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Good Practices on Youth Participation RO NO

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  • 8/17/2019 Good Practices on Youth Participation RO NO



    " Proiect realizat cu sprijinul financiar al Fondului ONG în România, program finan ! at de Granturile SEE  "iadministrat de Funda # ia pentru Dezvoltarea Societ $# ii Civile".



     Participation for Democracy - 2015/BIL-01/16  

     Authors: Irina Lonean, PhD Adina C $l $ f $teanu, PhD

     Fettulah Oran

    (c) Center for Sustainable Community Development, 2016.

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     Introduction – context of the project  

    The aim of the project  Participation for Democracy  was to create the framework for

    sharing good practices on working with young people and to stimulate their public participation.

    The project is a continuation of the project: Public participation against discrimination of youth

     from the rural areas, project implemented by Center for Sustainable Community Development -

    CSCD in 2014-2015. The project methodologies aimed at using youth community organizing

    methodologies and non-formal education techniques on encouraging youth to participate and to

     boost up then their participation in 3 rural communities. At the end of the project, 40 young

     people (13-17 years old), are now active in their communities and are still running campaigns

     based on solving the identified problems in the community, a process structured on partnership

     basis with the local authorities (the schools in the villages, the local councils, the police and the

    medical units).

    At the end of the project, CSCD team, during the evaluation meeting, concluded that there

    is permanent need of young people to be equipped with skills and competencies and for this

     purpose, the youth workers need to get exposed to new training opportunities and to get new

    working skills and methodologies. More than this, to get the social impact that we are aiming for,

    we need to mobilize more young people and to offer permanent support for their campaigns and


    Consequently, the opportunity to get involved with an initiative of sharing good practices

    and methods of working with young people is valorizing the outcomes of our previous initiatives

    and the new tools and methods offer the Romanian youth workers the expertise on supporting the

    local youth action groups, integrating the experience and good practices of our Norwegian


    The project aimed at investing in the capacity of the two partners – Romanian and

     Norwegian (specially of the Romanian one) to encourage the development of the democratic

    values to the youth groups, groups that will then be active in their communities. Sharing the good

     practices of our previous projects, the lessons learnt and the working methodologies essentially

    contributed to improving the methods and tools that the youth workers are using in their working

    communities – in Romania and in Norway. The study visit organized in Oslo offered the

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    Romanian team the opportunity to identify new partners and new granting opportunities for our


    The working partnership

     between the two partners started in

    May 2016,  Mangfoldhuset (Casa

     Diversit !" ii)  – MH having both the

    experience of working with groups of

    young people but also the experience

    of bridging the dialogue betweengenerations. More than this, MH is

    excellently organizing activities for intercultural groups and has a great network of partners from

    different sectors – the business field, the educational sector, local and national public authorities,

    informal groups of young people. The experience of working in inter-sectorial cooperation

    frameworks was a great source of inspiration for CSCD and is to be valorized in the local projects

    that are being implemented in the rural areas.

    The project team:

    1.  Viorel Buc$tur $ , Youth Worker, CSCD

    2.   Andreea Ro %ca, Youth Worker, CSCD

    3.   Irina Lonean, Expert

    4.   Adina C $l $ f $teanu, Expert5.  Constantin Gl $van, teacher – Giubega School

    6.   Fethullah Oran, Project Manager MH.

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    Chapter 1 – Mobilizing Youth

    1.1 Methods used in Romania by CSCD to mobilize and attract youth

     A. The profile of working community

    Giubega is a commune situated at 49.7 km from the main city of the South Western

    Region (Oltenia) – Craiova, the closest town being Bailesti – 12 km far, being firstly registered in

    1831. The first registered data of 1885 was showing a population of 1551 inhabitants, of which

    123 were literate. Nowadays, Giubega has a population of 2453 inhabitants and 1150 households.

    (Primaria Giubega, 2014)

    The Romanian Youth Law of 2006 was stating that youth would be clustered to the age

    range 14 – 35 years old. Consequently, for Giubega, having a total population of 2036

    inhabitants, the youth population would be of a total of 530 inhabitants (10-14 years old – 109,

    15-19 years old – 111, 20-24 years old – 110, 25-29 years old – 88, 30-34 years old – 112).

    (Census of 2002).

    As it regards the economy, the main occupations of the inhabitants are mainly related to

    agriculture, the local authorities investing special attention and resources to this field (plans to

    support the development of the ecological farms and associative structures). Except for the

    activities that are organized by CSCD, no other cultural or social events are organized for young

     people. In order to document the study visit, on partnership basis with the teachers in Giubega

    School, it had been piloted a research based on semi-structured interviews with a group of 6

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    youngsters from Giubega and aiming at identifying the main youth needs in the community. The

    research process showed that the main youth needs are the following:

    the social and economic situations of the youngsters the lack of job opportunities and

    long term unemploymentlack of housing opportunities – most of them still living with their families even after

    having their own families

    even if some opportunities offered by the Romanian state to continue their studies,

    especially for the youngsters from Giubega (the closest highschool being at 12 km

    far), is still hard, financially speaking, to continue their studies after they are

    completing the compulsory education – 10 years.

    Mistrust in future and future opportunities: “We are quite disappointed with thecurrent system, being convinced that no future is possible for them in the villages. The

    only solution would be to leave the country and to go and work abroad”. (S, 15 years


    Except for the Saturday meetings with CSCD team, there are no other activities that

    are taking place in the village. Consequently, there is a general feeling of the subjects

    that the authorities are not interested into developing any activities for them and that

    no optimism could be put in place for future.

    Center for Sustainable Community Development  started working as an informal group of

    young people running local activities in 2008 and since 2010, is registered as an NGO -

    nongovernmental organization - Association. The aim of the association is to develop and

    implement cultural, artistic and educational activities aiming at community development and also

    contributing to the social and personal development of its main target group – the youngsters

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    from the rural and urban areas, youngsters with fewer opportunities and the isolated communities

     – providing capacity building support.

     B. CSCD Objectives are the following:

    General Objectives:

    1.  Providing humanitarian help for the children and youngsters with special needs.

    2.  Creating and providing better conditions for the youngsters and children with special

    social needs or challenged youngsters.

    3.  Social and school reinsertion for the youngsters and children coming from difficult

    socio – economic background.


    Information and support guaranteeing human rights and social protection for the

    groups in need.

    5.  Promoting and supporting the equal opportunities concept and active communitarian


    6.  Developing and implementing programmes for youngsters with special needs.

    7.  Supporting adults in their professional reinsertion process.

    8.  Implementing local, national and international projects aiming at providing better

    opportunities for its target group.9.  Support for the cultural, artistic and creative activities in the working communities.

     Specific Objectives: 

    1.  Identifying and supporting the cases – youngsters and children with special needs –

    from orphanages, hospitals, mono- parental families and families facing socio-

    economic problems.

    2.  Developing and implementing educational and support programmes for the youngsters

    from the rural and urban areas.3.  Educational counseling for the target group.

    4.  Supporting gifted children with fewer opportunities – independent to their talents.

    5.  Establishing partnerships with associations, networks and organizations with the same

     profile – national and international actors.

    6.  Implementing activities and services aiming at improving the financial sustainability

    of the association.


