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Gonzalez Textbook Reading/Study Guide

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Gonzalez Textbook Reading/Study Guide Volume 1 Ch.2 The Fullness of Time Judaism in Palestine Alexander Maccabees Herod the Great Diaspora Judaism Diaspora Septuagint The Greco-Roman World Syncretism Emperor Worship Platonism Stoicism Ch. 3 The Church in Jerusalem [This chapter is not assigned] Ch. 4 Mission to the Gentiles [This chapter is not assigned] Ch. 5 First Conflicts with the State A New Jewish Sect Attitude of Early Christians toward Judaism Attitude of Jews toward Early Christians Claudius Persecution under Nero Nero Tacitus Persecution under Domitian Flavius Clemens Atheism First Clement Ch. 6 Persecution in the Second Century Acts of the Martyrs The Correspondence between Pliny and Trajan Tertullian Policies of Trajan Ignatius of Antioch, The Bearer of God Ignatius of Antioch The Martyrdom of Polycarp Germanicus

Gonzalez Textbook Reading/Study Guide

Volume 1

Ch.2 The Fullness of Time

Judaism in Palestine



Herod the Great

Diaspora Judaism



The Greco-Roman World


Emperor Worship



Ch. 3 The Church in Jerusalem

[This chapter is not assigned]

Ch. 4 Mission to the Gentiles

[This chapter is not assigned]

Ch. 5 First Conflicts with the State

A New Jewish Sect

Attitude of Early Christians toward Judaism

Attitude of Jews toward Early Christians


Persecution under Nero



Persecution under Domitian

Flavius Clemens


First Clement

Ch. 6 Persecution in the Second Century

Acts of the Martyrs

The Correspondence between Pliny and Trajan


Policies of Trajan

Ignatius of Antioch, The Bearer of God

Ignatius of Antioch

The Martyrdom of Polycarp




Martyrdom of Polycarp

Apology by Justin Martyr

Persecution under Marcus Aurelius



“The True Philosophy”

“I am a Christian”

Toward the end of the Second Century

Summary of experience of and reason for persecution

Ch. 7 The Defense of the Faith

The “apologists”

Base Rumors and Lofty Criticism

Rumors about communion


Class prejudice

Omnipotent busybody

Crucifixion and Resurrection

The Main Apologists

Letter to Diognetus

Apologies of Justin

Dialogue with Trypho


Against Celsus

Apology of Tertullian

Christian Faith and Pagan Culture

Two approaches to pagan culture

“What does Athens have to do with Jerusalem?”

Address to the Greeks

“Christian Philosophy”


The Arguments of the Apologists

Relation to the Emperor

Christians and Subversion

Address to Diognetus

Ch. 8 The Deposit of the Faith

Orthodox Christianity

Jewish Heritage


Nag Hammadi

Gnostic’s final goal



Two divergent answers


God the Father vs. Yahweh

List of books

The Response: Canon, Creed and Apostolic Succession

New Testament

Gospel of Thomas

Adoption of the canon

The Apostles Creed

Uses of the symbol

The reason for the argument of apostolic succession

Inclusive rather than exclusive

The Ancient Catholic Church



Ch. 9 The Teachers of the Church

Apostolic Fathers

Shepherd of Hermas

Irenaeus of Lyons

Against Heresies

“Two hands” of God

Clement of Alexandria

Clement and Plato

Allegorical interpretation

Clement’s importance

Tertullian of Carthage

Prescription against the Heretics

Tertullian and speculation



“one substance and three persons”

“one person and two natures”

