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Goal 2 Part 1: Regional Economies Create Sectionalism / Madisons Presidency / Nationalism Shaping...

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End of War of 1812 War of 1812 Timeframe:_______________ Results: (1) American Nationalism escalates (2) Ushering in the ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS ( ) *Caused by the election of James Monroe in 1816 (3) American Nativism escalates (4) Rush-Bagot Treaty (Everyone is a Republican!)
Goal 2 Part 1: Regional Economies Create Sectionalism / Madison’s Presidency / Nationalism Shaping Foreign and Domestic Policy
Page 1: Goal 2 Part 1: Regional Economies Create Sectionalism / Madisons Presidency / Nationalism Shaping Foreign and Domestic Policy.

Goal 2 Part 1: Regional Economies Create Sectionalism / Madison’s Presidency / Nationalism Shaping Foreign and Domestic Policy

Page 2: Goal 2 Part 1: Regional Economies Create Sectionalism / Madisons Presidency / Nationalism Shaping Foreign and Domestic Policy.

Goal 2 Group Poster In groups of 3-4, research your topic (p. 213- 223) and create a poster that incorporates 1 of the following:TOPICS:(1) Henry Clay and the American System(2) Tariff of 1816(3) National Bank(4) McCulloch V. Maryland / Gibbons V. Ogden(5) Adams-Onis Treaty(6) Monroe Doctrine(7) Missouri Compromise

*DIRECTIONS: You will be assigned 1 topic from above that MUST apply all of the following:(1) Domestic Effect(2) International Effect(3) People Involved (WHO)(4) Location (WHERE)(5) Event Title (WHAT)(6) Timeframe (WHEN)(7) Effect on NATIONALISM (8) Picture that represents your topic

(9) *Posters will be placed on the lockers in the hallway for you to move around in order to gain a perspective on how American Nationalism shaped the Era of Good Feelings (1814-1824). The Nationalism Chart will be filled in at it’s proper time

Page 3: Goal 2 Part 1: Regional Economies Create Sectionalism / Madisons Presidency / Nationalism Shaping Foreign and Domestic Policy.

End of War of 1812 War of 1812 Timeframe:_______________Results:(1) American Nationalism escalates(2) Ushering in the ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS(1816-1824) *Caused by the election of James Monroe in 1816(3) American Nativism escalates(4) Rush-Bagot Treaty(Everyone is a Republican!)

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America after Embargo Act of 1807 / War of 1812 Remember: Embargo Act of 1807 = failure or success?Economic standstill /(America looked for other

DOMESTIC means of making $) RESULTS: North = businesses / factories / small farms (did not

require AS MANY slaves) / NORTHERN Slavery – dying out in the late 1700s due

to (1) lack of economic necessity and (2) religious purposes South = agriculture (farming) / large plantations (fertile

land) KING COTTONSOUTHERN Slavery – Abundant

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Eli Whitney’s Inventions

invented the (1) “COTTON GIN” (cotton engine)

an efficient machine that cleaned out the seeds in cotton / made for quicker and more efficient ways of making money off of cotton

Result: transformed Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama into a BOOMING “Cotton kingdom”

(2) “Interchangeable” parts – parts that are exactly alike

Purpose: one part breaks, get the same part off the shelf!

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Cotton Gin accelerates slavery in 1820s *** THE COTTON GIN ACCELERATED THE

EXPANSION OF SLAVERY ***Africans Americans affected the MOST from

the Cotton Gin

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Henry Clay (The Great Compromiser)War Hawk QUESTION:

How canWe bring the2 economiesTogether????

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The American System

Introduced by President Madison in 1815 Promoted by “Henry Clay” (War Hawk /

Speaker of the House) PURPOSE: to unify the two economies

(North and South) / receive economic independence from other countries in the world

3 Parts to American SystemRemember: P.I.N.

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3 Parts of American System by Henry Clay (PIN)(1) Establishing a protective tariff (Madison’s Tariff of 1816) (P)PURPOSE: ___________________________________(2) Developing “internal improvements” and other

transportation systems (ex. National Road and the Erie Canal = provides

“connection”) (I)NORTHERN VIEW: Connection to the WestSOUTHERN VIEW: Pay for Northern connection to West(3) Resurrecting the National Bank of the United States (Downsized by President Jefferson years earlier) (N)PURPOSE: ____________________________________

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*Madison’s Tariff of 1816 (PROTECTIVE) Purpose: to help pay for the “internal improvements”

Examples?Reaction from North and South NORTH = LOVED IT!!!! (more profit from American

goods) SOUTH = HATED IT!!!! (too dependent on foreign-

made goods) NOT eager to tax foreign markets / resentment of federal government

Remember: Southern Farmers will consistently oppose a “protective tariff” / Southerners HATE federal government intervention

Main result: Sectionalism

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SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF THE UNITED STATES Purpose: cover what the first one didn’t / re-chartered during Madison’s Tariff of 1816 Created a “national currency”

Easier to do national business Weakness of Articles of Confederation

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TQ – How did Henry Clay’s American System support Nationalism? (a) by promoting the growth of slavery (b) by rejecting Madison’s Protective Tariff of

1816 (c) by rejecting the Second Bank of the United

States (d) by promoting the development of

transportation systems and other internal improvements

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Strong influences on courts, domestic & foreign policy, & Westward Expansion

DOMESTIC POLICY(JOHN MARSHALL) - S.C Justice(1) McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)(2) Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

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McCulloch V. Maryland (1819) States cannot overturn laws passed by Congress *Maryland was denied the right to tax the National BankTherefore: Bank of U.S. = Constitutional*A state tried to make a local branch of the B.O.U.S. FAIL!!!!

