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Gliederung - Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

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Gliederung International Study Program Welcome WS 2019/20 Info Session bachelor’s study program for 3 rd semester students International Business and Economics (IBE)

GliederungInternational Study Program

Welcome WS 2019/20 Info Session

bachelor’s study program for 3rd

semester students

International Business and Economics (IBE)

GliederungInternational Study Program


1. New study regulations for IBE SPO 2015 (version from 05/2019)

2. Study abroad and application Procedure

3. Brief overview of upcoming finale studies (electives)

GliederungInternational Study Program


Dean of the School (FEM)

Prof. Dr. Andreas Knabe

Chair (Department): Public Economics


Bachelor’s IBE Study Program Director:

Prof. Dr. Roland Kirstein,

Chair: Economics of Business and Law

GliederungInternational Study Program


14/10/19 - 31/01/20

(14 weeks per semester)


Reformationstag: 31/10/19

Christmas/New Year break:

23/12/19 – 06/01/20

Academic Calendar

GliederungInternational Study Program

Smartphone Alarm for….

Registration for Examinations:

28/10/19 until 10/11/19

Exclusion Period! (Ausschlußfrist)

If you miss this deadline – no exam, no excuses!

Withdrawal/ Cancelation of the Exam Registration:

until 05/01/20

Exclusion Period! (Ausschlußfrist)

Examinations: 03/02/20 until 22/02/20

Semester break: March

Academic Calendar WS 2019/20

GliederungInternational Study Program

Examination Registration: Technical Problems

In case of technical problems caused by the OVGU (must proof it!)

during the last 3 days before the deadline, it is possible to register

for the exams via e-mail to the examination office. The e-mail must

be sent from the student OvGU address ([email protected])

and contain the following information:

Matriculation number, first and last name, the exam(s) to be

registered including exam number, examiner and the reason must be

given why a registration on your own via the LSF is not possible.

Strict deadline for exam registration: 28/10 – 10/11/19

GliederungInternational Study Program

Examination Office (Prüfungsamt)

Emails and Applications @ OVGU

E-mails from OVGU students will be only processed, answered if they were

sent from the student OVGU mail address ([email protected]).

Always mention in your email/ letter/application:

Student number (Matrikelnummer), full name, study program, semester.

Email example:

Dear Mrs./ Mr. Prof. Dr,


With kind regards,

Franz Schuster

GliederungInternational Study Program


Information Resources: Websites

ISP Homepage: http://www.isp.ovgu.de/Study+Documents.html

(study documents, dates, all study related information, application details,..)

Examination Office Homepage:http://www.fww.ovgu.de/fww/en/Faculty/Examination+Office-p-7422.html

(documents, examination dates and regulations, forms, recognition of previous credit

points, etc.

Faculty Homepage: http://www.fww.ovgu.de/fww/en/Teaching/DURING+YOUR+STUDIES-p-5284.html

(jobs, internship offers, schedules, module handbooks, links to the chairs, faculty news,..)

Study Abroad:http://www.fww.ovgu.de/fww/en/Teaching/DURING+YOUR+STUDIES/Study+Abroad-p-1120.html

(cooperation portal, contacts, recognition overview,…)


Important deadlines, offices:

1. Registration to examinations: 28/10 - 10/11/19

2. IBE Study Program Talk: 20/11/20, 13:00 – 15:00, buildg. 23, 103

3. FEM Examination Office: B 003

examination rules, dates, grades:


4. International Study Program Office/ ISP: General advising all students + all

issues, B 006 www.isp.ovgu.de

5. Study Abroad: International office, buildg. 18

6. Learning Agreements, recognition of credits from abroad:

Dr. Toni Richter, (see homepage Examination Office)

Ask for help:

The OVGU offers several counselling opportunities and workshops, in English and in German.

International Study Program


GliederungInternational Study Program


Study Program News

(SPO version 05/2019)


SPO changes valid are from 05/2019 for all IBE students enrolled from winter term 2015.

International Study Program


IBE SPO 2015, version 2019 § 8, section 3:

“Examinations from the first semester term that have not been passed

must be retaken in the fourth (old third) semester at latest. If this module is

failed again students must retake the examination in the following semester.”

-> registration will be conducted automatically by the

Examination Office

-> withdraw possible only if §25, section 2 applies


International Study Program


§ 9, section 1:


„It is only allowed to register for a examination of the elective curriculum, if the student has already

received 120 credit points from modules of the compulsory studies (1.-4. semester). “ … exception: three exam registrations…. But …..

