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Good Agricultural Practices Teaching Adult Learners.

Date post: 05-Jan-2016
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Good Agricultural Practices Good Agricultural Practices Teaching Adult Teaching Adult Learners Learners

Good Agricultural PracticesGood Agricultural Practices

Teaching Adult LearnersTeaching Adult Learners

Effective Education and Effective Education and Training ProgramsTraining Programs

• Improve communication

• Upgrade knowledge and skills

• Motivate employees

• Result in positive rewards

We always think of training and the training

process, but

we really need to focus on LEARNING or


Enhance Learning by:Enhance Learning by:

• Sharing objectives.

• Demonstrating caring and concern for learners.

• Using a variety of instructional methods and materials.

• Exhibiting enthusiasm and developing a positive approach.

• Providing practice and follow-up.

What Affects Learning ?What Affects Learning ?

• Capability, age, and attitude of audience.

• Educational background, previous training & experience.

• Nature of the information being taught.

• Instructional methods & techniques used.

• Capability and attitude of the instructor.

What Do We Know About What Do We Know About Adult Learning?Adult Learning?

Knowing how adults learn is a

vital component in developing

& implementing an adult

education & training program.

What do we know about What do we know about adult learning ?adult learning ?

• Consider themselves independent.

• Have a wide variety of experiences.

• Are concerned with immediate problems.

Characteristics of Adult Characteristics of Adult LearnersLearners

• Adults enter learning situations with

their own goals, motivations, needs

and experiences.

• Adults learn better by doing!

Adults Learn Better:Adults Learn Better:

• If they are involved.

• When materials are structured to

meet their needs.

• When the subject matter is

connected to their daily activities.

Adults Learn Better:Adults Learn Better:

• In informal, organized environments.

• When materials are presented through a variety of methods with practical examples.

• When subjects are explained & supported visually.

Adults Learn BetterAdults Learn Better

• When activities & tasks are structured and clearly related to specific subjects.

• Through problem-solving instructional methods.

• Real or model experiences.

Adults Learn Better:Adults Learn Better:

• When given opportunities to apply & practice what they have learned.

• In cooperative learning situations and in groups.

• When they are not tested or pressured.

Key PointsKey Points

Adults need to integrate new

ideas with “old” ones if they are

going to keep and use the new


Key PointsKey Points

Adults prefer “How-To”

and “Hands-On” instruction.

Key PointsKey Points

They prefer single concept

programs that focus on

applications to problems.

Key PointsKey Points

Short breaks between

instructional periods provide

more effective learning.

Time for reflection should be


Key PointsKey Points

Visual images are remembered

more effectively than words.

Most people are visual learners!

Retaining InformationRetaining Information

Method of Instruction Recall

3 hours 3 days

Telling 70% 10%

Showing 72% 20%

Telling & Showing 86% 65%

Needs of Individuals Needs of Individuals

People Need to Feel:

* accepted * understood

* important * part of process

* proud * part of a winning team

* responsible

Incorporating IllustrationsIncorporating Illustrations

• Illustrations stimulate interest.

• Illustrations help readers learn.


• Simple line drawings are often more effective than photographs.

• Black and white pictures reproduce better than color pictures.

• Sequence of pictures or line drawings can show motion.

• Simple captions clarify and reinforce messages.


• Something from within that

prompts us to do something.

• It is stimulated by the

external environment.


• Learning is an internal process.

• Instruction is an external activity.

• Carefully think through and plan all of your instructional activities to enhance learning.

Remember 5 “P”sRemember 5 “P”s

Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance.

15 Practical Tips for Planning 15 Practical Tips for Planning

& Conducting Outstanding & Conducting Outstanding

Training ProgramsTraining Programs

Adapted from: How to be a Better Trainer, Keye Productivity Center, 1991

1. Know your Subject1. Know your Subject

• Thoroughly prepare for your role as the instructor.

• What knowledge & skills do you want employees to possess after the program?

• Break the subject(s) into small, understandable segments.

2. Know your Audience2. Know your Audience

For a successful program,

you must know as much as

possible about the people in

your audience!

2. Know your Audience2. Know your Audience

Important Questions to Answer:

1. Who makes up the audience?

2. What is their occupation or specific job?

3. What is their level of education?

4. What is their experience?

2. Know your Audience2. Know your Audience

5. Why are they attending?

6. What do they know about the subject?

7. What is their interest in the subject?

8. What things do they have in common?

9. What is their relationship to you?

3. Know the Occasion3. Know the Occasion

• What is the purpose of the program?

• How long is the program?

• Where will it be held?

• What are the physical conditions of the location?

• Are there any customs or procedures that need to take place?

4. Logistics4. Logistics

• Plan carefully and thoroughly.

• Double check all details.

• Be prepared.

• Be flexible !

5. Welcome & Introductions5. Welcome & Introductions

• Hearty welcome & strong introduction.

• Day’s schedule.

• Housekeeping details.

• Set the “climate”…

* Why are we here?

6. Discuss Goals & Objectives6. Discuss Goals & Objectives

• Present program goals & objectives.

• Discuss benefits.

• Why should I care?

• What’s In It For Me (WIIFM).

• Invite learners to become involved.

7. Program Opening7. Program Opening

• Provide a clear overview of subject.

• Be creative in getting the audience’s attention.

• Begin with stimulating information.

8. Audience Involvement8. Audience Involvement

• Stimulate audience involvement!

• Solicit:




• Ask non-threatening questions

9. Enthusiasm & Sincerity9. Enthusiasm & Sincerity

Demonstrate strong positive involvement with the:

• subject

• program

• audience

10. “How To” Instruction10. “How To” Instruction

• Provide specific actions or

recommendations that people

can immediately implement.

• Make positive statements about the subject matter.

• Speak with expressiveness and variety in tone of voice.

9. Enthusiasm & Sincerity9. Enthusiasm & Sincerity

11. Pace & Flow11. Pace & Flow

• Change speech rate or emphasis.

• Use different instructional techniques.

• Keep information & activities relevant.

• Don’t skip around or digress.

12. Linkages & Relationships12. Linkages & Relationships

• Link points together and discuss how different subjects relate to each other.

• Present information in a logical sequence.

13. Audiovisuals13. Audiovisuals

• Use creative & excellent quality audiovisuals to highlight key points.

• Utilize a variety of instructional techniques.

14. The Close14. The Close

Most programs end abruptly, so:

• Summarize the “big picture”.

• Challenge learners.

• Provide an exhilarating close !

15. Program Evaluation15. Program Evaluation

• Assesses value of program.

• Provides important feedback.

• Strengthens future programs.

Remember …

• Program content

• Delivery

Determine whether or not learners believe what you say!

Effective Training and Learning Effective Training and Learning Foster Good Performance.Foster Good Performance.

The EndThe End


This presentation was created by

Daryle E. Foster, Robert B. Gravani,

and Elizabeth A. Bihn.

Images provided by USDA (k5897-11,

94cs0464, k7614-6), Donna L. Scott,

and Elizabeth A. Bihn
