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Good Things for Saturday · 2017. 12. 17. · Miss Edna Amundson left for her home Thursday after...

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»A«e POUR THE WieKuY T(ME8-REC0R0. THURSOAY, APRIL 10, 1913. County Correspondence MANSFIELD The meeting of the Farmers Associ- ation at the school house last Friday evening was well attended. Senator McDowell of Marion gave a fine ad- dress on the origin of the better farming movement in this state; how it is financed, and what it is expected to accomplish, with the aid of the farmer in conserving the natural re- sources of the state. Mr. McDowell is a fluent and entertaining speaker, and should he find it convenient to 3ueet with the club again he will get a, hearty welcome. Mr. and Mrs. John Jones have moved to their new home in Meatlow Lake township. Miss Mary Thompson of llemen, Is spending a few days with her friend Miss Anna Strang. Frank Stillings and Will Campbell, were Valley City shoppers last week. Miss Anna Tabbert is teaching north of Sanborn this spring. A. McLees was a Valley City visitor between trains Saturday. Aleck and Don Campbell made a business trip to Kathryn last week. There will be a social dance at the Clark City school house, Friday niglit. j Mr. and Mrs. Ray Swartout have re- turned to their summer home on tlie Swartout farm in this township. Mrs. Cowdrey is having quite a se- vere attack of the grippe, but is re- ported better at this writing Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tabbert drove to Dickey Saturday to visit a sister of Mrs. Tabbert's. Mr. D. It. Jones is transacting bus- iness in the county hub this week. Another generous fall of the beau- tiful, will delay farming for a time, but will insure sufficient moisture for the seeding. City in one of the hospitals suffering with appendicitis. We hear that the operation was very successful. There is some talk of a Farmers' Elevator at Hobart or Berea in Ho- bert township. L. K. Stillings drove to Valley City Monday and rep&rts the roads very bad although he met one auto stuck on a hill. John Bork and Conrad Kjelland were Valley City callers Monday. The Literary Club meets Saturday evening at School Dist. 40. A. H. Davidson drove to Valley City Tuesday. Mrs. A. Kee visited at her parents Monday and Tuesday at the L. K. Stillings farm. GREEN NOTES. The ball team met at Mr. David- son's for a little practice Sunday af- ternoon. Plenty of moisture in the shape of snow on Monday, delaying seeding for several days. L. O. Kjelland started spring plow- ing Monday morning. Mario Stillings is home from school, taking lessons at the fanning mill. Hugbert Halverson is at Valley Corn, Millet, Clover, Timothy Alfalfa, Red Top, Etc. Also a full line of Garden Seed, these seeds are of extra good quality aod it will pay you to see tbcm before buying- —— O. SIMENSON VALLEY CITY'S ECONOMY STOIC K Good Things for Saturday Good House Brooms \ Oc Made of good clean stock; 4 sewed large full head, metal bindinor lock. We h av e limited this lot to 50 brooms. No more after these are sold. .No phone orders taken fcr this item. Only one broom to anybody 10c L. L. May's Vegetable and Flower Seeds—none better, pack 1 cent Combination Offer One 10 qt galvanized pail All One package of Swift's I Pride Washing Powder \ * One 10 scrub brush... .. I AwfC f tk White Semi-Porcelain Sauce Dishes plain and Pure White Semi-Porcelain ware, beaded edges, two for 5C 1 Famous 'White House' Cook Book \V h i t e o i 1 cloth binding. The great standard by Hugo Zieman and F. L.Gill- ette, 1600tested receipes, and much addi- tional information. Sold by most stores at $1, or more, our Af\r> special price Webster's Unabridged Dictionary Heavy embossed sheep binding. Full text of latest Webster with suplimental matter and appen- dices, definitions of the late words, many illustrations in text. About 1600 three column pages. QQs* Special OVv Candy Specials from the makers, per lb Delicious Fudge, filled with walnuts, pecan and peanuts. Fresh |Q£ For Saturday Only HEMEN VICINITY. Some of our Hemenites attended the party at Ferd Noecker's on Friday evening and report an enjoyable time. Miss Edna Amundson left for her home Thursday after spending a cou- ple of days with Miss Alice Letten maier. A crowd gathered at the home of Frank