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goAmador - aug 1, 2011

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monday newsletter - aug 1, 2011
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Amador Community News is Amador County, California’s fastest-growing, independent community information and resource site, with news and infor- mation updated daily. Our twice-weekly newsletter comes out on Monday for the week and on Thursday for the weekend. To sign up to receive the newsletter, e-mail [email protected], put “Subscribe” in the subject line. Daily updates can be found on our Facebook at: www.facebook.com/ AmadorCounty Amador Community News is a part of the Knight Citizen News Network, www.kcnn.org, a global network of community news sites and blogs utiliz- ing the concepts of community media and citizen journalism. happy august, amador county! page 2 - government County Supervisors urge AWA to build a Gravity Supply Pipeline for upcountry water supply page 3 - community groups & organizations Smart Money for Success, Free Financial Literacy Program page 4 - opinions & issues “Views From The Middle” by Kathy Allen The Murdoch Media Scandal page 5 - health & wellness page 8 - amador living & recreation Amador Farmers’ Market - July 29- August 7 page 9 - art, music & theater Theater to be Theme at Arts Networking Open House in Volcano August 25 Sutter Creek Theater Presents: The MoFo Party Band pages 10-18 - featured newsletters Motherlode Harvest - Friends of the Amador County Library - Amador Child Abuse Preven- tion Council pages 19-32 - amador county events Over 3,000 Facebook friends! www.facebook.com/AmadorCounty www.ACWellnessCenter.com
Page 1: goAmador - aug 1, 2011

Amador Community News is Amador County, California’s fastest-growing,

independent community information and resource site, with news and infor-

mation updated daily. Our twice-weekly newsletter comes out on Monday

for the week and on Thursday for the weekend. To sign up to receive the

newsletter, e-mail [email protected], put “Subscribe” in the subject

line. Daily updates can be found on our Facebook at: www.facebook.com/


Amador Community News is a part of the Knight Citizen News Network,

www.kcnn.org, a global network of community news sites and blogs utiliz-

ing the concepts of community media and citizen journalism.

happy august, amador county! page 2 - government

County Supervisors urge AWA to build a Gravity Supply Pipeline for upcountry water supply

page 3 - community groups & organizations

Smart Money for Success, Free Financial Literacy Program

page 4 - opinions & issues

“Views From The Middle” by Kathy Allen The Murdoch Media Scandal

page 5 - health & wellness

page 8 - amador living & recreation

Amador Farmers’ Market - July 29- August 7

page 9 - art, music & theater

Theater to be Theme at Arts Networking Open House in Volcano August 25

Sutter Creek Theater Presents: The MoFo Party Band

pages 10-18 - featured newsletters

Motherlode Harvest - Friends of the Amador County Library - Amador Child Abuse Preven-tion Council

pages 19-32 - amador county events

Over 3,000 Facebook friends! www.facebook.com/AmadorCounty


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Amador Community News—Monday Newsletter, August 1, 2011 Page 2

government - AmadorGovernment.com

County Supervisors urge AWA to build a Gravity Supply Pipeline for upcountry

water supply

(Sutter Creek) The Amador Water Agency Board of Directors received word at their board meeting Wednesday that the Amador

County Board of Supervisors unanimously passed a resolution urging the Amador Water Agency to build the Gravity Supply Line on

the upcountry Central Amador Water Project (CAWP) system.

The resolution, presented to the Supervisors at their July 26 meeting by CAWP customer Richard Farrington, listed numerous

benefits to fire protection and water supply reliability provided by the proposed raw water pipeline that would run downhill from the

Tiger Creek Regulator on the Mokelumne River to the Buckhorn Water Treatment Plant.

A support letter from the Amador County Fire Chief’s Association accompanied the resolution. Amador Fire Protection District

Battalion Chief David Bellerive also spoke at the Supervisors’ meeting in support of the resolution. Supervisors shared the i mpor-

tance of getting information on the gravity pipeline benefits out to the public.

Over $5 million in federal grant money is available to help pay for the pipeline and AWA Directors approved the Gravity Supply

Line in March, 2010. Opponents of the pipeline have blocked construction by opposing any rate increase on the CAWP system,

needed to help pay for the pipeline and correct an on-going budget deficit.

Also on Wednesday, AWA Directors approved scoping comments in a letter to East Bay Municipal Utility District that expressed

concern about changes to the Pardee Dam that would raise the level of the reservoir and impact the Middle Bar Reach of the Moke-

lumne River. Discussion by Directors and audience noted that there was little Amador County public support for raising the Pardee

Dam as proposed in EBMUD’s Water Supply Water Management Program 2040.

