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Good News 1953 (Vol III No 02) Feb_w

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  • 7/28/2019 Good News 1953 (Vol III No 02) Feb_w


    ewsVOL . I II . NUMBER 2

    T h eA M B

    N a tASS

    o n a lADO

    MagazIneR COLLE

    o fG EFEBRUARY. 1953

    NOW ON THE AIR - OVERALL EUROPE!On the nineteenth anniversary of the WORLD TOMORROW

    program, the broadcast goes out to ALL EUROPE, on themost powerful radio stat ion on earth.

    by Herbert W. Armstrong

    T HINK of it! This most importantwork on earth now TAKES ITSGREATEST LEAP AHEAD!Do you rea lize the significance of thi stremendous event, on our nineteenthanniversary? Do you know the MEANING of nineteen years? It marks a complete cycle of t ime-as God set timein nature. God placed the ear th , moon,and sun, in a certain conjunction of motion to mark time-s-o set off DAYS, andMONTHS and YEARS.

    A Complete Time-CycleOnly once in nineteen years do thedays, months and years come together inexact conjunction. A day is one revolution of the earth on its axis. A month, as

    God ordained t ime, is one revolution ofthe moon around the ear th. Men havetried to alter that. A year is one revolut ion of the earth around the sun. Thesemovements of the earth. moon, and suncorne into exact conjunction once innineteen years.Nineteen years ago, the first week 10January, (1934), this program went on

    the air. started as smal l as a radio program could start. on a little 100-wattstation in a small local community, Eugene, Oregon. The first week in Janu'lry, 1953-after one of God's completecycles of nature-it st art s as an INTERNATIONAL and WORLD-WIDE pwgram,

    now going out on the tremendous combined total of 3 ,140,000 wat ts of powerper week!

    Multiplied 31,400 Times!Yes, think of it! In one cycle of time,the proclaiming of the original rrueMessage of Jesus Christ to the world hasincreased from 100 wat ts to 3,140,000

    watts of power per week! Its actualbroadcasting power has MULTIPLIED31,400 times over in one 19-year cycle!Not twice, not ten t imes the power, not100 t irnes-c-no, nor mere ly a thousandtimes more powerful, - b u t more thanTHIRTY-ONE THOUSAND TIMES morepowerful than during that first year!Today the cumulative weekly listening audience is rated at more thanTHIRTY MILLION PEOPLE!

    I t is doubtful whether any of thegreat major net-works deliver tha t muchpower on any Coast to Coast half hourweekly program. The power we nowuse is the equivalen t of a half hourweekly p rogram going out over 30 super-power SO,OOO-watt stations in themajor cit ies such as New York, Chicago,Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Detroit,Cleveland, New Orleans , Atlan ta , SanAntonio, Dallas, Denver, St. Louis, SaltLake City, San Francisco, Seat tle, Por tland-the largest stations in 30 suchcities, PLUS 300 5,000-wat t st ations

    such as KGW. Portland, KMAC, SanAntonio, or WAIT, Chicago, -in 300such cities; PLUS 140 1,000-watt stationsin 140 other cities and towns scatteredall over the nation. I do not knowwhether NBC or CBS has that manystations of that much power. That wouldbe a tremendous net-work, or 470 starions in 470 ci ties in every part of theUnited States and Canada. THAT ISTHE EXACT EQUIVALENT OF THE SIZEAND POWER OF THE "WORLD TOMORROW" PROGRAM TODAY. The only difference is, we are purchasing the use offacilities that furnish that much powerat not more than ONE-rENTH the costwe would have to pay on such a network. We simply could not afford sucha net-work.

    God has opened the way for us tosend His Message with comparable power, to the almost unbelievable mass cumulative audience of THIRTY MILLIONPEOPLE per week, at an unbelievablelow cost. Of course it does cost a greatdeal, but not more than one-tenth ofwhat we would pay if we purchased ourradio power chru the usual channels.

    This program is the Message JESUSbrought to earth. It is a Message whichmaees people THINK! It is rapidly growing into THE MOST POWERFUL ANDWIDELY LISTENED-TO PROGRAM ON

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    Page 2EARTH, OR IN THE FNTIRF HISTORYOF THEWORLD!Yet, this mighty work is still ONLYBEGINNING. The last warning Message-the Gospel Jesus biougur-c-musrgo with a tremendous LOUD VOICE (Mat.24: 14) in ALL THE WORLD as a witness to ALL NATIONs-and then shallthe END of chis age come!

    Must Be Financed HereThis broadcast to the British Isles andall Europe DOUBLES our l is tening audience. We are reaching about FIFTEEN

    MILLION people ove r there. Yet currency restrictions, economic and ocherconditions make it IMPOSSIBLE for

    The GOOD NEWSthose people over t he re to con tr ibut emoney to pay the European broadcastingexpenses. Even if the peop le of Franceor England wanted to help pay for it,the French francs or British poundscould not be transferred into the hardcash it takes to pay Radio Luxembourg.The st ation does have an arrangementin New York whereby within abou t 30days they can transfer United Statesdollars into the kind of money they canuse. And for this reason, we have topay 30 days in advance. It takes about30 days to get the money transferredinto useab le cash funds in Luxembourg.This means that ou r United Statesco-workers will have to dig a l it tle deep-

    February, 1953er, and sacrifice a l it tl e more-becausewe of America will have to pay all thecosts of the broadcasting to other partsof the world.But WHAT A GLORIOUS OPPORTUNI

    TY IT IS! This is the greatest, and becoming the most powerful work onearth. It is rapidly INFLUENCINGAND CHANGING MORE HUMAN LIVESthan any activity in the world! It ischanging t hou sands of precious lives,that shall be converted into THE GLORIOUS KINGDOM OF GOD! Every co-worker shares an IMPORTANT PART in thatall-important eternal result . Yes, WHATA GLORIOUS PRIVILEGE it is!

    Seven Ministers Ordainedby Herbert W. Armstrong

    God revealed to me, seven years ago,the need to establish a college-a newkind of co llp8P- in which the futureministers needed for this gigantic worldwide crusade would be properly educated and trained. Ambassador Collegeopened ilS doms IU students October 8,1947. It, too, started the smallest collegein America-just 4 pioneer students, thoit had a faculty of eight professors andteachers. But, as all things of God do, itis GROWING, at the same ratio as theGospel work! It is no longer the smallest college in America.On December 20, 1952, by authority of Jesus Christ, with fa sting andprayer and laying on of hands of God'sministers, in congregation assembled inPasadena, California, upon recommendation of the Board of Trustees of The

    Radio Church of God, five of ou r youngministers were fully ordained.They are Richard David Armstrong,

    Raymond Clifford Cole, Herman LouieHoeh, Dr. C. Paul Meredith, and Roderick Carl Meredith-all graduates of Ambassador Col lege, excep t Dr. C. PaulMeredith who a lready held the doctor' sdegree from Iowa State College, bUIwho had completed the entire four yearsof Theological study at Ambassador College.

    U pan recommendation of the Boardof Trustees, two more of our young ministers, Mari on J oe l McNair and Raymond Franklin McNair, will hp fullyordained fol lowing their graduationfrom the college January 30, 1953.This ordination authorizes these ministers to perform all the duties and exercise all the powers of the clergy, andclothes them with all the AUTHORITY

    conferred by Jesus Christ upon Hiscalled and chosen ministers.And so it is th at God has sen t to us

    RADIO LOG"T he WORLD TOMORROW"Herbert W. Armstrong analyzes today's news, with the prophecies ofThe WORLD TOMORROW!TO ALL OF EUROPE:RADIO LUXEMBOURG-4:15 P.M.

    -Thursdays Luxembourg time.TO THE NATION & CANADA:XERF--I570 on your dial (extremetop of dial) every Sundaynight, 7:15 P.M. CentralSt andard time.XEG-1050 on your dial, ellery night,8 :00 P.M. Central Standardtime.XELO-800 on your dial, every night,9 :00 P.M. Central Standardtime. (8:00 Mountain Standard time.)HEARD ON PACIFIC COAST:XERB-50,000 watts-1090 on dial

    -7 :00 P.M. every night.XEDM-1580 on dial-7:30 P.M.Sunday. 6:30 week nights.KALI-Los Angeles-1430 on dial7:30A.M. every morning.KXL-Portiand-lO,OOO watts. 750on dial-2: 30 P.M., Sundays.KPDQ - Portland - BOO on dia l8:30 every morning.KVI-Seattle-Tacoma-570, first ondial-1O:30 P.M. Sundays.KVSM-San Francisco-1050 on dial- 3 :00 P.M. Snndays.OTHER STATIONSWAIT-Chicago-820 on dial-1:00P.M. Sundays.KMAC-San Antonio---630 on dial- 7 :0 0 P.M. Sundays.

    here, caused to be thoroughly t ra ined byeducation, by experience, and thoroughly fitted by conversion, consecration, andHoly Spirit-leading, SEVEN fine youngministers whom HE has called and chosen. They have studied hard and diligently for years. They are all experienced and competent. They have beent ried and tes ted, and found fai th fu l andloyal.Thus, on this first 19-year cycle anniversary, the work of GOD leaps suddenly and dynamically fr om a local and national work to an INTERNATIONALand WORLD-WIDE CRUSADE. On this veryanniversary God has added SEVEN called,consecrated, Spirit-filled, properly educated and tra ined and exper ienced ministers!

