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Goodwins theory

Date post: 11-Aug-2015
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Goodwins Theory

Goodwins Theory

To begin with, the Music video 'Roar' by Katy Perry represent the pop genre characteristic by including typical conventions of pop style videos. The opening to the music video is the name of the song 'Roar' in a cartoon, comic strip style. By doing this, it immediately

suggests to the audience that this is not a ‘realistic’ video, which is apparent in many pop videos. Unlike Indie music videos which portray relatable stories, and use more of a story

and less lip syncing.

This is quite typical of the pop genre as it is very colourful and wants to portray something that is exciting so fans would take out the time to watch the video created. Also, in pop videos, especially women artist, there is a sense of empowerment. In this

videos case, Katy Perry and the tiger have a stand off, in which Katy 'Roars' scaring the tiger away.

Pop Genre Characteristics

Cartoon style writing, not realistic

Relationship between lyrics and visuals During the video there are many occasions where there is a relationship between lyrics and visuals. Firstly as she says 'you're gonna hear me roar' the camera pans down from Katy into the pool, where her reflection is the tiger.

On another occasion whilst Katy Perry is by the water she is posed like the tiger she is signing about suggesting she is empowered and she has the same strength as the tiger she is trying to portray. When she says 'you're gonna hear me roar for the second time, the fireflies that surround her form the shape of a tiger roaring, possibly suggesting that she is the tiger.

The song begins with a slower tempo which reflects her mood at the time, we see the plane behind her on fire and her ripped clothing suggesting the two being stranded. It also portrays her distress in the environment she is in, as the music shows that se is obviously alien to it.

As the end of the chorus starts to get closer, after her companion is taken away by the tiger which is interesting as later on in the video we discover that Katy could be the tiger, slowly getting stronger as the video goes on, the more empowered music begins. The chorus connects to the visuals as Katy approaches the water and poses in the stance of a tiger. this suggests that now she has got rid of what was 'holding her down' she can now be a true self.

The notion of looking

Many of this artist videos include long shots showing her surrounding, many a time she is a female standing alone which reflects on her attempt to show she is independent. Also he videos are very fun and upbeat reflecting her personality and her need to entertain people as well as getting a message across to her audience.

There is a frequent link to the notion of looking throughout the video. for example, after Katy's companion has been 'removed' by the tiger, the camera changes to a sort of tunnel view of Katy running away with the camera following her suggesting now the tiger is after her but it never reaches her.

Intertextual reference

The video 'Roar' is said to represent the comic 'Sheena Queen of the Jungle'. This would be understandable as Sheena was a very empowering female character, in which Katy was portraying in her video 'Roar'. Alongside this, the video has very strong 'Tarzan' connotations.
