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Glosario inglés salud

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    ABSORBTION A series of processes aimed to allow a nutritional or medical substance to enter the body via an epithelium (skin) or a mucous membrane (stomach) ACCIDENT A sudden, isolated and one-off event which happens in a specific place and time, causing material damage and human injury.

    ACETANILIDE A painkiller ACID Hydrogenated compound which in a liquid solution releases H+ ions ACETYLSALICLYC ACID Also known as aspirin, it is a saliclyc derivative, taken orally or via injection, which is used for its antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgaesic, and anti-coagulant properties. ACIDOSIS A pathelogical state consistent with an excess of blood acidity, the consequence of the reduction of the bloods alkaline reserve. It is characterised by an increase in pH. ACTIVATION It is the decisin to put a series of procedures into action which are destined for prevention and aid in the event of destructive event.

    CVA A cardiovascular accident/ A cerebrovascular accident ADENITIS The inflammation of a lymphatic gland ADENOMA A benign tumour of glandular origen (For example thyroid or prostate) ADENOPATHY The increase in size of a gland DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid ADRENALINE A hormona secreted in certain stressful situations from the suprarenal glands which accelerates the hearts rhythm, increases the blood pressure, dilates the bronchial tubes and stimulate the central nervous system. THE AFFECTED This is said of the person, system or territories suffering the effects of a phenomenon, which produced the disturbance or injury. APHONIA

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    The temporary loss of voice AHA: American Heart Association /Anemia hemoltica adquirida /Acute hemolitic Anemia / Autoimmune hemolitic Anemia. UA/AMI Unstable Angina or acute myocardial infarction without ST segment elevation. TIA Transient ischemic Attack AKINESIA Significant decrease in spontaneous movements and extreme slowness of voluntary movements. It is a characteristic of Parkinsons Disease. ALARM A warning or a sign due to the real or imminent presence of an adverse event which is given so that specific instructions can be followed. ALBUMEN An acid protein present in the blood and in milk. protena cida presente en la sangre y en la leche. ALBUMINURIA The appearance of Albumen in the bloodstream. ALKALINE (reservoir) Substances which the body uses to neutralise acids. ALKALOSIS A pathological state consistent with an base increase o a decrease in acid in the body. It is characterised by a drop in the concentration of the pH. ALCOHOLISM An illness consisting of a series of nervous, psychic and hepatic disorders provoked by the continuous ingestion of alcohol. ALLERGEN A substance capable of provoking allergies. ALLERGY The specific and exaggerated state of susceptibility that an individual has to a substance. ALOPECIA A condition which consists of hair loss in certain limited areas. ALVEOLUS The ends of the bronchial ramifications in the lungs.

    AMYLASE An enzyme secreted in the pancreas which converts starch to sugar, like ptyalin in saliva.

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    AMINO ACID An organic nitrogenated compound which makes up the essential component of a protein molecule. The eight essential amino acids, so called because they are not synthesised by the body are lysine, methionine, valine, tryptophan, threonine, leucine, isoleucine, and phenylalanine. These should be administered in food. AMNESIA The individuals difficulty to remember memories. AMPUTATION The removal of a limb, superior or inferior or part of a limb. ANABOLISM The phase of metabolism which consists of the synthesis of new molecules. ANALGESIC A substance which relieves pain. ANDROGENS A collection of steroid hormones secreted by the testicles and the adrenocortical which provokes the male sexual development and muscular development. The principle androgen is testosterone. ANEMIA Decrease in the rate of haemoglobin in the blood, caused or not by a decrease of red blood cells. TONSILITIS The inflammation of the tonsils and the pillars of the soft palate, provoking pain on swallowing. ANTIBIOTICS Medications which eliminate bacteria o impede their development. ANTIBODY Plasma protein secreted by the plasmocytes which possess the facility to bring about certain reactions (precipitation or agglutination for example) with its corresponding antigen. ANTISCORBUTIC A substance which cures scurvy. It is known as vitamin C or ascorbic acid. ANTIGEN Such is the name given to all foreign substances, which once introduced into the body are able to produce antibodies. ANTIHEMORRAGIC AGENT A substance which blocks haemorrhaging: Vitamin K. ANTINEURETIC A substance which counteracts neuritis: Thiamine.

