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Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress 1 Section 12.1 Manage Resources Section 12.2 Manage Time and Handle Stress Contents Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


Section 12.1 Manage Resources

Section 12.2 Manage Time and Handle Stress


Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


Section 12.1 Manage Resources

Learn how to use personal resources and how to apply management skills to all areas of your life.

Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


Content Vocabulary




Academic Vocabulary



Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


The Management Process

• Management skills can be applied to all areas of life to accomplish more in an effective way.

• Write down a plan to help you remember what you need to do.

managementThe skillful use of resources to accomplish a task.

Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


The Management Process

List the four steps in making a management plan.

Step 1 Decide on Your Goal

Step 2 Make a Plan

Step 3 Put the Plan into Action

Step Description

Step 4 Evaluate the Results

Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


Resource Management

• Make good use of your resources to be a good manager.

• Personal resources are:• time. • energy. • knowledge and

education. • skills and talents. • people.

energyThe power or ability to be active.

resourceSomething or someone that is a source of help or information.

Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


Resource Management

• Material resources and personal possessions provide enjoyment and satisfaction.

• Communities provide resources such as:• police and fire departments. • museums. • libraries. • parks. • shelters.

materialThings which are not necessary for survival like food, shelter, and water, but which can make life easier and more enjoyable.

Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


Section 12.2 Manage Time and Handle Stress

• Learn and use time-management skills to:• have more time for things you want to do. • to help you reduce the stress that can

happen when you try to do too much.

Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


Content Vocabulary

time management




Academic Vocabulary



Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


Time Management

• Use good time-management skills to help in all areas of your life.

time managementThe development of practices and skills that increase how quickly and effectively one can do something.

Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


Time Management

• Time-management skills include:• dividing big jobs into smaller ones. • multi-tasking.• sticking to a task. • establishing routines. • planning for

unexpected events. • evaluating activities.

multi-taskingDoing more than one job at the same time.

Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


• Make a list of pros and cons when you have a choice to make.

• Prioritize by ranking tasks in order of importance.• Get organized, get your sleep, allow time for

breaks, and do not procrastinate.

Time Management

procrastinateTo wait until the last minute to do something; to put off.

Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


Time Management

• Develop good study skills and ask for help when you need it.

List some of the good study skills that you practice.

Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


The Stress Connection

• Stress can be caused by either pleasant or unpleasant events.

• Positive stress can motivate you to accomplish your goals.

stressThe body’s reaction to feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities, demands, or events.

Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


The Stress Connection

• Negative stress can cause headaches, stomachaches, fatigue, depression, and anxiety.

• To help reduce and cope with stress:• eat healthfully.• drink plenty of water.• include your family

in healthful practices.

copeTo adjust to difficult and stressful situations.

Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


Chapter Summary

Section 12.1Manage Resources

• Management skills are not just for the workplace.

• Follow a plan for your goals.

• Learn how to manage personal resources, material resources, and community resources to help you reach goals and get things accomplished.

• Personal resources are time, energy, knowledge, skills, and people.

• Material resources are possessions, objects, and money.

• Communities provide many resources for its citizens to use.

Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


Chapter Summary

Section 12.2Manage Time and Handle Stress

• Time management is the development of practices and skills that increase how quickly and effectively you can do something.

• Learn to organize and prioritize your time.

• When you try to do too much, you can experience stress.

• Stress can motivate and challenge you, but too much stress can have a negative effect on you.

• When you manage your time and other resources in your life, you will be better equipped to handle stress.

Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress



Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter? Use the following slides to check your knowledge of the definitions.

The slides in this section include both English and Spanish terms and definitions.


Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


management gestión

The skillful use of resources to accomplish a task.

El hábil uso de los recursos para llevar a cabo una tarea.

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Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


resource recurso

Something or someone that is a source of help or information.

Algo o alguien que es una fuente de ayuda o información.

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Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


energy energía

The power or ability to be active.

La potencia o capacidad de ser activo.

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Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


time management administración del tiempo

The development of practices and skills that increase how quickly and effectively one can do something.

El desarrollo de prácticas y habilidades que aumentan la rapidez y eficacia en la uno puede hacer algo.

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Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


multi-tasking practicar la multitarea

Doing more than one job at the same time.

Hacer más de un trabajo al mismo tiempo.

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Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


procrastinate procrastinar

To wait until the last minute to do something; to put off.

Esperar hasta el último momento para hacer algo; aplazar.

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Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


stress estrés

The body’s reaction to changes around it.

La reacción del cuerpo a los cambios que ocurren a su alrededor.

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Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


potent potente

Having force, authority, or influence; powerful.

Con fuerza, autoridad o influencia; poderoso.

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Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


material material

Things which are not necessary for survival like food, shelter, and water, but which can make life easier and more enjoyable.

Cosas que no son necesarias para la supervivencia, como lo son la alimentación, la vivienda y el agua, pero que pueden hacer la vida más fácil y más agradable.

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Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


alternate alterno

Not the same as; distinct; different.

Que no es igual; distinto; diferente.

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Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


cope hacer frente

To adjust to difficult and stressful situations.

Adaptarse a situaciones difíciles y estresantes.

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Glencoe Discovering Life Skills Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Chapter 12 Manage Resources, Time, and Stress


End of

Chapter 12Manage Resources, Time, and Stress