Origen of Alexandria

Against Celsus

De Principiis

Origen and Platonism

Origen on Creation

Different Trends or theological tendencies

Ch. 10 Persecution in the Third Century

Persecution under Septimius Severus

Sol Invictus

Perpetua and Felicitas

Under Decius

Decius’ decree


The Question of the Lapsed: Cyprian and Novatian



Cyprian’s understanding of the church


Purity or forgiving love

Penitential System

Ch. 11 Christian Life

The Social Origins of Early Christians

Social makeup of the early church

Apocryphal Gospels

Common Christians and the empire

Christian Worship

Main purpose of worship service

Communion Service

Two main parts of the communion service


The reason for the fragmentum

Events of Easter service




The Organization of the Church

Bishop, Presbyter, Deacon

Role of Widows

Missionary Methods

Context of evangelism

Gregory Thaumaturgus

The Beginnings of Christian Art

Use and content of earliest Christian art


Ch. 12 The Great Persecution and the Final Victory



Eusebius of Caesarea

Cause of the outbreak of persecution


Edict of Galerius


Battle of Milvian Bridge

Edict of Milan

Ch. 13 Constantine

Constantinian era and the impact of Constantine

From Rome to Constantinople


Eusebius of Nicomedia

“New Rome”


From the Unconquered Sun to Jesus Christ

Constantine’s Conversion

Arguments for and against the genuineness of Constantine’s conversion

The process of Constantine’s religious policy

Council at Nicea

From Persecution to Dominance

“Constantinian Era”

Christianity and paganism in this period

The word “paganism”

The Impact of the New Order

Privileges from Imperial Edicts

Dangers resulting from the new order

Changes in Worship



Reactions to the New Order

Reason for Monastic movement

Ch. 14 Official Theology: Eusebius of Caesarea



Church History

Eusebius’ opinion of Constantine

Eusebius’ response to the Arian controversy

Christianity as the culmination

Ways that theology was being accommodated

Ch. 15 The Monastic Reaction

Comfortable living and faithfulness

The Origins of Monasticism

Influence of Gnosticism on monasticism


The First Monks of the Desert

Driving motivation for the early monks




Reason Anthony became a monk

Anthony’s visits to Alexandria

Lifestyle of monks

Pachomius and Communal Monasticism



Discipline in the community

Daily life of a Pachomian monk


The Spread of the Monastic Ideal

Athanasius, Jerome, & Basel and the spread of monasticism

Martin of Tours


Martin and Bishops

The Evolution of Monasticism

Ch. 16 The Schismatic Reaction: Donatism


Different responses to persecution


Causes of the Donatist Schism

Validity of the sacraments


Ch. 17 The Arian Controversy and the Council of Nicea

The authority of the state and theological controversy

The Outbreak of the Controversy

The god of the philosophers

Two means

“There was when He was not”

How the controversy became public

Constantine’s actions

The Council of Nicea

Attendees of the council

Legislative matters to be resolved

Eusebius of Nicomedia

The different parties on the Arian controversy

The reaction to Eusebius’ speech

Nicene Creed


Constantine’s actions after the council



Ch. 18 The Pagan Reaction: Julian the Apostate


Reason Julian hated Christianity


Julian’s Religious policy

Actions to promote paganism

Actions to hinder Christianity

Against the Galileans

Ch. 19 Athanasius of Alexandria

The Early Years

Influence of the monks

His strong suit

On the Incarnation of the Word

The problem of Arianism

Through Many Trials


In Rome


Among the Monks

Blasphemy of Sirmium

A Theological Agreement




Use of Hymns

Further Trials

Julian, Jovian, Valens

Ch. 20 The Great Cappadocians


Influence on Basil

Basil the Great

Rules of monastic life

Basil and the poor

Basil’s answer to the officer

Basil’s accomplishments

Gregory of Nyssa

Council of Constantinople

Gregory of Nazianzus

Sermon on the duties of a pastor

Bishop of Constantinople

Result of the Council of Constantinople



What was at stake in the Trinitarian controversy

Ch. 21 Ambrose of Milan

An Unexpected Election

Why Ambrose was elected

Ambrose’s theological training

On the Holy Ghost

Duties of the Clergy

Refuge crisis

The Bishop and the Throne

Ambrose and Imperial power


Ch. 22 John Chrysostom


A Voice from the Wilderness

Monastic training

Reform of the clergy

“spiritual sisters”

Return to the Wilderness

Relation to Eutropius

Relation to Eudoxia

Theophilus of Alexandria

Cause of the riots

Innocent bishop of Rome

Babylonian treatment

“In all things…”

Difference between east and west

Ch. 23 Jerome

Jerome’s personality

“Who are you?”