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    ANTIOXIDANT A substance which retards or impedes oxidation. It is normally known as vitamin E ANTIPYRETIC A treatment which reduces body temperature in cases of fever. ANTIRACHITIC A preventative, corrective or curative medication for rickets. Known as vitamin D. ANTITHYROID A medication which slows down thyroid activity. ANTIVITAMINIC A substance which neutralises the normal metabolism of vitamins, rendering them inoperative. ANTISEPSIS A collection of procedures and practices destined to destroy the germs which cause an infection. APENDICITIS Acute inflammation of the vermicular appendix. RNA Ribonucleic Acid ARNICA Is used in a compress or as an ointment to relieve pain ARRHYTHMIA Irregularities in the heart beat. ARTERY Tube which transports blood carrying oxyhemoglobin from the heart to the different organs and tissues. ARTICULATION The joint of one or two bones. ARTHRITIS Inflammation, be it rheumatic or infectious of a joint. OSTEOARTHRITIS Chronic degenerative condition of the joints. ASCORBIC ACID Vitamin C. The lack of it causes scurvy. ASEPSIS Free state of the infection. The method of prevention for the destruction on pathogenic germs. ASPHYXIA Acute respiratory insufficiency which quickly leads to a deadly hypoxia and hypercapnia. ASSIMILATION

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    A collection of biochemical enzymatic processes which allow an organism to transform the nutriments to its own substance. ASSISTANCE A collection of actions strictly organised towards protecting, helping, saving and supporting the population in the case of a destructive event or disaster. ASTHMA The reaction produced in the airways in the form of spasmodic contractions of the bronchial tubes, accompanied by coughing. ASPIRIN Acetylsalic acid ASTIGMATISM A defect in the vision provoked by an irregularity in the curvature of the cornea. HEART ATTACK A sudden illness caused by the lack of irrigation of the heart muscle. ATROPHY The reduction of size and volume of an organ or a tissue. HELP This is the action in itself of saving, helping and rescuing of people during a destructive event or disaster. AVALANCHE Rapid and sudden fall of unformed masses, normally a mixture of snow/ice/rocks AVITAMINOSIS A pathological state caused by the deficiency de vitamins in a normal diet or due to the organisms inability to absorb or use them. BACILLUS Elongated bacteria. BACTERIA A single cell micro organism with a nucleus lacking in membrane, and with only one chromosome, capable of multiplying itself. The bacteria can or not be pathogens, and can be the origin of a large amount of infectious illnesses. BASE A substance which combined with an acid forms a neutral compound. BENIGN Expression applied to all non-cancerous lesions. BETA-CAROTINE With the aim of avoiding degenerative diseases, it could even be more effective than Vitamin A. BILIRUBIN A compound found in the blood as a result of the transformation of haemoglobin when the red blood cells are destroyed. Bilirubin is eliminated by bile in the intestine.

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    BILE A yellowy green liquid made up of water, bile salts, cholesterol and fats secreted by the liver and which are stored in the gallbladder before being shed via the duodenum. Plays an essential part in the digestion of fats and the elimination of medications. BIOTIN A member of the Vitamin B complex. EXOPHTHALMIC GOITRE A condition provoked by excessive thyroid activity. BOTULISM Very serious food poisoning, provoked by the toxin of a germ(clostridium botulinum), generally present in badly sterilised preserved foods. It affects the nervous system. BRADYCARDIA The slowing down of the heartbeat. BRONCHIAL PNEUMONIA Infection which affects the bronchial tubes and lung parenchyma. BRONCHITIS The inflammation of the bronchial tubes which brings about a productive cough. It is classified as chronic bronchitis when this cough is present for at least three months of the year for three consecutive years. It is usually caused by nicotine poisoning. BULIMIA Psychopathic sensation of hunger which causes the continuous ingestion of food. SEARCH AND RESCUE The process of locating victims of disasters and the applying of first aid and the basic medical assistance which may be needed. CHEMICAL ACCIDENT Accidental spillage which occurs during the production, transportation or handling of dangerous chemical substances. CRAMP The involuntary painful contraction of a muscle, usually in the calf or thigh. CALCIFICATION The hardening of organic tissues due to calcium salt deposits GALLSTONES The build up of minerals which occurs in a canal or in certain organs due to some kind of metabolic anomaly. COLD SORES Painful lesions which appear around the mouth during the flu or other upper chest infections. They are caused by a Herpes virus, with the tendency to reappear during a bad cold. Between episodes, the virus lies dormant within the tissues. COLOSTRUM

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    Transparent liquid secreted from the mothers breast in the first days after childbirth, before the production of milk. Colostrum contributes to protect the newborn baby from infections. CANCER A destructive cellular invasion with the capacity to spread to other organs and reproduce. ENTERIC LAYER The coating on tablets which avoids the their destruction and the production of injury in the stomach. TOOTH DECAY Infection in the teeth which causes the formation of destructive cavities which merge together. CAROTENE A yellow pigment which is seen in different forms: alpha , beta, and gamma, provitamins which the body later turns to vitamin A. CASEIN A protein fundamental to milk. It is the basis of cheese. CATABOLISM The phase of metabolism which consists in the transformation of nutrients in simpler compounds, releasing energy. CATARACHTS An ocular condition which consists of the hardening and opacification of the lens. CATARRH The inflammation of the mucous, especially the nasal mucous, accompanied by a notable hypersecretion. ECC Emergency Coordination Centre HEADACHE Localised pain in the head. DISTRIBUTION CENTRE A specific place where all the donations for a community or institution are received, selected, classified, counted, packaged, tagged and stored when there is an emergency or disaster, to be distributed wherever they are needed. CHILDBIRTH This is the expulsion of the placenta and membranes and the contraction of the uterus.

