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環球投資分析 Global Investment Update 二○○九年一月.January 2009 外匯市場速遞 歐元、英鎊及澳元 回顧與展望 投資專題 專題剖析:2009年中國H股 市場展望 環球市場展望 美國:政策主導股市去向 歐洲:經濟及盈利前景尚未明朗 日本:日圓急升打擊出口 亞洲:短期股市仍大幅波動


GlobalInvestmentUpdate二○○九年一月.January 2009


投資專題專題剖析:2009年中國H股 市場展望



趨於穩定。聯邦儲備局於12月將聯邦基金目標利率調低至0%-0.25%,並承諾購買政府資助機構的債務及按揭抵押 證券。這些措施成功降低了消費者及企業的借貸成本, 因而刺激美股於年底反彈。儘管所有經濟數據均反映經濟環境每況愈下,但美國政府及聯邦儲備局重申將盡施一切可用手段去回復市場穩定及促進經濟復甦。我們預計政策因素將左右美國股市的短期走勢。


萎縮及日圓強勁則對日本出口帶來衝擊。儘管日本家庭的 負債水平相對穩健,而日本金融體系受全球信貸危機的影響低於美國及歐洲,但隨著經濟及企業盈利進一步惡化的風險增加,日本的消費及企業信心於短期內難望好轉,尤其是 考慮到過去數月日圓急升,已對日本製造業帶來沉重打擊。此外,政局不明朗亦導致當局遲遲未能推出刺激經濟措施來重振疲弱經濟。短期內,我們繼續對日股保持審慎態度。

亞洲為維護金融市場穩定及力挽經濟狂瀾,全 球 各 國 政 府 及 央 行 紛 紛 推 出 救 市

措施,因而刺激亞洲股市在11月中旬的低位反彈。由於通脹降溫及外匯儲備充裕,亞洲各國當局有能力大幅調低利率,並推出重大的財政方案來提振經濟。另一利好 因素是,日圓大幅升值,使亞洲其他國家出口對日本出口的競爭力相應提高。雖然當前偏低的整體股市估值帶來長線的投資良機,但巿場仍關注全球經濟衰退的程度及持續時間,以及其對亞洲區出口業復甦的影響,亞洲市場短期內將持續大幅波動。

USThe US equity markets stabilized following a batch of rescue programs and stimulus packages from the government and the Federal Reserve.The government and the Federal Reserve restate that they will employ all available tools to restore market stability and boost economic recovery. We expect the equity markets to be policy driven in the near term.

EuropeFurther stimulus packages for the financial markets and the economies from the European governments and central banks are less impressive and proactive compared to those in the US. Despite valuations for equities continue to look attractive, gloomier economic and earnings outlooks will weigh negatively on the equities markets in the near term.

歐洲雖 然 所 有 經 濟 數 據 均 顯 示 經 濟 不 斷 惡化,但隨著全球各國政府及央行推

出連串救市措施,並加快放寬貨幣政策以重振市場信心, 歐洲股市於11月中旬止跌回升。然而,歐洲各國政府及央行進一步刺激金融市場及經濟的措施,並未如美國般決斷及主動。此外,由於經濟不景氣,石油及原材料價格可能進一步下跌,將打擊股巿中佔高比重的能源及採礦 公司股價的表現。儘管股市估值仍具吸引力,但經濟及盈利前景趨於黯淡,將於短期內對股市帶來負面影響。

JapanConsumption and business confidence revival is not expected in the near term with rising risks on further economic and corporate earnings deteriorations. A skyrocketing yen over the past few months have taken a substantial toll on manufacturing activities in Japan. We continue to maintain a cautious stance on the equity markets in the near term.

AsiaGiven falling inflation and abundant foreign reserves, authorities in Asia are capable to slash interest rate aggressively and launch sizable fiscal stimulus packages to boost the economies. Despite overall equity valuations provide good investment opportunities for a long-term perspective, market volatility remains high in the near term on concerns over the severity and duration of a global recession, and its impacts on exports recovery in the Asian regions.


環 球 投 資 分 析2

Global MarketOutlook

†資料來源 Sources: Reuters

Investment Feature

Global Investment Update 3

投資專題H-share Market Prospects in 2009We expect the China’s H-share market to remain highly volatile in the first half of 2009 amid global economic downturn and external uncertainties. However, the H-share market shall regain upward momentum earlier than elsewhere when fiscal stimulus policies take effect gradually and the external environment stabilizes.

