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Global Programmes against Trafficking in Persons against ... · The UNODC strategic approach to...

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2012-1 June 2012 Global Programmes against Trafficking in Persons against Smuggling of Migrants In the Spotlight Inside this Issue Prosecution: UNODC Training Initiative 2 Protection and Assistance: Psychosocial Care 5 Prevention: eness Seminar Awar 7 Pa rtnerships: Arab Region 8 To assist countries in meeting their obligations under the United Nations Trafficking in Persons Protocol, UNODC has developed a reporting system for collecting and disseminating information on human trafficking prosecutions and convictions. Page 9 Updates and Events 10 A newsletter archive is available online at: www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/newsletter.html An interactive PDF is provided for each article which allows users to follow directly hyperlinks for additional information.
Page 1: Global Programmes against Trafficking in Persons against ... · The UNODC strategic approach to combating trafficking in persons and the smuggling of migrants is founded on the full

2012-1 June 2012

GGlloobbaall PPrrooggrraammmmeess aaggaaiinnsstt TTrraaffffiicckkiinngg iinn PPeerrssoonnss aaggaaiinnsstt SSmmuugggglliinngg ooff MMiiggrraannttss

IInn tthhee SSppoottlliigghhtt IInnssiiddee tthhiiss IIssssuuee

Prosecution: UNODC Training Initiative 2

Protection and Assistance: Psychosocial Care 5

Prevention: eness Seminar Awar 7

Pa rtnerships: Arab Region 8

To assist countries in meeting their obligations under the United Nations Trafficking in Persons Protocol, UNODC has developed a reporting system for collecting and disseminating information on human trafficking prosecutions and convictions.

Page 9 Updates and Events 10

A newsletter archive is available online at: www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/newsletter.html An interactive PDF is provided for each article which allows users to follow directly hyperlinks for additional information.

Page 2: Global Programmes against Trafficking in Persons against ... · The UNODC strategic approach to combating trafficking in persons and the smuggling of migrants is founded on the full

2012-1 2


It is with pleasure that we announce the first issue of our Newsletter focusing on the UNODC Global Programmes against Trafficking in Persons (TIP) and against Smuggling of Migrants (SOM).

This quarterly publication provides insights into UNODC anti-human trafficking and migrant smuggling activities and presents tools and publications developed in the framework of the global programmes.

2012-1To comment or subscribe to this newsletter write us an email: [email protected]

UNODC is tasked with supporting Member States to implement the key international instruments addressing trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants, the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, and the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.

The UNODC strategic approach to combating trafficking in persons and the smuggling of migrants is founded on the full and effective implementation of the Protocols, and can be best understood as having three interdependent and complementary components: (1) research and awareness raising, (2) promotion of the Protocols and capacity-building, and (3) the strengthening of partnerships and coordination. UNODC Strategy on TIP and SOM: http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/2012/strategy-on-human-trafficking-and-migrant-smuggling.html

United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime: http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/treaties/CTOC/index.html

At Member States’ request, the Global Programmes offer expertise in key areas to assist countries, for example, to develop adequate laws and legal frameworks, to conduct research and assessments, to support countries in strategy-development, and to conduct tailor-made trainings, based on UNODC good practice materials and training programmes.

The vision of this newsletter is to facilitate communication among practitioners and policy-makers from different parts of the world and with different backgrounds. Our readers include government officials, civil society organizations, criminal justice practitioners, researchers, students, and advocacy groups. We are committed to making our newsletter a useful tool and are happy to receive comments or suggestions at any point in time.

Newsletter archive online: http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/newsletter.html

Page 3: Global Programmes against Trafficking in Persons against ... · The UNODC strategic approach to combating trafficking in persons and the smuggling of migrants is founded on the full

2012-1 3

PPRROOSSEECCUUTTIIOONN In 2011, UNODC cooperated with the Monitoring Centre on Trafficking in Human Beings of the Portuguese Ministry of Interior for the translation of the 26 modules of the UNODC Anti-Human Trafficking Manual for Criminal Justice Practitioners into Portuguese.

Since the launch of the Training Manual in 2009, it has been used and disseminated through various UNODC training activities, national training institutions, and individual trainers.