    CYANOSIS The blue coloration of the skin and mucous due to insufficient oxygen in the blood. SCIATICA Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve brought on by the compression which a hernia in the root of this nerve causes. CIRRHOSIS

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    Chronic and diffuse liver condition, usually originally caused by alcohol, and characterised by the convergence of three types of histological lesions. CYSTINE Non essential amino acid which contains sulfur. CYSTINURIA Excess of Cystine in the urine. CISTITIS The inflammation which occurs in the bladder, causing an increase in frequency of urination and a burning sensation when urinating. FISSURE A canal or groove traced on the surface of an organ. CYTOTOXIC A toxic substance which acts on cells. CLOT The result of the coagulation of the blood, it is a mass formed of red and white blood cells, and platelets which stop a wound from bleeding. COCCUS Round shaped bacteria. COLLAGEN The principal constituent, originating from protein, from the collective tissue and from the organic substance of the bones. CHOLERA Highly contagious epidemic infection due to Vibrio Cholerae. The results are principally diarrhoea and uncontrollable vomiting. CHOLESTEROL A sterol originating from animals, precursor of Vitamin D, present in the blood and bile. It is synthesised by various organs, principally the liver. It makes up one of the substances which overload the arteries. CHOLIC Acute abdominal pain, especially that which is caused by the spasmodic contractions of the abdominal organs. EYE DROPS Liquid medication which is applied as drops for eye conditions. COLITIS Inflammation occurring in the colon. DIABETIC COMA The state of unconsciousness characteristic of the last stage of serious sugar diabetes. COMPRESS A piece of gauze or a layered cloth.

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    CONTINGENCY This is whichever situation of risk caused by some human activity or natural phenomenon which can put someone or something in danger. CONTRACTION The shortening of the muscle fibres. CONGENITAL That which exists at birth and is not acquired. CONTUSION Contusion, bruise. FLASH FLOOD A flood of short duration with maximum flow. It causes floods and by their nature are difficult to prevent. CRISIS It is the combination of situations of risk and vulnerable conditions, which happen to a person or organisation upset the daily working order, exceeding coping strategies and which require outside help to get over them. As such the crisis can also be understood as a fracture or change of a series of events. The crisis is the result of a consequence. CHROMOSOME A component of the cells, of a filament structure, carriers of the inherited or genetic factors. They are found in an even number, which in the human species, is 22 pairs plus two sexual chromosomes, in total 46 chromosomes. The chromosomes are clearly visible in the cell nucleus during mitosis. CHANCROID A hard, painless ulcer, characteristic of the first phase of Syphilis. DALTONISM Disturbance of vision characterised by the inability to distinguish various fundamental colours. VICTIM This is the person who loses possessions and/or home, as a result of a destructive event and therefore needs help during a certain time period.

    DECLARATION OF A DISASTER The official proclamation of a state of emergency after a large scale disaster, with the aim of taking the necessary measures to reduce the impact of the disaster.

    DELIRIUM Disturbance of mental faculties which manifests itself through incoherent language. DIABETIC ACIDOSIS Acidosis or lack of alkaline, characteristic of the last phase of serious sugar diabetes SENILE DEMENTIA Loss of mental faculties due to old age.

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    CONTACT DERMATITIS The inflammation of the skin caused coming into contact with an irritation-causing substance. DERMITIS Inflammation of the skin. SAED Semi automatic external defibrillator DISASTER A serious interruption in the workings of society causing enormous loss of life, and destruction of property and environment, to such extent that the affected society cannot continue without outside help. FLAKING The fragmented elimination of the surface of the skin. DEHYDRATION The elimination of the water container in tissue or in food. It is know as the pathological state of having lost an excess of water. DIABETES An illness caused by a deficiency of insulin in the blood. DIABETES INSIPIDUS An illness characterised by an abnormally high secretion of very pale urine. SUGAR DIABETES An illness characterised by a higher secretion of urine with an excess of glucose. DIARRHOEA An in crease in the number of daily defecations, with very watery faeces DIPHTHERIA A toxinfectious illness of bacterial origin which results in throat infection of laryngitis and in disturbance of the nervous and cardiac systems. DISENTIR Intestinal infection by bacillus and amoebas which results in acute diarrhoea. DYSMENORRHOEA Painful menstruation DYSPNEA Pain on breathing. DEVICE A collection of preventative activities directed towards preparing and organising an operation. The device will supposedly have been orchestrated in the previous phase of the event or emergency, with the precise aim of preventing the emergency.

    DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid of the cell nucleus, in charge of the transmission of the genetic characters.

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    ECG: Electrocardiogram. EDEMA The infiltration of a tissue or organ by a vascular liquid. PULMONARY EDEMA Invasion of the parenchyma lung with blood serum, seriously disturbing respiration. ELECTROCARDIOGRAM A graphic which shows the variations in potential produced by the rhythmic activity of the cardiac muscle. ELECTROLYTE An element in it ionised form. Sodium, potassium and chlorine ate the most common electrolytes in the organism. EMBOLISM Sudden obstruction of a blood vessel by an embolus. EMBOLUS Known as the formation, generally of coagulated blood which journeys through different veins until it arrives at one which is diametrically smaller, where it gets blocks. EMERGENCY It is the high risk situation caused by some kina of human activity or natural phenomenon which puts someone or something in mortal danger.

    ENCEPHALITIS Inflammation of the brain the cause of which is presumed to be viral. ENCEFALOMIELITIS Encephalitis accompanied by a condition of the spinal cord. ENDOCARDITIS Inflammation of the endocardium of a bacterial origen. ENDOGEN Formed in the interior of the body. ENTEROCOCCUS Variety of streptococci, generally present in the intestine, responsible for urinary infections and endocarditis. ENTEROPATHY Any type of intestinal infection. ENTEROVIRUS A variety of virus with significant intestinal tropism, as is the case of the poliomyelitis virus. ENURESIS Abnormal and unconscious urination in children older than four. ENZYME

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    Biocatalyst, protein in nature, of endogenic character produced by the bodys cells, responsible for all the bodies metabolic processes. EPICENTRO The point on the surface of the earth directly above the focus or hypocentre of an earthquake or catastrophe.

    EPIDEMIA Rapid propagation of an infectious illness within a previously uninfected population. EPISTAXIS Bleeding from the nose. ECCHYMOSIS Extravasations of blood in the tissues. ERYTHEMA The reddening of the skin produced by the congestion of the capillaries, which disappears momentarily with pressure. SPHINCTER Ring-shaped muscle which closes a natural orifice. SPRAIN A joint trauma consisting of broken ligaments but without the loss of contact between the joint surfaces. SPIRILLUM These are helicoidal shaped bacteria. Amongst these are treponema pallidum which produces syphilis in humans. STERILE Free of micro organisms. STERNUM The bone situated in the middle and in front of the thorax. It moves with the collarbone(clavicle) and the ribs. STIMULUS It is a chemical or physical agent capable of producing reactions in the peripheral sense organs or the peripheral nerve endings or muscle fibre. STRANGULATION Constriction around or in front of the neck which impedes the passage of air and abruptly suspends the breathing and circulation. STUPOR State of partial unconsciousness with absence of movement and reaction to stimulus. EVACUATION Security measure to evacuate the people in a zone of risk or danger and move them to a safe distance, in which the cooperation of the citizens should be part of the program. DAMAGE ASSESSMENT

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    The identification and qualitative and quantitative record of the extent, seriousness and location of the effects of an adverse event. EVENING PRIMROSE OIL Recent investigations suggest that it may be beneficial in the treatment of certain illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and heart disease. It is also used to treat cramp. EVENT The happening, case, or circumstance in a determined place or time. FABISM Haemolytic anaemia caused by contact with certain varieties of beans(broad bean). PHARYNGITIS Inflammation of the pharynx or the upper region of the throat. CF Cardiac frequency. PHENYLALANINE Essential amino acid. SPLINT A splint: wooden or cardboard, rigid or flexible, of normal or inflatable material, which is applied to maintain broken bones in position. FIBRIN An insoluble protein which makes a blood clot. It is the result of an enzyme, thrombin, on fibrinogen. FIBRINOGEN Soluble protein synthesized by the liver which makes up the basis of the coagulation process. FIBROSIS Injury consistent with a hyperplasia of the conjoined tissue. l FEVER The abnormal increase in the central body temperature. PHIMOSIS The narrowing of the foreskin which stops the glans from coming out. FSTULA An abnormal tube, which connects a cavity or an organ with the exterior or to another organ, from which fluids are lost. PHLEBOTOMINAE (From the Greek Phebos, vein and Atomos, cutting). A fly which feeds on blood, the bite of which is the means of transmission of Leishmaniasis, Bartonellosis and some Abovirus. BEND The action of bending. PHLYCTENA