Bishop Damasus


From Babylon to Jerusalem


Jerome and Augustine

Ch. 24 Augustine of Hippo

Take up and read

A Tortuous Path to Faith


The question of evil


Ambrose’s influence

“Give me chastity…”

Plans after conversion

Minister and Theologian of the Western Church

Freedom of the Will


Just War Theory


Different understanding of freedom



City of God

Two cities, two social orders, two loves

Impact of Augustine

Ch. 25 Beyond the Borders of the Empire






Ethiopian Christianity

Persian Christianity

Demonstration on Persecution

Arabian Christianity

Irish Christianity

St. Patrick

Germanic Christianity


Ch. 26 The End of an Era

Endless waves of invasion

Byzantine Empire

Continuity with the past

New Challenges


Ch. 27 The New Order

Two Institutions

The Germanic Kingdoms



Isidore of Seville

King Sigismund



Angles and Saxons



Conflict between Scotch-Irish tradition and Roman tradition

The last emperor of Rome




Two religious challenges

Two institutions

Benedictine Monasticism

Three points

Right arm of popes

Benedict of Nursia

Monte Cassino


The Rule

Two elements of monastic life

The core of the monastic life

Divine Office

Study, Books and teaching

Impact of monasticism

The Papacy


How the bishop of Rome came to have authority as “the pope”

Leo the great

Schism with Constantinople

Rival popes

Hagia Sophia

Lombard threat

Gregory (the Great)