    Developing and implementing national, local and European programmes and projects.

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     D. Publicity

    All the projects and initiatives that CSCD is running and aims at boosting up youth

    participation are mainly promoted by:

    One on one interaction – youth promoting these activities to their peers

     Public meetings organized with the partners in the community

     Public events – organized as activities in the Campaigns that the youth groups

    are running.

     Posting the information on the organization’s website ( www.cdcd.ro ), on the

     facebook page of CSCD and in the local media in Dolj County.

    C. Youth Community organizing and Community Development Methodologies

    CSCD is working closely with its partners:

    The schools in villages

    The Local Councils

    The Culture House

    Other NGOs in Dolj County

    Private entities

    aiming to develop projects and initiatives for youth in the rural areas. The activities

    initially started with community development methodologies – based on creating partnerships in

    order to develop and implement youth projects for young people and starting with 2013, the

    approach had been changed to using youth community organizing methodologies.

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    1.2. Methods used in Norway by MH to mobilize and attract youth

     A. Using the members network

     MH is a membership organization, with members from 8 to 80 years old, organized in 9


    the students’ platform,

    the teacher's’ platform,

    the intercultural dialogue platform,

    the inter-religious dialogue platform,

    the media-log platform,

    the techlog platform,

    the political dialogue platform,

    the sport and leisure platform.

    The organization is opened to paying and non-paying members and it has branches in four

    cities of Norway: Oslo, Trondheim, Drammen and Stavanger. The promotion of the

    organization’s activities and the mobilization of the target group is mainly done through:

     Newsletters - all members receive newsletters by e-mail and text and invitations to

     participate to the organization’s projects and events

     paying members have free access to events organized by MH (festivals, concerts, etc.)

    non-paying members can receive facilities to events organized by MH

     B. Using printed materials Printed materials can be efficient in MH experience if used smart. In order to promote the

    organization’s activities and mobilize the target group printed materials: flyers and posters are:

    Distributed in faculties

    Distributed in schools

    Posted on schools and faculties advertisement boards

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    All this printed materials distribution is made in partnership with schools and universities,

    working as a bridge between the NGO and its target groups: young people, students and teachers.

    C. Partnerships

    Partnerships are one of the best promotion strategies for MH:

    Schools and universities, working as a bridge between the NGO and its target groups:

    young people, students and teachers.

    MH has also initiated a partnership with the church, to promote intercultural and inter-

    religious dialogue.

    Reciprocal promotion by partners NGO is used: other organizations, partners of MH, are

     promoting the projects, activities and events of MH, while it is promoting their projects.

     D. Participation of public figures and well known institutions

    MH uses well-known people for the community and partnerships with prestigious

    institutions – as the Embassies invited to participate to the intercultural festival in April – as a

    hook to attract people.

     E. Using social media

    Facebook is one of the most used ways to promote activities and mobilize participants.

    Other social media tools are also used, adapted to what is used by the target groups:




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    1.3. Methods used in other projects funded by EEA Grants to mobilize and attract


     A. Caravans

    Caravans  are really popular and successful

    ways to promote activities and mobilize participants

    at events of NGOs and extremely successful in

    attracting youth in initiatives initiated by nonprofit


    As a proof of the effectiveness of the caravans,

    the Romanian project “Information networks for farmers

    in Transylvania”, targeting young farmers, funded by Norway Grants, received a European prize

    for communication on Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) issues in 2012. ADEPT Foundation

    Transylvania got the first prize in the category “Communication to stakeholders” for its work to

    improve small farmers access to information on EU funding for Rural Development projects,

    encouraging thus their participation in European projects.

    The jury described the ADEPT Foundation’s project as "an inspirational campaign, based

    on a deep analysis and understanding of the needs of young small-scale farmers in Transylvania.

    A best-practice example at its best!"

    B . Youth journalism 

    The ‘On the spot!’ project of a Hungarian NGO recruited young people to visit Iceland,

    Liechtenstein and Norway and report on good practices in addressing social problems which

    could benefit Hungarian society. The call under the Hungarian NGO programme provided

    funding for young people to visit to Iceland, Norway or Liechtenstein for a minimum of two

    weeks.  During their travels, participants had to dive into local civil society, examine good

    examples of civic approaches to social problems and their potential transferability to Hungary. 

    The participants received assistance in creating travel and communication plans. A list of

     partaking NGOs and institutions in the three donor countries will likewise be provided. The

     participants reflected and reported on their travels and the practices discovered through online

    communication tools such as blogs, videos, Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms.

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    C. NGO journalism 

    The first edition of ‘Civic Arena’, a new magazine focusing on the civil sector in Central

    and Eastern Europe, was launched in Romania. The aim of the magazine is to share information

    and knowledge among civil society, being also very effective in attracting new participants in projects.

    In 2015 the magazine was

    dedicated to the European Council’s

    ‘No Hate Speech’ campaign. In a

    climate of rising extremism, racism

    and xenophobia across Europe the

    movement helps NGOs develop

     projects to tackle hate speech. The

    magazine outlines the problem and

    looks at the most efficient ways of

    dealing with it and is a powerful tool

    in engaging young people, including

    disadvantaged young people, in

     youth activities.

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    1.4. Methods used in Europe to mobilize and attract youth

    Other methods used to mobilize and attract youth in youth activities, including public

     participation in Europe, include:

    Organizing sport events promoted through media and mainly through social media

    Organizing art workshops promoted through media and mainly through social media

    Using partnerships and the mediation of schools and high schools in order to establish

    communication with young people

    Organizing certificated trainings beside the

     participation activities

    Using animation (juggling) in order to attract

    young people on the streets

    Designing leisure activities in combination with

     public participation activities

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    Chapter 2 – Youth Participation – The European Framework on Youth


    "Europe's future depends on its youth. Yet, life chances of many young people are

    blighted" (European Commission - Communication on the 'Renewed Social Agenda’, 2008)

    Why are youngsters inactive nowadays, when the European Union offers them so many

     possibilities, in terms of programmes and projects? This would be a pertinent question that one

    can ask, analyzing the European frame for youth participation. At the European Union’s level, itis high time that youngsters should be considered as a positive force, in the European

    construction process, instead of a problematic target group. Thus, youngsters must be given the

    opportunity to express their ideas and to be provided with the special framework where they can

    start the debates, on the same level with the other civil society participants. (Commission of The

    European Communities, The White Paper – A new impetus for European Youth, 2001). But even

    if the coordinated efforts, to a convergence with European Youth Policy, coupled with an

    intersectorial approach, the visible results of the national youth policy would leave room for

    debates and discussions. If for the old Member States of the European Union this issue is not an

    acute problem, for new ones, the youth policy domain requires a high attention. Thus, as in the

    social domain the competences of the European Union are limited, as the youth policy and the

    active youth participation issues are more linked to the European Social Model and in some

    states, the youth participation policies are still under development.

    Citizenship and participation are dimensions that cannot be discussed separately.)