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    A cutaneous injury which consists of the formation of a blister FOLIC ACID (Acid) Complex B vitamin (B9), also called pteroylglutamic acid or Folacin. FRACTURE A broken bone GREENSTICK FRACTURE The type of fracture in the which the break in the bone is not complete. VF Ventricular Fibrillation GALACTOSE Monosaccharide which is obtained from the hydrolysis of lactose. GANGRENE Tissue necrosis located in a certain area, due to the interruption of the circulatory activity. GASTRITIS Intense irritation of the stomach, the origin can be toxic or due to inflammation GENE Basic biological unit of the chromosome, composed of DNA which transports the hereditary information. GINSENG It is obtained by means of a specific root (panax ginseng) used to stimulate the adrenal gland and reducing stress. American and the Siberian ginseng have similar properties. GLAND Group of epithelial cells that secrete a substance for use in the body, mainly addressed to synthesis and excretion. The exocrine glands expel the final substance outside the body, such as the sebaceous glands, or go inside a canal (pancreatic glands). Endocrine glands send the substances to the blood. MAMMARY GLAND Two glands within the breast that secrete milk. PARATHYROID GLAND Four small endocrine glands located in the back side of the thyroid gland that secrete parahormones. THYROID GLAND Endocrine gland located under the larynx. It secretes thyroid hormones and thyrocalcitonin. GLYCERID Final substance after the combination of fatty acids and glycerol. GLYCOGEN

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    Polysaccharide of glucose the composition of which is similar to the one of the amylopectin of starch. Glycogen is stored in the liver, it turns into glucose according to the needs of the organism. GLUCOSE Monosaccharide water-soluble which appears in the blood, and therefore, in each of the organisms cells. This is where it burns out, releasing carbon dioxide and heat. It is stored in the liver and in other organs in the shape of a polysaccharide, the glycogen. GOUT Condition characterized by abnormally elevated levels of uric acid in the blood, recurring attacks of joint inflammation, mainly located in the toe. GRAM Coloration method used in bacteriology consisting of the repeated application of the gentian violet and safranine on a microbe. INFLUENZA Disease caused by viruses that infect the respiratory tract. Most people who get the flu recover completely in 1 to 2 weeks, but some people develop serious and potentially life-threatening medical complications, such as pneumonia BLOODSUCKER Refers to those animals which feed on other animals blood. HEMATOMA Abnormal collection of blood, usually clotted or partially clotted, caused by the break in the wall of a blood vessel. HEMOCITOSIS Increase in the number of blood cells HEMODYALISIS Medical procedure that uses a special machine to filter waste products from the blood and to restore normal constituents to it. It is more often employed for chronic renal disease HEMOPHILIA Blood disease which consists of a tendency to bleed and a clear slowness in blood coagulation HEMOLYSIS Disintegration or dissolution of the blood corpuscles, specially in the red blood cells HEMORROIDS Varicose veins in the rectum HEMOSTASIS Spontaneous or artificial stopping of the blood flow. HEPATITIS Liver inflammation HERNIA

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    Referring to a opening or weakness of the muscular structure of the wall of the abdomen. This defect causes a bulging of the abdominal wall. HYDROGENATION Introduction of a hydrogen substance HYDROLYSIS Chemical reaction through which two new compounds form from a complex substance and by means of the addition and decomposition of water. HYDROLIZED Final substance of hydrolysis. HYPERCALCEMIA Elevated calcium level in the blood. HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA Elevated Cholesterol level in the blood. HYPERGLUCEMIA Elevated blood sugar levels. HYPERLIPIDEMIA Elevated lipids level in the blood. HYPERLIPOPROTEINEMIA Elevated lipoprotein levels in the blood. HYPERPARATHYROIDISM Overactivity of the parathyroid glands resulting in excess production of the parathyroid hormone. HYPERPLASIA A condition in which there is an increase in the number of normal cells in an organ. HYPERTHERMIA Increase of the body temperature. HYPERTROPHY Enlargement or overgrowth of an organ or part of the body due to the increased size of the constituent cells. HYPERURICEMIA Elevated level of acid uric in the blood. HYPERVITAMINOSIS Refers to a condition of high storage levels of vitamins, which can lead to toxic symptoms HYPNOTIC DRUGS Substances used in the treatment of insomnia to induce sleep. HYPOALBUMINEMIA An abnormally low blood level of albumin.

