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Goldsboro weekly argus. (Goldsboro, N.C.) 1895-11-28 [p...

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" "' "' TO HELP CUBA. I TT K ATTATr i ' I VJt I I IJlYiHUQi I I 3! HOLIDAYING In Jewelry Parents should never lose sight of the fact that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is the best remedy for Cough, Cold, Croup, WhoopingCough, and other Throat and Lung troubles. It is simp ly invaluable for children. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will cure when all others fail. Sold everywhere for 25 cts. Shun substitutes. Chew LANGE'S PLUGS, The Great Tobacco Ant- idote. 10c. dealers or mail, A.C.Meyer&Co.,Balto.Md. hand Is going to be higher and now is a good time to buy, I will sell one hun- dred acr es of my farm one mile from Goldsbor o. The land is suitable for Fruit, Truck, Dairy AND Tobacco Farming. Advantages of both town and country. Public schools equal to any in thet-tate- . Address J- - W. Bryan, GOLDSBORO. N. C. for Infants OTHERS, Do isaiemans Drops, Godfrey's yykE ar m wJ l ii c ji ss s g mm P tnost remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine 1 P YoT Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poiscrcs ? P YOT Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell nareotxca without labeling them poisons 7 P Toil Know that you should not permit any medicine to be give-- i your &x&4 unless you or your physician know of what it is composed f Do Ton Know that Castoria is a purelgr vegetable preparation, and (hat a list a Mb mgredienla is published with every bottle t Toa Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Fitcbar. That it has been in use for near'y thirty years, and Stoat more Castoria is now sold than of all other remedies for children combined 1 Do You Know that the Patent Office Department of trie United States, K id of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to vise the word " Castoria " and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense t D To'l Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection w because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless? Do Ton Know that 35 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 3& ents, or oi e cent a dose f Do To-f- Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, our (ibJzdroa may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest f fthese things are worth knowing. They are tact. TTto fac-sim- lle " yTjf 2LZ?Z llgnatnre of 6Si wrapper. Cfiiildren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. D and Children. You Know that Paregoric, Cordial, many Soothing Syrups, and Ben. W. Soatheriand, DEALER IN Mulest Horses Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Etc., Etc. Tliat I Can Give 'Von Satis tezk rWi ' ' s A fine lot of serviceable horses just received. I Am Satisfied. faction. Wall) at Street GoMsboro, N- - G- - (SlGARl ETTESB r irsraci,,. ..... v. fcja pi.G. U.S.A. v i. MADE FF.OM Hi WIS 1 CflSMGO Saw fci vi. 7 TVTien Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for CastorU. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When sha had Children, she gave them Castoria. W. .fc W. VI. 11. & BRANCHES AND FI-O- R KMi KAiLiiOADj cont)e.vcf.i scfifc;mri.B. ti:ajN"s ooixu A Ml' Mj Ml' da: KD No No No Xo ',13!;, 4!) D'lv D'ly r-i- y MP Mi A M 44 . At i AU !2 5T Id ; :;,). . Lv Tar 'ro, i'2 Jbl . . Lv P.'y Mt-L- v 0;" 10 :v.i 5 54 J: 47 Wilson. 05 U t 201 ; 10 Lv Selma.. . Fayettv 4 80! Ar Fio'nee A M L Goldsb.. 10 Lv JMagiio. 1U Ar WiTt a. 10 45 TKAINS GOING NORTH. No No No No dated 7a :i2 40 4S Nov 17, i, D'lv D'ly. D'ly. D'ly M Lv Flo'nce 15 First Tobacco Sale ! But not First Sale at ,R. E. Pipkin's Store, A Saa Francisco despatch of .November 18, says that 500 IrishAmericans of that city have volunteered for service in the cause of Cuba, and will set out forthwith for the seat of war, Expeditions have already effect ed a landing on the island from Philadelpia, Venezuela and other Atlantic points, one of them be mg headed by Cespedes, a son of thefamqus revolutionist who died with Ryan, Narona and Del Sol in the ill-fate- d descent of Oct- - ODer, led. Kyan was a native of Canada, Irish by descent, and of soldierly instincts as befitted his origin. Another Irish- - Amer ican who participated in one of many abortive efforts to free Cuba was Theodore O'Hara, au thor of the immortal "Bivouac of the Dead,'" who sailed with Lo pez to Cardenas in 1850. His leader sailing again a year later, was doomed to said nevermore, for the Spaniards garroted Lim and shot fifty of his followers. Among the victims was Colonel Crittenden, of Kentucky, an heroic scion of a race of heroes. lhe last great struggle for liberty in Cuba broke out twenty- - seven years ago, and lasted eight years, costing the Spanish Gov- ernment 200,000 lives and over $700,000,000. It is impossible to get any trustworthy figures about the present revolution, as the ac- counts are conflicting on nearly every point; but enough is known to prove that it is a fight to the death on both sides. As for the question at issue it is easily defined. The Cubans are battling for the natural right of self-governme- the right for which they have contended dur- ing half a century, and they will never give up until it is attained, or until the "ever faithful isle" becomes the graveyard of its brave sons. It is not surprising that they have the sympathy of Irish-American- s in their pathetic effort for freedom. The attitude of our govern ment has been criticised, first for permitting such expeditions as that of Cespedes, and then for not according belligerent righ to the revolutionists. To the former contention it may be re plied that it is manifestly impos- sible to watch every exit on our long reach of coast, even if pop ular sympathy did not incline so much towards a people strug- gling for freedom at our very door. As for the other criticism it comes with very bad grac from Republicans who have little cause to boast of their own par ty's record on that score. It was a Republican president and government which permitted an American vessel flying her coun- try's flag, to be captured on the high seas and carried a prize into the harbor ot Santiago de Cuba, where fifty-si- x of her men were put to death and two score more would have shared their fate but for the interposi- tion of a foreign man-of-wa- r. Our government cannot inter- fere on behalf of the Cubans without declaring war against Spain; but it can do as it did in the case of the Allianca, demand and obtain reparation for an in- sult to our flag or injury to our citizens. In spite iof much blus- tering and loud threats, Spain will not repeat the Virginius tragedy, and any outrage on our citizens now would cost her the island which is her last ,Ameri can jewel. Horseless wagons are soon to be adopted in the West on a large scale. A company is being form- ed with f500,()00 capital, to oper- ate a line of such vehicles be- tween A shorof t and Barkervile, B. C, a distance of some 20 miles. An insane man in Indana, who believes that Grover Cleveland is God, was placed in an asylum; but those who merely believe that he is Beelzebub are consi dered harmless and are permit ted to edit Republican papers. The death of Calvert Vauxis a sad ending to a particularly useful career, that should not be considered less brilliant because it was so modest. Though he was known only to the few outside of his own city, many have seen and all have heard of his work. The Central Part in New York was