    Youngsters’ participation in the decision-making process has been an issue (quite) developed inthe 1990s. Hence, in 1992 the Council of Europe produced the European Chart of Youth

    Participation to the Regional and Local Life and suggested the local authorities to be sure that

    they involve youth in all decision- making procedures and if they do not manage to involve them

    1The Chapter is an extract of the publication C!L!F!TEANU, Adina-Marina.,  European Youth Policy regarding Active Youth Participation – Study analysis: Gorj County, Romania,  Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken,2012 and had been integrated to the current publication by the author in order to serve as the basis of the

    development of the European Youth Participation framework.

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    directly, to be sure that their leaders are permanently consulted. Then, the White Paper (2001)

    and United Nations and in 2007, claimed the same goal: “Be heard, be seen: Youth participation

    for Development!” (United Nations, 2007). The European Commission’s White Paper on

    Governance (25.07.2001) aiming at making the decision-making process accessible to allEuropean citizens, has had a direct effect on producing the European White Paper on Youth – A

    new impetus for European participation. After a long and effective process of consultation

     between the European representatives, youth leaders and youngsters, it has been stated that the

    new societal environment does not offer enough efficiency space for the traditional models of

     participation, for young people. As a result of this statement, by making youngsters stakeholders

    in their field, they must be given the opportunity to work on their requests.

    Adapting the classical economic theory of Albert Hirschman, it is obvious in 2001, as the

    changes in society did not correspond, anymore, to the youngsters’ needs and the authorities did

    not put into practice new action plans, this group passed 23 the “voice” stage and quit the

    “loyalty” level and chose to orient themselves towards the “exit” alternative. (Hirschman, 1970).

    Aimed at promoting young people’s active citizenship, the four main key issues highlighted by

    the White Paper are: information, participation, voluntary activities and a better knowledge of

    youth. To reach a common frame on youth participation, the White Paper states two main

    aspects: applying the open method of coordination, in the specific field of youth, and making

     better account of the “youth dimension” in other policy initiatives.

    The Open Method of Coordination (OMC) has been created as part of the employment

     policy, in the Luxembourg process. Afterwards, the Lisbon Strategy (2000) defined the OMC as

    its main the instrument to tackle the aim of transforming the European Union into the most

    competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable

    economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion. (Hermaans,2008) TheOMC provided a new framework for cooperation, between the Member States, which should

    come to a convergence of their policies, in order to achieve the common objectives adopted by

    the Council. For a better application of the OMC, in 2002 was released the Resolution of 27 June

    2002 regarding the framework of European cooperation in the youth field. This document set as

    main strands for the cooperation in the youth field: the application of the Open Method of

    Coordination and taking more into account the youth dimension in other policies. For the first

    listed strand, the OMC should be applied as a flexible instrument, based on the subsidiarity

     principle, so that the decisions should be taken at the closest level to the youngsters. Moreover,

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    the youth associations and youth organizations should be associated with the cooperation

    framework, at the European, national and local levels. This resolution also endorsed the four

     priority areas of the White Paper (information, participation, voluntary activities among young

     people, and greater understanding and knowledge of youth) and stressed the participationdimension. Consequently, for this purpose – participation – the youngsters should be involved in

    decision making, and for this involvement, the authorities should cooperate with the associations

    and also with the other organizations that ensure the youth’s participation in civil society.

    The priorities for the OMC application have to be set by the Member States, which have

    the responsibility to consult the youth associations, in order to adopt short and long term

    objectives for the youth policy. As the results were not that visible, in 2003, the Council released

    a new resolution: Council Resolution of 25 November 2003 on Common Objectives for

     participation by and information for young people (2003/C 295/04). This resolution restated as

     priorities the participation and information. As the Member States, using the voluntary

     performance, did not manage to transfer the priorities in clear response policies, this document

    also sets the objectives for youngsters’ participation:

    increase the participation of young people in the civic life of the community,

    increase the participation by young people in the system of representative democracy,

    greater support for various forms of youth learning. In this process, the Member States

    should set their own national priorities and then, after the negotiations with the other

    states, to come to common objectives.

    Also, on their full responsibility there are the national action plans and consultations with

    young people and their associations. The most efficient consultation procedure has been

     portrayed as the consultations with the national and regional youth councils, in those states where

    these bodies exist. (European Youth Forum, 2006) The White Paper – “A new impetus forEuropean Youth” and the European Parliament’s Decision No. 1719/2006/EC of 15 November

    2006 establishing the "Youth in Action" programme for the period 2007 to 2013 highlighted that

    young Europeans should be offered the opportunity to participate.

    A mechanism imagined by the European Commission to empower youth participation is

    the structured dialogue. This type of dialogue presumes the creation of an effective and efficient

    mechanism of consultation with young people. As partners in this dialogue, all the structures and

    individuals who deal directly or indirectly with young people should be involved. All these

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    mechanisms should ensure the active involvement of the youngsters into decision-making

     process, at all levels – European, national, and local. (European Commission, 2006) For an

    ensured access of youth and their peers and leaders, The European Youth Portal – has been

    developed as a direct result of the White Paper and it was launched in 2004, in order to facilitateyoung people’s access to information on Europe. This portal contains information from

    European, national, regional and local levels, offering support information on mobility, work,

    living and youth participation in public life. For a better achievement of its purpose: youth

    information, the portal is also developed by Eurodesk, ERYCA (The European Youth

    Information and Counselling Agency (ERYICA) and EYCA (The European Youth Card

    Association (EYCA). Eurodesk is the support center, organized as European network,

    coordinating the research and managing the information at the European level, through itsnational and local branches. (European Youth Information Charter, 2004) Thus, using the spaces

    for the structured dialogue, youngsters’ participation should have increased. For the common

    objectives, in the formulation process, the Commission has to consult also the main European

    representative of the youth organisations – The European Youth Forum (EYF). EYF is an

    independent youth forum, cooperating, permanently both with the Council of Europe and

    European Union, is made up of almost 100 National Youth Councils and International Youth

    Organisations. Presenting itself as “the voice” of the youngsters and an important lobby group,

    EYF also evaluated the application of the OMC in the youth field.

    The evaluation of the EU youth policy launched in 2001 together with the challenges

    determined by the financial crisis started in 2008, visible especially in the high unemployment

    rates, resolve in a new approach in the youth policy. After a long consultation process that started

    in 2008 and was structured as an online consultation with the youngsters, stakeholders, youth

    workers, researchers and experts (5.426 respondents) , from the Member States, with the

    European Free Trade Association States (partner states in the European youth programmes) andthe candidate countries, the key subjects that came out of the consultations were: the reform of

    the education system, youth unemployment and active youth participation. (European Research

    on Youth – Supporting young people to participate fully in society, 2009) In order to tackle the

    above-mentioned key issues in April 2009 the European Commission launched the new youth

    strategy: ‘An EU strategy for youth – Investing and Empowering’. Considering the results of the

    consultation process and with a great focus on the aging population phenomenon, the new youth

    strategy is based on a dual approach: investing in youths, in order to improve their well-being and

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    empowering youth by permanently promoting their potential, in order to have them as equal

     partners in promoting the EU’s values and goals. (European Commission, 2009)

    Following the line set through the Lisbon Strategy, the new youth strategy brings a new

    methodological set for the open method of coordination: the ‘joined-up policy’ – based on the

    cooperation between different fields in order to ensure the youth’s well-being and the ‘feeding in’

    - based on encouraging the youngsters to be active participants in the decision-making process, at

    the European, national, regional and local level. (Ibid) Consequently, all these measures aim to

    reinforce the multiple level of citizenship and to empower the youngsters’ 31 active participation

    (European Research on Youth – Supporting young people to participate fully in society, 2009)

    Based on producing the youth policy ‘with’ the young people, not ‘for’ the young people, the new

    approach should be based on youth sector as an active sector in all the initiatives, from the

    European, to the local level. In order to reinforce all these multiple levels of citizenship, needs to

    fulfil the demand of the over 73% of the youngsters, who are asking to be equal partners, in the

    decisions that have a direct impact on their lives and on their well –being.