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    HYPOCALCEMIA Lower-than-normal blood calcium. HYPOTERMIA: Lower-than-normal body temperature. HYPOPROTEINEMIA Lower-than-normal seric protein in the blood. HORMONE A chemical substance which is produced in the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs. RISK IDENTIFICATION Recognising and locating the probable damages that may occur in the affectable system (environment and population), under the impact of the destructive phenomena they are exposed to. ICD Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. INCISION Cutting the tissues using a scalpel. UNCONCIOUSNESS Without conscience. INFECTION Penetration of a pathogen microbe inside the body. INFLAMMATION Local reaction of a tissue to a stimulus either phisical, chemical or microbiotic INHALATION Introduction of gas substances, medicinal or anestesicos airways. IMMUNITY Resistance of an organism to infection, disease, or other unwanted biological invasions. INSUFFLATE Introduction of air or a specific pulverized substance into a cavity or organ. INSULIN Hormone secreted in the pancreas, particularly in the islets of Langerhans, which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. Hypoglycemia or lack of insulin determines a type of diabetes and in some acute cases its necessary to inject it subcutaneously.

    LACTIC ACID A small molecule presenet in the blood which is formed during intense muscular activity. LACTOSE

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    Disaccharide mainly found in milk resulting from the union of a galactose and glucose molecule. LARYNGITIS Inflammation of the larynx mainly because of the irritation of the vocal cords INJURED Person who suffered any type of phisical or psichological traumatism due to the impact of a crash or accident. LETHARGY Loss of willpower with the incapacity to react, even though the person is clearheaded. LEUKEMIA Disease consisted of a notable increase of the number of leukocytes, due to a hyperdevelopment of the lymph nodes and the organs responsible for the production or leukocytes. LEUCINE Essential amino acid. LEUKOCYTOSIS Transitory increase in the number of leukocytes, which normally occurs during digestion and pregnancy, although it could even be the syndrome of some infectious disease. BREWERS YEAST Subproduct derived from the beer elaboration process. It covers a wide range of vitamins and helps to reduce stress and tiredness. LIGAMENT Fibrous tissue that connects bones to other bones. Sometimes called articulate ligaments. LIPASE Enzyme with the capacity to digest the fat. LIPID Broadly define.d as any fat-soluble naturally-occurring molecule such as fats, oils, wax and cholesterol LIPOPROTEIN Combination of a fat and a protein. LIPOTROPHIC Known as all essential substances for the metabolism of fat. LISINE Essential Amino- acid. LYSIS Cell or tissue destruction. LYSOSOMES Membrane structures of the cellular cytoplasm cointaining hydrolitic enzymes.

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    LOGISTICS: Known as the management of the flow of goods, transport and its distribution, also related with people transport. MACROBIOTIC Diet based on chinese energies. (ying-yang) MENINGITIS Inflammation of the meninges, mainly the arachnoid and the pia mater, it normally appears with anomaly of the cerebrospinal liquid. MENOPAUSE Period in womens life, normally between 50-55 years when mestrual periods stop. MENSTRUATION Periodic blood coming from the uterus. It normally occurs every 4 weeks and it lasts from 2-7 days, depending on each period. METABOLISM Known as the whole range of biochemical reactions, either synthesis (anabolism), or destruction (catabolism) of nutrients that take place in the organism or in a certain organ. BASAL METABOLIC RATE Measure of the of the thyroid gland activity, percentatge in which the resting body consumes oxygen. METHIONINE Essential Amino-acid. MICROBE Unicellular microorganism consisting of: bacteria, viruses, microscopic fungi and protozoans parasites. MICROORGANISMS (Microbes) : Unicellular microscopical beings, representing the most elementary and simple forms of life. The microorganisms have been specially adapted to survive in their environment, such as the cilium, which help them moving ; they use the protoplasma prolongations named as flagellum or pseudopods to move. For example: amoebas have pseudopods which elongate and shrinks, allowing the amoebian cell to move (travel) and be able to capture alimentary particles, surrounding them and taking them inside MYDRIASIS: Excessive dilatation of the pupil of the eye. MIOSIS: Constriction of the pupil of the eye MITIGATION Whole range of actions tending to reduce, decrease and mitigate the effects of a destructive event. STUMP Resulting part of an amputated member, between the articulation and its correspondent section.

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    MUTATION Cromosome alteration , either in number or because they lack of certain parts. NAUSEOUS Known as the feeling before vomiting as well as the convulsions with the need to vomit. NEURASTHENIA Illness due to a nerve weakening or to a congenital lack of nerve strength. DIABETIC NEURITIS Nerve inflammation ocasionally appearing in sugar diabetes. NEUROLYSIS The destruction of a nerve by the injection of alcohol. NECROSIS Name given to the premature death of cells and living tissue. NEUROTOXIC Toxic with noxious effects on the nervous system. NEUROTOXINA Toxin responsible for destroying the nervous tissue. NIACIN Known as the nicotinic acid, part of the vitaminic compound B. NUCLEOPROTEIN Any protein which is structurally associated with the nucleic acid. Its inside the cellular nucleous. NUCLEOTIDE A subunit of DNA or RNA. To form a DNA or RNA molecule, thousands of nucleotides are joined in a long chain. NUTRIENT Organic or unorganic substance in the food. It is digested and absorbed by the organism to be used, afterwards, in the intermediate metabolism. CORONARY OBSTRUCTION Tamponade of the small arteries which feed the cardiac muscle. OCCIPUCIO Back and inferior section of the head. OCCLUSION Tamponade of any blood vessel. DIETARY MINERALS Known as the minerals that the living organisms require in small amounts (less than 100mg a day). In this group is included: iron, zinc, fluorine, iodine, arsenic, magnesium, selenium, cobalt, molybdenom, chrome, vanadium, tin and nickel.

