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Global Book Tour - Virtual Webinar Presentation

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This is the PPT Copy of the Virtual Webinar for Experts Speakers. Val Slastnikov, Marisa Graham and David Hancock are discussing the Experts Market, its segments and the goals of "The Secret Power of an Expert" project - an unprecedented opportunity for your Company to send your own Expert Speakers on the Global Book Tour that spans 4 continents and 6 Largest Cities of the World
Popular Tags:
“Empower the World. Support the Good Causes. Let Your Expertise Shine!” Val A. Slastnikov & World Class Experts Proposal, Partnership Models, Topics and Schedule of Live Events Toronto – New York – Los Angeles – London – Sydney – Johannesburg “The Secret Power Of An Expert” March – April – May 2009 Global Book Tour
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“Empower the World. Support the Good Causes.

Let Your Expertise Shine!”

Val A. Slastnikov& World Class Experts

Proposal, Partnership Models,

Topics and Schedule of Live Events

Toronto – New York – Los Angeles – London – Sydney – Johannesburg

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

March – April – May 2009

Global Book Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Welcome to our Virtual Webinar!

Global Book Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Val SlastnikovAuthor, “The Secret Power of an Expert”

Success Trilogy

Global Book Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Marisa GrahamEditor, “The Secret Power of an Expert”

Success Trilogy

Global Book Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

David HancockPublisher, “The Secret Power of an Expert”

Success Trilogy

Global Book Tour

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The Book

• “The Secret Power Of An Expert” Success Book Trilogy is written by Val A. Slastnikov, an Entrepreneurial Author and Business Consultant from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

• The first Book of the Trilogy will be released by Morgan James Publishing of Garden City, New York in Spring of 2009.

The Tour

• The Global Book Tour promoting the Message of the Book will take place in March, April and May of 2009, with Live Events in Toronto, New York, Los Angeles, London, Sydney and Johannesburg.

The Cause

• A percentage of proceeds raised by the book sales and the tour will be donated to Habitat for Humanity and help build affordable housing for the under-privileged families

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Global Book Tour

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Your company has an unprecedented opportunity not only to help promote the Book’s Message, but to empower the World by bringing your own Expert Speakers on the book tour to talk on any subject relating to Expert Advice, Solutions and Projects that could benefit the Humanity.

For any questions or additional information please contact the author, Val A. Slastnikov at: [email protected]

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Global Book Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


“My destiny and my life’s goal is to help you, the Experts of this World.

To make your lives better, to help you become happier and more

accomplished in your lives and careers.”

- Val A. Slastnikov

Global Book Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


The main goal of the book is to change public’s perception about Experts and to change Experts’ perception about themselves.

This book is an attempt to show all Experts that their lives could be much better, much easier, and much more fulfilling.






Global Book Tour

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We are not looking for one-time Sponsors. We are looking for Life-long Partners and we want to help them promote their Expertise and their Message to the World.

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Global Book Tour

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Empower the World

• Do you have World Class Experts that provide Expert Advice, Solutions and Projects that could benefit the Global Community? – If yes, we invite you to join forces with us!

• Bring your own Expert Speakers and let them talk on any subject that could help the World become a better place for us all!

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Global Book Tour

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Support the Good Causes

• We support a Good Cause. A percentage of proceeds will be donated to Habitat for Humanity and help build affordable housing for the under-privileged families

• If you join us, we will support your Good Cause, too!

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Global Book Tour

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Let Your Expertise Shine!

• In today’s Global Economy the Experts knowledge has more Value than ever before

• The Global Book Tour will help you position your Company Expertise as a leading force in the global market

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Global Book Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


Val Slastnikov is a Senior Business Consultant from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

Val knows a lot about experts from his own experience - not only because he recruited them for his clients since 1998, but also because for the last 10 years Val has also been an expert in his field. At first as a Talent Consultant, later on as Technology Sales Leader and Business Solutions Consultant.

Val considers himself to be blessed with a chance to provide help to the Experts Community. Many of experts lives were changed for the better due to Val’s influence and the service that he provided for them and his clients.