In other Agency business:

The Board approved an agreement with the AWA Confidential Employees Bargaining Unit that will save the Agency an estimated

$36,985 this fiscal year. For 2011/2012, the three employees in this bargaining unit agreed to monthly furlough days, to forfeit cost

of living and merit raises, and to eliminate matching contribution to retirement funds, similar to the concessions already made by the

largest Agency employee association. An agreement with the remaining Management Bargaining Unit will be before the Board at

their next regular Board meeting.

The Board also approved a Sanitary Sewer Management Plan required by the State of California for regulating wastewater collection

systems. The formal plan for operations, enforcement of standards and emergency response covers sewer systems in Martell, Lake

Camanche Village, Eagles Nest, Fairway Pines/Mace Meadows, Gayla Manor, and Pine Grove. Field Services Manager Chris

McKeage gave credit to AWA staff for completing the complex, 265-page plan in-house at a significantly lower cost than a consult-

ant would have charged the Agency. The complete document is available at www.amadorwater.org and a hard copy is available for

review at the Agency Offices.

IONE City Council meets every 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 6PM. Planning Commission meets Meets the 2nd Tuesday

at 5:30PM 1 East Main Street, Ione

SUTTER CREEK City Council meets every 1st & 3rd Mondays at 7PM. Planning Commission meets every 2nd

Monday at 7PM 33 Church Street, Sutter Creek.

AMADOR COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - Meet Tues mornings at 8:30AM at the County Administration

Bldg, 810 Court Street, Jackson.

AMADOR COUNTY TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Wed Aug 3 at 1:30PM at the County Administration Cen-ter, Conference Room “A”, 810 Court St., Jackson, CA

ON THE AGENDA Zone Change and Use Permit request by New Life Christian Center.

The County web site is: www.AmadorGov.org Amador WaterAgency web site is: AmadorWater.org

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Amador Community News—Monday Newsletter, August 1, 2011 Page 3

Smart Money for Success, Free Financial Literacy Program

The Housing Resources Division of the Amador-Tuolumne Community Action Agency (ATCAA) is expanding their financial liter-

acy program in Amador County. Smart Money for Success is a free program for anyone who would like to learn more about budget

and debt management, credit scores, fair debt collections, reducing household expenses, making money work for you and living eas-


The full course is only four classes. Participants can go to one or attend all four to receive a certificate good for First Time Home

Buyer programs. With these classes, you can take the mystery out of mortgage documents or know your rights as a tenant.

Classes are held mornings and evenings for your convenience at Kennedy Meadows apartments located at 701 New York

Ranch Road in Jackson. Classes are held Mondays at 10:00 am to 12:30 and Fridays at 5:00pm to 8:30pm. Snacks and free child

care are provided. ATCAA can even help with transportation if that’s a problem.

Make your money work as hard as you do!

Call Sherrie Milligan at 223-1485, ext. 263, or Stephanie Giannini at ext. 243 for more information and class schedule.

This program is made possible by grants from United Way California Capital Region and First 5 Amador.

community groups & organizations - AmadorGroups.com

PROGRESSIVE WOMEN'S COMMITTEE - Thurs Aug 4 at 11:30AM at Thomi's Banquet Room, Jackson.

Double Speakers this month - Media and Local Radio Sue Wilson on the recent court ruling on the media

and Sean Kriletich on the proposed local fm station. The buffet luncheon is $15.00 which includes entree,

salad, vegetarian offering, various drinks, coffee, tea, dessert, tax and tip. Please respond to Sally at tre-

[email protected] no later than Tuesday, August 2nd (sooner if possible) . Note: If you make a reservation

and cannot attend, please call me and cancel by Wednesday noon. 267-0177. You may be billed for the

luncheon if you do not show up and have not cancelled

SUPPORT OUR YOUTH! BARREL CHICKEN DINNER - Sat Aug 6. No host cocktails at 6:00p.m. Dinner at

7:00p.m. at the American Legion Hall in Jackson. Michelle Burns, Amador 2011 graduate who recently re-

turned from the Catholic Heart Workcamp in Beaverton, Oregon is packing her bags again for another mis-

sion to Cancun Mexico with Mission Youth. Michelle still needs support to cover travel and 4 months of living

expenses so some local friends are holding a fundraising dinner and raffle (need not be present).

Menu includes Barrel Chicken, pesto pasta, fresh green and fruit salads topped off with local homemade

desserts. For a $15.00 donation, you won't leave the hall hungry. Supporting our youth today, improves our

tomorrow. Tickets are limited and available for cash or check call Tina Boitano at 223-5036 or Maja Johnson

at 296-5901.

Or online at: www.highsierratickets.com or credit card by phone 296-5495.