mainly of his making, and it is incomparably the greatest Items of Interest Clipped From our State fixchanqes. Lumberton Robesonian: Mrs. McMillan, relict of the late Col. McMillan and mother of ex-She- riff Alex McMillan, died last Tuesday in the 84th year of her age. Alamance Gleaner: The Su- preme Court has confirmed Judge Green's decision in the Alamance-Chatha- m county line case, which finally settles the dispute and gives to Alamance all the ttrri-tor- y run out by the surveying party. Beaufort Herald: Have our farmers in this section ever tried to raise any tobacco? Other counties are doing well and grow- ing rich from tobacco. What is the matter with the soil of Cars teret? It is good for everything else, why not for tobacco? Fayetteville Observer: The Holt cctton factory is to be built along side of the road instead of facing it as at first proposed. The foundations are being rap- idly laid, and the building will soon be in course of erection. Over a million brick will be re- quired for its construction. Southport Leader: Mr. Pat- ience Brown, wife of Alfred Brown died on the 6th inst. at her home in Lockwoods Folly, in this county. Mrs. Brown was noted for her kindness, and many friends mourn her death. She was.72 years old. She had been ill sometime before her death, which was due to a complication of diseases. Newbein Journal: Mr. W. H. Howerton brought to our office yesterday two very good sized pears of a second crop fruit this fall than we ever knew of before, of course not in a paying quan ity, but simply as a curiosity. Almost every one who has an orchard can talk about his June apples in November. Some of them of lady finger variety seen almost ready to ripen. Tarboro Southerner; It was reported on the streets last week that the gallows for the hanging! of George Washington, Jr., was to be erected on the court house square. This is all a mistake iio particular place has as yet oeen selected, but it is thought the hanging will take place across the Beaver Dam. This is a public place and far away from the town. The last hanging in the county took place there. ' Wilmington Star: Mr. James Nolan, a native of Ireland but for nearly forty years a resident of Wilmington, died yesterday in Baltimore, Md., aged 53 years. Mr. Nolan had many friends in this city. He was an industrious man, honest and upright in all his dealings. As contractor, he built the shell road to Wrights-vill- e and the Masonboro turn- pike, and for several years was superintendent at CarolinaBeach, where his wife was fatally burn- ed and died about three years ago. He leaves no children. Raleigh News and Observer: Sheriff Harris, of Hyde county, brought to the penitentiary a negro, named W. H. Moore. Moore will serve a ten years' sentence in the pen. Moore was one of the leaders in a mob that attempted to lynch Stephen B. Ayers, a white man who had trouble with the negroes of the community. The mob fired on Ayer's house while he was sit- ting at the family fireside with his wife and children. Moore was recognized as a member of tne mob, was arrested, tried and convicted. He still savs he is innocent and took no part in the shooting. Charlotte Observer: A splen- did cruiser in our navy has been named for the capital of this State, and yet no testimonial in behalf of North Carolina for the honor thus conferred upon her has been sent to the Raleigh, and her officers are known to be much hurt at the slight. This is to our shame. And yet, no one can deny that the imae-- of Vance is graven on the verv hearts of Tar Heels; that all cul- tured North Carolinians are proud to read Stockard's sonnets in the Century; and that when the name of the Raleigh catches our eye in the prints, our attens tion lingers over it, and-w- pray that in the future Success and Glory may ever stand by her guns, ana -- f ortune play upon ner prosperous nelm. Occasionally the patent car horse is missed. The appalling accident at uieveiand could not have happened had the car been drawn by horses instead of being propelled by electricity. Horses have too much sense to plunge into an abyss, whatever may be the intellectual qualities of the driver. The Republican bosses will make a serious mistake if they proceed on the theory that the American voters are not in a mind-changin- g mood. It is about time Abdul. Ham id took in that swinging sign of his, "Slaughter attended to on short notice." All The powers, that go by his place of business hit their hats on it, Remember I am headquarters for all kind of Groceries. Can and will sell you at prices you will be surprised at. While in town don't fail and examine my stock and prices. Some people won't buy a Christinas present until the day beforeChristmas. A thoughtful person will buy one while my differ, ent lines of Holiday Nov- elties are unbroken. The selection is easier: jou have the pick of the choicest, and the prices are no greater If you want to save money, see my bargains. Engraving froe. R. A. CREECH. JEWELER. Opposite Hotel Kennon, Removal- - I have removed my office to No. 1, Law Building, where I am prepared' to do all kinds of practice. THOS. HILL m. d. Notice Having this day qualified as admin- istrator of Wm. Hines, deceased, this is to notify all parties holding claims against the said deceased to present the same for payment on or before the 29th day of October, 1890, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re- covery. All parties indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, to the undersigned. This Oct 29. '05, W. T. DORTCH, Adm'r Wm. C. Hines NOTICE! By virtue of a dveree of the Superior Court made in the special proceeding wherein W. T. r loars and wife are lJlaintilfs and J. J. Coley and others are Defendants. I will sell at the Court House door in Goldsboro on Monday the second day of December 1895 the following described property: One tract of land in Wayne County, Nahunta Township, adjoining the land of J. J. Coley. Eiija Reid, and others, containing fifteen acres more or less. Terms cash. F-A- - Woodard . Executor's Notice- - Having quanted as executor of the last will and testament of Eliza Smith, all persoDs indebted to the estate of said Fliza !?mith, are hereby notified to make immediate payrrent, and all per- sons holding claims against said estate are notified to present the same to the undersigned within twelve months from the date hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. S. N. SMITH, 1 his No G, 1S95. Executor Greatest on Earth, James M. Brcnks, Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo., makes affidavit that ho suffered from Rheumatism for years, until persuaded to try Drummond's Lightning Remedy, and that by its use he has been fully restored. He savs the remedy is the greatest on earth. This is high praise, but fully warranted by other mir aculous cures. If you want to be cured, send. $." to the Drummond Medicine Co. , 48, Maiden Lane, New York, and they will send to your ex- press address two large bottles of their remedy. This treatment lasts one month, and will cure anv ordinary case Agents Wanted Old People. 