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Iwmaslmma MIL=r-mT7B al MARCU 19%$ MILITARY SITXXFICA’TION PLASTIC SHEET, LAMINATED, THERMOS~~G, GLASS FIBER BASE, EPOXY-R.ES~ This q$etijbtion has ?mm 8ppro9ed by theDepuhcmt of Ikjm 4 b~ ~te-~ti ~tDo~aoArnw,wJvMwe --A*- L S(XWE 1.1 Stop- This 8pec”ti-tion covers glaaa cloth, or oriented nonwoven parsdkl aligned glass fibers, epoxy-resin, plastic tbermos4+ ting sheet material primarily for ekctri~ insulating purpoae& 13 Ckiticatiow Laminated thermowL ting sheek shall be of the following type& as specified (see 62): Type GEE — General purpose type. Type GEB — High &mperature ~ 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMEN’IS 2.1 The following specifications and stand- ards, of the issue in effect on date of invik tion for bids, form a part of this upecifka= tion to the extent specified hereim: S!’ECIFICA~ONS FEDlnws# LP406 —Plastics, Organ 1c; General Specifica- tions, Test Methodn. PPP-B-585 — Boxes; Wood, Wire- boIm& PPP-W91 PPP-B=601 PPP-B-621 PPP-B-636 PPP-T-76 PPP-T-97 MrLIT- —Boxas, Fiber- wood-ch@luL —Baxeeg woo&aeatad= —34XS, woo&had and LochGorner. –-=* — Tape, Preaaure-Sen& tive# Adhdm - per, water k Ta~ -U~ tiv~ Filament lb hfOrce& MIPB-103?7 Boxes: wood-a-w Veneer, Paper ova’lai~ MIL-L10547 — Liners, Cm, WataSP proof. STANDAW MxLrrAx MI~~129— Marking for Sb& ment and S*- EEl Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com
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IwmaslmmaMIL=r-mT7Bal MARCU 19%$




Thisq$etijbtionhas?mm8ppro9edbytheDepuhcmt of Ikjm 4 b ~~te-~ti ~tDo~aoArnw,wJvMwe --A*-


1.1 Stop- This 8pec”ti-tion covers glaaacloth, or oriented nonwoven parsdkl alignedglass fibers, epoxy-resin, plastic tbermos4+ting sheetmaterial primarily for ekctri~insulating purpoae&

13 Ckiticatiow Laminated thermowLting sheek shall be of the following type&as specified (see 62):

Type GEE — General purpose type.

Type GEB — High &mperature ~


2.1 The following specifications and stand-ards, of the issue in effect on date of inviktion for bids, form a part of this upecifka=tion to the extent specified hereim:



LP406 —Plastics, Organ 1c;General Specifica-tions, Test Methodn.

PPP-B-585 — Boxes; Wood, Wire-boIm&








—Boxas, Fiber-wood-ch@luL


—34XS, woo&hadand LochGorner.


— Tape, Preaaure-Sen&tive# Adhdm -per, water k

—Ta~ -U~tiv~ Filament lbhfOrce&

MIPB-103?7 — Boxes: wood-a-wVeneer, Paperova’lai~

MIL-L10547 — Liners, Cm, WataSPproof.



MI~~129— Marking for Sb&ment and S*-


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— —


(Cophsof speeikotkow, stmoaros, dmwhwo, andpubliemt$onomquhed by eontraetcnm b eonnoctionwith ●peetlle ~t ftins should b, *tainod from * pmcudng aetivlty or M dimdad bytbe eo8&9ctiag *.}

2.2 Other publkat~ons The following docu-ments form a part of this 8pecMcation tothe extent specified herein. Unless othenviseindicate& the issue in effect on date of invi-tation for bids shall app&.


DIM) — Methods of Teatu for A-C Ca-pacitance, Dielectric Con-

‘stan~ and Xmas Character-istics, of Electrical Insu]abing Materials.

D229 — Method of Testing Sheet andPlate Materials Used forElectrical Insulation.