Remember! Supporting our youth today improves our tomorrow!

Mission Youth:


Michelle's Blog site: http://catholicunveiled.wordpress.com/

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ViewsFromTheMiddle: Kathy Allen

The Murdoch Media Scandal

By now everyone must know that News of the World, a British

news medium owned by Rupert Murdoch, has been found to have

hacked into the phones of politicians, murder victims (interfering

with investigation), and soldiers killed in Iraq . The result of this

illegal and immoral activity has resulted in the demise of News of

the World, a 185-yr old newspaper. The biggest surprise to me,

however, was not that this criminal behavior occurred (because

Murdoch has a history of lacking journalistic integrity), but that

this very same Rupert Murdoch owns and operates several news

media here in America, including the Wall Street Journal, the

New York Post, and Fox News. And there is a possibility that

Americans have been victim to similar illegal and sordid activi-

ties by these other Murdoch holdings.

Put simply, Rupert Murdoch is a pimple on the butt of soci-

ety. He is the king of yellow journalism, surpassing even Wil-

liam Randolph Hearst in duplicity and lies aimed solely to ex-

pand his own financial empire. He changes political support at

the drop of a hat, thus creating psychotic fear in our elected offi-

cials that to not do his bidding will result in their ouster at the

next election. If you want to know what is wrong with our soci-

ety morals, declining middle class, and economic recovery, you

don’t have to look much further than men like Rupert Mur-

doch. And he is considered one of the most influential people in

the U.S. (On a side note, is there not a more perfect name for a

villain than “Rupert Murdoch”? Hollywood couldn’t have de-

vised a more exquisite moniker for a bad guy than “Rupert Mur-

doch”. Is there a Batman or Superman out there who is going to

fly by and save the threatened citizenry from some sensational

ray gun pointed at us by the villainous Mr. Murdoch? I’ll even

take an Austin Powers to rescue me).

Going back to the discussion of Murdoch’s media holdings, I’ll

admit here that I like the FOX local news (weather, local issues,

etc.). The anchors are personable and seem trustworthy. I also

like the Wall Street Journal. But we Americans need to find out

if the kind of behavior seen in Murdoch’s British media is also

happening here in America. And if so, we need to let Murdoch’s

advertisers know that it won’t be tolerated in the U.S.

Because of the Murdoch scandal in Great Britain, I looked at

who owns and operates the major American News Stations.

CNN—Time Warner.

ABC (and ESPN) — Disney Corporation.

NBC—(and MSNBC) — General Electric and Microsoft.


CSPAN—owned by the non-profit National Cable Satellite


And finally,

Fox News—Owned by Rupert Murdoch. A billionaire who

supported (and benefited financially from) the Iraq invasion, a

topic for which FOX News focused in its newscasts, particu-

larly compared to other news channels.

In the past when I’ve watched the national FOX news, I no-

ticed that they seemed to be inaccurate more often than the

other news channels. I’ve since discovered that, according

to The Project on Excellence in Journalism (the 2006 report),

68% of Fox stories contain personal opinions (rather than

facts), as compared to MSNBC at 27% and CNN at 4%. A

study performed by the University of Maryland (ranked one of

the highest Northeastern schools) reports that FOX viewers are

the most misinformed. The same study also reported that

MSNBC viewers are also misinformed, but at a much lower

level compared to FOX. So clearly, accuracy in reporting is

not one of the core values of the Murdoch media empire, but

hacking into phones, violating citizen privacy, and getting re-

vealing and embarrassing information in any way possible,

is. Also, despite their claim of being “Fair and Balanced” eve-

ryone knows and acknowledges that FOX is actually more bi-

ased towards the far, far, far right and so not really at all a bal-

anced news station. (The same accusation can be made about

CBS being biased towards the far left—however; they don’t

claim to be “Fair and balanced”). CNN and BBCA seem to be

more moderate without particular partisan leanings.

I’m certain that those who like FOX News because of the parti-

san positions they espouse will defend it and say that it doesn’t

matter that it is run by someone with such demonstrated greed

and avarice that he would bring down a country (ours) in an

effort to make more billions. And it’s okay if people want to

watch FOX News and read the Wall Street Journal (a periodi-

cal that I happily read whenever I can get my hands on one)

because everyone has the right to believe what they want. As a

political moderate, however, I find it disconcerting that good

American citizens who are justifiably concerned about the

American economy and downfall of moral values are duped

into building up the coffers of man whose actions have hurt this

country. As a moderate (and rationalist) I recognize this and

will rail against it as much as I can. I can only hope that my

fellow Americans will join me and not tolerate such immoral

and unethical behavior.

