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G.O.P.CAN*, illilK E S...molo.aa he will no unablo.to i f«r personally with the senator. He will...

Date post: 21-Jan-2021
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Weather Forecast] -'(enpentara. ----- ____ _.jrdo>‘ T»Mi>lnlnnan80. Urn li mornlnt M; A Bcgloiial Nftwspapor Berrtiig BIx Irrlffnlcd.OoiinHca Id Idabo T O D A Y ’S . NEWS TdDAY ICHOTSIOPS CE For.ner Pennsylvania Qovernorj Landon Backer, Scheduled For Boise Halt fATOE STILL ABSENT Nalurc or Noted Bopublican’ Message Uncertain. Before Arrival Today (CjpyrieKK lOSO, United P « » ) EOIBET Oct & (UE) — Gifford Plrehot, cs-Bovcmor of Pcimsyl* vaiilB. close prcsonal friend ot Sen, Willlara E. north and. ardent.aup- po.-tcr ot AKrcd ’ M. LosOen (oc prculdeot, wna to arrive hero ,4t .2:45 p. m. today and releaje a alatement rclatlvo to Borah'a cam- ■pilgn for rcclccUoa to the U..S. . senate. That Plnebot might attempt to rcconeito Borah with Landon and the Rcpubllcao party aecmed molo.aa he will no unablo.to i f«r personally with the senator. He will atop in Boise l*ut 15 min- utes en route to the Pacide cout Won't Meet Dorah ' Plnchot woj to. be met at the airport by MI*a Cara Rubin, Bor- ah’s private secretary, na the dean o f the acnato will not return to BoUe from north Idaho unUl lato tonlRht. . Miea, niihln -did not Imow the -tiaturo ol plnchot'a atatement. Ho hnd expcetea to remain here longer but changed his plana be- cauae of Borah'a absence. . Plnchot has been campaigning {or LandoD.nnd the national Ro- publican party In Pennsylvania. Llko Borah, the cx-covemor'la a llberal IlcpublIean..Ho Is'acute- ly Interested In Borah’s ro-clec- O. O. p. Bacldnj; Remote Posaibillty that Borah will fall in lino .with the Ropubllcnni grow* moro remote- na the November election approaches. • As yet, the senntor. haa not mentioned Lanflon'ln aoy;of.hBi ' spetchcB! yet-ue tuu.empluitlCBlly • denied reporta that' h e ‘wlU’ not support the G. O. I*, preiMential : nomlneo. Clo8« frlepds « f thB eci- ator believe Jis will nullnUln bis • trilcnce througtloat tljs carapalgs, • refusbgr to state his ^tand. In.a recont »pcccb;.Boi-nh -pralS; ' ed President Souerelt for hts re- lief meaaurea. and.saJd .the Dcmo-| ,• cmtio leader ^aa jusUtted In puU- Ins large wIlofi«xpeodlture». ' Selection of Aides from Oivio; Qroups Nears Ooniplotion For Qampairfn the annua! Community ____ campaign Ticro Tuesday, oppolnt- ment •of workers from various I»cal civic groups neared complc* Uon today with aaacuneemeot of ths 'committees from the Klwanla club and >lie Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce. ____ thoae -........................ LcgloD, and tho women's orgOD' , On the KJwanls committee, ac- cording to Pres, R. V. Waahbum, will be O. T. Kpater, Cecil Jones, iJ. E. White, Ralph B. Smith, G. lO: rBdget, Ed:Tinker, Art Ceder- Iqiilst, U.-N.'T«rry, Al Gilbcrt.'M. |EiD0lllngnnd'C.C.Kl0B*bury^' ' cVWerkep* ,S\ .Oipt a ' H,';KrenBel this ofter- looti ■ ashouneed appointment of chambcrl .’ Bettoc. Thani 8ept. ' l- Bnt I^ r ./..JelQvtl055;jniSAtL4kpyi:il I,aati;ycaj:*8.0TCp . WABHiNGTON.'-Oct e raB'— I Tho roderal-brop reportini'-boart " today esUmat^.’ii' 1836 com'cMpI s .fassr«tasas bushels^Umate-8«pt.%-*-' - . 15S5 crop of .3,281,626,OW bu With' thia ye»f/i com- cro; :drouth.-.thh /boMd .ttUmo^ed.'iJts' ; eomiKirod wlth-VSiriwr-ftcttflaat year.''''.-•-.vi.. Com.alMJui.on InnM. wwa.-Mtl, > ,mated n tm m o o Q Jjusbda ii; A? ;• 'per cent of; the l0^6.■ctep.'■ii•^; .••■•Show-'fIncrea!$e^ ■itte ‘Sept.-iK.'catlmato'.-rwblBl};'’ ; wu:fof'aUi$5i.OOO-^usls«l£' .•Pwductba' 10: ■^00,000^001.' cbriiUllohrM.*.-. .-Ofltii-'w.esAVBiwnjpKtd': •:wim,CTaoii PORTUGAL CALLS RUSSimilGE Dolegnto Walks Out of Parley A t London After Lashin^p Soviet Noto DENOUNOES ACCUSATIONS ______ 'fl( iapaneu marloea rauly for netlon u they quarter* of Uio Japanese laodlngr party. Note the baby tanlc In tbo foregroimd with a heavy ma- chtae gm mounted In lU turret. Mfst Utuiltr of »ho crlstn had eawd conalderaWy today la ibp trake of parleys betn-een the Jnpaneso envoy and Gen. Cbiang KaJ-Shek, Chlnevs leader. New Dealers Center Barrage on Coughlin ............ ........ ............ (Ub-The New Dettl centered 'barrage 'against Fatlier Charles E. Coughlin today. - Tho attack was opened last night by the Rt. Rev. John A. Ryan In a nationwide broadeont assaUIng Coughlin'a economic theories and those who have raised the isaua of Communism In tho national «ampai^'. Tonight. Secretary of Interior^ Harold L. Ickcs carries forwardl tho offensive with - - aecklnfi Kepubll his speech . , Coughlin, et Al”—tho "Al” refers to Alfred E. Smith. , Tlio Domocratlc. national mittee emphasized tho U attached -to Ryan’s by undertaWni huUon of the nddrcas. . . , "I soy ddjberately to the la- borlnir. men and .women of ----- lea,'.' he said;-"that Father.' lln.'a explanation of oiir c c. iBladlea:i« at least, 60 per cent rong and-.liifl tndael^'ry----- re at least 00 peV-eentr't ;if„t«e,3i|ttecwore;«M •K. a Bcaeh. W. A. Van Engelen, R.,Vfi Carpenter, R. J. Schwendi- man, W. A. Flynn,-A. W. McCon. jiel,r Lionel Dean, A. B.: Or’ — •' Jaw;t->/ -------- ----- . 16;thegreatmaJoHty.of---- ----- lean .-people,- parUcolarly ; to the wagi carBers.* . . \ '•Tollers.' of. America.rl JmpJorc, u not to.pennit yourtelves to be] .Otiier civic group committees; ”■ lions Club '.' Carl Sherwood, ■chairman:' Har- y.BolI, Bill Read,'-D,-Harvoy took,' Dan GUiter,--WUUam aer- tCbnllouod OB Pago 2,.'CQliimn 1) O iW iG K , S h ifte d T g Hospital For Insane WAaHTOQT0N,'‘’ 0ct.'-9 fllEt-i-'rhe' juaUce deportment today an- I rvounecd:Oie transfer 6 f^ w m to -ito _ l^ ,w n ^ c w ^ k l^ State Maj:,qo>.Botlii«R«nlt; Of" ' B om -oct'.-.fi • stau ..Viwn»eail''o ...................... wm'.«upr6rt._____ _______ BonA -irid,-l>eroD<iAUo'^B«BUwiaJ »pmttwtt.'Oo».'C.:8en= Bws,’ ; b, 'Q. ________ jfilcotlnf^ on Spanish Neutrality Startled as Lisbon Envoy . Bolts Stonnily By FKEDEItlCIC KVIt (CopyrlRht, lOSO, United Press) IjONDON, Oct. £> (HE) — Rus- sia's neutrality noto la "an act .................lOPortuguese dclC' ay as ho led c meeting’of tha international com. mittee of 27 nations on neutrality In Spain. Russia has charged that Ger- any, Italy and Portugal, Faacbt inatlons, have ^en- aiding the' anish .rebels,' and thr,-ntrn.l to retaliate by helping Madrid government If does not ccoec ', In a separate notel Russia made specific chargtaj against Portugal. AVallu Angrily Out , Tho Portuguese delegate, Fran-. Icisco Calhelros, walked indignant- ly out of tho meeting five min- utes before It recessed. After denouncing Russia's not«| accusing Portugal of violating Iht international neutrality agree- ^ ment, he soicl ho would take parti In the committee's further dellb-j :rationa,only if and when ho -- teo-^ In eontrait, h# cited President Roosevelt- as "the man who hai ahown a dccpcr and more Bympa> thctlc imderatandUig of your ncods and who has brought about more fundamenUl legislation for labor • - • -jusUfo than any In American his- tory." Oenouubes "Red'’ Claim Ryan charged that tboso,.who| "mnko the despicable asaertionl tluit the President — Statea .la, a Commi latorp pf the.commi ;declaresi ; . , . •.■Tbqu-abBlt.not hear.telao wit- . . , him', an honorary, degree.. cUllng him-"A man'outstanding ntaons for upright-Uvlng,' falthfull- f the Unitodl ness t of.thought « 'jceUng.”. r. from tho fcderat prtson atiUavenworth Uo;’ hospital for thiihoapltal refused today to dia«ias • T B o :t*^ e r topic place, on I ^iitiTiViftiad-beL In prl*)n since SOT,IK»W »o m S m a ia W B Mahan'B hands. ■; ^MiSm^aftor his-KTest-la San l^fflclila.at'-Uia United.,Btateo ooavleted kidnaper/.who-Is In the h^itai,'. , v : ■ . presence of Mahan at tUe-facUl- W'yeBterday;;iiuit-.li8-.litid: been tnwsferrod.fiew.alnK^ ft month ago from ths federal penltonUary at i^vcawocthj Kan.: -. .’ ' . : OfZldijs at 'ths bMpltal -would ____________ Jlof'you^iQe-^ .We7erbn«user..-je,-lhst]r’t0 A . . O m C lA L CUIINTY ~ REBEL OFFENSIVE ] OPENS “SQUEEZE” AGAINST CAPITAL:, I G.O.P.CAN*, 'ed Instructions from the Usbon ! government, he desired to say tliat - --mplalnt'dirccVd against one paln’a neighbors by a govern- ..... Russia—with which Portu- gal docs not maintain rclatlona. "must bo considered an act of hostUity." >. ' • Adjourn* Session Nominee Tells Klinois Hoarcrsi New Deal's Vast Machine Can Be Beaten ..quite clear, fy,' arid left tho - later, . t —* jsiorm Boors. Out to Sea After Inflicting Heav7 Losses; , Many Deaths Feared . MANILA. Oct. phbon which rowed over, nsrth* era tuEoa today catisbig heavy daou^ stvept . eat Iota the ChlDA sea at midnight and'mod- emto t\-«Athef m s promised fot •*5Siip? _______ islands' today, cutting dunlcatioiis from 10 provineos and lofliclliig . heavy .dimages. Haby dciitbs .were feared;. ' ;"'nib.stonaw»9vecrl rtonertt- ,^ -BU: reported ,• another was fonnfig-south-of JL---- , ,,,, ' Mony^fl^r'bMts aod:'pther Ul wwe-mlaslnjg,.:^^rch[ ’ • CRUSmNG XOlpTH TM E ^-rH * / vVT’ ...... ..... : e ^ p le d ^ ^ ^ t lr a wrthem^ por- Heavy'ii^perty I om' I :Scattet^ ad'^c»a'.from;the iltoVin' . Beverai vlUagjei .were; reported THE WAR PICTURE By United I’ re^.i Today’s dcvelopmcnls in the Spanish civil wax; IlUItfiOS — Re bo is push "sfjucezo" maneuver in amn.ili- Ing otfenslvo agaiiwt MsUria. MADUID — Eniernency de- fense committee tslces cliar^o In alcge; airports evacuated; 12,000 clilldrcn ' ordered to coast; blanket curfew Imposed; workers sent to man city fortl-. flcations. BURGOS — Insurgents trap loyalist army in Greilai moim- talns In savage drive along western front facing Madrid. IXJNDON — Non-Inlerven- tion commlttce meets, trj-Ing to Bidetrnck Ruasin'fl ehargea of Itailin-Gcrman-l’orluguc-'ie nld to. rebels. Porlusticsc delegate wants out angrily. Strike In Two Areas In Drive For Madrid EMBATTLED CITY ORGANIZES EMERGEISCY DEFENSE PLANS F.O.R.GOESIO ny KRVNOIJ)S I'ACILMtn (CcipyrlKht, 103(1, Hulled Prfin) • , IlUItGOS. Oct, 11 (Ul’)— coliimu.s cooperated in a sciiicczins iniinciiviT from tlia niirlli jiiitl soulli on Moilrid loil/j/ jj) n lJiijjj()ej-oiJs'D/ffjj»ivc oh ,?)1 Sro})t3 .7ir.iin.vt l);e em- linttlcd Spniii.Mi ca'pilal, 'The final drive for IM.nilrirl proi'ccdcJ fnntcr lliaii nntici* ])atcd. Tlic rolii’ls-claimcd tlic cainiire of 2,500 loj-.ilisls Jn the _______________ ; _____ ^ ___ Lj_4,firi'dos inoiinliiins west of tho Mnqucdn-JIadrid luBli>s;.'y. Ocn. lilniitio Jfpla’a iiortltcra rebel forccs, which hnd teen HinrltinK time, joined with tho soiitli’oi'ti iiisurgcnt.s in the .'iivrrjiintf squmc ]il.iy. They left the eastern front clear, widi Madrid still having easy laccM.s to the Jlcditcrrnnean !ii:iii>oard ports, apparently ia (lie iiopc that tlic loyalists would flee heCore the dcstruc* tion oE MndrM hy bomhard- tnciit is ncccssarv. Hold ObJecUvts All tho main rebel obJceUves on tUc western circular fronts—Tole- do, tho entire Credos asctor and San Martin do -Valdelgleslas—dt ip^rcsenl are hejd by the ttrops,t>f ___ lARD LANDON CAMPAIGN, TRAm. IlL, Oct. 0 IC.KI—Gov. Alf| M. Uwdon told voters of tho' •'doubtful” midwest today that the New Deal’s "great political ma- chine" can and will bo beaten do- Ispito "bllUons of dollar»-of your, [money—lo their camitaign fimds." ' The. ncpubllcan -presidential, ------- --calng'liiS,drtvoior the| electoral .votes of'the. vital states lof.nilnbU, Ohio;.Michlgw aad'In- ti^'tbJcfug^'imnb^^^Ules eoj route to - Chicago ^for- a jnajorl speech on budget balancing. He.later wilt deliver major Idresses in Cleveland iind Detrolti Ion. relief administration and civU Isorvice. SlgnlDcnnt.Tonr The 2,4(M)-mlle,eight day tourap-| peared likely to bo the.most slgnl-| ftcaat of tho prcBldenUal campc— ' with both. Governor London President Rooaevclt'centering ef- forts on captari) of the vast votlog strength of -tho mldweat’s indus- trial and farming areas. ' Tho comlneo planned to see party' leaders and uiUonal-bead-, qu arts chieftains In Chicago and; to-nat-before -his budget' address thU evening. ...Ho;devot«d probably,more Ume ,to ^ ,b u d g e t address than, nay other 8p<^ech'Ile' has made in. tha ll,argeat Presidential CampaiBn Special Takes Boosovclt To Iowa, St. Paul By FRCDEltlClC A. STORM ABOARD ROOSEVELT CAM- PAIGN'- TRAIN, IN lOWA, Oct. 0 ----Th(> largest prcslUcntlal] campaign spccial that ever rolled] Washington returned Ident Roosevelt to the mldwestem| political firing line today on first stage of a S.OOO-mlle tour. Speeding from Waslilngton woy o f Pittsburgh and Chica the .presidential headed for i buque, where minutea wero .aside for a motor tour with C ayJo Herring to Eagles ,P< park, ft Mlssis.slppl channel p ;cct, and a W P A civic w I tower. Farm Parley, jpof.WUwnainfa... headed for Dubuque ero promised a, rtcetlag with the Prcaldcnt if time permits, ■and with ScctetAiy of Agriculture Henry A. .Wallace, “ ......... irty. _____ _ _ jbuijue,, the .special Iwill bear Mr. Roosevelt through ;Oelwebi and Hayfleld, la.. Into St. IPaul, Minn., where an Important jccnference is scheduled with farm before the-tour cnds-Oet.-lT. At least two moier speKhes are on ---' -_<,ae at Omaha.-«Neb, Dight; another 'at C)U- ca'use of Wlous lost-mlnute .. vlsibns;. It wois undeiitood thnt be Intended to mal£6. It .one of 'the of hU bid Y, ■i^Ucularly t Into satiouLl IM O llll ■■BOm'bct.’: i» ntEh^'Thfl-ifltaie psrdoa' iWBnl today denied » ^ r ? ddn-to^JM. byda S o u U ^ i XdaLo-a B^uebMrt,''J^owvlctea<of . fn desyInff-Mrs,'-S6uVuird’a«(ip-. pUfatton. the;:b^'vl)oint« out Francisco Franco, command- '. cr-ln-chlef. Madrid's suburbs are all that re> . main to protect U against this fi- nal puah which apparently cannot :. be slowed up now until the bat>: tie oc Madrid occurs within a ' Imonth. - All Units Participate Every fighting unit-on the na- ^ UoitJllst (rebel) side U porUdpot*' Ins.; ln-..thls ;crulsiag manouvcf . krOn-'borth' tuid. south,.iacludlnff : Itho- lnfonUy,- artlUenr. -.taiilai„ap- -ars Mil .squadrons oC war-";' The phineji 'already;liava subjects Madrid's outskirts, tn " irial bombardment ‘ .^o 'fivermaln' blghwayii and a -. ' score of secondary roads Intq.-Ma-' drid are he(d by the rebisls. Madrid boa onlyj ttro .hlghwaya leading-to - (Continued on Pagis 2, Colunm:». ,v illilK ES Works on AddrCMes As hla train, kiared’ into , the Talrie country - the Prealdent iwked feverishly.-oa 'thB major . be will deliver 'and-appeal for the re-e1e e t t a ^ Iseft. aeorge Nonla,' vetenui- Ne- Ibraska legUIator and Independent ■'.OddifieS'': . -8ALT LAKn'.rcEnr.-,ict,'.9 :(n£>-Nobody. knew.why, .but. s. ;thief took three manhole covers,,'. :,welgUag 40-pounds eacli.-Xrpm: ■city.iftnteti,. j . , „ '-rt .vi;.'-, ..' EMPORIA. KBtt'Oet. -fi (UDr*' I ,*wUco -Tnusfwalt-.on -pbUtlcs, -here.’ In district court,the judn- . nn^y'nioi'MnnihttJiiA EccoTorcd:Scar-End.otr-; ’ !W ..*!,,W ««oW Sr5
Page 1: G.O.P.CAN*, illilK E S...molo.aa he will no unablo.to i f«r personally with the senator. He will atop in Boise l*ut 15 min utes en route to the Pacide cout Won't Meet Dorah ' Plnchot

