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~gn~~nmG~fi~~~ · 5. Provincial annual and quarterly work plans submitted on time to NCHADS within...

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  • ~gn~~nmG~fi~~~

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    Ministry of Health Nation Religion King


    National Center for HIVjAIDS,

    Dermatology and STDs

    No...~ ... NCHADS




    the National Center for HIV/AIDS Dermatology and STD (NCHADS)


    the HIV/AIDS Management Team (HAMT) of Kep Province

    Concerning Decentralization of HIV/AIDS Activities Funded under the NCHADS Comprehensive Work Plan 2010

    (1)-The National Center for HIV/AIDS Dermatology and STD (NCHADS) and the HIV/AIDS Management Team of Kep (hereinafter known as 'the HAMT), represented by Mr. Men Sothy, acting in his capacity as Provincial Health Director and the Leader of HAMT, agree that the following special assignment will be carried out with funds provided under the NCHADS Comprehensive Work Plan 2010.

    (2)-Task: The HAMT, through its subordinates (primarily the Provincial AIDS Manager), is responsible for implementation of HIV/AIDS and STI activities in Kep Province . The National Center for HIV/AIDS; Dermatology and STD/Ministry of Health (NCHADS/MoH) will directly monitor and supervise implementation on technical aspects and supervise the financial management of funds provided.

    (3)-Task Components: The HAMT, through its subordinates and represented by the HAMT Leader, will ensure the completion of the activities approved in the provincial ~IV/AIDS and STI Annual Work Plan for the year 2010 attached at Annex 1. .

    (4)-lndicators and Outputs: Indicators and outputs for the satisfactory performance of these tasks are:

    1. 90 % of activities implemented according to Annex 2 (provincial targets 2010); 2. Accounts satisfactorily maintained, as agreed by the I\JCHADS Finance Unit; 3. Diagnosis and management of STI cases appropriate (as judged by NCHADS

    supervision); . 4. Testing and Counseling conducted appropriately (as judged by NCHADS


    #245 H, Street 6A, Phum Kean Klang, Sangkat Prek Leap, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.nchads.org


    http:www.nchads.orgmailto:[email protected]:i'e~ilfd.i6

  • 5. Provincial annual and quarterly work plans submitted on time to NCHADS within one month before next annual work plan began and two weeks before next quarter work plan began. (as Judged by NCHADS PMR Unit)

    6. Provincial monthly and quarterly reports submitted on time to NCHADS within 2 weeks after each monthly and quarterly activity work plan ended. (as judged by NCHADS PMR Unit)

    (5)-Term: The HAMT shall perform the services specified above during the period commencing on January 1, 2010 and continuing to December 31, 2010. This term is subject to change upon reasonable written notice agreed by the two Parties.

    (6)-Cost: A total estimated cost of not more than US$ 4,834.50 (Four thousand eight hundred thirty four point five US Dollars), as in Annex 1; will be provided by NCHADS/MoH as follows.

    (7)-Funding: Funds will be transferred from NCHADS/MoH to the HAMT as an initial advance of $ 1,208 for GF-R7 which will be reconciled and replenished each month in accordance with NCHADS standard operating procedures, as laid down in the relevant "Procedures for Implementation of Programme Activities" with respect to various funding sources, as formally approved.

    (8)-For 2010, funds are allocated from the following sources:

    • GF-R7 $ 4,834.50

    (9)-Should furthet funding become available for provincial activities, the Annual Work Plan at Annex 1, the targets at Annex 2, and this agreement at clause 6 and 8 will be amended by letter of amendment.

    (10)-lt is anticipated that no additional cost will be paid for the work by NCHADS/MoH to the HAMT, unless extra work is requested to be performed.

    (11 )-If expenditures during the year are less than the approved work-plan, any balance of funds advanced must be refunded to NCHADS.

    (12)-Audit: The HAMT it accounts will be audited as part of the various relevant audits relating to relevant funding sources . NCHADS/MoH reserves the right to audit the HAMT Account at any time.

    (13)-Any difference or dispute arising out of this Letter of Agreement (LOA), which cannot be amicably settled between the parties, shall be referred to adjudication/arbitration in accordance with the regulation of the Ministry of Health.

    (14)-The NCHADS without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of LOA, by written notice of default sent to the HAMT, may terminate this LAO in whole or in part: (a) if the HAMT fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the Letter of Agreement; (b) if the HAMT, in the judgment of NCHADS has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in excluding the LOA.


  • ~ ~L. . .12010Date:.. . . . ..1. .. .


    Note: In addition to the funding sources above, the national budget, and the following NGO funds and activities identified in the provincial planning process are included in the Annual Comprehensive Plan in Annex 1, but are not covered by the terms or scope of this LOA.