    With and for young people – Structured dialogue processes2 


    Dialogue with young

     people serves as a forum

    for continuous joint

    reflection on the priorities,

    implementation, and

    follow-up of Europeancooperation  in the youth

    field.  It involves regular

    consultations of young

     people and youth

    organizations at all levels

    in EU countries, as well as dialogue between youth representatives and policy makers at EU

    2 European Commission - Link: http://ec.europa.eu/youth/policy/implementation/dialogue_en.htm 

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    Youth Conferences organized by the Member States holding the EU presidency, and during the

    European Youth Week.

    The Structured Dialogue focuses on a different overall thematic priority for each of its 18-

    month work cycles (set by the Council of Youth Ministers). The thematic priority of the Trio

    Presidency (Italy, Latvia, and Luxembourg) for July 2014 - December 2015 is  youth

    empowerment .  The empowerment theme will address access to rights and the importance of

     political participation by young people. Structured Dialogue is conducted at the EU Youth

    Conferences organized by each of the three Member States holding the Presidency of the EU

    Council during each work cycle, and as part of the European Youth Week organized by the

    European Commission with regular intervals.

    Structured Dialogue with young people is conducted around the current thematic priority

    at both national and EU level. A national consultation of young people and youth organizations is

    conducted in all Member States during the 18-month cycle of Structured Dialogue. During the

    current cycle July 2014 to December 2015 it is planned that the national consultations should, for

    the first time, be carried out in part through the European Youth Portal. In the Member States, the

     participatory process is organized and ensured by National Working Groups comprising, amongst


    representatives of youth ministries,

    national youth councils,

    local and regional youth councils,

    youth organizations,

    young people from diverse backgrounds, and

    youth researchers.

    The consultation of the National Working Groups is based on a Guiding Framework,

    endorsed by youth representatives and policy makers at the first Youth Conference of the 18-

    month cycle, organized by Italy. The outcomes of the consultation are debated at the second

    Youth Conference, organized by Latvia, where youth representatives and policy makers endorse

    Joint Recommendations on youth empowerment for political participation. The recommendations

    are then discussed by Youth Ministers from the 28 Member States during the third Youth

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    Conference, organized by Luxembourg, before being endorsed. The final recommendations will

     be reflected in a Council Resolution addressed to European institutions and national authorities,

    to be endorsed by youth ministers at the end of the 18-month cycle. The Structured Dialogue is

    implemented at EU level through a European Steering Committee (renewed for every 18-monthworking cycle) comprising:

    Youth Ministry representatives of the three EU presidency Member States,

    Representatives of national youth councils of the three EU presidency Member States,

    Representatives of the National Agencies of Erasmus+ of the three EU Presidency

    Member States,

    Representatives of the European Commission, andRepresentatives of the European Youth Forum.

    The latter chairs the Committee during the 18-month working cycle.

     Advisory Council on Youth – Council of Europe

    The Advisory Council on Youth is a Council of Europe body made up of 30

    representatives from youth NGOs and networks in Europe and provides opinions and input on all

    youth sector activities. It also ensures that young people are involved in other activities of the

    Council of Europe. In practice, the Advisory Council:

    contributes to the mainstreaming of youth policies across the Council of Europe

     programme of activities

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    formulates opinions and proposals on general or specific questions concerning youth in

    the Council of Europe as well as the priorities and budget allocations for the youth sector

     promotes activities focused on youth in the field of international cooperation

    sends representatives to statutory meetings and events with the aim of making the work ofthe Council of Europe in this field more visible.


    The Advisory Council on Youth is the non-governmental partner in the co-managed

     bodies of the Council of Europe’s Youth Department. The Council of Europe’s youth sectorworks on the basis of a partnership between non-governmental youth organizations and

    governments, in what is known as the co-management system. This means that representatives

    from non-governmental youth organizations and youth networks cooperate closely with

    government officials from the European Steering Committee for Youth to establish the standards

    and work priorities of the Council of Europe’s youth sector and make recommendations for future

     priorities, programs and budgets. The Advisory Council on Youth promotes at all levels, the co-

    management system in the decision-making process as a good practice for youth participation,

    democracy and inclusion; whilst preparing and encouraging young generations to take

    responsibility to build their desired society.

    The new trends in youth participation - Digital participation 

    But understanding

    youth and youth

     participation is to becoupled with the dynamic

    character of the target

    group – young people whose interests and needs are constantly changing. Consequently, in the

    era of online participation, young people have the tendency to participate virtually, to prefer

    online voting and to be the supporters of e-participation. The usage of the social media

    completely changed the trends of participation and starting with the Arab Spring, the digital

     participation of young people is to be treated as a separate trend in youth participation.

    Acknowledging the new context, the European Institutions – namely the Council of Europe and

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    the European Commission through their partnership in the youth field – Youth Partnership, are

    investing special attention to analyzing digital participation as a concept and also to looking at the

     barriers that young people could face in e-participation. The Symposium on youth participation in

    a digitalized world (14-16 September 2015, Budapest, Hungary) was an excellent opportunity foryouth workers, policy makers and researchers to reflect upon the new trends in participation,

    challenging the existing democratic systems and deepening the reflections on youth participation

    and the future of democracies in the digital era. (Youth Partnership, 2015 – Link:  http://pjp-

    eu.coe.int/en/web/youth-partnership/digitalised-world )

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    2.1 Methods and Tools used in Romania by CSCD to organize public participation

    of youth

     A. “Public participation against discrimination of young people from the rural communities”

    Having in mind that no other activities are being organized for young people except for

    the projects that CSCD is running, starting with 2012, the youth workers realized that the most

    efficient methodologies to boost up youth participation are the ones that are offering youth the

    opportunity to be the main partner in developing processes and services. Starting with May 2014

    to July 2015, CSCD on partnership basis with FPDL – Partners Foundation for Local

    Development and CERT – Educational Center for Resources and Training, implemented the

     project “Public participation against discrimination of young people from the rural communities”,

     project granted through NGO Fund in Romania, EEA Grants. The identified problem – the high

    risk of rural youth to be exposed to discrimination and social exclusion coupled with their weak

     public participation determined the project that had as aim to invest in the personal development

    of youth from the 3 rural communities – Giubega, Galiciuica and Campeni. The objectives of the

     project were related to using community development methodologies and personal development

    techniques in order to invest in the youth potential to combat discrimination and to invest in their

    leadership potential. The process started with identifying the problems in the community and to

    run campaigns in order to come up with a youth led solution for these problems.