Economic RisksChina is confronted with economic problems in several aspects. China’s exports have shrunk remarkably overshadowed by global economic recession.

Rescue Strategies from the AuthoritiesChina’s foreign reserves of US$2 trillion and an anticipated sharp fall in inflation bode well for the Chinese authorities to adopt sizable fiscal stimulus packages as well as easing monetary policies. Chinese authorities are likely to launch further economic stimulus measures to achieve the 8% targeted GDP growth level in 2009.

RMB TrendWe believe a significant RMB depreciation is unlikely even though a cheaper currency underpins export recovery.

Investment StrategiesDespite outlook on the China’s equity market remains uncertain as China now faces challenges on multiple fronts, the H-share market looks attractively prices based on parameters such as price-to-earnings, price-to-book and dividend yield. Investors now can consider accumulating equities of some sectors for medium- to long-term investments. We favor infrastructures, telecoms and utilities.

ConclusionChina’s fundamentals remain relatively out-standing. Aggressive and proactive measures f r o m t h e C h i n e s e authorities should help acce lera te pace on economic recovery. The H-share market is still a preferred investment market.


經濟風險中國正面對多方面的經濟問題。在環球經濟衰退的陰霾下,中國的出口已出現顯著的放緩。製造業深受打擊,國內工廠紛紛倒閉, 失業率急升亦可能觸發社會不穩。另外,由於股市及樓市下滑所產生的負面財富效應亦嚴重打擊消費信心,拖累了國內的消費需求。


人民幣走勢雖然人民幣貶值有助出口復甦,但我們認為人民幣大幅貶值的機會不大。首先,人民幣大幅貶值會引發對中國股市及房地產等中國 資產出現恐慌性拋售的風險。其次,人民幣匯率下跌亦會引起亞洲區內貨幣競相貶值,最終亦將拖累中國的出口。最後,人民幣貶值亦會加深中國與貿易伙伴的摩擦甚至報復,最終亦會損害中國的 利益。


總結中國的基本質素仍相對突出,當局積極及具前瞻性的措施均有助加快中國經濟的復甦步伐。然而外圍經濟環境仍然相當不明朗, 中國H股市場在2009年上半年的表現仍會反覆,但個別行業的股價已返回中長線投資的入市時機。中國H股市場仍是被看高一線的投資市場。

資料來源 Source:彭博 Bloomberg

恆生中國企業指數市盈率Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Price to Earnings Ratio

恆生中國企業指數市賬率Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Price to Book Ratio










