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GoodNews.23 06.June2013

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  • 7/27/2019 GoodNews.23 06.June2013


    Volume 23 No. 6

    Sunday Morning Worship Services are regularly held at 8:30 and 10:00


    June 2013June 2013June 2013June 2013

    Ive loved this anonymous invitation since I first read it: O water-

    born, go where the Spirit calls. Its part of an early Christian prayer

    (fifth century or older), perhaps used by bishops performing baptisms.

    When I Googled the phrase to learn more about it, the search engine

    asked if I meant water-borne. No, I didnt: We are born of water and

    the Holy Spirit through baptism.

    Then it dawned on me: Arent we also borne on that baptismal water

    infused with the Word of God? The grace of baptism carries us through

    the ups and downs of life. When we rest in it (like floating on our back

    in a summer lake), rather than struggling (swimming) against it, we let

    the water take us gently wherever Gods Spirit would have us go.

    Heidi Mann

  • 7/27/2019 GoodNews.23 06.June2013


    And then there are the kingdoms of the world.

    I am persuaded that you and your Father struggled for years to-gether over this issue. Handels Messiah sings the kingdoms of

    this world shall become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His God% You and your Father, Ibelieve, decided these kingdoms had to be challenged. They took over your Hebrew Tem-ple in Jerusalem every Passover. It became the most profitable celebration of each year.

    I am persuaded that you explored all the complications, the very high risks. Father andSon together. Chose to take the risk. You, Jesus, knew you had enough of believing follow-ing for demonstration. You very carefully planned to act out the role of the Messiah theweek before Passover. It was s demonstration of peace, love, trust, hope. The kingdomswere completely caught off guard. You spent the week in the Temple spreading your Word.

    Then you came with a whip. A whip against all the kingdoms of the world. The LegalKingdom, the Religious Kingdom, the Commercial Kingdom, the Banking Kingdom, and

    just beyond the walls of the Temple the Military Kingdom of the World Power. You hadrejected their rule in the battle after your baptism. Now They joined forces against you.They thought they had cleared you from the world when they witnessed you nailed to thecross.

    But your Father, who witnessed you suffering for all humanity, raised you above all, as

    He had promised. You are alive in Spirit, appearing in all todays human world amongevery race, in every nation, in every religion, even among the non-religious. Your Spirit en-ters individuals, groups for a moment, for a time. They act out your Word through a word ordeed for a moment%for months%years with greater or lesser commitment. Your spirit con-tinues to challenge the kingdoms of the world.

    I am persuaded. The kingdoms of this world shall become the Kingdom of your Father,and our Father, through you.

    Thank you, Jesus, for listening to my present persuasion. Thank you for dropping by

    our house on Christmas Eve with appetizers of your Fathers kingdom. Ill try, in these lastdays, to walk in your Kingdoms ways.

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    Volume 23 No. 6Good News

    Continued from the May 2013 issue...

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    Lay Readers, Greeters, and Ushers

    June 2 Lay Reader Jerry Ostrander

    Greeter Norma Hardenburg

    Ushers Maureen Kimmerer

    Sue Ferris

    Wayne Gannett

    Serving Communion

    Communion Preparation

    Margaret Peck *

    Joe Peck

    Mike Poelma

    Bill Ramage

    Gwen Ramage

    Betty Koban

    Betsy BundayJune 9 Lay Reader Bill Ramage

    Greeter/Usher Irma Morris

    Ushers Bill Morris

    Bill Sarbello

    Terry Nieman

    June 23 Lay Reader Cindy Schultz

    Greeter Dorothy Favitta

    Ushers Gwyn Ramage

    Bill Ramage

    Nelda Polansky

    Ruth Ryf

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    Volume 23 No. 6Good News

    June 16 Lay Reader Chandra Reis

    Greeter/Usher Joanne Wagner

    Ushers Joy Harding

    Melinda Reilly

    Nancy Snyder

    * Denotes team leader. The team leader shouldcall the other servers in advance to make sure

    they plan to attend church on the designatedday. If not, the server should find a substituteand let the team leader know.