Amador Democrats meet next Tuesday

The next meeting of the Democratic Club of Amador County

will be on Tuesday, August 2nd at 7 PM at the Senior Center

in Jackson. On the agenda will be the planning of future events,

such as: the September 5th Labor Day picnic in Jackson, the Oc-

tober 1st fund raising dinner with our guest speaker John Roth-

mann, the fabulously talented radio talk show host on KGO San

Francisco, the "John Pulskamp - Bill of Rights" contest and the

2012 election.

Hope you will join us!

- Steve Christensen, President

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health & wellness - AmadorHealth.com

WOMEN'S SELF ESTEEM CLASS - Starts Thurs Aug 11 from 12 Noon- 2PM at the NEW Motherlode Ho-listic Center on Clinton Road (across from the DMV). Contact Susan McMorris at (209) 293-2272 or e-mail [email protected]. www.yourwellnessbychoice.com SEE FLYER PAGE 21

Did you know…?

WOMEN'S CANCER SUPPORT MEETINGS - Women Shine With STARS meets monthly at the Amador STARS office. 2 doors east of Safeway. 4th Tuesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. (except Dec.)

For more information call the Amador STARS at 223-1246 All women are welcome, whether currently in treat-ment, or finished with treatment, care givers and any ladies needing support.

AMADOR SENIOR PEER COUNSELING GROUP provides free, in-home counseling to seniors who are dealing with depression, loneliness, health issues, family problems and placement issues. Any senior who wishes to be visited by a trained counselor who is also a senior member of the community, may call the Sen-ior Center at 223-0442.

AMERICAN LEGION POST 108: AMBULANCE TICKETS - Tickets are $75 per year ($50 for American Le-gion Members) Even when you're healthy, accidents can and do happen. An Ambulance Ticket provides cov-erage for multiple trips and transfers, and covers you, your spouse and legal dependents. No waiting periods, even with a pre-existing condition. Accepts whatever your insurance company pays as payment in full, re-gardless of the amount left over. You're covered, even if you don't have insurance. Amador and Calaveras counties only. For more information, call 267-9436.

AMADOR LIFELINE - A 24-hour per day monitoring program operated by the Amador-Tuolumne Community Action Agency. Lifeline allows people to remain at home where they can continue to access local services, such as the Senior Nutrition Program, Meals on Wheels, Choreworkers Program, Home Health visiting nurses and physical therapy services. For more information, call 223-1485 ext. 232 or 246.

PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP - Meets the 2nd Tues of every month at 6 PM, Sutter Amador Hospital, Oak View Room -2nd Floor of the Main Building, 200 Mission Blvd. Jackson Open discussion of the

www.BodiesnBalance.com www.ACwellnesscenter.com

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health & wellness - AmadorHealth.com


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amador living & recreation - LifeInAmador.com

Amador Farmers’ Market - July 29-August


The market had its second monthly bakeoff this past week, with the Peach Bakeoffs in Sutter Creek and Pine Grove. Both markets

had a great showing of entries, with contestants really doing themselves proud.

Assistant market manager Vicki Bray, also of Vintage Lace, recounts her experience as a bakeoff contestant:

“So here it is late Friday evening and I’m baking pie shells and cooking custard, all for the bake off for tomorrow, Saturday the

23rd. What bake off you say? It’s the Peach Bake Off for the Farmers’ Market in Sutter Creek. Well, needless to say I am like most

people who enter a bake off contest – I’m looking to create a winner. Unfortunately, this past Saturday did not do it for me – there

were lots of great entries and I did my best, but couldn’t pull it out of the hat as they say. Yes, it is a good recipe and I am willing to

share it here with you, so I hope you enjoy! Oh! One last thing, of course I will try entering another bake off in the near future and

who knows I might be the next winner.”

The winners for the Sutter Creek Bakeoff were chosen by Steve Muni of Hometown Kitchen on Hometown Radio (KVGC at

1340 AM); his friend and new transplant to this area, Amanda Martin, former Assistant Attorney General of Maryland; and Tim

Murphy, mayor of Sutter Creek. Winning third place, with a Peach Coffee Cake, was Linda Meadows of the Creeky Cupboard in

Sutter Creek. In second place, with a Peach Galette, was Mary Kuntz. And in first place, with a classic Peach Pie, was Jan Hewitt.