Rambow on Saturday evening. Miss Mary Thompson spent a cou- ple tff days with Miss Anna Strang. We are glad to hear Mrs. C. Letten maier is improving. Some of our young people attended the Farmers meeting at Clark City school house. Mr. Roy Cowdrey is home from the Normal and will help his father with the spring work. Those who were callers at C. Letten maier on Sunday were Mrs. E. C. Thompson and daughter Nellie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Noecker, Mr. and Mrs. iSam Wolski and daughters and Alice Lettenmaier. John Neustel has been tarrying with Hulbert Leondorf for a couple of days. GRAND PRAIRIE. Rev. and Mrs. Eberly, Rev. an<? Mrs. Adams are attending the Fre# ;Methodist meetings at Valley City. * The wedding of Hans Skonnord and Elizabeth McKay took place at tne home of the bride's parents at Valley City Wednesday evening at seven o'clock, Rev. Solheim officiating. The happy couple are at home on the John McKay farm. Peter Sannes drove to town Friday he was accompanied home by Mr. Olson who just arrived from Norway and will work for Peter the coming summer. Mrs. A. L. Wolf was a business caller at Valley City on Saturday, j Carl Skonnord is at present work- ing for his brother Hans. ! Harold Nelson and Torger Carlson called at Sannes' and Sunde's Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carlson were en- tertained at F. Amundson's last Sun- day. W. McKay called at Pillsbury Mon- day. ! Will Lewzader was a pleasant call- er at the Shreador home Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Hans Skonnord were Valley City callers Monday attending to business affairs. ! Harold and Dorothy Eberly are stay- ing at the Wolf home during the ab- sence of their parents. ! P. Sannes called at the Ash Grove farm last Thursday. ( Mrs. Lewis Taylor visited with her daughter Mrs. W. McKay a few days last week. I M. Miller and son Anton drove,to town Friday evening returning home Saturday. Anton went down for den- tal treatment. J. Gibson and John Neil drove to Valley City Saturday returning home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. McKay entertained a few relatives and friends at sup- per last Saturday, among those prese- ent were Mr. and Mrs. Hans Skonnord O. E. Sunde and family, Agnes Selbo and Carl Skonnord. See the New Try Our Models in 1 jH A rrKKS Virginia Kid Kabo Corsets VJJIlxxl JL JJJJ kJ Gloves at $1.00 to $3 50 The largest line of Piece Goods in Valley City $1.50 a Pair If You Expect to Be Well Dressed You must wear the right kind of clothes—this don't mean that your Suits, Dresses, Coats and Hats must always be the most expensive or that the styles you wear must be the most extreme. It DOES mean, however, that you should wear styles and colors that are the most becoming. One 25c tube of Sanitol Dental ^ one high-gjade tooth brush,, adult or child's size both (or 19c Ladies' Fine Shirtwaists "JTZr. terials, tastily trimmed. Values extraordinary 98C at > MARSH TOWNSHIP. | School opened in District 3, Mon- day of last week with Miss Lettie Krug as teacher. Mr. Mayland addressed the meet- ing of the Farmers' Club held at John Mclntyre's on Wednesday of last week. Alfalfa and corn was the subject of his talk. The attendance was not as large as desired. Don't fail to come to these meetings but make it a point to be present everv time. Henry King has moved to Mrs. Cbil- , berg's farm which he has rented and j Walter Darr and family are now liv- ,ing on the King farm. j Axel Nelson recently bought five milch cows from O. P. Wagle. Bertha Gartland was helping Mrs. Fagerstrom do some extra touches to the interior of the house the other week. Edwin Fagerstrom is home again after attending the winter term at the Normal. Ed. R. King left for his claim near Pettibone, N. D. on Friday of last week, after spending several months here. We all wish him good luck out there. All our garments are selected with great care, with a view of getting an assortment large enough to meet the requirements of every woman in Valley City. If you will gome in and see the many beautiful things which we are showing, we believe you will have very little trouble in finding "just what \ou want" something that will suit you in style, quality and price. Spring Goats $7.50 to $40.00 Spring Suits $15.00 to $35.00 New Dresses $1.25 to $25.00 Pretty Hats $2.50 to $15.00 