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Going online to enhance face to-face he chemistry teaching

Date post: 06-May-2015
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Talk for the #HECHemTeach RSC teaching fellows event in Sheffield September 2013
Going online to enhance face-to-face chemistry teaching Dr Simon J Lancaster [email protected] @S_J_Lancaster www.chemistryvignettes.net
  • 1.Going online to enhance face- to-face chemistry teaching Dr Simon J Lancaster [email protected] @S_J_Lancaster www.chemistryvignettes.net

2. Twitter Pre-labs Open Educational Resources (OERs) Screencasts Vignettes Lecture Flipping Peer Instruction Chemical Concept Inventories Going online 3. The presenters dilemma 4. Do you Tweet? A. Pardon? B. Never C. I lurk D. Rarely E. Sometimes F. Weekly G. Daily H. Hourly Pardon? Never Ilurk RarelySom etim es W eekly Daily Hourly 0% 0% 0% 0%0%0%0%0% 5. @S_J_Lancaster: Tweeting Twitter is a website, owned and operated by Twitter Inc., which offers a social networking and microblogging service, enabling its users to send and read messages called tweets. Tweets are text- based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the user's profile page. Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter, accessed 1/5/2011. Reasons to Tweet: 1. To keep in touch with the subject / education community. 2. To facilitate your life. 3. To provide a novel and very immediate means of communication with students over a particular topic or module. 6. @CHE2C32: Supporting a Module Example tweets from @CHE2C32 : Please remember to put #CHE2C32 in your tweet if you want it to feature in the lecture. @CHE2C32 just addresses it to me its not the search term. "Super-toxic" dimethylmercury is this week's Chemistry in its element #podcast subject. Careful now! http://bit.ly/cHswSp Example tweets from followers (students): @CHE2C32 made some great black shiny crystals today :D @CHE2C32 Tutorial work and dolly mixtures - happy times :) @CHE2C32 is in the house and my experiment chooses this time to start going wrong. Thank you God. 7. Twitter Polling 8. Widgets 9. Tweetbeam There are many (web) apps designed to project a real-time Twitter- feed. 10. Storify How do we combat the transient nature of the Twitter feed and make a lasting record? 11. Achieve a critical mass Follow the tweeps in this list: https://twitter.com/S_J_Lancaster/education Use an avatar (to replace the egg). Retweet freely. Glossary Tweep someone who tweets tweetup physical meeting of tweeters RT retweet MT modified tweet #ff follow Friday 12. Youve been frustrated by students arriving in the lab only to read manual. A. True B. False True False 0%0% 13. Ensure students are ready to start on arrival by introduction of an online quiz. Dont fall into the trap of making it summative. Its all about the carrot: ensuring calculations are correct! Making the most of laboratory time 14. Open Educational Resources (OERs) 15. ChemTube3D 16. Symmetry at Otterbein 17. Amazon 18. You have a Wiggly Giggly? A. True B. False True False 0%0% 19. Do you Screencast? A. Do I what? B. No and no interest C. No D. No choice, institutional policy E. Id like to but its too technically difficult F. Yes Do Iw hat? No and no interest No No choice,institutionalp... Id like to butitstoo tec... Yes 0% 0% 0%0%0%0% 20. tis easy 21. Strengths and Weaknesses Learning aid Assistance for students with disabilities and learning difficulties Revision aid Illness contingency Self observation Recording quality control Logistics and resources Time Consuming Preparation Editing File creation and maintenance Discourages lecture attendance? Discourages note taking? Lazy revision? 22. Vignettes We use the term vignette to refer to a short segment of a screencast covering a critical concept which may be augmented by an interactive component introduced during the editing process. 23. Prezi Prezi is an alternative presentation tool that allows students to follow a non-linear route; in this case between vignettes on aspects of the course. 24. Are you Wedded to content? 1. Yes 2. No Yes No 0%0% 25. Do wish you had more time for interaction? 1. Yes 2. No Yes No 0%0% 26. Are there parts of the course students Dont get? 1. Yes 2. No Yes No 0%0% 27. Are you ever frustrated by persistent misconceptions? 1. Yes 2.No Yes No 0%0% 28. What would you like to do to improve learning? 1. Encourage attendance 2. Increase engagement 3. Promote peer-instruction 4. Incentivise private study 5. Facilitate thought Encourage attendance Increaseengagem ent Prom ote peer-instruction Incentiviseprivate study Facilitatethought 0% 0% 0%0%0% 29. Our model of lecture flipping Students are strongly encouraged to watch a screencast recording of the (previous years) lecture the flipped lecture is replacing. They attend the timetabled teaching slot and are engaged in as interactive and as challenging a session as the lecturer can muster using every audience participation device at their disposal. 