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"gn5Earchin'" REttis VOL. VII Published by The Memphis Genealogical Society Mrs. :Harry E. O'Hara, Editor . 15391 Sbady Grove Terrace Memphis 17, Tenn. JULY, 1960 - CONTENTS - ( TEE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Y.emphis Members - News and Notes - Notice of Meeting (July) •• 56 OVER THE EDITOR'S DESK News from Cur Fellow Publishers, Tools for Research, New Family Histories, and Potpourri 57 THE II.LOST" MINUTE BOOK OF STEvTART COUNTY, TENNESSEE Abstracted by: . Ruth Henley G. Duncan (Mt-s. I. G.), Director Research 61 PETITIONERS OF SUMNER COUNTY, TENNESSEE - 1799 Copied by: Ruth Henley G. Duncan I •. G.), Director Research 63 "TAR OF 1812 - TENNESSEE PENSIONERS ON LIST - JANUARY 2, 1883 Compiled by: Hermione D. Embry (V.rs. Chas. A.), Genealogical Reference Librarian, Tennessee State Library, Nashville, Tenn. Grainger County (Part) through Humphreys County (Part) . BEDFORD COUNTY, TENNESSEE TAX LIST - 1812 Secured by Ruth Henley G. Duncan I. G.), Director Research Original list on file Tenn. State Dept. Archives & History Frazer through Higs 69 QUERIES . . . .. . . . 73 qlMll1erly, in the latter part 01 "'.-y, AprU, July, and OceoMr. All mbscriptioM retroactw. to liret iesue 01 that year. A.nnual me...hr&hip (i""lutks .. AMBa,chin' .. NS/MJ $3.00. Si""le copie_ '1.00. Neit"'" tlw Editor, tlw Alemphie Gensalot1ical Society nor .. AMea,chin' .. New_ GMumes responsibility fo, erro' of opinioM or lacts up,.."Hd by contributora.
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"gn5Earchin'" REttis


Published by The Memphis Genealogical SocietyMrs. :Harry E. O'Hara, Editor. 15391 Sbady Grove Terrace

Memphis 17, Tenn.


JULY, 1960



TEE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGEY.emphis Members - News and Notes - Notice of Meeting (July) • • •• 56

OVER THE EDITOR'S DESKNews from Cur Fellow Publishers, Tools for Research, New FamilyHistories, and Potpourri • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 57

THE II.LOST" MINUTE BOOK OF STEvTART COUNTY, TENNESSEEAbstracted by: .Ruth Henley G. Duncan (Mt-s. I. G.), Director Research 61

PETITIONERS OF SUMNER COUNTY, TENNESSEE - 1799Copied by: Ruth Henley G. Duncan (V~s. I •. G.), Director Research 63

"TAR OF 1812 - TENNESSEE PENSIONERS ON LIST - JANUARY 2, 1883Compiled by: Hermione D. Embry (V.rs. Chas. A.), GenealogicalReference Librarian, Tennessee State Library, Nashville, Tenn.Grainger County (Part) through Humphreys County (Part) • • • .

BEDFORD COUNTY, TENNESSEE TAX LIST - 1812Secured by Ruth Henley G. Duncan (V~s. I. G.), Director ResearchOriginal list on file Tenn. State Dept. Archives & HistoryFrazer through Higs • • 69

QUERIES . . . . . . . . 73

l~sued qlMll1erly, in the latter part 01 "'.-y, AprU, July, and OceoMr. All mbscriptioM retroactw. to liret iesue 01 that year. A.nnual me...hr&hip (i""lutks

..AMBa,chin' .. NS/MJ $3.00. Si""le copie_ '1.00. Neit"'" tlw Editor, tlw Alemphie Gensalot1ical Society nor ..AMea,chin' .. New_ GMumes responsibility fo, erro'

of opinioM or lacts up,.."Hd by contributora.

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Harm weather "is tio deterrent to O&-;r ~~mphfs members· when it comes to search­ing for our ancestors'., Progress. fs'1 b~ing'~ad~too~ .. We are 'enjoying the'facilities of our enlarged gen~alogicaldepartmentat Cossitt Library, whe~e

may be seen on these all too short sunuile'r days and evenings, such diligentseel~ers after data as 'I'hi;r:za~QbleY, ... Virgtnia Valentine, Laur.ence and LillianGardiner, Sally Basler, Margaret Ayres, ~erryBlair, DIAnn Sullivan and manyothers. . "

~his seems to be a good time and place to announce plans for purchase of moremicrofilm of census schedules~ .Evelyn (Mrs. E. Hope) Erooks, Library Chair­man, tells us that soon our goal may be reached - census schedules for Statessurrounding Tennessee, at least those from 1800 through 1850.

We miss Margaretta (~..rs. Grayson) Lambert who left us in June to live in Tulsa,then in Phoenix; but we do. appreciate her thoughtfulness in bequeathing to theSociety copies of Il~emorial .Addresses on the Life and Character of George Wash­ington Gordonlt (Confederate General), speeches made at "Presentation of Statueof Andrew Jackson to U. S. by the State of Tennessee", 'I Turn of the Century,Record of the House of Thomas Oakes & Co.", "Military Anpals of' Tennessee, 1861­1865, Confederate It , IlLiterary ~emphislt by Dr. lIT.arshall Wingfield.

Study Group meetings were held in April at the home of Y..rs. Frank Basler; inMay at the home of V..rs. Reginald TOlar; in June at the home of Y..rs. R. C.McKitrick. These get-togethers are fUn as well as work sessions. Thosewhohave been unable to attend are missing opportunities.

~any favorable comments have been heard about the classes for beginners con­ducted by V..r. Laurence Gardiner last Spring. Plans are in the offing for con­ducted tours of court houses in the surrounding area as ,soon as the summerheat abates a bit.

New ~embers Helcome: r.'Jrs. vlilliam W. Harris, 1108 Kingspark l~oad; Y.rs. ScottJulian, 868 N. AUburndale; Mrs. James A. Lassetter, 1675 Overton Park Ave.;V.rs. w'm. M. Porter, 3141 Radford Road.

ANNOUNCEMENT: JULY MEETING AT LEADER-FEDERAL BUILDING on Poplar Ave. at 7: 30P.M. on the 18th of July. Eetty Goff (V.rs. James B~) Cartwright, Program Chair­man has been fortunate enough to secure the consent of Eleanor (Mrs. T. P.)Hughes to tell us about her pilgrimage to the North Carolina Archives and StateLibrary in Raleigh. No one with North Carolina ancestors will miss this pro-gram, willingly. So, -- See you on the 18th.

Vlilena Roberts Eejach (Y..rs. L. D.)President

l )

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July 1960


Summer time is really harvest time for many genealogists, as they take to theroad on vacations laden with notebook and pencil, hoping to find that missinglink. Happy hunting!

If you want us to be able to help you more in the future with some of your miss­ing links, please send us your five (or more) generation charts. The chartsthat have been received to date are in the process of being copied onto cardfiles. Having your family names and data on individual cards will make it pos­sible to give your name to others (or vise versa) working on your lines. If yourchart is not in our office, please send it at once to Mrs. Charles R. Gilley. 95South Mendenhall, Memphis 17, Tennessee. Mrs. Gilley is in charge of this muchneeded project.


The ALABAMA GENEALOGICAL REGISTER, published quarterly (annual subscription $5.00),is an excellent source of Alabama material. The Editor, Elizabeth Wood Thomas,is to be congratulated on the well balanced contents which include (Vol. II, No.1,March, 1960) the 1850 Census of Lowndes Co., Ala., Bibb Co., Ala. Deed Book A,Early Alabama Trails, Marengo Co., Ala. Marriages 1818-1825, Tombstone Inscriptions- Pickens and Hale Cos., Ala., plus book reviews and a query section. Order from:P. O. Box 284, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

"ECHOES", the publication of the East Tennessee Historical Society, containsnotes and articles of interest to those working on Tennessee lineage. The bulle­tin also has a query section. Write the Society, c/o Lawson McGhee Library,Knoxville, Tennessee. Membership $5.00 a year.

Of interest to Tennessee researchers - - THE SOUTHERN GENEALOGIST EXCHANGEQUARTERLY is publishing some of the 1830 census schedules of East Tennessee Coun­ties. The SUIT-mer, 1960 issue No. 14 has Blount County, Tennessee. Issue No. 9had Anderson County, issue No. 11 had Bledsoe Co., and issue No. 13 had CampbellCo. Subscription rate - $3.00. Order from: Mrs. Aurora C. Shaw, Editor, 2525Oak St., Jacksonville 4, Florida.