Shirt Waists $1.00 to $5.00 New goods are coming in almost every day. 8 We Carry a Complete Line of "Mousing" Underwear for Women and Children GERMAN DAY IN VALLEY CITY. The people of Valley City and San- born held union services in St. Cath erine's church last Wednesday m"rn ing at 10:30. Large crowds had gathered at the church to do honor to St. Boniface, the great Apostle of the German people. The Sanborn Foresters were present in a body. The following clergymen took part in the services. Revs. Dean Sevig- ny of St. Thomas, N. D„ celebrant; John Kleidon of Sanborn, deacon, Vin- cent J. Ryan, sub-deacon of Fargo; Wm. C. Schimmel of Valley City, mas- ter of ceremonies; Thomas Wilkes of Fingal preacher of the day. A select mass of many parts was sung by the choir under the able di- rectorship of Mrs. Wm. Craswell. Father Wilkes spoke in a feeling manner to the enraptured audience on St. Boniface and his labors in co- verting the German people to the faith of Christ. The delivery of the sermon was at once remarkable and impressive and will be long remem- bered by those present. At the close a solemn Benediction of the Blessed Sarcament was given by the officers of the mass. As a recessional the hymn, "Grosser Gott," was sung by the entire congregation. The alters of the church were tastefully decorated and were beauti- ful to behold. A rare collection of flowers and plants, typical of the day, shed their aromatic fragrance on the sanctuary. An elaborate dinner was served by the ladies of the congregation to the Sanborn guests and Valley City peo- ple. This joint celebration will help to wield the ties of enduring friend- ship between the two towns.—San- born Enterurise. 480 Acres Near Marion. No. 93—This fine farm has been sci- entifically cultivated and is in Splen- did shape. Large housq, barn and out- buildings. All under cultivation but 25 acres. Owner has harvested good crops during bad years. Fine young grove, good well and everything to make a good home. Price $17,280. Reasonable terms. This fine farm is owned by Frank F. Provan, Marion, N. D., or see the E. D. Lum Laud Co. When you make your plans for spring planting of fruits, flowers, shrubs or trees, phone your wants in at once to the Northwest Nursery company's office. It is necessary to file orders early and secure the best service. Orders from city patrons will be planted if desired. The Northwest Nursery Co. Phone 176. 4-9-6d-lw J. Belknap of Wimbledon, is among the business callers today in the city. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORE- CLOSURE SALE. Notice is hereby given, that cer- tain mortgage, executed and delivered by Herbert Weston and Phebe E. A. Weston, his wife, Mortgagors, to the Alliance Mortgage and Investment Company, Limited, Mortgagee, dated the 15th day of February, 1910, and filed for record in the office of the Reg- ister of Deeds of the County of Barnes and State of North Dakota, on the 26th day of February, 1910, and recorded In Book "47" of Mortgages at page 185, will be foreclosed by a sale of the the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Valley City, in the County of Barnes, and State of North Dakota, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after- noon on the 17th day of May, 1913, to satisfy the amount due on the date of sale upon certain installments of principal and coupons secured by said mortgage being overdue and unpaid, and certain taxes advanced by the mortgagee being unpaid. The premises described in said mort- gage and which will be sold to satisfy the same, are those certain premises situated in the County of Barnes, and State of North Dakota, and described as follows, to-wit: The Southeast Quarter (SE Vi) of the Southwest Quarter (SW'/i) of Sec- tion Thirty-four (34), Township One Hundred Forty-three (143) North of Range Fifty-eight (58); the Northwest Quarter (NW!4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW'/i); the South Half (S'/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW Vi); the North Half (N 1 /*) of the Southwest Quarter (SW!I) and the Southwest Quarter (SWVi) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1 /,) of Sectiorf Three (3); the South Half (S 1 ^); the South Half of the Northeast Quarter (NE l 4); the Northeast Quarter (NE 'A) of the Northeast Quarter (NE'/t) and the Southeast Quarter (SE'4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW J 4) .of Section Four (4), and the Southeast Quarter (SE'4) of Section Five (5), all in Township One Hundred Forty- two (142) North of Range Fifty-eight (58) West of the Fifth Principal Mer- idian, containing nine hundred thirty- two (932) acres, more or less, accord- ing to the United States Government Survey thereof. There will be due on such mortgage at the date of sale on the above men- tioned overdue installments of princi- pal, coupons and taxes, the sum of Two Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Seven Dollars and Fifty-seven Cents ($2627.57) this sale being made sole- ly for the amount due on the above mentioned overdue installments, cou- pon and taxes and the land secured by the mortgage herein foreclosed will be sold subject to the lien of any and all installments in said mortgagte not yet due and unpaid, the mortgagee not waiving any rights thereunder as se- curity for the balance owing upon the said mortgage. The Alliance Mortgage and In- vestment Company, Limited Mort- gagee. Watson & Young, Attorneys for Mortgagee, Fargo, North Dakota 4-10-6tw NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORE. ' CLOSURE SALE. Whereas default has been made in the terms and condition of that cer- tain mortgage, executed and deliver- ed by John H. Sorlien and Bertha Sorlien, his wife, mortgagors, to Thomas O'Malley, mortgagee, dated the 30th day of November, 1906, filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Barnes County, State of North Dakota, December 17th, 1906, at 2:30 o'clock, p. m., and recorded in Book 29 of Mortgages, at page 610; which said mortgage was duly assign- ed by the County Court of Barnes County, North Dakota, by written in- strument dated January 11th, 1909 filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Barnes County, North Dakota, on January 12th, 1909, at 1:30 o'clock, p. m., and recorded in Book TJ2 of Miscellaneous Records, at page 290, to Margaret O'Malley and Katie O'Malley, as the lawful heirs at law of said Thomas O'Malley, then deceased; and which said mortgage was thereafter duly assigned by said Margaret O'Malley and Katie O'Mal- ley (Now Katie Conlon) to A. O. An- derson, the undersigned, by written instrument dated February 21st, 1913, filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Barnes County, North Dakota, March 3rd, 1913, at 2:30 o'clock, p. m., and recorded in Book Z2 of Miscellaneous Records, at Page 460; that said default con- sists in a failure to pay the balance of the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, and that the same is past due; Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore- closed by a sale of the premises there- in and hereinafter described, at the front door of the court house in the city of Valley City in the County of Barnes and State of North Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock in the after- noon, on the 19th day of May, A. D„ 1913, to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in such mort- gage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are situate, lying and being in the County of Barnes, State of North Dakota, and described as fol- lows, to-wit: All of Section Seven (7) In town- ship one hundred forty (140) north of range sixty (60) west, containing 432.67 acres, more or less, according to the United States Government Survey thereof; and also lots number- ed five (5) and six (6) in the north- east quarter (N. E. %) of section eighteen (18) in township one hund- red forty (140) north, or range sixty (60) west, less or except a strip 207 feet wide off from the south side of said lot numbered six (6), the said lot five (5) and the balance of said lot six (6) together containing 89 acres, more or less, according to the United States Government Survey thereof; There will be due on such mortgage at the date of sale the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00), together with the costs of foreclosure and sale. Dated April 5th, 1913. O. A. ANDERSON, Assignee and Mortgagee. T. S. LINDLAND, Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee, Valley City, N. Dak. 4-10-«tw
Page 1: Good Things for Saturday · 2017. 12. 17. · Miss Edna Amundson left for her home Thursday after spending a cou ple of days with Miss Alice Letten maier. A crowd gathered at the


