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    ON TAPgold country

    SATISFYyour need

    WINNER of New York

    International Beer Competition

    Grab a at FA


    Jack RussellBrewing Company


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    APRIL 20

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    VOLUME 02 ISSUE 01

    APRIL 2015


    Anne StokesAndrew Westrope

    Penne UsherLaura Newell


    Quarterly publication highlighting the CraftBeer Industry in the Gold Country

    1030 High Street, Auburnwww.auburnjournal.com

    Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. No part of thispublication may be reproduced without writtenpermission of the publisher. The publisher shallnot be responsible for any liabilities arising from

    the publication of copy provided by any advertiserfor the Gold Country On Tap. Further, it shall

    not be liable for any act of omission on the partof the advertiser pertaining to their publishedadvertisement in the Gold Country On Tap.A publication of the Gold Country Media.







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    ON TAPgold country

    On the Cover






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    S E R V I C E S

    photography by Anne Stokes

    JACK RUSSELBREWING COMPANYJack Russell Farm Brewery’s newestnamesake and unof cial greeter Lucyat the brewery’s tasting room atApple Hill.













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    y Anne Stokes

    ack Russell Brewery tasting room in Camino o ers a wide selectionof classic, fruit and seasonal beers.

    Tucked away on the northern loop ofLarsen Drive in Apple Hill, Jack RussellFarm Brewery and Winery o ers thirstyocals and day-trippers a unique farm-to-ta-

    ble, or rather farm-to-tap, experience.

    We have an 11 acre farm - and on that farmwe have blueberries, blackberries, apples, andwe’re starting our new hop yard where we’regoing to try to grow all of our own hopsor our beers here,” says owner and brewer

    David Coody. “We take a lot of our products,uch as the berries, and we turn them into

    beers, hard ciders, and meads.”

    ack Russell Brewery and Winery o ers avariety of di erent brews, including classicsuch as Pale Ale, California Wheat, and their

    popular Strong Blonde Ale. The brewery is

    also known for their more unique creationssuch as blueberry, blackberry, vanilla stout,and pumpkin ale. “We have probably 20 beers here that we brew all year long season-ally and we try to have 15 on tap at any timeof those,” says Coody. “We usually have 5 ci-

    ders on tap that we make here and a popularcyser, which is mead and hard cider infusedtogether. And that’s probably one of our bestselling products.”

    In addition to o ering beers, ciders, andwines, Jack Russell also o ers locally craftedhoney-based mead options. “We bring beesout and they pollinate all of our berries. Thenwe take the honey that they make (after)pollinating the berries and make mead outof it,” explains Coody. “And when w e make

    the mead, we also take the fresh blackberriethat they pollinated and we add those to themead. Everything is o the farm except thewater and the bottle it comes in. The honeymade here, the blackberries are grown here,so it’s a pretty unique product.”

    In order to taste Jack Russell’s goods, you’rgoing to have to make your way to CaminoApple Hill. “All of our products are soldright here out of the farm,” explains Coody.“We don’t do any distribution out of here;we’re like a microbrewery that doesn’t havea restaurant.” What they do have, however,is spacious patio seating and both brewerytasting and wine tasting rooms. “A lot ofpeople come up here on the weekends, justhang and bring picnic lunches. W e’re goin

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    Pete Tate of Cameron Park enjoys an IPA at Jack Russell FarmBrewery and Winery in Apple Hill, Camino.

    David Coody, left, Jack Russell Farm Brewery ownand brew master with Troy Cannistraro, assistan brewer and farmer brewing a new batch of bee

    Bartender Matt Dillon servescustomers in the beer tastingroom at the Jack RussellFarm Brewery and Winery inApple Hill, Camino.

    o start having food trucks this year that aregoing to journey up. Our weekends are fairlyrowded here,” says Coody.