Why not try the GENEALOGICAL NEWSLETTER, edited by Inez Waldenmaier, #802, 3023Fourteenth St., NW, Washington 9, D.C.? It is a treasure house of much neededdata on what is new in the field of genealogy. It contains finding lists ofnewly published county histories, marriage records, family histories, andgenealogies plus a query section and other items of interest. $4 a year.

The KANSAS CITY GENEALOGIST (146 N. Lawn, Kansas City 23, Missouri) has had aninteresting article titled, "Dig Up Your Ancestors or Cemetery Records" by MissEleanor Sheley. The article covered all phases of research in cemeteries andhas appeared in the May and June issue of their publication. It would be a goodarticle to print and sell - especially to beginners.

The GENEALOGICAL FORUM OF PORTLAND, OREGON is running a supplement to theirbulletin titled, "Aid in Place Location" by Dorothy Remington Cutts. The arti­cle clears up the puzzle about the location of a place in one of the New Englandstates which you cannot find on a state map, an atlas, or a postal guide. Itexplains the difference between a township as most of us know it and those in theEast. In 1952 there were 932 townships in New York state and 610 municipalities.The Forum is publishing the townships and the county where they are located forthe state of New York.

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IIAnsearchin' News"



Mennonite church records have been moved to the Seminary Building, Goshen College,Goshen, Indiana. Their Historian, Mr. Melvin Gingerich, is in charge.

Miss Elizabeth Hughey, Librarian, The Methodist Publishing House, Nashville,Tennessee, advises that they are not set up to do research for individuals writingthem for material of a genealogical nature. She does say that the MINUTES OF THEANNUAL CONFERENCES OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH AND THE METHODIST EPISCOPALCHURCH. SOUTH and the NASHVILLE CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE have been microfilmed and areavailable for purchase from the American Theological Library Association, care ofDr. Raymond P. Morris, Yale Divinity School Library, New Haven, Conn.

Mrs. Rozelle C. Wax, 108 South 7th St., Amory, Mississippi, has had the COMPLETEINDEX OF ALL WILLS AND ESTATE SETTLEMENTS OR ADMINISTRATIONS in the Court House,Pontotoc. Mississippi, 1836-70 mimeographed and enclosed in attractive dark bluefolders for the price of $3.90. Please order direct from Mrs. Wax.

EARLY SETTLERS OF ALABA~A by James Edmonds Saunders is being re-printed by theWilla Publishing Co., P. O. Box 284, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Price $12.50. Thebook was compiled by Col. James E. Saunders (1806-1896) in the latter years ofhis life and contains an outstanding collection of genealogies and history ofAlabama. After his death his granddaughter, Mrs. Stubbs, added Part II andpublished it in 1899. The book is completely documented and makes an excellentand accepted reference book on early Alabama.

The JACKSON COUNTY. MISSOURI CENSUS OF 1850 is now ready for mailing. 149 pages,14,000 inhabitants listed, price $5.00. This schedule for 1850 covers Indepen­dence and Kansas City - Eastern terminus of the Santa Fe Trail and the OregonTrail. Alphabetized. Mrs. H. E.Poppino, 4307 Gillham Rd., Kansas City 10, Mo.


Please note ad page (inside back cover) for information on THE RUSSELL FAMILY INVIRGINIA by Mr. Louis des Cognets, Jr.

Chedwato Service (publishers of Ancestral Notes) has published HANNAH BOONE ANDHER DESCENDANTS compiled by Bess L. Hawthorne. Price $4.00. Hannah Boone was asister to Daniel Boone. The book is fully indexed and gives a very completelisting of her descendants through her two husbands, James Stewart and RichardPennington. Also included are details not included in the Boone Family by Mrs.Spraker.

POTPOURRI - genealogical tidbits gathered from here and there:

The Bent Creek Cemetery, located in the upper end of Hamblen County in EasternTennessee about a mile south of the little village of Whitesburg, marks its 150thAnniversary. Settlement in this part of the county had commenced shortly afterthe Revolutionary War and in 1785 Bent Creek Baptist Church had been organizedwith Tidence Lane the first pastor, and with Isaac Barton, William Murphy, JamesRoddye, Jacob Coffman, Samuel Riggs, William Horner, and many others prominent inits growth.

The burying ground was given in 1810, twenty-five years after the organizationof this church, by William Horner. Some of the names on the old tombstones areas follows: James Roddye, Rev. War soldier; Caleb Witt, Rev. War soldier; JohnKirkpatrick (whose grave was originally marked with a large limestone rock

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-59- July 1960

inscribed JBK, May 1741), Rev. War soldier - family tradition states he broughtthe first four wheeled wagon into Tennessee and formed the Salem PresbyterianChurch near Bulls Gap, Tennessee; Patrick Nenney, d. 4-28-1824, Rev. War soldier;Elder Andrew Coffman (1784-1864) and wife, Nancy (1783-1872); Alexander McDonald(1768-1834); Samuel White (1780-1854); another Samuel White (1751-1804) - both~hites were from Loudon County, Virginia. There are other names such as: Ballard,Cobble, Colyer, Courtney, Cox, Dean, Dyer, Estes, Flagg, Gordon, Harmon, Haun,Mooney, Moore, Murdoch, Pangle, Parvin, Pruitt, Rader, Rhea, Russell, Smith,Taylor and others.

This anniversary year a monument is being erected marking the grave of the firstman buried in Bent Creek, an unknown traveller from North Carolina who died inthe hcrre of William Horner. Subscriptions to the Permanent Care Fund of thiscemetery are being solicited and a revised list of tombstone inscriptions hasbeen compiled and are available for a fee of $2.50 from Mrs. Joel H. Ponder, NewEright's Pike, Morristown, Tennessee. The list contains the names of 688 graves.Mrs. Ponder would also welcome family Bible records, or data of any nature, re­lating to any family with Bent Creek background. Such m~terial will be filedwith other records.

The LOCAL HISTORY AND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY of Dallas,shop May 20th and 21st at the Dallas Public Library.awake in the field of genealogy which is evidenced byand publications.

Texas held its Spring Work­Texas is certainly widesome nine or more Societies

(Your Editor and merrbers of the Memphis Genealogical Society wish to express theirappreciation for the following gifts which will be placed in the Research andReference Department of the Memphis Public Library:

1. THE EAST TENNESSEE HISTORICAL SOCIETY'S PUBLICATION - NO. 31, 1959 sentby Miss Pollyanna Creekmore, Sec. of the East Tennessee Historical Soc.


3. LIST OF OLDEST GRAVES IN A VERY OLD CEMETERY IN SAPULPA, OKLAHO~A copiedand sent by Mrs. Robert V. Wilkins, Rt. #1, Sapulpa, Oklahoma.

4. Copy of: D. CROCKETT REEKES' AUTOGRAPH BOOK, FORT DELAWARE, DELAWARE.Original owned by Mrs. Harold Hiltz, 23415 Almira Blvd., Southfield,Michigan. (We hope to run this at a later date.)

5. A lengthy newspaper article on the descendants of ISAAC AND FRANCES COOK~

LIPSCOMB VAN ZANDT published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram on October 2,1955. Sent by Mrs. Ethel Brookes Gilmore, Box 324, Ranger, Texas.

6. An article titled, MANY WORDS WRITTEN, YET TRUTH UNKNOWN, about the lasthours of the Alamo. The article also contains a list of the heroes of theAlamo. Published March 6, 1960 in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and sentby Mrs. Ethel Brooke Gilmore, Box 324, Ranger, Texas.

7. GOLDEN GRAINS OF RESEARCH - YEAR BOOK 1960. Sent by Genealogical Societyof Montana.

8. The INDEX FOR 1860 U. S. CENSUS OF ALBE~ARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA copied byMrs. A. R. Fischer, 167 N. Hollywood St., Memphis, Tennessee.

9. GENEALOGICAL QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - A Weekly Feature - The Hartford Times,1948-1952. Sent by Mrs. Lewis O. Bowman, Sr., 216 Croydon Ave., Rockville,Maryland.

"ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS Jo~ns the many other publications in wishing the 1960 Censushad been more detailed. This last census seems to have been a big disappointmentto people everywhere.

