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Goebel Michael - Marxism and the Revision of Argentine History in the 1960s

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  • 8/13/2019 Goebel Michael - Marxism and the Revision of Argentine History in the 1960s


  • 8/13/2019 Goebel Michael - Marxism and the Revision of Argentine History in the 1960s


    7ltimately 6and at least in a"t as a "esult o# this c"isis o# legitimacy6 olitical and intellectual debates had a

    st"ong inclination to "ecu" to histo"y as a "o'ide" #o" the &usti#ication o# contemo"a"y olitical goals.

    (his a"ticle analyses the ca"ee"s and the discou"se o# a numbe" o# intellectuals, in !hose !"itings these "oblems

    con'e"ged into a le#t9!ing nationalist and "o9e"onist stance a#te" 4

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    #i"stly, outline the ideological t"a&ecto"ies and the social backg"ound o# the most "ominent le#t9!ing nationalist

    and oulist intellectuals o# the 4s: secondly, identi#y the notions !hich &usti#ied the #"e3uent "ecu""ence to

    histo"y: thi"dly, delineate the cent"al tenets o# the le#t9!ing nationalist discou"se !ith "ega"d to histo"y: and

    ultimately, assess the imlications o# histo"iog"ahical disutes that eme"ged #"om the inte"section !ith the olde"

    ma"kedly autho"ita"ian 'e"sions o# histo"iog"ahical nationalism.

    The heterogeneous backgrounds of nationa!"o"uist inteectuas

    (he a"aisal o# e"onism among the A"gentine Le#t !as not enti"ely ne! by 4

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    the "ocess%, !hich he att"ibuted to his 4

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    uni'e"sity lectu"eshi in 4"athe" than to common ideological backg"ounds.

    The notion of an oigarchic deformation of nationa vaues

    It has been a"gued that the"e had been a le#t9leaning and oulist cu""ent o# histo"ical "e'isionism much be#o"e


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    maintained a neat sea"ation #"om nationalist t"aditions.;

    (he oint that the ne! "e'isionists icked u #"om thei" autho"ita"ian #o"e"unne"s !as the notion that libe"alism

    had caused the ob#uscation o# the authentic and "o#ound essences o# national identity. (he"e !as gene"al

    ag"eement on this oint bet!een both the "ight9!ing nationalists o# the 4s and the ost94

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    #acto"s "ecei'ed little attention in o"de" to account #o" !hat !as seen as the ideological enet"ation o# ime"ialism

    and the disto"tion o# histo"y. 5hen domestic #acto"s !e"e mentioned, they o#ten took the #o"m o# laments that

    A"gentine society lacked su##icient "ooting in t"adition. In the eyes o# +amos, the absence o# g"anda"ents among


    ...makes it comletely imossible #o" the gene"ations a#te" 4> to e"cei'e the #undamental cou"se o# the

    A"gentine histo"ical "ocess, gi'en that the o##s"ing o# these successi'e st"eams o# immig"ants, !ho lacked an

    o"al t"adition, could unde"stand histo"y only th"ough the tetbooks !"itten by the oliga"chy. (hese sue"st"uctu"al

    elements ha'e huge imo"tance in t!entieth9centu"y A"gentine olitics and in the histo"ical imostu"e that still


    In gene"al, ho!e'e", analysis o# the constellations that had #acilitated o" #oste"ed ime"ialist inte"#e"ence

    amounted to the me"e a##i"mation that the"e eisted abominable ockets o# $#athe"land9selle"s% vendepatriaD.

    8ome autho"s, notably He"nnde A""egui, oenly unde"sco"ed the Hisanic "oots o# A"gentina in oosition to

    the loss o# t"adition. In his 'ie!, one #undamental "oblem o# the A"gentine c"isis "esided in the economic andolitical "elacement o# 8ain by B"itain as a "incial oint o# "e#e"ence #o" the "uling class. A#te" assu"ing the