    Placerville native David Coody has beenbrewing since 1991, and brewing commer-

    ially for 22 years. After running the formerHangtown Brewery for 14 years, Coodyeft the company in search of other projects.And then I heard Jack Russell was going to

    be coming up available for sale, and I jumpedll over it, being in my backyard,” he said.

    I’m just a home-brewer gone wild, noprofessional formal training,” he admits. “Soo all of those home-brewers, if they neverurrender, never give up, they can do it. Just

    keep going. There’s good times and badimes in this business, you just keep going.”

    JACK RUSSELL BREWERY Address: 2380 Larsen Dr, Camino, CA 95709Phone: (530) 647-9420Hours: 11a – 7p everydayFood trucks on weekends, check facebook for schedule

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    HONEY WINEc o o k b o o k

    Blackberry Currant Melomel

    The fruit character should be pleasant and supportive, not arti cial andinappropriately sweet. The honey aroma should be noticeable, and

    can have a light to signi cant sweetness that may express the aromaof ower nectar. The bouquet should show a pleasant fermentation

    character, with clean and fresh aromatics being preferred.

    statsType: Mead with Berries

    Batch Size: 5 gal*OG: 24.62 Brix = 1.104 (SG)*FG: 1.03 Brix = 1.004 (SG)


    12 lb. Blackberry honey32 oz. (2lb) Blackberries, Frozen

    1 oz. Dried black currants4 gal of water

    2 vials WLP720 Sweet Mead Yeast & 1 Yeast nutrient

    Bring 4 gal of water to a boil for 10 min. Allow water to cool to 160°F beforedesolving your honey yeast nutrient and currants into the water. Be sure to rinseout your honey container thoroughly. After the honey is fully disolved, cool your

    mixture to 68°F. Pour your honey water and blackberries into your fermenter withthe two vials of yeast. Place an airlock on your fermenter.

    Place in a cool, dark place to ferment for about 2 weeks or until the bubblingslows to about once every 30 seconds. Then rack the mead into a clean

    secondary. Age for one month minimum. Enjoy!


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    Legend has it that the term “honey-moon” comes from Viking meadand weddings. A marriage-mind-ed couple was expected to procureenough of the honey-based aphro-disiac to last themselves for a wholemoon cycle, or month, ensuring afruitful matrimony. Mead has a long

    and storied history with literaryreferences in Chaucer’s CanterburyTales, Beowulf and Tolkien’s Lord ofthe Rings, to name a few. Thoughtto be the oldest alcoholic beverageknown to man, there is evidence ofancient Chinese, Greek, Egyptian, and

    of course Viking mead-making.

    Home mead brewer Robin Proffi tt has been concocting his own brews for nearly

    the past seven years. Proffi tt, who’s current-ly studying Viticulture and Enology at Sierra

    College, brews several varieties of meads fromhis home in Auburn. “I was home brewing beer and

    cider,” he said. “I had drank some meads before atRenaissance Fairs and I had some in Europe. I wasalso noticing that on home-brewing boards [on line]that mead was getting more and more popular. Itsounded like something interesting.”

    “I like the fact that it’s a completely di erent avorpro le,” explained Proffi tt, comparing mead to beersor ciders. “With a good mead you should still be ableto taste the honey at the end of the process. Obviouslyit’s not going to be as cloyingly sweet as a spoonful ofhoney. You get these beautiful oral aromas, you can getfruit, if you use clover [honey] you can get grass, whichis sometimes nice depending on what you’re going for.It’s a medium where the honey really lends itself wellto adding fruit or some type of spice to it. It has a lot of

    character to it, but at the same time it’s a blank canvas.It goes well with everything.”

    Currently the ancient brew is experiencing aresurgence of popularity sweeping westward from

    the East coast and Midwest, with several commer-cial meaderies now operating in Northern California.

    Locally, the Jack Russell Brewery in Camino has severalvarieties available at their Apple Hill tasting room. “Meads

    are de nitely taking o ,” says Proffi tt. “Myfavorite commercial one that I’ve found isthe San Francisco Mead Company; they havreally nice 13 percent dry traditional honeymead.”