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環 球 投 資 分 析4

風險:高度  Risk Level: High

風險:中度   Risk Level: Medium

風險:低度  Risk Level: Low


地區股票基金 Regional Equity Funds 基金規模 累積回報率 夏普比率 Lipper 總回報 基金評級 Fund Size Cumulative Return (%) Sharpe Ratio Lipper Total Return 貨幣 美元百萬 1年 3 年 5 年 3年 3年 整體基金名稱 / 類別 Fund Name/ Sector Currency USD million 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 3 Years 3 Years Overall歐洲股票 European Equity富蘭克林互惠歐洲基金 Franklin Mutual European EUR $2,582.1 -40.98 -7.81 24.20 -0.23 Leader Leader貝萊德全球基金 - 歐洲基金 BGF European Fund EUR $439.9 -43.05 -12.41 15.28 -0.23 Leader 4景順歐洲指標增值基金 Invesco Pan European Structured Equity EUR $480.2 -45.10 -17.86 12.28 -0.25 4 3Sector Average $276.8 -45.71 -19.12 7.52 -0.25 — —歐洲股票 – 小型公司 European Equity – Smaller Companies霸菱歐洲精選基金 Baring Europe Select GBP $320.5 -45.06 -7.64 47.79 -0.17 Leader Leader貝萊德全球基金 - 歐洲特別時機基金 BGF European Opportunities Fund EUR $280.6 -50.08 -25.14 9.53 -0.27 4 3Sector Average $97.0 -53.28 -28.25 9.12 -0.24 — —亞太股票 Asia Pacific Equity富達基金 - 亞太股息增長基金 USD $333.1 -32.78 5.75 — -0.09 Leader LeaderFidelity Funds - Asia Pacific Growth & Income貝萊德全球基金 - 太平洋股票基金 BGF Pacific Equity Fund USD $67.6 -38.81 -20.96 13.61 -0.19 3 3JF太平洋證券基金 JF Pacific Securities Fund USD $296.0 -38.83 -14.75 18.28 -0.12 Leader LeaderSector Average $133.2 -45.46 -19.75 11.51 -0.15 — —亞太股票(不包括日本) Asia Pacific Equity (Excl. Japan) 首域亞洲股本優點基金 First State Asian Equity Plus USD $919.4 -38.04 9.43 69.90 -0.02 Leader Leader富達基金 - 亞洲特別機會基金 Fidelity Funds - Asian Special Situations USD $700.4 -46.06 3.26 52.59 -0.04 Leader LeaderSector Average $207.7 -51.39 -10.69 23.67 -0.08 — —亞太股票 – 小型公司 Asia Pacific Equity – Smaller Companies 景順亞洲機會基金 Invesco Asia Opportunities Equity USD $58.5 -51.26 -2.25 25.13 -0.05 Leader Leader德盛小龍基金 Allianz RCM Little Dragons USD $391.1 -53.96 -9.38 8.06 -0.07 Leader 4Sector Average $91.7 -54.26 -23.99 5.33 -0.13 — —環球新興市場股票 Global Emerging Market Equity霸菱全球新興市場基金 Baring Global Emerging Markets USD $521.3 -50.16 -7.71 42.63 -0.07 Leader Leader寶源環球基金系列 - 新興市場 Schroder ISF Emerging Markets USD $100.2 -52.28 -12.80 35.26 -0.09 4 3摩根富林明全方位新興市場基金 JPM Emerging Markets Equity USD $1,105.5 -52.75 -12.84 62.16 -0.09 4 4Sector Average $235.1 -54.85 -17.11 34.89 -0.10 — —

環球債券、股票及均衡基金 Global Bond, Equity & Balanced Funds 基金規模 累積回報率 夏普比率 Lipper 總回報 基金評級 Fund Size Cumulative Return (%) Sharpe Ratio Lipper Total Return 貨幣 美元百萬 1年 3 年 5 年 3年 3年 整體基金名稱 / 類別 Fund Name/ Sector Currency USD million 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 3 Years 3 Years Overall環球債券 Global Bond鄧普頓環球債券基金 Templeton Global Bond USD $3,193.9 7.36 34.64 47.36 0.24 Leader LeaderJF國際債券及貨幣基金 JF Global Bond and Currency Fund USD $90.3 7.45 20.83 21.14 0.07 4 4景順債券基金 Invesco Bond ★ USD $408.0 11.36 27.28 32.06 0.13 Leader LeaderSector Average $188.4 0.62 16.08 22.81 0.01 — —環球高息債券 Global High Yield Bond霸菱高收益債券基金 Baring High Yield Bond USD $83.5 -21.58 -11.23 -0.37 -0.25 Leader 4 景順策略債券基金 Invesco Global High Income USD $190.1 -22.45 -12.24 3.34 -0.16 3 4 Sector Average $323.2 -27.72 -10.72 4.19 -0.20 — —環球股票 Global Equity富通全球賞息股票基金 Fortis L Equity High Dividend World EUR $70.8 -42.81 -18.47 — 0.14 4 4匯豐增長管理基金 HSBC Managed Growth Fund HKD $216.7 -43.23 -13.87 10.29 -0.12 Leader Leader Sector Average $176.1 -43.24 -22.72 -1.76 -0.19 — —環球股票 – 小型公司 Global Equity – Smaller Companies貝萊德全球基金 - 環球特別時機基金 BGF Global Opportunities Fund USD $71.6 -39.17 -20.28 11.96 -0.16 Leader Leader貝萊德全球基金 - 環球小型企業基金 BGF Global SmallCap Fund USD $73.1 -39.42 -16.50 6.59 -0.14 Leader Leader SectorAverage $66.0 -43.86 -27.06 -2.51 -0.19 — —環球均衡 Global Balanced匯豐穩健管理基金 HSBC Managed Stable Fund HKD $100.2 -16.67 4.96 13.11 -0.06 — —貝萊德全球基金 - 環球資產配置基金 BGF Global Allocation Fund USD $4,659.5 -22.89 1.48 22.98 -0.10 Leader LeaderSectorAverage $241.9 -26.39 -6.73 8.75 -0.16 — —