NEW: § 9, section 1, see above, is deleted without any substitution.

…….. bachelor students can start the elective curriculum right away.

See: Study Documents on ISP homepage (English courtesy translation) and/or in German only:


International Study Program


§ 20, section 2, 3Exam Registration - Seminars:“The lecturer may request an alternate period for exam registration for seminars to the Examination Board. Announcements will be posted on a notice board or on the homepage of the faculty or the Examination Office.”

Exam registration from other faculties:In a written from to the examination office of the FEM (FWW) or via the university Web-portal; same procedure for repeating examinations

Study Abroad:Exam registration = signed Learning Agreement by the FEM (FWW) Examination Office or the respective Change to Learning Agreement (in accordance with §10 section 3)

International Study Program


§ 23, section 1, 2Supplementary modules:

• Students may take extra modules in addition to the modules offered in their respective degree program

• The results of these examinations will be included on the grade transcript if the students previously registered for the examination

• The grade of the supplementary module is not included in the calculation of the grade point average

International Study Program

GliederungInternational Study Program


Study Program’s

Elective Curriculum



Elective Studies:

International Study Program


Compulsory Elective Modules (60 ECTS altogether):

= modules in a specialization (track) - special interests of students

* necessary: build your own schedule

* mix: electives from International Bus. (IB) and International Econ. (EC)


* choose the field which your are interested in

Students need to choose 6 elective courses IB and /or IE (each 5 ECTS= 30 ECTS)

+ project seminar (15 ECTS) + bachelor’s thesis (15 ECTS)

PROJECT SEMINAR in the field:

International Economics (IE) or International Business (IE)

offered only in WINTER semester

International Study Program


Seminar Project, Registration, Deadlines , Procedure

E-Learning Portal https://elearning.ovgu.de/

SS 2020 -> Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft

-> International Study Program -> IBE Project Seminar

Find module descriptions, information about registration, and register until

July…., 2020 at 23:55.

First come first serve!

Changes possible until July …... After the deadline the registration is binding.

International Study Program

GliederungInternational Study Program

GliederungInternational Study Program


Study Abroad

Application Procedure

GliederungInternational Study Program




International Study Program



International Study Program

Find your destination abroad: OVGU’s Move on Portal



International Study Program

Find your destination abroad: OVGU’s Move on Portal

GliederungGo Abroad

Application Deadlines:WELTWEIT: 01. December International OfficeERASMUS: 01. February International Office

Contact Information:General Advice on studying abroad:Initial Counselling: Campus Service Center, building 01, Wednesdays from 11:00 - 15:00; Follow-up Counselling: International Office, building 18: Frau Anne Schulze (ERASMUS)

Frau Sylvia Zabel (WELTWEIT)Academic Counseling at the faculty:Recognition of examination and credit point, learning agreements:FEM, building 22, room B 005: Herr Dr. Toni Richter,Please email for an appointment.

Learning Agreement = Examination Registration


Gliederung International Study Program

Study Abroad

Study & Travel

Information Session

Thursday, 07/11/19


Campus Theater


Summer Schools, ALUMNI reports, Snacks

An information session organized by the OVGU’s International Office.

GliederungInternational Study Program



GliederungInternational Study Program



Psychosocial Student Counselling


Workshops for studies etc..

…… available in English and German

GliederungInternational Study Program



GliederungInternational Study Program



GliederungInternational Study Program




GliederungInternational Study Program



GliederungInternational Study Program

SIMP-SON http://www.isp.ovgu.de/en/SIMP_SON.html


= Networking, social + academic

assistance, study groups, events…

IBE Study Coaching (in B 006)

Tuesdays: 10:00 – 12:00

Thursdays: 13:00 – 15:00

Antonia M. 5th

semester IBE

Ece Z. T. 7th

semester IBE

Join us on Instagram

for news and events! ispofficeovgu

GliederungInternational Study Program



Be involved and take part in our upcoming spring ISP photo exhibition!“Student live @ Magdeburg, @ OVGU, @ Faculty (FWW)”

international aspects and views highly welcome.

Send: Pictures in very a high quality (for printing it out) to: [email protected]: Title of the pic, date, student name, study program etc.

Get: Prizes

International Study Program

GliederungInternational Study Program


Have a very successful WS 2019/20 and

enjoy your IBE studies!
