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Global perspectives in the classroom - phil casas

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A TeachMeet WA presentation.
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Page 1: Global perspectives in the classroom -  phil casas
Page 2: Global perspectives in the classroom -  phil casas

Student Learning• Empathy for other genders and cultures

• What it means to be true global citizens

• Project planning, project management, communication, collaboration

• Problems girls and boys face in getting an education

• Reaching audiences from various cultural backgrounds

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Best Practice• Students play an active role in co-creating their learning experience• Games serve as an engaging and fun learning tool• Giving students an authentic audience is both a motivator and a source of

engagement• Combining traditional research with art and action components helps to

reach different learning styles• Seeking support from parents and the community can add valuable local

connection• Giving students access to a collaboration space helps build support• Local connections make global issues tangible and real for students• Media provides engaging methods to introduce students to complex issues• Meet students where they are – their use of technology is predominantly

social• Visual literacy and digital media provide a window into intercultural

competencies• Allow the collaboration process to happen online• Technology is not a single tool …. But a whole toolbox• Global issues can be integrated into any grade• Project based learning is highly motivating

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Planning Framework B


s Taxon



se t


to d


p ideas

Actions Products Learning Activities Creating

(Putting together ideas or elements to develop an original idea or engage in creative thinking).

Designing Constructing Planning Producing Inventing Devising Making

Film Story Project Plan New game Song Media product Advertisement Painting

Evaluating (Judging the value of ideas, materials and methods by developing and applying standards and criteria).

Checking Hypothesising Critiquing Experimenting Judging Testing Detecting Monitoring

Debate Panel Report Evaluation Investigation Verdict Conclusion Persuasive speech

Analysing (Breaking information down into its component elements).

Comparing Organising Deconstructing Attributing Outlining Structuring Integrating

Survey Database Mobile Abstract Report Graph Spreadsheet Checklist Chart Outline

Applying (Using strategies, concepts, principles and theories in new situations).

Implementing Carrying out Using Executing

Illustration Simulation Sculpture Demonstration Presentation Interview Performance Diary Journal

Understanding (Understanding of given information).

Interpreting Exemplifying Summarising Inferring Paraphrasing Classifying Comparing Explaining

Recitation Summary Collection Explanation Show and tell Example Quiz List Label Outline

Remembering (Recall or recognition of specific information).

Recognising Listing Describing Identifying Retrieving Naming Locating Finding

Quiz Definition Fact Worksheet Test Label List Workbook Reproduction

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Australian CurriculumThere is great congruence between global education and the Australian Curriculum.


Global education aims to develop global citizens through promotion of open mindedness and a willingness to take action for change, respecting and valuing diversity, and being active in the development of a peaceful, just and sustainable world.

It has much in common with the Melbourne Declaration on Education Goals for Young Australians (2008), which promotes equity and excellence, development of successful learners, confident and creative individuals and active and informed citizens.

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Australian CurriculumApproach

Global education promotes flexible learning, which empowers students to learn about the world, develop values around a positive sense of self, appreciation of cultural diversity, passion for social justice and human rights and building sustainable futures.

Like the Australian Curriculum it is cross-disciplinary to broaden and enrich each student’s learning.

Teachers are able to choose how best to introduce concepts and processes and how to progressively deepen understanding to maximise the engagement and learning of every student.

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Australian CurriculumSkills

The skills developed in global education are similar to the general capabilities of the Australian Curriculum, equipping students to be lifelong learners able to operate with confidence in a complex, information-rich, globalised world. The general capabilities particularly relevant to global education because they focus on ways of thinking, acting, behaving or learning to live with others are:

•Critical and creative thinking

•Ethical behaviour

•Personal and social competence

•Intercultural understanding.

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Australian CurriculumPerspectives

A global perspective encompasses the Australian Curriculum’s three cross-curriculum priorities that assist learning to be relevant to the lives of students and address the contemporary issues they face.

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Teaching Strategies

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Twenty-first century Australians are members of a global community, connected to the whole world by ties of culture, economics and politics, enhanced communication and travel and a shared environment.

Enabling young people to participate in shaping a better shared future for the world is at the heart of global education. It emphasises the unity and interdependence of human society, developing a sense of self and appreciation of cultural diversity, affirmation of social justice and human rights, building peace and actions for a sustainable future in different times and places.


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Taking Action

Taking action is the concluding stage of the inquiry process. It assists students to consider what they have learnt and encourages them to respond, applying their new knowledge and skills.•The ability to identify and investigate different opportunities for action and participation.•The ability to consider the consequences, positive and negative, for oneself and for others of particular actions.•A willingness to be involved in action to support desirable outcomes.•A capacity to identify possible barriers to successful participation and ability to devise strategies to overcome these.•A willingness and capacity to cooperate with others and to foster, encourage and value the participation of others.•A capacity to reflect on and evaluate forms of action, to review progress and to reconsider forms of action.

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Taking Action

Action may be personal, based within a local community or as part of a global community.