    • National Budget $ 3,960

    cc: - Local Fund Agent in Cambodia Department of planning and information (MoH)


  • 61 00 00 0Description

    61 01 00 0 1.IEC Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

    61 01 01 0 Identified needs - 61 01 03 0 Events 4,400

    61 01 03 1 World AIDS day PHD/PAC/PAS x 1,700 Gap 1 time / year in KEP abaut 600 participants attented61 01 03 2 Mobile Shows

    61 01 03 3 TV and/Radio shows PAO x x x x 1,200 Gap 1,200 spots reach by 4800 people watching TV at ( 10 cafés in every nomth).61 01 03 4 Water Festival PHD/PAC/PAS x 1,500 Gap 1 time / year in KEP abaut 30 000 participants attented61 01 05 0 Training for IEC

    Description61 02 00 0 2.CoPCT Q1 Q2 Q3 Q461 02 02 0 Mapping & Sensitisation 502 61 02 02 1 642.03.3.0 Annual mapping P_CoPCT-ST x x x x 502 GFATM R7 PAO conduct annual updating map & data in 201061 02 03 0 Outreach interventions -

    642.02.1.8 Entertainement services owners provincial meeting with PST/OP and CUWG61 02 04 0 Peer Education 7,597 61 02 04 1 Training and refresher training of PE x x 2,892 Gap 2-3 days,32 participants from 6 villages.

    Peer Meetings PAO x x x x 2,624 Gap 32 Pes,4 P-CoPCT-ST, 8 times per year.642.02.2.2 Refresher training for P-CoPCT-ST at provincial level (2times/year) PAO x 1,160 GFATM R7 1-3days,2 facilitators,, 8 participants,2 from coordinator, accountant

    61 02 04 5 642.02.1.1 Outreach visit to Ews's clients P_CoPCT-ST x x x x 360 GFATM R72 outreach/PE (1trip=2 pst-op) 2 times every month 24 times per year to Ews's clients (to educate Ews about HIV/AIDS.),outreach/PE to Ews's clients.

    61 02 04 6 642.02.1.2 P-CoPCT-CC meeting P-CoPCT-CC x x x x 300 GFATM R7 4 times per year of 10 P-CoPCT-CC meeting61 02 04 7 642.02.1.5 P-CoPCT-ST meeting P-CoPCT-ST x x 261 GFATM R7 2 times per year of 10 P-CoPCT-ST meeting

    642.02.1.4 D-CoPCT-CC meeting D-CoPCT-CC x x x 309 GFATM R7 3 times per year of 10 D-CoPCT-CC meeting

    I . KEP Work Plan 2010

    Account codeWho

    Time frame Cost Source Target/Expected output


    Donor Code

    Sub-total for IEC 4,400$

    Source Target/Expected output

    Sub-total for GFATM R7 -$

    Sub-total for Gap 4,400$



    Cat Account code WhoTime frame

    Donor Code Cost

    Sub-total for Gap

    Sub-total for GFATM R7

    Sub-total for Outreach 8,408$



  • Description61 04 00 0 4.STI MANAGEMENT Q1 Q2 Q3 Q461 04 05 0 Refresher training

    61 04 05 1 Refresher training on STI/RTI case management based on syndromic approach

    643.04.1.2 Refresher Training on STI PAO x 1,140 GFATM R7 1-3days Training will be conducted between 2PAO, 2RH , 9HC (11 participants) in Kampot Province.

    61 04 05 2 Refresher training on STI/RTI case management based on laboratory approach 61 04 05 3 Refresher training on STI/RTI laboratory 61 04 07 0 Technical coordination, etc -

    61 04 07 4 Quarterly coordination meeting between FHCs and relevant local partners

    643.04.1.3 STI coordination Quarterly meeting PAO x x x x 263 GFATM R7 3meetings will be conducted between PAO,HCs, RH.

    Description62 11 00 0 11.VCCT Q1 Q2 Q3 Q462 11 01 0 Guidelines/ Regulation -

    62 11 01 1 Revise and printing policy, strategy and guidelines for HIV testing and counseling 62 11 09 0 Technical coordination meeting - 62 11 09 1 Technical coordination meeting

    661.11.1.2 Regional lab. meeting62 11 10 0 Quality Assurance 640 62 11 10 1 HIV Quality Control (QC for HIV testing)

    62 11 10 2 Network meeting (QI) PAO/VCCT x x x x 640 Gap 3staff, 1 Driver, 4trips ,in Kampot for VCCT meeting

    661.11.1.3 Counseling network62 11 10 3 Annual regional VCCT meeting

    64 14 00


    Sub-total for STI

    CatAccount code

    WhoTime frame

    Donor Code Cost Source

    Sub-total for Gap

    Target/Expected output

    Sub-total for GFATM R7 1,403$

    Cost Source

    Sub-total for GFATM R7

    Target/Expected output



    Cat Account code WhoTime frame




    Donor code

    Sub-total for Gap

    Sub-total for VCCT

  • Description64 16 00 0 16. PLANNING, MONITORING & REPORTING Q1 Q2 Q3 Q464 16 01 0 Planning, 1,262