(Application for eopks should be ●ddressed to theAmericsn Society for Testing Materials, 19S6 RaceS& PhilsdepMa & Pa=)


Uniform Freight Chmifwation Rubs.

(Application for copies should be ●hkessd to tie0f5ckl Chssifkation Committee, 1 Park Awnme at83rd Stq New York 16, N. Y.)


3.1 Qualification. Glass fiber be, epoxy-resin thermonetting sheets furnished underthis specification shaI) be a product whichhas ben tested,and passed the qualifica-tion tests specified herein, and has been listedon or approved for listing on the applimblequalified products lik

32 Materials

3.2.1 Con8tncd0n. The material ahailconsist of plies or layers of glaas cloth ornon woven parallel aligned fibers properlyimpregnated and bonded with tin epoxy-resin compound or binder, oriented and prmcessed to conform to this specification.

3.2.2 Propert u vahm. The material ahaliconform to the property values shown intables IV through 1X as appli-ble. ‘l%.values obtained for each set of epecimenataken from the same sheet shall be averggedbefore comparison with the applicable table

3.24 ?hiforwtitg. All sheets of any lot shallbe uniform in texture and finish.

3.2A Surface cfe~ects. The material shaiibe free from blisters, wrinkles or cracks,and free from other small defects such asscratches, dents and heat marks to the d- .gree that the usefulness of the sheet will notbe affected. The material may containstreaks due to differential coloration of vari-ous warp or filler threads of the glass fabricor of filament of the nonwoven parallel align-ed fibers.

3.2.5 Warp or twist. The warp or twist ofmaterial as delivered shall not ~ceed thatshown in table X (see 4.7.9). Percentage ofwarp is given in terms of the lateral Mmen-sions (length and width) of the materialand percentage of twist is given in terms ofdimensions from one corner to the oppositecomer.

TASU 1. Wtq or twist.


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3.3 DimenaloM sad tolersncm

3.3.1 Lcnoth and width. Unless otherwisespecified by the bureau or activity conce~the manufacturer’s utan&rd sizes between24 and 50 inches in width and between 36and 96 inches jn length will be acceptable.The length and width of sheets may vary 1inch over or under the manufacturer’s stand-

ard si= Nonuniform standard sheet di”.1’-aions caused by cutting specimens for tins*.required by this apecificathm shall not bccause for rejection, unless particular dimen-sions are specified. When particular shutdimensions rirc specified (see S2), the pepmissible variation from the specified lengthor width shall be as shown in table IL

Tmxa 11.Pcmnie& vdatbms k &w@& u width=

ofxbkda(*)~ ti~


8 hchoo -4


Upta % inclusive . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I%tti% iwhmke... . . . . . . . . . .

3.3.2 Thickness. Sketa shall be furnishedin the nominal thicknesses shown in table111, as specified (see 62). At least 90 percentof the area of the sheet shall be within thevariations shown in table 111, and at nopoint shall the thickness as measured varyfrom the nominal thickness by a value greaber than 125 percent of the permissible varf-ationa.

3.4 Machinability. The material shall besuch that jt can be drilled, tapped, sawed,and machined in all directional in accord-ance with the manufacturer’s recommendedtechnique without cracking, splitting, orotherwise impairing the material for gen-eral use.

3.5 Surface finish. Unless othenvise speci-fie~ by the bureau or activity concerned, thesurf ace finish of sheets shall be semi-glossas produced by the laminating operation.

3.6 Marking. Each full-size sheet shall t clegibly marked with the manufacturer’sname or trademark, and the type. The meth-od of marking shall be satisfactory to thebureau or activity concmmi.

sW nature of Inmhsld mokrkk twwottatm mwdd D-codonwhen drlllks ●nd LOWIW pomlkl 10 Iomlndkm.