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    40 young people from the 3 villages identified as the problems in their communities:

    The lack of youth friendly spaces in the villages

    The lack of dialogue structures with the authorities – mainly with thevillage councils

    The lack of personal development activities for their peers

    The lack of knowledge and awareness of the pupils on human rights and

    the access to human rights.

    The problems were identified in meetings that were prepared with the support of the

    community organizers (3 youth workers), who had been moderating the meetings and offered the

    groups the methodological support in preparing the campaigns. The problems were identified

    using consultation processes with their peers (collecting the problems on post-its and then

    selecting the problem that had been mentioned frequently). 

    The following steps of the process include selecting the relevant problems, the and in

    creating the map of allies and opponents in solving the problem, the community organizer

    helping the group to formulate the position papers and to prepare the negotiation meetings with

    the stakeholders (school boards, pupils’ councils). Having a clear working plan and strategy, the process aimed at making the school boards to hold the proposals of the group accountable for the

    actions and projects to be implemented and to meet the needs of the community – the pupils’


    The first problem that was tackled was the lack of access to information about the lack of

    information to access to rights. For this

     purpose, for the International Day of Human

    Rights, on December 10 2015, the 3 initiative

    groups prepared activities for their peers.

    Having both presentations and also

    interactive sessions, the groups managed to

    get their peers familiar with the basic

    fundamental rights to get the support of the

    school boards on running their campaigns. 

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    The second problem that the group in Giubega

    identified was related to the lack of having a space in

    the village where youth would come and socialize. The

     problem had been validated in public meetings (havingover 100 supporters). Negotiation meetings had been

    organized with the principal of the schools and with the

    mayor of the village in order to get clean the park next

    to the Culture House in the village. In June 2015, with the support of other colleagues, the group

    of 15 young people, together with the principal of the school and with other adults in the

    community, worked in organizing the Youth Park, a space that is still being used as the main

    meeting place of the young people in the community. 

    Having youth as the main actor for chance not

    the beneficiary of services, offered youth full

    ownership on the initiatives developed. Being a

    successful initiative, the youth community organizing

    model implemented in the three local communities

    had as well been presented within the good practices

     panel at the “A youth policy seminar on social

    inclusion of young people in vulnerable situations in

    South East Europe”, Youth Partnership –Mostar, October 28-29 2015.

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    At a larger scale, with the support of international donors (Council of Europe - European

    Youth Foundation, European Union - Youth in Action, Erasmus +, EEA Grants), CSCD managed

    to involve over 2000 young people in its activities and to run local youth projects in 6 rural

    communities in South Western part of Romania - mainly Dolj County. For this purpose, CSCDis closely working both with the public and with the nongovernmental actors, having

    implemented over 20 projects granted by the European Commission, European Social Fund,

    European Youth Foundation (Council of Europe) and EEA Grants aiming at developing

    structured dialogue mechanisms and social business models that would offer youth specifically

    youth with fewer opportunities personal and professional development. CSCD is training youth

    workers (both from Romania and from the Member States of the Council of Europe) on

    nonformal education, social entrepreneurship, inclusive education, education for citizenship,social business models, participatory action research, detached and open youth work and directly

    workers community organizing, community development and advocacy tools.

    The work is being done

     by trained youth workers and

    youth leaders (4), 2 researchers

    and a team of 13 volunteers. In

    2012/2014, CSCD had been one

    of the key players in setting up

    the European priorities in the

    youth field, having one member

     part of the Advisory Council on

    Youth at the Council of Europe and being as well represented in the Pool of European Youth

    Researchers (PEYR). CSCD is also partnering up with local authorities in the field of youth in

    Dolj County and with different nongovernmental organizations both providing social services and

    developing social entrepreneurship models for young people (Junior Chamber International


    The main educational approaches  that CSCD is integrated to its activities are thefollowing:

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    Except for the social impact of the campaigns, youth is also benefiting of a personal

    development process, as during the activities, they get the support of the youth workers and of

    other guests part of the activities (in November 2015, working for 3 days with the representatives

    of YMCA George Williams College – UK – youth workers and researchers, during the evaluation

    meeting organized as an Activity of Developing Detached Youth Work Practice (2014-1-MT01-

    KA205-000348) project granted by the European Union – Erasmus + - Key Action 2 – Strategic

    Partnerships in the Field of Youth).

    The youth community organizing methodologies are boosting up youth participation by:

    Offering youth the opportunity to be active on the public scene and to make their

    voice heard through the campaigns they are organizing

    Young people are constantly mentored by youth workers who are guiding their steps

    towards impacting social change.


    Human RightsEducation &InterculturalEducation


    Organizing &Community


    Youth participation

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    The youth group is creating dialogue structures with the public authorities and are

    working towards partnering up with the authorities for their campaigns.

    The members of the group have the potential of mobilizing other peers (for the youth

    group in Giubega, 9 out of the 15 young people involved with the activities are youthwith fewer opportunities).

    The whole process – starting with identifying the problem, to the consultations with

    the other actors in the community, the negotiation meetings and the activities

    organized within the Campaigns are youth led and developed by youth, for their peers.

     D. Citizenship Education & Human Rights Education

    Starting with 2011, with the support of the international donors and of the local

     partners, CSCD developed projects and initiatives aiming at offering youth the opportunity to

    make their voice heard and to set up participatory mechanisms for young people with fewer


    The citizenship education activities that CSCD is running have the main scope:

    To educate young people in citizenship and human rights, making sure that young

     people get the full access to their rights and that they are able to multiply the


    That young people understand what is the role of the institutions and they know

    which institution to address depending upon their request

    That they act responsibly and are active on the public scene.

    For this purpose, the main initiatives implemented had been the following:

    The Rights Caravan  - http://www.cdcd.ro/2011/05/the-rights-caravan-in-

    comunele-din-dolj/  , project granted by EYF – European Youth Foundation, Council of

    Europe, 2011.

    Citizenship Education can be defined as educating children, from early childhood, to become

    clear-thinking and enlightened citizens who participate in decisions concerning society.

    ‘Society’ is here understood in the special sense of a nation with a circumscribed territory which

    is recognized as a state .


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     Hajde, Baxtalo! - http://www.cdcd.ro/2012/12/hajde-baxtalo-eveniment/ , project

    granted by the European Union, Youth in Action, 2012.

     LEAD  (Leadership, Empowerment, Access, Development) -

    http://www.cdcd.ro/?s=LEAD, project granted by EYF – European Youth Foundation,Council of Europe, 2013.

    The outcomes of these projects are fully valorized into the initiatives and projects that CSCD

    currently implementing:

    Developing Detached Youth Work Practice (2014-1-MT01-KA205-000348)-   granted by the

    European Union, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships in the Field of Youth. Within the project, using

    detached youth work methodologies, two youth workers are working 15 young people in non-organized

    spaces, planning local youth initiatives and campaigns.

    Youth Creates Partnerships for the Development of Education for Social Entrepreneurship 

    (2015-3-SI02-KA205-013260) - granted by the European Union, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships in

    the Field of Youth – using its experience in developing youth led processes and participatory mechanisms,

    CSCD is mapping out a study on the entrepreneurship competencies of young people in Europe. For this

     purpose, CSCD is running participatory action research activities with its working target – young people

    from the rural areas, identifying the existent competencies and skills and the need for development of

    these skills for the future employment of young people with fewer opportunities.