    June 30 Lay Reader Fred Sirois

    Greeter/Usher June Edick

    Ushers Margaret Gardham

    Harold Armstrong

    Peter McKinney

    The Deacon on CallforJune is



    If you are unable to serve on your

    scheduled date, please




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    Volume 23 No. 6Good News

    Jul 7lay leader: Steve Smithgreeter/usher: Katy Waggenerother ushers: Harold Armstrong

    Joan NieceyPeter McKinney

    Jul 14lay leader: Bruce Williamsongreeter/usher: Mark Hutchinsonother ushers: Trudy Hutchinson

    Betty KobanChuck Koban

    Jul 21

    lay leader: Harold Armstronggreeter: Jean Zelezniakother ushers: Nancy Messersmith

    Ron MessersmithGail OstranderJerry Ostrander

    Jul 28lay leader: Charlotte Hasselbarthgreeter/usher: Dorothy Riceother ushers: Katy Waggener

    Joanne WagnerJoy Harding

    Aug 4lay leader: Trudy Hutchinsongreeter/usher: Maureen Kimmerer

    other ushers: Bill SarbelloSue FerrisDianna Newman

    Aug 11lay leader: Diane Irwingreeter/usher: Laura Smith

    other ushers: Steven SmithChandra ReisJon Reis

    Aug 18lay leader: Nancy Messersmithgreeter/usher: Trudy Hutchinsonother ushers: Mark Hutchinson

    Lynda JacobsenHoward Jacobsen

    Aug 25lay leader: Betty Dietzgreeter/usher: Betty Kobanother ushers: Chuck Koban

    Nancy MessersmithRon Messersmith

    Upcoming Schedule for Lay Readers, Greeters, and Ushers

    Mystery LuncheonMystery LuncheonMystery LuncheonMystery Luncheon

    The Mystery Luncheon is scheduled, so mark yourcalendar for June 2nd. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall

    or rear of the church. More information will be

    forthcoming in Church.

    - Betty and Chuck Koban

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    If you would like your special occasion celebrated in the Good News newsletter,

    please contact Hannah Hunter Harris at: 518.371.3103 or [email protected]

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    Volume 23 No. 6Good News

    Happy Birthday...

    Caroline Gade (June 2)

    Megan Reis (June 8)

    Bill Hasselbarth (June 11)

    MJ Patterson (June 27)

    Bill Irwin (June 30)

    Happy Anniversary

    Terry & Mickey Nieman (June 24)

    Ron & Nancy Messersmith (June 28)

    (Editor's note: The following is a brief history of the people connected with the stained glass windows in theHUPC building, compiled and edited by Al Deitz in 2008. We will read about a different window this monthand for each of the next eight months.)

    (A history of) the church members whose names appear on nine of the stainedglass memorial windows installed in the 1886 Hamilton Union Presbyterian

    Church building. They were purchased from Charles P. Davis and Sons, Utica,and William De Ermand, Albany.

    Window No. 1 (called Faith, Hope, and Charity).Location: Center of area behind alter and pulpit.Names: In Memory of John and Elizabeth Cromme.

    John Cromme was a farmer who operated a 130 acre farm on present day

    Foundry Rd. We have a photo of the Cromme Homestead from the Guilderland

    Historical Society. John and Elizabeth were confirmed as members of HUPC

    on February 1, 1834, church records show. 1834 was the year our second

    church building was dedicated. Their son, James M. Cromme, inherited the

    farm and became very active in HUPC. James was a member of the Building

    Committee for the present church building. He probably donated this window

    in memory of his parents.

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    Volume 23 No. 6Good News

    Malawi Travelers Commissioning Service

    and Strawberry Social

    On July 2nd, Carl Hasselbarth, Stewart Pattison and Keni Banda will be traveling to Chituka Village, in

    Northern Malawi and staying for three weeks. It is hard to believe that this long dreamed of mission trip is

    about to commence and could never have happened without enormous faith and support from the whole

    congregation and the Presbytery.

    We hope that you will join us on that Sunday as we commission them to represent us as the build a relation-

    ship with the congregation of the Chituka Village Church and the Presbyterian Church in Malawi. The

    commissioning service will be part of the 10 a.m. service and will be followed an OLD FASHIONED

    STRAWBERRY SOCIAL. This is still in the planning stages so watch your email and church bulletin for

    additional information. Each of the travelers will bring with him an extra bag of items to share as hospital-

    ity gifts with the children and village community. We invite you to bring a small items to share. We are

    looking for light, inexpensive items that we know that people either enjoy or need for their work. Here is a

    list of possible items to bring:

    Writing pads, spiral notebooks

    Pencils and Pens

    Inexpensive solar powered calculators

    Sewing Thread

    Needles Chewing gum (very popular)

    Wrapped hard candy (also very popular)

    Blank CDs and DVDs (for the vestry choir)

    Tooth paste, and tooth brushes

    Card games (UNO, Old Maid, decks of cards. etc)

    Granola bars

    Deflated beach balls (to blow up at their destination)

    Baseball hats

    Please join us for a great send-off on June 30th

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    Volume 23 No. 6Good News



    THURSDAY, June 6, 2013

    4:00 PM thru 7:00 PM (or when supply is exhausted)

    Please volunteer to help out with the barbecue. The work is

    fun and is only a two hour investment in time. Also,

    brownies are needed. Please help out!