This Training Manual is the result of a global cooperative process in which expert representatives from academia, NGOs, international organizations, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and judges from all over the world contributed their expertise and experiences. The development of this manual has been made possible with support from the Governments of Norway, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates (through the UN.GIFT), and the United States.

In line with the Trafficking in Persons Protocol, the purpose of the Manual is to support criminal justice practitioners in the prevention of human trafficking, the protection of its victims, the prosecution of its culprits, and in the international cooperation needed to achieve these goals.

Download: www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/2009/anti-human-trafficking-manual.html

In 2011 and 2012, UNODC conducted training activities for criminal justice practitioners in many countries, e.g., Colombia, Egypt, Fiji, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Nigeria, Serbia, and Ukraine.

Through the Global Anti-Human Trafficking Training Initiative, UNODC strengthens national capacities to respond more effectively to the crime of trafficking in persons. Training curricula address core elements of a criminal justice response to human trafficking, utilizing specialized UNODC training materials and delivery by a multidisciplinary and international team of expert trainers. The training activities are based on the modules and strategy of the UNODC Anti-Human Trafficking Manual, and are targeted to criminal justice practitioners in general, law enforcement in particular, as well as to victims support providers. The workshops are designed to equip criminal justice practitioners to appropriately respond to the complex challenges of trafficking in persons.

Objectives: • Provide foundation, international-standard training in line with the

requirements of the Trafficking in Persons Protocol; • Address key capacity gaps of national criminal justice practitioners to

address human trafficking; • Provide promising practices in every phase of the criminal justice

response; • Equip participants with practical guides and tools for on-job


Trainers and Participants discuss and work on victim identification in Suva, Fiji.

Read more: www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/global-training-initiative.html

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In-Depth Training Manual on Investigating and Prosecuting the Smuggling of Migrants

The UNODC In-depth training manual on investigating and prosecuting the smuggling of migrants is the product of criminal justice expertise gathered from around the world.

The depth of experience of the investigators and prosecutors involved in the process, combined with the diversity of their country contexts ensures that the Manual reflects relevant content to practitioners in countries of origin, transit, and destination. The Manual builds upon and complements the material covered in the UNODC Basic training manual for investigating and prosecuting the smuggling of migrants, published in 2010.

It provides specialized and detailed information for experts and practitioners with existing basic explanations on the subject matter.

The modules can be used immediately by practitioners, but the full value can be realised by adaption at the national level. UNODC is prepared to assist States with the adaption of this Training Manual.

Download: www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/migrant-smuggling/in-depth-training-manual-on-smuggling-of-migrants.html

First capacity building workshop for criminal justice practitioners on money laundering and the smuggling of migrants held in Cameroon

In May 2012, the UNODC Global Programme against the Smuggling of Migrants (GPAS) and the UNODC Global Programme against Money Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism (GPML) partnered with the Cameroon National Agency For Financial Investigation (ANIF) to deliver a first workshop on money laundering related to proceeds from the smuggling of migrants. The design, development and delivery of this pilot workshop were funded by the Government of France.

www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/migrant-smuggling/2012/unodc-assists-gRead more: hana-to-enhance-its-response-against-the-smuggling-of-migrants.html

More stories:

Cent ute the smuggling of migrants customized for ral America: Basic Training Manual to investigate and prosecCentral American and Mexican law enforcement authorities www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/migrant-smuggling/basic-training-manual-to-investigate-and-prosecute-the-smuggling-of-migrants-adapted-for-central-american-and-mexican-law-enforcement-authorities.html

Pak ooperation in Pakistan istan: Combating Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling: Building Cwww.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/2012/building_cooperation_in_pakistan.html

India: Border guards - critical stakeholders in combating human trafficking http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/2012/india-border-guards-critical-stakeholders-in-combating-human-trafficking.html

Cam r criminal justice practitioners on money laundering and the eroon: First capacity building workshop fosmuggling of migrants held in Cameroon www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/migrant-smuggling/2012/first-capacity-building-workshop-for-criminal-justice-practitioners-on-money-laundering-and-the-smuggling-of-migrants-held-in-cameroon.html

Ghana: UNODC assists Ghana to enhance its response against the smuggling of migrants www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/migrant-smuggling/2012/unodc-assists-ghana-to-enhance-its-response-against-the-smuggling-of-migrants.html

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PPRROOTTEECCTTIIOONN aanndd AASSSSIISSTTAANNCCEE India: Psychosocial care for women in shelter homes

To improve the quality of care provided to women in shelters, UNODC, collaboration with the Ministry of Women and Child Development, theGovernment of India, and the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), a renowned mental health institution in Bangalore, India has initiated a capacity building programme for caregivers in Government-run shelters for women. In the South Indian states of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh, a series of trainings werconducted which aimed to educate and sensitize caregivers about the



r pecial anti-human

Protocols on Trafficking in Persons and against Migrant


importance of care and support for women residing in these homes.