County Correspondence


The meeting of the Farmers Associ­ation at the school house last Friday evening was well attended. Senator McDowell of Marion gave a fine ad­dress on the origin of the better farming movement in this state; how it is financed, and what it is expected to accomplish, with the aid of the farmer in conserving the natural re­sources of the state. Mr. McDowell is a fluent and entertaining speaker, and should he find it convenient to 3ueet with the club again he will get a, hearty welcome.

Mr. and Mrs. John Jones have moved to their new home in Meatlow Lake township.

Miss Mary Thompson of llemen, Is spending a few days with her friend Miss Anna Strang.

Frank Stillings and Will Campbell, were Valley City shoppers last week.

Miss Anna Tabbert is teaching north of Sanborn this spring.

A. McLees was a Valley City visitor between trains Saturday.

Aleck and Don Campbell made a business trip to Kathryn last week.

There will be a social dance at the

Clark City school house, Friday niglit. j Mr. and Mrs. Ray Swartout have re­

turned to their summer home on tlie Swartout farm in this township.

Mrs. Cowdrey is having quite a se­vere attack of the grippe, but is re­ported better at this writing

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tabbert drove to Dickey Saturday to visit a sister of Mrs. Tabbert's.

Mr. D. It. Jones is transacting bus­iness in the county hub this week.

Another generous fall of the beau­tiful, will delay farming for a time, but will insure sufficient moisture for the seeding.

City in one of the hospitals suffering with appendicitis. We hear that the operation was very successful.

There is some talk of a Farmers' Elevator at Hobart or Berea in Ho-bert township.

L. K. Stillings drove to Valley City Monday and rep&rts the roads very bad although he met one auto stuck on a hill.

John Bork and Conrad Kjelland were Valley City callers Monday.

The Literary Club meets Saturday evening at School Dist. 40.

A. H. Davidson drove to Valley City Tuesday.

Mrs. A. Kee visited at her parents Monday and Tuesday at the L. K. Stillings farm.


The ball team met at Mr. David­son's for a little practice Sunday af­ternoon.

Plenty of moisture in the shape of snow on Monday, delaying seeding for several days.

L. O. Kjelland started spring plow­ing Monday morning.

Mario Stillings is home from school, taking lessons at the fanning mill.

Hugbert Halverson is at Valley

Corn, Millet, Clover, Timothy Alfalfa, Red Top, Etc.

Also a full line of Garden Seed, these seeds are of extra good quality aod it will pay you to see tbcm

before buying- — ——

O . S I M E N S O N


Good Things for Saturday Good House Brooms \ Oc Made of good clean stock; 4 sewed large full head, metal bindinor lock. We have limited this lot to 50 brooms. No more after these are sold. .No phone orders taken fcr

this item. Only one broom to anybody 10c

L. L. May's Vegetable and Flower Seeds—none better, pack 1 cent



One 10 qt galvanized pail All One package of Swift's I

Pride Washing Powder \ *

One 10 scrub brush... .. I AwfC



White Semi-Porcelain Sauce Dishes plain and Pure White Semi-Porcelain ware,

beaded edges, two for 5C


Famous 'White House'

Cook Book \V h i t e o i 1 cloth binding. T h e g r e a t standard by Hugo Zieman and F. L.Gill­ette, 1600tested receipes, and much addi­

tional information. Sold by most stores at $1, or more, our Af\r> special price

Webster's Unabridged

Dictionary Heavy embossed sheep binding.

Full text of latest Webster with

suplimental matter and appen­

dices,definitions of the late words, many illustrations in text. About 1600 three column pages. QQs* Special OVv

Candy Specials from the makers, per lb

Delicious Fudge, filled with walnuts, pecan and peanuts. Fresh |Q£

For Saturday Only

HEMEN VICINITY. Some of our Hemenites attended the

party at Ferd Noecker's on Friday evening and report an enjoyable time.