Global Book Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


David L. Hancock, the founder of Morgan James Publishing, was named a Finalist in the Best Chairman category in The 2006 American Business Awards.

David has revolutionized book publishing - from the author's standpoint. His Entrepreneurial Publishing™ model enriches authors as well as his company.

David is the Founder of The Entrepreneurial Author University and Founder of The Ethan Awards, the only international, all-encompassing entrepreneurial author awards for business authors.

Global Book Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry. HFHI seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action.

Habitat invites people of all backgrounds, races and religions to build houses together in partnership with families in need.

Habitat has built nearly 300,000 houses around the world, providing more than 1.5 million people in more than 3,000 communities with safe, decent, affordable shelter.

Global Book Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


I have a tremendous empathy for Experts, my target market and I was personally involved with Experts helping them promote themselves to prospective clients

As my biggest strengths are research and analysis, I have been researching and analyzing Experts for the last 10 years

Global Book Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


• According to Wikipedia, “An Expert is a person with a high degree of skill in or knowledge of a certain subject.”

• The word “Expert” derives from Latin ‘Expertus’ and means “to try, test, experience or prove.”

Global Book Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


• I wrote “The Secret Power of an Expert” Success Trilogy for my Dad who was an expert in Civil Engineering. He died early, at the age of 30

• I wrote it for my friend Vlad. He was a Computer Programming Expert in Aerospace industry. He died early, at the age of 43

• I wrote it for all my clients – experts who are working so hard but failing to achieve prosperity they rightfully deserve

• I wrote it for myself. Because now I know that I can’t carry three, but I can help a thousand

Global Book Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


• What I found out from my experience as a Recruiter in Information Technology was that the majority of experts were working too hard, but achieving too little. Instead of trying to focus on their core competence and then start positioning themselves in their target markets, most experts work with one client at a time, and then spend a lot of time and energy on trying to find the next project.

• So back in 2007 I created my first Free Report “How To Hire An IT Expert”, hoping to change my client’s perception about experts.

Global Book Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


• As an IT Business Solutions Consultant, I came to another stunning realization. I found out that my clients, from the smallest “Mom and Pop” shops to top Fortune 500s also did things totally wrong when it comes to understanding the buyer psychology

• Until this day most of them are still using very old, outdated Sales and Marketing methods that no longer work in the new Millennium

• So in the Summer of 2008 I created my second Free Report called “Buying Model 3G”, aiming to change the client’s perception about modern-day buyers

Global Book Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


Reason # 1

• Experts give hope to humanity

“Customers are seeking for experts because they don’t know where to go, what to buy and simply who to trust.”

– Rich Schefren

Global Book Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


Reason # 2

• Experts possess a Secret Power

They are already focused on the first part of the equation that I call “A Secret Success Formula”:

Power Of Mind + Power Of Leverage = Success

Global Book Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


Reason # 3

• There is a huge Market of Experts out there and I believe that I can help that Market in more ways than one

Global Book Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

How Big Is The Market?

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

• Google search pulls 329 Million websites that contain the word ‘expert’ in them

• In June 2008 Amazon.com was showing 402,512 results if you searched books for and about experts

• In February 2009 Amazon.com shows 479,776 results, which proves that we are dealing with the growing, dynamic market

Expert Statistics

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

• As of June 2008, there were 197,000 videos with the word “Expert” on YouTube. As of February 2009, the number of videos has increased to 305,000. That’s 108,000 more in only 7 months!

• Movie Experts (60,700)• Gaming Experts (22,100)• Music Experts (7,710)• Business Experts (4,050)• Health Experts (2,890) • Car Experts (2,560)• Book Experts (2,550)• Marketing Experts (2,100)• Internet Experts (2,020)• Fitness Experts (1,930) • Trading Experts (1,720)• Animal Experts (1,680)• Sales Experts (1,670)• Family Experts (1,640)• Investment Experts (1,530)• Research Experts (1,490)• Technology Experts (1,470)• Design Experts (1,320)• Writing Experts (1,300)• Travel Experts (1,210), etc.