    Similar to wine and beer, mead comes inmyriad forms, well suited for a wide variety

    of tastes. Brews can be sweet or dry, spar-kling or still, with the end results dependinon the combination of honey varietals, fruior spice additions, and brewing methods. Iits most traditional form, it’s brewed pure-ly with honey, water and yeast. Mead canalso be brewed with adjuncts such as spiceand herbs (known as metheglins), hops andgrains (known as braggots), or fruits (knowas melomels). Within the melomel variety,apple-based brews are known as cysers andgrape-based brews are pyments. And aswith wines, food pairings with meads vary

    to please just about any palate. “A pyment,when I do one that’s fermented on the skinis somewhere between a white Zinfandel aa Malbec. So, it can pair well with chickensh, steak, anything you’d do with whitewine. If you do more tannins and you age on oak, you can even go with what you’d paa red wine with. It’s all about what avorsyou put into the mead that will a ect it. Allkinds of meads can pair with anything,it’s just as versatile as wine or beer when itcomes to food pairings.”

    Of course one of the most important factorin mead production is the honey. Proffi ttusually sources his locally, from beekeepercollectives in the Nevada and SacramentoCounties.

    “There is a large di erence between usingwild ower, or star thistle, or blackberry, ororange blossom, just to name a few of the vrietals of honey. Usually you wouldn’t wanto go to the supermarket and buy your hone because those honeys have been so processand ltered that they’ve lost a lot of their aromatic and delicate avors,” explains Proffi tt



    By Anne Stokes

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    HEIDRUN MEADERY 11925 State Route 1Point Reyes Station, CA 94956(415) 663-9122heidrunmeadery.com

    RABBIT’S FOOT MEADERY1246 Birchwood Dr.Sunnyvale, CA 94089(408) 747-0770rabbitsfootmeadery.com

    SAN FRANCISCO MEADCOMPANY 1180 Shafter Ave.San Francisco, CA 94124(415) 819-4941sfmead.com

    Brewer Robin Proffi tt measures the sugar con-tent of a home brewed batch of mead.

    Robin Proffi tt at his Auburn home with his dog Ranger

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    I t’s been a busy year for the Rocklin-based“Boneshaker” brand, as it expanded inApril into a new restaurant and brewerynd will expand again next month into spe-ialty beer bars and bottle shops throughouthe region.

    Boneshaker proprietor J.J. Anderson said he’seased several new spaces for his growing

    business – a room adjacent to BoneshakerCommunity Brewery on Granite Drive, whichopened three weeks ago to accommodate livemusic on Saturdays and eventually a newasting room in January; and the old Beer-

    man’s Brewery building on Fifth Street in Lin-oln, where he will brew and bottle a new se-ies of beers for wider distribution. The newpace will add another 15 barrels of brewingapacity to the company’s current 3.5.

    Anderson also bought the outlet next to hisrst venue, Boneshaker Public House onSunset Boulevard in Rocklin, which willdouble its seating and allow him to add a fewmore taps and a wood- re pizza oven to thekitchen.

    He said the new beers are part of a secondbrand he calls the Black Vinyl Ale Project,which will produce aged sour beers as well asegular aged beers in bourbon barrels or rum

    barrels for more traditional styles.

    It’s pretty niche,” Anderson said. “It’s agrowing style, a style we like a lot, but a lotof it requires extensive aging. In some wayst’s a process similar to wine (making). (Sour

    beers require) a speci c brewing technique,nd there are not necessarily a whole lot ofompanies in the country that are doing it, so

    we were able to get a brewer from one of theop sour companies.” That was pretty big.”

    The brewer is Adrian Barrera, who has workedwith Krebs/Choc/Prairie Ales, and before thatwith Tioga Sequoia Brewing Co. in Fresno,where he grew up. Anderson said Barrerawanted to return to California with his family.

