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God’s Big Story Lesson 3 March 3/4… · Lesson 6: March 24/25 *Lesson 7: March 31 ... , and...

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God’s Big Story Lesson 3 March 3/4 1

God’s Big Story Lesson 3

March 3/4 1

God’s Big Story Lesson 3

March 3/4 2

God’s Big Story Series at a Glance for Kid-O-Deo

About this Series:



MemoryVerse:“Romans 8:39 - ‘Nothing at all can ever separate us from God’s love because of what Christ Jesus our Lord has done.’”

WeeklyOverview:Lesson: Topic: BigIdea:Lesson1:February17/18Lesson2:February24/25Lesson3:March3/4Lesson4:March10/11Lesson5:March17/18Lesson6:March24/25*Lesson7:March31/April1



God’s Big Story Lesson 3

March 3/4 3


SeriesataGlanceforKid‐O‐Deo(continued)Lesson1:TheBeginningWhatarethefirstthingsyoucanremember?Doyourememberbeingone,ortwoyearsold?OneofthemostincrediblethingsaboutGodisthatthereisnothinghedoesn’tremember.Allthewaybacktothebeginningoftheworld,Godhasbeenhere.Hemadeeverything,includingyou!Lesson2:TheNationWeallneedaleadertofollow,andthatleaderisGod!Alongtimeago,GodledtheIsraelitesthroughthedesertinaspecialway.Hemadesuretheyknewwheretogoandthattheydidn’tgetlost.ThepeopletrustedGodtoguidethemandwecantoo!Lesson3:TheKingsWhenamannamedDavidwasking,itwasclearthatGodhadaplan.Afterwaitinghundredsofyears, suffering throughmany terrible kings, and being captured by another emperor’s army,manypeopleweren’tsureanymore.Godstillhadaplanforhispeople,though,andnomatterwhatyouaregoingthroughtoday,Godisthereforyou.Lesson4:TheProphetsThousandsofyearsago,peopledidn’thavetheBibletotellthemwhatGodwantedthemtoknow.Instead,hesentmessagesthroughpeoplecalledprophets.Sometimesbeingaprophetwasgreat,butothertimes,peopledidn’twanttolistentowhatGodhadtosay.Manyoftheprophetswerehurtormadefunof,butthatdidn’tstopthem.TheyknewthatwhatGodsaidwastrue,andthathewasalwayswiththem.Lesson5:TheSonFromtheverybeginning,everythinginGod’sstoryhasbeenpointingtoonething,atimewhenGodwouldcomeandmakeeverythingrightagain.WhenJesusarrived,thattimehadcome.HeisGod’sSon!Lesson6:TheLordThe Sunday before Easter is called “Palm Sunday.” On this day, Jesus arrived at a city calledJerusalem, and everyone celebrated!They thought that Jesushad come tobe their king, to fixeverythingtheythoughtwaswrong.Jesushadotherplans,butthepeoplewererightaboutonething,JesusisourleaderandourLord!Lesson7:TheSaviorOnEaster,Jesusshowedusthegreatestreasonhecametoearth.Hediedtotakethepunishmentforoursin,andthencamebacktolife!HeisGod’sSon,ourleader,butbestofall,JesusisourSavior.

God’s Big Story Lesson 3

March 3/4 4

God’s Big Story Lesson Outline for Kid-O-Deo

Lesson 3: The Kings

Lesson Segment Total Running Time

Kid‐OPlaytime Transition Time Kid-O-Deo Theme Song Video (3:00) 0:00-15:00

Welcome (2:00) Value (:30) Worship Song: My God is #1 (3:00) Bible Adventure (5:00) Memory Verse (3:00) Worship Song: Happy Day (3:00) Application (5:00) Big Idea Video (2:00) Kid-O-Whampus (2:00) Prayer (2:00) Transition Time (2:00) 15:00-45:00

Group Time (15:00) 45:00-60:00

Video Cue Slide Cue Audio Cue Tech Notes

God’s Big Story Lesson 3

March 3/4 5

Opening Song 3:00

Welcome 2:00 Hello Kid-Os! Welcome to Kid-O-Deo! I’m super excited to be here with all of you! My name is _____________. If this is your first time in Kid-O-Deo, we are extra happy that you are here with us! Today we will sing about God, hear a Bible story, and get to go Kid-O-Whampus together! Before we get started, let’s practice saying the three rules we have here in Kid-O-Deo! Rule #1: When I’m talking, you are listening! Everyone put on your listening ears, and on the count of three, let’s practice listening! Rule #2: Keep your hands and feet to yourself! Do a little clap and place your hands in your lap! Rule #3: Stay in your spot! Let’s take our special glue sticks and put some glue on our spot to help us stay in the right place! Nice job! Kid-Os, those rules are super important because they help us remember to listen and be respectful to others, so that we can all learn a lot and have a great time!