主題及對沖基金 Theme & Hedge Funds 基金規模 累積回報率 夏普比率 Lipper 總回報 基金評級 Fund Size Cumulative Return (%) Sharpe Ratio Lipper Total Return 貨幣 美元百萬 1年 3 年 5 年 3年 3年 整體基金名稱 / 類別 Fund Name/ Sector Currency USD million 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 3 Years 3 Years Overall資訊科技 Information Technology富蘭克林科技基金 Franklin Technology ★ USD $66.8 -39.01 -24.85 -16.14 -0.17 4 4 JF太平洋科技基金 JF Pacific Technology Fund USD $78.3 -43.78 -49.80 -37.46 -0.36 1 2Sector Average $53.9 -44.94 -31.25 -22.38 -0.22 3 3天然資源 Natural Resources天達環球策略基金 - 環球能源 Investec GSF Global Energy USD $465.7 -45.01 -16.74 90.89 -0.10 3 Leader貝萊德全球基金 - 世界金融基金 BGF World Energy Fund USD $1,842.8 -46.41 -18.79 65.81 -0.11 3 3景順能源基金 Invesco Energy USD $152.7 -48.07 -18.24 67.75 -0.10 4 LeaderSector Average $332.9 -50.32 -12.16 51.35 -0.08 – –健康護理 Healthcare富通全球健康護理股票基金 Fortis L Equity Health Care World EUR $185.4 -23.60 -16.84 -8.09 -0.26 4 3貝萊德全球基金 - 世界健康科學基金 BGF World Healthscience Fund USD $127.2 -24.27 -8.71 10.05 -0.14 Leader Leader富達基金 - 環球健康護理基金 Fidelity Funds - Global Health Care EUR $247.3 -25.04 -12.07 8.06 -0.20 Leader LeaderSector Average $139.4 -27.45 -17.62 0.17 -0.22 – –金融服務 Financial Services富達基金-環球金融服務基金 Fidelity Funds - Global Financial Services EUR $215.8 -47.01 -33.42 -6.28 -0.27 Leader Leader貝萊德全球基金 - 世界金融基金 BGF World Financials Fund USD $108.4 -53.64 -54.08 -29.71 -0.35 2 3Sector Average $46.2 -52.92 -34.86 -28.33 -0.27 – –其他 Others 貝萊德全球基金 - 世界黃金基金 BGF World Gold Fund USD $3,359.8 -34.44 11.70 37.26 -0.01 – –貝萊德全球基金 - 新能源基金 BGF New Energy Fund USD $2,113.8 -54.07 -5.38 50.82 -0.05 Leader LeaderNoRanking對沖及管理期貨基金 Hedge and Managed FuturesMan AHL Diversified Futures Ltd USD $1,390.4 24.93 55.38 88.79 0.21 – –NoRanking

地區債券基金 Regional Bond Funds 基金規模 累積回報率 夏普比率 Lipper 總回報 基金評級 Fund Size Cumulative Return (%) Sharpe Ratio Lipper Total Return 貨幣 美元百萬 1年 3 年 5 年 3年 3年 整體基金名稱 / 類別 Fund Name/ Sector Currency USD million 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 3 Years 3 Years Overall美元債券 USD BondPIMCO總回報債券基金 PIMCO GIS Total Return Bond USD $400.4 4.60 17.52 25.08 0.06 Leader Leader施羅德環球基金系列-美元債券 Schroder ISF US Dollar Bond USD $79.2 4.89 14.53 23.22 0.00 4 4富蘭克林美國政府基金 Franklin US Government USD $1,265.1 6.10 15.77 22.11 0.04 Leader LeaderSector Average $217.7 -1.62 8.50 15.23 -0.08 — —美元高息債券 USD High Yield Bond 富達基金 - 美元高收益基金 Fidelity Funds - US High Yield USD $264.3 -25.30 -16.73 -5.10 -0.23 3 3富蘭克林高息基金 Franklin High Yield USD $843.5 -26.37 -19.08 -10.06 -0.23 2 2Sector Average $109.0 -27.06 -17.52 -6.03 -0.25 — —歐洲債券 European Bond寶源環球基金系列-歐洲債券 Schroder ISF European Bond EUR $59.2 -0.50 21.29 27.36 -0.22 4 4景順歐洲債券基金 Invesco European Bond EUR $58.4 -3.15 18.53 22.85 -0.38 3 3Sector Average $91.8 -5.90 14.65 20.06 -0.28 — —亞太債券 Asia Pacific Bond鄧普頓亞洲債券基金 Templeton Asian Bond USD $106.5 -5.59 19.17 – 0.03 Leader Leader施羅德環球基金系列-亞洲債券 Schroder ISF Asian Bond USD $265.7 -5.77 7.34 19.33 -0.07 4 4匯豐亞洲債券基金 HSBC Asian Bond Fund USD $121.2 -6.81 7.22 23.35 -0.06 4 4Sector Average $136.9 -16.80 -4.13 0.78 -0.13 — —新興市場債券 Emerging Market Bond匯豐環球新興市場債券基金 HSBC GIF Global Emerging Markets Bond USD $248.3 -11.86 2.31 25.13 -0.09 4 4鄧普頓新興市場債券基金 Templeton Emerging Markets Bond USD $362.9 -18.43 2.39 19.77 -0.07 Leader 4Sector Average $107.1 -17.74 -6.14 17.93 -0.11 — —