    Anderson said brewing at the Lincoln facilityhasn’t begun yet because he’s waiting forlicensing, but Barrera started brewing thesour beers in Rocklin this week. Andersonsaid Boneshaker has made about 80 batchesand 45 recipes in the past seven months, sell-ing 11 proprietary beers at a time, and he’ll be able to use his current and new facilitiesto increase production. About 90-05 percentof the Black Vinyl Ale Project sour beers, hesaid, will be bottled and distributed.

    “It’s not the kind of product that’s going to gointo Safeway, so you’d probably see it more atspecialty bottle shops, craft beer-centric eater-ies and such,” Anderson said. “We’re friendswith the people at Samuel Horne’s Tavernin Folsom, there’s Final Gravity in Roseville,and obviously Boneshaker Public House, ourown place. Those are the types of places wewould want to be.”

    He hopes to start bottling and distributingBoneshaker beers in January, followed byBlack Vinyl when they’re ready.

    Anderson opened Boneshaker Public Housas a craft beer bar in October 2011, thenopened Boneshaker Community Brewery tomake and sell his own proprietary recipes iApril 2014. He said his new facility in Lincwill only brew and bottle Boneshaker andBlack Vinyl products, and not serve them, fthe immediate future.

    Rocklin-based company leases new spaces for live music, produc


    ADDRESS: 2168 Sunset Blvd, #104Rocklin, CA 95765 PHONE: (916) 259-2337HOURS: M-TH: 3pm-11pm,F-SAT: 11:30am-12am ,SUN: 11:30am-10:00pm

    WEBSITE: boneshakerpub.com

    y Andrew Westrope

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    Move over beer. There is a new,award-winning beverage in town.Auburn hard cider maker CommonCider made international news, winning theGold and Bronze medals at the prestigiousNew York International Beer Competition.The company also won the coveted “Ciderof the Year” award. This competition isunique in that the judges are all members of

    he trade—buyers from some of the largestetailers in the world, restaurant owners,

    hotel beverage managers, distributors andmporters.

    Company founder Fran Toves was thrilledo hear the news.

    I set out to create ciders that were di er-nt from anything on the market. I wantedhem to be less sweet than the mass market

    brands, with more nuanced avor,” she

    aid. “Most of all, I wanted them to pair

    See website for locations: www.commoncider.com

    well with food.”

    Toves has a culinary background and is oneof just a handful of women creating cidersin the US.

    In the 18 months the company has beenselling ciders, it has taken Northern Califor-nia by storm, gaining distribution at localgrocery stores, bars and restaurants.

    In the world of beverages, cider in generalhas been making news for the past coupleof years.

    The cider category has grown about 94 per-cent in 2014 in grocery store sales, makingit the fastest growing segment in the adult beverage category. This year, ciders will beincluded in many of the wine, beer and foodfestivals across the region, and CommonCider will be among those featured.

    Toves will be appearing at several of the

    events and is excited to introduce beer andwine drinkers to cider.

    “We have participated in many events in thpast year. So many people tell us ‘I’m not cider drinker,’” she said. “I tell them to tryour ciders and are blown away.”

    About Common Cider: Common CiderCo. was founded in late 2013 by FranToves. She wanted to bring her extensiveculinary background to the emerging hardcider category. The company’s productshave won gold medals in multiple compe-titions and are widely recognized for theirinnovative and subtle avor pro les. Thecompany is currently building a cideryin Auburn. Common Cider products areavailable throughout Northern California aNugget Markets, Whole Foods, Total WineWorld Market, Raley’s, Save Mart and manrestaurants and bars. www.CommonCider.

    com for a complete store list.