    "eade" o# the #a"9"eaching Hisanic in#luences in 8hakesea"e Qdesigned to imlicitly "o'e the cultu"al

    sue"io"ity o# 8ain o'e" B"itainQ, He"nnde A""egui obse"'ed that the masses $"emained Hisanic, a##iliated to

    the ast.%;He"nnde A""eguis notion o# hispanidadas being constituti'e o# A"gentine national identity !as not

    only comatible !ith the "ee"toi"e o# some "eactiona"y thinke"s o# nacionalismoand "e'isionists o# the thi"ties,

    such as Ca"los Iba"gu"en, Manuel Gl'e o" E"nesto alacio.Behind such assages also lu"ked a simila" kind

    o# cultu"al conse"'atism, !hich susected mode"nisation o# inducing societal degene"ation. ?u"the"mo"e, this

    mo"alistic a'e"sion to!a"ds the latest cultu"al t"ends #"om o'e"seas !as also !ides"ead among the le#t9!ing

    e"onist Routh )D. )ust as "rinchera de#ined $the e"onist li#estyle% in oosition to consuming alcohol and

    'isiting b"othels, the scenes that Octa'io Getino and ?e"nando 8olanas 4

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    but also on the 'alues o# theproletariat, !ould Qat least i# it became conscious o# its o!n destinyQ ensu"e the

    ultimately socialist outcome o# national libe"ation. In "incile, this body could be a class as !ell as a histo"ical

    #igu"e. It !as only a sho"t ste, then, #"om the con'iction that $e'e"y histo"ical indi'iduality e"soni#ies social

    o!e"s% to the disco'e"y o# #igu"es that u"o"tedly embodied the 'alues o# both nation and oula" class.

    Ma"ist "e'isionists sa! these 'alues abo'e all in the #ede"al caudillos !ho had "esisted Mit"esporte'ocent"alism, such as Ungel Vicente $El Chacho% e*aloa o" ?elie Va"ela, i.e. in the inte"io". ast and "esent

    !e"e the same in this "esect. He"nnde A""egui asked

    ...#"om !he"e did the #ocal oints o# national emanciation eme"ge in the last yea"s6 ?"om the "o'inces,

    C"doba, (ucumn, +osa"io /sic1, Co""ientes, 8an )uan, Catama"ca /01. (he count"y, c"ushed du"ing the

    nineteenth centu"y !ith the ete"mination o# the last montoneras o# ?elie Va"ela, is in the inte"io".

    Acco"ding to O"tega e*a and uhalde, $Mit"e /01 is the symbol o# the di"ecting cattle9b"eeding class !hich

    o"ganised the count"y acco"ding to the dictates o# English #inancial caital%, !he"eas $?elie Va"ela /01 is the

    o"ganisation o# the eole, o# the "o'incial !o"king classes.%F

    ?o" them, Va"ela did not only do !hat the nationo" the eole !anted, but he (asthe o"ganisation o# the eole, at the same time synonymous !ith the

    $"o'incial !o"king classes%. (he identity bet!een caudillo and eole had al"eady been established th"ough a

    homology in the titleNsubtitle o# the bookP )elipe *arela &gainst the +ritish ,mpire- "he Masses o% the Unin

    &mericana Con%ront the ,uropean $o(ers.

    As this eamle indicates, the unde"standing o# histo"y o# Ma"ist oulists !as usually dichotomous. Cooke, #o"

    eamle, identi#ied $t!o cu""ents, !hich ha'e clashed since the days o# the May +e'olutionP that o# the o"t o#

    Buenos Ai"es, cosmoolitan, #"ee9t"ade, 'ehicle o# ideas and inte"ests that suited Eu"oe /01: and anothe" one,

    nationalist oula", !hich sa! the count"y as a !hole and as a a"t o# Latin Ame"ican unity.% =Ret the most

    et"eme adhe"ence to bina"y oositions can be #ound in +amos !o"ks. At the beginning o# the second 'olume

    o# Revolucin y contrarrevolucin, he decla"ed that the social, cultu"al and olitical changes o# the t!entieth

    centu"y $only #ind themsel'es con#"onted !ith one in'a"iable #acto"P the cattle9b"eeding and comme"cial

    oliga"chy.% On the last ages o# the same 'olume, the "eade" !as toldP

    Ho!e'e" su""ising it might seem, and in site o# the t"ans#o"mati'e o!e" o# histo"y, the"e is one thing that a

    centu"y and a hal# o# 'icissitudes has not changed in ou" count"yP the all9emb"acing o!e" o# the cattle9b"eeding

    oliga"chy, built #"om the Latin Ame"ican balkanisation and the eclise o# A"tigas. (he oliga"chic nucleus, a t"uly