As part of the nationwide measures jointly adopted by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Bureau of Police Research and Development and Centre foSocial Research, the government has decided to open strafficking centres across 330 districts of the country.

India recently ratified the United Nations Convention against OrganizedCrime and its

www.unodc.org/southasia/en/frontpage/2012/January/psychosocial-Read more: care-for-women-in-shelter-homes.html

Manual: Psychosocial care for women in shelter homes

UNODC together with NIMHANS developed this manual to be used asresource material for capacity building of staff working in shelters for women in India. The recently published manual highlights the specific needs of women in institutions, enables the care givers to understand these needs, and gives them an insight into the spectrum of psychosocial interventions. It gives the care givers an understanding of the various laws and policies that are available to safeguard the rights of women in Indalso focuses on the impo

ia. It rtance of care and stress management of the

caregivers themselves. www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/2011/Psychosocial_car Download: e_for_women_in_shelter_homes.pdf

United Nations voluntary trust fund for victims of human trafficking

The United Nations voluntary trust fund for victims of human trafficking,formed late in 2010 after the General Assembly called for greater gaction against human trafficking, particularly from the survivors’ perspective, supports on-the-ground organizations and offers the opportunity for governments, the private sector, international organizations, non-government organizations (NGOs), and


individuals to work together to elp victims in practical and tangible ways.


www.unodc.org/unodc/e human-trafficking-n/ Read more: fund.html

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The 12 Winners of the 2011 Small Grants Facility

Through its 2011 Small Grants Facility, the Trust Fund supports the provision of on-the-ground humanitarian, legal and financial aid to victims of trafficking. It is administered by a board of trustees representing different regions and accepts donations to support these organizations working at the forefront of services to trafficking victims.

Of the 250 applications received in 2011, the Board of Trustees supported a total of 12 projects for their first year. The projects selected cover all of the world’s major regions.

We would like to congratulate the 12 winners, and commend all those who took part in the call for proposals for their hard work against Trafficking in Persons.

ALBANIA: Different and Equal (D&E)

CAMBODIA: Damnok Toek



FRANCE: Hors la Rue

KENYA: The CRADLE The Children Foundation (The CRADLE)

INDIA/NEPAL: The Easter Benjamins Memorial Foundation

ISRAEL: Hotline for Migrant Workers

MOLDOVA: Institute for Democracy

NEPAL: Shakti Samuha

NIGERIA: African Centre for Advocacy and Human Development (ACAHD)

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST)

Read more: www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Fund/SGF_Projects_2011.pdf

More stories:

Albania: Fifteen-year-old girl gets her life back after being trafficked www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/news-and-events.html

Moldova: UN Trust Fund supports provision of legal assistance to victims of human trafficking www.unodc.org/unodc/en/frontpage/2012/May/moldova_-un-trust-fund-supports-legal-assistance-for-victims-of-human-trafficking.html

Crime Commission tackles migrant smuggling, a growing humanitarian problem http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/frontpage/2012/April/crime-commission-tackles-migrant-smuggling-a-growing-humanitarian-problem.html

The Joint UN Commentary on EU Directive on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in human beings is launched at the European Parliament http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/2012/joint-un-commentary-on-eu-directive-on-preventing-and-combating-trafficking-in-human-beings-is-launched-at-the-european-parliament.html

UN General Assembly President calls for redoubled efforts to end human trafficking http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/frontpage/2012/April/un-general-assembly-president-calls-for-re-doubled-efforts-to-end-human-trafficking.html?ref=fs1

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2012-1 7

PPRREEVVEENNTTIIOONN UNODC Premiers Specialized Training Film for Criminal Justice Practitioners during the Smuggling of Migrants Working Group

The First session of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on the Smuggling of Migrants was hosted by the UNODC in Vienna, Austria from 30 May through 1 June 2012.