    Wins New York International Beer Competitiony Penne Usher

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    36 Handles 1010 White Rock Rd, El Dorado Hills(916) 941-360636handles.com

    50/50 Brewing Co 11197 Brockway Rd #1. Truckee(530) 587-2337fty ftybrewing.com

    Bar 101101 Main St, Roseville (916) 774-0505bar101roseville.com

    Bone Shakers Brewery 4810 Granite Drive #A-1 Rocklin, Ca (916) 672-6292

    www.boneshakerbrewcomBone Shakers Public House 2168 Sunset Blvd. Rocklin(916) 259-2337www.boneshakerpub.com

    Cool Beerwerks 5020 Ellinghouse Dr. Coo (530) 885-5866www.cbwbeer.com

    Cool River Pizza 6200 Stanford Ranch Rd #700 Rocklin (916) 772-0505 coolriverpizzarocklin.com

    Country Club4007 Taylor Rd. Loomis(916) 652-4007www.countryclubsaloon.com

    Final Gravity9205 Sierra College Blvd #100.Roseville(916) 782-1166nalgravitybeer.com

    Goat House Brewing Co 600 Wise Rd. Lincoln, CA(916) 740-9100goathousebrewing.com

    Gold Hill Brewery 5660 Vineyard Lane, Placerville530 626 6522www.goldhillvineyard.com

    Jack Russel Brewing 2380 Larsen Dr. Camino(530) 647-9420www.jackrussellbrewing.com

    Jernigans 123 Argall Way. Nevada City (530) 265-6999 jernigansgrill.com

    Knee Deep Brewing 13395 New Airport Rd. Auburn(530) 797-4677www.kneedeepbrewing.com

    Lockdown 718 Sutter St. Folsom(916) 358-9645www.lockdownbrewingcompany.com

    Loomis Basin 3277 Swetzer Rd. Loomis, (916)259-2739loomisbasinbrewing

    Matteo’s Public 300 Commercial St. Nevada City (530) 265-0782www.matteospublic.com

    Mellow Fellow Tahoe 9980 N Lake Blvd. Kings Beach(530) 553-1333www.mellowfellowpub.com

    Mellow Fellow Truckee 10192 Donner Pass Rd. Truckee(530) 214-8927www.mellowfellowpub.com

    Mraz 2222 Francisco Dr #510, El doradoHills (916) 934-0744www.mrazbrewingcompany.com

    Ol Republic Brewery 124 Argall Way. Nevada City (530)264-7263olrepublicbrewery.com

    Out of Bounds 4480 Yankee Hill Rd #100. Rocklin(916) 259-1511www.outofboundsbrewing.com

    Placerville Brewing Co. 155 Placerville Dr. Placerville(530) 295-9166www.placervillebrewing.com

    Roseville Brewing Co.501 Derek Pl. Roseville(916) 783-2337rosevillebrewingco.com

    Samule Hornes Tavern719 Sutter St. Folsom CA(916) 293-8207www.samhornes.com

    Sudwerks Riverside 9900 Greenback Ln. Folsom (916) 989-9243sudwerkriverside.com

    Tahoe Mtn Brewing Co475 N Lake Blvd. Tahoe City (530) 581-4677www.tahoebrewing.com

    Tahoe Mtn. Brewing Co,Truckee tasting room 10990 Industrial Way.Truckee (530) 587-3409www.tahoebrewing.com

    The Monks Cellar 240 Vernnon St. Rosevillewww.monkscellar.com

    Three Forks Brewery & Bakery 211 Commercial St. Nevada City www.threeforksnc.com

    World Pub 3021 Grass Valley Hwy. Auburn (530) 392-3603www.facebook.com/pages/World-Pub/244564571550

    Yard House 1166 Roseville Pkwy. Roseville(916) 780-9273www.yardhouse.com

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    2380 LARSON DRIVE | CAMINO, CA | 530.647.9420

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    For those looking for a European special-ty beer close to home, The Fat RabbitPublic House in Historic Folsom o ersustomers 22 imported beers on draft.

    The modern European themed pub rotatesheir ales seasonally to continually o er a

    variety of avors.

