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Good Practice when Preparing a Project Proposal II 15 February 2005
Page 1: Good Practice when Preparing a Project Proposal · Good Practice when Preparing a Project Proposal II ... Logical Framework (Annex C) ... importance of your project in the context

Good Practice when Preparinga Project Proposal


15 February 2005

Page 2: Good Practice when Preparing a Project Proposal · Good Practice when Preparing a Project Proposal II ... Logical Framework (Annex C) ... importance of your project in the context


Before applying

Familiarise yourself with the programmes– Web site, FAQs, past projects

Review open Call for Proposals and associated Guidelines for Applicants carefully including Annexes A to H

Determine the next deadline for application

Form an eligible partnership based on a project idea– Partner Search facilities of each programme

Ensure applicant and partner eligibility

Select one co-financing instrument

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Receipt of Applications

IntermediateReport + Payment


Final Report + Audit Administrative

Compliance and Eligibility Check

Technical and Financial Assessment

Projects Recommended

for Funding

Preparation and Signing of


Publish Call for Proposals

Quarterly Updates

Advance Payment

In Commission HQ (Brussels)In Commission


Project Implementation

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Application Form (Annex A)

Budget (Annex B)

Logical Framework (Annex C)

CVs (Annex D)

Project Summary (Annex J)

What to complete

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Overall objective(s)– Explain what the general objective is and why the

project is important to the target group, in terms of the longer-term benefits

– Will not be achieved by the project alone: the project will only provide a contribution to the achievement of the overall objective(s)

Specific, short-term objective (project purpose)– What is to be achieved by implementing the project– The purpose should address the core problem, and be

defined in terms of sustainable benefit for the target groups

– There should only be one purpose

Application FormObjectives (max. 1 page)


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Application FormJustification (max. 3 pages)

- Relevance of the project to the objectives/priorities of the Programme

– Explain how the project is consistent with the objectives and priorities of the Asia Pro Eco Programme

- Identification of perceived needs and constraints in the target countries

– Set the scene by explaining the current, pre-project situation and the importance of your project in the context of the target regions/countries

- List of target groups with an estimate of the anticipated number of direct and indirect beneficiaries

– Who is the project aimed at? Numbers?- Reasons for the selection of the target groups and activities

– Clearly defined, strategically chosen- Relevance of the project to the target groups

– Benefits that project will bring


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Application FormDetailed description of activities (max. 9 pages)


WHAT activities will be carried out? – Step by step approach (tasks) eg. Activity 1, 2, 3 etc– Include the title and a detailed description of each

activityProvide narrative detailWho, what, where, when:– including means of each activity (materials,

personnel)– deliverables of each activity (outputs)

Correspond to Plan of ActionAllow for cross-check with Budget

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Application FormMethodology (max. 4 pages)

HOW will the project implementation be carried out?

A Methods of implementationB Reasons for the proposed methodology

– Management structure, information flow, decision making

C How the project intends to build on a previous project or previous activities (where applicable)

D Procedures for internal evaluation– Quality control (technical and financial), reporting (internal and to

Commission)E Level of involvement and activity of other organisations

(partners or others) in the project– Aim for a balanced involvement among partners. This should also be

apparent from the activitiesF Reasons for the role of each partnerG Team proposed for implementation of the project

– Number, role and home institution of the people necessary for the project implementation


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Application FormDuration and plan of action

Do not mention actual dates, but indicate by month 1, month 2 etc.Ensure that ALL activities from section 1.7 appear here Ensure that activity titles correspond to section 1.7

Year Activity Location(city)


(example) (example)Year 1Month 1 Activity 1 (Kick-off meeting) Brussels Applicant

Activity 2 (set up project office) Cambodia Partner 1Month 2 Activity 3 (title)etc etc

Year 2Month 1 ……….etc etc


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Application FormExpected Results (max. total 7 pages)

Estimated impact on target groupsPublication and other outputsMultiplier effectsSustainabilityDistinguish between the following aspects of sustainability:

• Financial sustainability – How will the activities be financed after the EC funding ends?

• Institutional sustainability – Will structures allowing the activities to continue be in place at

the end of the present project? Will there be local “ownership” of project outcomes?

