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Globalization Photo Story

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Globalization Photo Story Victoria Monahan
Page 1: Globalization Photo Story

Globalization Photo Story

Victoria Monahan

Page 2: Globalization Photo Story

Migration and ColonizationThis is a picture of the new gate in China Town. As you may know, within Philadelphia there are little areas that are dedicated to separate ethnic regions. For example, the Italian Market and China Town. Which is seen in almost any major city around the world, because when you have such a large group of people there is bound to be a broad range of types of people. Especially in America which is nicknamed the ‘mixing pot.’

The globalization aspect of this would be that things like this are happening all over the world. I’m sure that there is a McDonald’s in almost every country, and their sales seem to be increasing. Beliefs and companies and goods are no longer subject to stay in one place, globalization has made it so that anyone can live almost anywhere and get almost anything they want.

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Environment and Energy

This is the entrance Green Woods Charter School, aka my middle school. Which was basically a school in the middle of five hundred acres of forest, joined with The Schuylkill Center. So, I think it’s pretty obvious that environmental science was a mandatory part of our curriculum. Not to mention, I live across from a reservoir that used to be owned by the very same Schuylkill Center. That also has been threatened to be torn down and turned into apartment buildings on numerous occasions.

Which then ties into globalization, because it is schools like this, and environmental centers like this, that are educating people all over the world about how precious our Earth’s resources are. Without places like this, we probably wouldn’t have a rain forest anymore, or some species would be extinct already. Especially over the past decade you have seen more and more headlines screaming that companies are going green, recycling ads, and the like. For example, Taiwan made environmental education a law. I’m sure you will see many more countries follow suite in the near future.

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This is a group of seniors at the Science Leadership Academy during lunch. Notice how each student is on his or her own laptop, yet are interacting with one another through them. This is a glimpse of the future. I mean, most people already are tech-savvy, and know how to work a computer, but with every passing generation the previous will become obsolete. By having such tools we can not only be more efficient in our studies and work, but can also access any type of resource needed.

Which then ties into globalization, because this is what schools all around the world are turning into. What offices are turning into, what the average human is expected to know, etc. For example, an article by The Christian Science Monitor talks about how the internet is helping to innovate classrooms all over the world. Especially in developing countries, who can’t always afford textbooks, such tools are essential to learning.

Science and Technology

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Alright, so this is Suburban Station. I tried to get a picture of all the people in business suits who pile off the train every few minutes, and this was the best shot I could get. I feel like this represents the word ‘economy’ quite well, considering that it is the businesses and the people who wear these suits who keep the economy going. Each role that they fill contributes to the system that runs this country and makes the United States as powerful as it is. Although they do not have the ultimate control over what consumers buy and where the money comes and goes, by filling a job roll they are agreeing to be a part of it all.

The globalization aspect of this would be that it is people just like this that help run other economies. Not to mention, most businesses now deal with affairs outside of their own country. Looking at America’s imports, specifically, we basically import everything. Obama proposes that we increase our amount of exports and therefore increase jobs to get ourselves out of the mess we are in.


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I drink coffee almost every morning, Wawa coffee to be specific. But speaking of coffee in general, Starbucks is a major coffee vendor, not only in the United States, but all over the world. Despite that they violate fair trade laws, and it has been huge issue with a lot of their consumers. Which is then even more relevant because they have been focusing on distributing their products globally.

Relating back to the ‘Migration and Colonization’ slide, anyone anywhere can access coffee now. It sounds like such a small thing, but if you think about all the different products that one can now get and how easily one can get it, it is mind-blowing.


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This is a picture of a “No Smoking” sign outside of a building in center city, Philadelphia. Not that the location matters, because signs like these are common almost anywhere. I feel like this picture best represents the topic ‘health’ not only in America, but also around the world due to the fact that we, as a world community, have gone through the smoke phase and the realization of what it does to the human body together.

Today, the amount of people smoking is significantly lower, laws are even going out to discourage people from smoking in certain places, etc. For example, China is planning to ban smoking in public place by 2011. Actually, China is leading the way in combating multiple health problems, as they are also number one in making clean energy at the moment. So, health is becoming more and more of a critical factor as time goes by.