0d people who require medicine to regulate the bowels, addine- - streno-t- and giving tone to the organs will iind the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This remedy does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor intoxicant.. but acts as a tonic and alterative. Tt, acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, thereby aiuing Nature in the perform ance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids di gestion. Old people find it exactly what they need. Price 50 cts a bottle at J. H. Hill & Sons, drug- - store. Bargains ! That you dont find every day and that wu not De nore long. We have purchased the entire stock of Mrs. C, H. Moore's millinerv all fashionable goods of high quality and varied selection, which we are sellino- - cheaper than these same goods can be bought from the factories. Call and inspect them and vou will buy. B, COHEN 6c CO, THE RACKET STORE. LiKe a Great Kailwav. With its branches ruuninjr in everv direction are the arteries and veins which convey the blood to everv direc tion of the system. A cold, sudden changes or exposure, may cause pois-lnou- s acids to clog the circulation and then comes rheumatism. If life is worth it, do not hesitate, but get Drummond's ivemeay. aena iSo to the Drummond Medicine Co.. 48 Maiden Lane, New York and thev will send you two large bottles, enough for one month's treatment by first, express. It is not as quick as electricity, but it will save your life if you take it in time. Agents Wanted. JMotiGe I wil meet, for the purpose of receipt-n- g for 1895 taxes, at the following places in November. JJamel s (Jhapel, Wednesday, 27th. Piney Grove. Thursday. 28th. Goldsboro, Saturdav, 30th. Books at Boston on other days, gg"Time up. Pay up. G. E. HADLEY, Tax Collector New Hodo townshin. Beston, Wayne County, Oct. S!(5, '95. To the Public: This is to e notice that Powell, the mail carrier has. for sev eral months past, had no authority to take water from the Seven Springs, and the water he has been delivering of late has not, as far as I h ave i eason to believe, been beven Springs water. J. H. FONVIELLE, Prop'r Seven Springs. NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator of Rosa P. Wilson, deceased, all persons indebted to the estate of said Rosa P. Wilson, are notified to make immediate payment, and all persons holdinar claims asrainst said es tate are notified to present the same to the undersigned or his attorneys, Allen a, uuuivn, wimin twelve months Irom the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded m bar of their recovery. This Nov. 13, 1895. B. H. GRIFFIN, Administrator. CURB TCaW Dn flnmnMa TfMmMit anwdrtlllg SUPPOSITORIES. Ospsnles ot Ointment and two nun oi ointment. A never Tailing Core tor jiiesoi every nature and degree. It makes an operation with the knife or injections of oarbolio acid, which ar i'liul and seldom a permanent care, and often re-- 1SS..? iP?& 5S..t!i1arh'f to cure any case) ion only pay lor Denenta re- ceived. (1 a box, 6 lor IS. Sent by mail. JAPANESE PILE OINTMENT, 25c. a Box. CONSTIPATIOriSMVuMS the great LITER and STOMACH REGULATOR and BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleasant to km, espeoiany aAia lot cBUarwa us), su fiMSla R. E. PIPKIN. Your Husband Is he not dear to you? Should you not be careful of hi health? Maybe he Is sometimes weak and run down from the effects of over- work, or worry, or carelessness. But you need not be alarmed tablespoonful of rown's ron Bitters three times a day for a week or two will make him well and strong. And this Is how it does it: It purifies and enriches the b!ood and gently stimulates the action of the vital organs, and helps them per- form their proper offices. Don't neglect trifling ailments. Brown's Iron Bitters is pleasant to talce, mnd it will not stain the teeth nor cause constipation. See the crossed red liana on th.e wrapper. Our book, "How to Live a Hundred? Years," tells s.11 about it : tree for sc. stamp. M BROWN CHEMICAL CO., BALTIMORE. MS. E. L- - Edmundson u The Hustlers, HAVE JUST RECEIVED 2,000 pair s Of glQ s And are selling same at the old prices. Have also just re- ceived 3000 lbs. oi tobacco which we are selling from 15cts.i pound up. E. L. Edmundson Bro, TTTEiHUSTLERS. NowIstheTlme When all the Cnnaren need a air of new shoes. When starting out to oo for them, remumbe- - that for the girls and littio boys there is nothing superior to the Little Giant School Shoes Made by Hill ind Greene: and for the larger boys. W. h- - DoiJglas' Socs lient the WTorltl. Our prices are away below the mar- ket value: Any thing" in Footwear for man, woman or child. FOU SALE AT HOOD & BRITTC CASTORIA is truly a marvelous ching for children. Doe orescnoe it, meaicai journals recommend it and more man a million mothers are using it in place of paregoric. Bateman's Drops, ed soothing sprups and otho" narcotic and stupefying remedies. Casoria is the quickest thing to rem-at- e the stomach and Dowels" and give heathy sleep the world has ever seen. It is pleasant to the taste and absolute- ly harmless- - It relieves constipation, quiets pain, cures diarrhoea and wind colic, allays feverishness, destroys worms, and prevents convulsions, sooth- es the child and gives it relreshing and natural sleep. Castoria is the ch oanacea the mother's friend. ..Castoria is put up in one-siz- e bottles only. It id not sold in bulk. Don't al- low any one to sell you anything else on the plea 'or promise that it is 'just as tood" and '"will answer everv Duruose Not to the PoorUouse- - A life insurance policy is not a sign- board pointing widow and children to the poor house. A strong life insurance company with millions of dollars is a good friend for a man to leave his family in charge of after his death. The most successful business men carry policies for large amounts of life insurance. Thev believe life insurance is a good investment. A policy on the 10, 15, or 20 year plan, rapidly becomes a valuable piece of property. It is said that one of the richest men in North Carolina would have failed during the panic of 1893, had it not been for his life insurance policies. . I he Home Life Insurance Company of New York, for more than a third of a century has been engaged in its great work. The Home Life is one of the strongest and best companies in the world, while its policies are plain con tracts, containing a number of advant- ages not offered by other companies. Full information will be cheerfully fur- nished on application to A. C. Davis, General Agent for North Carolina, Goldsboro, N. C. FEAAK .BOYETT.E, 2d Story Bordon Building-Fron- t Room Goldsboro, N. G NOTICE, Having qualified as executor of the last will of W. P. Britt, deceased, al persons holding- - claims against his estate are notified to present them for payment to the undersig-ned- , or to I. F. Dortch, his attorney, by the 15th day of November, 1890, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery This Nov. 14th. 1895. J AS. M. BKITT, Executo Dr. J. M. PARKER, GOLDSBORO, N. C. New Goods 1,000,000 People Wear 1WJLD ouglasS&oes HAND JOQ jttbest SEWED DDnrre X ItMVJU, Y V $4.00 W $2.50 $3.50! 4 A I $2.00 $2.50 $1.T5 $225 fci ii For Bots For Men' t&njn .ir.i. m I is ""Y" .,,,?.B:,!," ?hoes and av from W ? IK""-- - AU Sl.ylr. and KltliM. no advance m leather has increased tho tinceot other makes, but the qustlitv and prices of V. I. IoMcrl mIio- - rrmain the aa lake no substitute: See that name ami prie is stamped ou sole. . 1j. JouitIa,liKociiios, JIass. Sold by Southern Railway. (PIEDMONT AIR LINE.) Richmond & Danville arid N. C. Divisions. IN EFFECT OCTOBER, 1SC5. Thi& condensed schedule is published as information und is subject to change without notice to tho public. 1AILY SOUTUISOUNl NO. 'o. lliNo. 