    In the summer months, we will fea-ure a lot of light, crisp ales including

    Hoegaarden, Czechvar and rotating IPAson draft,” said Connor Boyet, The FatRabbit Public House bar manager. “TheHoegaarden is a light Belgian wheat alewith citrus and coriander avors, whilehe Czechvar is a clean, crisp Czech pilsner


    The pub also o ers a variety of Europe-an in uenced bites including shepherd’spie, bangers and mash, sh and chips and


    “Our Pierogie Hoagie is a favorite dishamong our regulars,” Boyet said. “But allof our traditional pub style dishes reallyseparate us from other pubs in town.”

    While the pub o ers a large bar setting andseating inside, their outdoor patio is one ofthe largest on Sutter Street and can seat upto 50 people.

    “Our patio o ers a sunny outdoor atmo-sphere for brunch, lunch and dinner,” hesaid. “We have one of the largest patiosaround and we love to see it full withpeople.”

    The Fat Rabbit also features a Farmers Mar-ket Brunch from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. every week-end to coincide with the Farmers Marketfrom 8 a.m.-1 p .m. at the Railroad Turntableand Public Plaza in Historic Folsom.

    “We are excited to be able to work with the

    Folsom Historic District Association andtie our brunch in with their weekly farmermarket,” Boyet said. “Families and friendcan get fresh produce and other items at tfarmers market, and then walk across thestreet and enjoy brunch and drinks with uat the Fat Rabbit.”

    The Farmers Market Brunch includes anomele t bar, Belgian waffl es, Chilaquiles, breakfast pastie, oatmeal and yogurt platewith fresh fruit and granola and a traditional Irish breakfast including two red eggs,Irish rashers, mushrooms, baked beans anroasted tomatoes. Brunch drink specials include Jordan’s (Soon to be Famous) BloodMary, Irish Co ee, Mimosa and French 75

    The Fat Rabbit Public House is located at825 Sutter St. in Folsom.

    For more information, call (916) 985-3289

    nd them on Facebook.


    Laura Newell

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    FAT RABBIT PUBLIC HOUSEAddress: 825 Sutter St, Folsom, CA 95630

    hone: (916) 985-3289Hours: Sun-Weds 11:30am – 11pm (kitchen open ‘till 9pm)Th – Sat 10:30am – 1am (kitchen open ‘till midnight)

    Live Music EveryFriday and Saturday Night



    Visit us on Facebook for our upcoming events

    101 Main St. Roseville, CA 95678 916.774.0505


    Visit us on Facebook for our upcoming events101 Main St. Roseville, CA 95678 916.774.0505

    “The Package Burger”

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    Rocklin’s growing craft beer industry

    added another player last month asDragas Brewing, locally owned andoperated by a family of home-brew hobby-sts, opened its doors Feb. 14 at the corner of

    Paci c Street and Sunset Boulevard.

    Co-owned by Virginia Beach native Dan Acu

    with his wife, Diana, and brother, Shane, the business grew from a pipe dream to a tangibleenterprise after Acu retired from service atBeale Air Force Base and moved to Rocklinin 2009. Looking for a base of operations fora new project, he said he moved his family toRocklin “for the schools.”

    “We went to Napa to nd out what it took todo a winery and a vineyard, and we foundout that it takes about 15 years to go fromseeds to good wine, and we weren’t happyabout that, because in 15 days I can makegood beer,” he said. “We’d been home brew-

    ers (for close to seven years), so we decidedlet’s just do a brewery.”

    Shortly thereafter Acu met Dylan Clark, anAntelope resident, at the California Depart-ment of Toxic Substances Control and discoered in conversation that he held a master’sdegree in brewing sciences, so he broughtClark on board as his brewer.

    Their vision for the business was a comfortable, community-friendly taproom not justfor connoisseurs, “hop heads” and collegestudents, but anyone with a passing curiosit

    “We wanted to have a beer for whoever camthrough the door next,” he said. “I think I’vgot that.”