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    OMOPLATUS Flat bone, and triangular shape, located on the back section of the shoulder. OPERATIVE Whole range of actions taking place during the event or emergency to mitigate and control their critical effects or crisis. The operative is orchestrated during the event itself. OSTEOPOROSIS Abnormal bone porosity due to the inability of the osteoblast to deposit bone material. It appears when the mineral absortion predominates over its acummulation. OTITIS Inflammation of certain sections of the middle ear. OXIDATION Chemical reaction in which one substance is combined with oxygen. Its chemically related to an increase of positive charge of the atom due to a loss of electrons. PARALYSIS: Loss of sensitivity and movement of one or several parts of the body. PARAPLEGIA: Lower limbs paralysis, generally because of an injury in the spinal cord, particularly on the lower spine downwards, coming with the loss of voluntary control of the bladder and anal sphincter. CPR Cardio Pulmonary Arrest.

    DANGER Threat or imminent probability of suffering any damages. PERITONITIS Acute inflammation of the peritoneum (serous membrane which lines part of the abdominal cavity and some of the viscera it contains) PETECHIAE: Round red spots under the skin caused by an intradermal haemorrhage, which dont disappear when pressed with the finger. PLATELET One of the constituent elements in the blood, it contributes to blood coagulation. FAS First Aid Station. POLICY Action line or directrix to be followed in order to reach an objective.

    PREPARATION Whole range of previous actions to be taken in case of emergency or disaster. PREVENTION Whole range of measures sufficiently available in advance, with the aim of avoiding or mitigating the impact of a destructive event.

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    CIVIL DEFENCE: Whole range of principles, rules, procedures, actions and bahviours, participative and corresponsable which the society and the authorities execute in a coordinated and arranged way. They are carried out for the prevention, mitigation and restoration to saveguard peoples goods and lives and their environment in the eventuality of a disaster. URIC ACID An organic nitrogenated acid present in the blood which comes from the degradation of nucleoproteins in the body. Its rate in the blood (close to 50 mg per litre) is higher in people with gout. VENOM Poison, particularly liquid and secreted by snakes, spiders and scorpions. PRURITUS Unpleasant sensation that evokes the desire or reflex to scratch. PROTEIN Organic compounds made of aminoacids and hydrogen. All the cellular membranes are formed by proteins, therefore they constitute a fundamental compound. BLACK SPOT/RISK POINT It refers to the risk of a specific physical space in a particular place, such as a property. PUPIL Circular opening located in the centre of the iris of the eye. CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. TEMPORARY REFUGE Known as the facilities or building made to give temporary acommodation and assistential service to the victims who have suffered some type of disaster. AFFECTED AREA Section of territory affected by damage because of the impact of a calamity. RESERVOIR Known as the organism in which an infectious agent is developed or kept, and its ability to transmit to other organisms. Type of oxygenotherapy mask with an oxygen bag. RESTORATION Whole range of actions addressed to repair and reconstruct the damages caused by any destructive fact. RISK Probability of suffering an accident. SACCHARIN Whitish and crystalline compound used as an artificial sweetener. It has no nutritional power. SARCOMA

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    Its a cancer of the connective tissue SECURITY Whole range of measures with the purpose of protecting someone or something against some specific risks. Its important to clarify that the security is a perception because we cannot feel it, hear, touch or taste it. SENSITIVITY Rapid perception with the senses, reacting to small changes. SIMULATION Its an act where a specific situation or scenery is imitated with the aim of training people in case of an emergency SUPPLY: The ordered delivery of those elements necessary to prevent or control an emergency, on behalf of a distribution centre, to their place of consumption.

    FIRE DISASTER Destructive event produced by a fire, so its basically associated with fire. It can be an accident or become a disaster. Catastrophic event with the loss of human beings and property. SYNTHESIS Known as the elaboration process of a chemical compound. BLOOD SERUM Known as the liquid coming from coagulated blood. MULTIMINERAL SUPPLEMENTS Capsules or pills containing at least half of the recommended daily amounts of iodine, iron, calcium and other minerals. MULTIVITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS Capsules or pills containing at lear half of the recommended daily amounts of the vitamins: A; B1, B2, B3, B12, folic acid, C and D, and maybe also vitamins B5, B6, biotin, E and K. SUPPURATION Pus formation. TACHYCARDIA It refers to an abnormally fast heart rate, over 100 beats per minute. TETANUS: It refers to an acute infectious disease, caracterized by the prolonged contraction of the skeleta muscle fibres. TETRAPLEGIA Lower and upper limb paralysis, caused by a spinal cord lesion, just at the cervical column. THREAT The probability of the occurrence of a potentially harmful phenomenon within an area and given time period.