• Sustainability at the policy level (where applicable) – What will be the structural impact of the project – e.g. will it

lead to improved legislation, codes of conduct, methods, etc?


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Application FormBudget (Annex B)


Provide the proposal budget in accordance with Annex B:

Worksheet 1: Budget for the action

Worksheet 2: Expected sources of funding

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Annex B. Budget for the Action1

Expenses Unit # of units Unit # of units

1. Human Resources1.1 Salaries (gross amounts, local staff)4

1.1.1 TechnicalPer month

or mandays 0 Per month 0Project Manager Applicant Per monthProject Executive Partner 1 Per month 1.1.2 Administrative/ support staff 0 Per month 0Administrative Assistant Applicant Per month1.2 Salaries (gross amounts, expat/int. staff) 0 Per month 0Training Expert Per month1.3 Per diems for missions/travel5

1.3.1 Abroad (staff assigned to the Action) Per diem 16 140 2240 Per diem 0 1.3.2 Local (staff assigned to the Action) Per diem 0 Per diem 0 1.3.3 Seminar/conference participants Per diem 0 Per diem 0Subtotal Human Resources 2240 0

2. Travel6 Per flight2.1. International travel 0 Per flight 0Asia to Europe Per flight 6 2400 14400Europe to Asia Per flight 12 2000 240002.2 Local transportation Per month 0 Per month 0Subtotal Travel 38400 0

3. Equipment and supplies7

3.1 Purchase or rent of vehicles Per vehicle 0 Per vehicle 03.2 Furniture, computer equipment 0 03.3 Spare parts/equipment for machines, tools 0 03.4 Other (please specify) 0 0Subtotal Equipment and supplies 0 0

4. Local office/Action costs8

4.1 Vehicle costs Per month 0 Per month 04.2 Office rent Per month 0 Per month 04.3 Consumables - office supplies Per month 0 Per month 04.4 Other services (tel/fax, electricity/heating, maintenance) Per month 0 Per month 0Subtotal Local office/Action costs 0 0

5. Other costs, services9

5.1 Publications10 0 05.2 Studies, research10 0 05.3 Auditing costs 0 05.4 Evaluation costs 0 05.5 Translation, interpreters 0 05.6 Financial services (bank guarantee costs etc.) 0 05.7 Costs of conferences/seminars10 0 05.8 Visibility actionsSubtotal Other costs, services 0 0

6. Other 0 0Subtotal Other 0 0

7. Subtotal direct costs of the Action (1-6)8. Administrative costs (maximum 7% of 7, total direct eligible costs of the Action)9. Total eligible costs of the Action (7+ 8) 0 0

Unit rate (in EUR)

All Years Year 12

Costs (in EUR)

Unit rate (in EUR)

Costs (in EUR)3

Worksheet 1: Budget for the action

Unit rates: not higher than gross salary (employees), or qualifications and experience


Standard month = 22 working days


NB: All items to befurther explained in the

Budget Justification on a separate sheet

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Worksheet 2: Expected sources of funding

Indicate other expected sources of funding for the project

Balance must be financed from: Applicant’s own resources, Partner’s own resources, sources other than the EU budget

Expected sources of funding

Amount PercentageEUR of total


Applicant's financial contribution

Commission contribution sought in this application

Contribution(s) from other European Institutions or EU Member States

Contributions from other organisations:Name Conditions


Direct revenue from the Action


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Budget Justification


To be provided on a separate sheet:

Justify each budget item with respect to:– (a) the necessity for the item (eg: flight, computer, …

etc); – (b) the reason for the number of units proposed and – (c) the choice of unit rate applied

The justification should make reference to the specific activities foreseen in your proposal

Example:– Budget item 25 days per diem in Thailand 4 5-

day missions to Thailand by coordinator to participate in 2 Advisory Group meetings and 2 Training of the Trainer sessions (see Activities 2.1 and 4 for detail). EC per diem rate applied

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Integral to Project Cycle Management, as used by the European Commission Planning, implementation and evaluationLinks objectives with purpose, results and actual activitiesIndicators show how results will be achieved and measuredIntroduction to PCM and Log Frame:


Application FormLogical Framework (Annex C)


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Intervention Objectively verifiable Sources and means of Assumptionslogic indicators of achievement verification

Overall What is the overall broader What are the key indicators related What are the sources ofobjectives objective, to which the project to the overall objective? information for these indicators?

will contribute ?