    a"asitic and a"alysing co"e, co""ute" o# A"gentine economics, olitics and cultu"e bases itsel# on the same

    inte"ests, the same sychology and the same myths, !ith !hich it con#"onted the caudillos, sustained the

    eclusi'ism o# one o"t against the Kation, ele'ated +i'ada'ia, admitted +osas, acclaimed Mit"e, ete"minated

    a"aguay, oosed +oca, o'e"th"e! R"igoyen and eiled e"n. (he enti"e li#e o# the A"gentine eole has

    tu"ned on the #ight against that same o!e", unde" the most 'a"ying emblems: and the eole ha'e been

    de#eated until the "esent day.J

    (h"oughout the t!entieth centu"y, the st"uggles o# libe"ation had "ecei'ed thei" &usti#ication th"ough thei"

    negati'e oosite.

    Anothe" common st"ategy o# the oulist "e'isionist !"itings !as to establish a system o# oints o# "e#e"ence

    !hich mutually elained themsel'esP the histo"ical disto"tions o# libe"alism led to ime"ialist enet"ation. (his

    enet"ation !as mani#est in economic and cultu"al "actices, !hich led to the eclusion o# those !ho "esisted

    these disto"tions. In this !ay, the ime"ialist enet"ation !as in tu"n held to ha'e caused a #alse histo"ical

    consciousness. It !as ossible to inse"t mo"e elements into such chains, but in any case the #act that they

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    elained themsel'es eo ipso#o"e'e" "elegated to a subo"dinate le'el 3uestions about dete"minants o" about the

    "elationshi bet!een base and sue"st"uctu"e. It !ould be #utile to sea"ch #o" discussions o# Ma"s "e#ace o# the

    Contribution to a Critique o% $olitical ,conomyo" to any othe" se"ious methodological debate o# Ma"ism in the

    oulist o" Ma"ist "e'isionist !"itings. 8omething simila" occu""ed !ith the intimate "elationshi bet!een histo"y

    and olitics in thei" !"itings, !hich mutually legitimised and elained each othe", too. Acco"ding to )au"etche, #o"eamle, a national olicy !as conduci'e to the "e'ision o# histo"y &ust as much as histo"ical "e'isionism !ould

    entail a national olicy.

    8uch bina"y oositions and sel#9sustained chains, in !hich the a"guments con#i"med each othe", shaed a

    discou"se that attemted to be at once closed and all9encomassing. It asc"ibed an immobile signi#icance to

    e'e"y histo"ical "otagonist and e'ent !ithin a global model o# inte""etation, in !hich e'e"y element "e#e""ed to

    anothe". Ret, it !as not al!ays easy to dist"ibute the "oles in this game and the"e needed to be some ossibility

    o# histo"ical change. Va"ela o" e"n, let alone +osas, could not simly be seen as the "e"esentation o# a

    "ecisely de#ined !o"king9class constituency. (he c"ucial "oblems o# A"gentine histo"y thus assumed an ethical

    "athe" than a socio9economic cha"acte". (he enemy !as identi#ied as the enemy o# the #athe"land "athe" than the"e"esentation o# inte"ests o# seci#iable social g"ous. (his elains !hy the tone o# these !"itings !as al!ays

    mo"alist and $bet"ayal% became a decisi'e concet that allo!ed to account #o" histo"ical change. 7"3uias

    u"ising against +osas !as not elained by changes in the count"ys socio9economic st"uctu"e o" by di##e"ences

    in thei" inte"ests. Instead, he had simly $bet"ayed% +osas.?o" this "eason, the

    stance o# the latte" t!o con#o"med to the ideas o# the Instituto +osas, !hich "elentlessly "oagated the

    disco'e"y o# histo"ical $t"uth% as the #i"st and #o"emost aim.F4(hey thus associated themsel'es to the institute,

    !he"e they engaged in inte"nal debates !ith its mo"e "ight9!ing histo"ians about the co""ect "eading o# the 5a" o#

    the ("ile Alliance. In thei" 'ie!, this had to be unde"stood as an ime"ialist agg"ession against the auta"kic

    a"aguay o# ?"ancisco 8olano Le that Mit"e sought to #o"ce into an integ"ation into the !o"ld ma"ket, !he"eas

    thei" oonent, )uan ablo Oli'e" 6!ho !as not so su"e anymo"e !hethe" Mit"e dese"'ed his e"st!hile