Value :30 Kid-Os, today is a big day. We’re going to learn a lot! Did you know that you can learn more about God every day? It’s true! Can you repeat that after me? I can learn, I CAN LEARN, more about God, MORE ABOUT GOD, every day! EVERY DAY!

(Roll when directed) Kid-O-Deo Theme Song Video

(Auto advance) Kid-O-Deo Slide

God’s Big Story Lesson 3

March 3/4 6

Worship 3:00 Awesome! Choosing to learn more about God is something I hope all of you Kid-Os do every day. I hope everyone chooses to learn about how wonderful and awesome God is. In fact, let’s stand and sing this song about that! Kid-Os, sometimes when someone is super awesome, you say “You’re number one!” Let’s say that to God now!

Bible Adventure 5:00 Singing with you is so much fun! Do you all see this huge book on the stage? This big book is actually going to help us out with our lesson today. Let’s start by turning to the first page. On the count of three, will you help me? One, two, three!

Do This: When you turn the page, make it a very exaggerated motion, as though you’re pulling or pushing something very heavy. Encourage Kid-Os to pretend to do the same.

Super! Kid-Os, turning the page brought us to our Bible Adventure! Going on a Bible Adventure is so much fun, but we need to grab something really important first…Do you know what it is? A BIBLE!

Do This: Show kids the Bible. Right! We need a Bible for our Bible Adventure! Kid-Os, I have an important question for you. Are the stories in the Bible real or pretend? REAL! Yes! The stories we read in the Bible really happened!

Do This: Get the Bible storybook out and sit down in the chair.

Song 1: My God is Number One

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: “God’s Big Story”

Bible Adventure Jingle

“Swish” SFX

Tech: Each time, please hit the “swish” sound effect just as the teacher says “three.”

God’s Big Story Lesson 3

March 3/4 7

This story I’m going to tell you comes from the Bible, but we use this storybook because the pictures help us imagine what it might have looked like back when the Bible was written. The pictures you see in here are the same as the ones on the screen. What you’re about to hear is just one part of God’s Big Story. Let’s get started!

Do This: Have kids help you “turn” the pages on the screen with an exaggerated arm wave.

Kid-Os, a very long time ago, there was a good king named David. David was very special to God. King David was strong and brave, and prayed faithfully. David asked God for help many times when he was in trouble, and God was always there to defend him and keep him safe. King David even once said that God was like a shield!

In David’s kingdom lived a prophet named Nathan. A prophet’s job was to give people messages from God. One night, he received a really important message from God, for King David.

Nathan told David that God had promised that King David would always be respected and everyone would know who he was. God would always be with King David’s family. God would take care of them and they would always be kings over the land.

King David trusted God. God had always defended, loved, and cared for King David, so David trusted that God would also do these other wonderful things he had promised. He got down on his knees and prayed to tell God “thank you” and that he was amazing! David also said to God, “Lord, you are God! Your words can be trusted. You have promised many good things to me.”

Picture 1: King David

Picture 2: The Prophet Nathan hears from God

Picture 3: Nathan talks to David

Picture 4: David Prays

Series Title Slide: “God’s Big Story”

God’s Big Story Lesson 3

March 3/4 8

Good listening, Kid-Os! We just heard how God was always there to defend and protect King David when he was in trouble, and that King David trusted God. Thanks for listening to the story, Kid-Os. We’re done with our Bible Adventure, so when I count to three, will you help me turn the page of the giant book to see what is happening next? One, two, three!

Memory Verse 3:00

Super page turning, Kid-Os! We’ve come to our memory verse! Here in Kid-O-Deo, we practice a memory verse because knowing words that are in the Bible helps us learn things about God!

Do This: Read the verse from the screen. Kid-Os, a little while ago, we heard that God is our defender. We can trust Him with everything! God loves us all so much. We can talk to Him anytime, day or night, just like King David did, and trust that God is listening! The words in this verse mean that nothing can make God stop loving us. It sure makes me feel great to know that nothing can ever come between God and me! Everyone stand up on your feet and let’s practice our Memory Verse. We’ve had this verse for a few weeks now, so let’s all do the actions and say it together!

Do This: Practice the verse with the Kid-Os 2-3 times. Great job practicing your Memory Verse, Kid-Os!

Memory Verse Jingle

(Auto advance – Memory Verse) “Romans 8:39 - ‘Nothing at all can ever separate us from God’s love because of what Christ Jesus our Lord has done.’”

“Swish” SFX

God’s Big Story Lesson 3

March 3/4 9

Worship 3:00 Another great way to learn about God is by singing! Let’s stand and sing this song together.

Application 5:00 Singing with you is one of my favorite things to do! Please sit down. Today we are talking about how God is our defender. We learned that God made a promise to King David, and that David trusted that God would keep his promise. When David trusted God in the past, God had defended and protected David! Kid-Os, we all need a defender sometimes. When someone says something mean or treats us unkindly, it doesn’t feel good, does it? In those times, how can God be our defender? Look at what I have here, Kid-Os!