Necessary and Proper Clause (Elastic clause) was put to thetest for the first time

“The power to tax is the power to destroy”

- John Marshall

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Gibbons V. Ogden (1824)

Robert Fulton (invented the steam engine) and Robert Livingston received the rights to run steamships on the Hudson River in New York

Mr. Ogden (licensed from Fulton and Livingston / state) ran his boat on the Hudson River

Mr. Gibbons (licensed under the federal government / national) ran his boat on the Hudson River

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Gibbons V. Ogden (1824)

Results:(1) Federal government controls

“INTERSTATE COMMERCE” Ogden’s license was illegal (because it

crossed state lines)(2) Increased the power of the Federal

Government (John Marshall)

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President Monroe(1816-1824) Elected in 1816

Acquisition of FLORDIA MONROE DOCTINE Missouri Compromise Era of Good Feelings

Secretary of State: John Quincy AdamsChief Justice: John MarshallFederal government gets stronger

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Nationalism shapes foreign policy NATIONALISM: national interests should be placed

ahead of “regional” concerns or interests Main agenda: security of the nation

Adams-Onis Treaty (1819) The state of FLORIDA was ceded into the union. Why did Spain “hand over” Florida? Nationalism goes up = more land

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Adams-Onis treaty / Spanish Cession (1819)(1) Kick Spain out of Florida(2) Kick Spain out of Oregon(3) America gives up claims in Texas(4) Creates the 42 line (border between Spain

and America)

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Missouri Compromise (1820)

MAIN ARGUMENT: The North is trying to ABOLISH slavery and the

South is trying to extend it!(MAIN TOPIC in Missouri Compromise =

SLAVERY!) Henry Clay (Great Compromiser)sets up a solution

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Missouri Compromise (1820) Missouri wants to become a (SLAVE) state 1818 – U.S. = 10 slave states and 10 free states

GOOD THING = BALANCE!!!! (trying to stay away from sectionalism)

Illinois – 11th free state Southerners reaction – Missouri will become the

next SLAVE state Alabama = 11th slave state MISSOURI IS SKIPPED

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Missouri Compromise 1820(1) Maine is a free state(2) Missouri will be a slave state *(sectional balance)(3) Rest of Louisiana Territory – SPLIT into 2

spheres (36’30) North of 36’30 line / Missouri Compromise Line =

NO SLAVERY South of 36’30 line / Missouri Compromise Line =

SLAVERY1820 – Monroe signed it and Congress approved it SITUATION: Missouri lies ABOVE the 36’30 line

but still a slave state

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Page 25: Goal 2 Part 1: Regional Economies Create Sectionalism / Madisons Presidency / Nationalism Shaping Foreign and Domestic Policy.

Monroe DoctrineDecember 2, 1823 European powers (Spain and Portugal) want to

“reclaim” their previous territories in America!! Colonization and “reclaims” are seen as a “threat” or

“act of aggression” toward President Monroe and to the Americas.

Monroe HAS to do something!Monroe issues the Monroe Doctrine

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Monroe Doctrine U.S. “WARNING” to any outside powers (Eastern

Hemisphere) to not interfere with affairs in the Western Hemisphere.

North, Central and South America shall be free of European colonization!

We will not entangle in foreign affairs“Dangerous to our peace and safety”

- MonroeNationalism went up = President “protects” U.S. -you stay there….we stay here

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Goal 2 : 1 Balancing Nationalism and SectionalismPoster *use p. 210-223

Directions: Evaluate how the following people / events / issues played a vital role in shaping American “NATIONALISM” - Apply the following to your group’s poster:

(1) TITLE(2) VISUAL (at least one to represent your topic)(3) Story(4) Characters(5) Effect on Nationalism(6) Ranking (only and ) (done on your individual museum crawl) Event(1) Industrial Revolution(2) Lowell Mills (3) Henry Clay’s American System (a) Protective Tariff of 1816 (b) Internal Improvements (examples) (c) National Bank of the U.S.*RANKING ASSIGNMENT: Place a “ “next to the one event that you think is most nationalistic and

a next to the event you think is least beneficial toward nationalism. This needs to go on the back of your chart (Defend your answer in a solid paragraph on the back of your chart)

(4) Gibbons V. Ogden(5) McCulloch V. Maryland(6) Adams-Onis Treaty(7) Monroe Doctrine(8) Missouri Compromise

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Goal 2: 1 p. 210-223

Story Characters / Cultures Involved Nationalism

Industrial Revolution

Lowell Mills

Henry Clay’s American System (P.I.N.)

Gibbons V. Ogden

McCulloch V. Maryland

Adams-Onis Treaty

Monroe Doctrine

Missouri Compromise