    It is imperati ve to send Dick Armstrong back to Europe as soon as possible, to open offices in London and Paris,and to preach over Radio LuxembourgIN THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. HermanHoeh may have to return to Europe fora while next summer. For the presentboth Raymond Cole and Rod Meredithare filling local pastorates. Dr. Meredithis Director of the forrhcoming Correspondence Course of Bible Study, nowin process of beginning and preparation.All these men will continue their advanced graduate studies at Ambassadortoward the higher theological degrees, ast ime and their duties permit. But theyare now fully ordained, full-time, andqualified Ministers of Jesus Christ,clothed with full powers and author ity.Yes, in spi te of oppos it ion , persecution, trial and test, GOD'S WORK ISGROWING IN A MANNER ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE'

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    HOW Human AnnihilationMay Be Prevented!There remain now only TWO possible ways for men to prevent theannihilation of human life from off this planet by the terrifyingenergies of destruction being produced by science and technology.One of these two ways men are INCAPABLE of, and the other theyare UNWILLING to do! How, then, may life be saved on this planet?(Editor's note: This is a reprint of th e second broadcast to the British Isles and al lEurope over the world's most powerful station, Radio Luxembourg. It has set millionsover there to thinking. It ought to make US think!)

    by Herbert W. ArmstrongJUST where is this world headed.NOW?World famous scientists whoknow what terrifying powers of destruction are being developed warn usthat they, themselves, are franklyFRIGHTENED! ... that unless wor ldpeace can be achieved very soon, it willbecome possible to blast human lifefrom off this planet! These scientificgentlemen solemnly warn us t ha t nothing but A SUPER WORLD-GOVERNMENTcan now save mankind!Let 's face the s itua tion realistically.Take a quick over-all view from WorldWar I up to the present. Woodrow Wilson led the Allies into the convictionthey were fighting th e war TO END ALLWARS! We had The Hague Conference.We t ri ed the League of Nations. Thenthe Pact of Paris, outlawing war; - b u tthose diplomats overlooked the fact thatan outlaw is a menace to socie ty. andwhen WAR was made an outlaw, waronce again menaced all civilization:-w e were plunged into World War II!

    Once aga in many believed they weref ight ing the WAR TO END ALL WARS.And then, a lthough we could look backon the failures of The Hague Conference,The League of Nations, The Pact ofParis, and the meetings at Berchresgaden,Munich, Teheran, Yal ta and Potsdam,this peace-hungry world pinned its fai thonce aga in in another political co-operative effort-The UNITED NATIONS. Iwas an acc redi ted correspondent at theSan Francisco Conference. There I heardone after another of the prime ministers,foreign secretaries and chief diplomatsof the nations of the world declare solemnly tha t the UNITED NATIONS therebeing formed u/as the u.orld's last andONLY hope for world peace.

    But a little later we began to hearstatesmen, generals, admirals and newscorrespondents speak cautiously thephrase: "11' there is another world war."I attended the opening meeting of theSecurity Council in New York, and there

    I beheld high tension and belligerencyamong nations supposed to be joining ina common organization for PEACE. Soonworld statesmen, military l eaders andjournal is ts ceased using the cautious"IF" there is another war, and beganspeaking about "WHEN," and "HOW."Since that time I have interviewed, orsent our own foreign correspondents tointerview, top sraresmen in London,Washington, Paris and Berlin and Rome,and to interview people-just thePLAIN PEOPLE of all walks of life, inEnglanJ, France, Germany, Switzerland,I ta ly , Yugos lavia. and throughout theUnited States.NOWHERE do we find assurances ofworld PEACE, but only forebodings offriction, and of WAR! After MONTHSofconferences in KOREA looking toward acease-fire and an armis tice , we look backonly on session after session of WRANGLING, and there is no cease-fire and noarmistice. What do we behold in UNITED NATIONS meetings? Not harmonyand peace, bu t bitter WRANGLING,QUARRELING in the council chambers.

    TODAY we live in a tense , jittery, chaotic world DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF.Now this new ONE WORLD, dividedAGAINST itself, is engaged in an a tomicand HYDROGEN-bomb race for SURVIVAL-a race in which thi s wor ld CANNOTENDURE ANOTHER 25 YEARS unlesssomething now wholly UNFORESEENoccurs to STOP it, and bring this world,-PEACE!My friends. that something UNFORESEEN will occur! - b u t HOW? I haveoverwhelming GOOD NEWS for you and it is absolutely SURE and CERTAIN!

    Yet we must be pRACTICAL. We mustview the condition AS IT IS-realistically! We must FACE the ter ri fyingfacts that actually GRIP this world inthe ir clutch!

    What, then, lies ahead? How willevents shape up FROM HERE? How canthe world ESCAPE the certain destruction

    toward which it is now plunging?To bring you the rat ional and saneanswer, we must examine conditions as

    they ARE in the world not only, but wemust UNDERSTAND the real CAUSE of allwars, which NONE OF THE WORLD'STOP STATESMEN TODAY COMPREHENDS!And we must come to KNOW the PURPOSE being worked Out here below!But, let's be realistic!-THE WORLDLONG AGO REJECTED THATWAY, and wemight as well realize it i sn' t going toturn now, even in t he p re sent worldplight, to the Creator GOD, repent of itsown evil ways, and begin putting itsTRUST IN THE ALMIGHTY. Not THISevil world of supposed rationalism, science, --of vanity and greed, groping ina veritable BABYLON of differing religious creeds!It is always DARKEST JUSt before theDAWN; a nd horrible as the presentworld chaos is, we shall see still DARKER t imes-but THAT IS BECAUSE WEARE NOW VERY CLOSE TO THE DAWN!Yes, the longed-for dawn of WORLDPEACE, and of happiness and plenty forALL.IT'S COMING! I promise you, IT'SCOMING! But don' t suppose I am goingto tell you it will come as a resul t ofthi s world and its leaders suddenly CUIlling to GOD--suddenly surrendering toGOD, and crying out to HIM for de liver ance, suddenly putting its faith inHIM! No , my friends , - n o t thi s evilworld!

    Then can MEN solve the problem ofworld peace WITHOUT God? Can ourworld leaders show us the way? Theytried The League of Nations. The HagueConference, the Pact of Paris, the UnitedNations. Do they now have a NEW ideathat is BETTER? Do you suppose for onemoment it is POSSIBLE for the newPresident Eisenhower, or Prime MinisterChurchill, or the French or German orI ta li an or Spanish leaders to get rogcrherwith Marshal St al in in ;1 love-feast of

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    Page 4mutual TRUST and CO-OPERATION rharwill produce world PEACE? No , let's norbe soft headed enough to believe inthat. either.

    LET'S BE REALISTIC! Lets examinethe faers AS THEY ARE.This world is VERY SICK! It is adivided world, in a three-cornered struggle to determine whether COMMONISM.

    FASCISM, or DEMOCRACY shall dominatethe world. It is a WORLD AT WAR-inwhat we call COLD WAR, flavored witht hr ee sma ll er HOT wars in Korea, IndoChina and Malaya, which are nor sosmall after all. It is a world filled withHUNGER and WANT in many p la ces ; aworld filled with perplexity, empty lives,fears and worries, sickness, pain andSUFFERING. It's a SICK WORLD.

    There can be no CORE for a sicknessor disease until we find the CAUSE andremove that! My friends, there is aCAUSE for the world's ills! There is aCAUSE for the wars this world has suffered since t he dawn of history. Yet ourpolitical leaders, ou r statesmen, ou r menat the HEAD of world affairs, DO NOTUNDERSTAND THATCAUSE-and I'm going to tell you why!

    To come to CLEAR UNDERSTANDINGof the root CAUSE of world ills, we needto stand off, AWAY from this entireworld, as it were, in our minds-andview this world as a whole from irs beginning up to now. This will c lear ourperspective, and bring the true pictureinto focus . . . . Because, as WinstonChurchill said in the first speech evermade by a foreign diplomat to theAmerican Congress, "There is a PURPOSE being worked out he re he low! 'And a HIGHER POWER, above, is doingthe working oza! Let's quit deceivingourselves! Let 's face thi s original PURPOSE-let's face history as it has workedout-let 's FACE conditions as they aretoday, realistically! MEN HAVE fAILEDTO DO THAT! Our world leaders havenever done it! That's why they are unable to LEAD this world ou t of its misery,its wars, and unhappiness!

    Th e Eternal God created man andplaced him on this earth fOR A PURPOSE. But man has lost the knowledgeof the very PURPOSE of his existence!

    When The Eternal MOST HIGH RULER of the universe first placed man onthis planet earth, all was perfect harmony ,and beau ty . There was PEACE.There was PLENTY. There was BEAUTY.There was every need and facility forHAPPINESS.In order to make POSSIHII' for mana peaceful, happy, prosperous and joyfulexistence, the Eternal God designed thatall things operate according to fixed, inexorable LAWS. We have the laws ofgravi ty , and inert ia . We have the lawsof physics and of chemist ry . There are

    The GOOD NEWSphysica l laws that cause our humanbodies and minds to FUNCTION, and ifthese laws are no t viola ted, they KEEPUS WELL AND HEALTHY. And then, ofnecessity, there is the great, fundamental,invisible SPIRITUAL LAW which regulates man's relationship with his CREAYOR, and man's relationship with fellowMAN. Now the purpose of this inexorableSPIRITUAL law, like all of God's laws,is to make possible man's HAPPINESS-to bring man PEACE and JOY,-tomake l ife really worth living! Bu t ofcourse, when this spiritual law is broken,then varying kinds of unhappiness, fearand worry, str ife and war, come in varying degrees ASYHE PENALTY.

