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GlobalGiving Denver Workshop 2015

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Page 2: GlobalGiving Denver Workshop 2015


•  Introduction + Breakfast 20 min •  GlobalGiving’s Crowdfunding Game Pt 1 60 min

•  Break 15 min

•  GlobalGiving’s Crowdfunding Game Pt 2 60 min

•  Game Summary and Key Takeaways 25 min

•  How to join GlobalGiving’s Community 30 min

•  Special Guest: Sherry Manning 20 min

•  Questions

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Who am I?

Alison Carlman Senior Manager of Marketing and Communications, GlobalGiving

•  Colorado Native – Posner Center Member •  Communications at Denver Art Museum •  Advisor to Kupona Foundation (Maternal Health in

Tanzania) •  Former Kiva Fellow (with Kiva.org in Kenya)

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Who are you?

•  What is your name? •  What organization are you from? •  What does your organization do (briefly!)? •  Where are your projects are located?

Introduce yourself!

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Intro to GlobalGiving The world’s first and largest crowdfunding community that connects

nonprofits, donors, and companies in nearly every country around the world.

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Talk about the 15%


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GlobalGiving is the first and largest global crowdfunding community for nonprofits. We give nonprofits access to the tools, training, and support they need to become more effective. And because GlobalGiving is trusted by donors of all sizes (including 135+ really amazing companies), all around the world,  we channel more extra funding to nonprofits than any other crowdfunding platform.


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Our Founders’ Story: Mari Kuraishi and Dennis Whittle

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GlobalGiving’s Core Values •  Always Open

Ø  We believe in the power of great ideas and that these ideas can come from anyone, anywhere, at anytime.

•  Never Settle Ø  We have an obligation to question the rules, change them for the better, raise the

bar, play a different game, and play it better than anyone thinks is possible.

•  Committed to WOW Ø  We act promptly, enthusiastically, and professionally so people are WOW-ed by their

interactions with us.

•  Listen, Act, Learn. Repeat. Ø  We continually experiment. We fail quickly and productively. We use data and

feedback to guide our course.

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6000+ Organiza-ons  

$193+M Total  Dona-ons  

486K Unique  Donors  

135 Corporate  Partners  

165 Countries  

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Organizations Donors

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•  Top Themes:

•  Education •  Children •  Animals •  Health

•  42% are more than

halfway to their funding goal

GlobalGiving’s 432 US-based Projects

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The GlobalGiving 15% Fee

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The Optional Add-On

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But let’s talk about windfall: that extra money.

$6.25 million extra in 2014

In the form of: "matching funds * our marketing * corporate partner donations * bonus rewards * gift card redemptions



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The ‘Net Fee’

The typical GlobalGiving member had a 0% ‘net fee’ in 2014. "

For every $15 that goes to the GlobalGiving fee, we drive,

on average, an additional $20 to the nonprofit.



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The GlobalGiving Team

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Enough with me talking…

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Introduction + Breakfast 20 min GlobalGiving’s Crowdfunding Game Pt 1 60 min

Break 15 min

GlobalGiving’s Crowdfunding Game Pt 2 60 min

Game Summary and Key Takeaways 25 min

How to join GlobalGiving’s Community 30 min


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The Crowdfunding Game Putting the “Fun” in Fundraising

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How it works   Divide yourselves into three teams   The objective: raise $5,000 from at least 40 donors in "

5 days   Each team will have 10 hours of staff time each day!

to dedicate to, at most, 3 fundraising activities   At the start of each day, your team will collectively "

decide how to use the hours across different activities   At the end of the day, the results of your efforts will be " revealed!


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Quick notes   This game is trust-based: you are responsible for keeping "

track of your score, bonuses, and penalties – be honest!   This game is brand new! We are excited to use this as a learning "

tool and hope you are too. Let us know what you think at the " end so we can make it better.

  The results are randomized so there is no favoritism   Everything is fictional   This game was inspired by Trees for the Future (trees.org) "

that uses a similar tool to teach individuals about their farming " initiatives.


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Let’s Get Started!

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  100,000 factors are taken into consideration when deciding what shows up on your fans’ newsfeed

  Among these are: •  How much engagement your past posts have generated? •  Which of your users are regularly engaging with your content? •  How long it has been since you posted that post? •  Are there photos, videos, or links included? •  How many people have already engaged with your post?