Miss Edna Amundson left for her home Thursday after spending a cou­ple of days with Miss Alice Letten maier.

A crowd gathered at the home of Frank Rambow on Saturday evening.

Miss Mary Thompson spent a cou­ple tff days with Miss Anna Strang.

We are glad to hear Mrs. C. Letten maier is improving.

Some of our young people attended the Farmers meeting at Clark City school house.

Mr. Roy Cowdrey is home from the Normal and will help his father with the spring work.

Those who were callers at C. Letten maier on Sunday were Mrs. E. C. Thompson and daughter Nellie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Noecker, Mr. and Mrs.

iSam Wolski and daughters and Alice Lettenmaier.

John Neustel has been tarrying with Hulbert Leondorf for a couple of days.

GRAND PRAIRIE. Rev. and Mrs. Eberly, Rev. an<?

Mrs. Adams are attending the Fre# ;Methodist meetings at Valley City.


The wedding of Hans Skonnord and Elizabeth McKay took place at tne home of the bride's parents at Valley City Wednesday evening at seven o'clock, Rev. Solheim officiating. The happy couple are at home on the John McKay farm.

Peter Sannes drove to town Friday he was accompanied home by Mr. Olson who just arrived from Norway and will work for Peter the coming summer.

Mrs. A. L. Wolf was a business caller at Valley City on Saturday,

j Carl Skonnord is at present work­ing for his brother Hans.

! Harold Nelson and Torger Carlson called at Sannes' and Sunde's Sunday.

1 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carlson were en­tertained at F. Amundson's last Sun­day.

W. McKay called at Pillsbury Mon­day.

! Will Lewzader was a pleasant call­er at the Shreador home Sunday.

| Mr. and Mrs. Hans Skonnord were Valley City callers Monday attending to business affairs.

! Harold and Dorothy Eberly are stay­ing at the Wolf home during the ab­sence of their parents.

! P. Sannes called at the Ash Grove farm last Thursday.

( Mrs. Lewis Taylor visited with her daughter Mrs. W. McKay a few days last week.

I M. Miller and son Anton drove,to town Friday evening returning home Saturday. Anton went down for den­tal treatment.

J. Gibson and John Neil drove to Valley City Saturday returning home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. McKay entertained a few relatives and friends at sup­per last Saturday, among those prese-ent were Mr. and Mrs. Hans Skonnord O. E. Sunde and family, Agnes Selbo and Carl Skonnord.

See the New Try Our

Models in 1 jH A r r K K S Virginia Kid

Kabo Corsets VJJIlxxl JL JJJJ kJ Gloves at

$1.00 to $3 50 The largest line of Piece Goods in Valley City $1.50 a Pair

If You Expect to Be Well Dressed You must wear the right kind of clothes—this don't mean that your Suits, Dresses, Coats and Hats must always be the most expensive or that the styles you wear must be the most extreme. It DOES mean, however, that you should wear styles and colors that are the most becoming.

One 25c tube of Sanitol Dental

^ one high-gjade tooth brush,, adult or child's size both (or 19c

Ladies' Fine Shirtwaists "JTZr. terials, tastily trimmed. Values extraordinary 98C


> MARSH TOWNSHIP. | School opened in District 3, Mon­day of last week with Miss Lettie Krug as teacher.

Mr. Mayland addressed the meet­ing of the Farmers' Club held at John Mclntyre's on Wednesday of last week. Alfalfa and corn was the subject of his talk. The attendance was not as large as desired. Don't fail to come to these meetings but make it a point to be present everv time.

Henry King has moved to Mrs. Cbil-, berg's farm which he has rented and j Walter Darr and family are now liv-,ing on the King farm. j Axel Nelson recently bought five milch cows from O. P. Wagle.

Bertha Gartland was helping Mrs. Fagerstrom do some extra touches to the interior of the house the other week.