    'ili#ication by "e'isionists6 condemned $a communist tactic o# in#ilt"ation% among the "anks o# "e'isionism, o#

    !hich, acco"ding to Oli'e", O"tega e*a and uhalde !e"e "incial "omote"s.F;As this eamle sho!s, the

    inte"t!inement o# autho"ita"ian and Catholic st"ands o#thought that had o"iginated in the thi"ties !ith the Ma"ists

    claim to histo"ical "e'isionism gene"ated a numbe" o# di##iculties.F

    +ega"ding histo"iog"ahical discussions, the most "oblematic asect !as one %ait accompli o# classical

    "e'isionismP its etolment o# +osas. He could be deicted as a oula" at"iot and e'en, i# one liked, as an

    embodiment o# national caitalism !ho "otected the manu#actu"ing indust"ies o# the inte"io", but !ithout doubt

    he had also been the o!ne" o# 'ast lands !ho had acted in the name o# the cattle9b"eede"s o# Buenos Ai"es. I#,

    u to this oint, it had not been necessa"y to come to an unmistakable decision to aly eitherclass ornation in

    histo"ical analysis, the #igu"e o# +osas seemed to dis"ut the comlementa"ity o# the t!o catego"ies. )au"etches

    discussion o# class and nation e'ol'ed a"ound the 3uestion o# $on )uan Manuel and timid "e'isionism%,

    ublished in a book that had the clea"9cut title )or Rosas or &gainst Rosas. Acco"ding to him, the socialists !ho

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    had a"gued that +osas !as "incially a membe" o# the land9o!ning elite !e"e guilty o# $c"ude mate"ialism%.

    (hose !ho, #"om a le#t9!ing e"secti'e, &utaosed +osas to the #ede"al caudillos!e"e #u"the"mo"e

    cha"acte"ised as $Mit"o9Ma"ists%. Vis9T9'is such tendencies, )au"etche thought it a"o"iate to "escue +osas by

    "ea##i"ming that the national 3uestion $!as al!ays the ais and this "emains so.%F

    In cont"ast, most Ma"ists and esecially uigg"sD could not b"ing themsel'es a"ound to the glo"i#ication o#

    +osas. He"nnde A""egui t"ied to ci"cumsc"ibe a "o#ile beyond $the nationalist tendency g"oued a"ound the

    #igu"e o# )uan Manuel de +osas and the libe"al one a"ound Mayo and Case"os%, since $du"ing +osas

    go'e"nment theporte'o monooly maintained all its 'igou"% and $+osas a"guments !e"e the same as those ut

    #o"!a"d by +i'ada'ia%.FF8imila"ly, !hen Cooke e'oked histo"ical #igu"es as antecedents o# the oula" national

    "e'olution he en'isaged in a seech deli'e"ed in Ha'ana in 4

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    on a document in !hich +osas had e"essed his symathy #o" the Eu"oean "e'olutions o# 4Q, he #elt that

    he had to insist that $the "oblem o# +osas is c"ucial in ou" histo"y and it has not been -o'e"come by time, as you

    say.%FIn the same lette" to uigg"s,

    +osa !"ote that $!hen communism and nationalism coincide /0,1 the !o"ld9!ide national libe"ation o# theeoles and social emanciation o# the "oleta"iat /01 is ine'itable.%=4On the othe" hand, he had no di##iculties to

    osit class and nation as analytical catego"ies in a st"ict dichotomy. In an inte"'ie! in 4

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    eclusion #"om the cultu"al aa"atus o# the state and !ith the illegalisation o# the e"onist mo'ement. By

    e3uating thei" ma"ginal status in te"ms o# cultu"al caital !ith thei" eclusion #"om olitical o!e" they a""i'ed at

    the conclusion that cultu"al, olitical and economic o!e" !e"e concent"ated in the same hands. (hei" eclusion

    #"om ublic cultu"al institutions set A"gentine nationalist intellectuals o# the 4s aa"t #"om thei" B"ailian

    counte"a"ts.=F(he #act that in B"ailian nationalism, histo"ical na""ati'es layed a coma"ably less signi#icant"ole, as 8and"a McGee eutsch has obse"'ed,==suggests that the oositional discou"se o# histo"ical

    "e'isionism might in a"t ha'e been an outlet o# its "oonents e"cei'ed ma"ginalisation.