TAUS 111. Thbknesne * @

% O.oa 0.0066%4 .047 .0076?-b .0s26 ●m‘k .0$4 .Ooeu .125 @lan+*.- .166 .016% a i .1876 .0197+2


.219 .021

u .260 .022R<, 1 .s126 .026%’ .376 .080?44 .4s8 .083

M .600 .086

3.7 Wofirnanship. The laminated materialsshall be manufactured by such process or

manner as to nSS.urecompliance with tbe re-quircmcnuq of this specification.


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4.1 The auppliar b msponsfbk for the per-formance of all inspecthm requirements asspecified herein. Except as otherwhe speci-fied, the suppkr may atiliae his own or anyother inspection facilities and semkes a-~bk to the Government Inspection mads of the examination and tests shall bekept oompkte ●nd available to the Govern-ment as specified in the contract or order.The Government reaenma the right to per-form any of the ins~ons set forth in theapecificaticm where such hsapections aredeemed nemmmry to aasare supplies and ser-vices conform to pmscribd requimnenta.

42 ClaaaiSdion of test~ The methods ofsampling, examination and tests shalJ beclassified as follows:




QuaMdion tua

Periodic antrd tests.Acceptance inspectim

4.3 Qadikation tesk Qualification testsshall be conducted at a laborato~ .satisfa~tom to the activity responsible for qualifica-tion (see 6.3). These tests shall consist oftests spetified in ~bes N and VII, as apphabk

4.4 Periodic control tests Periodic controltests and sample thicknesses of material re+


quired for the tests shall be u ahowa intables V and VIII, M applicable. These testishall be conducted under the supervision dthe Government inspector at a latmatory-tisfactoxy to the activity responaibk forqua]itkmtion {see 6S) at intends of 2 yearaafter qualification tests have been completdThe t.e..ts shall be conducted on samples se-lected by the Government inspector. The ma-terial for test shalI be taken either fromproduction runs or from rna’erial manufac-tured by techniques repreae: hitive of pr~duction runs. The material remaining aftertest, if satisfactory, may be appEed to thecontract or order.

4.4.1 Reports of tests. Five spies of theperiodic control test repoti shall be forward-ed to the activity rcsponsibe for qualification(see 6.3) via the Government inspector, whoshal] certify that tests were conducted underhis sqxxvision and in accordance with thetest procedures specified in this s~ification.

4.4.2 Approval acfion on trst~.Upon W+ccipt by the activity responsible for qualifi-cation (see 6.3 ) of the periodic control testreport, action 10 maintain or withdraw theapproval will be taken on the basis of thetest results. If periodic control test resulti arenot received by the activity responsible forthe qualification at the expiration of the 2year perjod, the approval will automaticallybe withdraw, and the product removedfrom the Qualified Product@ List


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d— I


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—1 ! , [ ,

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— — —


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5 I “ inspection.

4.6.1 Lot ucceytanee examination. Eachsheet of every lot shall be subjected to ex-amination to determine compliance with sec-tion 3, except 3.1 and 3.2.2. Conformancewith 3.2.1, 3.2.!I, 3.2.4, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7dml] be determined by visual examination.Ckmformnnce with 3.2.S dud] be determinedns s])erifimi in 4.7.9. Conforwmnre with 3.9.1

shall k Wcrmined by mwum of a steeimale. Cmlformnnw with %3.2 shall be de-termined M specified ill the American So-ciety for Testing Material~ Publication D229.If ~ny of the sheets fails to conform to anyof these requirements, ~uch sheet shall herejected.

4.5.2 Lot acceptance teutu.

4.54!.1 Lot acceptance tests shall be con-ducted on material selected from productionlots offered under one or several contracL~ orordera. A production lot shall consist of allsheets of the same type of a given machinerun and of a particular thickness ratige asshown in tables Vi tind IX, as applicable, andoffered for inspection [it one time. (For in-stance, sheets of I,j~, and ?<,2inch thicknessesfall within one thickness range (0.032 to0.094 ) and may be included in one produc-tion lot). A machine run shall consist of allof the material pressed from a coating op-eration in which the basic resin and filler andtreating conditions are the same. San/plinq. %mple sheets shall beselected in nccordunce with table X and therequired I)Um~J(”r of spvcimms shall be cutfrom ~arh sample shwt ::: slwified in ~:ILleW and IX, as applicable. A!] of the tests oftables VI and IX, as applicable, shall k per-fomned on each specimen and the results onthe specimens averaged for each sheet andcompared with the requirements to deter-mine con formartce ( .sec 6.2).