    That great over-all SPIRITUAL Law isjust simply LOVE! I t is LOVE in cominual action. It is love manifest and expressed! It is love, first to God the CREATOR, in reverence, adoration, gratitudeand OBEDIENCE-( because He is theSUPREME CREATOR-RULER who aloneKNOWS what is right for us and haspower to give it); and it is love, secondly, to FELLOW MAN, in peace, co-operation, service. I t is a way that travels thevery OPPOSnE DIRECTION from greed,vanity, hare, s tr ife, or war.

    This great SPIRITUAL LAW IS aPRINCIPLE-a WAY OF LIFE-it is anATTITUDE OF MIND AND HEART. It isthe correct way to think, and to LIVE.It is not merely moral principle-it isdivinely-set-in-motion SPIRITUAL LAW,and it operates automat ical ly and inexorably!It is the way Jesus epitomized whenHe said, "I t is more blessed to GIVEthan to receive." I t puts the emphasisupon GIVING more than getting.

    There are only TWO fundamentalWAYS OF LIFE. ONLY TWO. The otherway is the way of sel f- suf ficiency, rejection of God, human vanity, selfishnessand greed. It is the way of thinking onlyfor SELF-the way of trying to reachou t and TAKE happiness, even tho itmust be taken FROM one 's neighbor.Simply, it is the way of G E T T I N G ~ fTAKING. God's spiritual law is the wayof GIVING!

    Now the Creator made man a FREEMORAL AGENT-and for a purpOJe!-FREE TO UECIDE WHICH WAY OF LIFEHE WOULD FOLLOW! And ever sinceAdam in the Garden of Eden, IJtan,somehow, has believed that God iswrong, and that man is sufficient to himself, and he has followed the ways ofvanity and of GREED."Why, PRIDE," man reasons, " - thedesire co GET, to accumulate, to HAVE,is the impel ling motive that stimulatesEFFORT, produces incen tive for endeavor, spurs man on toward PROGRESS.COMPETITION, men bel ieve, is the veryLI FE of trade. commerce and business.

    February, 1953It spurs men on, leads to greater production, makes for PROGRESS!" THAT, myfriends, is the philosophy of thi s world.AND THAT VERY PHILOSOPHY OFLIFE PUT TO 6,000 YEARS OF PRACTISE, IS THE ONE ROOT CAUSE OF ALLWARS!

    That philosophy means that man hasREBELLED again st the rule of GOD! Godrules by His LAW OF LOVE. But God,for a PURPOSE, made man a free moralagent. MAN CHOSE TOREJECT THE RULEOF GOD, and to try to govern HIMSELFand his fellows. That teas man's greatMISTAKE!

    Take a quick g lance , now, how thatway developed. For almost the first 2,000years of human history we have a recordof only THREE MEN who were willing toOBEY God, and live under God's RULE-Abel , Enoch, and Noah. After theFlood, sent as a judgment, one wouldt hink the survivors should have learnedtheir lesson. Yet in only two generationsa man of ability and ingenuity rose upto defy God's government and to ORGANIZE society according to the selfish,competitive principle! This man wasNimrod, the grandson of Ham. He conceived the idea of REGIMENTATIONhuddling families together in CITIES,so he could regulate their lives, rulethem, organ ize them into specializedproduction and distribution systems, andmake mul tiple PROFITS off the sweatand toil of OTHERS. Nimrod built Babylon, Nineveh, and other cities. Read itin Genesis 10: 11-12.At first the world was organized onlyinto CITY -srates. You read of them inancient history. Each city had its ownking. But soon one king cast lus tf uleyes over a neighboring city or two, organized his men into an ARMED FIGHTING FORCE, invaded his neighboringcities and took them under HIS rule.And so NATIONS were born. As NATIONS organized armies of aggress ion,EMPIRES came int o being.

    ALL SOCIETY came to be organizedon this selfish, GETTING basis. God wasignored. Man exalted himself-and other MEN. THIS, my friends, iswhat we callCIVILIZATION!SO here we have HUMAN government,based on HUMAN nature, instead ofGOD'S government founded on GOD'SETERNAL LAWS. There have been variOlIS FORMS of human government. Butremember this: EVERY SINGLE GOVERNMENT IN THIS WORLD, OF WHATEVER FORM, is merely a different methodof adminis tering this same HUMAN JyJtern contrary to the GOVERNMENT OFGOD! And it is this SYSTEM-the organized expre ss ion of HUMAN NATUREwhich is the root CAUSE of all theworld's ills, and of all WARS! This system( Please continue on page 13 )

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    The New Covenant-Does it abolish God's Law?

    Thousands have asked if the New Covenant does away withGod's Commandments. Here's the TRUTH on this question.

    by Raymond C. Cole

    N EARLY everyone has been taughtthat the old covenant was theten commandment law-thatthe new covenant contains only graceand promises, but no law. Hence it isargued tha t since the old covenant hasbeen abol ished God's law has also beenabolished.This teaching would lead you to believe that the law of God was harsh,cruel, and enslaving-that the FAULT ofthe old covenant was with the law, andsince God gave the law, the FAULT musthave been His!Later, according to this common teaching, Jesus came with a new covenantwhich had no law, only promises andliberty to do what you please.Certainly there is something terriblywrong with this concept.Why the New Covenant?

    There is a vital need for the newcovenant. Why? Paul wrote: "For iftha t first covenant had been faultless,then should no place have been soughtfor the second. For finding fault ..."(Hebrews 8: 7,8). So the first covenanthad a fault, for "finding fault ..." withwhat, the law? NO!"Par finding fault with THEM, hesairh, Behold, the days come saith theLord, when I will make a new covenantwith the house of Israel and with thehouse of Judah."Then the fault wasn' t with the law,but "with them," THE PEOPLE, the children of Israel "because they continuednot in my covenant"-because they dis-obeyed (Heb. 8:9). If the fault werewith the law, then the law would nothave been perfect; bu t David said, "Thelaw of the Lord is perfect, convertingthe soul" (Psalm 19:7).It was to correct the fault with thepeople that God said He will make another covenant. Now let's find out whatthe old covenant really was so we Canknow HOW the new covenant will correctthat fault.

    What Is a "Covenant"?The real reason most churches don'tunderstand the truth about the covenants is that they don't even know what

    a "covenant" is! Webster defines a covenant as "a mutual agreement, a legal undertaking to do or to refrain from someact, a document containing the terms ofagreement."A covenant is an agreement betweenparties.The Eternal God proposed the oldcovenant with Israel in Exodus 19:5,6.

    Here were the par ties to the agreementor covenant. Not ice what it says: "I f ye(Israel) will obey my voice indeed, andkeep my covenant"-that was Israel'spart of the agreement, "then"-and thiswas the ETERNAL'S part of the agreement, the part he promised to dO-"yeshall be unto me a kingdom of priests,and an holy nation."Did the people accept this proposal?"And all the people answered together,and said, All tha t the Lord hath spokenwe wi ll do" (verse 8) .

    Th e Old Covenant a MarriageAgreement!Very few know it. but the old cove

    nant proposed by the Lord was a mar-riage agreement between Him and Israel! Israel was organized as both churchand state.Here is what Ezekiel wrote about thiscovenant, "I entered into a covenantwith thee, saith the Lord God, and thoubecamest mine" (Ezekiel 16: 8) .Again, in Jeremiah 31: 32 you read,"My covenant they brake, although I wasan husband unto them, saith the Lord."Do you see, now, tha t the covenantwas not just the ten commandments,

    but an agreement between the Lord andthe nation-the church of Israel? Theyaccepted the terms that He gave tothem. They bound themselves by thisfirst covenant to refrain from any adulterous or whorish relations with the"gods" of other nations (Exodus 34: 12'-17). In turn, the Lord promised to remain faithful to Israel, and provide forthem and bless them even to a thousandgenerations (Deur , 7:9) .But what were the conditions of theold covenant to which Israel agreed?

    The Terms of the Old CovenantThere is a great deal of needless rnis-

    understanding about that which constituted the first covenant with Israel. InExodus, the 19th chapter, God made arrangements to declare the conditions ofHis covenant to the people. Then in the20th chapter God spoke every word ofthe ten commandments. The ten commandments are a perfect and completelaw in themselves. When the EternalGod finished speaking them "HE ADDEDNO MORE. AND HE WROTE THEM INTWO TABLES OF STONE" (Deur, 5:22).The ten rommandmenr were a dis-t inct part of the terms of the old covenant to which Israel agreed. They werethe TABLES OF THE COVENANT (Deut.9:9,11).Now notice Exodus, the 24th chapter.In verse 7 Moses "took the BOOK OF

    THE COVENANT, and read in the audience of the people: and they said, Allthat the Lord hath said will we do, andbe obedient."So beside the tables of the covenant,containing the ten basic spiritual laws(Rom. 7: 14), there was a book of thecovenant containing the civil laws ofthe covenant between Israel and theLord.From the 21st to the 23rd chaptersinclusive, the Eternal revealed these specific civil laws, which Moses wrote in abook (Exodus 24:3,4), were based onthe pr inciples of the ten great and broadspiritual preceprs-s-the ten commandments.After God spoke the ten commandments to the people, after Moses received the civil laws from God and delivered them to Israel, you will find thatthe first covenant was sealed with blood-it became binding (Exodus 24:8 andHebrews 9: 18-20).Since Israel had accepted the EternalGod as her husband, she was to be obedient to Him JUSt as the wife is to beobedient to her husband. The Lordwas head of the nat ion Israel. Israel wasto keep herself unspotted from the evilof the world by being faithful to thelaws or terms of the agreement whichwo.uld make their relationship a perfectunion.When God spoke the old covenant

    to Israel at the t ime they were brought

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    NUMBER 2

    Page 6

    The national magazine ofAMBASSADOR COLLEGE

    ministering to The Church of Godscattered abroad, andreporting on ,-ampus happeningsVOL. III------------