37 ,3." Daily. Daily 1. Kichmond 12 55 p 3iAia u nurkville li 4(5 p 3 'J a L Kcysville 3 U p 3 58 a a Di.ii villo (i 05 p 5 45 a L. uauviiio 6 10 p 0 00 a 5 40a A Greensboro 7 40 p 7 40 a 6 58a L Goldsboro 2 00 p t5 00 p A Kal-i- gh 4 p 0 IK) p L. j:aieigh 4 10 p 2 00 a; Li Durham 5 05 p; 3 3U a A ureeiinboro 7 .ii p S CO a L. Vintoii-sule- m to 10 p6 35 ajfo 0,)p Li Greuiiuboro 35 p 8 15 a a Salisbury 3 10 d'10 30 a 8 11a a staicsviile 11 19 a A Ashevillo 4 00 p A Hot fcpi-iug- o jo p 1 Su.Jisliur y 12 p 10 30 a 8 11a A OUarlotto 10 40 p 11 59 a 9 25a A Spartanburg 12-5- a 3 05 p 11 37a A Grei.ny'iUe 1 50 a 4 40 p 12 2Sp A Atlanta (C, T, ) 0 20 a 10 30 p 3 55p Li Charlotte 10 50 a 9 30a A Columbia 2 15 a 12 55p a Augusta 8 42 a 4 02p A Charleston (S,C, J 11 30 a 8 45p a bavuna-- (fc&p, 5 30 a 4 30p A Jackson villo 11 10 a 9 35p DAILY. XOHTDBoUND. :N0!i- - 'Tvrr, 12 No. 38 L, Augusta (K. T.) 7 00 p 1 30p Li Columbia 4 50 a 5 Kh . A Charlotte 8 25 a S 20 p 8 30p Li Atlanta (c. T.) 11 15 p t oo a 12 OOn A Charlotte 8 33 a 0 20 pi 8 29u L Cliu,riotLe 8 50 a b 40 p 8 39p a Salisbury 8 28 a. 9 49p L. jJot springs 12 44 p L. Aasheville 2 30 p Li statosvilie 7 11 p A Salisbury 8 00 p L, Salisbury 10 20 a 8 30 p 9 49p A Greensboro 12 05 a U o'l p!ll 09p A W'iirst.ou-sale- m 11 15 a f9 25 ai9 25a L Greensboro 12 10 a 1 30 al A Durham z 10 nj o o0 a A Kaloigh 3 14 p8 00 a A Goldsboro 4 55 o'tl 00 n L Goldsboro to 00 p 2 00 p 2 OOp Li lialeign 2 00 p 4 05 i 4 10 p A Grooiiiboro o 00 a 7 25 a!10 2uo L Greensboro 12 Oo p 52 D 11 U9r A Danville 1 o0 n 11 25 t 2 27a A lvoysviile pi i zo a 3 20a A Durkeviile d uu p 4 08; a Ricnmond 6 40 v 6 00 a 6 20a tDuiiy except surniav Between VV est Point and Richmond. Leave west Point 7 50 am dai j , and 8 do am uaily except Sunday and mod-ua- y , arrive Kiehmoud 9 Oo and 10 40 am, Returning- leave Kichmond 3 10 and 4 4j pm daily except Sunday; arrive west o and o 0o pre Between Richmond and Raleioh via. seysvil'.e. Leave Richmond 1 2 40 pm.daily; Keysville 3 40 pm; arrive oxford b 05 pm! Henderson f 00 pm, Durham 7 40 pm! Raleiirh i 30 am. Ker.m-ninr- r i.,i eigh o 4o am, daily, Durham 10 am, n T0 30am, oxford 11 34 am; arrive Keysvile 2 00 pm, Richmond 450 pm daily. Ljlrams on o. & h. r.r. 1a.vc t ,i c am and b 10 pm, dailv pv,-r- . c,i.. 11 40 pm, daily, and arr-i- Hii a 50 sun 00 and; pm, daily except Sun- day and 130 pm daily. Ketun i Henderson b 30 am and 7 20 pm daily Sunday, and 430pmda.lv, and th- rive at oxford 7 25 am and 8 10 pm, daily except sunoay. and 5 20 pm daily fram and to West Point and Baltimore daxly except Sunday. SLEEPING-CA- R SERVICE. Un trains nos. 35 and 36 Buttett sleeror between w iSS Chanotte and Augusta. On nos. 37 and 33 Pullman sleeping cars between New York and new or leans, new York and Jacksonville and rMoAn&.Dto"'e r irs On trains nos 12 and 35 sleeper between Greensboro and RaU Trains nos, H and 12 runs solid Toe tween Richmond and Atlanta Pullman sleeping- - between Richmond, Dnvfllend GreZnl W L. Berkley, j. a. B. Thompson, superintendent, superintend, -- URK.Jen'l Tassengor Aent Wngton, D. C. b. H. Hirdwick, Asst. Gen'l Pas , A-t- . W. II. Green. J. M. Onlp, Gon'l Aianager, Trathc .Vlangr, Washington, D. U. ashincum.D. O The Eyes. DR. HYATT will be in Goldsboro at Hotel Mondav h,i,,i '11,.1 December 1 and Joth. fnr. Z poso of examining and treatis"- - dis- eases of the eye. Dr. Hyatt has treated, many casos of til eye trouble ia qut Lv Fayetv Lv Seinm.. Ar Wilson. We have received INDIES' DESKS to-d- ay another lot of ascs COMBI NATION Book -- AND- Writing DesKs find Boook Gases. Respectfully, Royall & Borden. 05 32 20 A M A AI Lv Wil'tn. 9 20 Lv llag'iiu 10 47 Lv Goitisb. 11 50 P Al P MiP Lv Wilson. i 20: 11 310 12 40 Ar K'y Alt 2 17 12 mil 1 20 Ar Tarb'ro Lv Tarb'ro 12 12 IP A MiP Al Lv R'v Alt! 2 17j ii!.. Ar Welaon I 32 1 .. Daily oxcej.it Aionday. JDaily ex- cept Sunday. Train ou tne Scotland Branch Roau leaves Weluon 3:55 p. in., Halifax 4.13 p. m., arriving Scotland Neck at 5.05 p m, Greenville 0:47 p m, Kinston 7.45 p. m. Returning- leaves Kinaton 7.ZQ a. m., Greenville S.22 a m, arriving Halifax at 1100 a m, Weldon 11.20 a m, daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch lsave Washington 7.00 a m, arrivos Parrnlee 8.40 a m, Tarboro lb.o a m, returning leaves Tarboro 4.30 p m, Parrnlee 6.20 pm, arrives Washingten 7.45 pm, daily xcept Sunday. Gonnects with trains on Scotland Neck Branch. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albemarle and Raleigh Railway daily except Sunday, at 4.50 p in, Sunday 3.00 p m, arrives Plymouth tf.00 p m, and 5.25 p. m. Returning leaves Plymonth daily, ex- cept Sunday, o.OO am, Sunday y.iiO a m, arrive Tarboro 10.25 a, rn, iind 11.45 p. m. Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a. m, arriving Sinithhold 7 50 a ra. Re- turning leaves Smithlield 8.00 a m, ar- rive at Goldsboro 9.o0 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Alount at 4.30 p. m., arrives Nashville u.05 p m, Spring- Hope 5.30 p. m. Returning leaves Spring Hope 8.00 a. m., Nashville 8.35 a m,. arrives at Rocky Alount 9.05 a m, d&Uv except Sunday. Train on Latta Brauoh Flor-nc- e Railroad, leaves Latta 0.40 p m. arrive Dunbar V.&o p m Returning leaves Dunbar, 6.30 a m; arrive La-.t- 7.50 a in. Daily except SunUa v. Train on Gliaton Branch leaves Warsaw ior Clinton daily, except hut -- day at 11. lo p m. Returning loaves Canton at 7.0O a. in., nd 8:00 pm. Train No 78 makes close connection at W eldon for all pouu North dailv, vij i..iuuuii wiin xvoriolk auq Carol .na Railroad for Norfolk daily and all points North via Norfolk daily JOHN F. DININE, Gen'i Sum T, M. KAIJEKSOW, Xwffltj Mw'gr. In Store AND- - To Arrive ! 10.000 pounds C R Sides. 1,000 pounds N C Hams, 200 pounds canvassed hams. 50 cream cheese. 50 cans leaf lard. 50 cans compound lard. 20 barrels heavy mess pork, 500 bales cnoice timothy hay. 800 bushels corn, 200 bushels seed rye 200 bushels winter seed oats 200 bushels rust-pro- of oats 500 bushels feed oats. 100 bushels mixed feed 100 bushels rice meal 100 bushels cotton seed meal 100 bushels bolted meal 300 sacks wheat bran 50 barrels granulated sugar 20 bags cotfee 5 barrels rice 200 barrels flour all grades 50 sacks flour all grades 500 bundles arrow ties v 200 rolls bagging 5:00 sacks salt Also, Rock Lime, Cement, Plaster, Laths, Hair, etc. Wholesale and retail, at tne cheap cash store of B. M. Privett. Restaurant. On Tuesday thefirst of October I will "open a FIBST CLASS EESTAUEAN1 In the Einstein Building-opposit- the Railroad ticket office. Fancy JJcserlx'will he furnished families. I can accomodate a lim- ited number of lod; ;ers. Geo. D. Miller. Goldsboro N. C. Tong Sing, Chinese La l r - r-- r Under ArlinQton toi Work done promptly, und in tho best stylo. SaWictiou tfua,iaao. Prices reduced: Shirts 8 cts., co liars ic, new shirts 10c, dra-ver- s and under shi. s 5c each. Prices on other a., t.ioia aucea m proportion. Torn-o- ut button holes will be mended without extra cnarge. special rates given to families itodpoctlully, O. O. D. TonrTclnn Sept 27 2m piece of landscape art achieved eyer in this country or in recent years anywhere. Mr. Vaux had associates, of course, in Olm-ste- ad in portion of the landscape and Mole and Withers in archi- tectural details but he was the constant artist of the park from its beginning and New York will be derelict it it do not worthily commemorate the chief author of its greatest adornment and most precious possession. ; H5FDon't fail to call around to see us when you are in need of
Page 1: Goldsboro weekly argus. (Goldsboro, N.C.) 1895-11-28 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020751/1895-11-28/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · tween A shoroft and Barkervile, B. C, a distance