PLEASE NOTE: The October issue of "Ansearchin'" may be late. Don't write!:

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"Ansearchin' News"



Copied April 25, 1960 by Mrs. L. D. Bejach, 43 Belleair Drive, Memphis, Tennessee

The following Bible record is taken from a Bible now (1960) owned by Mrs. IrbyW. Eller, 1700 Euclid St., Memphis, Tennessee. It was the property of Miss LydaCaldwell of Memphis who died leaving her personal property to Mrs. Eller, she(Miss Caldwell) having no close relatives. Mrs. Eller states that Miss Caldwell'smother was a Pierce and her father was Douglas Caldwell. The Bible is ancientand in poor condition. All that is left of the title page says, "EDINBURGH:Printed by Mark and Charles Kerr, His Majesty's Printers". This is below theArms of Britain with the motto "Dieu et mon Droit". The printing uses the oldform of the letter S (f). It is bound in heavy leather. At least one page ofthe family record is gone. At the end of the Apocrypha is a blank space on whichappears:

Mary Ware was born the 2 of november - - - - - - - - - (torn and illegible)

Children's agesMary Ware was b--- (torn) 30th (20th) of April 181 (3?)William Ware ------------------~ of May 1815Alexander Ware was born the 23 Day of May 1817

On other side of pageIsaac Ware his book February ye 26 17-9Isaac Ware was born March ye (torn) day 1750Mary Ware was born abought (torn) 1755Danniel Ware was born ye 28 day of April 1776Isral Ware was born ye 2 day August 1778Elizabeth Ware was born ye 26 day of August 178 (3?)Sallay Ware was born ye 10 day of May 1788________t (torn) Ware was born ye 11 day of May 1792

Two entrys below above in different ink(torn) Ware was born ye 10 day of March 1795(torn) -are was born ye 10 day of March 179-

The ANNUAL MEETING AND REUNION of the SHELDON FAMILY will be held Saturday,August 6, 1960 at the Middlebury Inn, Mid?lebury, Vermont. Should you wish moreinformation, please write Mrs. Raymond W. Luster, 41 Wilcox Ave., East Orange,New Jersey.

An important addition to material relating to Tennessee in the RevolutionaryWar was secured from the North Carolina Archives by President Wilena RobertsBejach and will be made available to our readers in a future issue of "Ansearchin'''.We speak of a list of men who accompanied General Rutherford on an expedition to"quiet" the Cherokees in the area that now is East Tennessee. As far as we knowthis list has never appeared in print and will prove helpful to those searchingfor ancestors during the Revolutionary War period.

INDEX TO: EXPENDITURES FOR REKOVAL OF CHICKASAW INDIANS will be run again inthe October issue. Sorry we could not get them in this time.

SOS - Does anyone know the whereabouts of any descendant of Mrs. Eva TurnerClark who published "Francis Epps, His Ancestors and Descendants" in 1942? Shedied on West Coast in 1947 - maintained residence in New York. Am interestedin locating her collection of Gibbons' material promised when she wrote theabove mentioned book. The Editor, Mrs. O'Hara.

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Ruth Henley G. Duncan (Mrs. I. G.), Director of Research

July 1960


A Minute Book of Stewart County, Tennessee, was discovered by me, more than tenyears ago, on a visit to the Confederate Museum in Dover, Tennessee. This oldMinute Book was reposing in a glass showcase in the musty basement of the Museum.The Curator had no knowledge of how many years this important record of theirCounty history had been lying there. This accounts for the book not beingcovered when the W.P.A. copied SOme of our county records. This fact continuedto nag me through the years and this past year I was successful in getting thisimportant document sent in to our State Archives for restoration through thecooperation of our State Archivist, Mr. Robert Quarles, and the local officialsof Stewart County. I am very grateful for their cooperation in the matter andfeel that many persons will find material within its covers to prove the missinglinks in their lineage, where before they were stumped. This is more comprehensi­ble to the new searchers of genealogical material, who are not familiar with thegenesis of our county formation. (See diagram below.) Stewart County was or­ganized in 1803 from Montgomery County, which had been a part of the short lived"Tennessee Vl County erected in 1788 by the State of North Carolina. Stewart Coun­ty embraced all of the "Chickasaw Purchase", engineered by the celebrated AndrewJackson. For a complete picture of early West Tennessee, see Mr. Roy Black'serudite paper, t~he Genesis of County Organization in Western District of NorthCarolina and in the State of Tennessee ll Vol. II, pp 95-118, West Tennessee His­torical Society, published 1948. Stewart County, erected in 1803, covered a vastterritory and no territory was taken from its boundaries until 1819. StewartCounty could very well be called the IIMother" of all West Tennessee Counties.Stewart County ceded territory for seven new counties during a brief period oftwo years, 1819-1821. They were - Hardin, Humphries, Perry, Henry, Carroll,Henderson, and Madison. Shelby was formed from Hardin in 1819. Good luckSearchers! I trust my persistance combined with the efforts of our State Archi­vist will assist you to find the missing link or proof needed on your ancestorwho came westward at this period.



TENNESSEE COUNTY, N. C. 1788 abandoned in 1796


STEWART COUNTY 1803 (embraced all of the CHICKASAW PURCHASE - -)


:HUMPHRIES :PERRY:Co. 1819 :CO. 1819

: HENRY:CO. 1821

: CARROLL:Co. 1821

:HENDERSON :MADISON:Co. 1821 :CO. 1821

: SHELBY: CO. 1819

:TIPTON:CO. 1821


:CO. 1821

:OBION:CO. 1823

:GIBSON: CO. 1823

: HAYWOOD:Co. 1823

Humphries County records were burned in a Courthouse fire, so it is hoped search­ers may pick up doculnentary proof to prove a genealogical problem by studying therecords of Stewart County and "her offsprings".

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.tAnsearchin' News"



held agreeably to Government in thethe Independance of the United

MONDAY, JUNE 11,Year 1804 and onStates the 28 --

Present the Worshipful Thomas Clinton and Joshua Williams, Esquires. CourtAdjourned Until tomorrow Morning 12 Oclock --

Court met agreeably to Government -- Present - Thomas Clinton, Chairman,Joshua Williams and William Allen, Justices. Thomas White, Mason Lowicke, SimonFletcher, Wm. Hubbard are delinquent jurors -- The Grand Jurors ---- ThomasFrench, Foreman, Phillip Hornbergar, Richard Meanly, Ham'l Meanly, Walter Stew­art, Joseph B. Nevill, Zath. O'Neal, Elijah Simson, Jesse Denton, Thomas Brigham,Mason Bennett, Jesse Ralco (Rosco?). Wm. Haggart, Goss Branson, and John Graham.(TO BE CONTINUED)

This rare find begins with the following record:PAGE 1

MONDAY, ~ARCH 12th, 1804 - At a Court held for the County of Stewart in the Stateof Tennessee According to an Act of the Assembly, March 12, 1804 - -

Present the Worshipful Thomas Clinton, Chairman - Proceeded to Swear inJoshua Williams, William Allen, and George Petty, Justices of the Peace for saidCounty --

Whereupon David Dickson was appointed Clerk Pro Tem, and Abraham Carl,Sheriff Pro Tem --

Ordered that Nathaneil A. McNairy, Esq. be nominated to position as Att. inthe Court -- Court Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 10 Oclock --

Court met according to Adjournment -- Present - Thomas Clinton, WilliamAllen, Joshua Williams, and George Petty, Esquires. The Court proceeded to theElection of Clerks -- Samuel A. Smith - 11, David Dickson - 1. Whereupon SamuelA. Smith, Esquire was duly Elected Clerk of said County --

The Court proceeded to the Election of a Sheriff of said County WhereuponAbraham Carl was Elected Sheriff and gave Bond and Security Accordingly --

The Court proceeded to the Election of Register of Sd County - WhereuponGeorge Petty, Esq. was duly Elected and gave Bond Accordingly ---

PAGE 2The Court Proceeded to Elect a Corner for Sd County (no name given)Other elections listed on this page are as follows: Corrmissioner of the

Revenue, Yancey Thornton; Ranger, Benjamin Downs; Trustee, James Smith. Appointedto the position of Jurors were: Aaron Fletcher and Daniel Cowen. Nathaneil A.McNairy was appointed by the Court as Solicitor~

The WILL of WILLIAM ~ASSEY proven in open Court by Philip Hornbergar andNathaniel Denton. Elizabeth Massey came into Court and took the Necessary Oathas Executrix.