Experts on YouTube

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


• “Aspirants”- Generalists and Specialists that aspire to become Experts

• “Positionists”- Experts who want to position themselves in their target markets

• “Globalists”World Class Experts who care about the world we live in, who want to contribute and bring clients and global experts communities together

The Experts Market



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The Experts Market

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Examples of Global Expert Communities

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


• Experts-Exchange, www.experts-exchange.com, founded in 1996 and currently located in San Mateo, CA, is an online "ask an expert" site for computer related questions.

• In November 2007 the number of solutions on Experts-Exchange reached 2,000,000.

The Experts Market

Main Goal:

Solutions toClient Problems

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


• eXpertist.net www.expertist.net was privately initiated in May 2000 by Mr. Bernd Bieber and Partners and headquartered in Berlin, Germany

• The objective of eXpertist.net is to facilitate a public and interdisciplinary network of experts on sustainable development and international cooperation

The Experts Market

Main Goal:

Bring Public andExperts together

To solve global issues

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


• BitWine www.bitwine.com, a service launched in late 2006 out of Tenafly, New Jersey, lets people ask questions to experts for a fee.

• Experts can charge their clients either by the minute or a simple flat fee. Clients pay by PayPal and the money gets sent to experts as soon as the sessions end.

The Experts Market

Main Goal:

Advice For A Price

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


• LivePerson www.liveperson.com, founded in 1995 and headquartered in New York City, is a leading provider of online communication platforms that facilitate real-time engagement and live expert advice.

• The LivePerson expert marketplace currently consists of 35, 000+ experts and generates over $25 million annually. LivePerson charges clients on a “per minute” and “per project” basis

The Experts Market

Main Goal:

Expert Advice,Solutions and


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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


• In Octorber of 2008 I have put together “The Expert Survey” and sent it out to 100 LivePerson Experts

• The results of the survey turned out to be very revealing as to what the majority of experts were lacking in

The Experts Market

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


• 33.3% stated “Lack of Clients”

• 33.3 % stated “Lack of Promotional Methods”

• 26.7% stated “Lack of Time”

• All the rest stated “Lack of Knowledge”, “Lack of Marketing Tools”, “Lack of Motivation”or “Lack of Orders” (Sales, Projects, etc.)

The Experts Market

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


• Interestingly enough, according to Results of the Survey, “Lack of Money” was #8 priority on the list and only 16.7% of all Experts even saw it as a challenge at all!

The Experts Market

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


• 31.3% selected “1 Lump Sum – and be done with it”

• 25% selected “Monthly Subscription”

• The rest of the Experts selected “Installments” option

The Experts Market

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


All of the above – • My personal experience• My Success Book Trilogy• The Survey responses

from the Experts brought me to a very logical conclusion:

What the Market Wants is More Clients, More Ways of Self-Promotion and More Time to achieve it all!

What the Market Needs is a Solution that would help Experts achieve all that – and they are ready to pay for it, too!

The Experts Market

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


We need to build a Global Network that puts the needs and wants of the Expert Market first and foremost!

While all other Global Expert Communities are either Clients-centric, or “agenda-centric”, we will build a Global Experts Association that is truly “experts-centric” or “expertise-centric”,i.e. it will give an “unfair advantage” to a select group of Experts.

This is how I came up with the idea of a

Global Experts Association

The Experts Market

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


• “Aspirants”- We can help them become Experts

• “Positionists”- We can help them position themselves in their target markets

• “Globalists”- We can help them contribute and unite global experts communities together

The Experts Market



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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”



Question 1:

The Experts Market

How do we connect these 3 market segments


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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”



Question 2:

The Experts Market

How do we get more Clients for our Experts


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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”



Question 3:

The Experts Market

How do we create an “Unfair Advantage” for our


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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

We need to build

“Win-Win” Partnerships!