Do This: Remove the shield and container of balls from the bin on the shelf. Just like King David said, God is like a shield for us. One way God defends us is through His Word. Every week here in Kid-O-Deo, we practice a Bible memory verse. The words in our memory verses come from God and his special book, the Bible. Kid-Os, when we know words that are in our Bibles, we can know what is the truth, and God can defend us through his truth. I need a few helpers to come up on stage.

Do This: Ask a few of your volunteers to come up. If you believe your group can handle it, call on a couple of Kid-Os to come help you too. Hand one or more balls to each Kid-O/volunteer.

Kid-Os, is anyone here afraid of something? Maybe you’re afraid of spiders, or dogs, or the dark! Did you know that God can protect and defend you from your fears?

Do This: Tell the volunteer to throw a couple of balls at you, and deflect them with your shield. Read the verse from the side screen.

Song 2: Happy Day

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: “God’s Big Story”

God’s Big Story Lesson 3

March 3/4 10

This verse is saying that God will defend you from everything you’re afraid of! So pray and ask Him for help. It could be a simple prayer like, “God, I’m scared! Please help me to not feel scared anymore.” Or you could pray, “God, please defend and protect me.” Kid-Os, will you all say, “I’m not alone!” I’M NOT ALONE! What if you’re at school, daycare, or just playing in your neighborhood, and someone pushes you down and you get hurt? How could knowing words from God defend and protect you then?

Do This: Tell the volunteer to throw a couple of balls at you, and deflect them with your shield. Read the verse from the side screen.

Kid-Os, if we try to hurt someone who has hurt us, it does not make God happy. He wants us to love others, even those who hurt us. And you know what? We could even get hurt worse if we try to get back at someone! Knowing these words might not keep someone from hurting us, but God can defend us by helping us make the right choice so we don’t hurt others or get ourselves hurt even worse. Kid-Os, will you all say, “I’ll still be kind!” I’LL STILL BE KIND! Let’s say that someone says to you, “Nobody likes you.” That would hurt your feelings, right? But if you know what God says about you, then those mean words can’t really and truly hurt you, because you know that they’re just not true! Kid-Os, will you all say, “That’s not true!” THAT’S NOT TRUE!

Do This: Tell the volunteer to throw a couple of balls at you, and deflect them with your shield. Read the verse from the side screen.

If someone says something unkind like nobody likes you, this verse can help you remember the truth! Someone thinks you’re pretty great; it’s God! God doesn’t just like you, he loves you and calls you his child! Kid-Os, no matter what happens, you can know that God loves you and is going to be there to defend you. You can learn what the Bible says and trust God! You can trust Him!

Psalm 34:4 I looked to the Lord, and he answered me. He saved me from everything I was afraid of.

Leviticus 19:18 “Do not try to get even. Do not hold anything against any of your people. Instead, love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

1 John 3:1 See what amazing love the Father has given us! Because of it, we are called children of God. And that’s what we really are!

God’s Big Story Lesson 3

March 3/4 11

Thanks for learning how God can be our defender with me, Kid-Os! Now, when I count to three, will you help me turn the page of the giant book to find out what we’re doing next? One, two, three!

Big Idea 2:00

Yay! It’s time for the Big Idea! Our Big Idea helps us remember and think more about what we have been learning today. To help us learn it, we have a friend who going to come onto our screens! Let’s all wave to our friend Ranger Ron!

Know This: The Big Idea is, “God is my defender.”

Thank you, Ranger Ron! Kid-Os, like Ranger Ron reminded us, God is our defender! King David trusted God to defend him, and we can too! We’ve got one more page to turn in our book today, so on the count of three, let’s see what is left to do today! One, two, three!

Kid-O-Whampus 2:00

“Swish” SFX

Big Idea Jingle

Big Idea Video

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: “God’s Big Story”

“Swish” SFX

Kid-O-Whampus: Shoes

“Let’s Pray”

God’s Big Story Lesson 3

March 3/4 12

Prayer 2:00 That was lots of fun! You can all sit down. Now it’s time to talk to God. Do you know what we call it when we talk to God? PRAYER. That’s right, we call talking to God “praying.” God is the best friend we could ever have, and he loves it when we talk to him. God will always listen when you pray, because he created you and he loves you. You can pray anytime and anywhere, but here in Kid-O-Deo we fold our hands in our laps and close our eyes, to help us only think about the words we are saying to God. If you want, you can repeat the words of this prayer after me. Dear God, we love you. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for defending us! Amen.

It’s been great spending time with you, Kid-Os. Now it’s time for you to go back to your classrooms where you will get into groups with your leader and other Kid-Os, have a snack, and do a fun activity. See you later!

Kid-O-Deo Slide