    Herbert W. ArmstrongPublisher and Editor

    Herman L. Hoeh, Executive EditorRod Meredith, Norman Smith,Raymond Cole, Marion McNair,Raymond McNair, Wayne Cole

    Associate EditorsCalvin Allen, Campus Editor

    Kenneth Herrmann, Science EditorDick Armstrong, Picture Editor

    Sent free on personal request, as theLord provides. Address cornrnunica(iuu, to rhe Editor, Box Il l, Pasadena,California.Copyright, February, 1955By Ambassador College

    Out of Egypt, He did not command them"concerning burnt offer ings and sacriIu.es: But this thing commanded 1 themsaying, Obey my voice, and I will beyour God, and ye shall be my people"(Jeremiah 7:22,23).The ceremonial and r itualist ic lawswere added later because of transgressions and as a reminder of sin-afterthe old covenant was sealed. They werenor a part of the covenant because theycame after the marriage agreement wascompleted. The spiritual laws of the oldcovenant DEFINE sin, the civil lawsamplify them and prescribe punishments for disobedience.Remember tha t the spiritual and civillaws were not ins ti tu ted by the oldcovenant. They were already in existenceand had to be included in the covenant.

    (See Genesis 26:5 a ~ Exodus 16:28and 18: 16).Old Covenant Had Only MATERIALPromisesSince the ETERNAL was as a husbandto Israel, He agreed to provide for Hisholy nation. Carefully notice that IN NO

    PLACE IS THE BLESSING OF ETERNALLIFE PROMISED, NOR IS ANY OTHERSPIRITUAL PROMISE GIVEN. Every promise given to them was material-they were to be f ru it fu l and multiplygreatly, their cattle and all livestock were.

    The GOOD NEWSto be very product ive, their land wouldgive abundant produce, they would become the greatest nation on earth IFTHEY WOULD OBEY AS A WIFE OUGHTTO. God promised to walk among themand be their God. He did not promiseto dwell in them through the HolySpirit.Bur if they disobeyed and did not remain fa ithful they were to be cursed bypunishments in this world only. Hunger, sickness, famine, sorrow and warwould overtake them JUSt as materialtroubles ensnare any wife who ' is disobedient to her marriage vows and seekspromiscuous relations with others thanher husband (Lev. 26 and Deut, 28).

    IsraelWas DivorcedNow read Jeremiah 11: 10. Did Israelremain faithful to the covenant?"They went after other gods to servethem: the house of Israel and the house

    of Judah have broken my covenantwhich I made with their fathers."Israel and Judah did not remain faithful, the marriage agreement-the oldcovenant-was broken. Listen to whatthe Lord says in Jeremiah 3:8: "And Isaw, when for all the causes wherebybacksliding Israel committed adultery Ihad pu t her away, and given her a billof divorce; yet her treacherous sisterJudah feared not, bu t went and p l a y ~ uthe har lot also."The relat ionship became so bad thatthe Eternal was finally forced into divorcing His own people. He first sentIsrael into captivity by the Assyriansand later Judah by the Babylonians

    (Ezek, 23).Now that we have seen what happened to the first covenant, let's observe the fault with it.What Was the Fau ltWith the

    Old Covenant?Paul said the fault with the old cove

    nant was not in the laws, bu t in the people with whom it was made. Why?Because it was not possible for themto remain fa ithful to the righteous conditions God had prescribed in His covenant. "0 that there were such an heartin them, that they would fear me, andkeep all my commandments always, thatit might be well with them" (Deut. 5:29) .Here was the weakness of the oldcovenant. The people did not have thestrength of character to be faithful totheir vow. -The law was "weak throughthe flesh" (Romans 8: 3) . The righteousness under the first covenant was to beaccomplished only through human obedience, fleshly effort, because there was nospiritual promise of receiving the HolySpirit.Israel was unable to serve the Lord

    February, 1953because they did not have a God-fearingnature wirhin them. This condition willbe changed in the new covenant.How the FaultWill Be CorrectedRemember that the first covenant hadthe spiritual laws written on two tablesof stone and the civil laws in a book.Obedience had to come from carnal flesh

    alone. Now notice what will happen inthe new covenant.It won't be according to the _agreernenr made with ancient IsraeL Observethe differences: "For this is the covenanttha t I will make with the house of Israelafter those days, saith the Lord; I willput my LAWS into their mind, and writethem in their hearts" (Heb. 8: 10; Jer.31:33).So there will be laws, GOD'S LAWS,the same laws which s tand fast foreverand ever ( Psalm III :7,3); but thistime they will be written in the heartsand minds of the people. They will be"written not with ink, but with the Spiritof the living God; not in tables ofstone, but in the fleshy tables of theheart" (II Cor. 3: 3 ) .Then the new covenant will be madeonly with those who have God's lawindelibly written in their thoughts andactions.And what is the power that writes

    God's laws in our hearts and minds?"The Spiri t of the l iv ing God."The love of God which fulfills thelaw is "shed abroad by the Holy Spiritwhich is given unto us" (Romans 5: 5).

    The Holy Spirit is one of the better promises of the new covenant (Heb. 8: 6) .Also not ice that the new covenantwill be made with ISRAEL-the houseof Israel and the house of Judah. Thenew covenant will not be made withthose who remain Gentiles as most people falsely assume. The covenants andthe promises per ta in to Israel (Rom.9:4) .Since the new covenant will be made

    with Israel, what abou t the Gentil es?Are they totally left out? Or has Godprov ided some way by which they mayreceive that same blessings which arepromised to Israel?

    How Gentiles Can EnterIn Ephesians, the second chapter, Paulwrote to those who were "in time pastGentiles in the flesh . . . that at that

    time ye were without Christ." Why?"Being aliens from the commonweal thof Israel, and strangers from the coveuauts of promise, having no hope , andwithout God in the world."How then can Gentiles come into thesame promises that were granted Israel?The next verse tells us, "Bur now inChrist Jesus ye who sometimes were far(Please continue on page 14)

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    InShould YourChild Participate

    School Activities?Thousands of readers baue written us for advice in meetingthe serious problems which children face in public schools.Should children join clubs, take part in Christmas an d Easterplays, participate in sports after school hours?

    by Ro d Meredith

    i\MIGHTY God, ou r Creator , wantsour children to live happy, joyouslives! Chris t came that we allmight live more abundantly-have livesfull of interesting and worthwhile activities (John 10:10),In order to provide a way for ourhappiness, God gave us His law-Hisway of l ife-to guide us in the pathsthat lead to that happiness. The early,Spirit-filled church understood that trueChristianity is a definite way of l ife , InActs 9:2 and 19:9,23, it is r efe rr ed to as"this WAY" and "that WAY,"The present organized society doesn'tfollow that way!"Strait is the gate, and narrow is th eway, which leadeth unto life, and FEWthere be that find it" (Matt. 7: 14) .

    This world has separated itself from Godand is going a far different way thanthat of the early true church. In Galatians 1: 4 it is called "this present evilworld."

    No FellowshipWith This WorldThe apostle James tells us, "whosoeverthe re for e will be a f ri end of the world isthe enemy of God" ( James 4:4). Paulwas inspired to write, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers:for what f el lowship hath righteousness

    with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" (I ICor. 6: 14).Unrighteousness , or sin, is definedas breaking God's law ( l John 3:4).Christians cannot have rel ig ious and social fellow.rhip with the people of thisworld who refuse to acknowledge God'slaw-much less obey it. Of course, wecan do business with the world, so longas we don't begin fellowshipping theworld or practicing its wa y (I Cor.5:9-I I) .We are no t to be part and parcel withthis world-"this present evil world."

    What About Our Children?As God wants us all to lead happy ,

    abundant lives, your child should not bedeprived of doing whatever in th e en d

    will result in a happier, more worthwhile life.There are m a ny t h in gs which we, and

    our chi ldr en, can do in the world-andyet not have fellowship with the world.We need to know where to draw theline!In Christ's prayer for His disciples,He said, "I p ray no t that thou shouldesttake them out of the world, bu t thatthou shouldest keep them from the evil"(John 17: 15). Later, He told them, "Goye into all the world, and preach thegospel to every creature" (Mark 16: 15) .They were to go into the world, butwere not to be of i t -not to partake ofits evil.We Need to Understand This WorldAs Chri st' s disciples today, we must

    present the gospel - the message ofGod's kingdom-to the world in a powerful and convincing manner. In orderto understand. the worldly people wewill be dea ling with, we need to observetheir way of life and learn their basicattitudes. We need to know what theyare thinking and doing.This doesn't mean that we are to[ellouisbip them-join their churches,lodges, clubs, parties, or become inti

    mate with them in any other way. Butto understand this world, we can notshut ourselves off in some dark cornerand have no contact with the outsideworld.

    Teach Children God's WayWe need to ask God daily to he lp usassociate with the unconverted in afriendly, loving manner bu t never to[elloiosbip-s-u: associate approvingly

    with them in their worldly activities.Children need special training, andGod's guidance, to help them meet theseproblems, especially in their school life.

    Your little children should gradually betaught and trained to live God's way.God inspired Solomon to write, "Trainup a child in th e wa y he should go; and

    when he is old, he will not depart fromit" (Proverbs 22: 6) .