The judges for the Pine Grove bakeoff, Chesney Grant of the Blue Moon Cafe and Stacey Munnerlyn of Munnerlyn's Ice

Creamery, also enjoyed a full table of beautiful and tasty entries. Stacey especially seemed to enjoy her first appearance as a bakeoff

judge, a duty which is usually spoken for by her husband Stewart. The judges determined the winners to be: in third place, with a

Peaches-and-Cream Pie, was Sara Peterson; in second place, with a Peaches-and-Cream Cheesecake, was Frannie Weinrob; and in

first place, with a Rustic Almond and Peach Cake with Crème Fraiche, was Lynda Burman. Lynda, having competed several times

before with second-place finishes, was delighted to come out on top this time.

The winners of each month's bakeoffs will compete in the Bakeoff Finals in October. To enter a bakeoff, please call the market man-

ager at 419-2503, or sign up at the Pine Grove or Sutter Creek markets. August's featured fruit will be plums.


The Friends of the Library will be at the Pine Grove market on Wednesday, August 3, selling some great books for your summer

reading pleasure. Pick up some inexpensive but valuable entertainment, and help the library at the same time!

Don't forget the Plymouth Community Market opens next week, on Thursdays throughout August and September. The market

runs 4-7 pm in McGee Park on Main Street, and features light dinners from local restaurants, and wine tasting from local wineries,

along with your favorite farmers' market produce and products and wonderful live music.

Proceeds from the market benefit the Plymouth Elementary School, thanks to the hard work and generous sponsorship of the Ply-

mouth Foothills Rotary Club.


Wednesday, August 10 in Pine Grove: Summer Pruning Class with the Master Gardeners


CORRECTION: At Wednesday's market in Pine Grove on July 27, Slade Rivers made their debut appearance playing for us. Every-

one enjoyed their country-flavored tunes. We next see them on Sunday, August 7 in Jackson.

Saturday, July 30 in Sutter Creek: Meghan O'Keefe

Sunday, July 31 in Jackson: Ben Henry

Wednesday, August 3 in Pine Grove: Harry Jordan

Thursday, August 4 in Plymouth: Herb Boxhorn

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Theater to be Theme at Arts Networking Open House in Volcano August 25

For AmadorArts members, the event is FREE; for all others the cost is just $5 a person. Don’t miss the next Arts Networking O pen

House on Thursday, August 25th, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm, in the Volcano Amphitheatre in the heart of quaint downtown Vol-

cano. This quarterly event is described as a Mixer for the Arts bringing everyone together . Guests mingle while enjoying compli-

mentary sumptuous appetizers and a no-host wine bar, provided by the St. George Hotel.

The theme of this Arts Networking Mixer will be Theatre and it’s sure to be a fun time. Actors from the Volcano Theatre Company,

now in its 38th season, will present an entertaining scene from the current production of The Phantom Tollbooth, described as a fan-

tasy adventure for the entire family. Music will feature violinist Giorgi Khokhobashvili. Directed by Vince Murdock and Beth Bar-

nard, the play continues in the amphitheatre through September 10.

Previous quarterly Arts Networking events, very well-attended, have featured the visual arts and young students in the arts. At any

of these arts mixers, expect to see a variety of people. Of course artists of all types attend, but also business folks, retirees, young

residents and more. There’s always a raffle and other surprises. AmadorArts is a private, public benefit non -profit organization that

has served the region with arts-related events and arts education since 1982. Phone: 209-223-9038.

art, music and theater - AmadorArts.com

Sutter Creek Theater Presents: The

MoFo Party Band

High energy blues!

Saturday August 6, 8:00 pm

$18 adv / $20 day of show

With strong influences from old-school Chicago Blues

and West Coast Jump, The MoFo Pary Band is headed

by the Clifton Brothers: John - blowin' harmonica and

growlin' vocals, and Bill - pickin' licks on his Tele. Per-

forming over 150 shows yearly since 1989, The MoFo

Party Band is known for its energetic live performances,

dynamic stage presence and loyal fan base. The band's

performances almost always translates to sell-outs.

Blues afficionados everywhere have taken notice.

The MoFo Party Band has played many high profile

shows including the San Francisco Blues Festival, the

BB King Blues Festival with Johnny Lang and the Fabu-

lous Thunderbirds and Mark Humel's Harmonica Blow

Out with James Cotton and Huey Lewis. They have also

worked as a backing band for such great blues artists as

harp-master Johnny Dyer, the great James Harman, and

the late Little Walter guitarist Luther Tucker.

The Band has also been invited to play an outstanding 8 consecutive years at Central California's #1 Blues Festivals Fire On the

Mountain's Sonora Blues Festival. No band has ever appeared that many times.

From their Retro look, dynamite stage show, and fresh lively blues grooves, the MoFo Party Band is considered one of the most

original and well received acts on the music scene today.

They blew the roof off last time they were here, come on down and have some fun!

More information and tickets: www.SutterCreekTheater.com

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