In JewelryParents

should never lose sightof the fact that Dr. Bull'sCough Syrup is the bestremedy for Cough, Cold,Croup, WhoopingCough,and other Throat andLung troubles. It is simply invaluable for children.

Dr. Bull'sCough Syrupwill cure when all others

fail. Sold everywhere for25 cts. Shun substitutes.

Chew LANGE'S PLUGS, The Great Tobacco Ant-idote. 10c. dealers or mail, A.C.Meyer&Co.,Balto.Md.

handIs going to be higher and now is a goodtime to buy, I will sell one hun-

dred acr es of my farm one milefrom Goldsbor o. The land

is suitable for




Advantages of both town and country.Public schools equal to any inthet-tate- . Address

J- - W. Bryan,GOLDSBORO. N. C.

for Infants

OTHERS, Doisaiemans Drops, Godfrey's

yykEar m wJ l ii c ji ss s g mm P

tnost remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine 1

P YoT Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poiscrcs ?

P YOT Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell nareotxcawithout labeling them poisons 7

P Toil Know that you should not permit any medicine to be give-- i your &x&4

unless you or your physician know of what it is composed f

Do Ton Know that Castoria is a purelgr vegetable preparation, and (hat a list aMb mgredienla is published with every bottle t

Toa Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Fitcbar.That it has been in use for near'y thirty years, and Stoat more Castoria is now sold thanof all other remedies for children combined 1

Do You Know that the Patent Office Department of trie United States, K id ofother countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to vise the word" Castoria " and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense t

D To'l Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection wbecause Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless?

Do Ton Know that 35 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 3&ents, or oi e cent a dose f

Do To-f- Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, our (ibJzdroa maybe kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest f

fthese things are worth knowing. They are tact.

TTto fac-sim- lle "yTjf 2LZ?Zllgnatnre of 6Si wrapper.

Cfiiildren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.


and Children.

You Know that Paregoric,Cordial, many Soothing Syrups, and

Ben. W. Soatheriand,DEALER IN

Mulest HorsesBuggies, Wagons,

Harness, Etc., Etc.

Tliat I Can Give 'Von Satis

tezk rWi

' ' s

A fine lot of serviceable horsesjust received.

I Am Satisfied.faction.Wall) at Street GoMsboro, N- - G- -

(SlGARlETTESBr irsraci,,. ..... v. fcja

pi.G. U.S.A. v i.


Hi WIS 1 CflSMGOSaw fci vi. 7

TVTien Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.When she was a Child, she cried for CastorU.When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.When sha had Children, she gave them Castoria.

W. .fc W. VI. 11. & BRANCHESAND FI-O-

R KMi KAiLiiOADjcont)e.vcf.i scfifc;mri.B.ti:ajN"s ooixu

A Ml' Mj Ml'da: KD No No No Xo

',13!;, 4!)D'lv D'ly r-i-


MP Mi A M44 .

At i AU !2 5T Id ;:;,). .

Lv Tar 'ro, i'2 Jbl . .

Lv P.'y Mt-L- v 0;" 10 :v.i 5 54 J : 47Wilson. 05 U t 201 ; 10

Lv Selma.. .

Fayettv 4 80!Ar Fio'nee


L Goldsb.. 10Lv JMagiio. 1UAr WiTt a. 10 45


No No No Nodated 7a :i2 40 4SNov 17, i, D'lv D'ly. D'ly. D'ly

MLv Flo'nce 15

First Tobacco Sale !

But not First Sale at

,R. E. Pipkin's Store,

A Saa Francisco despatch of.November 18, says that 500IrishAmericans of that city havevolunteered for service in thecause of Cuba, and will set outforthwith for the seat of war,Expeditions have already effected a landing on the island fromPhiladelpia, Venezuela and otherAtlantic points, one of them bemg headed by Cespedes, a son ofthefamqus revolutionist who diedwith Ryan, Narona and Del Solin the ill-fate- d descent of Oct- -

ODer, led. Kyan was a nativeof Canada, Irish by descent, andof soldierly instincts as befittedhis origin. Another Irish- - American who participated in one ofmany abortive efforts to freeCuba was Theodore O'Hara, author of the immortal "Bivouac ofthe Dead,'" who sailed with Lopez to Cardenas in 1850. Hisleader sailing again a year later,was doomed to said nevermore,for the Spaniards garroted Limand shot fifty of his followers.Among the victims was ColonelCrittenden, of Kentucky, anheroic scion of a race of heroes.

lhe last great struggle forliberty in Cuba broke out twenty- -

seven years ago, and lasted eightyears, costing the Spanish Gov-ernment 200,000 lives and over$700,000,000. It is impossible toget any trustworthy figures aboutthe present revolution, as the ac-

counts are conflicting on nearlyevery point; but enough is knownto prove that it is a fight to thedeath on both sides.

As for the question at issue itis easily defined. The Cubansare battling for the natural rightof self-governme- the right forwhich they have contended dur-

ing half a century, and they willnever give up until it is attained,or until the "ever faithful isle"becomes the graveyard of itsbrave sons. It is not surprisingthat they have the sympathy ofIrish-American- s in their patheticeffort for freedom.

The attitude of our government has been criticised, first forpermitting such expeditions asthat of Cespedes, and then fornot according belligerent righto the revolutionists. To theformer contention it may be replied that it is manifestly impos-sible to watch every exit on ourlong reach of coast, even if popular sympathy did not incline somuch towards a people strug-gling for freedom at our verydoor. As for the other criticismit comes with very bad gracfrom Republicans who have littlecause to boast of their own party's record on that score. Itwas a Republican president andgovernment which permitted anAmerican vessel flying her coun-

try's flag, to be captured on thehigh seas and carried a prizeinto the harbor ot Santiago deCuba, where fifty-si- x of her menwere put to death and twoscore more would have sharedtheir fate but for the interposi-tion of a foreign man-of-wa- r.

Our government cannot inter-fere on behalf of the Cubanswithout declaring war againstSpain; but it can do as it did inthe case of the Allianca, demandand obtain reparation for an in-

sult to our flag or injury to ourcitizens. In spite iof much blus-

tering and loud threats, Spainwill not repeat the Virginiustragedy, and any outrage on ourcitizens now would cost her theisland which is her last ,American jewel.

Horseless wagons are soon tobe adopted in the West on a largescale. A company is being form-ed with f500,()00 capital, to oper-ate a line of such vehicles be-

tween A shorof t and Barkervile,B. C, a distance of some 20miles.

An insane man in Indana, whobelieves that Grover Clevelandis God, was placed in an asylum;but those who merely believethat he is Beelzebub are considered harmless and are permitted to edit Republican papers.

The death of Calvert Vauxisa sad ending to a particularlyuseful career, that should not beconsidered less brilliant becauseit was so modest. Though he wasknown only to the few outside ofhis own city, many have seenand all have heard of his work.The Central Part in New Yorkwas mainly of his making, and itis incomparably the greatest

Items of Interest ClippedFrom our State

fixchanqes.Lumberton Robesonian: Mrs.

McMillan, relict of the late Col.McMillan and mother of ex-She- riff

Alex McMillan, died lastTuesday in the 84th year of herage.

Alamance Gleaner: The Su-

preme Court has confirmed JudgeGreen's decision in the Alamance-Chatha- m

county line case, whichfinally settles the dispute andgives to Alamance all the ttrri-tor- y

run out by the surveyingparty.

Beaufort Herald: Have ourfarmers in this section ever triedto raise any tobacco? Othercounties are doing well and grow-ing rich from tobacco. What isthe matter with the soil of Carsteret? It is good for everythingelse, why not for tobacco?

Fayetteville Observer: TheHolt cctton factory is to be builtalong side of the road instead offacing it as at first proposed.The foundations are being rap-idly laid, and the building willsoon be in course of erection.Over a million brick will be re-

quired for its construction.

Southport Leader: Mr. Pat-ience Brown, wife of AlfredBrown died on the 6th inst. ather home in Lockwoods Folly, inthis county. Mrs. Brown wasnoted for her kindness, and manyfriends mourn her death. Shewas.72 years old. She had beenill sometime before her death,which was due to a complicationof diseases.