    Dragas Brewing, so designated for one of thnames of the last Roman emperor, has 10 taand six brews so far – a light, neutral ale, awheat apple ale, an amber pale ale, an IPA, porter and a stout. Acu said he’s aiming forseven regular beers on tap, reserving anoth-er two for seasonal brews, and the 10th forwhatever special concoction Clark devises.

    He said he chose the location at 5860 Paci cStreet for its visibility, size and lighting – aformer car dealership, spacious and brightlylit with tall windows and a view of the intersection, and it seems to have paid o .

    “Everyone coming home o of Interstate 80




    Andrew Westrope

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    oming from Sacramento or down that way,ees my sign,” Acu said. “We’re doing a lot

    better than we thought we would do. I kindof feel like the kid brother. Everyone else iseally well-established, they have good cus-omer bases, and I’m totally new and didn’t

    have a lot of commercial experience.”

    Acu thinks there is more than enough roomn Rocklin for the other brewers, too, and

    he’s candid with his recommendations; hedoesn’t mind referring more hops-obsessedpalates to try Out of Bounds down the road,or example; but Dragas is already accruingegulars, including neighborhood passers-bynd employees of nearby businesses.

    Stopping in for a cold glass after hiking at theAmerican River Con uence, Orangevale res-dent Lorie Billeci said Sunday was her third

    visit but not her last.

    I like the atmosphere. It’s open, light, friend-y, the owners are really nice, and the beer is

    good,” she said. “And I like that they haveood trucks (outside).”

    Acu also said he intends to bottle his Kölsch,mber and IPA styles for distribution on St.

    Patrick’s Day, and he’s exploring options forwider distribution.

    C o u r t e s y

    P h

    o t o s

    DRAGAS BREWINGress: 5860 Pacifc St, Rocklinne: (916) 905-7710rs: Mon: 3pm-9pm, T-Wed.: closed, Th:m-9pm, Fri: 3pm-11pm, Sat:y 11am-11pm,n: 11am-8pmsite: dragasbrewing.com

    300 Commercial St., Nevada City, CA 95959 530.265.0782 • matteospublic.com

    A Family FriendlyBeer & Wine Pub PUB SNACKS • ENTREES


    Mon - Thu 4 - 9:30pm • Fri 4 -11pm Sat 11:30am -11pm • Sun 11:30am - 9:30pm

  • 8/9/2019 Gold Country On Tap.pdf


    The Placerville Brewing Company has been a popular watering spot in El Dora-do County for the past 10 years, o eringnjoyable suds to thirsty locals. Since takinghe reins of the former Hangtown Breweryn 2005, owner and brewer Steve Meylor has

    maintained classic draft beers and a varietyof seasonal brews on tap at his family-friend-

    ly pub and restaurant located on PlacervilleRoad.

    “We just do enjoyable beers that pretty muchanybody can drink,” Meylor said. “You don’thave to be a hop-head. We’ve got our golden(ale), our lightest, which satis es and is our best seller. It’s just an easy drinking beer that


    Placerville Brewing Company keeps brews in house

    pretty much appeals to everybody.”

    Meylor got his start as a home brewer backin 1988, winning accolades for several of his beers right from the start.

    “My rst couple of beers I entered into StateFairs and I won gold and silver for my rstfour beers,” he said. “I was like ‘perfect, thiswhat I like to do.’”

    That passion eventually led to a career as brewmaster for the Hangtown Brewery befopurchasing the business and rebranding it asthe Placerville Brewing Company.

    “When we took over Hangtown (Brewery), iwas one of those pioneering microbreweriesand pretty much did the classics: pale ale,stouts, golden ales,” Meylor said.

    Currently however, Placerville Brewing Company has become recognized for their selectiof seasonal and specialty brews as well.

    “We are known for our tangerine ale; we do boysenberry ale; and a vanilla stout,” he said“And all of those have won either gold or silver at the California State Fair. Those are suppopular. They used to be just seasonals, butthey turned out to be much more and we havpeople that come in just for those beers.”