Ordered that the Sheriff Collect for the Use of the County twelve and a halfCents on every hundred Acres of Land in Sd County - twelve and a half Cents onEach White Pole - twenty five Cents on each black pole - on each Stud horse oneDollar -- Court Adjourned until Court in Course to the same Place --

PAGE 31804 - At A Court began andthe 11th day of June and of

"COUNTIES OF TENNESSEE" by Austin P. Foster, page 85, states the earliest sett­lers of Stewart County arrived about 1795 and settled the present site of Dover,the countyseat. Duncan Stewart arrived in 1800 with new settlers among themwere: John Kingins, Christopher Brandon, Joseph Smith, Tillman Sexton, andEthelred Wallace. From Virginia came: James Scarborough, Sr., James Scarborough,Jr., Davis Andrews and Ebenezar Rumphelt. Other pioneer families were the Lewis,Gorham, Weaks, Parchman, Walter and Akers. Most of the settlers from North Caro­lina had grants of land for Revolutionary Services. For several years theysuffered much from the depredations of the Indians.

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-63-July 1960



Ruth H. Duncan (Mrs. I. G.), Director of Research

To The Honourable the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee

We your Petitioners the Inhabitants of the lower end of Sumner County (HumblySheweth) That being informed that at the last General Assembly that there was aBill laid in to divide the County of Sumner by a line to run on the extremeheigth of the ridg~ that divide the waters of Goose Creek from Dixon Creek tobegin at Cumberland River and to extend to the Kentucke State Line so as to forma County West of said line, to the great disadvantage of a large majority of theInhabitants of Sd County, by reason it would form a County at least Forty Milesor upwards long and not exceeding Fifteen or Eighteen miles in width at farthestwhich would put a number of the Citizens of said County in a very disagreeablesituation having so far to attend Courts, and all other public duties requiringtheir attendance at said Court House; and whereas the County of Sumner as theline now stands is composed generally of rich and Fertile soil almost every spotof which can be settled, and contains bounds sufficient for three if not fourConstitutional Counties when settled, and will admit of the Court Houses of eachsucceeding County being fixed on a water course of sufficient navigation to ex­port to and from said Court house any kind of produce, or Merchandize if laidoff in Squares of twenty five miles each way, and the Court house fixed in thecenter as nea~ as convenience will permit, and in so laying off or dividing saidCounty, there will be a Water course as beforemention'd running through eachcounty at or near the centre ---- which advantages your Petitioners humbly re­quest your Honourable body to take under your wise deliberation and not admit ofany new County being laid off that will leave more than Twenty five miles, tobegin at the East boundary line of Davidson County and extend an East course upCumberland River and then begin on the Kentucke State line so that a South SOEast course will just leave Twenty five miles to the West, crossing Cumberlandto the Indian boundary line and then the West side of Sd crossing line that iswithin the bounds of Sumner County will be sufficient to form two complete squareCounties when settled, which would be much to the benefit and convenience of thepresent and future Settlers within Sd bounds, and from the rapid Emigrations madeon Stones River and it's waters, We have great reason to believe that against ournext Session of Assembly they will be sufficiently numerous to constitute a Coun­ty, and if they request ought to have it granted, As the waters of Sd River con­tains bounds sufficient for a complete square County and have all the advantagesof Navigation as beforemention'd, if not destroy'd by having Counties previouslylaid off in long narrow string's up and down Cumberland River on both sides makingsaid River the dividing line merely to serve the Interest of a few designing Indi­viduals, which your Petitioners humbly request your Honourable Body will neverpermit to be accomplished, being fully assured your Intentions are, to do Equaland Impartial Justice to your Constituents, when in possession of Facts (all ofwhich we have endeavour'd to state to you) And we being inform'd that the Inhabi­tants of Sumner County all those above the waters of Bledsoes Creek are desirousof becoming a separate County, to divide Sd County agreeable to the line before­mention'd that begins on the Kentucke State and runs a South SO East coursecrossing Cumberland River to the Indian boundary line and we your Petitionershumbly request that said County may be divided agreeable to said line and in sodoing your Petitioners will as in duty bound ever pray.

House of Representatives, Sept. 30, 1799. Rec'd and referred to Committee ofpropositions & grievances - Ed Scott, Secty. In Senate 30th Sept., 1799 ­rec'd and referred by above - John Kennedy, Secty. (Signers on back of page.)

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ltAnsearch1n' News"

1. Wm. Bowen2. James Whitsitt3. Richard Joanes4. Robert Pierce5. Joel Childress6. John Smi th7. Mtmtain Hill8. William Perry9. William Nolen

10. Richard Wilson11. John Perry12. James Fairless13. Benjamin Darrow14. John Whitsitt15. Laurence (?) Whitsitt16. Elisha Prewett17. L. Brown18. Wm. Hamilton19. John Boyd20. Reuben Ray21. Richard Willis22. Caleb Willis23. Henry Bunn24. Thos. Tinnin25. Bryant Gorden (?)26. Corne1es Glass27. John Daily (Baily?)28. William Orr29. James Warnack30. Josiah Perry31. Shadrack Dunn32. John Williams33. John Mansker34. John Kennedy35. Wm. Kennedy36. Reuben White37. Hiram Warnick38. Isaac Walton39. Robert Perry40. John McCarty41. Phillip P K (his mark) Kuyzer42. Caleb Willis43. John Manning44. (?) Williams45. William Hawkins46. (?) Glasscock47. Edward Hogan48. John Young49. Henry BradfordSO. Smith Hansbrough51. Jesse Glassgow52. James Reno53. John Looney54. Edward Jones55. Samuel Watkins56. Jas. McKibbin57. William Trigg


Robert DavisWill. HendersonAbram TriggJohn McKfeeJno CarierWm. NevelMiho1 BlockWilliam CartwrightBax CastletonWilliam HendersonAlex EspeySamuel Henderson (?)James BarrowRobert Jona (?)Wm. BundyJeremiah OdelJames Ode1John HooverJorden BassBeave1y WilliamsJerry WilliamsJordan Bass, Junr.Ezekiel LindseyIsaac ClarkMichai1 MurphyZachariah CocksW. Rufus WierDavid JohnstonJames NevelsArchab1e HatcherJonathan NeainsJamesRusse11Armistead RogersWm. HammondWi lliam EdwardsAndrew HooverDennis KelleyIsaac SebastianAndrew Hoover, Junr.Wi1liam WierIn. DickinsonTurner WierDrury MilanSam1. HuffJames ButlerJno. LeeRichard HankinsSherrod CamperRobert EspeySam1 DonelsonJohn IrwinJobe BassRobert TateHenry HooverShadrack Hyde (?)Mich. SweetmanEdw. DouglassThos. Masten

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July 1960

No. ofCertifi­cate Name of Pensioner

Post OfficeAddress

Cause forwhichpensioned

Date ofMonthly originalRate allowance



Mitchell, Martha J.Jarnagin, JaneHightower, E.

Spring HouseSpring HouseSpring House

Widow 1812Widow 1812Surv. 1812


May 1879Feb. 1880Jan. 1872















Huges, AaronWelty, Mary AnnReese, MaryLintz, MalindaLove, HannasHolt, Mary A.Rader, Susan A.Guinn, SusanWhittiker, JemimaCrawford, Margaret A.Gass, Chas.Girdner, ConradeKelly, ElizabethOlear, NancyButterworth, Sally M.Roberts, RebeccaSwatzell, SallySusong, SusanStephens, LydiaWilson, SallyWilson, Sally W.Fowlkes, MelindaHarmon, BetsyBitner, DelilahDaniel, MaryGregg, AbigailHartman, MargaretTrobaugh, ElizabethSalmon, DiceyRobinson, Mary H.(Swatzell, Nelson)Black, ElizabethEllis, MargaretGreenfield, PeterNichols, MaryHorton, AnnDavis, RachelMorgan, ElizabethMurray, SarahGammon, Henry

Camp CreekCamp BranchCamp BranchCamp BranchCamp BranchCamp BranchCamp BranchCamp BranchClear CreekGreenevilleGreenevilleGreenevilleGreenevilleGreenevilleGreenevilleGreenevilleGreenevilleGreenvilleGreenvilleGreenvilleGreenvilleGreenvilleGreenvilleHorse CreekLimestone SpringsLittle ChuckyMidwayMidwayMidwayMidway

MidwayMosheimOttwayPilot KnobRheatownRheatownRheatownWarrensburghWarrensburgh

Surv. 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Surv. 1812Surv. 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812