    If God's way is the best way-thehappieJt way-why shouldn't we wantto teach our children that way?We had better no t be ashamed of theprecious truth of God, bu t learn to teachit to our children. Too many parents

    don't know how to teach their childrenat home.The Problem of School ActivitiesWhen your chi ld understands God 'sway of life, he will encounter manyschool act iv it ies which are con trary tothat way. He will also find some activities which are nece.r.rary to develop abilities and perJonali ty in t he r ight direc

    t i o n - w i t h o u t b re ak in g G nd 's law.For instance, the ability to producebeautiful music certainly glorif ies Godi f it is exercised properly. In most cases,your child need not felluwship the worldin order to t ake mus ic lessons, play in aband or orchestra or sing in the schoolchorus. In these activities, the idea isno t social or religious fellowship, bu t toproduce co-operatively good music andto cul ti va te each ind ividua l's talents.Such activities will give your childthe contact with others he needs. Theywill teach him to work in harmony andto co-operate-in a worthwhile activity-wi th his fellow human beings. Thiswill help develop his personality, hisconfidence, and will enable him to better under.rtand and deal with thosearound him. Lack of any such activity orcon tact will a lmost inevi tably resul t in anarrow. .rtunted personali ty develop ment.The main problem these activit iespr esent is the fact that they are oftenheld on God's Sabbath and are somet imes d irec tly connected With the celebration of this world's pagan holidays.The parent and child will have to workthis out with teachers according to thecircumstances in each particular case.However, we need to know ho w farGod would wish us to go.In Jeremiah 10;2-3, God says, "Learnno t the way of the heathen, .. . for the(Please continue on p a g e ] 6)

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    Here we show you additional scenes of the troubled cen-ter of world disturbance-the location of PROPHECY FUL-FILLMENT-powder-keg FUROPE.

    Here is the center of gravity of the "cold war," andthreat of world war. Here are the lands where MILLIONS ofperplexed, bewildered people are now tuning in to hear the

    "The World TOlllor

    The gutted temcins of the Kaiser's Kirche on Kurfurstendommin Ber lin. This part of th e city WQS very heavily damagedduring th e war-something t he Ger rnnn .. h av e - n ev e- r forgivenus for

    A building in th e ol d civic center of Berlin. The entire areawas once beautifully landscaped. The frees were cu t down bv11\1:: Oermuns an d used for t ue l du ri ng th e winter of '46. '47.

    The modern au tobahns that Hitler buil t fo r Germany-the besthighways in Europe. This view is between Frankfurt an dMannheim.

    The remains of t he Reichstag Building. This wa s once one ofthe mos t b eau ti fu l bui ld ings in Berlin, surrounded by becutitul gardens.

    Two views of th e city of Luxembourg in the Grand Duchy of luxembourg where t

    New construction of t he Farben Fabr iken-Bayer Co. in Frankfurt. This wa s the largechemical cartel t ha t made muni tions for the German army.

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    'world's ONLY message of HOPE from the voices of Mr.Armstrong, and of Dick Armstrong and Herman Hoeh. RadioLuxembourg is heard plainly in these lands and many othersas far east as Russia. These pictures were taken by Dick Arm-strong and H er ma n H oe h on their recent tour of Weste rn ,Central and Southern Europe.

    A street corner in Belgrade. At the right is the Putnik officethe official government tourist bureau. The letters are of theCyrillic alphabet, which is used in Yugoslavia.

    One of Bel grade' s skyscrapers. There is a la rg e red star ontop of the building which l ights up at night.


    radio station is located that now broadcasts the "World Tomorrow" to all of Europe. A street scene in Belgrade. Note the woman sleeping on thsidewalk by her horse and wogon.

    An American destroyer tied up at Tri es te . The U.S. Army maintains a garrisonhere. Note the bundle the woman is carrying on her head. One of the main avenues of Belgrade, Yugoslav ia. No te tlack of traffic. Everyone walks or rides busses.

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    The TABERNACLE at Gladewater, TexasH ERE's the first view of the architect's sketch of the proposedTabernacle co be erected immediately on the recently purchasedbeautiful wooded site near Gladewater,Texas.Last spring, although only a small portion of our great co-worker family hadheard about it, we were surpr ised co see123 come to Gladewater for the solemnmemorial of Christ's death for our sins- the Passover.A beautiful ly wooded, private and secluded trac t of some 45 acres, on High-way 80 about 7 miles west of Gladewater, has been par tly donated and thebalance purchased and cleared. A private roadway has been graded, leadingfrom Highway 80, back into this totallysecluded and private tract. The roadwaynow awaits surfacing. The grounds aresloping and beautifully contoured. Abeautiful lake is to be created, overlooked by the tabernacle pictured above.

    The tabernac le will be erected a top abeautifu l knoll. It will serve th ree pur poses. The rear portion, co the right inthe sketch, covered by the arched roof,will be the tabernacle for the annualfestivals. As first bui lt , this tabernaclepor tion will seat 440 people. It is designed so that it can be widened later,a wing at a time, each to seat 196 addit ional persons, or a total of 392 additional. There will be room for a choir orchorale of 30 on the rostrum.

    Ent rance is from a porch-way or portico in the center, behind which is thepermanent school and church, and tothe rear of that, the kitchen and restrooms. It is so designed tha t the churchand school room (for year-round use)can be opened up to become part of thelarger auditorium, adding 150 seats. Thisgives a final grand total of more than1,000 seats, when finally completed.

    The front portion, shown at forefront, Ide, to be added later, is a largeView and Lounge room, with a hugefireplace. It will also serve as a supple-


    Passover, after sunset, Sunday,March29th.Days of Unleavened Bread, beginningsunset, Monday, March 30th, ending sunset, Monday April 6th.Tuesday,March 31st and Monday,April 6th, are annual Sabbaths.Pentecost, Monday, May 25th, beginning previous sunset.Festival of Trumpets, Thursday, September 10th.Dayof Atonement, fast day, Saturday,September 19th.Festivalof Tahernacles, begins sunset,Wednesday, September 23rd, endssunset, Thursday, October 15(,

    melilary school room and dining room.It is enclosed by solid glass picturewindows on two sides, over looking thebeautiful lake below and the scenicbeauty of the proper ty .It is planned to construct the largetabernacle, to the r ight above, first, andto have it ready in t ime for the Passoverthis Spring, altho at the present timefunds are not coming in for this Building Fund rapidly enough co get it completed even by a year from this Passover. It is going co require a great manymore contr ibut ions , and some of fairlylarge amounts, One l istener in Florida,engaged in the plumbing business, hasoffered to donate all the plumbing fixtures, and this will prove a tremendoushelp, for which all co-workers win begrateful.Ordinarily good common constructiontoday costs at least $12 per square foot.While this Tabernacle will be very attractive, yet because this part of thebuilding will be used only in midspring or mid-fall, during mild weather,it is being lightly construc ted at a COStof around $5 per square foot. We areeconomizing every way possible, withoutsacrificing needed quality. Every coworker is urged to realize the seriousness of this need, the SHORT time remaining, and to make sacrifices andsend in the largest sums possible forthis bui ld ing fund immediately , by return air-mail. IT MUST NOT FAIL!

  • 7/28/2019 Good News 1953 (Vol III No 02) Feb_w


    Did Jesus Teach againstthe Sabbath?Jesus came from beauen bearing a start ling message from Go d to man i--tbe gospelof the kingdom of G o d - a n d to train disciples wh o were to found the N ew Testament church w h ic h w o ul d carry the same gospel world-wide.What were the practices

    of Jesus? What di d He teach His disciples?by Herman L. Hoeh

    Part IVI T IS shocking but true-the teaching s of Jesus and the inspired earlyNew Testament church are nor being preached by most churches today.The hundreds of denominations whichresulted from the Protestant Reformation have NEVER regained th e true fai thwhich was corrupted for centuries by thegreat aposracy that occurred immediately after th e death of the apostles.The apostacy was working secretly inPaul's day (I I Thess. 2: 7). Later Judewrote with great anxiety that the breth

    leu should contend earnestly for thet rue fa ith which was delivered by Jesusand the apostles, because there were certain men ALREADY CREPT IN who wereperverting the true gospel (Jude 3,4).It's time we examined the teachingsof Jesus, the apostles and the earlychurch. Was Sunday the day for religiousworship? Were Christmas and Easter thefestivals of the original church?

    Jesus Rejected JudaismOver nine teen centur ies ago, JesusChrist came from th e t hrone of God

    bearing a message, the gospel of thekingdom of God (Mark I: 15), amongJews who were steeped in Judaismth e tr ad iti on s of the elders. In almostevery act, and in almost every srarement,he was in conflict with their man-madeteachings.You have probably heard the CUStom-ary assumption that the traditions. whichwere so fashionable among the Jews.were the teachings of Go d contained in

    the Old Testament.This common assumption is false!Jesus himself said: "Why do ye alsotransgress th e c om ma nd me nt o f G od byyour tradition. . . teaching for doctrinesthe commandments of men" (Matthew15:3-9; Mark 7:6-13). Judaism is nott he pu re Old Testament religion. It is asystem of man-made additionr and fables tha t, as Jesus said, make the law ofGod of no effect. He never followedthese foolish cus toms tha t the Jews developed.Sure the Jews in Christ's day claimed

    to follow Moses. But did they really believe Moses? "But if ye believe no t hiswritings, how shall ye believe mywords?" said Jesus in John 5:47.Jesus often turned to the writings ofMoses to prove that He was the prophesied messenger of th e N ew Covenant(Hebrews 8: 6; 12: 24). In connectionwith preaching the New Testament message, Jesus came to set His church anexample of the way of life which theyshould follow ( I John 2:6) . Since Jesusrejected Judaism and set an examp le forthe New Testament church, let's seewhich days he observed and what hecommanded his disciples to teach th echurch.Why Jesus Observed God's SabbathLuke tells us that from a child Jesusobserved the passover and feast of un-leavened bread with his family (Luke

    2:41,42). It was also th e custom ofJesus as a youth to a ttend services on thesabbath. When starting his ministry, "hecame to Nazareth, where he had beenbrought up: and as h is c us to m u/as, hewent into the synagogue on the sabbathday, and srood up for to read" (Luke4: 16).So we would not be in doubt aboutJesus' teaching for the church, the gospelwriters devote entire chapters to sabbathcontroversies which Jesus had with theJews. Notice in Mark 2:23-28 the replyof Jesus when the Pharisees accused hisdisciples of breaking man-made regulat ions for the sabbath. Here u/as th e perfect opportunity for JeSUJ to tell bisdisciples exactly what they Jhould doabout th e sabbath. What did He tellthem?'The sabbath was made for man, andnot man for the sabbath."