Weather Forecast]-'(enpentara. -----

____ _.jrdo>‘ T»Mi>lnlnnan80.Urn li mornlnt M;

A Bcgloiial Nftwspapor Berrtiig BIx Irrlffnlcd.OoiinHca Id Idabo

T O D A Y ’S . NEW S

T d D A Y


CEFor.ner Pennsylvania Qovernorj

Landon Backer, Scheduled For Boise Halt


Nalurc or Noted Bopublican’ Message Uncertain. Before

■ Arrival Today

(CjpyrieKK lOSO, United P « » ) EOIBET Oct & (UE) — Gifford

Plrehot, cs-Bovcmor of Pcimsyl* vaiilB. close prcsonal friend ot Sen, Willlara E. north and. ardent.aup- po.-tcr ot AKrcd ’M. LosOen (oc prculdeot, wna to arrive hero ,4t

.2:45 p. m. today and releaje a alatement rclatlvo to Borah'a cam- ■pilgn for rcclccUoa to the U..S.

. senate.That Plnebot might attempt to

rcconeito Borah with Landon and the Rcpubllcao party aecmed

■ molo.aa he will no unablo.to i f«r personally with the senator. He will atop in Boise l*ut 15 min­utes en route to the Pacide cout

Won't Meet Dorah ' Plnchot woj to. be met at the

airport by MI*a Cara Rubin, Bor­ah’s private secretary, na the dean

■ o f the acnato will not return to BoUe from north Idaho unUl lato

■ tonlRht. ’. Miea, niihln -did not Imow the -tiaturo ol plnchot'a atatement.

Ho hnd expcetea to remain here longer but changed his plana be- cauae of Borah'a absence. .

