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globalwatch-Aug 17th, 2012

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A Weekly Global Watch Media Publicaon (www.globalreport2010.com) August 17th, 2012 The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publicaon of Rema Markeng (www.remamarkeng.com) and is published every Friday. For any queries regarding this service please contact us at [email protected]. ©Rema Markeng 2012. All Rights Reserved.

A Weekly Global Watch Media Publica�on (www.globalreport2010.com) August 17th, 2012

The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publica�on of Rema Marke�ng (www.remamarke�ng.com) and is published every Friday.

For any queries regarding this service please contact us at admin@remamarke�ng.com. ©Rema Marke�ng 2012. All Rights Reserved.

“The Number one weekly report which provides concrete evidence of a New World Order & One World Government agenda”


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Welcome to the Global Watch Weekly Report

The opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympic games in large parts was a narrative on the development of modern human history. The ceremony told the story of how Britain’s “green and pleasant land” was transformed by the Industrial Revolution and the “dark satanic mills” from William Blake’s poem. Everything from the emancipation of women, to the twentieth century wars, the establishment of the NHS, and finally to the modern digital age was covered.

However as we have seen on numerous occasions, global spectacles where billions of viewers are emotionally involved through their television set, gives those behind the scenes the opportunity to present and convey hidden messages and secret agendas. Those who are unsuspecting have no idea that these secret codes are a global confirmation that an agenda which began thousands of years ago is still on track. For instance many didn't understand the relevance of the National Health Service (NHS) scene during the opening ceremony and surely you must ask yourself questions about this scene. The nightmare scene unfolds as dark monkeys with glowing eyes chase the children as bells ring all round in a reprise of a more sinister Tubular Bells. The nurses are now dancing hypnotically to the riffs of Mike Oldfield as the children are chased by the denizens of the underworld. Cruella Deville (Cruel Devil) and Voldemort symbolically have warped the children’s dreams into nightmares, and the children are now in a state of fear.

The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publica�on of Rema Marke�ng (www.remamarke�ng.com) and is published every Friday.

For any queries regarding this service please contact us at admin@remamarke�ng.com. ©Rema Marke�ng 2012. All Rights Reserved.


Here comes the symbolic institutional cure for fear: Pharmaceuticals! Cue Mary Poppins to the rescue as after all, a spoonful sugar helps the (psychiatric) medicine go down! Now the children are happily dancing to In Dulci Jubilo as the many “Mary”s brandish bottles of medicine. For now at least, the children can sleep again. As they do, a giant baby with rippling stomach is revealed in the floor to a subtle rendition of “Chariots of Fire”. This is the moon-child and is referred to by others as Apollyon. The crowd cheer the moon baby. One example of many weird and cryptic scenes throughout the opening ceremony.

Whilst we have previously covered the hidden aspects of London in the run up to the Olympic Games, in this edition we focus on the closing ceremony; the final climax, in which we present two great articles (the first from Reverend Simon Downing) which conclusively shows there is much more than what meets the eye.

The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publica�on of Rema Marke�ng (www.remamarke�ng.com) and is published every Friday.

For any queries regarding this service please contact us at admin@remamarke�ng.com. ©Rema Marke�ng 2012. All Rights Reserved.



A number of you know that I have extensively studied Masonic and Cabbalistic literature for years. It is because of that study my eyes have been opened to certain symbols and images, which, for most people, simply go unnoticed. Once you know what to look for, it all becomes apparent. I am always bothered about being labelled a ‘conspiracy theorist’, but the fact remains, as I watched the Olympic Games, there was so much symbolism that it could not be denied. Something was occurring there.

Due to time restrictions, this paper will be less detailed than it could be. However, I wanted to quickly share with you some observations I have made about the Games held here in the UK, in 2012. Whilst a great deal of ‘chatter’ has occurred about the Olympic Games being used for a ‘terrorist attack’ and the like, I was more interested and watchful for occult imagery. Yes of course the potential for a terrorist attack was always there, but predicting such things is always speculative – the imagery, however, is a different matter. I wish it were not so. The following are a number of images that I took of the Games, and I hope my commentary underneath some of them will be of use and of importance. But first, before we look at the images from the Games itself, my interest was initially sparked by noticing that the Olympics logo spelt the word ‘Zion’ – there is no doubt about it – it is just too coincidental. It was also designed by Wally Olins, who is a Jew, and his Father was a Freemason. He actually encouraged Wally to become one too – whether he did or not is unknown. I suspect he joined the Craft. The information provided here, I gleaned from the British Sound Recording Archives, and so it is fully bone fide.

Further, the mascot for the Games, ‘Wenlock’, has a ‘W’ or ‘dot’ in an oval box, which acts as an All Seeing Eye within the triangle on the top of his head. He also has a large eye too. This imagery of the ‘Eye’ stems back to ancient Egypt and is part of its mystery religions, a theme also picked up on in Freemasonry.