30. Uptake 31. What is an Organometallic? 1. A compound with both metal and carbon atoms. 2. A coordination complex in which one of the ligands contains carbon. 3. A large musical instrument constructed from tin pipes. 4. A compound containing a metal-to-carbon bond. 5. An organic molecule with a metal in it somewhere. A com pound w ith both ... A coordination com plex.. A large m usicalinstrum en... A com pound containing ... An organicm olecule w it... 0% 0% 0%0%0% 32. Which are genuine student evaluation comments? 1. A lot of the descriptive chemistry was very dry and essentially boring. It is hard to teach this kind of material but the 'flipped lectures' seemed to combat this. 2. I think the 'flipped' lectures run by Dr. Lancaster were a really good idea and I felt more engaged in the module. 3. I appreciated Dr Lancaster's efforts to make the lectures interesting and engaging in a modern way. The 'flipped' lectures were very successful. 4. I really enjoyed the flipped lectures and find that revising that material is much easier. 5. The flipped-lectures are a definite step in the right direction, away from archaic lectures with little or no mental stimulus, towards a more interactive learning experience that maximises learning outcome! 6. They were good fun as it was nice to have interaction with the lecture as opposed to just being talked at, it was also nice having knowledge of what you were talking about as we had already gone through the material! 7. I think the flipped lectures were a really good idea because it was a more interactive way to engage students into learning, rather than the repetitive routine of having to listen to the lecturer work through a PowerPoint presentation for an hour. 33. How should you react if you get a spread of answers? 1. Move on. 2. Shrug, look disapproving and move on. 3. Refer them to the notes and move on. 4. Repeat your original explanation and move on. 5. Repeat your original explanation and poll again. 6. Invite the students to find someone who disagrees with them, discuss it and then poll again. M ove on. Shrug,lookdisapprovin... Referthem to the notes... Repeatyouroriginalex... Repeatyouroriginalexp... Invite thestudentsto fi.. 24% 19% 17%17% 13% 11% 34. Who is the UNs Special Envoy for Global Education? A. David Miliband B. Tony Blair C. George W. Bush D. Gordon Brown E. Hilary Clinton David M iliband TonyBlairGeorge W .BushGordon Brow n HilaryClinton 20% 13% 40% 17% 10% 35. Turn to your neighbour 36. Who is the UNs Special Envoy for Global Education? A. David Miliband B. Tony Blair C. George W. Bush D. Gordon Brown E. Hilary Clinton David M iliband TonyBlairGeorge W .BushGordon Brow n HilaryClinton 13% 13% 27% 20% 27% 37. Where is the Duke of York currently situated in line to the throne? A. 2nd B. 3rd C. 4th D. 5th E. 6th F. 7th 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 13% 10% 23% 13% 20%20% 38. Turn to your neighbour 39. Where is the Duke of York currently situated in line to the throne? A. 2nd B. 3rd C. 4th D. 5th E. 6th F. 7th 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 10% 20% 17%17% 10% 27% 40. What would it take to make your colleagues adopt innovative teaching? A. An act of God B. Positive student evaluations C. An independent qualitative study D. Quantitative evidence of improved learning outcomes An actofGod Positivestudentevaluations An independentqualitati.. Quantitative evidence of... 23% 27% 17% 33% 41. Physics Force concepts inventory A simple to administer multiple choice test. Rigorously designed and tested. Huge uptake and high credibility. 42. Chemistry Chemical Concepts Inventory A simple to administer multiple choice test? Rigorously designed and tested? Huge uptake and high credibility? 43. The principle claim to the title Chemical Concepts Inventory appears to lie with Douglas R. Mulford and William R. Robinson of Purdue University for An Inventory for Measuring College Students' Level Of Misconceptions in First Semester Chemistry. Chemical Concepts Inventory 44. Madeleine Schultz and Gwendolyn Lawrie (Queensland) have been working on a derivative of the CCI. A New Chemical Concepts Inventory 45. Turning Point 46. ChemistryVignettes.net 47. Use Twitter Share resources Mix it up Record it Interact Flip Let the students do the instruction Follow the chemical concept inventory Beware the Hawthorne effect Go to Variety in Chemical Education Conclusions 48. Prof Tina Overton Dr Paul Yates Dr David Read Prof Simon Bates Dr Ross Galloway Dr Paul Taylor Dr Natalie Rowley Dr Katherine Haxton Dr Madeleine Schulz and Dr Gwendolyn Lawrie Inspirations