Plnchot has been campaigning {or LandoD.nnd the national Ro-

■ publican party In Pennsylvania.Llko Borah, the cx-covemor'la

a llberal IlcpublIean..Ho Is'acute- ly Interested In Borah’s ro-clec-

O. O. p. Bacldnj; Remote Posaibillty that Borah will fall

in lino .with the Ropubllcnni grow*■ moro remote- na the November■ election approaches.

• As yet, the senntor. haa not mentioned Lanflon'ln aoy;of.hBi

' spetchcB! yet-ue tuu.empluitlCBlly• denied reporta that' he ‘wlU’ not support the G. O. I*, preiMential

: nomlneo. Clo8« frlepds « f thB eci- ator believe Jis will nullnUln bis

• trilcnce througtloat tljs carapalgs,• refusbgr to state his tand.

In.a recont »pcccb;.Boi-nh -pralS;' ed President Souerelt for hts re­

lief meaaurea. and.saJd .the Dcmo-| ,• cmtio leader ^aa jusUtted In puU-

Ins large wIlofi«xpeodlture». '

Selection of Aides from Oivio; Qroups Nears Ooniplotion

■ For Qampairfn

the annua! Community ____campaign Ticro Tuesday, oppolnt- ment • of workers from various I»cal civic groups neared complc* Uon today with aaacuneemeot of ths 'committees from the Klwanla club and >lie Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce.

____ thoae -........................LcgloD, and tho women's orgOD'

, On the KJwanls committee, ac­cording to Pres, R. V. Waahbum, will be O. T. Kpater, Cecil Jones, iJ. E. White, Ralph B. Smith, G. lO: rBdget, Ed:Tinker, Art Ceder- Iqiilst, U.-N.'T«rry, Al Gilbcrt.'M. |EiD0lllngnnd'C.C.Kl0B*bury ' '

cVWerkep* ,S\ .Oipt a ' H,';KrenBel this ofter- looti ■ ashouneed appointment of


.’ Bettoc. Thani 8ept. ' l- Bnt I^ r ./..JelQvtl055;jniSAtL4kpyi:il

I,aati;ycaj:*8.0TCp .

WABHiNGTON.'-Oct e raB'—I Tho roderal-brop reportini'-boart

" today esUmat^.’ii' 1836 com'cMpIs .fassr«tasasbushels^Umate-8«pt.%-*-' -

. 15S5 crop of . 3,281,626,OW bu • With' thia ye»f/i com- cro;

:drouth.-.thh /boMd .ttUmo ed.'iJts'

; eomiKirod wlth-VSiriwr-ftcttflaat y e a r . ' ' ' ' . - • - . v i . .

Com.alMJui.on InnM. wwa.-Mtl, > ,mated n tm m ooQ Jjusbda ii; A? ;• 'per cent of; the l0 6.■ctep.'■ii• ;


■itte ‘Sept.-iK.'catlmato'.-rwblBl};'’ ; wu:fof'aUi$5i.OOO-^usls«l£' .•Pwductba' 10:■^00,000^001.' cbriiUllohrM.*.-. .-Ofltii-'w.esAVBiwnjpKtd': •:wim,CTaoii


Dolegnto Walks Out of Parley A t London After Lashin p


______ 'fl( iapaneu marloea rauly for netlon u theyquarter* of Uio Japanese laodlngr party. Note the baby tanlc In tbo foregroimd with a heavy ma- chtae gm mounted In lU turret. Mfst Utuiltr of »ho crlstn had eawd conalderaWy today la ibp trake of parleys betn-een the Jnpaneso envoy and Gen. Cbiang KaJ-Shek, Chlnevs leader.

New Dealers Center Barrage on Coughlin

............ ........ ............ (Ub-The New Dettl centered'barrage 'against Fatlier Charles E. Coughlin today.- Tho attack was opened last night by the Rt. Rev. John A. Ryan In a nationwide broadeont assaUIng Coughlin'a economic theories and

those who have raised the isaua of Communism In thonational «ampai^'.

Tonight. Secretary of Interior Harold L. Ickcs carries forwardl tho offensive with - - aecklnfi Kepubll

his speech . ,Coughlin, et Al”—tho "Al” refers to Alfred E. Smith. ,

Tlio Domocratlc. national mittee emphasized tho U attached -to Ryan’s

by undertaWnihuUon of thenddrcas. . . ,

"I soy ddjberately to the la-borlnir. men and .women of -----lea,'.' he said;-"that Father.' lln.'a explanation of oiir c c .

iBladlea:i« at least, 60 per centrong and-.liifl tndael^'ry-----re at least 00 peV-eentr't ;if„t«e,3i|ttecwore;«M

•K. a Bcaeh. W. A. Van Engelen, R.,Vfi Carpenter, R. J. Schwendi- man, W. A. Flynn,-A. W. McCon. jiel,r Lionel Dean, A. B.: Or’— •'

Jaw;t->/ -------- ----- .16;thegreatmaJoHty.of---- -----lean .-people,- parUcolarly ; to the wagi carBers.* . . \

'•Tollers.' of. America.rl JmpJorc, u not to.pennit yourtelves to be]

.Otiier civic group committees;

” ■ lions Club '.'Carl Sherwood, ■chairman:' Har-

y.BolI, Bill Read,'-D,-Harvoy took,' Dan GUiter,--WUUam aer-

tCbnllouod OB Pago 2,.'CQliimn 1)

O i W i G K ,

S h i f t e d T g

H o s p i t a l F o r I n s a n e■ WAaHTOQT0N,'‘’ 0ct.'-9 fllEt-i-'rhe' juaUce deportment today an-I rvounecd:Oie transfer 6 f^w m to-ito_l^ ,w n^cw ^k l^

StateM a j:,q o> .B o tlii«R «n lt;

O f "

' B o m -oct'.-.fi • stau..Viwn»eail''o ......................wm'.«upr6rt._____ _______BonA -irid,-l>eroD<iAUo' B«BUwiaJ »pmttwtt.'Oo».'C.:8en= Bws,’ ;b, 'Q.


jfilcotlnf^ on Spanish Neutrality Startled as Lisbon Envoy

. Bolts Stonnily

By FKEDEItlCIC KVIt (CopyrlRht, lOSO, United Press) IjONDON, Oct. £> (HE) — Rus­

sia's neutrality noto la "an act■ .................lO Portuguese dclC'

ay as ho led c meeting’of tha international com. mittee of 27 nations on neutrality In Spain.

Russia has charged that Ger- any, Italy and Portugal, Faacbt

inatlons, have ^en- aiding the' anish .rebels,' and thr,-ntrn.l to retaliate by helping Madrid government If

does not ccoec', In a separate notel Russia made specific chargtaj against Portugal.

AVallu Angrily Out , Tho Portuguese delegate, Fran-.I cisco Calhelros, walked indignant­ly out of tho meeting five min­utes before It recessed.

After denouncing Russia's not«| accusing Portugal of violating Iht international neutrality agree- ment, he soicl ho would take parti In the committee's further dellb-j :rationa,only if and when ho --


In eontrait, h# cited President Roosevelt- as "the man who hai ahown a dccpcr and more Bympa> thctlc imderatandUig of your ncods and who has brought about more fundamenUl legislation for labor

• - • -jusUfo than anyIn American his-

tory."Oenouubes "Red'’ Claim

Ryan charged that tboso,.who|"mnko the despicable asaertionl tluit the President —Statea .la, a Commi latorp pf the.commi ;declaresi ; . , .•.■Tbqu-abBlt.not hear.telao wit- . ■ . ,

him', an honorary, degree.. cUllng him-"A man'outstanding ntaons

for upright-Uvlng,' falthfull-

f the Unitodl

ness t of.thought «


r. from tho fcderat prtson atiUavenworthUo;’ hospital for thiihoapltal refused today to dia«ias

• TBo:t*^er topic place, on I

iitiTiViftiad-beL In prl*)n since

SOT,IK» W »om Sm aia W B Mahan'B hands. ■ ;^MiSm^aftor his-KTest-la San

l^fflclila.at'-Uia United.,Btateo

ooavleted kidnaper/.who-Is In the h^itai,'. , v : ■. presence of Mahan at tUe-facUl-

W'yeBterday;;iiuit-.li8-.litid: beentnwsferrod.fiew.alnK^ ft month ago from ths federal penltonUary at i^vcawocthj Kan.: -. .’ ' .: OfZldijs at 'ths bMpltal -would

____________ J lo f 'y o u ^ iQ e -^.We7erbn«user..-je,-lhst]r’t0 A . .



G .O .P .C A N *,'ed Instructions from the Usbon ! government, he desired to say tliat - --mplalnt'dirccVd against one

paln’a neighbors by a govern- .....Russia—with which Portu­gal docs not maintain rclatlona. "must bo considered an act of hostUity." >.

' • Adjourn* Session

Nominee Tells Klinois Hoarcrsi New Deal's Vast Machine

Can Be Beaten

..quite clear, fy,' arid left tho - later, . t —*

jsiorm Boors. Out to Sea After Inflicting Heav7 Losses;, Many Deaths Feared

. MANILA. Oct. phbon which rowed over, nsrth* era tuEoa today catisbig heavy daou^ stvept . eat Iota the ChlDA sea at midnight and'mod- emto t\-«Athef m s promised fot

•*5Siip?_______islands' today, cutting dunlcatioiis from 10 provineos and lofliclliig . heavy .dimages. Haby dciitbs .were feared;. ' ;"'nib.stonaw»9 vecrl rtonertt-

, -BU: reported ,• anotherwas fonnfig-south-of JL---- , ,,,,' M ony^fl^r'bM ts aod:'pther Ul

wwe-mlaslnjg,.:^^rch[ ’ •

CRUSmNG XOlpTH T M E ^ -rH■ * / vVT’ ......— ..... :

e^ p led ^ ^ ^ t lra wrthem^ por-

Heavy'ii^perty I om'

I :Scattet^ ad' c»a'.from;the iltoVin'

. Beverai vlUagjei .were; reported


By United I’re .i Today’s dcvelopmcnls in the

Spanish civil wax;

IlUItfiOS — Re bo is push "sfjucezo" maneuver in amn.ili- Ing otfenslvo agaiiwt MsUria.

■ MADUID — Eniernency de­fense committee tslces cliar^o In alcge; airports evacuated; 12,000 clilldrcn ' ordered to coast; blanket curfew Imposed; workers sent to man city fortl-. flcations.

BURGOS — Insurgents trap loyalist army in Greilai moim- talns In savage drive along western front facing Madrid.

IXJNDON — Non-Inlerven- tion commlttce meets, trj-Ing to Bidetrnck Ruasin'fl ehargea of Itailin-Gcrman-l’orluguc-'ie nld to. rebels. Porlusticsc delegate wants out angrily.