    Here Jesus rejec ted the lega list ic restraints imposed by Judaism, but he upheld the original purpose of the sabbath-it was made to serve man's ureliare.By what authority could Jesus givethis explanation? By the fact that Hewas "Lord also of the sabba th." He originally instituted the sabba th at c reat ion

    (Gen. 2:2-3). Paul said God created

    everything by Jesus Chr is t (Col. 1: 16).Becuase [esus CREATED THE SABBATH,he taught th e disciples, th e future leaders,in the church, exactly ho w he, as theLord of th e sabbatb, intended that dtqto be used. .Notice how different this is from mustchurch teachings today.Now let's t urn to ano the r account inthe gospels. Luke 6: 6-12 describes himexplaining to the Pharisees tha t it is

    lawful to do good on th e sabbath. Although continuously discrediting the traditions of the Pharisees, Jesus never oncein all his min is try told the disciples tha tthen or later the sabba th would becomea day of secular work.According co the Encyclopaedia Bi blta, page 4173, "Jesus revered the sabbath ... " This is the conclusion of thescholars and critics who have studied thelife uf Jesus.Once the Jews accused Jesus of breaking the sabbath (John 9:16). This

    charge, of course, meant only tha t he wasviolating their human rules for tha t day.Jesus never once broke the Sabbath. Hetaught his disciples HOW TO KEEP THESABBATH.Jesus Observed Annual Festivals, Too!We previously noted tha t before hisministry, Jesus kept the annual springfestivals which God had given to Israel.

    He cominued this same practice according to the gospel record, for we oftenfind Jesus coming especially to Jerusalem for the annual God-given festivals(John 2:13,23).Now bear this in mind. Jesus nc uert augh t his disciples tha t his observanceof the fest ivals should nor be followedby the church. This silence of Jesus isvital because Jesus always spoke upl:d)against every evil of Judaism. His practice among a people keeping these festivals can mean 110thing Ie ...... tban !"I Iapproual of their obsert/ance.The apostle John devoted an ent ir e

    chapter to the presence of Jesus ar thefeast of raberuac les in [he last autumnof his min is try (John 7).(Please continue un p"f!.e !J J

  • 7/28/2019 Good News 1953 (Vol III No 02) Feb_w


    ON CAMPUSFOLLOWING are articles written by students on student actiurttes to git1e yo u the story of our jam-packed lives on the campus. W e hope yo u won't

    mind if u-e occasionally poke a little fun at ourselves-striving human beings are alwaysfunny-lind no matter ho w serious minded, our frailties wink. Th e Campus EditorStudellts Witlless IJagall

    TernpIc Serviceby George Meeker, Jr.

    How strJnge it is to enter a place ofworship-c-a heathen t e m p l e ~ t o see hidcous images of dragons and elephants.ind to watch people bow in prayer toidols of human be ings wl rom they havedeified'This was the unusual exper ience that

    Herman Hoeh, Calvin Allen and I hadwhile VIsiting a Buddhist Temple in theJapanese distr ict of Los Angeles.Before enter ing the oriental-lookingtemple , we had the feel ing that we were

    being secretly watched; bu t this W,lSsoon changed because the Japanese worshippers were very courteous and cordial( 0 us. One woman talked to US for sometime explaining the b ir th and development of the Buddhist religion and thesignificance and purpose of the elaborategolden altar, which, we were told, wasImported from Japan.Buddhism, like Christianity, so-called,and other non-Christ ian religions, isbroken up into lI1any sects of d if feremschools of thought; bu t Buddhists aremore tolerant of one another's viewpoint than ate most Prore-sr.mrs an,1Catholics.

    We noticed that the Buddhists in thiscount ry have been exposed to westerncustoms, and the American way of lifehas affected the ir temple services. TheBuddhists do not have any special dayfor worship; however, they hold theirreligious services on Sunday because Itis the most convenient day, being theworkers' day off. Even in Japan Sundayhas come to be the working man's dayoff. Their special holydays the birrl ;day of the Buddha. who founded Buddhism, the birrhday of the founder ofrheir pa rricul.rr school of philosophy andNew Year's day. Chr is tmas gif ts are exchanged by them but only becauseChr isrm.is Day falls so dose ro NewYears.

    The Buddhist service is sirnilar to onein a Protestant church, consisting mainly of an ordina ry sermon in Japanese orEnglIsh and the singing of songs. Butthe altar of this particular temple issimilar to those found in Catholicchurches. I r consisrs of three altars, twosmall ones dedicated to Buddha, rhe founder of thereligion. The smaller one which we sawon the right is dedica ted to the founderof this par ticu lar school of thought andthe one to the left is dedicated to therejuvenator of Buddhism in Japan, wherethe headquarters for Buddhism found inthe United States is located. The leaderof thi s Japanese Buddhist sect or churchis called the Lord Abbot. Further downin the ranks there are offices headed byBishops and finally down to the laypriests who have the t it le of Reverend.

    While talking to the priest we observed that he was wearing a stolearound his neck and was holding a rosary in his hand. The priest told us therosary, stole and incense burning havebeen carried down by traditi on sincecenturies before the b ir th of Jesus, It isinteresting here to compare pagan practices of worship with the Ca tholicChurch procedure of today.Five hundred years before Christ,Buddha, whu Ii ved ill India, recognizedthe world was filled with ills, worryingand suffering. By human effort he resolved to find the cause of suf fering andthe way to escape it. His conclusions became the philosophy of Buddhism.

    If it had been possible for man tofind the answer to the cause of sufferingand troubles then God would had nopurpose in revealing to us His knowledge, His way of life and the means toovercome pi t falls in this world.Buddha, however, with his own human reasoning gave to the world a supposed way of escape from troubles. Theanswer was a state of nothingness, annihilation or a condition where matterand the senses ceases to exist.Man can never reason above the mindin him and thus cannot reason out spiritual laws when he is only physical. Wemust confess that we need a revelationfrom ( ~ o d explaining how his laws operate to bring sorrow, unhappiness andillness on us when we break them andthe blessings when we obey them.

    Poise to Pleaseby 10 A n n Felt

    Do you realize the importance of agood posture, poise, and a t rue smile onyom Iips ( 2nd in yOtH eyes ) God doesnot intend His people to have theirbodies humped over or stooped, the cor-

    ners of their lips drawn tightly down,neither does He want His people to beloud, boisterous, or extremely forward.Because members of the AmbassadorCollege faculty realized the importanceof having the poise of the heart show inthe poise of the body, this year a newclass was introduced for the women students- P oise Class, Mrs. Gene Michel,who was formerly Betty Bates and thefirst woman graduate of Ambassador,has had special training fitting her to bethe teacher of this course.

    The first few classes were devoted tothe importance of correct posture, ease,grace, and poise in standing, sitting,walking. Several exercises were presented to help the women students improveor overcome any posture difficulties theymight have.You might ask, "What values are acquired through good posture?" Following are several : (I) It makes you appear capable and confident, (2 ) It helpsyou to inspire others, (3 ) It makes youstay younger, (4 ) It helps distributeyour weight to make your body propor-tioned the way God intended, (5 ) Ithelps to build good health.To be able to ascend and descendstairs gracefully withour awkwardly bobbing up and down is t ru ly a ski ll ful art,but we find it easy the "Miche l way." Ifit is done properly, it looks almost ast hough one were floating up or downthe stairs-e-sc smooth would the tripbe' Almost anyone can learn the pr inci ple of the skill. Use the same musclesyou use when you correctly place yourself in or raise yourself from a c h a i r ~the leg muscles, only. For best resultskeep the knees slightly bent , and withthe le8 muscles slowly take yourself torhe next step.

    We also learned care of the feet andhands. Your feet often determine howyou feel. That is why adequate exercisesshould be taken and correctly fittedshoes should be bought. Your handsoften show what kind of pe rson you are

    ~ n e r v o u s , fidgety, ill at ease, careless orrelaxed, poised, at ease and clean. Itcan effectively be said, "Watch yourstep and your hands."The women were also given trainingin color harmony, materials, and choosing the proper clothes for each individual. Everyone needs to know something about the art of dressing. To putinto pract ice what has been learned

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    February, 1953about clothes, several of the students aremaking dresses, suits, or skirts.Fo r dry skin or wrinkles on the face,elbows, hands, or legs, we learned that

    one of the best preparations to helpovercome dryness is the natural productof sheep, lanolin, which COSts only a little over a dollar for a pound th at willlast for years. For rhose who have oilyskin or externally caused blemishes another product, arrow root, was presentedto the class.Lanolin can also be successfully usedon th e hair bu t the best thing that you

    can give your hair is a great deal of theproper kind of brushing. It is desirablenot to wash your hair toO frequently.For th e naturally dry, or oily scal p therearc supplementa ry points tha t can imp rove and enhance t he beaut y of woman's hair -her crowning glory.

