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“Good old Jerry” Ford was considered… Unimaginative Hardworking Ordinary Untouched by scandal...

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Page 1: “Good old Jerry” Ford was considered… Unimaginative Hardworking Ordinary Untouched by scandal Inept Open Certainly not brilliant Uninspiring.
Page 2: “Good old Jerry” Ford was considered… Unimaginative Hardworking Ordinary Untouched by scandal Inept Open Certainly not brilliant Uninspiring.

“Good old Jerry”Ford was

considered…UnimaginativeHardworkingOrdinaryUntouched by

scandalIneptOpenCertainly not


Page 3: “Good old Jerry” Ford was considered… Unimaginative Hardworking Ordinary Untouched by scandal Inept Open Certainly not brilliant Uninspiring.
Page 4: “Good old Jerry” Ford was considered… Unimaginative Hardworking Ordinary Untouched by scandal Inept Open Certainly not brilliant Uninspiring.


Page 5: “Good old Jerry” Ford was considered… Unimaginative Hardworking Ordinary Untouched by scandal Inept Open Certainly not brilliant Uninspiring.

Energy CrisisRaised energy costs,

slowed economic productivity

Created inflationHeating pricesFactories poweredElectricity pricesShipping costsPetrochemicals used

for paint, plastics, fertilizers, etc.


Page 6: “Good old Jerry” Ford was considered… Unimaginative Hardworking Ordinary Untouched by scandal Inept Open Certainly not brilliant Uninspiring.

StagflationTerm to describe the twin evils of stagnant

job growth and surging inflation.1974: 12% inflation (ideal is 1-2%, current is

3.8%)Unemployment: 8.5% (9.1% today)

Page 7: “Good old Jerry” Ford was considered… Unimaginative Hardworking Ordinary Untouched by scandal Inept Open Certainly not brilliant Uninspiring.

Ford’s Solution to Inflation

WIN (Whip Inflation Now)Encouraged

voluntary citizen action to curb inflation Vegetable gardens,

turn down their thermostats and carpool to cut down on energy use/restrain prices.

Ineffective, made a mockery as poorly planned gimmick

Page 8: “Good old Jerry” Ford was considered… Unimaginative Hardworking Ordinary Untouched by scandal Inept Open Certainly not brilliant Uninspiring.

Ford Economic Actions: The First Flip Flopper?First supported a modest tax increase to help

stop inflationReversed his position, supported a tax cut to

combat slow productivitySigned Democratic spending bill, stimulated

economyResults: By 1976 unemployment down to 7%,

inflation down to 4.8%, GDP growing

Page 9: “Good old Jerry” Ford was considered… Unimaginative Hardworking Ordinary Untouched by scandal Inept Open Certainly not brilliant Uninspiring.

Carter ElectedSeen as a

Washington outsiderSought to lead with

honesty and candor, by example, with a higher moral sense He promised he

would never lie to the American people.

Page 10: “Good old Jerry” Ford was considered… Unimaginative Hardworking Ordinary Untouched by scandal Inept Open Certainly not brilliant Uninspiring.

“A Pack of Ravenous Wolves”Congress which found the new president

hard to deal with, Congress shot down Carter’s consumer-protection bill and labor reform package.

Carter responded by vetoing a public works packages A pattern of mutual distrust and contempt had

been set between Carter and Congress

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Reliance on Foreign OilU.S. oil imports had shot up 65 percent

annually since 1973. In 1976 the nation was consuming one-

quarter of all Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) production. The U.S. remained wasteful in energy use,Consumption per capita 2.3 times the average

for nations in the European Economic Community and 2.6 times Japan's.

Page 12: “Good old Jerry” Ford was considered… Unimaginative Hardworking Ordinary Untouched by scandal Inept Open Certainly not brilliant Uninspiring.

Carter’s Energy Reforms, 1978The president got Congress to pass the Emergency

Natural Gas Act, which would authorize the national government to allocate interstate natural gas.

Department of Energy to regulate existing energy suppliers and fund research on new sources of energy, particularly sustainable (wind and solar power) and ecologically sound sources.

Energy Security Act created the U.S. Synthetic Fuels Corporation, which would provide $20 billion in joint ventures with private industry.

The deregulation of oil and natural gas prices that resulted would lead to a vast increase in the supply of energy in the 1980s, and consequently a lowering of prices.

Page 13: “Good old Jerry” Ford was considered… Unimaginative Hardworking Ordinary Untouched by scandal Inept Open Certainly not brilliant Uninspiring.

Energy Reforms, 1980Automobile mileage standards improvedBy April 1980, he had gotten much of his

second energy package through, including a Crude Oil Windfall Profits Tax (with revenues designated for the general Treasury but not for specific energy projects),

Page 14: “Good old Jerry” Ford was considered… Unimaginative Hardworking Ordinary Untouched by scandal Inept Open Certainly not brilliant Uninspiring.

Received Little Credit Energy program was complex, created public

confusion Public understood reality with energy prices

and taxes going upCarter worsened his image problem by giving

the so-called "malaise" (French for illness) speech, in which he described a lack of confidence in America's purpose and its future.

Blamed the crisis of America's spirit on the American people themselves.

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Carter’s Energy SuccessConsumption of foreign oil down, from 48 % in

1976 to 40 percent in 1980, Reduction of 1.8 million barrels a day. Left office there were high inventories of oil and

a surplus of natural gas, DDelivered by a more efficient/rational distribution

system.Between 1980 and 1985, domestic production

would up by 1 million barrels a day, Imports of crude oil and petroleum products

declined from 8.2 to 4.5 million barrels a day.

Page 16: “Good old Jerry” Ford was considered… Unimaginative Hardworking Ordinary Untouched by scandal Inept Open Certainly not brilliant Uninspiring.
Page 17: “Good old Jerry” Ford was considered… Unimaginative Hardworking Ordinary Untouched by scandal Inept Open Certainly not brilliant Uninspiring.
Page 18: “Good old Jerry” Ford was considered… Unimaginative Hardworking Ordinary Untouched by scandal Inept Open Certainly not brilliant Uninspiring.

All in the FamilyProgram Disclaimer

The program you are about to see is All in the Family. It seeks to throw a humorous spotlight on our frailties, prejudices, and concerns. By making them a source of laughter we hope to show, in a mature fashion, just how absurd they are.

All in the Family was notorious for featuring language and authentic epithets previously absent from American television, such as "fag" and "fairy" for homosexual, "yid" and "hebe" and "that tribe" for Jews, "spic" for Hispanics, "mick" for Irish, "dago" and "wop" for Italians, "polak" for Polish, "chink" for Chinese, "Jap" for Japanese, "gook" for southeast Asian, and "spade", "spook", "jig", and "jungle bunnies" for blacks. In a few instances, "goddammit" was uttered. In the episode

Page 19: “Good old Jerry” Ford was considered… Unimaginative Hardworking Ordinary Untouched by scandal Inept Open Certainly not brilliant Uninspiring.