Edwin Fagerstrom is home again after attending the winter term at the Normal.

Ed. R. King left for his claim near Pettibone, N. D. on Friday of last week, after spending several months here. We all wish him good luck out there.

All our garments are selected with great care, with a view of getting an assortment large enough to meet the requirements of every woman in Valley City. If you will gome in and see the many beautiful things which we are showing, we believe you will have very little trouble in finding "just what \ou want" something that will suit you in style, quality and price.

Spring Goats $7.50 to $40.00

Spring Suits $15.00 to $35.00

New Dresses $1.25 to $25.00

Pretty Hats $2.50 to $15.00

Shirt Waists $1.00 to $5.00 New goods are coming in almost every day.

8 We Carry a Complete Line of "Mousing" Underwear for Women and Children


The people of Valley City and San­born held union services in St. Cath erine's church last Wednesday m"rn ing at 10:30.

Large crowds had gathered at the church to do honor to St. Boniface, the great Apostle of the German people. The Sanborn Foresters were present in a body. The following clergymen took part in the services. Revs. Dean Sevig-ny of St. Thomas, N. D„ celebrant; John Kleidon of Sanborn, deacon, Vin­cent J. Ryan, sub-deacon of Fargo; Wm. C. Schimmel of Valley City, mas­ter of ceremonies; Thomas Wilkes of Fingal preacher of the day.

A select mass of many parts was sung by the choir under the able di­rectorship of Mrs. Wm. Craswell.

Father Wilkes spoke in a feeling manner to the enraptured audience on St. Boniface and his labors in co-verting the German people to the faith of Christ. The delivery of the sermon was at once remarkable and impressive and will be long remem­bered by those present. At the close a solemn Benediction of the Blessed Sarcament was given by the officers of the mass. As a recessional the hymn, "Grosser Gott," was sung by the entire congregation.

The alters of the church were tastefully decorated and were beauti­ful to behold. A rare collection of flowers and plants, typical of the day, shed their aromatic fragrance on the sanctuary.

An elaborate dinner was served by the ladies of the congregation to the Sanborn guests and Valley City peo­ple. This joint celebration will help to wield the ties of enduring friend­ship between the two towns.—San­born Enterurise.

480 Acres Near Marion. No. 93—This fine farm has been sci­

entifically cultivated and is in Splen­did shape. Large housq, barn and out­buildings. All under cultivation but 25 acres. Owner has harvested good crops during bad years. Fine young grove, good well and everything to make a good home. Price $17,280. Reasonable terms. This fine farm is owned by Frank F. Provan, Marion, N. D., or see the E. D. Lum Laud Co.

When you make your plans for spring planting of fruits, flowers, shrubs or trees, phone your wants in at once to the Northwest Nursery company's office. It is necessary to file orders early and secure the best service. Orders from city patrons will be planted if desired. The Northwest Nursery Co. Phone 176. 4-9-6d-lw

J. Belknap of Wimbledon, is among the business callers today in the city.


Notice is hereby given, that cer­tain mortgage, executed and delivered by Herbert Weston and Phebe E. A. Weston, his wife, Mortgagors, to the Alliance Mortgage and Investment Company, Limited, Mortgagee, dated the 15th day of February, 1910, and filed for record in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds of the County of Barnes

and State of North Dakota, on the 26th day of February, 1910, and recorded In Book "47" of Mortgages at page 185, will be foreclosed by a sale of the the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Valley City, in the County of Barnes, and State of North Dakota, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after­noon on the 17th day of May, 1913, to satisfy the amount due on the date of sale upon certain installments of principal and coupons secured by said mortgage being overdue and unpaid, and certain taxes advanced by the mortgagee being unpaid.