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    THIAMINE Known as the B1 vitamin. Antineuritic factor, part of the vitamin compound B. THYROID See thyroid gland. TYROSINE Non essential amino acid. TOXIN Special toxic substances which function as an antigen in the human and animal organism, that is, they create antibodies with a defensive aim in the organism. TOXOID Its a bacterial toxin which loses its toxic components when heated or in formol but keeps its property of unleashing the antibodies formation. TRACHEA Elastic, cylindrical and gelatinous conduct located in the lower front part of the neck. TRAUMA Injury of any type. THREONINE Essential amino acid.

    TRIAGE: Selection and classification of victims through some procedures where the severity of their condition and the survival probability are determined. TRYIPTOPHAN Essential amino acid TRICHINOSIS Infection caused by the trichinella, which is a parasite located in raw pork meat. THROMBIN Substance responsible for the transformation of the fibrinogen in fibrin, during the coagulation process. THROMBUS Blood coagulation in a blood vessel. THROMBOSIS Formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel. It can consequently lead to an embolism. ULCER Discontinuity of the skin exhibiting complete loss of the epidermis. PEPTIC ULCER Ulcer formed in the gastrointestinal tract or area. UNGUENT: Soothing preparation for external use.

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    UREA Main nytrogenated product of the final protein metabolism. HIVES Cutaneous eruption (rash) UVULA: Conic projection from the posterior edge of the middle of the soft palate. VACCINE Its a biological preparation of organisms, either alive or dead which produce a response in the body when they are inside the body, preventing a specific illness. VECTOR: Its a bearer, particularly the parasite which carries the infectious agent. VEIN Blood vessel that carries the blood towards the heart by means of the auriculas. VICTIM: Person who has suffered the loss of health rn its physical, pshychological and social aspects, caused by an accident or a disaster. VIRULENCE Its the ability of an infectious pathogen agent to provoke disease. VIRUS All the microorganisms invisible under the microscope are known as virus, therefore we have to use the ultramicroscope to observe them. Viruses consist of an acid nucleic molecule (DNA), covered with a protein coating. The virus can only reproduce in living tissue. Smallpox, chickenpox, influenza, rabies, poliomyelitis, hepatitis, mumps...are some of the many diseases caused by a virus. When a virus infects a cell, it uses the construction and reproduction materials of the cell itself for its own development. VITAMINS Essential micronutrients for the organism. They are divided into two groups: liposolubles, stored in the body and hidrosolubles, to be replaced daily where necessary. VISCUS Organ inside a cavity, particularly in the abdomen. VOLUNTEER Referred to the person who works on behalf of others without being motivated by financial or material gain, normally in activities related to civil defence. The volunteer normally receives a basic training to effectively accomplish the assigned tasks, and moreover has to meet the physical and phsychological minimun requirements. VULNERABILITY Referred to the susceptibility to physical or emotional injury or attack either on people, goods and services against any type of destructive event. WERNICKE-KORSAKOFF SYNDROME Syndrome of psychosis caused by a chronic alcoholism, probably due to the lack of tiamine

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    DISASTER ZONE Affected physical region (it normally covers a district, political delegation or State) caused by a phenomenon of natural or human origin (see definition of Disaster) RISK ZONE Its the whole range of risk spots concentrated in a specific area, such as a block, a roundabout or a district ZONING Generally it refers to the subdivision of a geographical area, country or region, etc in homogeneous sectors according to certain criteria ZOONOSIS: Whole range of diseases transmitted by animals to human beings BUZZING Continuous sound or whisper either subjective or objective, generally produced by an insect or vascular alteration.

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    BIBLIOGRAFA "URGENCIAS Enciclopedia Practica de Primeros Auxilios" Editorial Marin, S.A., Espaa GUYTON, Fisiologa Mdica. Interamericana de Editores GANONG, Fisiologa Medica. Interamericana de Editores Patologa Mdica, Interamericana Editores GARY A. Van Gelder, Toxicologa Clnica Guas de Salud: Primeros Auxilios. Dr. Carlos Sanz. Reanimacin cardiopulmonar: Primeros auxilios. Nota tcnica de prevencin n 247. Moline Marco, J.L. Gua de formadores AHA 2008 Gua de formacin CEAC Tintinali . Urgencias Mdicas . Mossby . Diccionario mdico