Widow 1812Widow 1812Surv. 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812


















6,216 Green, Alsey Altamont Surv. 1812 " Jul. 1874

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-67- July 1960


No. of Cause for Date ofCertifi- Post Office which Monthly originalcate Name of Pensioner Address pensioned Rate allowance


10,258 Hunter, Lettice Bull's Gap Widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 187828,318 Britton, Susan Buren's Store Widow 1812 " Dec. 187928,180 Rider, Eliz. Choptack Widow 1812 II Dec. 187925,182 Merritt, Mary Ann Doughertyvil1e Widow 1812 "

5,238 Mitchell, Martha Lee Valley Widow 1812 " May 187315,744 Day, Frances Mooreburg Widow 1812 " Jan. 187924,914 Green, Ruth Mooreburg Widow 1812 " Jun. 187911,165 Owens, Cathy Mooreburg Widow 1812 II Apr. 187830,114 Johnson, Louisa Mooreburg Widow 1812 II Aug. 188019,285 Wilder, David Mooreburg Surv. 1812 " Oct. 187130,512 Horton, Joanna New Canton Widow 1812 II Sep. 188014,726 Hale, Elizabeth G. New Canton Widow 1812 " Jan. 187918,285 Bradshaw, Francis New Canton Widow 1812 " Feb. 187929,422 Cretes, Ann New Canton Widow 1812 " May 188015,765 Willis, Dan'l. New Canton Surv. 1812 " Apr. 187217,095 Ragle, George H. New Canton Surv. 1812 " May 187232,811 Hord, Mary Persia Widow 1812 " Dec. 18826,430 Spears, Ferriby Persia Widow 1812 " Dec. 1874

( 21,574 Hord, John Persia Surv. 1812 " Aug. 187525,649 Fonbush, Martha A. Rogersville Widow 1812 " Jun. 187925,522 Howe, Sarah Rogersville Widow 1812 " Jul. 187920,321 Webb. Sarah Rogersville Widow 1812 Mar. 187921,747 Smith, Eliza M. Rogersville Widow 1812 May 187912,850 Skelton, Elizabeth Rogersville Widow 1812 Dec. 187826,955 Brice, Catharine Rogersville Widow 1812 Sep. 187931,676 Linkons, Margaret Rogersville Widow 1812 May 188128,821 Klipper, Mary Rogersville Widow 1812 Feb. 188023,684 Kelley, Mary Rogersville Widow 1812 May 187925,683 Clark, Elmira Rogersville Widow 1812 " Jul. 187912,223 Webster, Horation Rogersvi lIe Surv. 1812 " Jun. 188224,803 Cleek, Rosannah Rotherwood Widow 1812 " Jun. 187924,445 Crew, Jane Rotherwood Widow 1812 " May 187921,293 Hamblin, Emeline Saint Clair Widow 1812 " Mar. 187929,417 Yonas, Mary Stoney Point Widow 1812 " May 1880

115,037 Sensabaugh, Louisa A. Stoney Point Widow 1812 " Jun. 186817,322 Sproa1, John Stoney Point Surv. 1812 " Mar. 187930,511 Jones, Rebecca War Gap Widow 1812 " Sep. 18804,406 Hartley, John War Gap Widow 1812 " Sep. 1871

18,401 Weatherford, Daniel White Horn Surv. 1812 " Aug. 187231,245 Wilson, Matilda Yellow Store Widow 1812 " Feb. 1881


28,533 Conner, Martha Brownsville Widow 1812 " Jan. 188030,322 Campbell, Dewartha Brownsville Widow 1812 " Sep. 188020,6 l [6 Sanders, Franklin Stanton Depot Surv. 1812 " Apr. 1873


8,074 Davis, Nancy Lone Elm Widow 1812 " Aug. 1878

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ttAnsearchin' News"


No. ofCertifi­cate Name of Pensioner

Post OfficeAddress

Cause forwhichpensioned


Date oforiginal




Adkisson, E1enderPatterson, Lucinda B.Stinson, Mary AnnDyer, Frances L.

Scott's Hi 11Scott's HillScott's HillShady Hill

Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812




Oct. 1878Nov. 1879Nov. 1878Jan. 1879





Conner, Susartna P.Duncan, MaryJones, LouisaValentine, LaviniaWillis, Wm. N.Powell, Charity AnnLee, HannahBarfield, RosannahRainey, Elizabeth H.Beard, MaryPierce, JohnRowe, AdamDunn, Wi lliamHinckey, BartlettHart, JohnHagler, JoelLong, FrancesMartin, MaryMarrs, PerinaFoster, LucindaStennet, DelilahMorton, Elizabeth

ComoConnervilleConnervilleConnervilleConnervilleCottage GroveElkhornHag lervi lIeParisParisParisParisParisParisParisParisParisParisParisParis LandingParisParis Landing

Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Surv. 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Surv. 1812Surv. 1812Surv. 1812Surv. 1812Surv. 1812Surv. 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812











Jan. 1879Jut. 1879Feb. 1880Apr. 1882Feb. 1872Feb. 1879Jun. 1879Feb. 1879Jun. 1879Mar. 1879Apr. 1872Mar. 1872Dec. 1871Oct. 1871Dec. 1871Apr. 1872Jun. 1879Dec. 1879Feb. 1879Feb. 1879Feb. 1880Jan. 1874


24,91917,75316, 28l~32,64419,40628,53114,1565,654


Anderson, MarthaWinni, SarahEasley, CynthiaLancaster, MarthaPell, ThompsonLuckett, MargaretBurnham, JamesTemple, TabithaMcCoy, James H.

Bluff SpringsBluff SpringsCentervilleCentervilleCentervilleJones ValleyJones ValleyJones ValleyLittle Lot

Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812Widow 1812




Jun. 1879Feb. 1879Jan. 1879Sep. 1882Oct. 1872Jan. 1880Mar. 1872Sep. 1873Mar. 1872



Buchanan, ChristCrosswell, SallieDuff, Nancy

Erin Surv. 1812Tennessee Ridge Widow 1812Ten~essee Ridge Widow 1812


Jun. 1872Nov. 1878Feb. 1879


20,659 Bibb, Margh McEwen Widow 1812 " Mar. 1879

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July 1960



Frazer, JohnFrazier, JohnFreeman's, AmazFrizzel, AbrahamFrizzel, JamesFrizzel, WilliamFry, AboolamFryen, JamesFuller, DarlingFuller, DarlingFuller, IsaacFuller, JacobFulton, JamesFurman, JohnFtirrestim, James

Gabgla, GarnerGacker, HenryGage, JamesGage Jr., JamesGage, JonathanGaleway, RobertGamble, AaronGamble, James B.Gamen, ParishGammell, JamesGammill, JosephGandy, EdmondGaneway, BurretGardner, JohnGardner, ThomasGarman, JohnGarner, ParishGarner, ThomasGarren, PeterGarret, HazeaGarrett, MosesGart, JamesGart, LewisGates, AllenGates, AlanGates, BenjaminGibson, JamesGibson, JeremiahGibson, JohnGibson, JonusGibson, NeelyGibson, WilliamGideon Jr., IsaacGideon Sen., IsaacGideon, JamesGideon, JohnGilbert, EdwardGilbert, James









Captains Company

John McWilliamsJohn Robert'sDuncan Neile'sTimothy Sugg'sTimothy Sugg'sTimothy Sugg'sWilliam Bell'sDuncan Neile'sRichard Neily'sJames Yell'sJohn B. Dempsey'sJohn B. Dempsey'sJohn Worthan'sDuncan Neile'sJohn Bylen's

James Waker'sLeMadlin'sJohn McWilliamsJohn McWi lliamsJames Waker'sJohn Sutton'sBenjamin Hewett'sBenjamin Hewett'sLeMadlin'sJohn Wortham'sJohn Wortham'sJames Waker'sJohn B. Dempsey'sJohn Wortham'sJohn Wortham'sBenjamin Hewett'sBenjamin Hewett'sLeMadlin'sTimothy Sugg'sJohn Robert'sJohn McWi lliamsBenjamin Hewett'sBenjamin Hewett'sWilliam Bell'sWilliam Bell'sWi lliam Bell'sLeMadlin'sJohn B. Dempsey'sJohn McWi lliamsJohn Sutton'sJames Shinaold'sLeMad 1;i.n ' sBenjamin Hewett'sBenjamin Hewett'sBenjamin Hewett'sBenjamin Hewett'sWilliam B'ell' sRichard Neily's

Page No.


