Global Investment Update 5

Lipper 基金評級:Lipper 基金評級每月更新一次,並根據三年的穩定回報、保本能力及總回報所得的數值計算每隻基金等權平均數,繼而將同類基金以百分位數排名。於同一組別中,領先的20%基金在總體回報上被授予 Lipper Leaders 稱號,之後的20%為2級。中間的20%為3級,再之後的20%為4級,最後的20%為5級。 Lipper 基金評級不可預測基金表現,而且Lipper 並不保證資訊的準確性。查詢詳情,請瀏覽 www.lipperweb.com。Lipper Ratings: The Lipper rat ings are subject to change every month and are based on an equal-weighted average of percenti le ranks for Consistent Return, Preservation, and Total Return metrics over three-year periods. The highest 20% of funds in each peer group are named Lipper Leaders, the next 20% receive a score of 2, the middle 20% are scored 3, the next 20% are scored 4, and the lowest 20% are scored 5. Lipper ratings are not intended to predict future results, and Lipper does not guarantee the accuracy of this information. More information is available at www.lipperweb.com.

夏普比率是用來衡量基金調整風險後的表現之比率。它以標準差及超額回報率計算每一分風險所得到的報酬補償。夏普比率愈高,代表基金在歷史風險調整後的回報表現愈高。Sharpe ratio is a ratio to measure mutual fund’s risk-adjusted performance. It is calculated using standard deviation and excess return to determine reward per unit of risk. The higher the Sharpe ratio, the better the fund’s historical risk-adjusted performance.

主題及對沖基金 Theme & Hedge Funds 基金規模 累積回報率 夏普比率 Lipper 總回報 基金評級 Fund Size Cumulative Return (%) Sharpe Ratio Lipper Total Return 貨幣 美元百萬 1年 3 年 5 年 3年 3年 整體基金名稱 / 類別 Fund Name/ Sector Currency USD million 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 3 Years 3 Years Overall資訊科技 Information Technology富蘭克林科技基金 Franklin Technology ★ USD $66.8 -39.01 -24.85 -16.14 -0.17 4 4 JF太平洋科技基金 JF Pacific Technology Fund USD $78.3 -43.78 -49.80 -37.46 -0.36 1 2Sector Average $53.9 -44.94 -31.25 -22.38 -0.22 3 3天然資源 Natural Resources天達環球策略基金 - 環球能源 Investec GSF Global Energy USD $465.7 -45.01 -16.74 90.89 -0.10 3 Leader貝萊德全球基金 - 世界金融基金 BGF World Energy Fund USD $1,842.8 -46.41 -18.79 65.81 -0.11 3 3景順能源基金 Invesco Energy USD $152.7 -48.07 -18.24 67.75 -0.10 4 LeaderSector Average $332.9 -50.32 -12.16 51.35 -0.08 – –健康護理 Healthcare富通全球健康護理股票基金 Fortis L Equity Health Care World EUR $185.4 -23.60 -16.84 -8.09 -0.26 4 3貝萊德全球基金 - 世界健康科學基金 BGF World Healthscience Fund USD $127.2 -24.27 -8.71 10.05 -0.14 Leader Leader富達基金 - 環球健康護理基金 Fidelity Funds - Global Health Care EUR $247.3 -25.04 -12.07 8.06 -0.20 Leader LeaderSector Average $139.4 -27.45 -17.62 0.17 -0.22 – –金融服務 Financial Services富達基金-環球金融服務基金 Fidelity Funds - Global Financial Services EUR $215.8 -47.01 -33.42 -6.28 -0.27 Leader Leader貝萊德全球基金 - 世界金融基金 BGF World Financials Fund USD $108.4 -53.64 -54.08 -29.71 -0.35 2 3Sector Average $46.2 -52.92 -34.86 -28.33 -0.27 – –其他 Others 貝萊德全球基金 - 世界黃金基金 BGF World Gold Fund USD $3,359.8 -34.44 11.70 37.26 -0.01 – –貝萊德全球基金 - 新能源基金 BGF New Energy Fund USD $2,113.8 -54.07 -5.38 50.82 -0.05 Leader LeaderNoRanking對沖及管理期貨基金 Hedge and Managed FuturesMan AHL Diversified Futures Ltd USD $1,390.4 24.93 55.38 88.79 0.21 – –NoRanking