Newbein Journal: Mr. W. H.Howerton brought to our officeyesterday two very good sizedpears of a second crop fruit thisfall than we ever knew of before,of course not in a paying quanity, but simply as a curiosity.Almost every one who has anorchard can talk about his Juneapples in November. Some ofthem of lady finger variety seenalmost ready to ripen.

Tarboro Southerner; It wasreported on the streets last weekthat the gallows for the hanging!of George Washington, Jr., wasto be erected on the court housesquare. This is all a mistakeiio particular place has as yetoeen selected, but it is thoughtthe hanging will take placeacross the Beaver Dam. This isa public place and far away fromthe town. The last hanging inthe county took place there. '

Wilmington Star: Mr. JamesNolan, a native of Ireland butfor nearly forty years a residentof Wilmington, died yesterday inBaltimore, Md., aged 53 years.Mr. Nolan had many friends inthis city. He was an industriousman, honest and upright in allhis dealings. As contractor, hebuilt the shell road to Wrights-vill- e

and the Masonboro turn-pike, and for several years wassuperintendent at CarolinaBeach,where his wife was fatally burn-ed and died about three yearsago. He leaves no children.

Raleigh News and Observer:Sheriff Harris, of Hyde county,brought to the penitentiary anegro, named W. H. Moore.Moore will serve a ten years'sentence in the pen. Moore wasone of the leaders in a mob thatattempted to lynch Stephen B.Ayers, a white man who hadtrouble with the negroes of thecommunity. The mob fired onAyer's house while he was sit-ting at the family fireside withhis wife and children. Moorewas recognized as a member oftne mob, was arrested, tried andconvicted. He still savs he isinnocent and took no part in theshooting.

Charlotte Observer: A splen-did cruiser in our navy has beennamed for the capital of thisState, and yet no testimonial inbehalf of North Carolina for thehonor thus conferred upon herhas been sent to the Raleigh, andher officers are known to bemuch hurt at the slight. Thisis to our shame. And yet, noone can deny that the imae-- ofVance is graven on the vervhearts of Tar Heels; that all cul-tured North Carolinians areproud to read Stockard's sonnetsin the Century; and that whenthe name of the Raleigh catchesour eye in the prints, our attenstion lingers over it, and-w- praythat in the future Success andGlory may ever stand by herguns, ana --f ortune play uponner prosperous nelm.

Occasionally the patent carhorse is missed. The appallingaccident at uieveiand could nothave happened had the car beendrawn by horses instead of beingpropelled by electricity. Horseshave too much sense to plungeinto an abyss, whatever may bethe intellectual qualities of thedriver.

The Republican bosses willmake a serious mistake if theyproceed on the theory that theAmerican voters are not in amind-changin- g mood.

It is about time Abdul. Ham idtook in that swinging sign of his,"Slaughter attended to on shortnotice." All The powers, that goby his place of business hit theirhats on it,

Remember I am headquarters for allkind of Groceries. Can and will sell you atprices you will be surprised at. While intown don't fail and examine my stock andprices.

Some people won't buy aChristinas present untilthe day beforeChristmas.A thoughtful person willbuy one while my differ,ent lines of Holiday Nov-elties are unbroken. Theselection is easier: jouhave the pick of thechoicest, and the pricesare no greater If youwant to save money, seemy bargains. Engravingfroe.


Opposite Hotel Kennon,

Removal- -

I have removed my office to No. 1,Law Building, where I am prepared' todo all kinds of practice.

THOS. HILL m. d.

NoticeHaving this day qualified as admin-istrator of Wm. Hines, deceased, thisis to notify all parties holding claimsagainst the said deceased to presentthe same for payment on or before the29th day of October, 1890, or thisnotice will be plead in bar of their re-covery.

All parties indebted to said estatewill please make immediate payment,to the undersigned.This Oct 29. '05, W. T. DORTCH,

Adm'r Wm. C. HinesNOTICE!

By virtue of a dveree of the SuperiorCourt made in the special proceedingwherein W. T. r loars and wife arelJlaintilfs and J. J. Coley and othersare Defendants. I will sell at theCourt House door in Goldsboro onMonday the second day of December1895 the following described property:One tract of land in Wayne County,Nahunta Township, adjoining the landof J. J. Coley. Eiija Reid, and others,containing fifteen acres more or less.Terms cash. F-A- - Woodard

. Executor's Notice- -

Having quanted as executor of thelast will and testament of Eliza Smith,all persoDs indebted to the estate ofsaid Fliza !?mith, are hereby notified tomake immediate payrrent, and all per-sons holding claims against said estateare notified to present the same to theundersigned within twelve monthsfrom the date hereof or this notice willbe pleaded in bar of their recovery.S. N. SMITH,1 his No G, 1S95. Executor

Greatest on Earth,James M. Brcnks, Washington Ave.,St. Louis, Mo., makes affidavit that hosuffered from Rheumatism for years,until persuaded to try Drummond'sLightning Remedy, and that by itsuse he has been fully restored. He savsthe remedy is the greatest on earth.This is high praise, but fully warrantedby other mir aculous cures. If you wantto be cured, send. $." to the DrummondMedicine Co. , 48, Maiden Lane, NewYork, and they will send to your ex-press address two large bottles of theirremedy. This treatment lasts onemonth, and will cure anv ordinary caseAgents Wanted

Old People.0d people who require medicine toregulate the bowels, addine- - streno-t-and giving tone to the organs will iindthe true remedy in Electric Bitters.This remedy does not stimulate andcontains no whiskey nor intoxicant..but acts as a tonic and alterative. Tt,acts mildly on the stomach and bowels,thereby aiuing Nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bittersis an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it exactlywhat they need. Price 50 cts a bottleat J. H. Hill & Sons, drug-- store.

Bargains !

That you dont find every day and thatwu not De nore long.We have purchased the entire stockof Mrs. C, H. Moore's millinerv allfashionable goods of high quality andvaried selection, which we are sellino- -

cheaper than these same goods can bebought from the factories.

Call and inspect them and vou willbuy.

B, COHEN 6c CO,THE RACKET STORE.LiKe a Great Kailwav.

With its branches ruuninjr in evervdirection are the arteries and veinswhich convey the blood to everv direction of the system. A cold, suddenchanges or exposure, may cause pois-lnou- s

acids to clog the circulation andthen comes rheumatism. If life is worthit, do not hesitate, but get Drummond's

ivemeay. aena iSo to theDrummond Medicine Co.. 48 MaidenLane, New York and thev will sendyou two large bottles, enough for onemonth's treatment by first, express. Itis not as quick as electricity, but it willsave your life if you take it in time.Agents Wanted.

JMotiGeI wil meet, for the purpose of receipt-n- g

for 1895 taxes, at the followingplaces in November.JJamel s (Jhapel, Wednesday, 27th.Piney Grove. Thursday. 28th.Goldsboro, Saturdav, 30th.Books at Boston on other days,

gg"Time up. Pay up.G. E. HADLEY,Tax Collector New Hodo townshin.

Beston, Wayne County, Oct. S!(5, '95.

To the Public:This is to e notice that

Powell, the mail carrier has. for several months past, had no authority totake water from the Seven Springs, andthe water he has been delivering oflate has not, as far as I h ave i eason tobelieve, been beven Springs water.

J. H. FONVIELLE,Prop'r Seven Springs.

NOTICE.Having qualified as Administrator

of Rosa P. Wilson, deceased, allpersons indebted to the estate ofsaid Rosa P. Wilson, are notified tomake immediate payment, and allpersons holdinar claims asrainst said estate are notified to present the same tothe undersigned or his attorneys, Allena, uuuivn, wimin twelve months Iromthe date hereof, or this notice will bepleaded m bar of their recovery.This Nov. 13, 1895.