  More engagement = more visibility


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Storytelling Tips   Keep it short   Make it compelling + relevant to your audience   Use large, clear images   Focus on one individual or family

• Create an emotional bond between the reader and " the program

  Make the impact of a potential donor’s action clear • Be sure to have a call to action and then explain how " the donor will make a difference


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A/B Testing   Testing a variable to determine its effects on the outcome   Particularly useful in email marketing and website design

•  Test subject lines, content, sender addresses, anything   Be clear on what you are hoping to achieve and how you will "

know your test worked   Different organizations will have different results   Keep iterating and testing to get to the best end product   Software:


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Facebook Analytics   Page Likes   Post Reach   User engagement   Audience metrics   Use this information to:

•  Schedule posts •  See what your audience likes •  Compare your performance to "



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What makes a great video   Short! No more than 3 minutes   Even shorter is better   Capture honest and authentic moments from the "

ground   Share positive stories   Keep the message simple and clear   Be careful with effects – they can overpower the video   Use colorful scenes set to music


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Photo tips

  GlobalGiving recommends using positive imagery   Close-up of one person (or animal) making eye contact   Colorful, high quality photos are typically best


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Mobile-Friendly!   Each year, the number of donors accessing "

GlobalGiving’s platform using a mobile device" increases drastically

•  In many countries, mobile access to the internet is " easier to get than access through a desktop or" computer

  Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO) places a " lot of emphasis on websites that are mobile-friendly

•  This means that if your site is not mobile-friendly, it is harder to " find in a Google search (on any device!)


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Showing Impact

  Donors want to know the impact that their donation" is having on the ground

•  Donors are more likely to continue giving if they understand " how their donation was used

  Getting updates from the field keeps donors engaged •  It gives you an excuse to keep reaching out to them too!

  Building trust with donors is crucial in developing" strong relationships


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Why use advocates

  With charitable donations, trust is key   How can someone who doesn’t know you or your "

organization, trust you?   Advocates!   Peer recommendations carry a lot of weight

•  Ex. Amazon reviews, Yelp, Great Nonprofits •  Get your donors to recommend you to their peers


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Managing your Advocate Network

  Be sure to set clear, achievable goals for each" advocate and review them with your advocates

  Set progress check-ins to see how they are doing •  Makes them feel valued as a fundraiser •  Also makes the advocates feel more accountable to achieving "

their goals if they know you will reach out to them

  Show appreciation! •  It takes a lot of work to fundraise and you will probably want "

their help again. Make sure your advocates feel appreciated.


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Professional Development!

  Your staff has been invited to a fundraising " conference tomorrow to learn about effective" fundraising tactics!

•  You can decide to participate in the conference or not •  If you do participate, you skip Day 3 entirely BUT you"

gain an advantage – all of your fundraising on Day 4 "is doubled

•  If you do not, proceed with Day 3 normally


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Key Takeaways? What did you learn?

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Key Takeaways   Fundraising is a LOT of work   Sometimes you can’t know the outcome of your work   Preparation and strategy building are important!   No strategy is necessarily the “right” strategy   Activities can affect one another, both positively "

and negatively


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More Key Takeaways   Don’t do it alone!

•  Advocates, board members, other organizations – get help!   Not everything will work the same for every "

organization   Make donating easy for your donors and make it "

interesting   It’s important to test things out before a campaign "

even starts


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What now?   Now that you’ve played a Crowdfunding Game, it’s "

time to put your skillsto good use!   Use the tips and suggestions from the game to "

develop a full crowdfunding strategy for your " organization to use in campaign

•  Include any of the activities you like as much as you like •  Just remember, everything takes time!


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How to Join GlobalGiving How to apply and why you should

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Features and Benefits   Campaign fundraising and long-term fundraising   We can help you be more efficient fundraisers   Training and one-on-one support from our staff   Widgets for your website and other great tools   Our website is already mobile friendly J   Thank-you notes and project reports are built in   Get new donors   GlobalGiving’s donor network   Corporate partners


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Corporate Partners

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165 Total  corporate  


$23M Total  corporate  

Dona-ons  GiB  Card  Redemp-ons    

in  December  

98% Por-on  of  our  partners  geHng  corporate  support  

35,000 Corporate  employees  giving  money  through  


Corporate funds


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Additional Benefits

  GlobalGiving UK •  GiftAid donations for UK donors to your project

  Our work with Feedback Labs •  GlobalGiving is a founding member and works to test"

and develop better feedback tools for nonprofits   GlobalGiving’s Impact Work

•  Rewarding organizations that are learning •  Providing more tools and data to organizations

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How to join

  Online application •  Guidestar integration •  Next Deadline = October 24th, 2015

  Project Posting through our platform   Open Challenge

•  Raise $5,000 from 40 donors in a month •  December 1st through December 31st •  $20,000 in Bonus funds for participants


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Special Guest: Sherry Manning

Friends of ENCA Organic Farm

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Email: [email protected] or" [email protected]

Phone: +1 (202) 232-5784

Join GlobalGiving: www.globalgiving.org/apply

Please take a few minutes to complete the short survey!