    “ Detached youth work  is a model of youth work  practice, targeted at vulnerable. young

     people, which takes place on young people's own territory such as streets, cafes, parks and

    ubs at times that are a ro riate to them and on their terms.” 

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    2.2. Methods and tools used in Norway by MH to organize public participation of


     A. Intercultural events 

    MH uses intercultural events in order to promote dialogue between communities in

     Norway and their commune participation to the society, after identifying commune interests and

    needs and after agreeing on the way to participate.

    Three traditional intercultural events are organized:The Festival of Intercultural Dialogue, in April, in partnership with several Embassies at

    the monumental Oslo Opera House.

    Presenting the Ashura, as an intercultural and inter-religious event, in partnership with

     Norwegian churches and the Muslim community in Norway. The event used also social

    theatre as a method to establish intercultural dialogue.

    Peace painting activities for children.

     B. Film projections and debates 

    MH uses film projections and

    debates to promote participation and

    dialogue. Inviting wel- known persons,

    representatives of Embassies and the

    Government, at the projection of the

    movie  Love Is a Verb, encouraged

     participation and increased the impact of

    the debates after the film projection.

     Love Is A Verb is an examination of a social movement of Sufi-inspired Sunni Muslims that

    began in Turkey in the l960s and now spans across the globe. The group is called Hizmet,

    the Turkish word for "service" or The Gülen Movement after its inspiration and teacher,

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     Fethullah Gülen, a man TIME magazine named as one of the most influential leaders in the

    world in 2013 for "...preaching a message of tolerance."

    C. Intercultural meetings of young people 

    MH implements Cofee Beam  – a project bringing together young people with very

    different backgrounds to debates on several subjects, at the young people choice.

    The meetings take place in a friendly environment, with the possibility of young people to

     prepare coffee, tea and snack for themselves, which is a very good way to make these debates

    more enjoyable and attractive.

    As a result of these debates young people are encouraged to initiate and implement events

    using the organization infrastructure.

     D. Volunteers involvement  

    Based on a partnership with business, local authorities and other NGOs (like the Red

    Cross), young people can be volunteers in coffees or to do other voluntary work in order to

    support young people in need.MH Theory of Change – on youth work and volunteering can be presented as


    The hook for young people is the fact that they are accumulating working experience that

    is useful late for their employment.

    On the other hand, volunteering is also developing the young people commitment to the

    society and young volunteers are much more likely to participate in community life.

     E. Use of media 

    NorSensus Mediaforum  is a partner

    of MH using media to promote youth

    engagement. They are implementing


    A training programme for socially

    disadvantaged young people to express

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    themselves (visualisation, communication, social media)

    A platform of expression – online platform of publication (youth magazine) and a

    newsroom of 7 young people (14-19 years old).

    The platform is constructed around the NO HATE idea and all training provided aimed

    at teaching young people to build, tell and promote counter-narratives to the heat speech. 

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    2.3. Other methods and tools used in project funded by EEA Grants to organize

     public participation of youth

     A. Education for environment 3 

    Public participation for environmental issues is promoted in Poland. “We teach children

    and young people how to take care of nature so that they will take responsibility for the

    environment when they grow up”, says project manager Joanna Handziak-Buczko from Wroc"aw

    in Poland.

    In a classroom in the school complex number 4 in the Polish city of Wroc"aw the students

    are in deep concentration. They are carefully studying and operating small models that are

     producing solar and wind power.

    “One day we will run out of resources. Renewable energy will be the solution to generate

    heat and electricity for our daily lives,” says Sebastian Bogacz (18). Together with his classmate

    Piotr #agocki (18) he is checking the solar panel model. Outside the window on the roof of the

    school real size solar collector is producing energy to heat up the water in the school.

    “I want to work with renewable energy because we need to change to this type of energy

    to save the planet,” says Piotr #agocki.

    “At school, the children learn about biology, but they often do not get enough practical

    knowledge about how to take care of the nature and to protect the environment. That is where we

    come in,” explains Joanna Hadziak-Buczko from the life-long learning centre in Wroc"aw, who ismanaging the project on behalf the municipality of Wroc"aw. With support from Iceland,

    Liechtenstein and Norway, Handziak-Buczko and her colleagues are contributing to increase the

    quality and effects of education in biodiversity and protection of ecosystems in Poland.

    Through the project ‘My green home’ more than 1000 children and young people aged 3-

    18 from three schools and one kindergarten in Wroc"aw get the chance to learn more about the

    3 Source: http://eeagrants.org/News/2015/Developing-young-environmentalists  

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    importance of biodiversity, the economic value of ecosystems and the use of renewable energy


    “We show them for example how to sort garbage and what new products can be produced

     from recycled waste. We visit parks, forests, the botanical garden and the zoo. For young people

    it is easier to understand how their behaviour influences the environment if they go out and see it

     for themselves,” says Handziak-Buczko.

     B. School based activities4 

    The Lithuanian NGO ‘School of Success’ works to increase civic participation in the

    country by engaging with pupils.

    According to the Civil Society Institute in the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius, around 40

     percent of Lithuanians do not participate in any kind of civic activities. To help improve this

    situation, ‘School of Success’ is receiving more than  $44 000 in support from Iceland,

    Liechtenstein and Norway through the Lithuanian NGO programme to promote so-called

    democratic education in five schools in Lithuania. Democratic education means activelyengaging with the pupils and letting them have a real say in what is going on in their school. The

     purpose of this is two-fold. It aims to create a better learning environment for the pupils involved

    in the project and making them more motivated for school while at the same time spurring civic

    engagement that will carry on outside the classroom.

    One of the schools that participates in the project is the Kauno Kazio Griniaus

     progymnasium in the city of Kaunas in the southern part of Lithuania. An important part of the

     project has been to start an open conversation between pupils, teachers and administrators about

    various issues relevant to the school and its pupils. This was a positive experience for everyone

    involved, particularly for the pupils who for the first time felt they were given an opportunity to

    engage with their teachers and the school management as equals.

    4 Source: http://eeagrants.org/News/2014/Encouraging-civic-participation-in-Lithuania  

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    The dialogue was partly facilitated through a series of school-wide meetings where each

    class was represented by two pupils and a class teacher. In total, around 150 people participated

    in the meetings, including parents.

    Project manager Donata Norkiene at ‘School of Success’ says that the project has

    exceeded expectations: “To be honest, we are quite surprised by the results of the project. To be

    able to watch a traditional Lithuanian school break with tradition and engage with the students

    in this way is something we have never seen before in our work .”

     Norkiene adds that ‘School of Success’ hopes to be able to share the results of the project

    with other schools in Lithuania: “We hope that through this project we can inspire other schools

    in Lithuania, and that this can have positive effects both on our pupils and our civil society.”

    C. Simulations – simulated elections5 

    Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway supported a civic education project to stimulate

     political participation among young people in Romania. The Romanian Association for

    Democracy (Asociatia Pro Democratia) has received  $71 860 from the Romanian NGO Fund ofthe EEA Grants to carry out the "Exercise for democracies" project; an educational project aimed

    at raising civic participation and political engagement among high school and university students.