    While the beers are an obvious draw, dinerscan also enjoy a menu full of American-stylefare at the restaurant too.

    “We’re de nitely known for our sh andchips,” Meylor said. “We’ve got classic pubfood; we’ve got steaks and great sandwichesand our salads are de nitely generous and no

    body goes home hungry from the restaurant.While Meylor has enjoyed success with thePlacerville Brewing Company (something hecredits to “basically a lot of hard work, time,and e ort”), he has no immediate plans to ex-pand his small brew house into a larger marke

    “When we took over, we decided that we wegoing to do strictly retail; that way we hadmore time with our families,” he said. “We ghounded by people who want our bottles orour kegs out there, but if you want to have ou beer then you have to come here.”

    p h o

    t o s

    b y

    A n n e

    S t o k e s

    y Anne Stokes

  • 8/9/2019 Gold Country On Tap.pdf

    21/24Gold Country On Tap - A Gold Country Media

    PLACERVILLE BREWING CAND RESTAURANT Address: 155 Placerville Dr, Placerville, CA 95667Phone: (530) 295-9166Hours: 11a – 9p every day but Tuesday

  • 8/9/2019 Gold Country On Tap.pdf

    22/2422 - Gold Country On Tap - A Gold Country Media Publicaiton


    6 gal. Fresh Pressed AppleJuice (preferably pressedfrom a variety of apples)6 lbs. Clover Honey3oz Pectic Enzyme1 Tsp. Fermaid K 2 whole vanilla beans (Primary)1 tube White Labs English Cider Yeast1 tube White Labs Sweet Mead Yeast1 oz French Oak Chip Medium (Secondary)


    Add Juice to 8 Gallon Fermenting Bucket and DissolveHoney into Juice. Then Add Pectic Enzyme, Fermaid K, and

    Vanilla Beans. Pitch Yeast

    Craft beer: Moonshine Cyser

    Tasting room location:

    Sierra Moonshine Home Brew Supply. 12535 Loma Rica DrSuite 3, Grass Valley, CA 95945

    Description of beer: Cyser is a fermented beverage.t is a type of mead. Mead is considered by some to be

    mankind’s oldest fermented beverage. Mead is simplyhoney and water that has fermented. Early examples wereermented by wild yeast. Modern manufactured meads a controlled product just as wine is. Makers controlhe variables in the manufacture, yielding a consistent

    product. When honey is mixed with fruit juice the resultingermentation is a type of mead known asmetheglin. Whenhe fruit juice used in making metheglin is apple juice - theesulting fermentation is known as cyser.

    More Information: (530) 274-9227

    ~ S ERVING 40 B EERS O N T AP ~

    Fun, family, friends, tasty food and lots of very good beers.Specializing in American craft beers, locally made sausages,

    fresh made sandwiches, tasty snacks and great times!


    Truckee10192 Donner Pass Road

    (530) 214-8927

    Kings Beach9980 N. Lake Boulevard

    (530) 553-1333

    New Reno location300 East 2nd St.

    Right next to the Aces Ballpark

    2 North Lake Tahoe Locations

  • 8/9/2019 Gold Country On Tap.pdf

    23/24Gold Country On Tap - A Gold Country Media

    Nestled in the beautiful Sierra Nevada Foothills,Sierra Moonshine has been the sole providerof home brewing supplies in this area for thelast 15 years. Specializing in beer, wine, cider,

    soda and cheese making as well as water purication, Sierra Moonshine provides highquality ingredients and equipment while offering

    excellent personalized customer service andhands on education.

    with any purchase

    12535 Loma Rica Dr. | Grass Valley| 530.274.9227


    M e n t i o n G o l d C o u n t r

    y O n T a p

    a n d R e d e e m Y o u r C o

    u p o n

    f o r a F r e e Y e a s t !

  • 8/9/2019 Gold Country On Tap.pdf