The Experts Market

The Answer:

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Our Win-Win Partnership Modelwith “World Class” Experts

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Partnership Models


Fortune 500

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• World-Class Experts receive a unique opportunity to establish themselves Globally by becoming Speakers on the Tour

• Digitizer Group establishes itself as an undeniable Expert and Market leader

• Habitat for Humanity

receives both attention and funds for their Mission

Partnership Models

Why is this a Win-Win Model?


PartnershipModel –

Fortune 500

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

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• “World-Class” Experts - those who are well positioned in their Market niches, but looking to expand their business globally

• “Contributors” - those who are able to speak on a topic that would benefit the global experts community

• “Uniters”

- those whose platform brings people together, as opposed to setting them apart

Partnership ModelsWhat Type of Experts would fit this


“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

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• Question 1. Am I a “World-Class” Expert?

• Question 2. Am I a “Contributor”?

• Question 3. Am I a “Uniter”?

Partnership Models

3 Questions to Ask Yourself:

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Are You a “Globalist”?

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Our Win-Win Partnership Modelwith “Fortune 500” Companies

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Partnership Models


Fortune 500

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• Fortune 500 Companies receive a unique opportunity to promote their Message, their Expertise and their Speakers by supporting the Tour and a Good Cause

• Digitizer Group establishes itself as an undeniable Expert and Market leader

• Habitat for Humanity

receives both attention and funds for their Mission

Partnership Models

Why is this a Win-Win Model?


PartnershipModel –

Fortune 500

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

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• “Expertise-centric”

• “Humanistic”

• “Philanthropic”

Partnership Models

What Type of Fortune 500 Companies would fit this Model?

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

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• Those companies that are focused on their core competency, i.e. “one thing” that they are really good at

• Those who value their people as one of their most valuable assets in achieving success, growth and prosperity

• Those who recognize that by improving the lives of their employees and their families wherever they live and work, they are improving the company, too.

Partnership ModelsWhat Type of Fortune 500 Companies are “Expertise-


“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

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• Those whose mission statement benefits the humanity.

• Those who promote diversity, dignity and respect among its employees

• Those who focus on doing good and living well in the “here and now”, and leaving the world better for those who come after.

Partnership ModelsWhat Type of Fortune 500

Companies are “Humanistic”?

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

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• Those that donate money, goods, time or effort to support a good cause

Partnership ModelsWhat Type of Fortune 500

Companies are “Philanthropic”?

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

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• Meet Our People –At 3M, we know it's our people that make our company successful. We have prospered for more than 100 years not only by creating innovative technologies and products, but also by bringing out the best in our employees.

• Sustainability - 3M is committed to actively contributing to sustainable development through environmental protection, social responsibility and economic progress.

Partnership ModelsAn Example of a Fortune 500 Company that fits our Model

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

• Diversity –3M values diversity in the workforce and in the global markets and communities we serve.

• Community Giving –We invest in communities where we live and work.

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Our Win-Win Partnership Modelwith “Fortune 500” and “Non-Profit”


“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Partnership Models




Fortune 500+


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• Fortune 500 Companies receive a unique opportunity to promote their Message, their Expertise and their Speakers by supporting the Tour and a Good Cause

• Digitizer Group establishes itself as an Expert and Market leader

• Non-Profit Organizations receive attention to their Mission and funds for their Good Causes

• Habitat for Humanity

receives attention, funding and global exposure

Partnership Models

Why is this a Win-Win Model?


PartnershipModel –

Fortune 500+


“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

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• Global - Internationally recognized companies, as opposed to Regional or Nationwide organizations

• Altruistic- those who show unselfish concern for the welfare of others

• Public Servants

- those who provide valuable and trusted public services to the global community

Partnership Models

What Type of Non-Profit Organizations would fit this Model?

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

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Partnership Models

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Examples of Non-Profit Organizations that fit our Model

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• Brendon is the author of the book “Life’s Golden Ticket” and a highly-acclaimed life coach, leadership speaker, and business consultant.

• He is revolutionizing the way authors, speakers and entrepreneurs do business by teaching them how to create partnerships and sponsorships with major non-profit organizations and Fortune 500 companies.