地區債券基金 Regional Bond Funds 基金規模 累積回報率 夏普比率 Lipper 總回報 基金評級 Fund Size Cumulative Return (%) Sharpe Ratio Lipper Total Return 貨幣 美元百萬 1年 3 年 5 年 3年 3年 整體基金名稱 / 類別 Fund Name/ Sector Currency USD million 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 3 Years 3 Years Overall美元債券 USD BondPIMCO總回報債券基金 PIMCO GIS Total Return Bond USD $400.4 4.60 17.52 25.08 0.06 Leader Leader施羅德環球基金系列-美元債券 Schroder ISF US Dollar Bond USD $79.2 4.89 14.53 23.22 0.00 4 4富蘭克林美國政府基金 Franklin US Government USD $1,265.1 6.10 15.77 22.11 0.04 Leader LeaderSector Average $217.7 -1.62 8.50 15.23 -0.08 — —美元高息債券 USD High Yield Bond 富達基金 - 美元高收益基金 Fidelity Funds - US High Yield USD $264.3 -25.30 -16.73 -5.10 -0.23 3 3富蘭克林高息基金 Franklin High Yield USD $843.5 -26.37 -19.08 -10.06 -0.23 2 2Sector Average $109.0 -27.06 -17.52 -6.03 -0.25 — —歐洲債券 European Bond寶源環球基金系列-歐洲債券 Schroder ISF European Bond EUR $59.2 -0.50 21.29 27.36 -0.22 4 4景順歐洲債券基金 Invesco European Bond EUR $58.4 -3.15 18.53 22.85 -0.38 3 3Sector Average $91.8 -5.90 14.65 20.06 -0.28 — —亞太債券 Asia Pacific Bond鄧普頓亞洲債券基金 Templeton Asian Bond USD $106.5 -5.59 19.17 – 0.03 Leader Leader施羅德環球基金系列-亞洲債券 Schroder ISF Asian Bond USD $265.7 -5.77 7.34 19.33 -0.07 4 4匯豐亞洲債券基金 HSBC Asian Bond Fund USD $121.2 -6.81 7.22 23.35 -0.06 4 4Sector Average $136.9 -16.80 -4.13 0.78 -0.13 — —新興市場債券 Emerging Market Bond匯豐環球新興市場債券基金 HSBC GIF Global Emerging Markets Bond USD $248.3 -11.86 2.31 25.13 -0.09 4 4鄧普頓新興市場債券基金 Templeton Emerging Markets Bond USD $362.9 -18.43 2.39 19.77 -0.07 Leader 4Sector Average $107.1 -17.74 -6.14 17.93 -0.11 — —

資料來源:Lipper,截至2008年12月31日,以期內每股買入價折合美元計算,收益再作投資。Sources: Lipper, as of 12/31/2008, USD percentage return, bid to bid, gross income reinvested.

★於同一組別中,一年最佳表現基金。 The best one year performance fund, relative to peer.