In a side-event, UNODC launched its new Smuggling of Migrants training and awareness raising film for criminal justice practitioners entitled, Ways and Means: Effective Action against the Smuggling of Migrants.

The 22 minute film delivers specialized training to criminal justice practitioners to promote the four objectives of the Smuggling of Migrants. The film defines and illustrates the constituent elements of migrant smuggling and related conduct, depicts clear examples of migrant smuggling cases and includes interviews with law enforcement experts who share promising practices and highlight challenges in the fight against this widespread crime. Because the film contains restricted material, it is not publicly available. However, the film can be requested for specialized trainings.

Read more:

Lebanon and Portugal join the Blue Heart Campaign against Human Trafficking

To rally world public opinion against human trafficking, UNODC has launched the Blue Heart Campaign. It is open to all those who want to participate and wear the Blue Heart as a symbol of their support for this campaign. Mexico was the first country in the world to implement the UNODC Blue Heart Campaign. Serbia was the first country in Europe to implement its own national Blue Heart Campaign against Human Trafficking, through the promotion of the movie, "Sisters."

In December 2011, Lebanon launched the Blue Heart Campaign in Beirut, after the government had adopted an anti-trafficking law on 1 September 2011. Lebanon's new anti-trafficking law was developed in line with the provisions of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.

In April 2012, the Blue Heart Campaign was launched in Portugal to raise awareness about human trafficking among decision makers, civil society, the media and the general public.

Read more: www.unodc.org/blueheart/

First Aid Kit for use by Law Enforcement Responders in addressing Human Trafficking

The UNODC Anti-Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Unit has developed a First Aid Kit for use by Law Enforcement Responders in addressing Human Trafficking. It has now been released as a carrying case containing different types of information material in response to the challenge of providing concise, yet useful guidance to first responders, who may find themselves in a position of playing a vital role in determining the fate of a trafficked person by identifying indicators of human trafficking.

Download: www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/2011/first-aid-kit.html

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2012-1 8

PPAARRTTNNEERRSSHHIIPP Inter-Agency Coordination Group against Trafficking in Persons (ICAT)

The Inter-Agency Coordination Group against Trafficking in Persons (ICAT) was set up in 2007 in response to a United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) resolution the previous year requesting intergovernmental agencies to work together to strengthen technical assistance provided to countries in the area of human trafficking.

The coordination role of ICAT was strengthened by creation of a rotating chair with UNODC providing the mechanism with a permanent secretariat role. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) accepted the role of ICAT Chair in 2012.

Read more: www.ungift.org/knowledgehub/en/icat/about.html

UNODC and International Organization for Migration sign agreement for closer cooperation

In April 2012 UNODC and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) signed an agreement in which they pledged closer cooperation to tackle human trafficking and migrant smuggling and to improve border management, bearing in mind the cross-cutting theme of corruption. The memorandum of understanding was signed by IOM Director General William Lacy Swing and UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov.

Read more: www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/news-and-events.html

Arab region: Lauch of activities under the Arab Initiative

In January 2012, a Forum was held in Qatar to launch the activities under the Arab Initiative to combat human trafficking. 2010, a regional conference aimed at consulting and exchanging views from relevant stakeholders in the Middle East and North African region, and to build political consensus for future regional action against human trafficking. The Forum concluded by issuing a number of recommendations, among the most important of which were the need to strengthen Arab judicial cooperation in combating trafficking in human beings crimes, as well as the need to strengthen national capacities in this field. Another important recommendation was the necessity of having national legislation which criminalize human trafficking.

Read more: www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/2010/arab-initiative.html

Human Trafficking and Business

The corporate sector can make an invaluable contribution to the prevention of trafficking. UN.GIFT continues to work with the private sector in establishing cooperation and coordination mechanisms between business and other anti-human trafficking stakeholders.

UN.GIFT collaborated with the End Human Trafficking Now! Campaign (EHTN!) to launch eLearning tool for business, which was developed by Microsoft, in 2010. The course consists of three modules: What is human trafficking? Why is human trafficking an issue for business? What can business do to address human trafficking?

