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Google Plus Pitt CC

Date post: 13-Jan-2015
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2. INTRODUCTIONS Your Name Your Business How do you market your business? What to do you hope to learn today? 3. MEET ASHLEY 4. SOCIAL MEDIA TODAY 5. WHAT IS GOOGLE PLUS Social Media platform created by Google More than 170 million people are using Google+ Tightly woven into other Google products What Google Products do you use? Gmail Drive Calendar Apps Youtube 6. WHY GOOGLE PLUS This social network is run by Google, the #1 search engine in the world and gateway to YOUR business. Google Plus also has the power to influence Google Search, where their potential customers are looking for what they have to offer. Google Plus provides unique opportunities to reach out to prospects who never would find you otherwise. 7. SEO Search Engine Optimization Being on Google+ increases your chances of showing up in Go 8. GOOGLE LOCAL PAGE Get SEO benefits by setting up a Google Local Page Your Google Local page allows you to make sure all of your business information is correct. This means that when someone searches for your business using Google, they will easily find your location, hours, menu (if you have one) and reviews. Keep in mind that 1 out of every 3 smartphone users search specifically for contact information, according to a Nielsen study. Having this basic information easily accessible could be a huge advantage for your business. 9. CREATE A LOCAL GOOGLE+ PAGE Local Google+ pages are unique from other categories of pages because they have features that allow customers to easily connect with that businesss physical location. For example, local pages include a map of the businesss location and feature its address, phone number, and hours of operation. 10. GOOGLE PLUS LOCAL To make a local page for your business: Sign in to Google+ new window (youll have to create a Google+ profile if you dont already have one). Click Pages under Home on the left. Click the Create a page button in the upper right. Select the Local Business or Place category. Enter the name or address of your business and select your business if it appears in the drop-down menu. 11. VERIFICATION You will have one or two verification options. You can also choo On the postcard request screen, make sure your address is disp Then click Send postcard. When you receive your postcard, ent BY POSTCARD 12. BY PHONE Make sure you can directly answer your business phone numb Click Verify by phone to have a PIN number sent to your phone Enter the PIN number from the message to verify your busines 13. LOCAL RATINGS On Google Maps, you can see the Google Score, top reviews, a On Google+ Local, get quick descriptions of the location, curated 14. TIPS ON LOCAL RATINGS Encourage people to review your business on Google Plu Monitor the reviews posted Respond to negative reviews Keep your information up to date 15. RECOMMENDATIONS The more people who review and interact with your listing t Recommendations are powered by your opinions Every time you rate a place on Google, they get a better understanding of your likes and dislikes: sushi or steak; coffee or tea; a quiet room with a view, etc. Youll start to see recommendations in your search results of places chosen specially for you, with explanations of why you might like them. 16. s of local pages on Google+. You can distinguish the pages by th 3 TYPES OF LOCAL PAGES 17. Local listings have scores, reviews, and tabs for About and Photos. Business owners can verify and manage these listings by clicking the Manage this page button on the listing. Some businesses may have instead created local Google+ Pages. You can identify these pages if there are tabs for Posts, About, Photos, and Videos. If there isnt the option to leave a review, the business owner hasn't verified this local Google+ Page. When a business owner verifies a local Google+ Page, any existing listing for the business is merged with the local Google+ Page to create a single page with a verified checkmark. 18. GOOGLE + AUTHORSHIP Google+ authorship is an important SEO ranking factor. Authorship tags each piece of content you create and lets Goo 19. There are myriad benefits to setting up Authorship: Improve click-through rates by standing out in the search results Strengthen awareness of your brand Those who recognize you will immediately gravitate towards something they know because its more relevant than a faceless link. Establish authority in the industry for certain topics. And of course, protect your content. Whether youve established your expertise or youre putting yourself out there for the first time, the content will be undeniably yours because its tied to your profile. 