMX Group, inc. (which with its affiliates is referred to as

the “Corporations”) and are licensed for use by Nationwide Life insurance Company or

Nationwide Life and annuity insurance Company. Nationwide YourLife indexed UL has

not been passed on by the Corporations as to their legality or suitability. Nationwide

YourLife indexed UL is not issued, endorsed, sold, or promoted by the Corporations.


The “dow Jones industrial averagesM” is a product of dow Jones indexes, the marketing

name and a licensed trademark of CME Group index services LLC (“CME”), and has

been licensed for use. “dow Jones®”, “dow Jones industrial averagesM” and “dow Jones

indexes” are service marks of dow Jones Trademark Holdings, LLC (“dow Jones”) and

have been licensed for use for certain purposes by Nationwide Life insurance Company

or Nationwide Life and annuity insurance Company. Nationwide’s Nationwide YourLife

indexed UL based on the dow Jones industrial averagesM is not sponsored, endorsed,

sold or promoted by CME indexes, dow Jones or their respective affiliates, and CME

indexes, dow Jones and their respective affiliates make no representation regarding the

advisability of trading in such product.