單一國家基金 Single Country Funds 基金規模 累積回報率 夏普比率 Lipper 總回報 基金評級 Fund Size Cumulative Return (%) Sharpe Ratio Lipper Total Return 貨幣 美元百萬 1年 3 年 5 年 3年 3年 整體基金名稱 / 類別 Fund Name/ Sector Currency USD million 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 3 Years 3 Years Overall美國股票 American Equity富通美國增長股票基金 Fortis L Equity Growth USD $231.2 -32.95 -13.92 -7.02 -0.16 Leader 4富蘭克林美國股票基金 Franklin US Equity USD $93.5 -33.55 -21.87 -15.32 -0.24 Leader Leader景順美國藍籌指標增值基金 Invesco US Structured Equity USD $231.6 -36.30 -21.74 -10.02 -0.22 Leader LeaderSector Average $162.2 -40.22 -29.77 -18.45 -0.26 — — 美國股票 – 小型公司 American Equity – Smaller Companies施羅德環球基金系列 - 美國小型公司 USD $233.4 -33.37 -11.98 15.57 -0.13 Leader LeaderSchroder ISF US Smaller Companies貝萊德全球基金 - 美國特別時機基金 BGF US Opportunities Fund USD $68.1 -38.20 -22.57 -1.03 -0.17 3 3Sector Average $58.3 -42.47 -28.62 -11.80 -0.21 — —日本股票 Japan Equity富達基金 - 日本領先基金 Fidelity Funds - Japan Advantage JPY $411.7 -1.80 -16.34 22.66 -0.23 Leader Leader景順日本動力基金 Invesco Japanese Equity Core USD $118.0 -29.03 -26.67 -0.90 -0.27 Leader LeaderSector Average $101.8 -31.52 -38.20 -11.44 -0.33 — —大中華股票 Greater China Equity富達基金 - 大中華基金 Fidelity Funds - Greater China USD $202.7 -44.00 5.01 32.26 -0.08 2 2鄧普頓中國基金 Templeton China USD $331.1 -45.11 16.60 47.19 0.01 4 4首域大中華增長基金 First State Greater China Growth USD $224.9 -45.29 23.34 76.12 0.03 4 LeaderSector Average $265.4 -51.00 11.21 32.96 -0.04 — —中國股票 China Equity富達基金 - 中國焦點基金 Fidelity Funds - China Focus USD $1,455.0 -48.34 58.37 84.48 0.05 4 4寶源環球基金系列 - 中國優勢 Schroder ISF China Opportunities USD $377.6 -49.39 — — — — —Sector Average $306.4 -52.37 53.54 69.77 0.06 — —香港股票 Hong Kong Equity施羅德環球基金系列 - 香港股票 Schroder ISF Hong Kong Equity HKD $244.3 -50.38 19.17 68.49 0.02 4 Leader德盛香港基金 Allianz RCM Hong Kong USD $84.1 -50.45 14.23 55.27 0.01 3 3Sector Average $294.6 -48.79 9.42 38.03 -0.01 — —台灣股票 Taiwan Equity富達基金 - 台灣基金 Fidelity Funds - Taiwan USD $365.8 -44.69 -32.12 -15.12 -0.18 — —JF台灣基金 JF Taiwan Fund USD $198.2 -51.19 -39.42 -15.85 -0.19 — —Sector Average $91.5 -46.76 -32.39 -13.54 -0.17 — —韓國股票 Korea Equity景順韓國基金 Invesco Korean Equity USD $226.5 -51.68 -23.06 33.69 -0.07 Leader 3JF南韓基金 JF Korea Fund USD $378.6 -52.43 -23.68 73.66 -0.12 Leader LeaderSector Average $112.3 -53.20 -30.75 32.57 -0.14 — —泰國股票 Thailand Equity富達基金 - 泰國基金 Fidelity Funds - Thailand ★ USD $311.9 -44.77 -17.05 -14.71 -0.16 Leader Leader JF泰國基金 JF Thailand Fund USD $182.2 -51.21 -11.40 -18.00 -0.07 Leader LeaderSector Average $94.4 -50.32 -25.04 -29.62 -0.15 — —印度股票 India Equity富通印度股票基金 Fortis L Equity India USD $106.0 -61.41 -9.18 — -0.08 2 2JF印度基金 JF India Fund USD $807.4 -61.47 -5.38 75.15 -0.05 3 3Sector Average $244.1 -62.77 -9.52 60.16 -0.07 — —新加坡股票 Singapore Equity富達基金 - 新加坡基金 Fidelity Funds - Singapore ★ USD $159.2 -47.99 0.27 42.86 -0.09 4 Leader JF新加坡基金 JF Singapore Fund USD $64.4 -58.56 -8.45 45.82 -0.09 3 LeaderSector Average $91.2 -54.76 -8.28 31.91 -0.10 — —