Strike In Two Areas In Drive For Madrid



ny KRVNOIJ)S I'ACILMtn (CcipyrlKht, 103(1, Hulled Prfin) • ,

IlUItGOS. Oct, 11 (Ul ’ )— coliimu.s cooperated in a sciiicczins iniinciiviT from tlia niirlli jiiitl soulli on Moilrid loil/j/ jj) n lJiijjj()ej-oiJs'D/ffjj»ivc oh ,?)1 Sro})t3 .7ir.iin.vt l);e em- linttlcd Spniii.Mi ca'pilal,

'The final drive for IM.nilrirl proi'ccdcJ fnntcr lliaii nntici* ])atcd. Tlic rolii’ls-claimcd tlic cainiire of 2,500 loj-.ilisls Jn the_______________ ;_____ ___ Lj_4,firi'dos inoiinliiins west of tho

Mnqucdn-JIadrid luBli>s;.'y.Ocn. lilniitio Jfpla’a iiortltcra

rebel forccs, which hnd teen HinrltinK time, joined with tho soiitli’oi'ti iiisurgcnt.s in the .'iivrrjiintf squmc ]il.iy. They left the eastern front clear, widi Madrid still having easy

laccM.s to the Jlcditcrrnnean !ii:iii>oard ports, apparently ia (lie iiopc that tlic loyalists would flee heCore the dcstruc* tion oE MndrM hy bomhard- tnciit is ncccssarv. ■

Hold ObJecUvts All tho main rebel obJceUves on

tUc western circular fronts—Tole­do, tho entire Credos asctor and San Martin do - Valdelgleslas—dt ip rcsenl are hejd by the ttrops,t>f

___ lARD LANDON CAMPAIGN,TRAm. IlL, Oct. 0 IC.KI—Gov. Alf| M. Uwdon told voters of tho' •'doubtful” midwest today that the New Deal’s "great political ma­chine" can and will bo beaten do- Ispito "bllUons of dollar»-of your, [money—lo their camitaign fimds."' The. ncpubllcan -presidential,

------- --calng'liiS,drtvoior the|electoral .votes of'the. vital states lof.nilnbU, Ohio;.Michlgw aad'In-

t i^ 'tb J c fu g ^ 'im n b ^ ^ ^ U le s eoj route to - Chicago for- a jnajorl speech on budget balancing.

He.later wilt deliver major Idresses in Cleveland iind Detrolti Ion. relief administration and civU Isorvice.

SlgnlDcnnt.Tonr The 2,4(M)-mlle,eight day tourap-|

peared likely to bo the.most slgnl-| ftcaat of tho prcBldenUal campc— ' with both. Governor London President Rooaevclt'centering ef­forts on captari) of the vast votlog strength of -tho mldweat’s indus­trial and farming areas. '

Tho comlneo planned to see party' leaders and uiUonal-bead-, quarts chieftains In Chicago and; to-nat-before -his budget' address thU evening....Ho;devot«d probably,more Ume ,to^ ,b u d ge t address than, nay other 8p< ech'Ile' has made in. tha

ll,argeat Presidential CampaiBn Special Takes Boosovclt

To Iowa, St. Paul


PAIGN'- TRAIN, IN lOWA, Oct. 0----Th(> largest prcslUcntlal]

campaign spccial that ever rolled] Washington returned

Ident Roosevelt to the mldwestem| political firing line today on first stage of a S.OOO-mlle tour.

Speeding from Waslilngton woy o f Pittsburgh and Chica the .presidential headed for i buque, where minutea wero .aside for a motor tour with C ayJo Herring to Eagles ,P< park, ft Mlssis.slppl channel p ;cct, and a W P A civic w I tower.

Farm Parley,jpof.WUwnainfa... headed for Dubuque ero promised a, rtcetlag

with the Prcaldcnt if time permits, ■and with ScctetAiy of Agriculture Henry A. .Wallace, “

......... irty._____ _ _ jbuijue,, the .special

I will bear Mr. Roosevelt through ;Oelwebi and Hayfleld, la.. Into St.I Paul, Minn., where an Important jccnference is scheduled with farm

before the-tour cnds-Oet.-lT. At least two moier speKhes are on

---' -_<,ae at Omaha.-«Neb, Dight; another 'at C)U-

ca'use of Wlous lost-mlnute .. vlsibns;. It wois undeiitood thnt be Intended to mal£6. It . one of 'the

of hU bidY, ■ i^Ucularly t Into satiouLl

IM O l l l l■■BOm'bct.’: i» ntEh 'Thfl-ifltaie

psrdoa' iWBnl today denied » r? ddn-to^JM. byda SouU^i XdaLo-a


. fn desyInff-Mrs,'-S6uVuird’a«(ip-. pUfatton. the ;:b^ 'v l)o in t« out

Francisco Franco, command- '. cr-ln-chlef.

Madrid's suburbs are all that re> . main to protect U against this fi­nal puah which apparently cannot :. be slowed up now until the bat>: tie oc Madrid occurs within a'I month.

- All Units Participate Every fighting unit-on the na-

UoitJllst (rebel) side U porUdpot*' Ins.; ln-..thls ;crulsiag manouvcf .

krOn-'borth' tuid. south,.iacludlnff : Itho- lnfonUy,- artlUenr. -.taiilai„ap- •

-ars Mil .squadrons oC war-";' The phineji 'already; liava

subjects Madrid's outskirts, tn " irial bombardment ‘

.^o 'fivermaln' blghwayii and a -. ' score of secondary roads Intq.-Ma-' drid are he(d by the rebisls. Madrid boa onlyj ttro .hlghwaya leading-to - (Continued on Pagis 2, Colunm:». ,v

i l l i l K E SWorks on AddrCMes

As hla train, kiared’ into , the Talrie country - the Prealdent iwked feverishly.-oa 'thB major

. be will deliver

'and-appeal for the re-e1e e t ta ^ Iseft. aeorge Nonla,' vetenui- Ne- Ibraska legUIator and Independent

■'.OddifieS'':. -8ALT LAKn'.rcEnr.-,ict,'.9 :(n£>-Nobody. knew .why, .but. s.; thief took three manhole covers,,'. :,welgUag 40-pounds eacli.-Xrpm: ■city.iftnteti,. j . , „ '-rt .vi;.'-,

■ ..' EMPORIA. KBtt'Oet. -fi (UDr*' I ,*wUco -Tnusfwalt-.on -pbUtlcs,- here.’ In district court, the judn- .

nn^y'nioi'MnnihttJiiA ■

EccoTorcd:Scar-End.otr-; ’

!W . . * ! , , W « « o W S r 5

Page 2: G.O.P.CAN*, illilK E S...molo.aa he will no unablo.to i f«r personally with the senator. He will atop in Boise l*ut 15 min utes en route to the Pacide cout Won't Meet Dorah ' Plnchot


D l M U E G l N S E S S I MWith Officer Bcliool;


Opening loilny nt 4 p.Iho first Bc.»Ion of tho nunrtptly convention or Ihc AmcrlCAn Lc- Rlon when Ad]. Lcaler Albci U

prcildctl at on oHlctrn' training ncliool. It was held at Lc- Bioti Memorial hall-

joint xc.-ulan « { tho Lcs>°n anil: Auxiliary la to bo held at the Tnrlt hotel at 7:30 when a ban ijuot will bo etaBcd for ex-ccrv Ico mrn anj women and a number fit irucflts. Including department tuid dbstrlct oHIcero of the two (iroupa, Homer Hudclson, manacer of lbs vcterana' bureau at BoUm Mayor Duncan McD. Johnalon, E. L. nnyhora,-.Icpartmtnt eom- JWUlder of the D. A. V.’l, and othew., I

W. W. Noblo is chairman of lhaj •commllteo In charge, other

. .. . .. j f ahow will bo atagcd by T>uplla of Mori* Dunn Helm. Fol- iDwlns Uie bosquet separate aca- BlonA will bo conducted tmiJer the leadership of Urs. Janette Cham- berUlD. BuriJy. di*trjct AuxJliory

Eresident, aad George Gouehnaur. urley, dlatrict coraroandcr.

ON CHEST DRIVEBtlooticm of Aides from Clvic|

Groups Mears OomplDiion For OampiJgii

(Continued From Faco Odc)IJcr, nonaid GrovM. M. G. Gnxvtii,; Max Miller, Stanley Phlllipi, John I SodtD, Al{pa Young:, Art Timmonfll uid Ruhm Dunn. '

notary Oub Dr. -■ " "•

Sweet and W. P. Haney.Junior Cborobcr

Frank Cook, chairman, Bruce JohnaoD. :1L S. .Tufflemlre, Dun-

■ can MeD. Jehwton, n, E. Hood, John B. nobcrtson, Carl Glib,

"s°S£nrJ^”^word Speer,

• O ^ e It^PautoMJ, Juay Clark.• Don Grow., Leo lUllcr, Mel Co»;_ jTlff and A. M. Itouth.

jEaitem nesldenta Here

I guesla Bt the Rogcraon hotel

Re tom From Bunt . PollowloR a thcce-day huat In the Minidoka forest rucrve, H. V. Leonard, Salt Lake City and Tony Lwjwutl, Twin Folia, have returned wllljS'decr oplece.

To Attend In Body Tho Knighta of Columbua wUl

attend communion In a body "

V O M T f f i S■Hot Fiscal Bcform Fight Dnej

For Climax’Whon.fltato BallotflNov. 3 :


t t the most iBlcaelvc . t « wforffl llffhtfl In reeent history .wUl bo « t -

■■0% by CoUfomia at;llie poll* Nov,

• Duo to' tha "atale Initiative and

tho Initiative ifor new legUIation]

: p S r upon three .<llffe«l tax . nmurtsa of utmost Im p o r^ t : • Even ft fourth one, which luid ' onallfied under the InlUatlva law, •• 2nd'Which provided for a »abaU- I . tuUon of tie famoui Henry George ■ letaEte land to* for the prtaent ; California ooleJ .tax, also would ; lava been pwsed upon by the

voters hod not the Slato-Suprome Court ruled it out for teclmica]

To serve MMaoaate.’’ 'Aa thi-tltuatloa now atanda,'

' wter»':wlU fois Upon tiree 'meaa- ' ' urea which win bind the le Ialature.

lo any fultiro etforta at tax legla- latlon on . tha----- -------------- -They are as followa:. ,', IlepeaJ of the et«to Ineomo tax <HepcaI ef tho tax on- chain

Btorco. ' 'Repeal of Uie tax on oleomor-

Uu> three, Uie one providing for tho repeal of the state 'tax Uw la tha moat vital. L--------potlUcal flsbta in California,'cach i f tho meaaBrM U highly contro- veiBlal -and atalevWde orgonlza- OoM .import boU* «ld«» of the '^uUcn at Issue. In each case, to S«t the'queatlon placed on the bal- .tot,' It was neccasory to obtain ap> iffi^maUly 100,000 petlUoQcrs.