—16 ●nd under I

116 b 2s 826 and O- 8 Acceptance or rejectiun of Ma. Ifany of the sample sheets tested fail any ofthe tests nhown in tables VI and IX, as applicab}c, the entire lot shall be rcjeetcd.

4.6 Cond{tkming.

4.6.1 Nomencbture. The following lttkm

shall be used b indicak the respective gen-eral conditioning procedures:

Condition A—As received; no specialconditioning.

Condition G] furnidi~ conditiol,ing.

Condition D—Immersion wmditioningin distilled wa~.

Condition &Temperature condition-ing.

Note. Whcne*er s conditioning letter {m fol-]owed by ● inferior 1 M D, ● priortimp~”rnture conditioning hm been ts?-ned ouk

4.6.2 Dasigmztion. Conditioning procedur-shall be designated as follows:

(a) A capital letter indicatin~ the gen-eral condition of the specimen,that is, as received, humidity, im-mersion, or temperature con-ditioning.

(b) A number indicating in hours theduration of the conditioning.

(c) A number indicating in degreescentigrade the L.nJitioning temp-erature.

(.?; A number indicating relative hu-mit~ity whcr.ever relative humhl-ity is controlled.


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The numbers shaii be separated from eachother by ● siaat ~ and from the capitalletter byada#k


Condition G96/35/90_I?umidity con-dition, 96 hours at 35”C. and 90 per-eent rwiative humidie.

Condition D-48/ML-Imxnerakm coDdi-9 ,

tion, 48 hours in distilled water atSo”c.

Condition E-48/_Temperature con-dition, 48 hours ●t 60”C

4.6S ?%ne tolerances. Oven conditioningshall be followed by a cooling to room tem-perature (23°(L ) in a desiccator, anti immer-sion conditioning shall be foiiowed by eooi-ing to room temperature in distilled water,aa specified in tabb XL

n—~ w~

-66 4haura 26 bars a bum Cd in dasicator. Start test with~+2 hours or~ titer removing specimen from dedcsto?.

D-48/so 4 bum 1 bout --0 horm Cool by nnmermon in 8 ●dlicient quantity of%24/2S +!4 brmr +2 hour’x dist:lled water to redum the temperature to

23°C. within 1 hour. Remon individually assweded, and wipe surfsce water d? with ●

c)oth Start testwithin 1 minute mfter rw-moving specimen f* water.

=1/106 4 minutas a boa- + houn See water-absormon tit (H 4.7.61●+6 mhmtu Orx

D,-Was ==0 ham . ..*.* . . . . . . .% water-absorption test (U 4.7.6}.+2 bo=ra

Ziziim 4 bun . ..*.* . . . . . . Tests ●fter humidity conditioning shall ha

+2 - rnmle on specimms in the humidi@ chamber(l!H 4.7=6)*

4.6.4 Temperature tolerimea. The condi-tioning temperature tolerance shall be asfoliow8:

S09Uinsl tempwstuw Tokromcc( = )Degrees C. ~Dqm’ee8c.