    The Association for Democracy is based on political non-partisanship and volunteerism, and has

    20 years of experience in promoting political and civic participation in Romanian society.

    The project takes a participatory approach, and aims to teach students about the political

    system and the political decision-making process. Through simulated elections and model

     parliaments; simulated parliament sessions, students learn how political decisions made at

    national and European level affect their lives, and how they can influence political processes.

    One of the project's overarching aims is to counter electoral absenteeism, and in particular

    to encourage young people to vote in the last elections for the European Parliament on 7 June

    2009. All over Europe, the boundaries between domestic and foreign policy becomes increasingly

     blurred as the process of European integration proceeds. Yet, the challenge remains of getting the

    5 Source: http://eeagrants.org/News/2012/Education-for-democracy  

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    average voter more interested in European issues and policies. In Romania, there is a general lack

    of knowledge about the European Parliament and its Romanian members among young people,

    according to the Pro Democratia association.

    To stimulate interest and engagement in European politics among young people, the

    "Exercise for Democracies" project organized a special Candidates Forum for young people, at

    which students met and discussed with Romanian MEP candidates. 30 students subsequently

    went on a study trip to Brussels and met with the candidates there. Through the project, simulated

    European elections were held at schools and higher education institutions in Craiova, Onesti,

    Targu Neamt, Timisoara, Galati, Constanta and Brasov. The results were announced two days

    after the real election so as not to interfere with the outcome of the actual vote.

     D. Youth Centres – Open youth work 6  

    “I hope the youth centre will be a place where we can make new friends and learn new

     skills,” says Kostadin Chilikov. He is one of many young people that will benefit from four youth

    centres that have received grants in Bulgaria.

    The centres are being set-up as a part of the Bulgarian children and youth at risk

     programme. They will be open to young people between the ages of 15 and 29, and Roma youth

    are a key target group. In total, four centres are being established. Each centre aims to receive the

    Council of Europe’s Quality Label, and they hope to open their doors by the beginning of 2015.

    Svetoslav Aleksiev, Rashko Aleksiev

    and Kostadin live in the southern Bulgarian

    city of Plovdiv and are looking forward to the

    centre being opened. The three young men

    are from the Roma community and they are

    hoping that the youth centre will be a place

    where they can meet other young people from

    outside their own community.

    6 Source: http://eeagrants.org/News/2014/Empowering-Roma-youth  

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    “For us as Roma it can be difficult to meet people from outside our own community. So I

    hope that the youth centre can be a place where young people from Plovdiv can meet regardless

    of ethnic background,” says Svetoslav.

    The centre is not only about fostering friendships across cultural boundaries, it is also

    about teaching vocational skills and helping the youngsters enter the labour market. Both

    Svetoslav, Aleksiev and Rashko are unemployed and they are hoping that once it opens, the

    youth centre in Plovdiv will help them develop useful skills and find a job.

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    2.4 Other methods and tools used in Europe to organize public participation on


    The study visit hosted by MH was also an excellent opportunity for the Romanian and for

    the Norwegian partner to identify methods and tools used by different European organizations in

    order to boost up youth participation. For this purpose, the mapping exercise of the existent

     practices started with the expressed interests of the participants to the study visit into the methods

    and tools that could be then transferred and replicated into the local working realities.

    At the European level, the Multilateral Cooperation Project “Participation of young

     people in the democratic Europe” and the “Refection Group on Youth Participation” of the

    Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe provided the policy

    makers, the practitioners and the researchers with excellent resources on empowering youth to

     participate to the public life. Available in the Manual – Amplify Participation of Young People in

    Europe – Recommendations for policy and practice (link:  https://www.salto-

    youth.net/downloads/4-17-3048/Amplify%20Participation%20-%20Recommendations.pdf   ), theset of recommendations are the result of an 18 months peer learning process of 5 countries

    (Germany, Israel, Lithuania, Poland and The United Kingdom) involving ministries responsible

    for youth, youth representatives, and other experts. The recommendations are also based on the

    findings from the research field and also on the outcomes of the event “Hear my voice!”

    European Conference (Brussels, 6-8 October 2014) by 55 experts on youth participation from 15

    different countries. The recommendations had been drafted to support the policy makers to

    develop public policies in order to raise the motivation of responsible key people working for andwith young people in order for them to encourage participation amongst young people, as well as

    share their experiences and lessons learnt with those responsible for youth policy. (C%l%f %teanu,


    Youth participation and the new participation trends were also tackled during the EU

    Youth Conference “Young People’s access to rights”, held in Rome in October 2014, participants

    asked the European Commission and Member States to provide enhanced citizenship education at

    all stages of formal education and support non-formal learning providers as well as during the

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    Council of Europe’s World Forum for Democracy, November 2014 in Strasbourg, event where

    young people asked for new means of democratic expression and democratic participation. Also,

    the first Global Forum on Youth Policies that took place in Azerbaijan in October 2014

    emphasized as well the need for support of youth civic engagement and participation in decision-making and political processes and institutions. (Ibid).

    One of the practices identified by the experts’ group and could be an excellent source of

    inspiration for the other organizations in Europe an example taken from the UK: The National

    Take Over Day, launched in 2007, is supported by the Children's Commissioner for England to

     promote and encourage youth involvement and participation. (Salto Youth Participation –

    Amplify Participation of Young People in Europe – Recommendations for Policy and Practice -


    %20Recommendations.pdf  )

    Every ‘Take Over Day', businesses and organizations from across the country, ranging

    from Local Authorities, schools and police departments to radio stations and supermarkets;

    coordinate a wide range of activities to enable children and young people to work alongside

    adults, try out different jobs, take on challenges, and be involved in decision making. “The day

    gives children and young people the chance to work with adults for the day and be involved indecision-making. Children benefit from the opportunity to experience the world of work and

    make their voices heard, while adults and organizations gain a fresh perspective on what they do.

    We hope this will help break down barriers between generations and encourage children's

    active involvement in their communities.”

    From its composition, the Take Over Day is an event with various levels to which young

     people can be involved:

    Job shadowing: Young people follow someone in their post for the day, seeing what their

     job involves.

    Work experience: Young people are given tasks to complete which are part of the work of

    the organization, ideally doing work towards a current project.

    Sharing a challenge: The organization shares a challenge it's facing, and asks the young

     people to come up with a solution.

    In 2014, the National Take Over Day takes place on 21 November in various places in

    England. Organizations and Local Authorities which take part in the Take Over Day can show

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    their participation by using posters “We have been taken over” and benefit from info packs

    available for them, for schools and for young people. 

    Of course, the scheme of a Take Over Day can be criticized on various levels:

    if taken as a sole measure to increase participation of young people it would lack real possibilities to influence political decisions sustainably

    it could be perceived as a top-down measure as the decision makers “allow” young people

    to have an insight in their positions and tasks; the bottom-up quality of receiving young

     people’s feedback during this day on how they perceived shadowing a decision maker

     plays a decisive role in this context

    it might be even perceived to perpetuate the project-based, one-off approaches which do

    not contribute to a systematic increase of participation of young people; here it is vital thatthe introduction of the Take Over Day is accompanied by training and educational

     possibilities to learn how decision making functions, to experience deliberation processes,

    and to embed the experience of shadowing a decision maker in a longer term participation

    learning experience.