In Uie fight for the ro«a] of the presccl: atato Income tax. the aup-|

''»ja«-andthe.lMJeo which ......i« oileged to have suataiijeU by

^'Mftng'one.-’ Botli atatca,. it la 'i:j«lated out, bovB'Conduetwl vaat .•r^wttelog cjuopaigns for attract-

•-----^t'only Iho tourtst trada but-Mt-realdenta. As a rcsult,

llie who

h°7ho°Unlon army, C. JI. Wil­liam nuho of Pennsylvania, has brtii occonled Clio hlRtiMt hacor

Gmnd Array of Ilia HcpiifH ... can pay — clectloa a* com* mimder In chief. Ho succeeds Oley Neliou of Slater, lo.

News, in Brief



To Apply Prossnro ... -. -.Capitol -Oity.....

(Continued From Pajro One)5 coaat flllll open. They are . .. id lo VaTencU nnd the road lo|

iMurcla, with brancllea to Alicante | and Cartagena on tha neo.


drld formed nn cmcrgcncy ilefcniia' •- inilttco today, which loolt life

<Icath power In Uie capital to itand cff the in-iurgent »Iece

' elemenUi aupporllng [Spanish loyalljiC government ircprcacnicd Including tho anarch- lais and syndlcaUsia. A curfew wan Impoaeil. army airplanes were ncnt from Madrid In anticipation of Insurgent raid*, children /itart- led for the scacoMt, clerhs Iworkmen were atnt to man .

clly fortifications, to remain I until the siege Is over.

S3 AUlca Alt ay , At tho closcst point the Insur- Igenta were 33 mllca from iho city;' [iproxlmately their forces formed

ring over a W mile radius, with . break at the east aide toward

the Mediterranean coast InsurgenU, omiounclng Jiei

torles In the area west o( tho cap­ital, believed they, had trapped I army of 2,000 loyalUta in L . Credos mountalnj and had cut|

I Culled to California I Miss Odetta Crilchfat tho Twin Falla Bank ood____ ,:Co., has gono to California by

account of the death of n Los Angeles.

Qo To Bolsa Mrs. E. F. Fltavater, Mra- Fraak

McCormlclc ond Mra. Paul Meull spent yesterday In Boise with friends. They wero accompanied by Abo Jones, Hope, Kan., guest of U i. and Mra. Mcull. -

Iiamcs arorcttca .J. Stlmaon has reported to tho

ipollco the theft of a case of flpud Iclgnrettca from a truck yesterday. iTha roerchondlao was said to have

of JS4.26.

Truck Turns Over Fred Voart, Hailey, reported to!

police last night that his truck, which he was operating, turned over on .the sUle highway five miles west of Burley. No iajurlea

flUfftnlned, he said.

. .. „ amallcr column called the •■IntemaUonal" and aald to have been recrulUd parUy at Mar­seilles, France .

Deaperata light It was learned that rcb< 1<

era expect a desperate fight for Madrid and believe It will take several weeks to reduce tho city.

la Londoa the non-lnUrvenUon committeo of 27 nations met to try to sidetrack Russia’s demand for Immediate cessation of alleged Fascist aid to the insurgents. It woa hoped a "formula" ceukl be found by which replies to Russia's

- could be Bought from It- •many and Portugal. Th!a

_____ would delay any Russla-oction toward denouncing tho nor Intervention agreement and pei haps aiding the loyalists directly.


Ipledgra FM BetaWord hoa been received hero;

that Mlsa Janet Felt. Twin PaUs, has .been pledged to Phi Beta, na­tional honorary mualo and drama society at tho University « f Ore­gon, Eugene. She' Is a first year student

friands In lUInolirwero Mr. and lun. Albert Cederburg and daui •,ter». Miss Inez Cederburg and U Faith Cederburg,' and Mrs. Carrol jHolloway. -

ratio eandidataa

candi^tea for county office wlU be hostesMS at a meeting of tha.T^ln Falla-'county Democmtlo Women’# study club ot the Baptist bungalnw here on Monday at 2:30 p. m.

On Midwwt Trip .Fonowlng a visit here at khol

homes of their. «n «, Paul H. Gor-| dori and Arthur Gordon, Mr. and' Mrs. Perry H.'Gordon, Rupert, wlU'

on a five-month'

To Frobat« EatataPetition oC Mrs. Emrna M.- Har-

,dln to have.-her son, 'j. Holland HanilQ, named administrator of the oaate of the lato John W. Kar- - ■ been filed la probate court.

,_--.,.;y la estimated to have a ivolue ot 000. Rearing bos been laet for Oct 21. J. W. Porter is jattomey for tho pellUoner.

|Tuo Qet DU-orcca I Decrcea.of »ilvorce were grant­ed in district eourt.today by Judge A. B. Bahlay to Mrs. OUvo Ruaacll from Max KJtusaeli; on charges of desertion, and to Mra. Geneva Ilex- mlaon from Raymotid Hermison, on- giounda'of cruelly. Mrs.. Russell wofl granted restoratloa of her maiden name of OUva Holm. Both

defaulted to appear-

___ which lasted about fouracconds at 3:13 o. m. today.

The carthquoke was classlllcd _ fairly atroog, but waa not violent enough to affect tho strong motion Betanograph recently Installed hero by tho U. S. coast and geodeUc

, _____ . .- .-

Crew o f Freighter , W ai Be taken Off!

SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 0 (UB)- The grounded freighter Obloan' crcw was ordered lo "stand by t , abandon-ahlp" today aa tho coast guord prepared to take alt but few of the crew of 33 ashore. , i

Removal of the crew was ordisr.| ed as officials o f the American-

illan atcajnship Co., whlet...... the vessel, stiii aground nearjSeal Ilockii In San Kranclsco'a; ‘graveyard - of ahlpa,'* completed'

Courthouse to Close. For Columbus Davi

Rebel Strong Man

« E L E C ] I O NPrimary-to,

. Dlclalorial powtta over Iho Bpanlsli reW prtSlUOtuU gov- enimeiit. with conmuwd over all tend, sea, and air force*, were given flea. Franeltca F im w , above, by decrea of tho rebeb’ •oprciae eoimell. U rebel forcea eompletely aubdue U » Sladrld' KDverameat. Pranoo ta expectfal

New< o f RecordBirlhl.

J. F. Newman, Kimberly, momlng_»t the Swearingen temlty home, 1129 Fourth’avcnuoi east.

To Mr. nnd Mra. Henry W. Or-1 cutt. Twin Falls » daughter last n ig lifa t tho Craft maUmlty; home.

To Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Skinner,, Murtnugh, n son yesterday at 8 p. m. at the Twin Falls county Ihospltol matemlty home.


BROOKS—Fuseml services for Mra. 8. 8. Brooks. Hazelton, whp died hero, yeati^ay, will bo ducted Saturday at 2:30 p. r the First Presbyterian church here, with Rev. Charlea A. Hawl Haxclton, officiating, and Rev. _. ,D. Smith of tho Church of the Nozarene, Twin Falls, as.ilsting. Music -will bo supplied by Hazel­ton friends of the family. Burial jwill be In Twin Falla caraetery under the direction of tho White jmortuary.

MEIGS T- Servlcea for Coraj Meigs, 18-ycar-old daughUr of Hr. and- Mrs. 0. O. Melga, .who died Wednesday, will bo held tomorrow at 3:30 p. m. at the Presbyterian church.-Rev. G. U Clark, pastor, wUl offlclata and Interment. wiU be in Twin Falls cemetery. Priendsj may call at this Twin Falla luory from 10 a. ta. to 2 p. t morrow.- -Thezcankftt-gUl.JQt.hel opened at tho servlcea.

Monday, coiumbus day, by-vmue, of Ita being a legal holiday. Otherl Institutions which 1*111 observe the 'doy Blmilarly are tho two k •' banks and the state Uiiuor at> iBowever, bnalnesa houses will main op ^ and district court will' *") In Bcaslon.

rT A D ^ ra n S ’NEAnSALT 1*AKE CTTT. Oct 0 mE)

— Approximately 9,000 memben of tho-Mlna and Metal Workers’ union In Utah go on strike at mid­night tonight unlesa hurried so- gotlaOona today result In ~ — promise.

Low Tax; More Cash'BEIiBVniE , ni. flUD—Llccn-;

-ja for a dog wcro reduced to »1! each' here this year and coUeetors took in tl,e00, as compared to only $012 last year when the U-

i H f l nAIRY!

Board of Circctora ^ __Open .pila -MpnlU

Twin Falla Chamber of Com­merce this mcnih wlU conduet-thc onnuat elMllon for tho choosing of five dlreeloni to succeed Q. O. Pndget,' K. C. Beach, R. W. Car- ncnlor, Tilllea J. Browning and Carl Anderson, U waa announced at to­day's luncheon meeting of tho dl- rectors wJKn tho first ihreo named dlrecloro wcro named as a com-, mltteo In charge of conUucUng the pgll.

Of Uioso whoso terms expire, me are ifubjcct to ro-clecUon, cceptlng Browning, who is XUl- ig u vacancy by appointment • Tho primary election will bo held

tho third week ot the month, while the main balloting for the finals wUl take place Quring tho last, week of October.

Resolutions wcro adopted calling for early completion of tho olUng iprograni on the stretch of highway between Eden and -Hazelton, this having been under constructkm-. for a long time and Is deemed ,to be dangerous, . ■

The airectora also laid addlUonal, plans for the annual teachers' tn- sUtuta hero Thursday and Friday,, Oct 10 and 10, ond askid thatl householders cooperate, with thsl chamber-to provlfling toualng.

M B E A S l R[Filer Itlan, Bonnd.'Over After|

Maiulftnghter Oharg*^ ScfiWrig Frc&dom

SHOSHONE, Oct 0 (Special)'— It waa expected today that habtaa corpus proceedbga will bo started la behalf of Clyde Belt, Flltr, bound over yeiterday to district

: friduy^-Oc(alier 9,-l936

Th i g h H A T ~

iThree 'H o la t^ -F r^ m S cr^ .

slaughter In the dcath iMt Friday night of 'Wllllara Bmuncstrither, Twin FallB. recently of South Da-1

prepared, It is indicated by Raybom, Twin Folia, Bell’s attor­ney. ' UnUl that Umo it is czpectcd that Belt wlU bo freed on »l,BOO •ill.