28 2as 166’ 2

106 3

4.6.5 Ihmidifu tokrance. Tolerance on thenominal relative humidity of 90 percent shallh*2pereen~


4.7 Teat methoik

4.7.1 Dejfnitiow. In mnducting teats, theterm “lengthwise” shall be interpreted to

mean that sheet direction known to be thestroflgcr in flexura “Crosswise” shall thenbe the sheet direction known to be the weak-

er in flexus’a

4.7.2 Dieleet & breakdown padhl tohrminationa(step-b~stq).

4.7.2S Specimms. The test specimens shallbe 2 hy 3 inches by the thickness of the sheik

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A rnerhxm standnrd tapered pins having ●

taper of )~ per inch per foot shrill be u.scd.For tmt spevimens having a thicknma Up tox/~ inch, inclus)ve, number 3 American stan&ard tapered pins I 3 inches long and havinga diameter at the large end of IA2 inch shallbe used. Drill two s ~fi-inch diameter hol~centrally )ocated, 1 inch apart, center to cen-ter, and pex-prn %cular to the faces of thespecimen. I.)sirlg standard tapered pin ream-er, ream holes to a sufficient depth to allowthe pins to extend approximately 11/2 inchesfrom the small end of the hole. The electrodeshall be inserted after the conditioning ofthe test specimen. Spheres having a IA-inchdiameter, when paced on the extremities ofthe tapered pins, will decrease the tendencyto flashover. ‘Proccdrmc. All tests shan be madeunder oil at comn]ercia] power frequency of60 cycles. One specimtm only shall be testedby the short-time method for the purpose ofproviding a basis for the initial voltage ap-plied in the stepby-step test. h the short+time test, starting at zero, the testing voltageshall be increased as uniformy as possibleat a rate of 500 r~lts per second. On the *maining specimd! , the stepby-step methodshaIl be used. The initial voltage applied inthe step-by-step b st shall be 50 percent. ofthe short-time breakdown voltage. The initialvoltage in the step-by-step tests, determindas specified above, shall be applied for 1 min-ute and the ;ot.age shall then be increasedin increments n-s follows, boding the voltageat each step for 1 minute:

I?rmkdown wolhtpe bU lmreeme of inmwnentshort-timr mrthod iw 8tep-by-8tep methd

Kiiovoha Kilovob

1250r less . . . . . . . . . . 0.5Over 12.S b 25, i;ac!uwe 1.0Over 25 to 60, inclusive. 23Over 60 to 100, inclusive 5.0

For information en tapered pins, w KentsM=haniral Crwinecn Handbd, 12th Edition, DQ-sigrt and Producti;,l~. page 1S-14. (This handbook

msy be obtained from John W iI- & $om h..440- 4tb Ave., New York 16. N. Y.)

4.72.3 Report. The breakdown voltageshall be report cd in kilowatts and the time


required to break each spacimen shall be re-ported in seconds.

4.73 Ampcut strength (tested edgetic). Speeimena. Specimens of sti inthicknesses of 1A to $$ inc~ incusiv~ sha?Jbe testedin sizes 2~~ inches by 1A inch bythickness without buiki-up. Each spw;m .:RshaIl be notched in one edge (side~. Thenotch shall be centraIly located with respectto the ends of the specimen. The angle ofthe notch shall be 45 degrees and the dPptl:under the notch shall be 0.400 ~ 0.005 inchwith a cuwature at the bottom of the notchof 0.010 ~ 0.002 inch radius. Different setsof specimens shall be cut lengthwise andcrosswise of the sheet

4.7.32 Pwcedure. After the conditioningof the specimen, the impact strength shall hdetermined cm a pendulum type 17d ‘--~ ,(sZ

machine. Accurate corrections shail be in:...

for friction and windage losses The speci-men shall be locatid in the machine by meansof a jig, with centerline of notch on the 1:mlof the top of the clampi~ surface. In thestriking position, the striking edge m :ttependulum shall be 0.866 inch from the emmof the specimen clamp. The pendulum shal!be released from such a position that thelinear velocity of the striking edge at Hwinstant of impact shall be approximate 11feet per second, which is the linear velocitycorresponding to an initial elevation of thestriking edge of 2 feet. The blow shall bestruck on the notched side. The ~.~i7. r sc~-ting shall be recorded and corresponding cor-rection shall be obtained from a charL Thischart shall be constructed by mmsuring thefriction and windage losses, w+g the pr~portionate amount of these losses us the cor-rection factor.

