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Good Intentions Gone Awry: What Every Employer Should Know About the Interaction of the ADA and FMLA...

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Good Intentions Gone Awry: What Every Employer Should Know About the Interaction of the ADA and FMLA Peter J. Petesch [email protected] (202) 719-2013

Good Intentions Gone Awry:What Every Employer Should Know About the

Interaction of the ADA and FMLA

Peter J. Petesch

[email protected]

(202) 719-2013

Topics to Be Discussed:

• Employee Rights and Employer Responsibilities under the ADA and FMLA;

• Defining “Disability” under the ADAand “Serious Health Condition”under the FMLA;

• Reasonable Accommodations for Disabled Individuals who are Otherwise Qualified;

• Determining Concurrent ADA and FMLA Leaves

• Implementing Light-Duty Policies

Employee Rights andEmployer Responsibilitiesunder the ADA and FMLA

Covered Employers

• 50 or more employees

• Each work day during 20 or more calendar weeks in the current or preceding year

• 15 or more employees

• Each work day during 20 or more calendar weeks in the current or preceding year


Covered Employees

FMLA• Individuals working for an

employer with 50 or more employees within a 75 mile surface radius

• Who worked 1,250 hours within previous 12-month period

The employer designates the 12-month period used for FMLA purposes

• Eligibility determined at the time of the request and, once granted, may not be revoked because the employee is later deemed ineligible

ADA• Any “qualified”

individual with a disability

An individual is “qualified” if,with or without a reasonable accommodation, he or she can perform all essential job functions

• Short-term and part-time employees are eligible

• Applicants are also eligible

Covered Condition

FMLA•Serious health

condition of employee or employee’s spouse, child or parent

•Birth, placement or adoption of a child


physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity;

•Record of such impairment; OR

•Perceived to be disabled

Leave Allowed forCare of Others?

FMLA•Yes, if

spouse or child has serious health condition

•Modified work schedule required if serious health condition

ADA•May not

discriminate because of association with an individual with a disability

•Modified work schedule to care for another not required

Intermittent / Reduced Leave?


right for serious health condition

•Employer discretion for birth, placement, adoption

ADA•No absolute


hardship defense

•May lose defense if intermittent leave taken under FMLA

Notice by Employer

FMLA• Posting FMLA poster• FMLA policy in

handbook or manual (written guidance if neither)

• Written notice of FMLA rights and obligation upon request for leave

• Written notice of designation as FMLA leave

• Notice of certification and fitness for duty certification

ADA• Post a notice

in an accessible format to applicants and employees that describes ADA provisions

Notice by Employee

FMLA•No need to

specifically state “FMLA”

•Foreseeable leave – 30 days

•Unforeseeable – as soon as practicable, usually verbal notification within 1 or 2 business days


to request reasonable accommodation

Medical Exams

FMLA•Allowed to

certify serious health condition or upon employee’s return to work

ADA•Only to

determine ability to do job or for legitimate business necessity (very limited application)

Requiring Employees to Demonstrate Fitness for Duty

FMLA•Need uniform

practice for all employees, not just FMLA

•Only for condition causing FMLA leave

•No second or third opinion

ADA•Allowed to

determine if still able to perform essential functions of job

•For reasonable accommodation process

•Must be job-related and consistent with business necessity

Accrual or Continuationof Benefits


health continues if employee continues paying required contributions

ADA•On same

terms as all other employees

Length of Leave, Termination, and Compensation

FMLA•12 weeks per year

May be taken intermittently

•Termination allowed as long as not related to leave (e.g., layoff)

•Not compensated unless paid leave is substituted for FMLA leave

ADA• Indeterminate


allowed but must not be on account of disability

•Compensation on same basis as all other active employees

Right to Reinstatement or Retention of Job as Part of Leave?

FMLA•Guaranteed•Same or

equivalent position


guaranteed•Must satisfy

reasonable accommodation requirements

Defining “Disability” under the ADAand “Serious Health Condition”

under the FMLA

“Disability” Defined

An individual is “disabled” if he/she has:• a recognized physical or mental impairment - that substantially limits a major life activity;• a record of such impairment; OR• is regarded as having such an impairment

Note on Major Life Activities

Caselaw is continually being defined:• 8th Circuit (2005): Lifting restriction is not a

substantial limitation on the major life activity of working

• 4th Circuit (2006): Ability to eliminate bodily waste • 9th Circuit (2005): Reading• 2nd Circuit (2005): Ability to interact with others

– Need severe limitation on the fundamental ability to communicate or connect with other people

