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Good employees bad things 6 12

Date post: 26-Jul-2015
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Why Would Good Employees Do Bad Things? June 2012 © 2012 Skout Group, LLC 1 June 2012

1. 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 1 2. Skout?Were about cultureCulture drives behaviorIf you dont manageyour cultureit will manage you 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 2 3. 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 3 4. 2012 Skout Group, LLC4 5. 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 5 6. B=(P,E) 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 6 7. ValuesBehaviorCultureRules 2012 Skout Group, LLCJune 2012 7 8. BehaviorCulture 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 8 9. 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 9 10. 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 10 11. Behavior 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 11 12. Culture 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 12 13. Culture 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 13 14. Culture 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 14 15. BehaviorCulture 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 15 16. 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 16 17. 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 17 18. 2012 Skout Group, LLC 18 19. 2012 Skout Group, LLC 19 20. 20 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 21. BehaviorCulture 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 21 22. How we do thingsaround hereCulture can bemapped into its Standards The Howthree coreMission &ofcomponents Goals BehaviorThe WhatPrinciples & Beliefs The Why 2012 Skout Group, LLCJune 2012 22 23. Mission & Goals 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 23 24. StandardsofBehavior 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 24 25. Principles & Beliefs 2012 Skout Group, LLCJune 2012 25 26. Effectivenessof culture Is everyone here just out fordepends on themselves?how well thethree coreelements arealigned Mission & Standards GoalsofBehaviorWhy am Iworking here?Principles & Does the company live its Beliefs values? Can I raise the issue when it isnt? 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 201226 27. These three values arethe most important toemployees and are thedrivers of change inorganizationsStandardsMission & of GoalsBehaviorPrinciples & Beliefs 2012 Skout Group, LLCJune 2012 27 28. Positive Focus / Excessive FocusService To Humanity and the PlanetSocial responsibility, future generations, long-term perspective,Serviceethics, compassion, humilityStrategic Alliances and Partnerships Contribution Environmental awareness, community involvement, employeefulfillment, coaching/mentoringBuilding Corporate CommunityCommunalShared values, vision, commitment, integrity,trust, passion, creativity, openness, transparencyContinuous Renewal and Learning Engagement Accountability, adaptability, empowerment, teamwork, goalsorientation, personal growthHigh Performance PerformanceSystems, processes, quality, best practices,pride in performance. Bureaucracy, complacencyEmployee Recognition Relationship Loyalty, open communication, customer satisfaction, friendship.Manipulation, blameFinancial Stability Survival Shareholder value, organisational growth,employee health, safety. Control, corruption, greedJune 2012 28 29. Integrity Is everyone here just out forthemselves? Consistency andWhy am IPredictability inworking here? actions; walking the talk in doing what youEmployees areStandardssay youre going to do;Mission & ofengaged if goals are Generates perceptionsconsistent withGoalsBehavior of fairness which isvalues;essential to preventCreates willingnessrationalization ofto put organizationindividual action byfirstputting me firstCommitmentPrinciples &Transparency Beliefs Confidence to confront situations where actions are inconsistent with values;Does the company live its Openness is built on respect.values? Can I raise the issue 2012 Skout Group, LLC it isnt?whenJune 2012 29 30. StandardsMission &Behavior GoalsofBehaviorPrinciples & Beliefs 2012 Skout Group, LLCJune 201230 31. Thank youLet me knowhow I can [email protected] 2012 Skout Group, LLC June 2012 31