Election and leadership of Gregory

Donation of Constantine

Gregory’s writings



Gregory and superstition


The popes and the Franks

The Arab Conquests



Five Pillars


Muslim conquests

Shiites and Sunnis

Charles Martel

Significance for Christianity

Theological effects

Militarizing Christianity

Ch. 28 Eastern Christianity

Reasons for East and West Separating

Theological Controversies

The Christological Debates to the Council of Chalcedon

The fundamental Christological question

Antiochene and Alexandrine

The influence of Greek Philosophy

Tertullian’s Formula

Apollinaris of Laodicea

Gregory of Nazianzus’s response


Theotokos and Christotokos

Council of Ephesus


Robber Synod

Council of Chalcedon

Definition of Faith


Further Theological Debates

Zeno’s Henotikon

Scism of Acacius

Controversy of the Three Chapters



Iconoclasts and Iconodules

John of Damascus

Kataphatic and Apophatic

Latria and Dulia

The Dissident Churches of the East

Nestorian Church

Coptic Church

Armenian Church

Eastern Orthodoxy After the Arab Conquests

Cyril and Methodius

Vladimir of Kiev

The Third Rome


The final schism

Ch. 29 Imperial Restoration and Continuing Decay

Charlemagne’s Reign

Forced baptisms


Impact of Arab conquests


Theological Activity

John Scotus Erigena

Dionysius the Areopagite

On the Division of Nature



Gottschalk of Orbais

Presence of Christ in communion

New Invasions



Decay in the Papacy

Nicholas I

The False Decretals

Papal intrigues


Ch. 30 Movements of Renewal

Monastic Reform

Hildegard of Bingen


To Saints Peter and Paul

Second Clunys

Bruno of Toul

Clerical Celibacy


Reason for decline of the Cluny movement


Bernard of Clairvaux

Canonical and Papal Reform

Corpus Juris Canonici


Hildebrand/Gregory VII

Leo IX

Leo’s two errors

Second Lateran Council

Gregory’s steps for unity

The Papacy and the Empire in Direct Confrontation

Henry IV

Clement III

Paschal II and Henry V’s compromise

Concordat of Worms

Ch. 31 The Offensive against Islam

Crusading spirit

Fourfold hope

The First Crusade

Peregrinatio Aetheriae

Urban II

Deus Vult

Siege of Antioch

Holy Lance

Godfrey of Bouillon

Siege of Jerusalem

Later History of the Crusades

Children’s crusades

The occasion of the Second Crusade

Bernard of Clairvaux


The occasion of the Third Crusade

Latin Empire of Constantinople

Frederick II

The Spanish Reconquista


Tomb of Saint James

Kingdom of Grenada

Consequences of the Offensive against Islam

Most obvious consequence

The Papacy and Crusades

Crusades and Piety


Military Orders



Maimonides & Averroes

Crusades and Economy

Ch. 32 The Golden Age of Medieval Christianity

The Mendicant Orders


Peter Waldo

Francis of Assisi

Saint Clare

Saint Dominic

Dominicans and Study

Third Order

Universities of Paris and Oxford

Franciscans after Francis


One Flock under One Shepherd

Innocent II

Innocent III

Sun and moon

Innocent II and Otto IV

John Lackland

Magna Carta

Fourth Lateran Council

Celestine V

Boniface VIII

Theological Activity: Scholasticism

Monasteries – Cathedral Schools – Universities

Anselm of Canterbury


Ontological Argument

Why did God become Man?

Peter Abelard

Yes and No

Scholastic Method

Peter Lombard

Four Books of Sentences

Seven Sacraments

Two Developments


Platonic vs. Aristotle’s thought

Saint Bonaventure

Albert the Great

Thomas Aquinas

Summa Contra Gentiles

Summa Theologica

Faith and Reason

Aquinas vs. Anselm

Reactions to Thomas Aquinas

Importance of Thomas

Missionary Endeavors




Stones that Bear Witness: Architecture

Two purposes of Medieval churches

Cultic purpose



Ch. 33 The Collapse

New Conditions

Monetary Economy


Nationalism and Papacy

Hundred Years War

Joan of Arc

Consequences of the 100 years war

The Great plague

Consequences of the plague


Turkish Siege

The Papacy under the Shadow of France

Boniface’s strategy

Boniface and France

Kidnap of Boniface

Clement V

Arrest and Trial of the Templars


Babylonian Captivity of the Church

Urban V

Catherine of Siena

Gregory XI

Consequences of Avignon

Simony, pluralism, absenteeism, nepotism

The Great Western Schism

Election of the new pope

Urban VI

Election of a rival pope

Proposals for healing the schism

Ch. 34 In Quest of Reformation

The Conciliar Movement

Conciliar theory

Council at Pisa


Council at Constance

Council at Basil

Council at Ferrara

John Wycliffe

On Divine Dominion and On Civil Dominion

The True Church

Wycliffe’s Bible

On the Eucharist

Attacks against Wycliffe


John Huss

Influence of Wycliffe

Huss’s response to Wycliffe

Alexander V’s actions

Huss’s more radical views


Trial before John XXIII

Trial before the council

“I appeal to Jesus Christ…”

Huss’s death

Impact on Bohemia

Four Articles

Crusades against Hussites

Girolamo Savonarola

Lorenzo de Medici

Savonarola’s program of reformation

Burnings of vanities

Savonarola’s downfall

The Mystical Alternative

Meister Eckhart

Eckhart and Neoplatonism

Modern Devotion

The Imitation of Christ

Brethren of the Common Life

Julian of Norwich

Mysticism and the church hierarchy

Popular Movements



Second Baptism

Hans Bohm

Ch. 35 Renaissance and Humanism

The Later Course of Scholasticism

Three characteristics of later scholasticism

John Duns Scotus

William of Occam

On the reasonableness of Doctrine

Question of Authority

The Revival of Classical Learning

Renaissance and Humanism

Influences of the Renaissance

Senses of the word humanism

Byzantine Exiles

Johan Guttenberg

Textual Criticism

A New Vision of Reality

Renaissance Art

Leonardo da Vinci

The Popes of the Renaissance

Spirit of the Renaissance

Saint Peter’s Basilica

Calixtus III

Sixtus IV

Innocent VIII

Alexander VI

Ch. 36 Spain and the New World

The Nature of the Spanish Enterprise

Christopher Columbus

Ferdinand and Isabella


Royal patronage

Two faces of the Roman Catholic Church

The Protest



The Caribbean


Black slavery

Volume 2

Ch. 1 The Call For Reformation

Influences which caused a call for reformation

The Inquisition


Erasmus of Rotterdam

Ch. 2 Martin Luther: Pilgrimage to Reformation

Printing Press

The Long Quest

The reason for his ‘feeling of terror’