The Olympic torch, end on, has multiple triangles in its design. Three triangles stand out the most, and thus create a triple triangle. It is similar to the Trimourti from Hinduistic circles, as my encyclopaedia by Albert Mackey, 33rd degree Freemason, illustrates. The triangle is the most commonly diffused symbol in Freemasonry. So with these three things in mind, I wondered if similar images would surface in the Games itself. And they did.




First, there is a dominance of the triangle structure round the entire stadium. It is found throughout the main structural design of the stadium, as well as having peculiar dominance through the triangular lighting rigs, around its apex/roof. Inside each of the main triangular lighting rigs, there are 16 other triangles, which, including the main one, adds up to 17. All this is part of another triangle, the one that extends down onto the roof itself. That is 18 triangles. 1+8 (of the 18) = 9, another multiple of 3 and 6, which are triangular numbers. 18 triangles also equates to 54 sides. The 5+4 = 9, another variant on 3 and 6! The top little triangle is blacked out and looks like another All Seeing Eye. It is equivalent to the dollar bill logo, which I proved was Masonic. At night, from an aerial view, one can see a red light shining out from this little triangle, which adds to this symbolism. If you look closely on the picture on Page 7 you can just about see the red light on the front two triangular lighting rigs. The snake-like part of the River Thames was used within the

Stadium too. Of course that could be by chance, and was used simply because it is a renowned, recognisable part of the River. SKY News often had triangles in the background when reporting on the Games, creating another 3, 6 and 9 variable. Here is an image below to prove this.




The BBC was provided with a unique image that I did not see used at any other time – except when I just happened to be watching! I assume it was given to them via the Olympic committee. Someone seems to have arranged part of what looks like an athletic track in such a way as to create a perfect Star of David – or rather hexagram – a Cabbalistic and Masonic symbol.

The compass and square is a highly important Masonic symbol. The square is the bottom part of the symbol as you can see in the image below. Please compare it with the square shaped part surrounding the Olympic flame, in the image next to it.

The pyramid is highly occultic, linking straight back to ancient Egypt and the mystery religions. It is also part of Masonry too. Please note that they built a pyramid, with people lying prostrate before it as if in worship, during the closing ceremony.

Even more blatantly, a phoenix arose in mock resurrection, from the Olympic flame at the end of the closing ceremony. The flamed half-sphere may be likened to an arising from the world, or earth. Is this the new order coming out from the old order of the world, fitting with the New World Order concept of the dollar bill and other globalised concepts as my book detailed? The ashes of the old order will be all that remains, as the new world arises, are the probable implications.

Even more overt, remarkably overt in fact, was the positioning of the phoenix. Not only did it appear directly below one of the triangular All Seeing Eye lighting rigs, but it also appeared in exactly the same spot where the compass and square image had originally been! This must imply a direct linkage of Masonry with occult Egyptian mysteries!




Moreover, it looks very much to me like the wings of the bird create the ‘square’ element of the Masonic compass and square symbol, whilst the triangular lighting rig acts as the ‘compass’ part! And to complete the occult display, a lady, acting presumably as the Egyptian Isis goddess figure, descends upon the phoenix to our earth, before whom dancers danced and ‘worshipped’.

Let us not forget that Annie Lennox appeared on a boat with a Lucifer-like figure behind her, wearing black wings. Maybe the boat is the mythical boat travelling on the River Styx – the river that is supposed to run through Hell – or rather Hades – the place of the dead. Charon is the name given to the ferryman carrying the persons on board. Are we, figuratively, being carried somewhere, by the global elite, some of whom are high level Masons and Cabbalists?

Indeed with the song ‘And did those feet in ancient times’ (Jerusalem) being used at the opening ceremony, a song written by the occultist, Masonic, Swedenborgian William Blake, we have another linkage! The song is about building Jerusalem on England’s soil. Bearing in mind that Great Britain and the United States are, according to the Anglo-Israeli or British-Israeli movement, populated with the so-called ‘lost’ ten tribes of Israel and that the Queen has claims to King David’s throne in Israel, we have another possible correlation. It also fits with the growing New World Order concepts and that the global illuminised elite are building their occult world, which, I believe, will one day be overseen by the Beast and the False Prophet of Revelation 13.

During the opening ceremony lots of chimneys arose out of the ground as part of the display. Notably they had diamond like symbols upon them, and they also happen to appear in Masonry. I have observed these on certain UK lodges and indeed at Waddesdon Manor – one of the Rothschilds’ historic homes.




The green hill which appeared during the ceremony could be likened to the occultic Glastonbury Tor - this remains an open question of course. However, having analysed images of Glastonbury Tor and the mythical hawthorn tree which is near the Tor, (which is said to have been planted using the thorns from Christ's crucifixion crown), the

likeness is unmistakable. Here are some images for you to compare.