4.7.34$ Calcuktiong. The imptict strengthshall be taken as the ene~ absorbed inbreaking the specimen. It shall equai the dif-ference between the energy remaining afterbreaking the specimens and the pendnhmt’cinitial energy, and shall be expressed in foo&pounds per inch of notch.

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MnA’-Ml77c Sptxiwcns. Sjxximem< of sheet in the dimensions and”speed of test shown inthicknesses of !~~ to ?~ inch, inclusive, shali table XII shall be used. Different sets ofbe testedflatwise in accordance with method specimens shall be cut lengthwise and crous-1031 of Specification LPA06, except that wise of the sheeL

TABLZXII. Dimmuiosu o! ●pctimrn and qued o~ ted













Oad -* wDwu—

4.7.4 FICZUrtZJdrength (teat~d @twbe). Procedure. The breadth and depthof the specimens shall be measured to therrearest 0.001 inch. The span length shall bem~surcd to the ncn rest 0.01 inch. ?l~ nmdu-lus data need be takem Care shall be takenthat the specimens are centered properly inthe jig prior to being tested.

4.7.4S CakuMion8. The maximum fiberstress shalI be calculated as follows:

8 PLIbSaximum fiberstress= ~


P = breaking ioad in pounhL = the span in inches.b = breadth of specimen in inches.d = depth of specimen in inches.

4.7.5 Bondkg strqtk Spca”mrns. Specimens shall be 1 by1 by $5 Inch in dse.

4.7.52 Procedurv. The thickness of thespecimens shall be recorded. The test ma-chine shall be fitted \vih a head containing


a stecI ball 10 millimeters in diameter. Afterthe specimen has been conditioned, it shallbe placed on edge and centered accuratelybeneath the steel ball so that the load is aPplied in the len”gthwisc direction of the speci-men. The load shall be appli~ti to the speci-men until fai)ure occurs. The speed af thetest shalI be 0.050 inch per minute. Report. The bonding strength shall

be reported in pounds.

4.7.6 Water ahtuwpfh. Spccimrn~. The spccimms shall be3 inches by 1 inch by thickness. Prorcduw. The specimens shall bewc~rhcd individually and then subjected to105GC. for 1 hour, cooled in a desiccator forat least 2 hours, and reweighed (WI). Thespecimens shall then bc immersed in distilledwater for 24 hours at 23°C. They shall beremoved individually as needed, all surfaceswiped off with a dnmp cloth, and then *weighpd immediately {W:). The test shallim~in not more than I minute after removalof the spccimcns from the $~r~terand shall


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u ‘-

be completed as rapidly as consistent with the water-soluble matter.accuracy. specimens ’40 inch or less in thick-ness shall be placed in a weighing bottle im- CafcuZutibnu. The percentage ofmediately after wiping and shall be weighed water absorption shall be calculated as fol-in the bottle. No correction shall be made for Iowa :

w-w, x ~wPercentage of water absorption in 24 hours = w,


4.7.7 Dicterlrie cmdmt and diwipationfactor (at 1 nzqaqcb). Specbnew. The specimens for di-elect~_ic constant and dissipation factor testsat I megacycle frequency, perpendicular tolaminations, shall be 4-inch diameter disksor 4-inch squares cut frorn sheets ~~ inchin thickness. %ocedwe, After the conditioningof the Bpecimens, the electrical measure-ments shall be made by using a suitablebridge method, a twin-T impedanc&measur-ing circuit, or a resonant+ rcuit substitutionmethod. The method used shatl h8ve an ao-curacy of det em Iinntkm of d~electric con-stant of & 5 per~”en: and an accuracy of de-termination of dissipation factor of & 5 per-cent but in no case closer than 0.0001. Thespecimens shali have been covered on bothsides with metal foil using a thin layer ofpetroleum as an adhpsive, or with conductivesilver paint electrodes. The dissipation f-tor shall be directly computed from the in-strument readings and shall W considerednomina!ly equivalent to the power factor.