Sacrament of penance

Righteousness of God

Justification by faith

The Storm Breaks

Ninety Five Theses

John Tetzel

October 31, 1517

Fredrick the Wise

A Christian with the support of Scripture

Exsurge Domine

Diet at Worms

Luther’s response to the Emperor

Ch. 3 An Uncertain Decade

Exile, Unrest, and Rebellion


German Translation of the Bible

Phillip Melanchthon

Zwickau Prophets

Thomas Müntzer and the peasant rebellion

Table Talks

Erasmus and free will

The Diets of the Empire

The Augsburg Confession

Peace of Nuremberg

Ch. 4 Luther’s Theology

The Word of God

Final Authority

The Theology of the Cross

Theology of glory

Theology of the cross

Law and Gospel

Both sinful and justified

The Church and Sacraments

Universal priesthood of believers

The Two Kingdoms

Relationship between church and state

Ch.5 Ulrich Zwingli and the Swiss Reformation Zwingli’s Pilgrimage

How Zwingli reached his conclusions

The Break with Rome

Council of Government

“…the Swiss insisted that all that had no explicit scriptural support…”

Zwingli’s Theology

The power of reason

Ch.6 The Anabaptist Movement

The First Anabaptists


The meaning of ‘anabaptist’

Voluntary community

The Revolutionary Anabaptists

Münster rebellion

The Later Anabaptists

Menno Simons and Mennonites

Ch.7 John Calvin

Calvin’s Early Career

The Institutes

Francis I and Protestants

The Institutes of the Christian Religion

The Reformer of Geneva

“May God condemn your repose…”

Martin Bucer

Ecclesiastical Ordinances


Genevan Academy

Calvin and Calvinism


Zeal for reforming society

Ch.8 The Reformation in Great Britain

Henry VIII

Catherine of Aragon

Thomas Cranmer

Henry’s attitude to Protestantism

Thomas More

People’s attitude to Protestantism

Great English Bible

Edward VI

Book of Common Prayer

Mary Tudor

Mary and Roman Catholicism

“Bloody Mary”

Foxe’s Book of Martyrs

Cranmer’s recantation and death


Return of religious refugees

Thirty-Nine Articles

Conspiracies against Elizabeth


The Reformation in Scotland

Protestant proclamation and persecution

John Knox

Lords of the Congregation

Reformed Church of Scotland

Ch.9 Further Developments within Lutheranism

[This chapter is not assigned]

Ch.10 The Reformation in the Low Countries

The Political Situation

Seventeen Provinces

Protestant Preaching

Brethren of the Common Life

“Those Beggars”

The Beggars

William of Orange

“Council of Blood”

Beggars of the sea

Pacification of Ghent

Ch.11 Protestants in France

Shifting Royal Policies

Confession of Faith and Discipline

Catherine de Medici


Edict of St. Germain

Massacre of Vassy

The Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Day

Duke of Guise

The War of the Three Henrys

Edict of Nantes

Ch.12 The Catholic Reformation

The Reformation of Spanish Catholicism

Queen Isabella

The state of monasticism

Francisco Jimenez de Cisneros

Complutensian Polyglot

The Inquisition

Polemics against Protestantism

Robert Belarmine

New Orders

Teresa of Avila and the Discalced Carmelites

Ignatius Loyola and the Jesuits

St. John of the Cross

Papal Reformation

Index of Forbidden books

The Council of Trent

Thomas Aquinas

The Vulgate

The Birth of the modern Catholic Church

Ch.13 Protestantism at the Edges

[This chapter is not assigned]

Ch.14 A Convulsed Age

Unity in the Church

Religious Agreement in the State

Religious Tolerance

Faith in the Power of the Word of God

Ch.15 An Age of Dogma and Doubt

Religious Tolerance


“natural religion”

Ch.16 The Thirty Years’ War

The Storm Gathers

Defenestration of Prague

The Course of the War

Gustavus Adolpus

The Peace of Westphalia

Peace of Westphalia

Reasons for the birth of the “modern secular state”