    On the one hand, the essayistic na""ati'es o# the izquierda nacionala"o"iated the leitmotiv o# histo"ical

    "e'isionism 6an anti9libe"al, nationalist and combati'ely oliticised st"and o# histo"ical !"iting that had eme"ged in

    the 4s6, !hich maintained that A"gentine histo"y had been #alsi#ied by an anti9national oliga"chy in o"de" to

    imede the #ul#ilment o# the count"ys g"and destiny. Histo"y the"e#o"e had to be "ecast acco"ding to the needs o#

    a $national "o&ect%. On the othe" hand, as ?e"nando e'oto has "ecently a"gued, it is di##icult to #ind common

    ideological denominato"s among the many intellectuals !ho a"e usually named !hen it comes to identi#y the

    "oduce"s o# histo"ical "e'isionism in the 4s.=J

    (he autho"ita"ian Catholicism o# the "e'isionists o# the thi"tiesmet !ith some "ese"'ations #"om the late" Ma"ists. (he seci#icities o# "e'isionism, the"e#o"e, lay not so much in

    a cohe"ent ideology that e"essed ce"tain g"ou inte"ests, but "athe" in the communication o# a numbe" o#

    "edicaments, #o" !hich "e'isionism "omised a solution. ?i"stly, i# the t"aditional Le#ts sho"tcomings in its

    inte""etations o# e"onism had been the "esult o# its nineteenth9centu"y libe"al insi"ations, then an a"o"iate

    unde"standing o# e"onism also had to "adically challenge these insi"ations. 8econdly, in oosition to that, the

    "e'ision o# A"gentinas histo"y !ould b"ing to the su"#ace the authentic nation as !ell as indicating the #utu"e

    "e'olutiona"y aths #o" national libe"ation and, ultimately, socialismo nacional. (he oulist Le#t thus const"ucted

    histo"ical accounts, in !hich ast and "esent "eci"ocally legitimised each othe". (his "elationshi cha"acte"ised

    the st"ong bond bet!een histo"y and olitics in this discou"se.

    But in this "elationshi, histo"ical "e'isionism "emained subo"dinated to the needs o# olitical legitimation. An

    outlook onto late" de'eloments can suo"t this a"gument, as "e'isionist discou"se declined to the deg"ee that it

    !as co9oted. A#te" e"ns "etu"n to o!e" in 4>, on !hich this a"ticle is based, and the

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    anonymous "e'ie!e"s o# ,&L.

    4. )o"ge Casta*eda, Utopia Unarmed/ the Latin &merican Le%t a%ter the Cold 0arKe! Ro"kP Vintage

    Books, 4>;D.

    J. 8uch is one o# the "incial a"guments o# ?ede"ico Keibu"g, Os intelectuais e a inven89o do

    peronismo/ estudos da antropologia social e cultural8Zo auloP Edito"a da 78, 4Buenos Ai"esP Aliana, ;>>D, . 494;: the secial sectionde'oted to "e'isionism in $rohistoria, no. ;>>D, . 4=F9;=F: and the co""esonding a"ticles in?e"nando ). e'oto and Ko"a agano eds.D, La historiogra%. Ca"los Altami"ano, $eronismo y cultura de izquierdaBuenos Ai"esP (emas G"uo Edito"ial, ;>>4D, .

    49;F, "o'ides a gene"al o'e"'ie! o# these di'isions be#o"e 4, A"il 4, . and . Vitto"io Codo'illa !as leade" o# the A"gentine Communist

    a"ty. On 4J Octobe" 4

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    "e'isionism. (he same is t"ue #o" Ma"istella 8'ama, ,l dilema argentino/ civilizacin o barbarie; de7armiento al revisionismo peronistaBuenos Ai"esP El Cielo o" Asalto, 44D, .

    49;F, "o'ides a gene"al o'e"'ie! o# these di'isions be#o"e 4, A"il 4, . and . Vitto"io Codo'illa !as leade" o# the A"gentine Communista"ty. On 4J Octobe" 4. 4. (he lite"atu"e on Cooke is 3uite abundantP see esecially Miguel Maeo ed.D, Coo!e; de vuelta/ el

    gran descartado de la historia argentinaBuenos Ai"esP La +osa Blindada, ;>>>D, but also Ko"be"toGalasso, Coo!e/ de $ern al Che; una biogra%

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    Ai"esP A. e*a Lillo, 4 and . =J.