Note. For ● complete discussion of theory, ●ppa-ratu-, electrodes, ●nd calculation, refer to methodDIM) of ASTM Book Standards.

4.7.8 Voho’ne ?’c.?istivit# and uurfacc re$iat-amxl. Specinww. The specimens for vol-ume-resistivity and surfacc+resistanceshall be 4 by 4 inches in thickness. Procedure.


, Volume raistivity. The tit eleo-trodea shail be made of conductive silverpaint sprayed or brushed on the surfacesof the specimen. The upper electrode shallbe in the shape of a circle 2 inches in diamt+ter. A guard ring 1A inch wide shall be 1*cated concentrically with reaped to the up-per electrode and shaIl be SP- YS inchfrom it. The bottom electrode shd be in theshape of a circle 3 inches in diameter. Thecenters of the upper and lower electrodesshall be centered as accurately as possibleso that they are on the same 4LXk The poten-tials applied shall be aa follows:


I+ I@lord+

L ~


The volume resisbce shall be measuredby means of a 500-volt megohm bridge ex-actly 1 minute after the current is applied.Teata following the humidity conditioningshall be made on specimens in the humid~chamber. Surface reuistanoe. Surf aoe ~skbnce measurements shall be made on thesame specimens as those used for volumeresistivity. The test procedure ehall be sirnl-lar to that specified for voiume resistivi~.except that the potentials of the guard andbottom electrodes shall be interchanged asfollowl! :


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The surface resistance shall ~ measuredby means of a W&volt megohm bridge ex-actly, 1 minute after the current is applied.Tests following the humidity conditioningshall be made on specimens in the humidi~chamber.

4.7.P.3 Calmdationu. The volume reaistivmshall be calculated as follows:

ItAr =—


where :

r = volume resistivity in megoh-centimetaz

R = measured volume resistance inmegohms.

A = area of guarded electrode insquare centimetir~

L = average thickness of specimen incentimeter

Surface resistance shall be rcpo~d in meg-ohms.

4.7.9 Waq and twist. The warp and twisttest shall conform to method 6051 of Speci-fication LPA06 (s= 3.2.5)-

4.7.10 Hmrt rr~iatanee (type GEB 0n2y).The method shall be the same as specifiedin 4.7A except that:

(a) Specimens cut Icngthw-i.se of type(2EB shall be given an additionalconditioning of 1 hour at 150° y2°C. and then be testsd at 150”* 20C.

The average of four sitch determinations di-v idcd by the avernge flcxura] strength cut

lengthwise determined 89 specified in 4.7.4shall be multiplied by 100 and recorded mpercent tkural strength retained.


U Packaging.

5.1.1 Level A. The laminated plastic sheetsshall be wrapped individually or interleaved,to protect sheets from abrasion, using notless than 25-pound basis weig?,t kraft paper.

5.1..2 Level C. The laminated plastic slmet4shall be packaged in accordance with themanuf acturer’s practi=

5.2.1 Lez*c? A. Lnminntcd plastic ahee&packaged as specified (see 62) shall bepacked in oversras ~, M’ood cleated fi~r-board, nailed wood. wirebound, wood, cor-rugated or solid fiberboard, wood cleatedveneer paper overlaid, or wood cl=ated ply-wood boxes conforming to SpecificationPPP-B-fi91* PPP-B41, PPP-B-5R5, PPP-B-636 (clnss 3), 3! 11_13-10377, or PI’P-=601. rcs]wrtivrly, id thr option of the con-tractor. Shipping cent ~iincrs shall h:~ve CUMliners conforming to Spccifimtion MILI=]05 ;7. Case liners shall be closed and sealedin accordance with the appendix to Specification 311GIF105!7. (’ase liners for boxesconforming to Specification PI’ P-B-636 maybe omitted provided ali corners and edgeseams and manufacturers joints of the boxesarc srnhl with a minimum of 1~/’ inch=lvidth of TWeSCtWesrnsit i~~’l~p~ c~mf~rmin~to Sporifiration ?’PP-T-7G. Box clo!mr-shal] be as specified in the npp]icable boxspecifirat]on or appendix thereto, except fiberhoxm may be banded with t:~pe conformingto IY;M*IV of Specification PPP-T-97 andthe ;~~)prndix thereto. The gros~ weight ofUWOd }mxos ~hnll not excctd 200 pounds:filwrbnnrd boxes shall not cxcecd the weightlimitd ions of the applieble box specifica-tion .