Ch.17 The Church of the Desert

Cardinal Richelieu

“reunion” and the Edict of Fontainebleau

“Christians of the desert”

Antoine Court and the French Reformed Church

Ch.18 The Puritan Revolution

James I


Elizabethan Settlement

King James Version

Gunpowder Plot

Charles I

William Laud


The Long Parliament

Causes of Charles’ conflict with Parliament

Civil War

Westminster Assembly

Oliver Cromwell

The Rump Parliament

The Protectorate

Lord Protector

The Restoration

Charles II

James II

William and Mary

John Bunyan

John Milton

Ch.19 Catholic Orthodoxy

Gallicanism and Opposition to Papal Power

Which country is Gallicanism associated with?


Dissolution of the Jesuits


Cornelius Jansenius- Augustine

Blaise Pascal


Miguel de Molinos- Spiritual Guide

Madam Guyon

Ch.20 Lutheran Orthodoxy

Phillipists and Strict Lutherans

Philip Melanchthon

Loci theologici

Leipzig interim


Formula of Concord

The Triumph of Orthodoxy

Doctrine of Scriptural inspiration

Georg Calixtus and “Syncretism”

Georg Calixtus

“consensus of the first five centuries”


Ch.21 Reformed Orthodoxy

Arminianism and the Synod of Dort

“the basis on which predestination takes place”


Synod of Dort- five doctrines TULIP

The Westminster Confession

The General content of the Westminster confession

Ch.22 The Rationalist Option

The powers of reason

Descartes and Cartesian Rationalism

Universal doubt


Locke- Essay on Human Understanding


Basis of universal religion

Christianity not Mysterious

David Hume and His Critique of Empiricism

Cause and Effect

New Currents in France



Jean Jacques Rousseau

Immanuel Kant

Critique of Pure Reason

Critique of Practical Reason

Ch.23 The Spiritualist Option

Jakob Boehme

Jakob Boehme- Brilliant Dawn

“the letter kills”

George Fox and the Quakers

George Fox- “inner light”

William Penn

Emanuel Swedenborg

Second coming of Christ

Emanuel Swedenborg- Church of the New Jerusalem

Ch.24 The Pietist Option

German Pietism: Spener and Francke

Philip Jakob Spener- Pia Desideria

August Hermann Franke

University of Halle

Zinzendorf and the Moravians

Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zonzendorf


John Wesley and Methodism

John Wesley

“holy club”

Aldersgate Street

George Whitfield

Methodist “societies” and “classes”

Lay Preachers

Industrial Revolution

Francis Asbury

Ch.25 The Thirteen Colonies


Sir Walter Raleigh


Church of England- conversion of slaves

Georgia- James Oglethorpe

The Northern Puritan Colonies

Mayflower compact

Massachusetts Bay Company

“half-way Covenant”

Mayhew family and John Eliot

Rhode Island and the Baptists

Roger Williams

General and Particular Baptists

Catholicism in Maryland

Social composition of Maryland

The Mid-Atlantic Colonies

New York- East India Company

The Great Awakening

Jonathan Edwards

George Whitfield

Ch. 26 An Age Beyond Christendom


Geographic expansion of Christianity


Industrial Revolution

Intellectual revolution

New Methods of Communication

World War I

November Revolution

Great Depression


“An uncounted casualty of the war…”


White man’s burden

Loss of political power and cultural prestige

Ch.27 A Shifting Landscape: The United States

The Independence of the Thirteen Colonies


Unitarianism and Universalism

“Christmas conference”