    HOW Prevent Annihilation?(Continued f rom page 4)is a WAY OF LIFE-the way CONTRARY

    to the SPIRITUAL LAWS OF GOD. In rel igious language, it's the way of SIN, because the Bible defines SIN as theTRANSGRESSION OF G OD 'S L AW ( l John3:4), and as a SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLE,you'll read in Romans 7: 14, that law is aSPIRITUAL LAW!

    EVERY PHASE of ou r present civilization--our pol it ical organizations, ournational governments, the economic systems, the social customs, - even religiousorganizations-is DIAMETRICALLY CONTRARY TO G OD 'S LAW S! Yet today menorganize STILL MORE to PREVENT war,with the VERY SYSTEM WHICH IS THECAUSE OF WARS!This system has grown constantly

    more and more complex, espec ia lly inthese latter years of this modern MACHINE AGE of t he wes te rn world. INA WORD, the cause of WARS is HUMANGOVERNMENT based on HUMAN NATURE, instead of the GOVERNMENT OFGOD, based on divine SPIRITUAL LAW!Well, what, then, is the solution?The great scientists tell us WORLD

    GOVERNMENT is the world 's only hope.Yet we see that human men on earthare UTTERLY INCAPABLEof setting up awor ld governmen t tha t will WORK andbring us peace!If the whole world-i ts leaders andits whole people-would CRY OUT TOALMIGHTY GOD to save us, and wouldYIELD to His rule, THAT would bring uspeace; -BUT THAT MEN STILL REFUSETO DO!How, then, can peace come while manis UNABLE to bring about the ONE pos

    sible solution, and UNWILLING to crvOut for the other? HOW WILL [1-COME?Now HOW WILL world peace actually

    The GOOD NEWScome-IN OUR TIME-during this verypresent generation? Yes, WORLD GOV-ERNMENT is the only solution-but notHUMAN government based on the vanityand greed and the shortcomings andevils of HUMAN NATURE.There is NO MAN ON EARTH GOODAND PERFECT ENOUGH TO BE WORLD

    RULER. There was such a man, bu t thatwas 1900 years ago! That man, JesusChrist, admitted He was born to be aKING-a WORLD RULER-but, he said,HIS KINGDOM WAS NOT OF THISWORLD. He ta ught H is disciples aboutthe KINGDOM OF GOD--that is, theworld-ruling GOVERNMENT of GOD!Bu t then He permi tted Himse lf to becrucified. He DIED, and was buried! Hewas resurrected after three days, - bu rHe LEFT this earth and went far off toHEAVEN where He has been ever since.But He has said, "I f I go, I WILLCOMEAGAIN."And the Scriptures tel l us

    the HEAVENS have received Him UNtIL-yes , only UNTIL the Times of RESTI-TUTION of all things-yes, UNTIL therestoring of PEACE on ear th , and GOODWILL among men!What, now, of the PURPOSE being

    worked ou t here below? My friends, itis working EXACTLY ON SCHEDULE!God set apart a period of 6,000 years toallow a rebellious human family coWRITE THE LESSON in human poverty,hunger, anguish, heartache and suffering,that MAN'S WAYS BASED ON MAN'S REA-SONING CONTRARY TO GOD'S ESTAB-LISHED LAWS can only bring upon manthe very WRETCHEDNESS and CHAOSthat grips this unhappy world TONIGHT!THAT TERRIBLE LESSON HAS BEeNWRITTEN IN HUMAN ANGUISH ANDBLOOD! YES, WRITTEN-but NOTLEARNED! Left to ourselves we humanswould go on and on, s tubbornly rebell ingagainst God's loving laws until in a fewyears we would ANNIHILATE HUMANUFE FROM OFF THE FACE OF THEEARTH.But, ALMIGHTY GOD WILL NOT PERMIT IT TO GO THAT FAR! He has ser aTIME-LIMIT-6,OOO years! That rime is

    about UP. It ENDS during this lat ter halfof the 20th Century, -in OUR time' Yes,we live in MOMENTOUSdays!God will SEND Jesus Chris t- the verySAME Jesus Chr is t who taugh t t he KINGDOM OF GOD more than 1900 years ago - this time in ALL THE POWER ANnGLORY OF THE A LM IG HTY R UL IN GGOD! He will come in SUPREME DIV[NEAUTHORITY, as the KING of kings,and the LORD of lo rds , -RULER OVERALL THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH!NO one else could save t hi s wor ld ,pu t an end to wars, and bring us WORLDPEACE! 1 want you to see the reasonWHY! LISTEN! All the se wars-all thisworld chaos-all this human suffering

    Page I '

    and heart -ache and dearh-is merelythe PENALTY we are paying for our ownWRONG WAY OF LIFE-the penalty ofSIN! And chis awful mounra in of humansuffering can be r emoved from thisworld ONLY by the very ONE who isable to have PAID THE PENALTY WHICHTHE WORLD [5 NOW PAYING, in oursread! WAR is the PENALTY of rhis sin.War can be stopped ONLY by the One- t h e SUPREME ONE-who has Himselfalready PAID that penalty for the WHOLEWORLD-by His life made human andmortal for the PURPOSE of death-yes,by Him who was CREATOR of us all, andthen changed into mortal HUMAN formbecame SAVIOUR of us all! ONLY JesusChrisr can forgive and t ake away SINand WAR IS THE PENALTY of sin.THAT'S why our pol it icians and statesmen DO NOT KNOW the cause of wars-NOR THE WAY TO END THEM! Butthank GOD! - t he ETERNAL CREATORknows, and ir is in HIS purpose soonnow to DELIVER this world fr om warsand from ALL sin which brings aboutALL human suffering, and usher in, atlast, IN SPITE of rebel lious man, WORLDPEACE! NOW you see why Jesus Christ ist he PRINCE of Peace: WHAT GOOLINEWS! Th e KINGDOM OF GOD is verynear ro YOU, my friends!What Did Jesus Teach?

    (Continued from page 1 I )Almost entirely overlooked by writers,is th e facr that Jesus never offered sacr ifices on these days, except the paJJ01Jerlamb. This corresponds exactly with

    Jeremiah's statement, that when originally instituted, no offerings (except thepassover) were p laced upon them (Jet.7: 22). The sacrifices p laced upon themlater were g iven to the Levitical priesthood to offer.Importance of Lasr Passover SupperThe passover is only one of the seven

    annual festivals which Jesus observed.It is a memorial ordained forever (Exodus 12: 14). For thar reason Jesus observed it and instructed his disciples onthat last night how it should be conrinuously observed annually after bisdeath by the New Testament church inremembrance of him. 'This do in remembrance of me." Thar is a commandfor the church about one of God's annualfestivals-the passover (l.lIke n: 19)Even the apostle Paul, who was converted much later, understood that Jesus setan example that night for J ew ish andGentile convert s a like (1 Corimhiaus11:20-34).The sad service occurred after sunset.

    Th e eating of the passover lamb at supper having already ended, a nd the ordinance of foot washing having been institured

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    Page 14and explained to rhe disciples that,hereafter, the commanded offering of alamb in anticipation of the death of theMessiah would be replaced with newemblems because the lamb of God

    ~ o u l d have been slain for the world.Jesus used unleavened bread and wineas the new emblems.God never permitted leavened breadto be used at the passover. Also the"fruit of the vine" could not have beenunfermented grape juice. Grape juicecould not at that time be preserved tillspring. It e it he r became wine, abourforty days following the harvest, or elsethe grape juice was made into a heavysyrup. Any knowledge of the practices ofthe Jewish community in the days ofJesus will reveal that fermented wine wasused exclusively at the passover (Has-ting's Dictionary, article "Wine" ).The strange doctrines that entered thechurch in later years and changed thepassover inca the mass, the eucharist,

    communion and "Lord's Supper" will beexplained fully in coming articles.This perversion of Jesus' teaching is oneof the most sordid episodes of churchhisrory.\X 'as the Sauualh Observed After

    Christ Died?You have probably heard that eventhough Jesus OlD NOT ONCE DURING

    HIS WHOLE LIFE preach against thedays God ins tituted, that they wereabolished by his death.Now notice this. After the handwrit-ing of ordinances was abolished byChrist's death (Col. 2:14), the HolySpirit inspi reel rhe apostles to say thatthe day after the death of Jesus was ahigh day-the first annual sabbath in thefestival of unleavened bread (John 19:31 ), and that the seventh day was stillthe sabbath according to the fourth commandment (Luke 23: 56 ). The followers of Jesus rested on tha t sabbath!The first Sunday after the resurrection, the women came co the comb because it was a uorl: day. Later thatSunelayJesus appeared cothe eleven disciples as they were gathered. . . in honorof the resurrection? NO! But behindclosed doors "FOR FEAR OF THE JEWS"as they were eating their evening meal.And Jesus rebuked them for their unbelief because they did not believe the accounts of the resurrection that thewomen gave (Mark 16:13-14 and John20:19).How different this is from the fablescommonly taught!



    The New Covenant(Continued from page 6)off are made nigh by the blood ofChrist" (Eph. 2:11-13).