    Sign-up sheets are in the back of the church. For more

    information please see Mike Poelma or any member of the

    Outreach Team.

    Hamilton Union Presbyterian Church

    2291 Western Avenue

    Guilderland, New York


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    Volume 23 No. 6Good News

    From the Stewardship Team

    Last month we introduced the expanded agenda for the Stewardship Team for 2013 and beyond.

    This month we would like to be a bit more specific.

    By now most, if not all, of you know of the annual Stewardship Campaign in which we invite you to share

    Gods bounty with the body of Christ (i.e., the Hamilton Union church community). At HUPC we have been

    blessed the last few years with sufficient support from the church to fund (and even to expand a bit) our

    mission, not only in the local Guilderland community but around the world with our upcoming mission trip to

    Malawi. We on the Stewardship Team are profoundly touched by this continuing support of the church, both

    financially and through your gifts of time and talent.

    Did you know, however, there are several ways you can support the life of the HUPC family beyondthe annual


    We have identified a number of these opportunities and will be exploring them in the coming months. In this

    installment we want to introduce you to two opportunities:

    1. Including HUPC in your will. A bequest to HUPC will provide ongoing support long after you have

    passed on to be with Christ.

    2. Naming HUPC in a Charitable Annuity Trust. Creating a Charitable Annuity not only provides the

    church with a legacy when you die, but also can provide income for life AND an immediate tax


    We will describe these and other options in more detail in the coming months, but for now please feel free to

    contact any member of the Stewardship Team for further details.

    The Members of Your Stewardship Team,

    Darlene Bauer, Sue Ferris, Bill Morris, Mickey Nieman, and Bill Ramage

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    Volume 23 No. 6Good News

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    Volume 23 No. 6Good News

    Schoharie Flood Relief Where did our Money go?

    In February, the Hamilton Union Family was extremely generous in support of the victims of Hurricanes Irene and

    Lee. Gary Riggi, our guest preacher on February 10th has been working with many families who were directly

    impacted by the high winds, floods and rain from the hurricanes.

    We collected over $2,200 for flood relief, and I asked Gary to give me some idea of how the funds would be used. Hehas identified several families who will directly benefit from our generosity:

    1. A new septic system for Tony and Denise of Middleborough, who will receive a new septic system at a cost of

    $1,300. Major repairs were made to their home, which was extensively damaged in the floods, but this

    extended family of seven has been living in the home without indoor plumbing since the flood. Our gift has

    allowed them to use internal plumbing after almost 20 months.

    2. Dave and Robin, also from Middleborough needed a hot water heater to enable them to return to their

    house. Our gift allowed them to return to their home.

    3. The balance will be used to provide dumpsters for removal of debris from tearing down two homes in

    Blenheim. This will be completed by the time you read this. After the houses are removed the land will beused to erect a food pantry on the site.

    In addition to the funds we have given to flood relief, on April 20 of this year 14 volunteers from HUPC traveled to

    Schoharie County to provide hands on support to the community. We helped plant trees and clear debris along the

    Schoharie Creek in the morning, and filled a dumpster with debris from a house that will need to be demolished in


    Thank You for all the support to this continuing effort to help the people of the Schoharie Valley as they recover from

    Hurricanes Irene and Lee.

    Bill Ramage

    Hamilton Union Film Club - June Session

    The Hamilton Union Film Club will gather on June 9th and then

    again on June 23rd. Our movie is the seasonally appropriate Field

    of Dreams. Field of Dreams is an adaptation of a novel by JP

    Kinsella and tells the story of an Iowa Farmer who builds a base-

    ball diamond in his cornfield at the direction of a voice that tellshim If you build it, they will come. Besides just being a great

    story, it is loaded with theological insights. Whole families are

    welcome to this movie followed by discussion. We will watch and

    discuss the first half of the film on June 9th and the second half on

    June 23rd (so that you can take your Dad to a baseball game on

    Fathers Day!!)

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    I dont know where to begin to say Thank You to everyone who

    pitched in and volunteered their time and energyto make ourGrand Garage Sale the success that it was.If I were to start mentioning names I would need

    two more pages. I will tell you that there were 52 names onthe list of volunteers. Whether it was helping

    out in a booth, publicity, parking, office/financial, signs,baking goodies, donating stuff to sell or helping

    with the massive cleanup THANK YOU from the bottom

    of my heart.

    Vi McKaigVi McKaigVi McKaigVi McKaig

    PS. The total as of the end of the sale at 4 PMon Saturday, May 18th was $4,409.

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    Volume 23 No. 6Good News

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    Volume 23 No. 6Good News


    HUPCs Congregational Life Ministry Team is sponsoring an evening at The Joe for

    you, your friends and family. Hope you can join us for:

    BASEBALL & Fireworks!