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"Ansearchin' News"


Gilbert, JosephGilchush, DanielGilchush, MalcomGipson, JohnGipson, JohamGloves, JosephGood, JoelGoodson, JohnGordon, DavidGore, WilliamGorken, JamesGoss, JacobGragg, JohnGragg, RobertGraham, JamesGraham, JohnGraham, JohnGray, JohnGray, SamuelGreaves, JonathanGreaves, JosephGreaves, SamuelGreaves, ThurmanGreen, AndrewGreen, ArchibaloGreen, DanielGreen, ElopanGreen, IsaacGreen, James B.Green, ThasGre~n, WilliamGreen, WillisGregory, __Griffoth, JohnGrimes, JoshuaGrooms, JamesGross, FrederickGuarron, JamesGumigen, Lewis

Haggard, JamesHagon, JohnHail, DudleyHail, MiadHains, HenryHaisting, HenryHaisting Jr., JohnHaisting Jr., Jos~ph

Haisting, JosephHaisting, RichardHaisting, RobertHaisting, StephenHalbrooks, GorgeHale, AsaHale, JesseeHale, William










Captains Company

William Bell'sJohn B. Dempsey'sJohn B. Dempsey'sBenjamin Hewett'sDuncan Neile'sJohn McWi lliamsTimothy Sugg'sBenjamin Hewett'sRichard Neily'sJohn B. Dempsey'sLeMadlin'sDuncan Neile'sJohn Robert'sJohn Robert'sJohn Wortham'sJames Waker'sJohn Wortham'sDuncan Neile'sLeMadlin'sPollenson'sPollenson'sPollenson'sJohn B. Dempsey'sBenjamin Hewett'sJames Shinaold'sJohn B. Dempsey'sJohn Sutton'sJohn Robert'sBenjamin Hewett'sBenjamin Hewett'sJohn B. Dempsey'sJohn Robert'sJohn Sutton'sJames Shinaold'sTimothy Sugg'sRichard Neily'sJames Yell'sTimothy Sugg'sJohn Sutton's

John Robert'sJohn Robert'sTimothy Sugg'sJames Waker'sJohn Bylen'sJohn McWilliamsJohn McWilliamsJohn McWilliamsJohn McWilliamsJohn McWi lliamsJohn McWi lliamsJohn McWi lliamsJames Shinaold'sPallenson "sJames Waker' sPallenson's

Page No.












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-71-July 1960

Name Nureber Captains Company Page No.

Hale, Hil li am 92 James Waker's 25Ha1ebrook, Henry 48 James Waker's 24Ha1k, Edmund 87 Richard Nei1y's 31Ha1k, James 49 Richard Nei1y's 31Halk, Nicholas 44 Richard Neiley's 31Halk, Shedrick 52 Richard Neily's 31Ha1k, William 46 Richard Neily' s 31Hall, Elisha 64 James Waker's 25Hall, Elisha 57 Benjamin Hewett's 10Hall, James 86 LeMadlin's 5Hall, James 137 Benjamin Hewett's 12Hall, Jeremiah 90 Benjamin Hewett's 11Hall, Joel 20 James Shinao1d's 6Hall, Joseph 87 LeMadlin's 5Hall, Joseph 135 Benjamin Hewett's 12Hall, Thomas 136 Benjamin P.ewett's 12Hall, Levi 74 Pa1lenson's 13Hall, Simon 72 Pa1lenson's 13Hall, Thomas 72 LeMadlin's 5Hall, William 138 Benjamin Hewett's 12Hall, William 10 James Shinaold's 6Hall, William 88 LeMadlin's 5Halpoen, Joseph 60 James Waker's 25Ham, John 145 John McWilliams 30

(Hamby, Dennis 45 Richard Nei1y's 31Hamby, Isaac 24 Timothy Sugg's 20Hamile, Andrew 1 Benjamin Hewett's 10Hamilton, John 79 James Yell's 19Hamilton, Joseph 80 James Yell's 19Hamm, Joshua 89 John B. Dempsey's 17Hanbacks, Mitchell 6 James Shinaold's 6Hanes, John S. 11 John Sutton's 26Hann, Gorge 37 LeMadlin's 4Hannah, Robert 75 LeMadlin's 5Hannah, Robert 51 James Waker' s 24Hannah, Samuel 17 James Waker' s 24Hannah, William 89 James Waker's 25Harbeson, James 91 James Heill's 3Harden, Barges 53 James Neill's 3Harden, Mark 54 James Neill's 3Harden, Martin 52 James Neill's 3Harden, Thomas H. 16 James Neill's 2Hareth, Joshua 156 John McWilliams 30Hark, David 21 James Waker's 2~·

Hark, Moses 24 James Waker's 24Harkness, John 23 John Wortham's 1Harmon, Esaiah 33 John Bylen's 14Harmon, Gefran 25 John B. Dempsey's 16Harmon, Henry 79 William Bell's 9Harmon, John 27 Benjamin Hewett's 10Harmon, Jonathan 1 Timothy Sugg's 20Harmon, Lewis 26 John B. Dempsey's 16Harmon, Lewis 26 Benjamin Hewett's 10Harper, Samuel 45 LeMadlin's 4Harrel, David 38 John Sutton's 26Harrel, William 29 John Sutton's 26

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"Ansearchin' News"


Name Number Captains Company Page No.

Harrel, William 72 John Suttdn's 27Harrice, Sam'l B. 66 John Bylen 's 15Harris, Evan '96 John By1en's 15Harris, Isham 50 Richard Neily's 31Harris, James 35 John B. Dempsey's 16Harris, James 54 John By1en's 14Harris, John 30 John By1en's 14·Harris, John 62 John_Bylen's 14Harris, Moseley 81 John Robert's 23Harris, Nathaniel 97 John McWi 11iams 29Harris, Shadrick 9 James Yell's 18Harrison, John 54 John McWi lliams 28Harrison, John 55 John Bylen's 14Harrison, Jonathan 53 Timothy Sugg's 20Harrison, Robert 43 Richard Neily's 31Harrison, Thomas 52 Timothy Sugg's 20Harryman, Charles 30 John Robert's 22Harryman, John 31 John Robert's 22Haskins, Jessee 61 James Neill's 3Hatchel, Herod 50 Pollenson's 13Hately, Henry 140 Benjamin Hewett's . 12Hately, John 76 LeMadlin's 5Hately, Robert 133 Benjamin Hewett's 12Hathcock, Auston 34 John Sutton's 26Hathcock, Charles 40 Richard Neily's 31Hathcock, Elisha 36 Richard Neily's 31Hathcock, Howe1 41 Richard Neily's 31Hathcock, Howel 36 John Sutton's 26Hathcock, John 37 Richard Neily's 31Hathcock, John 39 Richard Neily's 31Hathcock, Philip 38 Richard Neily's 31Hatley, Robert 89 LeMadlin's 5Hatser, Isaac 73 Jarr,es Waker's 25Hauben, Christian 22 William Bell's 8Hauben, Jacob 21 Wi lliam Bell's 8Haynes, Joseph 9 John Sutton's 25Haynes, Sen., Joseph 74 John Sutton's 27Hays, Charles 63 John Sutton's 27Hays, Thomas 38 LeMadlin's 4Hayslet, William 3 John McWi 11iams 28


Heart, Henry 43 John McWi 11iams 28Heckney, Preston 47 Richard Neily's 31Heggenbotham, William 5 Duncan Neile's 7Heggenbotham, William 18 Duncan Neile's 7Helton Jr., Abraham 52 LeMadlin's 4Helton, Abraham 51 LeMadlin's 4Henderson, William F. 33 John B. Dempsey's 16Henry, Isaac 6 James Waker's 24Hewett, Benjamin 143 John Worthan's 32Hewett, Benjamin 10 Benjamin Hewett's 10Hicks, Benjamin 42 John McWilliams 28Ricks, John 101 John McWilliams 29Higginbottom, William 111 John McWilliams 29Rigs, John 20 Pollenson's 12

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July 1960


All members are asked to contribute to the query section of this publication.Preference given to queries which stay within the fifty word limit and whichpertain to Tennessee families.