B. H. GRIFFIN, Administrator.

CURBTCaW Dn flnmnMa TfMmMit anwdrtlllgSUPPOSITORIES. Ospsnles ot Ointment and twonun oi ointment. A never Tailing Core tor jiiesoi

every nature and degree. It makes an operation withthe knife or injections of oarbolio acid, which ar

i'liul and seldom a permanent care, and often re--

1SS..? iP?& 5S..t!i1arh'fto cure any case) ion only pay lor Denenta re-ceived. (1 a box, 6 lor IS. Sent by mail.JAPANESE PILE OINTMENT, 25c. a Box.

CONSTIPATIOriSMVuMSthe great LITER and STOMACH REGULATOR andBLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleasant tokm, espeoiany aAia lot cBUarwa us), su



Your HusbandIs he not dear to you? Should

you not be careful of hi health?Maybe he Is sometimes weak and

run down from the effects of over-work, or worry, or carelessness.

But you need not be alarmedtablespoonful of

rown'sron Bitters

three times a day for a week or twowill make him well and strong.

And this Is how it does it: Itpurifies and enriches the b!ood andgently stimulates the action of thevital organs, and helps them per-form their proper offices.

Don't neglect trifling ailments.Brown's Iron Bitters is pleasant to talce,mnd it will not stain the teeth nor cause

constipation. See the crossed red lianaon th.e wrapper. Our book, "How toLive a Hundred? Years," tells s.11 about it :tree for sc. stamp. MBROWN CHEMICAL CO., BALTIMORE. MS.

E. L-- Edmundson

uThe Hustlers,


2,000 pair sOf glQ s

And are selling same at the oldprices. Have also just re-ceived 3000 lbs. oi tobaccowhich we are selling from15cts.i pound up.

E. L. Edmundson Bro,TTTEiHUSTLERS.

NowIstheTlmeWhen all the Cnnaren need a air of

new shoes. When starting out to oofor them, remumbe- - that for the girlsand littio boys there is nothing superiorto the

Little GiantSchool Shoes

Made by Hill ind Greene: and for thelarger boys.

W. h- - DoiJglas' Socslient the WTorltl.

Our prices are away below the mar-ket value: Any thing" in Footwear forman, woman or child.


HOOD & BRITTCCASTORIA is truly a marvelous

ching for children. Doe orescnoeit, meaicai journals recommend it andmore man a million mothers are usingit in place of paregoric. Bateman'sDrops, ed soothing sprups andotho" narcotic and stupefying remedies.Casoria is the quickest thing to rem-at- e

the stomach and Dowels" and giveheathy sleep the world has ever seen.It is pleasant to the taste and absolute-ly harmless-- It relieves constipation,quiets pain, cures diarrhoea and windcolic, allays feverishness, destroysworms, and prevents convulsions, sooth-es the child and gives it relreshing andnatural sleep. Castoria is the choanacea the mother's friend...Castoria is put up in one-siz- e bottlesonly. It id not sold in bulk. Don't al-low any one to sell you anything else onthe plea 'or promise that it is 'just astood" and '"will answer everv Duruose

Not to the PoorUouse- -A life insurance policy is not a sign-board pointing widow and children to

the poor house.A strong life insurance company with

millions of dollars is a good friend fora man to leave his family in charge ofafter his death.

The most successful business mencarry policies for large amounts of lifeinsurance. Thev believe life insuranceis a good investment.

A policy on the 10, 15, or 20 yearplan, rapidly becomes a valuable pieceof property. It is said that one of therichest men in North Carolina wouldhave failed during the panic of 1893,had it not been for his life insurancepolicies. .

I he Home Life Insurance Companyof New York, for more than a third of acentury has been engaged in its greatwork. The Home Life is one of thestrongest and best companies in theworld, while its policies are plain contracts, containing a number of advant-ages not offered by other companies.Full information will be cheerfully fur-nished on application to A. C. Davis,General Agent for North Carolina,Goldsboro, N. C.


2d Story Bordon Building-Fron- t Room

Goldsboro, N. G

NOTICE,Having qualified as executor of the

last will of W. P. Britt, deceased, alpersons holding-

- claims against hisestate are notified to present them forpayment to the undersig-ned-

, or to I.F. Dortch, his attorney, by the 15thday of November, 1890, or this noticewill be pleaded in bar of their recoveryThis Nov. 14th. 1895.

J AS. M. BKITT, Executo



New Goods

1,000,000 People Wear1WJLDouglasS&oes



$4.00 W $2.50$3.50! 4 A I $2.00$2.50 $1.T5$225 fci ii For BotsFor Men' t&njn .ir.i.m I is

""Y" .,,,?.B:,!," ?hoes and av fromW ? IK""-- - AU Sl.ylr. andKltliM. no advance m leather has increased thotinceot other makes, but the qustlitv and prices ofV. I. IoMcrl mIio- - rrmain the aalake no substitute: See that name ami prie is stampedou sole. . 1j. JouitIa,liKociiios, JIass. Sold by

Southern Railway.(PIEDMONT AIR LINE.)

Richmond & Danville arid N. C. Divisions.


Thi& condensed schedule is publishedas information und is subject to changewithout notice to tho public.1AILY

SOUTUISOUNl NO. 'o. lliNo. 37,3." Daily. Daily

1. Kichmond 12 55 p 3iAiau nurkville li 4(5 p 3 'J aL Kcysville 3 U p 3 58 aa Di.ii villo (i 05 p 5 45 aL. uauviiio 6 10 p 0 00 a 5 40aA Greensboro 7 40 p 7 40 a 6 58aL Goldsboro 2 00 p t5 00 pA Kal-i- gh 4 p 0 IK) pL. j:aieigh 4 10 p 2 00 a;Li Durham 5 05 p; 3 3U aA ureeiinboro 7 .ii p S CO aL. Vintoii-sule- m to 10 p6 35 ajfo 0,)pLi Greuiiuboro 35 p 8 15 aa Salisbury 3 10 d'10 30 a 8 11aa staicsviile 11 19 aA Ashevillo 4 00 pA Hot fcpi-iug- o jo p1 Su.Jisliur y 12 p 10 30 a 8 11aA OUarlotto 10 40 p 11 59 a 9 25aA Spartanburg 12-5- a 3 05 p 11 37aA Grei.ny'iUe 1 50 a 4 40 p 12 2SpA Atlanta (C, T, ) 0 20 a 10 30 p 3 55pLi Charlotte 10 50 a 9 30aA Columbia 2 15 a 12 55pa Augusta 8 42 a 4 02pA Charleston (S,C, J 11 30 a 8 45pa bavuna-- (fc&p, 5 30 a 4 30pA Jackson villo 11 10 a 9 35p

DAILY.XOHTDBoUND. :N0!i- - 'Tvrr, 12 No. 38

L, Augusta (K. T.) 7 00 p 1 30pLi Columbia 4 50 a 5 Kh .A Charlotte 8 25 a S 20 p 8 30pLi Atlanta (c. T.) 11 15 p t oo a 12 OOnA Charlotte 8 33 a 0 20 pi 8 29uL Cliu,riotLe 8 50 a b 40 p 8 39pa Salisbury 8 28 a. 9 49pL. jJot springs 12 44 pL. Aasheville 2 30 pLi statosvilie 7 11 pA Salisbury 8 00 pL, Salisbury 10 20 a 8 30 p 9 49pA Greensboro 12 05 a U o'l p!ll 09pA W'iirst.ou-sale- m 11 15 a f9 25 ai9 25aL Greensboro 12 10 a 1 30 alA Durham z 10 nj o o0 aA Kaloigh 3 14 p8 00 aA Goldsboro 4 55 o'tl 00 nL Goldsboro to 00 p 2 00 p 2 OOpLi lialeign 2 00 p 4 05 i 4 10 pA Grooiiiboro o 00 a 7 25 a!10 2uoL Greensboro 12 Oo p 52 D 11 U9rA Danville 1 o0 n 11 25 t 2 27aA lvoysviile pi i zo a 3 20aA Durkeviile d uu p 4 08;a Ricnmond 6 40 v 6 00 a 6 20a

tDuiiy except surniavBetween VV est Point and Richmond.Leave west Point 7 50 am dai j , and8 do am uaily except Sunday and mod-ua- y