Voldemort from the Harry Potter books also appeared, looking particularly demonic (mort means death), and one of the opening scenes was called 'Pandemonium' which literally means 'the abode of demons' or 'hell'.

CONCLUSION I honestly believe that evidence is so irrefutable, that all of us ought to take note and recognise the days we are living in. Those persons ‘behind the scenes’ are so powerful and yet hidden, that they can even get what they want displayed at a sporting event! They do this so that they can subtly tell the world that ‘they’ rule. In the coming decades, the world will come under their power and domain unless a counter force can be provided. But we must not fear – Jesus is coming back! It is worth noting that at the opening ceremony the song ‘Abide with me’ was also sung. That is what we must all do – abide in Jesus – if we are to survive. On a positive closing note, I want to state that the athletes from around the world were brilliant, and Britain did host a very good Games – they all did so well! I enjoyed many of the competitions - I trust you did too.





If the Opening Ceremony presented us with several dark symbols from occult Britain, the Closing Ceremony foreshadowed their New World Order will be and who will rule over it. British Celebrities popped up, dead and alive, one after the other to entertain the masses, making them feel safe and free and forget about the mega security initiative undertaken for the games and how much of that big brother equipment will remain intact once everyone packs up and goes home. The striking common theme with many of the music performance was the ongoing appearance of the masonic black and white patterned tiles.

After a few performances, the circus-like show continues with the athletes coming into the stadium as one instead of as separate countries, as they usually do. This focus on bringing the world together peacefully is a traditional Olympic theme, but it is still hard to ignore the militarized zone surrounding this peaceful gathering.

The aim is to normalize a police state presence by mixing it with feel good entertainment. For example, a militarized formation carried in the larger than life billboards of the British supermodels. But is there really any room for freedom in a heavily surveillanced society?

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Next a bunch of transhumanistic dancers dressed in military camouflage build a white (illuminated) pyramid. Here the masonic theme is continued. The pyramid represents the hierarchical structure of the Occult religion. The elite on the top, the masses at the bottom and the patrolling police and military in between. Participating countries’ flags are strategically placed behind the pyramid, suggesting this religion has global reach.

A weird octopus appeared in the center of the British flag, without any context. It probably signifies the long reaching arms of the new world order leadership. A giant octopus stretching its tentacles throughout the world from London, reaching a billion people, Lucifer rising from the place where you often find him hiding in plain sight – Popular Culture.

What could be called a tribute to John Lennon was also a chance to play the New World Order’s theme song, Imagine. It seems the lyrics go against what the games celebrate – national pride and healthy competition. Instead, the late John Lennon wants us to imagine a world with no countries, where nation states lose their sovereignty and submit to a world government. A world with no possessions, no Heaven no Hell and no God. Sounds a lot like a communist, socialist, military dictatorship.

The gran finale was a Phoenix bird in flames, rising from the fiery cauldron and dominating the whole stadium. In the distance, the bird reminds us of the Nazi eagle in the Berlin stadium in 1936. This was followed by a demonic act with dancers dressed with fire costumes. A winged man (the Phoenix) lands and takes a woman to dance with him, at the tune of the very occult song “Rule the World”. The message is clear: take the hand of Lucifer and come rule the world with him. “The Phoenix … is believed to be a divine bird going back to Egypt … This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then rises from the ashes. Most occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who they think will one day rise triumphant.” [Bill Schnoebelen, quoted by Dr. C. Burns, "Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated", p. 123]

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Although the game’s celebrations may seem ominous with their sinister symbols and satanic references, we know that even if they are heralding the birth of the Antichrist, the emergence of the New World Order or the rise of Lucifer himself, God is always in control and Satan’s time is short. Their symbols have no power over us.

The next Olympics will be held in Rio de Janeiro. Instead of Christ the Redeemer, what we saw was the Brazilian singer dressed as Yemanjá. Yemanjá is the pagan voodoo goddess of the seas, aka Leviath or Cthulhu (remember

the octopus). Satanists say that every country is ruled by a lieutenant of Lucifer and his element, and Brazil is ruled by water and Leviathan. Therefore, what we saw was the torch being passed to the demonic overlord of Brazil.

CONCLUSION Occultists suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder. Since they don’t trust a loving , forgiving God, they must follow exact rules, symbols and chants in order to please their master, get rewards and avoid punishment and death. That’s the way Lucifer keeps them enslaved. The concept of a God who dies for their sins is alien for them. Those who love God don’t need to understand all their symbols and tricks. It is enough for us to know that the Illuminati have the power to perform a blatant satanic ritual in the face of millions of viewers all around the world. It seems they are bragging about a coming war and the rise of their anti Christ Messiah. They want people to believe their regime will be fun and peaceful. All the world together celebrating. Our responsibility is to be watchers and warn people of the coming evil, the horrible consequences of a New World Order and the need to get right with God right now.

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