    Once more, there is no “one-size--fits-all”: The Take Over Day can be a strong signal to

    open up political structures to young people – it does not replace giving real decision power,

     budgetary competence etc. to them. Embedded in a holistic concept of opening up “adult”

    structures and offering systemic participation possibilities with learning opportunities on various

    levels, the European Youth Take Over Day can be a solid sign of decision makers and

    stakeholders that they are willing to shape the future together with young people. 

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    Chapter 3 – Funding youth projects for participation and democracy

    3.1 – Funding of projects for participation and democracy promoted by CDCD in


    For the last 6 years, CSCD had been implementing its projects with the support of the

    international donors:

    Council of Europe - European Youth Foundation

    European Union - Erasmus +, Youth in Action

    European Social Fund

    EEA Grants. No fees had been collected from the members and in the working communities, the local

    authorities had not been put in place yet any granting opportunities for the youth activities.

    3.2 – Funding of projects for participation and democracy promoted by MH in


    MH uses three main funding methods: Ø fees collected from members;

    Ø sponsorships form the business sector – for public events with a large number of


    Ø small grants from the local authorities – based on a project competition held every


    3.3 Other funding sources used in Europe7 

    European Youth Foundation (Council of Europe) :www.coe.int/youth/. The EYF funds

    international youth projects (minimum 4 European partner countries). 

    European Mobility Fund (Council of Europe): www.coe.int/youth/. The Mobility Fund

     pays rail travel for disadvantaged groups participating in international youth projects. 


     Salto Youth - Source:https://www.salto- youth.net/rc/inclusion/inclusionresources/inclusiongroups/inclusionrural/inclusion-ruralfunding/  

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    Leader +:http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/rur/leaderplus/index_en.htm. Leader+ is designed

    to help rural actors improve the long-term potential of their local region. Projects need to

    fall within specific priorities granted to specific countries. Sometimes there is a youth

    focus in these projects. Interreg: www.interact-eu.int. Interreg is financed by the European development fund for

    social cohesion and supports cross border trans-national and interregional cooperation.

    Maybe your region is part of an Interreg project. 

    European Cultural Foundation: www.eurocult.org. ECF is an independent non-profit

    organisation that promotes cultural cooperation in Europe and gives funding for projects

    with a strong cultural component e.g. concerts, theatre,... 

     National Endowment Fund for Democracy: http://www.ned.org/apply-for-grant/en/ grants projects aiming at boosting up youth participation and promoting youth participation in

     peacebuilding processes.

    Rotary & Lyons Clubs: www.rotary.org & www.lionsclubs.org. These are associations of

     professionals that sometimes give money to projects which answer the needs that

    challenge communities around the world. 

    Embassies & Cultural Institutes: Some Embassies and cultural institutes (e.g. Goethe

    Institut, British Council, Alliance Française) are actively involved in supporting local

     projects in different countries.

    Visegrad Fund: www.visegradfund.org. Provides funding for cooperation projects

     between the Visegrad countries: Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. 

     Nordic Council: www.norden.org. The Nordic Council funds projects with a Nordic


    Different foundations: Find an overview of foundations at Funders Online

    www.fundersonline.org. Funders Online is an initiative of theEuropean Foundation Centre

    www.efc.be/projects/orpheus/. The EFC promotes and supports the work of foundations

    and corporate funders in Europe. 

    Banks sometimes have foundations that fund projects e.g. la Caixa in Spain

    Corporate social responsibility: www.csreurope.org. Companies supporting social projects

    or civic society. CSR Europe regroups over 60 multinational corporations as members. 

    Velux Foundation: http://veluxfoundations.dk/en supports projects aiming at investing in

    youth potential, namely on youth inclusion and providing social services.

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    Additional funding resources are available in the T-Kit on Funding & Financial

    Management at www.youth-partnership.net  or www.SALTO-YOUTH.net/Toolbox/  and also

    available via Eurodesk - www.eurodesk.org.

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    Conclusions and recommendations – the best practices

    The project „Youth activities for democracy”,  project that had as main activity an

    exchange of experiences and good practices in order to come up with efficient methodologies to

    work with youngsters in order to boost up their public participation in the public sphere was an

    excellent opportunity both for the Romanian and for the Norwegian organizations to identify new

     practices that could be replicated in their working communities. For CSCD, the visit and the

    documentation study were essential to planning the new activities and to continue investing in the

    development of the youth community organizing activities. For MH, the project was also an

    opportunity to scale up the models used in Norway to other communities with a different social

    and cultural profile.

    The European policies and measures on empowering youth participation had been

    integrated to the current study in order to draw the European framework in the field, the authors

    trying as well to find the transfer mechanisms of the European processes to the local level. If in

     Norway the authorities are investing in the local projects and initiatives and are better structuring

    the dialogue mechanisms with young people, in Romania, the activities of the youth

    organizations are basically providing the services that the authorities are failing in providing.

    Analyzing the main documents on youth participation offered the partners the opportunity

    to reflect upon the existent documents and programmes that could support the development of

    local projects and initiatives. Consequently, the partners identified a range of granting

    opportunities and also the methodologies that could be transferred at the local level. At the end of

    the study visit, it was concluded that the path dependency strongly influences the current state of

    the local youth participation framework in the two communities. Keeping in mind that the two

    organizations came from totally different communities – a rural and an urban one, with different

    cultural and social aspects, different cultural frameworks, common challenges are faced when it

    comes to including youth people with fewer opportunities. Both for the Norwegian and for the

    Romanian partners, developing projects and initiatives for young people with difficult economic

    and social background is a priority. If the Norwegian partner has the opportunity to get the

    initiatives granted by the local authorities, the Romanian partner is also challenged by the lack of

    access to funding from the local authorities, trying nowadays to access the resources of the

     private donors.

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    The good practices identified at the European level and in other projects granted by EEA

    are extremely useful for the two partners. Both for CSCD and for MH, running Caravans with a

     youth-led dimension and initiating youth journalism projects are to be piloted in 2016/2017.

    With the support of Norsensus (Oslo, Norway), the two partners are currently reflecting upon

    better integrating the social media tools into the current youth activities. 

    During the study visit, the following recommendations had been drawn up by the youth


    The local authorities should increase the role of the youth’s structures in the

    decision- making process,

    Public consultations and periodic public debates with the youngsters should be held,

    Special programmes in the departments of the local authorities where the youngsters

    could have special traineeship sessions,

    Special pro-active measures to empower the youth participation in the rural areas,

    Developing other mechanisms for young people to initiate their own programmes

    for the community development.

    At the end of the project, the following initiatives had been planned by the two partners:

    Developing an application for a Seminar – Erasmus +, Key Action 1 – where

    youth workers would come and share their experiences on working with young

     people from the ethnic communities

    Organizing a youth exchange for rural youth from Giubega village Romania and

    the young people with fewer opportunities part of MH programmesIdentifying an opportunity to continue working on developing new tools and

    methodologies to boost up youth participation in transnational partnerships –

    including the international partners of CSCD and MH.

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