    So it is through Jesus Christ that Gentiles "are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints"(Eph. 2: 19). Paul says in Galatians3:29, "And if ye be Christ's, then are yeAbraham's seed (no longer consideredGenti les) and heirs according to thepromise."So Genti les have to belong to Christin order to become part of the spiri tualcommonwealth of Israel-the church.Paul, in Romans 11: 17-18, pictures theGenti les as branches of wild olive treeswho are grafted into the natural olivetree-Israel begotten of the Spirit. Gentiles can be partakers of the same Spir itof promise and of the blessings to Israel,Bur carefully notice, the Genti les bynature do not receive the promise. Theymust become transformed into the Spirit-begorren commonwealth of Israel before they can receive any of the blessings.How could Christ make it possible forGenules ru be heirs to the promisesmade to Israel?

    Christ, the Heir of AbrahamThe promise of eternal inheritance ofthe earth was unconditionally made to

    Abraham and his "seed" (Gen. 26: 3 ) .But Abraham died without inheriting thepromises (Hebrews 11: 13 ) . It remained for Jesus Christ the one heirwho was without sin-the promised"seed" through the lineage of Abraham-to inher it the promises (Gal. 3: 16).Jesus came in the flesh to confirm thepromises made co the fathers (Rom.15: 8 ). He also was the minister of anew testament or will by which hewould bequeath His entire inheritanceto His heirs in case of death. Rememberthe new testament contained the promise of eternal inheritance (Hebrews 9:15) .Christ's testament or will did not haveany force until his death. "For a testament is of force after men are dead"

    (Heb, 9: 17). When Christ died, thenHis heirs have the right to the eternalinheritance made possible through theHoly Spirit which imparts eternal life.Bur who ale the heirs of Christ?No one is Christ's unless one believes,repents, and is baptized (Acts 2: 38;Gal. 3: 27 ). So you can become an heirof Christ if you fulfill this conditionand receive the Holy Spiri t which putS-immerses-you inro the church

    February, 195"whether you are Israelite or Genti le (ICor. 12: 13 ) . We are Christ's becauseChrist bought us by giving His life inour stead to pay for our sins (I Cor.6:20).New Covenant Not Yet CompletedChrist is the Mediator of the newcovenant (Heb. 8:6). According to the

    prophecy of Daniel 9:27, Christ has notyet completed His work of confirmingthe covenant. Therefore the new covenant mus t yet be completed in the fu-ture-"For this is the covenant that Iwill make with the house of IsraelAFTER THOSE DAYS, saith the Lord; Iwill put my laws into their mind, andwrite them in their hearts" (Heb. 8: 10;Jer. 31:31-34).The new covenant will not be madewith fleshly, carnal Israelites who canstill s in- i t will correct tha t fault. Thisrime it will be made with Spirit-bornIsraelites who have been forgiven their

    sins and who have God's laws writtenin their minds and hearts so they can'tsin and break the covenant. The apostleJohn reveals that it is only at the resurrection when we are born again-composed of spirit-that we won't be ableto sin because we will have God's naturepermanently implanted in us (I John3:9). Jesus told Nicodemus also thatwe must be born again-of the Spiri tbefore we can inhe rit the kingdom andgain eternal life (John 3) .Bear in mind that the new testamentor will of Jesus Chris t has been in forcesince His death. Bur His testament orwill has conditions which we must meetbefore we can inherit the promises.The Greek word for "testament" alsomeans "covenant." Since the new testa-ment involves our agreement to fulfillthese conditions, it also becomes a cove-

    n a n t ~ a n d that new covenant will notbe confirmed with us-we won't inheritthe promises-until we are first madeimmortal and have God's nature so wecan't sin (I I Peter I: 4) .New Covenant a Marriage AgreementAll that the Scripture says concerningIsrael and the promises unde r the newtestament pertains to the church. It is

    the church that is Israel begotten andsoon to be born of the Spirit (Acts 26:6,7). Under the old covenant Israelcould have become a kingdom of priests( Ex. 19: 6 ), under the new covenantthe church will become a kingdom ofpriests governing the physical nation Israel ( l Peter 2: 9; Rev. 5: 10; Acts 1:6).As the church is Israel-Abraham'sseed and heirs of the promise-then itis the church with whom the new covenam will finally be made. But we readin II Corinthians 11: 2 and Ephesians5: ,12 that Christ Jesus at His second

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    February, 1953coming will marry the church which isnow his espoused bride . Therefore thenew covenant will be ANOTHER MARRIAGE AGREEMENT! Christ will be thehusband, the church will become Hiswife.Remember that the ETERNAL was thehusband of anci ent Israel. Under theold covenant Israel could never remarry

    her husband once the divorce was given and she was defiled by relat ionships 'with heathen gods. So the Lord-not theFather-but the Word who became Jesuswas born into human flesh to die so thatIsrael would be free to remarry. Tha t' swhy we read in Revelation 19:7, thatbefore the coming marriage betweenChris t and the church takes place it willbe said: "The marriage of the Lamb iscome, and His WIFE (not bride) hath

    The GOOD NEWSmade herself ready." This could not besaid of the church unless it was Jesusand not the Father to whom Israel hadonce been married.New Testament Has Promises andCursesThe new covenan t has be tter promises-eternal promises-bur there are

    also curses!We know that during the time of theold covenant a violator of the law diedwithour mercy under two or three witnesses. What about the person whospurns the terms of the new testament?"Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye," continues Paul in Hebrews10: 29, "shall he be thought worthy, whohath trodden under foot the Son of God,and hath counted the blood of the cove-

    Pa!!e 15nanr, wherewi th he was sanctified, anunholy thing?"Under the old, they perished at thehands of men. Under the new the wicked will perish at th e hand of God inthe lake of fire.How important it is that we understand the truth about the new covenant'In no place does God say that He will

    take away His laws or give us differentlaws. The new covenant doesn't abolishthe commandments, it established themin us according to the spirit and intent,not JUSt in the letter. I hope you willnot be found rebellious toward God because you haven't awakened to the factthat God wanes to pardon you throughthe sacrifice of His Son and give you theHoly Spir it so you can live by His commands for your own good.

    If You Yield to Temptation,have you sinnedwillfully?by Wayne Cole

    M AN Y of you have suffered needless worry because you weretaught that if you make a mistake or yield to a temptation you areautomatically lost and bound for everlasting punishing and torture in hellfire. It is no wonder we poor mortal beings sometimes believe these thingssince there are so many false prophetsand teachers in the world raday proclaiming just such doctrines.What is willful sin? Is it merely mak-ing a mistake? If we, human as we are,do something which we see later was amistake and are sorry and repent of it,have we sinned willfully and lost allhope of salvation? What kind of a Godwould we be serving? Is He so unmerciful tha t knowing we are born with asinful nature, He expects us to live a lifefree of any mistakes or sin? And if wecannot we have lost all chance of eternallife?No, He is not that kind of a God.

    God is long-suffering with us and is notwilling tha t anyone should perish butthat all should come to repentance (I IPeter 3:9).

    Bible Explains Real MeaningWe read in Hebrews 10:26 if we sinwillfully after we unde rst and the truthwe have no more sacrifice for sins. Itsays "willfully"-sinning willingly afterdeliberate premedItation, knowing bet

    ter but deciding in our own mind to dothat which is wrong.

    We must be continually overcoming.Even after we have come to t ruth, repented, become converted and haveGod's Holy Spi ri t in us we still hat/!human nature, subject to the temptationswhich surround us. Paul had these sameexperiences happening to him (Romans7: 15-20). Verse I5-"For that whichI do I allow nor: for what I would, thatdo I nor; but what I hate, tha t do 1."He is explaining that he does not always act exactly as he desires to act butat times does those things which hehates and knows are wrong. Was Paul

    sinning willfully?No, if he had been he would havelost all chance for eternal life but weknow he has not. Paul explains in verse17 that it is nor he who does the evildeed bu t it is the sin tha t dwellerh inhim t ha t t empt s him and causes rhewrong to be committed . He says in thefew following verses that the will andwish to do what is right is there but notthe power or strength with which to doit."The spi ri t truly is ready bur th

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    Page 1(\the character of God and overcomingand mastering human nature.But let s fear that we don't sin willfully and come under the ind ic tmentfound in Hebrews 10: 26.

    Christians to Be OvercomersAs far as our making mistakes weknow that God is always ready and will

    ing to forgive. We will, as long as weare human, make mistakes-commit sins-and God knows that; however, wemust be overcomers and continuallygrow in knowledge and truth, As longas we go to God in a repentant attitudeand ask forgiveness for the mistakes wemake, we will be forgiven.Since scriptures reveals that we mustbe continua lly overcoming, we can 't beperfect yet. Perfection is the GOAL. Yes,we can have Christ in us if we first havethe r ight a tt itude and faith to rely onhim.

    If you have been worried , a fra id thatyou have sinned willfully and consequent ly have lost all hope of salvation,you can very well cease worrying. Thisvery concern over it is the surest evidence that you have not done so.

    We found in Hebrews 6:4-6 thar itis im-possible to renew deliberate transgressors to repentance. They will notwant to repent and turn again to thetruth. I f you want to repent of your sinsyou cannot be guilty of sinning willfully.'Should Child Participate?

    (Continued from page 7)customs of the people are vain." Thenhe goes on to describe as "heathenism"many of the social and religioo, acr ivi-

    The GOOD NEWSPrinted in the U.S.A.

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    The GOOD NEWSties that the people of this world part ic ipa te in today-such as Chr is tmasand Easter celebrations. God doesn'twant us, or our children, to participatein the heathen pract ices of this wor ld' sholidays!In view of this divine command, we