環 球 投 資 分 析6


†資料來源 Sources: Reuters

歐元11月的歐元區通脹率急速放緩至2.1%,反映歐洲央行仍有進一步的減息 空間。儘管如此,歐洲央行於11月將官方利率下調0.75%至2.5%後,歐洲央行主席表示該行能夠進一步減息的幅度受到局限,暗示歐洲央行不願意大幅減息,以留有餘地防範市況進一步惡化。此外,美國聯邦儲備局以定量貨幣措施(quantitativeeasingmeasures)積極放鬆銀根,意味美元供應增加,因而將會削弱美元價值。雖然歐元將從美元相對疲弱的走勢中獲益,但歐洲經濟前景黯淡意味歐元的上升空間有限,歐元短期內將在現水平反覆波動。

EURThe European Central Bank President cited there is a limit to how far the bank can cut interest rate, suggesting that the European Central Bank is reluctant to cut rate aggressively.Aggressive quantitative easing measures by the US Federal Reserve imply more US dollar supply and undermine the value of the USD. Although EUR will benefit from relative weak trend of the USD, gloomier economic outlook suggests a limited upside on EUR. EUR will fluctuate at current level in the near term.

英鎊英國經濟持續惡化,製造業及服務業採購經理指數創下多年低位。11月份失業率亦攀升至6%。繼12月初減息1%後,英倫銀行於1月初再減息 半厘,使官方利率由7月份的5.75%大幅回落至1.5%。與歐洲央行相反,英倫銀行傾向透過進一步大幅減息來對抗經濟衰退,故巿場預計官方利率或會繼續下降,創下英倫銀行自1694年成立以來的最低水平。此外,由於英鎊走勢與英國住宅市場的表現的相關性甚高,在住宅市場尚未見觸底回升之時,英鎊將繼續受壓,短期內英磅有下跌趨勢。

GBPUnlike the European Central Bank, the Bank of England biases to further cut rate aggressively to combat economic recession.Since the GBP trend is closely correlated with the performance of the UK housing market, GBP will remain under pressure with no signs of bottoming out in the housing market. GBP tends to lower in the near term.

Global Investment Update 7


AUDAUD has enjoyed a rebound on rekindled investors appetite for higher-yielding assets after the US Federal Reserve lowered the federal funds rate to as low as zero. AUD demands are likely to gather pace as an attractive rate differential of AUD may overweigh feeble economic fundamentals in the nation. We believe upward momentum on AUD will remain intact in the near term.

The information contained in this newsletter, other than statements of fact, was obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy of completeness cannot be guaranteed. Any opinions expressed herein are given in good faith but are also subject to change without notice. Nothing contained in this newsletter should be constructed as guidance to the suitability of the markets mentioned, neither is it intended as an offer to invest, therefore you are encouraged to consult your own independent financial advisors before making any investment decision.The past performance of a fund is not a guide to its future performance and yields are not guaranteed. The value of an investment can go down as well as up and you could lose some or all of the principal amount invested. Funds are not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by the Bank or any of its affiliates. Although the Bank does not charge a fee for providing the mutual funds advisory services described above, it will normally be paid a commission by the fund managers. For the risks involved in investing in mutual funds, investors should refer to the prospectus of the relevant funds.As at the date of this document, the Bank may hold funds or securities that it recommends in this newsletter (1) as nominee or custodian for its customers, and/or (2) as chargee/security interest holder in relation to financial accomodations granted to its customers secured by such funds or securities. Investment in foreign exchange and the use of leverage for margin involves significant risk. For a description of these risks, please refer to the specific documentation for this product.The return on FX Linked Deposits is limited to the nominal interest payable, which will be dependent, to at least some extent, on movements in some specified currency exchange rate. Whilst the possible return may be higher than conventional time deposits, it is normally associated with higher risks. When the fluctuation of the currency exchange rates differs from what the Customer expected, the Customer may have to bear the consequential loss. Note that this product is not a protected deposit and is not protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong.If you do not wish to receive from us and/or our affiliates information in relation to ourselves and/or affiliates, new services, products or special offers we or our affiliates provide or other useful information, please inform us in writing [Fax : (852) 3718 2248].

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