    Jamestown Jammers

    Fri. Aug 9 (7:00 pm)

    Joseph L. Bruno Stadium

    $7.50 (group rate)

    For details: See your next newsletter, church bulletins, or

    Contact: Ann McKinney 356-1934 or [email protected]

    Reservations accepted now


    This year, by popular demand, there will be a July issue and an

    August issue of the Good News. That mean this year you get

    twelve issues for the price of eleven!

    Of course with an extra issue comes an extra deadline to keep in

    mind. The deadline for the July issue is June 13th, and the deadline

    for the August issue will be July 11th.

    Remember that, as always, email submissions to the Good News

    can be sent to [email protected]

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    Volume 23 No. 6Good News


    The balance of Gade Farm Days are May 31, June 1 and 2. On these days, a percentage of purchases made by

    all church members will be given to Presbyterian Women. All church members may use the slip previouslyshown in an earlier newsletter to record their purchases.

    In June, the Mission Minded Meal will be held at Parkland Gardens, home of Bertie Chesebrough, on Tuesday,

    June 11 at 6:00 p.m. A light menu is planned. Contact Betty Deitz @ 456-4193 if you have not already signed


    There will be no regularly scheduled circle meeting in June. In Sep-

    tember, on September 24, both circles will meet jointly for a potluck

    supper and beginning of a new Bible study,An Abiding Hope: The

    Presence of God inExodus and Deuteronomy, led by either Stewart

    or MJ Pattison.

    The Coordinating Team will meet on Tuesday, September 10 at 9:30

    a.m. to plan fall activities.

    Please feel welcome to join HUPC Presbyterian Women at anytime.


    Friday, Saturday and Sunday: May 17, May 18, May 19Friday, Saturday and Sunday: May 31, June 1, June 2

    Amount: $_________________________________________________________

    Name: __________________________________________________________

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    Volume 23 No. 6Good News

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    D = Downstairs L = Lounge S = Sanctuary M = Multipurpose Room C = Choir Corner

    JUHamilton Union Happenings

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu

    2 Communion8:30am Early Worship Service (S)

    10am Worship Service (S)

    11:45am Handbell Choir Practice (S)

    37pm Session M eeting (L)

    43:30pm Brownie Troop 1495 (M)

    57pm Boy Scouts (D)

    7pm Webelos Scouts (D)

    7pm Poking Brook Dancers (M)

    7pm Chess Club (L)

    6$pm Brooks Barbecue


    98:30am Early Worship Service (S)

    10am Worship Service (S)

    11:45am Handbell Choir Practice (S)

    6:30pm HUPC Film Club (L)

    10 113:30pm Brownie Troop 1779 (M)

    7pm SCA Chorus (M)

    127pm Boy Scouts (D)

    7pm Webelos Scouts (D)

    7pm Poking Brook Dancers (M)

    7pm Chess Club (L)

    13 Newsletter Deadline 14

    168:30am Early Worship Service (S)

    10am Worship Service (S)

    11:45am Handbell Choir Practice (S)

    17 183:30pm Brownie Troop 1495 (M)

    197pm Boy Scouts (D)

    7pm Webelos Scouts (D)

    7pm Poking Brook Dancers (M)

    7pm Chess Club (L)

    20 21

    238:30am Early Worship Service (S)

    10am Worship Service (S)

    11:45am Handbell Choir Practice (S)

    6:30pm HUPC Film Club (L)

    24 253:30pm Brownie Troop 1779 (M)

    7pm SCA Chorus (M)

    7pm Mission and Social Witness (L)

    267pm Boy Scouts (D)

    7pm Webelos Scouts (D)

    7pm Poking Brook Dancers (M)

    7pm Chess Club (L)

    27 28

    308:30am Early Worship Service (S)

    10am Worship Service (S)

    11:30am Strawberry Social

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    2291 Western Avenue

    Guilderland, New York 12084-9747

    Change Service Requested

    Dated Material Please Deliver Promptly.

    Church: (518) 456-5410

    FAX: (518) 456-0002

    Rev. Pattison (H) 456-1373

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Website: HamiltonUnionPresbyterianChurch.org

    Ministers: The People of Hamilton Union

    Our Staff:

    Rev. Stewart Pattison, Pastor

    Rev. Douglas Gray, Pastor Emeritus

    Rev. Mary Jo Pattison, Parish Associate

    Charlotte Palmeri, Director of Music

    Cheryl Cootware, Church Secretary

    Newsletter deadline for the

    July issue is

    Thursday, June 13




    PERMIT #1


    Published monthly by theSession, and mailed to eachchurch family household,students away from home,and others.

    Mark Hutchinson, Editor

    Email Address: [email protected]