Catholic church

The Second Great Awakening

Second Great Awakening

American Bible Society

Cane Ridge Revival and camp meetings

Manifest Destiny and the War with Mexico

Manifest Destiny

Attitude of churches toward manifest destiny

Father Antonio Jose Martinez

Slavery and Civil War

American Colonization Society and Republic of Liberia

Southern Baptist convention

Colored Methodist Episcopal and African Methodist Episcopal church

From the Civil War to World War I

Sunday Schools

Dwight L. Moody

William Booth and the Salvation Army

Holiness Churches

Azusa Street Revival

Darwin’s theory of evolution

Protestant Liberalism

Fundamentalism and the five fundamentals


Social Gospel Movement

New Religions

Joseph Smith and Mormonism

Jehovah’s Witnesses

Mary Baker Eddy and Science and Health, with a Key to Scripture

Ch.28 A Shifting Landscape: Western Europe

The French Revolution

The Third Estate

The “Cult of Reason” and reaction against Christianity

Napoleon Bonaparte

The New Europe

Economic Liberalism

Separation between church and state

Free churches

Developments in Great Britain

Evangelical Anglicans

William Wilberforce

Ch.29 A Shifting Landscape: Latin America

A Panoply of New Nations

peninsulares and criollos

Simon Bolivar


The Church in the New Nations

Stance of Bishops toward revolution

Stance of lower clergy toward revolution

Auguste Comte

Ch. 30 A Shifting Landscape: Eastern Christianity

[This chapter is not assigned]

Ch.31 Protestant Theology

Protestant theology’s overall reaction to new ideas

New Currents of Thought

The idea of progress

Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto

Schleiermacher’s Theology

Friedrich Schleiermacher and Speeches on Religion to the Cultured among

its Despisers

Feeling of dependence

Hegel’s System

Absolute religion

Kierkegaard’s Work

Making Christianity difficult

Christianity and History

Adolph von Harnack

“quest for the historical Jesus”

Ch.32 Catholicism in the Face of Modernity

[This chapter is not assigned]

Ch.33 Geographic Expansion

The Missionary Enterprise in the Age of Colonialism

“white man’s burden”

Missionary societies

William Carey

Missionary societies relation to feminism and denominations

Asia and Oceania

British East India company

William Carey

Adoniram Judson

Opium War

Hudson Taylor

Africa and the Moslem World

David Livingstone

Latin America

James Theodore Holly

“One of the factors inhibiting such interest…”

The Ecumenical Movement

Two senses of “ecumenical”

World Missionary conference, Edinburgh

Ch. 34 Roman Catholic Christianity

The first six decades of the twentieth century

John XXIII and the Second Vatican Council


Second Vatican Council’s relation to the modern world

The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy

The changes made by the Second Vatican Council

From Paul VI to Benedict XVI

John Paul II’s stance on church doctrine and life

Benedict XVI’s approach to the modern world

Theological Developments

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Karl Rahner

Ch.35 Crisis at the Center: Protestantism in Europe

World War I and Its Aftermath


Karl Barth

Renewed Conflicts

Barmen Declaration and the Confessing church

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

After the War

Rudolph Bultmann

Honest to God

At the Turn of the Century

Signs of Vitality

Ch.36 Crisis at the Center: Protestantism in the United States [Note that the author’s personal bias is showing significantly in this chapter. The descriptions of

the general events are accurate, but please double check with a variety of sources before you

believe all the value judgements that the author makes.]

From World War I to the Great Depression

Scopes Trial

J. Gresham Machen


Through Depression and World War

The Reaction to the Depression

Liberal and Fundamentalist approaches during this period

The Kingdom of God in America

The Postwar Decades

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Norman Vincent Peale

Martin Luther King Jr.

Feminism and the church

Charismatic Wave

Moral Majority

Chicago Declaration

A New Century

September 11, 2001


Ch.37 Vitality at the Periphery


Charismatic communities in India

The Church of South India

Cultural Revolution

“Christian Manifesto”

“House Churches”

Korean Churches

Korean Missionaries


Growth of the African church

Kimbanguist movement

Latin America

Juan Domingo Peron

Declaration of the Bishops of the Third World


Willis Hoover

Pentecostal growth in Brazil

“gospel of prosperity”


The Ecumenical Movement

World Missionary Conference- Edinburgh

Two Facets of the Ecumenical Movement

Conference on Faith and Order

Conference on Life and Work

World Council of Churches

Lausanne Covenant

Third Word and other “Contextual” Theologies

Theologies of Liberation

Liberation Theology

Mission from the Ends of the Earth

The “three selves”

The common concern of many indigenous theologies

Ch.38 Epilogue: A Global History

[This chapter is not assigned]