    F. Cooke,&puntes, . J.

    F.=4. +odol#o O"tega e*a and Edua"do Luis uhalde, )elipe *arela contra el mperio britAnico- Las masas

    de la Unin &mericana en%rentan a las potencias europeasBuenos Ai"esP 8udestada, 4

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    =. +amos, Revolucin y contrarrevolucin, 'ol. ;, . J and =

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    Ro"k and LondonP +outledge, 4.

    4>F. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4=. Columnas del Nacionalismo Marxista de Liberacin Nacional, no. , 4 8etembe" 4, . 4 and . ;4.

    4>. He"nnde A""egui, mperialismo y cultura, . 4F and . ;>.


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    44;. He"nnde A""egui, mperialismo y cultura, . 4F and . ;>.

    44. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4. +amos, Revolucin y contrarrevolucin, 'ol. ;, . J and =

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    4==.4=;. Cooke,&puntes, . 4. (his assage bo"e "ema"kable simila"ities to the histo"ical &usti#ications that the

    le#t9e"onist gue""illa g"ou Montone"os ublished in 4 $Hablan los Montone"os,% Cristianismo y

    Revolucin, no. ;=, Ko'embe"Necembe" 4, . 44D.

    4=. +amos, Revolucin y contrarrevolucin, 'ol. ;, . J and =

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    (he e"ession $inte"nal con#"ontation% suosedly "e#e""ed to a con#"ontation !ithin one count"y.4J. "rinchera, no. , Octobe" 4. (he #ilm by Getino and 8olanas adoted many moti#s #"om "e'isionism.

    One o# the #i"st 3uotes in the #i"st a"t is by 8calab"ini, statingP $(he histo"y they taught us is !"ong.%

    4. He"nnde A""egui, $eronismo y socialismo, . F4.

    4. 8ee the inte"'ie! !ith them in "odo es #istoria, no. , )une 4. ;>. (he edito"ial o# the institutes bulletin called #o" accomlishing $ou" mission to consolidate the t"uth u to

    its most et"eme limits%, #o" eamle +olet.


  • 8/13/2019 Goebel Michael - Marxism and the Revision of Argentine History in the 1960s


    #ully elabo"ated his "eading o# +osas in his book Rosas/ bases del nacionalismo popularBuenos Ai"esP

    A. e*a Lillo, 4D.

    ;44. )au"etche, $on )uan Manuel,% . ;>, . 4 and . ;4.

    ;4;. He"nnde A""egui, mperialismo y cultura, . 4F and . ;>.

    ;4. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4.

    ;4J. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4

  • 8/13/2019 Goebel Michael - Marxism and the Revision of Argentine History in the 1960s


    Oma" Acha #o" d"a!ing my attention to this lette"D. (he list o# usages o# bet"ayal as the elanati'e

    #acto" in histo"ical e'ents is otentially endless.

    ;=. 8ee the inte"'ie! !ith them in "odo es #istoria, no. , )une 4. ;J. (he edito"ial o# the institutes bulletin called #o" accomlishing $ou" mission to consolidate the t"uth u to

    its most et"eme limits%, #o" eamle +olet.

    ;;. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4.

    ;=. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4.

    ;F>. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4

  • 8/13/2019 Goebel Michael - Marxism and the Revision of Argentine History in the 1960s


    ;=>. (he "esecti'e 8anish titles !e"eP Revolucin y contrarrevolucin en la &rgentina/ las masas ennuestra historia+amos, 4. 8ee the inte"'ie! !ith them in "odo es #istoria, no. , )une 4. ;J4. (he edito"ial o# the institutes bulletin called #o" accomlishing $ou" mission to consolidate the t"uth u to

    its most et"eme limits%, #o" eamle +olet.

    ;J=. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4.

    ;>. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4.

    ;. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4

  • 8/13/2019 Goebel Michael - Marxism and the Revision of Argentine History in the 1960s


    #ully elabo"ated his "eading o# +osas in his book Rosas/ bases del nacionalismo popularBuenos Ai"esP

    A. e*a Lillo, 4D.;=. O"tega e*a and uhalde, )elipe *arela, . 4==. ?o" thei" c"iticism o# the izquierda nacionalsee

    +olet. 8ee the inte"'ie! !ith them in "odo es #istoria, no. , )une 4. >. (he edito"ial o# the institutes bulletin called #o" accomlishing $ou" mission to consolidate the t"uth u to

    its most et"eme limits%, #o" eamle +olet.