Wltneiuc* Called Wltnessea In.the case funilshedi

iby .Marian - D../Helat,-jiio«eeUUng lattomoy, .Included Traffic Officen I John McConnell, present at thei ■ Umo Belt’s ear waa alleged to havo struck the dead man; who .was re­pairing a tiro'by Uio aide of tho' ;road about, lour miles aouUt ‘

Sheriff O. M. Brown, who lo­cated Belt's ooupo In Ketchum Sat­urday evening with.a badly bent fender and other damage, was alao a prosecution witness aa waa Mra. Lucilo Reid, Shoahone, who stated that sho loft Jeroma at 11:20 p. m. tho day of Iho tragedy and. waa driving at about <0 mUea an hour towara •Shoslioao'when abo was paasod juat bcfoni reaching tha sceno of-the accident by a w car- rylng'a Twin Falla county license.'

Claudo Belt, brother ot the i cuscd num..testified that ha'a tho defendant had driven out. hlghwi^ua'souUi'of Shoshone lo

tho night, ot the fata] acgdei

been loday. Phyalclao InalsUng, and prov­

ing, that he leads a busier Ilfs thriTi n BCTTspapennan. • • • Old timers relating Interesting rcm- inlsceneu upon hearing of‘the- sudden death at Glens r r y of Kitty 'Wilkins, plonw o f; thb iouth^n idaho.plalsa, who Jus won more than local fame £■ a atokwoman. /. . Legfauina(rf))'.

Bi^^t .*«un*flo'wert, . coveting '• *•** of tha cheataof ar

• In State Inoladod k - Jop SIxUen _ ^

MOSCOV/, Oct 0 (Special).— Data reported by Ivan H. l/jugh- ary, field dairyman with tho Uol- • vcrslty of Idaho aBrieultural ox- tension dlvlalon. Indicate tlmt Ida- iho -dalcy farmers havo some things "lo crow about."

Idaho Holatcln-Frieolan herds rank high In olflclU clitaslflcatioa Sixteen herds, conalaliijg of 414 animals, havo been claa?lfled dur­ing 1030. Three' of these herds, conslsUog of 80 animals, are In Idaho.

Of the 414 animals classified,, Idaho has 25 per cent of, those I rated'“axcellent": 105 p6r cent'

.of those rated ''very good": per cent of. those rated "s plus” : and 20 per cent of U

•rated as "good.” ' : , Second In Nation

’ The. HoUtein-Fricsian aasocia- Uon of Amcrica reports that Uio University of Idaho Holstda benl ■ranks accond In the breed na breedeTHjevelopcr of cowa produc- ,iog 30,000 pounds of milk. : • , ; Loughary reports a tremendoua .Incrcaso In enrollment in Idaho! I dairy herd Improvement asaocla- ............................. . testing. In

pared to 74 herds and 1278 cowa ithe aanic month last 'year. 'IUla Is an Increase of CS herds or 30.7 .per ccnt oniclal testing baa doubled la the year. Last August !&4 cows were'on test This year tho number' was 168.

' fibir-bunlen faava a ___“Who'a \VhoT” gao>o'iJaco film odebrlUca atort^ wearing dark glostca for dlsgolae-at pubUo events. For lostaaeo, would you havo. guessed (ba. miss In (op photo la Constaoce Bennettr Or that In dlsgnlso in tho lower pfaoto ore the attractive featarca of Boehello Dndaont Iho act- reesea are pictured at a Lot Ange;ta tennis meet .

Funds Solicited For Red Cross

tugcca numterlng between |

I____ fires__________ _ .naUonal officers who slate thatl tho situation there la cxtremetyl grave. I

A relief fund of 1130,000 la being solicited by tho national Red Cross

■ ■ have been assigned '

Accident Victim Recovering Here

CondlUon of Beulah Walker,10,, victim of a hit-and-run driver, wna doacribed today by tho attending phyaldan aa "not dangerous." She! • a chipped pclrie bone, tha doc-l__stated, and-is being kept initto hospital for further otaerva-'

, accident occurred at.ab«dt, 8:30 0. m. yesterday .morningI

' of Twin, Falls, alongside road, tha young lady having been atruek by a car and left lying along the roadway. Sho waa walk­ing from the homa of-her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Walker, to the B. I* Raybom farm home.

SheriCTa officers today Indicated there waa a possibility that tho accident occurred when a .trailer! on a . pasalng' car swerved and struck her,, unbeknownst to the driver. . . .

It has been ascertained, that . with a trailer loaded with wood paascd In.the vldnlty at about the tlmo of the acddcnt ■. .

INJDUED IN OOmsiON RAILEV, -Oct 0 (Spedal) ~

Jack Dnvla la ccove.ring from cuts' and bnjlsos suttalnod Wednesday when bo was thrown .from a car jdrivcn by.l^ brother,^avla Dayla,{

a considerably ' dam |Tho driver was uninjured.

A darK oreen leit fedora , which has flovrft about 75,000 mile* without Its owner belno .

KunderJt, Is so distlnoulshed that It haa been called WIckey and Is - jealously guarded by airline employee*. It Is nearly .covered with ahlpplng taQs and other ' souvenirs of Ita Journeys, afl or

western Oregon chapters, sum la that estimated neccasaTy .. robuUd 400 .of the 600 homca of firo sufferers who are destltuto following tho dealrucUon of the ‘ iwn.

, Eleven pcreons perished la tho flaniea and Bed Croaa records show that 60 persona are among the

— severely burned.

.Flnt Federal Savings-a ,. asoeiaUon va. G. A. Conrad,' et al, Iscekiag forcelosure ot a fOOO mort-

. Walter Anderson vs. B. D. Wake-' Ifleld and D. Q. Warner, seeking rc-' leovery of >2.050.(f0, alleged aa'

accident, on tho .highway between WecdeU’ 'and. Gooding Aug. 23, when a car of tho plaintiffs, driven by Anderaon's - companioo,. Fred Severance, waa allegedly strack by ono operated by Wakafield result­ing In injuries and damages to Ato- derson'. for which }2S00 la cl:' ' for mental and physical pufftJ200 damages to tha car; 1......hospltd bliir <eo doctor'a bill; and

for loas of employment

Junior ig h N otes

Publication of the Cub News,' iTwln Falls junior high school pa-

me eiecuon or siaji ,memuers.' Leona Rae Hughea la the editor- in-chief nnd Joo Bill Roberlaon as­sistant editor. Other staff mem-> beni arc: Betty Babcock, sciiool editor; Marlyn ^dcrson and Don­na Croasley, literary editor; Mar­lyn Webster and Bob Graves, hu­mor; Betty Sporlu, glrla'.spsrW editor; James George, boys’ sports c<lltor; Bob Jones and Albert Ben-, olt, lettering and cartooning; Dob Wildmon and Jack .Threllicld, printing. Bob Pence, business nmn- ---- - Grave Bruloy and Jxi'cei^

PIISINEDXat« Meed wdro Uorgait

PteaUsa' fnitciiUty pin. Mor­gan waa Tleh, haodsomo, and admitted that somo day bo . migfat .bo n senator.',.-Bdnj? the wUo of a aenator would bo nice, Kato bcUovel ~ ontli Tbsmaa Jeffereon Howard camo doira from Iila nunntaina. “Salute to Love,'* the Bvcnlng ’nmes’ BOW , serial, tens the taa: WaUli ' for the first inttallment Men-

•da>'. •

tonigHt-at 9 '.30 :-T-,

^starprogravnall Columbia S t ^ n s

Gooding RepubUctms Gather, at Banquetl

GObpiN'a. Oct;tf,-(Spcdal)'—J

"iM t^nE ^bt^ lhV ^ i^oS j

Page 3: G.O.P.CAN*, illilK E S...molo.aa he will no unablo.to i f«r personally with the senator. He will atop in Boise l*ut 15 min utes en route to the Pacide cout Won't Meet Dorah ' Plnchot

- yridfty, .October 0,1030 'tDAHO EVEltoJG TIMES. TWIN F^ALLS. IDAHO • PaiT^ro# •

s u m C H K SPUIFOiDEADlPramUM Mido in 1032

Party. Progrom

• The Jlcw Dsttl'o-ftJlercd repud!^tion of tU i032 -.pl*U0mr la tlio

• amtiiualUon-Al.fiailUi carriM- day •Jn..hli MJaiye,.to -drivo'.^o . rulUvclt;adr^8U»tlon/o^^^

• 'it clear ‘-why-

________ j'.pnr^Jn a njeach.lMtnlBhtrbcforo .4.£i00.-pBr*ona, .most of thorn ••dlsMUsnetl ..Dm(»cnita who: said,they •WBuja':ftiUew. the

: happy. warrior "M long n» bs. I vraala.to waUc. tmd in. sn/.dU'ec;; Uon.be'. jnny .ch90«B,'lo'R<>i"': < ' . .Wdl.fitrcii :PlBnkB :. T^SmlUi said he. Intends :to tttl

up. the l082 DbmotraUo..plA«or .•pfcnlifl.BJid ln’futuro-*pccehts at- . Umpt:to BhDW;Uio^Boa»ovilt-ad-!

ministration throw them vout the

' ' ’ '^'iL'iilBht ho' dealt wltrt iho

Crash of Clever Idea

» o t :

■ ^“ mio party," ho oboutcil, "baa• -walltixl away from you.” i

, Was 8e»t Platform !Smllh dcseribcd the 1Q82 Dcm;:

• ocratJb platform os', -'the t>est , plaUohn ever adopted ^y .'cither• party durlOK-the llfcUrrio of any

J. Cart Bftucr 01 Waahtajton, t . o ; staaUs ruefully tmlde bis wrediod p ^ p l a ^ after an tuisucceasful attempt to set It into (fas air Vy furious pedAnng ajid the nutstanM of a 00-foot ntamy.

.aioeo It asM neither motor nor: BUoUne, Bauer Inalito his plane would put aVlaUDn (TlUUn teach of the poor tnaii—U It nould worlc.

POLL SLIPS OFFZdgo Over RooBevolt Reduced

For Fifth Week In Bigest ______ 8traw_Bft)!o^...... ;

NEW YORIf. Oct.. 0 curj—Gov Atf U..I>aiidon-s lead ovtr .Presi­dent Rooecvdt. In Uid Litemry Di-| treat's . prcsWcntiar poll — --


'•As' tho-camlialgn..draws.to., closo,'.we,-may.loolt for-aome tai

______ _____ a party scca defeatlln slsht. Tho Idea Is to throw 1( loiit when.there will -not be tlino

or prove its falseness, e that the voters will

.they are' stroDRer and richcr Uian ' • ■ In their, history, tho re

la that Col. Kaox hat o the diminished valui

of the dollar, and tho Imminent of tnflaUon. ’ DlmlnuUon In the valne'of a curmney can only bo told I in relation to tho currcncy of cUier 'oaUoM, and ln/3a{loa Is a contra­diction In terms, when the monej

ilry. maintains its

cratlc party, I will tell you what I I would have done. I would have I

' 5 for Hoover Uiati

In tMs-parUeuIar campalffn It may tal(6 tho form of some allCEed: staumeht from the I»rcaiatat: that ho never made; iwmo canard about Ihls health or merely an announce- Imcnt that a hey state has turned ' • ...................him. Moro prob-

r S u b u rb a n C h u r c h e s J

. KNULL DAFliST10 a. m. Sunday school. Inez

Ccdarberff, superlntendeat. _ •11 a. m. Itomlns worship.'Sub­

ject, "la tho Young Man Bafo?"7:15 p. m. Beacon Ilubts. Sub­

ject, nvbat,'I, a Mlaslonary?" Gorlaad White, leader.