Partnership ModelsWho invented this Partnership


“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Brendon Burchard

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In just 18 months of applying this Model, Brendon was able to:

• Get an organization buying 50,000 copies of his STUDENT LEADERSHIP GUIDE every year without his spending a dollar onMarketing

• Get Sony Pictures to promote his College Success Bootcamp for FREE to an audience of more than 5 million people

Partnership ModelsHow did this Partnership Model

work for Brendon?

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Get over $500,000 in advances from sponsors for his novel,


…And so can we!

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


- Packages Start at $500+

Partnership Packages


- Packages Start at $1000+


- Packages Start at $10,000+

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

The Tour is booked via ACCOR Hotels Group

• Operates in 100 countries

• One of the world's largest groups

• Global leader in corporate services

The Tour

Top Performers Award 2008

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

• Pool, spa, fitness center

• Multi-purpose conference rooms

• Business centers

• Meeting rooms with the exclusive “Inspired Meetings” service concept for personalized solutions

• Each Hotel shows off the local cuisine perfectly, as well as offering French standards and international dishes

Experience Of A Lifetime

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Hotel Novotel Mississauga Ontario, Canada

(Amsterdam Suite)

Day One:

• March 28, Saturday• 7:00pm – 10:00pm • (Doors Open at 6:30pm)

Day Two:

• March 29, Sunday• 2:00pm – 05:00pm • (Doors Open at 01:30pm)


Schedule of Events

Address: 3670 Hurontario StreetMississauga, Ontario L5B 1P3


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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Hotel Novotel New York City, Times Square, New York, USA (London and Paris Room)

Day One:

• April 04, Saturday• 7:00pm – 10:00pm • (Doors Open at 6:30pm)

Day Two:

• April 05, Sunday• 2:00pm – 05:00pm • (Doors Open at 01:30pm)

NEW YORK EVENT – APRIL 04-05, 2009

Schedule of Events

Address: 226 West 52nd StreetNew York, NY 10019, United States

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Hotel Sofitel Los Angeles

California, USA (Beverly Ballroom)

Day One:

• April 11, Saturday• 7:00pm – 10:00pm • (Doors Open at 6:30pm)

Day Two:

• April 12, Sunday• 2:00pm – 05:00pm • (Doors Open at 01:30pm)


Schedule of Events

Address: 8555 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90048


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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Hotel Sofitel London St. James London, United Kingdom

(Westminster Suite)

Day One:

• April 18, Saturday• 7:00pm – 10:00pm • (Doors Open at 6:30pm)

Day Two:

• April 19, Sunday• 2:00pm – 05:00pm • (Doors Open at 01:30pm)

LONDON EVENT – APRIL 18-19, 2009

Schedule of Events

Address: 6 Waterloo Place London, England SW1Y 4AN


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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Hotel Mercure JohannesburgBedfordview Johannesburg, South Africa

(South Reef Suite)

Day One:

• April 25, Saturday• 7:00pm – 10:00pm • (Doors Open at 6:30pm)

Day Two:

• April 26, Sunday• 2:00pm – 05:00pm • (Doors Open at 01:30pm)


Schedule of Events

Address: 33 Bradford Road Bedfordview P.O. Box 75825

Gardenview 2047Johannesburg, South Africa

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Hotel Mercure SydneySydney, Australia

(Town Hall)

Day One:

• May 02, Saturday• 7:00pm – 10:00pm • (Doors Open at 6:30pm)

Day Two:

• May 03, Sunday• 2:00pm – 05:00pm • (Doors Open at 01:30pm)

SYDNEY EVENT – MAY 02-03, 2009

Schedule of Events

Address: 818-820 George Street Sydney NSW-2000


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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

I will cover:

“Pros and Cons of Business Models”

Presented by:• Val Slastnikov


• Available for review at SlideShare.com

(I will email the Secret Link to all participants)

Event Topics

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

You can cover:

Any of my Book Topics, such as

- Experts Prosperity- Obstacles In Becoming An Expert- Definitions of Success and Failure- Is Success an Art or a Science?- Expert Statistics- Values and Beliefs- Systems and Models- Life Planning- Strategic Planning- Business Planning- Financial Planning

Event Topics

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Or you can cover:– any of your own

Topics that could benefit the Global Experts Community

Or -any topic that

could benefit the Humanity

(The importance of giving, global warming, family values, etc.)