1960-74 FEATHERSTONE, WALTHALL, LIGON, RUTLEDGE, WILLIAMSON: Want proof ofmarriage of Charles Featherstone and Phebe Walthall. Were married ca 1740 ­probably lived in Chesterfield or Henrico Co., Va. Phebe Walthall was the dau.of Henry Walthall and his wife Phebe Ligon Walthall. Phebe Ligon was the dau. ofThomas Ligon of Henrico Co., Va. Who were the parents of David Rutledge and hiswife Angeline Williamson Rutledge? David and Angeline were married in RutherfordCo., Tenn. in 1816. Would appreciate any inf.on this couple such as their origi­nal home and the name of their parents.Miss Marie Rutledge. 503 W. Market St., Greenwood. Mississippi.

1960-75 BLEDSOE: The following were brothers and sisters: Saleta Bledsoe,David Bledsoe, Male Bledsoe" Male Bledsoe" John Bledsoe" Judie Bledsoe" andBetsy :Bledsoe. Need name of parents. Need name of two blank Bledsoes. Theabove probably born in Va. Lived in Grainger and Claibourne Cos." Tenn. near theClinch and Holston Rivers" and Lone Mountain" Tenn. Early Tennessee settlers.Mr. Wayne Bledsoe. 15 Claraned Hgts., Rt. #2, Fenton, Missouri.

1960-76 BRANDON, MULLINS: Elias Brandon, born about 1798 in Bedford Co., Tenn.Am willing to arrange suitable award for documented or verifiable info on thisElias Brandon" parents, brothers, sisters to complete personal lineage and Bran­don family history. Possibilities his father - Charles or John Brandon, BedfordCounty Tax List 1812; (less likely) William Brandon, born North Carolina, diedSmith Co." Tenn. 1836. Litigation regarding estate Charles Brandon, chancery ct.min. Bedford Co. 1849-1851 mentions Elias Brandon, sister Margaret and MarthaMullins. Relationship to Charles Brandon not stated.Mrs. Charles E. Stevens. 120 West Missouri Ave •• Phoenix, Arizona.

1960-77 BEAVER(S), CHILDS (CHILES): H.D. Beaver(s) b. 1822 in N.C. marriedabout 1850 in Tenn.? Wife, E. Elizabeth Childs (Chiles)" b. 3-28-1826, Tenn. (incensus record). Children: Sarah Ann Adele, b. 9-13-1851, Tenn., Mary (Mollie),b. 6-26-1853, Tenn., Lou, b. 1856, Tenn., Margaret Fountella, b. 1858" Tenn., Wm.Hill, b. 1860, Tenn.?, Rachel, b. 1862, Ark., J. Henry, b. 1864, Ark., Dollie, b.1866, Ark., Gilbert, b. 1868, Ark. The family moved to Texas about 1870. H.D.Beaver(s) was a member of the Masonic Lodge, a planter (stock-farmer) worked withhorses in Civil War, had powder burns on his face from war injury. He was Irish.Ancestors believed to have been in N.J. to Va. to N.C. Elizabeth Childs and H.D.Beavers ancestors and descendants needed. Will exchange.Mrs. C. E. Moore. 557 Hawkins St •• Ft. Worth 5. Texas.

NOTC;:1960-78 RODGERS, CAMPBELL, OUTLAW: (Correcting an error in 1959-l6I) Wantchildren of James Rodgers, b. 4-10-1773, Greenbrier Co., Va. Married in Washing­ton, Rhea Co., Tenn., 4-22-1813, Margaret Campbell, dau. of Judge David Campbelland Elizabeth Outlaw.Mrs. Eva L. Christensen. 6329 Sun River Drive. Sacramento 24. California.

1960-79 CRENSHAW: Carr Crenshaw from Va. in 1825 to Tipton Co., Tenn. Needname of the Va. county or name of his parents. He had a brother, Dabney Crenshaw,who went to Shelby Co., Tenn.Miss Ann Waller Reddy. 500 West Franklin St •• Richmond 20, Virginia.

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"Ansearchin' News"


1960-80 ROBERTS, MIDDLETON, BISHOP: Nathan Roberts, b. 1774 m. Abigail BishopNov. 1799, Knoxville, Tenn., had sixteen children, one was M~thew Roberts, b. ca1813, m. Sarrah Middleton, lived Ga., Ala., Miss., and Tex. Need dates, placesof births, deaths, and marriages. Any info appreciated.Mrs. Arthur L. McCain, Box 103, Yarnell, Arizona.

1960-81 MEFFORD, NUGENT, GODWIN, PARROTT, JONES: All data about Jacob Meffordand his wife, Margaret. He d. in 1798 in Botetourt Co., Va. They had the fol­lowing children: Elizabeth, m. 5-16-1797, John Nugent; Mary, m. 8-6-1800, PeterGodwin; John; Jacob; Catherine, b. 1787, m. 12-31-1801, John Parrott, they movedto Tenn. - probably Jefferson Co.; Margaret, m. 10-3-1803, Ambrose Jones; andPriscilla.Mrs. M. R. McCau1ev, 1584 Ferger, Fresno 4, California.

1960-82 PULLEN, ROANE, BERNARD: Seeking any and all info regarding the Pullenfamily. John Bernard Pullen, b. 12-7-1838 in Dickson Co., Tenn., m. Eliza Chris­tiana Roane in Tipton Co., Tenn.; he d. 5-18-1923 in Covington, Tenn. His motherwas Susan Bernard. Need to know his father, etc. Will exchange.Mrs. William A. McBride, 113 West Filmore, Harlingen, Texas.

1960-83 WOMACK, GRAY, MOSS: William Womack, b. about 1780, 1 Co., Va., livedin Lincoln Co., Tenn. 1840-50, d. before 1860, his wife was Frances (7), b. 1800,South or North Car., d. after 1860 in Lincoln Co., Tenn. Ralph Wilson Gray wasb. about 1818, N.C., and wife Jane E. Moss, b. 1812 in Va., lived in Lincoln Co.,Tenn. 1840-50-60, then Franklin, Coffey, and Moore Cos. Where in N.C. and Va.were they b., who were their parents?Mrs. Felix D. Grav, 124 W. Allendale. Pasadena. Texas.

1960-84 BARNES, HENSLEY, SANDERS: Seeking info about Asa Sanders listed in1830 Census of Lincoln Co., Tenn., age 20-30; wife age 15-20; 2 sons under 5.Next found in 1840 Census of Van Buren Co., Ark. He does not appear in 1850 cen­sus, but it is believed that his widow remarried. Dempsey Barnes and LuraneyBarnes, with younger children, namely Mary C., 16; John L., 15; Nathan, 13 andHarriett, 11, are in 1850 census. In adjoining households both in 1850 and 1860Censuses are Lonsford L. Sanders and James t. Sanders, both with families; andClarrissa (m. to William Hensley) known to be brothers and sister. Also familyrecord is there is a brother Nathan, and since all have a dau., Raney, would liketo know if Luraney Barnes of 1850 Census and Raney Barnes of 1860 is their motherand widow of Asa. Ages of children indicates the family came to Ark. after 1836.Family once was Quaker, but no Asa Sanders appears in the Quaker records that Ihave seen. Have collected much Sanders data in Tenn., but cannot place Asa inany of the families. Would appreciate hearing from anyone knowing of this family.Miss Katherine Reynolds, 4211 Caroline, Houston 4, Texas.

1960-85 EOFF, ELLIOTT, HERRINGTON, HENSLEY (HINSLEY), HINKLE, LINN, YOUNGER: Iwould like any inf. on the following lines (all prior to 1850): L Marriage dateand birthplaces of Monroe Elliott and Lucy Eoff Elliott; had 14 children (3 setsof twins) in Stone Co., Ark. 2. Parents of Lucy Eoff Elliott and Monroe Elliott.3. Same info on Alexander Younger and Lucy Hensley (Hinsley) Younger; b. inTenn., moved to Mo., then to Stone Co., Ark. 4. Same info on John Hinkle andPolly Ann Linn Hinkle, Stone Co.; Ark. 5. Same info on Henry Herrington andwife, Molissa (Melissa); his wife's maiden name before marriage; lived inMeridian, Miss. prior to Civil War. Two sons, Tom and John, served in CivilWar; son, Reuben was my grandfather.Mr. Earl Herrington, 103 Enfield Drive, Edinburg, Texas.