Action may be varying levels of involvement: 

•To learn more – reading, viewing, talking to others, interviewing experts

•To act more – changing own behaviour, discussing ideas with others, joining groups of like-minded people, signing petitions, educating others, creating displays, writing blogs, letters and opinion articles, creating film and drama, making speeches, talking to decision-makers, advocating change.

•To share more – donating, fundraising, volunteering

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Civil Society Organisations

There are many types of groups through which people can join together to pursue shared interests and take action for change.

These include community- and village-based groups, Indigenous groups, labour unions, cooperatives, charitable and faith-based organisations, professional associations, chambers of commerce, independent research institutes and the not-for-profit media.

They vary greatly according to philosophy, purpose, programs, working style, scope of activities, expertise and structures.

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Design Your Project

Below are some suggestions to think about when designing an online project. identify goals and objectives - Identify the skills from your content standards that you want to address in your project.

•define a timeline - How long do you want your project to last? How often will contact, such as e-mail, be established with your online partners?

•create a project outline - List the activities that your students will be doing.

•define project activities - How will the students be achieving the goals of the project?

•establish a partner class - Visit websites designed to connect classrooms

•consider real time interactions - Will your class be interacting with their global partners in any real time activities such as IRC? Will time zones be an issue?

•stimulate deep thinking - Encourage the students to think beyond the text they see on the screen. Help them move from data to information to insight.

•establish evaluation rubrics or checklists- Show the students the criteria that will be used to evaluate their work. Some of the rubrics may be developed by the students. [Rubric Builder]

•publish student work - Make the work of your students visible for their partner classes as well as parents to see.

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Planning my own project

I’ve chosen an Environmental issue that is close to both heart and home. It is an issue that I can bring passion to as well as local input.

My project encompasses;

•Global issue – local application

•Local research and support organisations

•Cross-curricula application

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My focus is on;

Sustainable developmentAs the world’s population grows, more and more pressure is placed on the environment to produce enough food and energy without people consuming the resources faster than they can be replaced. This is known as sustainable development. Current levels of consumption are likely to lead to an environmental crisis that affects everyone, although it is the richer countries that have the greatest levels of consumption.

PollutionContamination of air, water and soil can have serious effects on people’s health and ability to grow food. Identifying and managing the use of harmful chemicals and other substances to prevent pollution is vital, as is removing hazardous materials from use and finding alternatives.

Marine and coastal degradationDisposal of wastes, particularly sewage, directly into oceans has a major effect on marine and coastal areas. Growth in population, urbanisation, industrialisation and tourism is increasing the extent of coastal degradation. Protecting marine and coastal areas from environmental damage is important not only for ecosystems but also for people living in coastal communities whose livelihoods depend on a healthy environment.

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Cockburn Sound A waterway in crisis

• Cockburn Sound Management Council• Department of Environment & Conservat

ion• Cockburn City Council• Kwinana Town Council• Rockingham City Council• CSIRO Marine• South West Group• WA Seagrass Webpage• Cockburn Sound Dolphin Research• Department of Defence• Department of Planning & Infrastructure• Fremantle Ports• Department of Fisheries• Recfishwest• Conservation Council• Department of Industry & Resources

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Recreational and Commercial uses of Cockburn Sound

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References• “Using ICT to Personalize Learning” – Windows in the Classroom presentation

• Microsoft Partners in Learning Network - www.pil-network.com

• Taking IT Global - http://www.tigweb.org/tiged/

• http://theglobalclassroomproject.wordpress.com/page/3/

• http://www.fractuslearning.com/2013/05/31/global-classroom-connections/

• TWICE - http://www.twice.cc/

• Read around the planet - http://www.twice.cc/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=87&Itemid=152

• iEarn - http://iearn.org/

• Global Education Conference - http://www.globaleducationconference.com/

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References• http://www.globalclassroom.org/collaboration/toc.html

• http://www.globaleducation.edu.au/global-education/what-is-global-ed.html

• Department of Industry and Resources www.doir.wa.gov.au

• Conservation Council www.conservationwa.asn.au

• Recfishwest www.recfishwest.org.au

• Department of Environment and Conservation www.dec.wa.gov.au

• Rockingham City Council www.rockingham.wa.gov.au

• Kwinana Industries Council www.kic.org.au

• Department of Fisheries www.fish.wa.gov.au

• Fremantle Ports www.fremantleports.com.au

• WA Fishing Industries Council www.wafic.com.au

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References• Department for Planning and Infrastructure www.dpi.wa.gov.au

• Cockburn City Council www.cockburn.wa.gov.au

• Water Corporation www.watercorporation.com.au

• Kwinana Town Council www.kwinana.wa.gov.au

• CSIRO Marine www.cmar.csiro.au

• South West Group www.southwestgroup.com.au

• WA Seagrass Webpage wwwscience.murdoch.edu.au/centres/others/seagrass

• Cockburn Sound Dolphin Research www.environment.murdoch.edu.au/info/general/TrackingDolphins.html

• Department of Defence (Commonwealth) www.defence.gov.au