, arrive Kiehmoud 9 Oo and 10 40 am,Returning- leave Kichmond 3 10 and 4 4jpm daily except Sunday; arrive westo and o 0o pre

Between Richmond and Raleioh via.seysvil'.e.Leave Richmond 1 2 40 pm.daily;Keysville 3 40 pm; arrive oxford b 05 pm!Henderson f 00 pm, Durham 7 40 pm!Raleiirh i 30 am. Ker.m-ninr- r i.,ieigh o 4o am, daily, Durham 10 am, n

T0 30am, oxford 11 34 am; arriveKeysvile 2 00 pm, Richmond 450 pmdaily.Ljlrams on o. & h. r.r. 1a.vc t ,i cam and b 10 pm, dailv pv,-r- . c,i..11 40 pm, daily, and arr-i- Hiia 50 sun 00and; pm, daily except Sun-day and 130 pm daily. Ketun iHenderson b 30 am and 7 20 pm dailySunday, and 430pmda.lv, and th-rive at oxford 7 25 am and 8 10 pm, dailyexcept sunoay. and 5 20 pm dailyfram and to West Point and Baltimoredaxly except Sunday.

SLEEPING-CA- R SERVICE.Un trains nos. 35 and 36Buttett sleeror between w iSSChanotte and Augusta.On nos. 37 and 33 Pullman sleepingcars between New York and new orleans, new York and Jacksonville and

rMoAn&.Dto"'e r irsOn trains nos 12 and 35sleeper between Greensboro and RaU

Trains nos, H and 12 runs solid Toetween Richmond and AtlantaPullman sleeping- - betweenRichmond, Dnvfllend GreZnl WL. Berkley, j. a. B. Thompson,

superintendent, superintend,-- URK.Jen'l Tassengor AentWngton, D. C.

b. H. Hirdwick, Asst. Gen'l Pas , A-t- .

W. II. Green. J. M. Onlp,Gon'l Aianager, Trathc .Vlangr,Washington, D. U. ashincum.D. O

The Eyes.DR. HYATT will be in Goldsboro atHotel Mondav h,i,,i '11,.1December 1 and Joth. fnr. Z

poso of examining and treatis"-- dis-eases of the eye. Dr. Hyatt has treated,many casos of til eye trouble ia qut

Lv FayetvLv Seinm..Ar Wilson.

We have received


to-d- ay another lot of


Book-- AND-

Writing DesKs

find Boook Gases.Respectfully,

Royall & Borden.


A M A AILv Wil'tn. 9 20Lv llag'iiu 10 47Lv Goitisb. 11 50

P Al P MiPLv Wilson. i 20: 11 310 12 40Ar K'y Alt 2 17 12 mil 1 20

Ar Tarb'roLv Tarb'ro 12 12

IP A MiP AlLv R'v Alt! 2 17j ii!..Ar Welaon I 32 1 ..

Daily oxcej.it Aionday. JDaily ex-cept Sunday.

Train ou tne Scotland Branch Roauleaves Weluon 3:55 p. in., Halifax 4.13p. m., arriving Scotland Neck at 5.05p m, Greenville 0:47 p m, Kinston 7.45p. m. Returning- leaves Kinaton 7.ZQa. m., Greenville S.22 a m, arrivingHalifax at 1100 a m, Weldon 11.20 a m,daily except Sunday.Trains on Washington Branch lsaveWashington 7.00 a m, arrivos Parrnlee8.40 a m, Tarboro lb.o a m, returningleaves Tarboro 4.30 p m, Parrnlee 6.20pm, arrives Washingten 7.45 pm, dailyxcept Sunday. Gonnects with trainson Scotland Neck Branch.

Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, viaAlbemarle and Raleigh Railway dailyexcept Sunday, at 4.50 p in, Sunday3.00 p m, arrives Plymouth tf.00 p m,and 5.25 p. m.Returning leaves Plymonth daily, ex-

cept Sunday, o.OO am, Sunday y.iiO a m,arrive Tarboro 10.25 a, rn, iind 11.45p. m.Train on Midland N C Branch leaves

Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 6.05a. m, arriving Sinithhold 7 50 a ra. Re-turning leaves Smithlield 8.00 a m, ar-rive at Goldsboro 9.o0 a m.

Train on Nashville Branch leaves

Rocky Alount at 4.30 p. m., arrivesNashville u.05 p m, Spring- Hope 5.30p. m. Returning leaves Spring Hope8.00 a. m., Nashville 8.35 a m,. arrivesat Rocky Alount 9.05 a m, d&Uv exceptSunday.Train on Latta Brauoh Flor-nc- e

Railroad, leaves Latta 0.40 p m.arrive Dunbar V.&o p m Returningleaves Dunbar, 6.30 a m; arrive La-.t-

7.50 a in. Daily except SunUa v.Train on Gliaton Branch leaves

Warsaw ior Clinton daily, except hut --

day at 11. lo p m. Returning loavesCanton at 7.0O a. in., nd 8:00 pm.Train No 78 makes close connectionat W eldon for all pouu North dailv,vij i..iuuuii wiin xvoriolk auqCarol .na Railroad for Norfolk dailyand all points North via Norfolk daily

JOHN F. DININE, Gen'i SumT, M. KAIJEKSOW, Xwffltj Mw'gr.

In StoreAND--

To Arrive !

10.000 pounds C R Sides.1,000 pounds N C Hams,

200 pounds canvassed hams.50 cream cheese.50 cans leaf lard.50 cans compound lard.20 barrels heavy mess pork,500 bales cnoice timothy hay.800 bushels corn,

200 bushels seed rye200 bushels winter seed oats200 bushels rust-pro- of oats500 bushels feed oats.100 bushels mixed feed100 bushels rice meal100 bushels cotton seed meal100 bushels bolted meal300 sacks wheat bran

50 barrels granulated sugar20 bags cotfee5 barrels rice

200 barrels flour all grades50 sacks flour all grades500 bundles arrow ties v200 rolls bagging5:00 sacks salt

Also, Rock Lime, Cement, Plaster,Laths, Hair, etc. Wholesale and retail,at tne cheap cash store of

B. M. Privett.

Restaurant.On Tuesday thefirst ofOctober I will "open a

FIBST CLASS EESTAUEAN1In the Einstein Building-opposit-

the Railroadticket office.

Fancy JJcserlx'willhe furnished families.

I can accomodate a lim-ited number of lod; ;ers.

Geo. D. Miller.Goldsboro N. C.

Tong Sing,Chinese La l r -

r-- r

Under ArlinQton toi

Work done promptly, und in thobest stylo. SaWictiou tfua,iaao.Prices reduced: Shirts 8 cts., co liars ic,new shirts 10c, dra-ver- s and under shi. s5c each. Prices on other a., t.ioiaaucea m proportion. Torn-o- ut buttonholes will be mended without extracnarge. special rates given to families

itodpoctlully,O. O. D. TonrTclnnSept 27 2m

piece of landscape art achievedeyer in this country or in recentyears anywhere. Mr. Vaux hadassociates, of course, in Olm-ste- ad

in portion of the landscapeand Mole and Withers in archi-tectural details but he was theconstant artist of the park fromits beginning and New York willbe derelict it it do not worthilycommemorate the chief authorof its greatest adornment andmost precious possession.

; H5FDon't fail to call around tosee us when you are in need of
