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Google App Engine Guido van Rossum Stanford EE380 Colloquium, Nov 5, 2008.

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Google App Engine Guido van Rossum Stanford EE380 Colloquium, Nov 5, 2008

Google App Engine

Guido van Rossum

Stanford EE380 Colloquium, Nov 5, 2008


Google App Engine

• Does one thing well: running web apps

• Simple app configuration

• Scalable

• Secure


App Engine Does One Thing Well

• App Engine handles HTTP(S) requests, nothing else

– Think RPC: request in, processing, response out

– Works well for the web and AJAX; also for other services

• App configuration is dead simple

– No performance tuning needed

• Everything is built to scale

– “infinite” number of apps, requests/sec, storage capacity

– APIs are simple, stupid

App Engine Architecture











stateless APIs R/O FSreq/resp


• Low-usage apps: many apps per physical host

• High-usage apps: multiple physical hosts per app

• Stateless APIs are trivial to replicate

• Memcache is trivial to shard

• Datastore built on top of Bigtable; designed to scale well

– Abstraction on top of Bigtable

– API influenced by scalability

• No joins

• Recommendations: denormalize schema; precompute joins



• Prevent the bad guys from breaking (into) your app

• Constrain direct OS functionality– no processes, threads, dynamic library loading

– no sockets (use urlfetch API)

– can’t write files (use datastore)

– disallow unsafe Python extensions (e.g. ctypes)

• Limit resource usage– Limit 1000 files per app, each at most 1MB

– Hard time limit of 10 seconds per request

– Most requests must use less than 300 msec CPU time

– Hard limit of 1MB on request/response size, API call size, etc.

– Quota system for number of requests, API calls, emails sent, etc


Why Not LAMP?

• Linux, Apache, MySQL/PostgreSQL, Python/Perl/PHP/Ruby

• LAMP is the industry standard

• But management is a hassle:

– Configuration, tuning

– Backup and recovery, disk space management

– Hardware failures, system crashes

– Software updates, security patches

– Log rotation, cron jobs, and much more

– Redesign needed once your database exceeds one box

• “We carry pagers so you don’t have to”


Automatic Scaling to Application Needs

• You don’t need to configure your resource needs

• One CPU can handle many requests per second

• Apps are hashed (really mapped) onto CPUs:

– One process per app, many apps per CPU

– Creating a new process is a matter of cloning a generic “model” process and then loading the application code (in fact the clones are pre-created and sit in a queue)

– The process hangs around to handle more requests (reuse)

– Eventually old processes are killed (recycle)

• Busy apps (many QPS) get assigned to multiple CPUs

– This automatically adapts to the need

• as long as CPUs are available


Preserving Fairness Through Quotas

• Everything an app does is limited by quotas, for example:

– request count, bandwidth used, CPU usage, datastore call count, disk space used, emails sent, even errors!

• If you run out of quota that particular operation is blocked (raising an exception) for a while (~10 min) until replenished

• Free quotas are tuned so that a well-written app (light CPU/datastore use) can survive a moderate “slashdotting”

• The point of quotas is to be able to support a very large number of small apps (analogy: baggage limit in air travel)

• Large apps need raised quotas

– currently this is a manual process (search FAQ for “quota”)

– in the future you can buy more resources


Hierarchical Datastore

• Entities have a Kind, a Key, and Properties

– Entity ~~ Record ~~ Python dict ~~ Python class instance

– Key ~~ structured foreign key; includes Kind

– Kind ~~ Table ~~ Python class

– Property ~~ Column or Field; has a type

• Dynamically typed: Property types are recorded per Entity

• Key has either id or name

– the id is auto-assigned; alternatively, the name is set by app

– A key can be a path including the parent key, and so on

• Paths define entity groups which limit transactions

– A transaction locks the root entity (parentless ancestor key)



• Properties are automatically indexed by type+value

– There is an index for each Kind / property name combo

– Whenever an entity is written all relevant indexes are updated

– However Blob and Text properties are never indexed

• This supports basic queries: AND on property equality

• For more advanced query needs, create composite indexes

– SDK auto-updates index.yaml based on queries executed

– These support inequalities (<, <=, >, >=) and result ordering

– Index building has to scan all entities due to parent keys

• For more info, see video of Ryan Barrett’s talk at Google I/O


The Future

• Big things we’re working on:

– Large file uploads and downloads

– Datastore import and export for large volumes

– Pay-as-you-go billing (for resource usage over free quota)

– More languages (no I’m not telling…)

– Uptime monitoring site

• No published timeline – agile development process


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Q & A

• Anything goes