“Serious Health Condition” Defined

Illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves either:• In-patient care in a hospital, hospice, or - - - -residential medical care facility; or • Continuing treatment by a health care - - - - - provider (HCP)

“Continuing Treatment” Defined

• Period of incapacity;– Inability to do work, attend school or perform other regular

daily activities due to SHC treatment or recovery

• For more than three consecutive calendar days; AND

• Treatment two or more times by a HCP; OR

• Treatment by a HCP on at least one occasion which results in a regimen of continued treatment (e.g. prescription drugs such as antibiotics)– A regimen of continued treatment does not include resting,

drinking fluids, taking aspirin or anything else that can be done without visiting a HCP

Comparison: ADA vs. FMLA

• Serious health condition is more broadly defined than disability

• Many serious health conditions are not covered disabilities under the ADA– Substance Abuse – not a disability, but could be SHC

• Still not all SHCs are disabilities – temporary nature of pregnancies, hernias, broken bones

• Some conditions may be both: continuing treatment for cancer or strokes

Reasonable Accommodations for Disabled Individuals who are

Otherwise Qualified

Where to Begin

Once an employer learns that an employee is a qualified individual with a disability, it must begin an interactive process with that employee to determine the need for a reasonable accommodation:• Meet with the employee• Document the interactive process – potential defense • Gain information about the employee’s disability • Discuss alternatives if an accommodation cannot initially - - be agreed upon• Do not jump to undue burden defense too quickly – very - --high burden, especially if the only burden is cost related

Obligations• Only need to accommodate essential job functions

• Create written job descriptions before advertising or interviewing applicants– Job descriptions can serve as evidence of essential


• Process does not require participation of third parties, including employee’s attorney

• Maintain a “good faith” effort

• Employee has obligations also…– Does not have to specify specific accommodation, but

needs to describe problems posed

The Term “Reasonable Accommodation” May Include

• Making existing facilities used by employees readily accessible to, and usable by, individuals with disabilities

• Job restructuring, modified work schedules, reassignment to a vacant position, modification of equipment or devices, adjustment or modification of exams, training materials or policies, the provision of qualified readers, interpreters or assistants

• Other similar accommodations for individuals with disabilities

Undue Hardship

Factors to consider when determining whether an accommodation causes an undue hardship include the:• nature and cost of the suggested accommodation;• financial resources of the particular facility;• overall financial resources of the employer;• type and operation of the entity;• impact of the accommodation on operations;• impact and burdens on other employees

Determining ConcurrentADA and FMLA Leaves

Employer’s Notice Obligations

• FMLA leave and other paid/unpaid leave may run concurrently if employees are notified that: Paid sick leave, vacation time, WC, personal

leave, and ADA accommodations Can all be “counted” as FMLA leave

• Inform employees in handbooks and in response to any employee request for FMLA leave

Establishing Concurrent Leave

• Request enough information from employee to determine if leave is FMLA-protected

• Notify employee that leave is being designated and will be counted as FMLA leave

• Provide notification promptly – within 2 business days after learning leave is FMLA-protected

• Confirm any oral notice in writing by the next payday

Retroactive Designation

• Generally cannot retroactively designate FMLA leave

• Exceptions: Learned leave was FMLA-qualifying after employee

returned to work; or Awaiting second or third opinion to confirm leave is

qualifying (should preliminarily designate leave as FMLA-qualifying and later confirm or withdraw in writing)

Leaves of Absence• Determine which laws are applicable

Is the employee disabled? Is the requested leave covered by FMLA? Was the employee injured on the job?

• If disabled, determine if leave is a reasonable accommodation. If leave is a reasonable accommodation, is it also the preferred accommodation for the employer? If it is, grant leave regardless of whether it exceeds 12

weeks allowed under FMLA (assuming not indefinite and no undue hardship)

If it is not, still must grant leave if covered by FMLA (assuming 12 weeks have not been exhausted)

Implementing Light-Duty Policies

Light-Duty and the ADA

• If FMLA leave has been exhausted or is not applicable, an employer can require an employee to accept a light-duty position as a reasonable accommodation

Light-Duty and the FMLA

• If an employee cannot perform the essential functions of his or her job, then he or she has an ABSOLUTE RIGHT to take FMLA leave and can not be required to take a light-duty position

• If an employee accepts on intermittent or reduced-scheduled leave, then the employer CAN temporarily transfer him or her to a similar position with the same pay and benefits to assist granting leave


Peter J. Petesch

[email protected]

(202) 719-2013