Project What are the specific objectives, which the What are the quantitative or What are the sources of What are the factors and conditions notpurpose project shall achieve? qualitative indicators showing information that exist or can be under the direct control of the project

whether and to what extent the collected? What are the methods which are necessary to achieve theseproject’s specific objectives are required to get this information? objectives? What risks have to beachieved? considered?

Expected What are the concrete outputs envisaged to What are the indicators to measure What are the sources of What external factors and conditionsresults achieve the specific objectives? whether and to what extent the information for these indicators? must be realised to obtain the expected

What are the envisaged effects and benefits project achieves the envisaged outputs and results on schedule?of the project? results and effects?What improvements and changes will beproduced by the project?

Activities What are the key activities to be carried out Means: What are the sources of What pre- conditions are required beforeand in what sequence in order to produce What are the means required to information about project the project( s) start( s)?the expected results? implement these activities, e. g. progress? What conditions outside the project’s

personnel, equipment, training, direct control have to be present for thestudies, supplies, operational implementation of the plannedfacilities, etc. activities?


Should reflect the relationships between activities, results andobjectives, and indicate how to check whether these objectives have been achievedAlso establish what assumptions outside the control of the project may influence its success


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Intervention logic:

Logical Framework (Annex C)

High level objectives to which the project contributes

The project’s central objective (there should be one only)

The products of theundertaken activities

Actions/tasks executed as part of the project to produce the results


Expected Results

Project Purpose

Overall Objectives

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Logical Framework (Annex C)

River Water pollution reduction project

What is the specific objective which the project shall achieve?Examples: The project will improve the water quality of the river

What are the concrete outputs envisaged to achieve the specific objectives? What are the envisaged effects and benefits of the project? What improvements and changes will be produced by the project? Examples: (1) Reduced volume of waste-water directly discharged into the river system by households and factories (2) Waste water treatment standards established and effectively enforced.

What are the key activities to be carried out and in what sequence in order to produce the expected results? Example: Activity 1. Conduct baseline survey of households and businesses. Activity 2. Identify appropriate incentives for factories to use clean technologies. Activity 3. Prepare and conduct public information and awareness programmes.


Expected Results

Project Purpose

Overall Objectives

What are the overall broader objectives to which the project will contribute? Examples: To contribute to an improved environment and the general health of the river eco-system

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Logical Framework (Annex C)

Objectively Verifiable Indicators of Achievement:

- OVIs provide a measure of project progress

- Must be measurable

- Time period, target group and location may need to be specified

- Include more than one indicator for a particular aspect if a single one does not provide full picture of the expected change

What are the quantitative or qualitative indicators showing whether and to what extent the project’s specific purpose is achieved? Examples: Indicator: concentration of heavy metal compounds and untreated sewerage – Quantity: is reduced by 25% compared to levels in 2004; Quality: meet the established national heath/pollution control standards; Time: by end of 2007

What are the indicators to measure whether and to what extent the project achieves the envisaged results and effects? Examples: (1) 70% of waste water produced by factories is treated in plants by 2006 (2) waste water from 4 existing treatment plants meet EPA quality standards by 2006

What are the means required to implement this activity (materiel, personnel, financial means etc.)Example: (1) 2 person/months of administrative staff (2) 1 person/month of expert (3) 4 full-time technical staff etc.

What are the key indicators related to the overall objectives?Examples: Skin infections and blood disorders caused by heavy metals reduced by 50% by 2007

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Sources and Means of Verification:

Logical Framework (Annex C)

- Sources of verification are documents, reports and other sources providing information that makes it possible to verify the indicators.

What are the sources of information that exist or can be collected? What are the methods required to get this information?(1) Weekly water quality surveys, conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency

What are the sources of information for these indicators?(1) Official records of EPA, etc

What are the sources of information for these indicators?Results summarized in an Annual State of the Environment Report.

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Main issues for a good proposal

Solid partnership (Agreement, on-site manager, management team, communications, roles and responsibilities)

Focussed area of intervention

Clear description of activities (methodology, Plan of Action, monitoring system)

Logical Framework



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Checklist before submitting

your application!