    64 16 01 1 Annual Planning Workshops PAO x 1,262 Gap

    1-3days workshop conducted in march 26 participants ( PHD=2, PAO=3 ,RH=4 staff,4HCs=8 staff ,facilytator in province=3 facilatators, coordinator,reportor open & close and accountant=3,facilatators from NCHADS=2 ) are going to joint Annual workplan comprehensive 2010

    64 16 03 0 Management & Coordination 2,632

    64 16 03 1 Workshops and coordination meetings PAO x x x x 632 Gap 4-1day,17participants from PHD=4, RH=4, HCs=6, PST/OP=3 , (NGO)=4.

    64 16 03 2 Mission to NCHADS PAO/Acct x x x x 2,000 Gap8 trips per year conducted by 2staff of PAO and 12 trips for 1accountant with driver every month solve the probleme and budget disbursed .in 2010

    Mission to NCHADS PAO x x x x 400 Gap 4 trips per year conducted by 1PAO and driver to receive VCCT material 201064 16 03 3 Mission to PHD64 16 04 0 Trainings and workshops 1,040

    64 16 04 1 NCHADS / Provincial training (PR) PAO x x x x 1,040 Gap 4HAMT will attened the english course every month

    661.13.2.0 Annual planning workshop/retreat for PMTCT64 16 06 0 Monitoring, Supervision 600 64 16 06 1 M & E system64 16 06 4 661.16.2.0 Monitoring and Supervision GFATM R7

    64 14 06 4 Monitoring and Supervision IEC PAO x x x x 90 Gap 1staff ,12times/year for 10 Video cafés

    642.02.2.4 Monitoring and Supervision Out reach PAO x x x x 270 GFATM R7 1 PAO - 36 trips/year to supervise P-CoPCT-ST

    643.04.2.4 Monitoring and Supervision STI PAO x x x x 150 GFATM R7 1 staff ,20trips /year for 4HC &1 RH (1day for 1 trip)

    Monitoring and Supervision VCCT PAO x x x x 90 Gap supervision 12trips to VCCT unit by 1PAO .64 16 06 6 Evaluation studies64 16 07 0 Reporting

    Reporting PAO/VCCT x x x x 180 Gap Report will be Developed and compiled for provincial HIV/AIDS program and VCCT Unit

    Donor Code Description

    Target/Expected output


    Cat Account code WhoDonor Code Source

    Sub-total for Gap

    Sub-total for GFATM R7

    Time frame Cost

    Cat Account code WhoTime frame

    Target/Expected output Cost Source

    5,694$ Sub-total for Planning 6,114$

  • 64 18 00 0 18. LOGISTICS & SUPPLY MANAGEMENT Q1 Q2 Q3 Q464 18 01 0 Training/Workshop - 64 18 05 0 Consumables -

    661.18.1.3 Consumables

    64 18 05 4 Condom supply P_CoPCT-ST x x x x 600 Gap Exspend Condom provide to gemeral population, fishmen, motodup ......

    Donor Code Description64 19 00 0 19. ADMIN & FINANCE Q1 Q2 Q3 Q464 19 01 0 Administration 960 64 19 01 1 Administrative Cost x x x x 240 Gap Exspend every month for administrative cost

    Conmmunication costs x x x x 360 Gap PAO program exspend every month for communication (sush as fax, phone, Internet,........)

    Office Supply x x x x 240 Gap Exspend every month for PAO (sush as photocopy........)

    661.18.1.6 Office supplies for VCCT x x x x 120 GFATM R7 Exspend every month for VCCT (sush as photocopy........)64 19 04 0 Salary and Incentive Scheme64 19 04 1 Government Salary Incentive (PR) GFATM R767.19.11.0 Incentive scheme (PR) GFATM R7

    64 19 04 2 Incentives scheme661.19.1.0 Incentives scheme GFATM R7661.19.1.1 NCHADS Staff & Incentive scheme for GFATM management GFATM R7661.19.1.2 HAMT staff x x x x 2,880 NB 3 HAMT staff receive incentive every month661.19.1.5 VCCT team x x x x 1,920 NB 2 VCCT staff receive incentive every month661.19.1.9 PMTCT GFATM R7

    Cat Who Target/Expected output

    $ -

    Cost Source

    Target/Expected output




    Cost Source CatAccount code

    WhoTime frame

    $ 600 $ 600

    Sub-total for NB

    Sub-total for Gap

    Sub-total for Admin & Finance 5,760$

    Sub-total for GFATM R7

    Sub-total Log-MgtSub-total for Gap

    Sub-total for GFATM R7

  • II. Summary Budget allocated by Components and sources in 2010


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    1KEP 2010Annual Plan 2010
