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Going Beyond the Music

Date post: 19-Jun-2015
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Learn how to leverage powerful inbound marketing techniques to develop lasting relationships between artists and fans that bridges the gap between musical releases.
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1 GOING BEYOND MUSIC the A presentation for
  • 1. GOINGBEYOND MUSICtheA presentation for 1

2. JENNIFER YORKESales Trainer@jenniferyorkeANDREW QUINNDirector of Training & Development@andrewtquinn 3. AGENDA Whats Inbound Marketing Matching promotion to your artist Rules for engagement What to do and what not to do 4. THISINBOUND can turnMARKETING 5. into THIS! 6. Whats InboundMarketing? 7. inbound marketing -noun Any marketing tactic that relieson earning peoples interest instead of buying it; a.k.a. the key to marketing transformation.7 8. Inbound Marketingin a nutshell.3. Analyze &Improve1. Get FoundOnline2. Convert Visitors8into Leads 9. It starts with a VISION 10. Talent 11. Writer /Performer 12. But first!THE GROUND RULES! 13. 2-wayrelationshipsLet us behindthe curtainContent =More than music 14. How do I create the right mix? 15. 1. Allow for discovery2. Help fans promote their artist3. Drive continued engagement with content beyond music 16. Create Engagement:1. Reach out to other bands2. Give backstage access3. Ask for fan input4. Give to get 17. KEY TAKE AWAYS Promotion is about 2-way communication Share more than music! Allow connection to the artist Know where the money comes from 18. THANK YOU