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While a tad hard to see, this is a picture of police/ security guards standing by in Suburban Station. I cannot really account for what the security looked like there five or ten years ago, but I do know that ever since 9/11 security in train stations and airports has increased significantly. Well, in America, at least. However, there have been so many terrorism threats all around the world, that security has heightened all around globally in response. One security measure that has spread around the globe’s airports recently is body scanners. The goal of these scanners are to detect weapons and explosives, without being intrusive.

Security and Terrorism

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EducationThis is a picture from freshman year, during some type of school gather that I don’t recall. Half of these staff members aren’t with us anymore, but that’s beside the point. I felt like this was a great representation of the category ‘education’ because not only is it a picture of my school and teachers, but it demonstrates this community that all members of the Science Leadership Academy have come to call their school experience.

I don’t know if I can find an article proving that other schools are like communities, but I can say that other schools around the world probably have a similar goal. Well, at least one would hope.

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Originally I had a picture of the Kimmel Center, but I changed it to this to show that the Kimmel Center is but one of many elaborate buildings in Philadelphia. This is a cell phone picture taken from my father’s office by 30th Street Station. You can see skyscrapers, apartment buildings, a highway, train tracks, a so-called river, and 30th Street Station itself. I think it’s pretty obvious how this falls into the category ‘development.’

Now, from a world-view, there are giant cities being born everywhere and only seem to be getting bigger and bigger. For example, an article by The Guardian reports that some of the world’s largest cities are turning into even larger cities, and are now considered ‘mega-regions.’Which in itself is remarkable to see how


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So, as me and a couple of friends were on our way to see the musical ‘Rent,’ we passed by this and I just had to get a picture. Now, there are two aspects of society and culture to this. First that we were going to see a musical which goes along with the whole ‘Americans are all about entertainment and fast-paced and blah, blah, blah.’ Second, that this sign was pasted to a sign on a public street that represents an opinion.

As for globalization, throughout the world there are two cases; citizens are allowed to voice their opinion freely, and second, citizens are to abide by what the region say. Here is an article about prejudice between Muslims and Islam. In regions like this voicing one’s opinion can end up being fatal

Society and Culture

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Bibliography• Migration and Colonization;

– "McDonald's Global Comparable Sales Rise 4.9% in April." McDonald's Global Comparable Sales Rise 4.9% in April (2010). Market Watch. Web. 18 May 2010. <http://www.marketwatch.com/story/mcdonalds-global-comparable-sales-rise-49-in-april-2010-05-10?reflink=MW_news_stmp>.

• Environment and Energy;– "Environmental Education Act Clears Legislature." Focus Taiwan News Channel. 18 May 2010. Web. 18 May 2010.


• Science and Technology;– Salter, Philip. "More than Surfing: The Web Brings Innovation to the Poorest Classrooms." Christian Science Monitor (blog). 18 May 2010. Web.

18 May 2010. <http://www.csmonitor.com/Money/The-Adam-Smith-Institute-Blog/2010/0518/More-than-surfing-The-Web-brings-innovation-to-the-poorest-classrooms>.

• Economy;– Whitefield, Mimi. "U.S. Official Outlines Ways to Boost Exports, Jobs." Hispanic Business.com 18 May 2010. Web. 18 May 2010.


• Trade; – "Starbucks Continues Focus on Diversified Growth with Appointment of Jeff Hansberry, President, Global Consumer Products and Foodservice."

Market Watch 18 May 2010. Web. 18 May 2010. <http://www.marketwatch.com/story/starbucks-continues-focus-on-diversified-growth-with-appointment-of-jeff-hansberry-president-global-consumer-products-and-foodservice-2010-05-18?reflink=MW_news_stmp>.

• Health;– Jiawei, Zhang. "China to Ban Smoking in Public Spaces in 2011." 10 May 2010. Web. 18 May 2010. <http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2010-

05/10/content_9831543.htm>.– Bradsher, Keith. "China Leading Global Race to Make Clean Energy." NY Times 30 Jan. 2010. Web. 18 May 2010.


• Security and Terrorism;– Hagar, Ray. "Airport to Get Scanners." RGJ.com 15 May 2010. Web. 18 May 2010.


• Education;• Development;

– Vidal, John. "UN Report: World's Biggest Cities Merging into 'mega-regions'" The Guardian 22 Mar. 2010. Web. 18 Mar. 2010. <http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/mar/22/un-cities-mega-regions>.

• Society and Culture; – Javed, Bassam. "Jihad in Islam — Myth and Reality." The News 19 May 20101. Web. 19 May 2010.