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5.22 Led B. Laminated plastic sh~ts,packaged as specifid (~ 6.2) shal! bepacked in domdic ~ wood chmtul fiber-board, nailed wood, wire&und wood cleatedPm or wOOdC1-kd ~r pper over.laid boxes of class 2 fiber boxes conformingto specification PPP-MI, PPP-B-62LPPP-B-585, PPP-M1, MIX.AH0377 orPPP-B-636, respectivdy, at the option ofthe contract or. BOX closures shall be as sped-fhd in the :i;)plicable box specification or ap-pendix thereto, except strapping of claas 2of Specification PI’P-B~ fiber boxes shallnot be required. The gmas weight of woodboxes shall not exceed 200 pounds; fiberboardboxes shall not exceed the weight limitationsof the applicable box s~itication.

52.3 LC2YCI C. Laminated plastic sbeempackaged as specified (see 6.2) s!]all bepacked in containers which will insure ac-ceptance by common carrier and safe d-livery at destination. Shipping containersshall comply to the Uniform Freight Classi-fication Iluks or other regulations as appli-cable to the mode of transportation.

5.3 Marking. In addition to any specialmnrking required by the contract or orderor herei~ interior and exterior shippingcontainer shall & marked in accordancewith Standard MILSTBH9.

6.1.1 Type GEE. Type GEE material is in-tended for use in electronics applications r-quiring moisture resistance and high mechanical strength. The material is not in-tended for applications requiring arc andflame resistan=

6.1.2 Tgpc GE13. Type GEB matnrial isintended fnr use h applications similar tothose for type GEE with the additional requirernent that class B (130°C. operatingtemperature) temperature is involved.

6.2 Ordering da- Procurement documentsshould specify the fo]kowing: s

(a) ‘lmq number, and date of thisBpecifkatiosb

(b) m reqdmd bee 140.

(c) Sheet she and thickness m@red(ace 33).

(d) Whether sheets, smakr in dimen-sions than specified in the pN)-curement document due to C*ting specimens for lot ~n-tes@ are acceptable (see 4.6.2S).

(e) Selection of applicable levels ofpackaging and packing (see 6.1and 6.2).

(f) Special marking, if required (see6.3).

6.3 With respect to products requiringqualification, awards will be made only forsuch products as have prior to the time setfor opening of bid$ been tested and approved for inclusion in Qualified ProductsList QPb18177, whether or not such prod-ucts have actually been so listed by that date.The attention of suppliers is cakd to thisrequirement. and manufacturers are urgedto arrange to have the prodwta that theYpropos~ to offer to the FedemI Govemmen~tested for quaIikation in order that ~may be eligible to be awarded cmntracta ororders for the products covered by this speci-fication. The activi~ responsible for thequalified product list is the Chief of theBureau of Ships, Department of the Navy,Washington 25, D.C. and information per-taining to qualification of products may beobtained from that activi&.

6.4 Fabricated parts or equlpsnatL I&=quirements applimble to fabfided prta orequipment incorporating glass fiber Sepoxy-resin, laminated material uhodd be

specified in separate specifications or as ~of contracts or orders.


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6.5 Certain provisions of this mpeclfkationare the subject of international atandadaa-tion agreement (ABC NAVY-Sl”DDl7Aj.When amendmen% mvisi~ or canoakikmof this apecifiution is pro- tb ~mental cuddana wiIl inform tbair ~tive Departmental Standardi=tkn 01M9 S0that appropriate action ~ be - m-respecting the international ~t am-ceme&

18 ‘

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