8 p. m. Evenlnjf worahip. Sut>- Jcct, •The Rejected Stono."


• Rev. Jaa. S. Butler, vicar . The • clshtaenth Sunday after Trinity.

Church school, 10 a . , ■.E reniBE 'prayer ' and 'otrmon,]

'7:30p;m. _____ ' ‘

cuoitcn OF TUB NA2.UtENE| •Klmlrtrly. ' '

;■ J. O. Behaap, pastor , 10 n, m. Bible school. Clowes

- for,all,. ..'■ll ft.'nu.......

, Holy Spirit's j

able, because of certain preccclenta illar form, It may bo publlshf

„ a press cable from abroad— InBtructions from the Soviet coun­try, for esample, iadlcaUnp on un ileralahdlnff with or approval o

Tho Chicago Times, after trying in vain to find any substantiatloa of It, posted a reword of ROOO.for pt«of of the vaUdlty.of the mes- sace, but none was oven offered, and tho reward still stands.

Apparetftiy there Is no way of preventing this sort of thlnj. It will bo remembered,. to lUusiratc, that a few years nc® «ne sroup ofl pa^rs pubUshed a charge that the' llixlcaS Bovcrnment _had bribed

7:15 p..i nndBluei count.,• '8-p. ) Subhct.^

Evan'gellJtie serviM, eflslmlsm vs. Optimism Rource-" Special music

and singing. -- : a p. . m.. .Wednesday, .special- hojplt al ser lcp. l}«v. Ira True,and •party. Nampa, ln.cl»a.r£c.

- . FmsT. siETaomsT .• . j ., KlmberJy.T. W. Bojramr-minlstor -

. Sunday school at 10 a. m.■ -Morning worahip at, 11 o.'m.• Intermediate leaKUO G p, m. -

.Evening worship 7:«0. p. m..,,. Monday.- Sot^t tWOP_No. 42 1'

■ moefdta ^:^;Bt.tho.,churcl^. A iulL attendhnt* U d e s i r e d . , U Thucsday/ttolr prnctlje'at 8 p.

. m.. at tho,cliu^.-.; ,\ i■ •'VFrlday. Camp-Fice girU 8t.^E;|

IB. at thp church.. •

... sought to bribe four Unltedl Statca senators, and backed thel Btory up with facsimilles of ciphcr| 'mcaaages to which were attached ;tho translations. - It developed that 'they-wereali clumsy forscries,.but nothing much happened. ' I do not thlnlc tbo nowsJ>«perfl even troubled ) npologiso for the publicaUon. • Nor nro those of -ereater politi­

cal stature In tho minority camp free from this ■ Iilad of political doubMcaUng. Toko their, vice presldenUnl candidate. For . the Bako'of thos'e who may havo for- rotten who the aspirant Is, let me remind- them'that. his same is Frnnl>KDax. He Is a Chicago pub­lisher. Ho and Republican NaUon ol Chalnnaa-Hamllton continue tc :tcU pooplo lhat their savings bank idepostts and'their insurance poll- Ides are unsafe.

Ift tho markets "of the world. Tho American dollar la today the mout stable unit of value on tho globe, and. nothing Is in sight, or likely to come over the horlron, to change Chat state of affairs.

-riicn 'there Is the' twin scare- i>w ofori unbalanced budget/am: IS unbiarable Interest' tlebt thni

.would burden our.chlldren and oui children’s children. Tho cool oi carrying the national debt for the five years — 1020 about (I bilUoa dollcost of the present-----Uie c- cen ncc of tho government's credit, Is moro than 150 mlUlc— '

Prodlels Balanced Budget Tho President says, basing his!

stntcment on treasury figures, tliat; the budget will bo balanced In a year .......


_______ o-7-p..ni._______________tary of Interior. Harold L. Ickes.i spealclng. Xrom Columbus, 0.. ( * 'BC blue net>york.

7:30 to 8 p. m.'M ST-Cov.


|H, R. Eking Hopes to Start!

duced for the fifth week today in the magadno'i, sixth report on tho progress of Its 'raw. vote* ,. . >s_Three weeks ogo tho Repul

,.in candldatd-led with BBA i icent of tho votes tabulated...- week ogo his total.was rcduced:to 07.0 per cent, and .In todayi

irt It stood at BO.D. .-, '^,000 Ahead ’

Of 1,254,710 votes reported Landon received 713,431‘to-4&S.* 302 for Roosevelt and 44.829 fori Rep. William Lemke, Union party I candidate..The vote, for .NormanI Thomas.-Socialist; Elarl Brawder, Communist; D. Lfclgh Colvlh..Pro­hibitionists, and John W.' Alkcn, Soclallst-Lnbor; was Jumped at 11,048. . . ■ ■ '

Analyzed as to potential elec- lorai college votes, tho'retumo, gave Landon B44-t6 Roosevclt'Bj120. ■ ■ ' ' ■ I

Of. the 40 states represented ln| tho tabulation, 27. were for-Lon-: don. 13 for Roosevelt.' Flnjt.lial- lots.were received from nine ad­ditional Dtateo; tho division belngl 5 to 4 for Landon. '

8 to 8i30 p. m. M-ST.^Franl( Knox, RepubUcnn vice presidential nominee, speaking' from Brooklyn, over NBC New York slatlon

sis'o’to 8:43 p. m. M.IT—W P .Administrator Harry Hopkln.1,. Ispealtlnc- from WashingtonCBS network. ' 8:15 to.C Browder,' C< nominee York, 0-

U a T-Earl prejklontlall

..... from Now!.... NBC bluo nptwoflc.

, .... radio schedule of -Landon imd President Roosevelt through next ..'Wedncoday, subject change, is:

LANDOXOct. 12—Cleveland. 7 to 7:30 p.l : UST, NBC red network. Oct;'13—Detroit. 7 to 7:30 p.


Oct 10—Omaha, .7 to 7:30 ,.. 1. M Sjr.'N B C blue ■ network, BS, Mutual. '.Oct, 12^Dcnver, 9 to 0:15 a. i-i UST. NBC, (tentatlvo).. Oct 14—Chicago, 7:30 to 8 p. 1. MST. NBC red .network,

CBS. Mutual.


Ills critics, however, .V-— — -cccpt trca.sury figure .except where thclr Jibe with thel own Ideas. Now. comes Moody i tho most conservative, matter- o Ifnct non-govcmmenlal autjiority wo have, and solmenly telts lis that jlf the 1037 calendar year 1s as good la a business way aa-1038 has been, tho budget would be balanc­ed. The cxplanaUqn. bi .that tho csUmate.for 1037 Indicates on In­crease In the ^vemmeat's Income j of a billion and a half and a decrease In its .......

BURLEY, Oct. . ___Funeral services will be held___ ,day at 10 a. m. at the 'Johnsonl mortuary for Stonewall Jackson' Pritchett, 74, Utah pliJJieer and' resident of Burley for tho past sin yeara who died yesterday, at tho homo of his nephew. J. F. Painter. .Interment will be In tho family Iplol In Ogden.' Mr. Pritchett was bom Feb. 8.1 1802, In Lynn county. I ' ■'

mo wlUi his parents by _______, Salt Lak'o City In 18(14. Ho later |becamo an expert powder man and miner. He was a member of the L. D. s; church. Since last July ho hiui been 111 following a stroke:

SPEED I.AW 78 YEARS OLD OAKLAND, Calif. (lU:)- Oak.,

land records, Juiit unearthed, show lha city Imd an nntl-speed orrlln. jance 78 years ago. At least oni I conviction Is recorded under i., when fi Juallce of Uio'peace In 1BS0| lmp(tod Q JIO fine on a local hors '

for "furious driving."

For Manila TomoTrow; Rivals in India

BALTIC PAPAN. Dutcii Borneo, ct. 0 tlLD-H, n, Ekins, round-

rthe-world air racer, said tonight |ho will leave at 7:30 a. m. tomor row for Manila, making n brief, stop for Iilnch at Zamboango. Ills' plane will be headed over wild tropical couatry where typhoons

Eklnl far ahead of two rivols I his globe-circling'race, landed j

ANOIENI EARRINaS , ODESSA. U. 8. s. R. (lUD—Cot- llectlTO farmem In the Ochaitov re-, glon. nelir' Odessa, found in tho [ground a pair of golu earrings,' 7 finely ornamented. An arch- .: , ...logical cxpedlUon worklnK in, lOlvla estlmnte<l that tho earrings '

madd 2.000 years ogo.

. -LEG^AL HOLIDAYColiiinim.s IXiVj Oclolier 12tb, is a tiolidny in the Slate o£ J Idaho by Ktatiitc. The Twiti Fnlls'banks will'tburcfore not Q bo oj)cn for llic trniisacUou of biisincss on Monday, Oc- f lobcr 12, l'J3U. .


T W I N F A L L S B A N K & T R U S T C O . '

CASSLA DEMOS TO BIEET •BURI^Y, Oct 0 ISpecIaD-Thoj ouDg Democratlo . orgariliaUon;

, /111 hold a meeting tonight at tho Democratic headauarters to discuss reorganizing their group. Tho ■ men's orgonizntlon of.Democrats [will meet Tuesday at tho headquar- '• rs for a program and speeches,

DR, FUE.M8TAD IMPROVES , BURLEY, Oct. 0 (Special) —Dr. iJoseph Fremslead, who has been so seriously ill. Is Improving, ac­cording to reports from tho hospl- toL Ills son, Liston, who was call-led homo from Moscow, will return I

school today.

Royal Kethci Dutch Indies plane at 4:05 j. - (Manila time) (12:05 a, jn. I’ST),-. Told of weather bureau reports that'Indicated ho may hhvo-.to I fly through a Blorm. laclnfl sold 'he hoped tho trip—the Iwit ,vey flight of the Dutch lino be- Iforo inauguration of rtgular serv- 'ico-between Java and Manila— could bo made as scheduled.