The premises described in said mort­gage and which will be sold to satisfy the same, are those certain premises situated in the County of Barnes, and State of North Dakota, and described as follows, to-wit:

The Southeast Quarter (SE Vi) of the Southwest Quarter (SW'/i) of Sec­tion Thirty-four (34), Township One Hundred Forty-three (143) North of Range Fifty-eight (58); the Northwest Quarter (NW!4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW'/i); the South Half (S'/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW Vi); the North Half (N1/*) of the Southwest Quarter (SW!I) and the Southwest Quarter (SWVi) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/,) of Sectiorf Three (3); the South Half (S1^); the South Half of the Northeast Quarter (NEl4); the Northeast Quarter (NE 'A) of the Northeast Quarter (NE'/t) and the Southeast Quarter (SE'4) of the Northwest Quarter (NWJ4) .of Section Four (4), and the Southeast Quarter (SE'4) of Section Five (5), all in Township One Hundred Forty-two (142) North of Range Fifty-eight (58) West of the Fifth Principal Mer­idian, containing nine hundred thirty-two (932) acres, more or less, accord­ing to the United States Government Survey thereof.

There will be due on such mortgage at the date of sale on the above men­tioned overdue installments of princi­pal, coupons and taxes, the sum of Two Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Seven Dollars and Fifty-seven Cents ($2627.57) this sale being made sole­ly for the amount due on the above mentioned overdue installments, cou­pon and taxes and the land secured by the mortgage herein foreclosed will be sold subject to the lien of any and all installments in said mortgagte not yet due and unpaid, the mortgagee not waiving any rights thereunder as se­curity for the balance owing upon the said mortgage.

The Alliance Mortgage and In­vestment Company, Limited Mort­gagee.

Watson & Young, Attorneys for Mortgagee, Fargo, North Dakota 4-10-6tw


Whereas default has been made in the terms and condition of that cer­tain mortgage, executed and deliver­ed by John H. Sorlien and Bertha

Sorlien, his wife, mortgagors, to Thomas O'Malley, mortgagee, dated the 30th day of November, 1906, filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Barnes County, State of North Dakota, December 17th, 1906, at 2:30 o'clock, p. m., and recorded in Book 29 of Mortgages, at page 610; which said mortgage was duly assign­ed by the County Court of Barnes County, North Dakota, by written in­strument dated January 11th, 1909 filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Barnes County, North Dakota, on January 12th, 1909, at 1:30 o'clock, p. m., and recorded in Book TJ2 of Miscellaneous Records, at page 290, to Margaret O'Malley and Katie O'Malley, as the lawful heirs at law of said Thomas O'Malley, then deceased; and which said mortgage was thereafter duly assigned by said Margaret O'Malley and Katie O'Mal­ley (Now Katie Conlon) to A. O. An­derson, the undersigned, by written instrument dated February 21st, 1913, filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Barnes County, North Dakota, March 3rd, 1913, at 2:30 o'clock, p. m., and recorded in Book Z2 of Miscellaneous Records, at Page 460; that said default con­sists in a failure to pay the balance of the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, and that the same is past due;

Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore­closed by a sale of the premises there­in and hereinafter described, at the front door of the court house in the city of Valley City in the County of Barnes and State of North Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock in the after­noon, on the 19th day of May, A. D„ 1913, to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in such mort­gage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are situate, lying and being in the County of Barnes, State of North Dakota, and described as fol­lows, to-wit:

All of Section Seven (7) In town­ship one hundred forty (140) north of range sixty (60) west, containing 432.67 acres, more or less, according to the United States Government Survey thereof; and also lots number­ed five (5) and six (6) in the north­east quarter (N. E. %) of section eighteen (18) in township one hund­red forty (140) north, or range sixty (60) west, less or except a strip 207 feet wide off from the south side of said lot numbered six (6), the said lot five (5) and the balance of said lot six (6) together containing 89 acres, more or less, according to the United States Government Survey thereof;

There will be due on such mortgage at the date of sale the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00), together with the costs of foreclosure and sale.

Dated April 5th, 1913. O. A. ANDERSON, Assignee and Mortgagee.

T. S. LINDLAND, Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee,

Valley City, N. Dak. 4-10-«tw