Event Topics

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Benefit 1.

“Unfair Advantage”

- Deliver Yourself

- Deliver Your Message

- Deliver Your Products and Services to the World

Benefits of Joining The Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Benefit 2.

“Leverage your Platform”

- Deliver Your Message to our List

- Deliver Your Message to other Expert Speakers’ Lists

- Deliver Your Message to our Sponsors’ Lists

Benefits of Joining The Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Benefit 3.

“Profit Sharing Opportunity”

- Become Co-creator of the “Global Book Tour” DVD

- Receive a “First Mover” advantage in being considered as a Trainer, a President of a Local Chapter and/or a Product Creator in the Global Experts Association

Benefits of Joining The Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Benefit 4.

“Access to Superior Positioning tools”

- Brendon Burchard’s Partnership Model “in action” System

- Morgan James Publishing PR and Marketing System

- Ingram Publisher Services System

- RTIR PR Channels- Amazon Co-op

Advertising, and much, much more!

Benefits of Joining The Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Benefit 5.

“Support a Great Cause”

- Support the Habitat for Humanity and help build affordable housing

- Support Great Causes of other Participants of the Global Book Tour

Benefits of Joining The Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Benefit 6.

“Experience of a Life Time”

- Rub shoulders with other World Class Experts

- Travel the World - Stay in the most

luxurious settings on 4 Continents in 6 Largest Cities of the World

Benefits of Joining The Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Benefit 7.

“Feel The Power”

- See the “Secret Power of an Expert” in action

- Participate in the launch of our successful program

- Learn directly and “in person” from all other Expert Speakers and participants of the Tour

Benefits of Joining The Tour

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Fill out “The Expert Speaker Survey” and submit it by February 17, 2009

- If selected, you will be notified in writing not later than February 24, 2009

- The number of Speakers is limited, but we promise to respond to all submissions in writing

- The Top Speaker will receive a $10, 000 prize and will be announced on the Global Book Tour blog on May 3, 2009

What To Do Next?

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

What is in the Survey?

- 10 Questions, multiple choice

- Tell us about yourself

- Tell us about your area of specialization

- What topics can you cover?

- What type of company you represent?

- How would you like to join us?

About The Expert Speaker Survey

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“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

- You have to prove that you are a “World-Class” Expert

- You have to prove that you really care about the world you live in

- You have to explain how you want to contribute and how you are planning to bring clients and global experts communities together

How To Win $10, 000 Prize?

Are You a “Globalist”?

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• Question 1. Am I a “World-Class” Expert?

• Question 2. Am I a “Contributor”?

• Question 3. Am I a “Uniter”?

Partnership Models

3 Questions to Ask Yourself:

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Are You a “Globalist”?

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We are not looking for one-time Sponsors. We are looking for Life-long Partners and we want to help them promote their Expertise and their Message to the World.

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”

Global Book Tour

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For further information please contact:

• The Author: Val A. Slastnikov, Digitizer Group, 128 Queen Street S., Suite 42195, Mississauga, ON, Canada L5M 1K8. Tel.: 1-647-218-5616. Email: [email protected] Web: www.digitizergroup.com

• The Publisher: David L. Hancock, Morgan James Publishing, 1225 Franklin Ave., Suite 325, Garden City, New York, USA 11530. Tel.: 1-800-485-4943 Toll Free. 1-516-620-2528. Email: [email protected] Web: www.morganjamespublishing.com

• Habitat For Humanity: Habitat for Humanity International, 121 Habitat Street., Americus, GA, USA 31709. Tel.: 1-800-422-4828. Email: [email protected] Web: www.habitat.org

“The Secret Power Of An Expert”


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