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1960-86 DEATON, JACKSON: Want any info on Goodin Deaton and wife, Lucinda Jack­son, m. in Hardeman Co., Tenn. in 1834. Who were the 3 brothers of Goodin Deaton?His father, Basil Deaton, d. in Tenn. Where? When? Who was the father of LucindaJackson? Her mother was Barbara 1, b. 1778 in Miss. (?), according to 1860 Cen­sus. Goodin Deaton and his wife lived in Hardeman Co., Tenn. from 1834 to 1849at which time they removed to Clark Co., Ark. They had ten children in Tenn.Will exchange all Deaton data.Mrs. Bobbie Jones McLane, 112 Leach St., Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas.

1960-87 MOSS, WILSON: Lewis S. Moss was b. 12-25-1842 in Jackson Co., Tenn.and d. 1-7-1916. He m. Savannah A. Wilson 8-25-1868 and they had the followingchildren: Clark, Milia, Mat, Ida, Sarah, Frank, John, Maud and Hide. BelieveLewis' parents were John and Margaret Moss, according to 1850 Census. Need moreinfo Also, 1850 Census shows Savannah in household of Delila Wilson, age 40 ­who was her father?Mrs. Roy W. Benedict, 12345 S W. Park Way, Portland 25, Oregon.

1960-88 HASSELL, TINNIN, TINNEN, TINNAN, TENNON: Anxious to contact desc. ofor anyone having knowledge of, any Tinnin and/or Hassell families. Tinnins wereearly in Orange Co., N.C., to Sumner Co., Tenn. (Also to Ala., Miss., Ky., andother states) Hassells very early in Tyrrell Co., N.C. Especially interested inAlexander Tinnin, Sumner Co., Tenn., by 1785. Where did he die and leave will?Will answer all letters and exchange all data we have.Mrs. M. C. Pearce, P. O. Box 389, Kerrville, Texas.

1960-89 HYDE, IRVIN, TOTTEN: Want line behind Hiram Hyde, d. ca 1840 Roane Co.,Tenn. Was only child of Ansel, Aschel or Asel Hyde. Also Rachael Totten IrvinHyde, b. Va. 1800. Ezekiel Totten, Sr. in W. Va. Census. Ezekeil Totten, Jr.went with several Irvin brothers to Dade Co., Mo. ca 1850. Want connection withRachael, and exchange data on E. Tenn., Va., W. Va., Ky. Irvins.Mrs. Albert A. Wisuri, 829 McAllister Ave., Waukegan, Illinois.

1960-90 HOSEA, HUMPHREY(S), HUMPHRIES, WELLS: Calvin Humphrey(s) (son of Michaeland Patsy (Wells) Humphrey, m. 1811 in Williamson Co., Tenn.) m. Sciothia, dau.of Stephen Hosea and Rachel 1. Said to have lived in Hardin Co., Tenn. whereson, John Alexander was b. in 1844. Need birthplaces, dates, etc. on Michaeland Patsy Humphrey, Stephen and Rachel Hosea.Mrs. John Humphreys, 5209 Seminole Ave., Tampa 3, Florida.

1960-91 WEATHERLY, ANDERSON, JOHNSON: Want parents, brothers, sisters of JosephWeatherly, b. 10-8-1774, ?, Ga., N.C. or Va., d. 6-1-1852 in Ala., m. 8-7-1800,Sumner Co., Tenn., Rezina Anderson, dau. of James Anderson and Rachel Johnson,of Tyrrell Co., N.C. Who were parents of James Anderson and Rachel Johnson?James Anderson is of Rev. War age and went to Sumner Co., Tenn. Did he receiveland grant? Where did he die? What happened to Rachel? Were there other child­ren beside Rezina?Mrs. Clyde E. Hall, 1807 Ave. P, Huntsville, Texas.

1960-92 SALMON, COLLINS, LIKENS: David Douglas Salmon, b. 8-22-1805 in NewJersey, m. Ruth Drake Collins. He d. 7-5-1870. His father was Samuel Salmon,son of Ludlow Salmon, both of New Jersey. I have been told that Ludlow Salmonwas with General' George Washingtohfor seven years. Can anyone help me on that?His wife was Caroline? Who were her parents? Also need help on the Likensfamily. Andrew Likens was a Revolutionary soldier, d. in 1819. His dau.,Joannah, m. Samuel Salmon.Mrs. Earle P. McKellar, 3407 Albatross St., San Diego 3, California.

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1960-93 HOOD, CRIDEBRING: Sarah Elizabeth Hood, b. 2-25-1849 (in Tenn.?); m.Robert Cridebring in Lawrence Co., Mo. 9-27-1868. Thought to be of the Englishline of Hoods. Want name of parents, birthplace, and any other data.Mr. Willis E. Thompson, 111 West Locust St •• San Antonio 12, Texas.

1960-94 FANN, JOHNSON: Anxious to find the Fann fam. of Tenn. Great-grandfather,William Fann, m. Evelyn Johnson. They had the following children: Mary A. b.1831 Tenn., Margaret b. ca 1821 Tenn., James N., George W., and David. Allchildren but David came to California.Mrs. Archie C. Toal. 1719 South Hunter St •• Stockton 6, California.

1960-95 WILLIAMS, HOCKADAY, HALL, PERKINS, COLLINS: Wants ancestry and any infoconcerning John Williams, b. 1817 in N.C., d. 1895 in Ark. Married first Ernaline(Hockaday) Hall, a widow. They were in Gibson Co., Tenri. census of 1850. Hissecond wife, my grandmother, was Nancy Caroline Perkins, whom he m. in Ark. in1861. Was this John Williams the son of Eli and Chloe (Collins) Williams, whomoved to Gibson Co., Tenn. from N.C. in the early 1830's, who had the followingchildren: William Porter, Joseph D., Green P., John, Wilson, Margaret, dau. d.y.,Henderson, and Thomas Jefferson Williams? One of Thomas Jefferson Williams' sonswas Samuel Cole Williams, former Justice of the Supreme Ct. of Tennessee.Mrs. Wm. J. Brown. Box 27, Crescent, Oklahoma.

1960-96 COGGIN(S), ADDINGTON: Where is, or was, Flint Rock, Tenn. - it wasnever a P.O. Jonathan Coggin(s) lived there with his second wife and children1830-50 or thereabouts. Also desire info on John Addington of Lincoln Co.,Tenn. who sold his S.C. land in 1818.Mrs. Jack W. Jones, Box 330, Canton. Ga.

1960-97 ELEY, HAMXOND(S), BEVELL, RICHARDSON, BLACK~AN: Seeking info on DavidEley, Sr., b. 4-1790, wife, Selia, b. 4-2-1796. Children: David, Jr., Mary Ann,James Michael, Moses, Sarah Martha, Elizabeth and Lamual L. (twins), CatherineLavernia, James Usher, Missouria Usher, William W. Also info concerning AmandaHammond(s) m. first McNeil Bevell (one son - John Wesley Bevell). Married secondtime, Aul Richardson, m. third time Blackman. Two sons by Blackman, onenamed Robert.Mrs. J. A. Lassetter. 1675 Overton Park, Memphis, Tennessee.

1960-98 BANKSTON, WEAVER, LYERLY: Want info about George Washington Bankston,b. 1782, N.C. Had bro., William. Was living in Bedford Co., Tenn. in 1812.Did he ever live in Ga.? Wish to corr. with any member of the Bankston, Weaver,and Lyerly families. Will exchange data.Mrs. T. W. Anderson, 1248 Shadow Lane, Ft. Mvers, Florida.

1960-99 STANDEFER: Want any info available regarding Israel, Benjamin James,and William Standefer, Bledsoe Co., Tenn. 1800-1840; Jane and Wm. H. Standefer,Marion Co., Tenn., 1830 Census. Need child. of above mentioned persons.Mrs. E. M. Standefer. 727 Goodlett. Memphis 11, Tennessee.

1960-100 MOODY, RAGLAND, MARSHALL, SPEED, LAWSON, SPENCE: Marshall Moody islisted in the 1820 census for Giles Co., Tenn. In 1834 he moved from Pulaski toHaywood Co., Tenn. His will was recorded in Haywood Co. June, 1841. The willmentions three children by his first wife~ Rebecca Harwell, William H. and JohnM. Moody; three sons by Elizabeth, his second wife, were: Henry, David and James.The three older children moved to DeSoto Co., Miss. before 1850. Tradition saysMarshall Moody was reI. to Chief Justice John Marshall of Va. He was b. in Va.and m. first in Va. or Ky. Need name of parents and name of first wife. Was hereI. to Ragland, Speed, Lawson, and Spence families by blood or marriage?Miss Lucille Payne, P. O. Box 47. Olive Branch, Mississippi.