20. HOW TO CLAIM AUTHORSHIPThere are two ways to set up Google+ authorship to claim your own content: If you have an email address that matches your domain (i.e., [email protected]), you can go to the Google+ Authorship page and simply enter your email address to complete the process. If you dont have an email address that matches your domain, then youll have to include a Google+ link to your profile in the author bio of any site you write for. Youll use this format: Google 21. CLAIMING AUTHORSHIP https://plus.google.com/authorship 22. Add the +1 Button to Your Site Google would love to tell you which articles are popular among all online users when they serve you a search results page. And youd love to find that article and consume it, since, after all, thats the best of the best. However, Google wont tell you the total number of shares an article receives on every social network. Google will never, ever partner with Facebook to tell you how many Likes various articles receives. 23. POSTING ON GOOGLE+ 24. POSTING PLAN g plan, so its as easy as possible for you to keep your page curre Think about your brand Start by thinking about your brand, what makes your business u 25. SET GOALS What are your reasons for creating the page? You can use your page to do many things, such as find new customers, build your brand and relationships with current customers, promote events and special offers, communicate with internal teams, and much more. Whatever your goals are, its helpful to be detailed and specific so you can devise an actionable plan for reaching these goals. 26. KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER Once you have a few goals in mind, think about your customer 27. USE YOUR CALENDARTake out your calendar and decide how often and what type of content you want to post each day. Plan it out and write it down. We recommend posting at least every other day so your business stays top of mind and your followers have fresh content to keep them engaged. Its also important not to post all your content at once to avoid overwhelming your followers. 28. PRODUCT ERA This began in the 17th century It was an era defined by the focus on qualities of a product or service Companies strongly advertised the attributes of their products to reel consumers in. 29. CONSUMER ERA 1965-five minutes ago Focus off the product and to getting into the head and the heart of the consumer 4 step process: Find out what the public desires, offer it, create ads to seduce that audience, and place ads in front of your target market. 30. RELATIONSHIP ERA Started with Fragmentation-fall of advertising Who uses DVR, Hulu, Netflix to watch their favorite shows? Push marketing no longer works, you have to pull your customers in 31. RELATIONSHIP ERA Steve Jobs explained the reason why no market research was done in the development of the Ipad Its not the consumers job to know what they want. The relationship era favors brands who are comfortable in their own skins. Today the Consumer Era seems cold-blooded and opportunistic, relationship era relies on human connection. 32. RELATIONSHIP ERA This is the first period of modern commerce when your success or failure depends not on what you say, or even what you produce, but on who you are. Businesses have to have clear purposes and stand behind them. Customers want to know what your purpose is. People care about your mission, vision, values, how you treat your employees, etc. 33. BRANDS HAVE TO TELL THEIR STORY Storytelling is more important than ever today It is about starting that 2 way conversation with your customers This is why Social Media has become a successful marketing strategy for businesses It lets them tell their story and have a conversation with their customers. 34. BEYOND SOCIALCONTENT MARKETING Consumers have shut off the traditional world of marketing as we just learned. Smart marketers understand that traditional marketing is becoming less and less effective by the minute, and that there has to be a better way. Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience. By providing valuable content for your target market you become a trusted resource for them. Content marketing ties into a strong social media strategy Examples- Hubspot, Knot app, Hilton on Twitter 35. JABS AND RIGHT HOOKS Gary Vaynerchuk talks about social media being a series of jabs and right hooks. A Jab-a piece of content that accomplishes nothing but creating a relationship with your customer. -ex. Happy Friday!! Right Hook-Drives your customer to a direct purchase. -Take 50% off your marketing package today-Order Now! You want to throw more jabs but make sure to follow through with a right hook. 36. JABS AND RIGHT HOOKS The biggest mistake people make on Social Media and with their content marketing is they throw too many right hooks. These are not distribution channels, this is a place to create relationships. What happens when you someone throws too many right hooks at you? 37. JABS AND RIGHT HOOKS YOU DUCK 38. JABS AND RIGHT HOOKS Another Common mistake is throwing too many jabs and not following up with that call to action. You might increase awareness and have lots of followers but that means nothing if you arent converting those followers. This is where you need to have a complete marketing plan that Attracts people and then turns them into your brand ambassadors. 39. MOVE PEOPLE THROUGH YOUR PIPELINE 40. DO WE HAVE TIME? LETS TALK ABOUT HANGOUTS AND HANGOUTS ON AIR!