Read more: http://www.ungift.org/knowledgehub/en/tools/elearning-tool-for-the-private-sector.html

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2012-1 9

IInn tthhee SSppoott ll iigghhtt Human Trafficking Case Law Database To assist countries in meeting their obligations under the United Nations Trafficking in Persons Protocol, UNODC has developed a reporting system for collecting and disseminating information on human trafficking prosecutions and convictions.

This case law database enables judges, prosecutors, policy-makers, media, researchers, and other interested parties to take court decisions relating to these instruments into account when dealing with human trafficking issues, to promote the uniform interpretation and application of these instruments, to consult on practices in different jurisdictions, and to broaden the knowledge of human trafficking crimes, as well as the realities faced by ordinary people victimized by those who would buy, sell, and exploit them.

Read more: www.unodc.org/cld


An added issue behind the legal aspects of human trafficking is a lack of knowledge and understanding at the global level. In the cases in which prosecutions have been undertaken, very little is currently known about them internationally. This often leaves open questions as to how practitioners use the respective laws, and what, if any, the characteristics of successful prosecutions are.

In a bid to answer these questions, UNODC has developed a database of human trafficking case law, to provide immediate, public access to officially documented instances of this crime. The database contains details on the nationalities of victims and perpetrators, trafficking routes, verdicts, and other relevant information related to prosecuted cases from around the world. As such, it provides not only statistics on the number of prosecutions and convictions, but also real-life stories of trafficked persons as documented by the courts. The database is aimed at assisting judges, prosecutors, policymakers, media researchers, and other interested parties, by providing details of current cases with examples of how the respective national laws in place can be used to prosecute human trafficking.

Search cases: www.unodc.org/cld/search.jspx

Recent Cases:

Switzerland: che/2000/bge_126_iv_225 Poland: pol/2007/iv_kk_26906 Jamaica: jam/r_v_norcott_graham_and_agon_stephens United States: usa/2011/united_states_v._cha.html Moldova: mda/2011/dosar_nr._1ra_5032011.html

Read more: www.unodc.org/cld/en/latest-case/rss.xml

UNODC invites legal practitioners in all Member States to contribute to the human trafficking case law database. For more information, please contact [email protected]

Contact: [email protected]

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2012-1 10

UUppddaatteess aanndd EEvveennttss Recent States Parties to the Trafficking in Persons Protocol

Ethiopia (22 Jun 2012) Viet Nam (08 Jun 2012) Burundi (24 May 2012) Micronesia (Federated States of) (02 Nov 2011) India (05 May 2011) Morocco (25 Apr 2011)

Read more: http://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=XVIII-12-a&chapter=18&lang=en

Recent States Parties to the Smuggling of Migrants Protocol

Ethiopia (22 Jun 2012) Burundi (24 May 2012) Micronesia (Federated States of) (02 Nov 2011) India (05 May 2011) Morocco (25 Apr 2011)

Read more: http://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=XVIII-12-b&chapter=18&lang=en

Upcoming Activities and Events

07 Jul 2012, UK: UN.GIFT and STOP THE TRAFFIK to launch the GIFT box in London. A partnership project to raise awareness of human trafficking during the London 2012 Olympics.

24 -25 Sep 2012, Austria: Expert Group Meeting Case Law Database (closed meeting)

15-18 Oct 2012, Austria: Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols Thereto

Read more: www.unodc.org

More Information

-> UNODC - Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling

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-> Tools and Publications

-> Catalogue of Materials

-> Newsletter Archive

Read more: www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/index.html

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*The contents of this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of UNODC, nor imply an endorsement. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this Newsletter do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNODC concerning the legal status of any country, territory, a city or its authorities, or concerning the delimitations of its frontiers and boundaries.

News links to external (non-UNODC) websites are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by UNODC of any of the text articles, multimedia content, opinions, services or products of the corporation or organization or any individual. UNODC bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.

If you have any comments on this newsletter, or would like to contribute information to be considered for future editions, please contact UNODC Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Section.

CCoonnttaacctt uuss Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Section

UNODC P.O. Box 500 1400 Vienna Austria

Tel. (+43-1) 26060-5687 Fax. (+43-1) 26060-5983

Email: [email protected]

The Newsletter Team reserves the right to edit and select articles depending on their relevance and the availability of space.