  • 8/13/2019 Goebel Michael - Marxism and the Revision of Argentine History in the 1960s



    4. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4.

    4J. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4 and . =J.

    ;. Cooke,&puntes, . J.

    . He"nnde A""egui, mperialismo y cultura, . ;4.

    . He"nnde A""egui, $eronismo y socialismo, . J>.

  • 8/13/2019 Goebel Michael - Marxism and the Revision of Argentine History in the 1960s


  • 8/13/2019 Goebel Michael - Marxism and the Revision of Argentine History in the 1960s


    =>. )os Ma"a +osa, #istoria del revisionismo y otros ensayosBuenos Ai"esP Me"ln, 4944.

    (he e"ession $inte"nal con#"ontation% suosedly "e#e""ed to a con#"ontation !ithin one count"y.=4. On the eclusion o# mate"ial conside"ations #o" the cha"acte"isation o# the oliga"chy in 4s

    "e'isionism, he"e in the in#luential "e'isionist book by the I"austa b"othe"s, La &rgentina y elimperialismo britAnico, see (ulio Hale"n onghi, $A"gentines onde" the bu"den o# the ast,% inP)e"emy Adelman ed.D, Colonial legacies/ the problem o% persistence in Latin &merican historyKe!

    Ro"k and LondonP +outledge, 4.

    . Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4

  • 8/13/2019 Goebel Michael - Marxism and the Revision of Argentine History in the 1960s


    . Columnas del Nacionalismo Marxista de Liberacin Nacional, no. , 4 8etembe" 4, . 4 and . ;4.

    =. He"nnde A""egui, mperialismo y cultura, . 4F and . ;>.

    J. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4. +amos, Revolucin y contrarrevolucin, 'ol. ;, . J and =F. )au"etche, $olJ. 8ee the inte"'ie! !ith them in "odo es #istoria, no. , )une 4. >. (he edito"ial o# the institutes bulletin called #o" accomlishing $ou" mission to consolidate the t"uth u to

    its most et"eme limits%, #o" eamle +olet

  • 8/13/2019 Goebel Michael - Marxism and the Revision of Argentine History in the 1960s


    #istricas, no. , second se"ies, A"il 4.

    4. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4.

    4J. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4.

    ;4. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4

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  • 8/13/2019 Goebel Michael - Marxism and the Revision of Argentine History in the 1960s


    F. Mundo Nacionalista, no. , F 8etembe" 4, . 4 and . ;4.


  • 8/13/2019 Goebel Michael - Marxism and the Revision of Argentine History in the 1960s


  • 8/13/2019 Goebel Michael - Marxism and the Revision of Argentine History in the 1960s


    F>J. 8ee the inte"'ie! !ith them in "odo es #istoria, no. , )une 4. F>. (he edito"ial o# the institutes bulletin called #o" accomlishing $ou" mission to consolidate the t"uth u to

    its most et"eme limits%, #o" eamle +olet.

    F4. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4.

    F4J. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4.

    F;4. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4

  • 8/13/2019 Goebel Michael - Marxism and the Revision of Argentine History in the 1960s


    F4. He"nnde A""egui, $eronismo y socialismo, . 4=, . J> and . =J.

    F;. Cooke,&puntes, . J.

    F. He"nnde A""egui, mperialismo y cultura, . ;4.

    F. He"nnde A""egui, $eronismo y socialismo, . J>.FF. +odol#o O"tega e*a and Edua"do Luis uhalde, )elipe *arela contra el mperio britAnico- Las masasde la Unin &mericana en%rentan a las potencias europeasBuenos Ai"esP 8udestada, 4. 8ee the inte"'ie! !ith them in "odo es #istoria, no. , )une 4. F4. (he edito"ial o# the institutes bulletin called #o" accomlishing $ou" mission to consolidate the t"uth u to

    its most et"eme limits%, #o" eamle +olet.

    F=. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4.

    FF>. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4.

    FF. Cooke, $ocumentos, ca"tas, discu"sos,% Crisis, no. < 4

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    +oletD.F=;. +olet