TWO LEAVE KAnACHl •, , KARACHI. India, Oct 0 iUFJ— I DoroUiy Kllgallen. . reprcsc^lng

York .............. .......................arrived today on their raco around the world In tho walto of H. R. EkIns, of the Scripps-Howard newspapers, and left 1 hour. 3i

To Run Buses, CaraHAILEY, Oct. 0 (Special)-

Union Pacific Railroad -compony has filed application with the Idaho Public. Ulllltles commloalon for permission to operato n ticct of 15 paascnger buses and .three arven-pasocnger sedans from Sho- nhono to Ketchum anUclpatlng the ■ opening of tho'lSin Valley lodge. Ido luxo renort being constryj^ed loiit of Ketchum.


C o m p le t e L u b r i c a t io nNot Ucrcly Qreased bnt Really Lubricated

1. ,rffMu«. lubrlralln of aU movlog parU c<inlppcd wlUs iubilptlng connections.

7f Fill nil cups with prop- • grade bf lubrleaal. a. Uio of Cheek-Chart ex-

clu'Uxlj-. .I. o i l l ne hnod lacing, mpi and

. _ I ringir housing, l:!. Li ibrlcatlug whsels

equipped wtlh connecJloas.'IS. Spraying or painting

snrinr lUMrmbllni uilh pene- txaIJng'oil.

li. Cbrck I differential.

8 9 c

Firestone Auto Suipjtly & Sesvice Sto?es.

410 Unin Ave. So.

locks, \vfdgM and damps.7. Olllag throtUe and spark


I R o s s Speaks At Wilder Meeting

BOISE. Oct, 0 Gov. C. Beni ■Ross w’ill moke his first public Up*' IpMrnnce In two months ionlgJit 'at a political rally In-Wllder.

Ross, opponent of Sen. William E. Borah.for tho U. S. acnalc .seat, wUl not mako .,o formal] Ispoech. "I may talk flvo minutes.*/ ho’said.' - ,

,The Dcmocrotlo candidate for; ■Whim tho-savlBgs bonks producelBeMtor Intends U> open hto car jeir unparallod ?bects 6f‘ Basela.|paign. postponed bccauseot Ulne;3d the Insurance companies show Oct 12. atit Nftopa. •


: produetlea on.,tho'Ite:ine..<a»*rl»: contlnulhjr:t<i.VlBv?J(>p>yla4ps>« i

. bounds:.'.aecordlag: tq.rtha ’ latwV r. itattaUcs eomp1]ited.l»y. tbo Ameri-


October’s the Month48 USED CARS SOLD IN TH E FIRaT


I f v6^•^waai?^ -bkrgiJn. of. * ' lifdMnV5 ,ft.IlnO;Usci _ ;t£ut;aoBi'm^j >yi OMobcr'TTsetl-.Oar-Olwanoe.SaleH

barg|On* belpw. Plenty, more, psy i f * ' food pr iJOttetfGel hero first and get the btst Eas J

tciins, AU- -........ ...........

Do You Need a Good Used Car!

A Few o f CJiir GunrMlteed Specidc

-34' eheVrolet®6Iiuxe !IJiidor‘SeSateA-rl. -.; i-ubber. 'ijice iinisTii :SpoH«ht .ahA

/heatet j..............

t3 8 B d jix e 3-'Wiiidow Ford i7guaiaf)tced oar • "

r " S T 1 r anteed car

1 <

S4SS.00p l ’ T i . 1 \ J 10 1 gi Ji U J A ifoodm

Page 4: G.O.P.CAN*, illilK E S...molo.aa he will no unablo.to i f«r personally with the senator. He will atop in Boise l*ut 15 min utes en route to the Pacide cout Won't Meet Dorah ' Plnchot

? a e Tonf


I. Awoctatlon. Full ^

Tubllihea 8U D»T» » W»fl«JDAIIO TIUUI ' f’U hmk">'roM OrClce. April

mnnoninrioa a (1;r Carrier Ii

7.. w r » » c .. o™,r.

' j\ll nollMii r.rjulfta br l»n or b7 ord.r of eourls . “.; r s T ^ ^ j ; £ f S . n - s . s


Twin Falls ’clconies today llic qnarfciJy district ccn- Tcntion of tbc,American T/Cglon .niul Auxilinrj wliicli wiUl

' lie ju iic&sion tliifl’ cvcnhi;;.- Tlic fin ii (lialrict is innUu tip o f 10 posts in four couii' <iw, widi the AuxiHary tinifs affiliatctl witli jnost o f thcin. Posts include tliowj at Knpert, Fmil, Burley, lla i- elton, Edeu, Srurliiugli, K.iinbcrly, Buhl, Filer and Twin Falls, anil llic counticA represented ara Mhudolta, CaB' sin, Twill 'Fnjfs and (lie eoBt end o f Jerome.

Siicli gaUicriugs brlug together not only tlic poBl nicni- liciv, but tJie departuicnt officerfl, ainl many o f tlie Legion potioie« nre shaped on sucli occnHinne.

rJjoiigJc the war now eecriia to Iiave Iicen a loug n'oj’ off, the honclB which nnitctl Bcrvice men hack in 1917 and 2018 arc strong after nearly 20 yenrB. K is said tlmt at

• tlic recent national conVentJon in Clevelaud Uie’ attend- ntice o f members wan Ihc greatest in tijo .Wstory o f the Ixigion. . ..• A ll ex-service meii’a and women’s, gronp are to he con- grntuluted on the fine spirit which continues to pervade

■ thL'lr orgaiiiznlionH niu] lo r the devotion o f the inejnhers 7-to-tlie-patriotic-ideals they CBpoiise. '

Tliero la no grcafci- causo for pcace in this country than is evidenced by thoso who took part in the World war. They know Ihe horrors, the sncrifice, the cost in livcH, the Buffering,, and tlic Bccniingly never-ending trag­edy 'of it ail. . '

___ VcternuB of tlic World war, no longer tlic youthful!. - youngsters they oncc were, through their varions orgnnl-J

' zatfonH nre maintaining the bonds which national patriot-, isni wrought, rind such gronp^ an the Legionnaires which] gather here tonight give Visible evidencG of a gcniiiDC com-; radship which w ill hisl' as long as they have life with! which ttJ carry'on. a.

And wc’rc waiting to see the reply froiu the insur­ance company to the letter of a womiin policy-holder

• which Raid: “ Mr. Knox B a y s that insurance policica have depreciated in value, and since he’s Running for vice president of'the U. 8 .'A., and cortalnly wonldu't lie aliout it, why I gnesH I ’ll just cash mine in. Wlmt would yon ndvieeV”

DANGEHOUS H O ljn S During certain hours o f the daj;, lo r the next tlirce

months, wise unUnnobilc drivers w ill be exceptionally cfluilouH in their way through traffic. For, according to]

. statistics, death lurks closer to the motorist and pedes­trian hetween 5 and 8 p. in., during October, Novemberl and December, than nt auy other tinic o f year. [

During the period, the early dnsk increascB the risk of qccidents aa drivers o f cars crowd the center line, cut In and cut, and speed—just to- get home a minute or two

’ ' earlier."' , ,I f eacli'driver w ill re'flcct that hia family would sooner

have-him come home a few-minutes late cach day than risk his own heck or that o f another, perhaps the dan­ger period rnentioned would lose fioine of its deadly sig-

, iiificance.


- ........ --------V ----------

The Gentleman in the Third Rqw

,ample shoulder. Jt waa truly pa-

■'WbBt U ttao matter?” lukedj Claude. ' '

“I'm Id buslataa/' sayo the Lone G. O. P.

‘Tlio cleetlon tualnoM.""How’j bualnts aj>yiny'"II Boraha me to tears. ,

ItaJcen so ttooy Knox. I'm afnld llfa Landod on the rocks.”

■Maybe It wm poll out of the

, 'Nope, not a chincc — taken ballot eon iitand now. Euro Step­han the poor Republicans.”

And Tlie Lone C. O. P. retired in n pltlfu) wall.

-F ive Spot


Uve at first sight Is a very nlcs notlan

But hardly tha kind

That’s needed Through ths

When you find that Is,a very loud ‘

—Katharlna Y.

Pot Shota;A lew things I would be In'

favor of Pot ShoU starting - agalDst:

j;uy who tells -you juot wby, bow, -ia nbat cxact loca­tion, wbat 'tho wreaUicr was, how b( pulled the trl{7(;<r, wbat a per-

I, etc.—conecmlngshot it ' thn't deet ho „

The avera)^ pollUcal speech.

Idn^ed better tbas 1 an;Women who teJI me I’m won­

derful—and don't mean It., Women who haven't got senao IcnouBb to know I AM wonderful.

Tbo sum' putter • under - table guy. , '

peoplo who helpfully offer me hints on coatract t^ilge. -

People who laAa.lhelBound ndvlco 1 offer thrm on

act bridge. ^. People who vcrlte this kind of Istuff to Pot Shaft.

—Tiny Tim

OUR POT SHOTS staff arU«t.| .taking note ol the (act that deerj hunUng-is here, pheaaaht hunt' )Q coming, and duck season-not far off,' handed us a two-part serial fltory on.why ho expects.to 'stay -homo and be comfortable this year. Here' It Is,, entitled ■Tbe Joys of Hunting, Or, Fooey • Two Parts":

Here,'fl a salty fear for the future generations which must pay and pay for their papas’ cbntrihn- tions o f n record national G. 0 . P. campaign fund of

,fllx_niillion dollars to oppose au administration on "rniiiids o f'lho government’s spending program!

RECIiAIM KD Imperfect as our prisons may be-as places o f relinbili-

tiitlon, they do manage to reclaim a certain nomber o f the law-hrpjikers who are entrnstfid to them. The' most inter­esting ease* to be reported, recently is that of Eay Ter­rill, once famous as a desperado and hank robber in the

■'fioiithwost. •■' Terrill has been released from^ the Oklahoma state prlBOU'after serving jilno years o’f a 20-year scntcucc. Instead o f moping in prison and waiting for his chance to ‘ ‘get even” with society which had put him there, Ter­rill studied and worked; and he succeedcd, eventually, in inventing— of all things— a burglar-proof lock, which. lie niiw hopes to market. ' •

“ I'm going straight.'’ In5^«iid on hi.*? release. “ And I ’m going to stav in Oklahoma where the police can keep on fv<‘ o » me and know what I ’m doing.” V • SoMit'hnw,- all this sounds very, much as if the Okla-

"hiilnU jifiRiin had managed to tuni one had man into go-'i;I and useful citizen.

AiUithLT group wondering what lo^do about the . : nff\v leisunr, probably, is Spain’s Society for the Pre­

vention o f Cruelty to Bulls. . -

Twin I'a lls tonight Bces the; innovation o f football ViiUder arc lights. Maylie that’s where a ligh t Bquad v w ill do ;lt8vl)Gst .work. , , ” \ - ;

Jlr- lionih ii;-v .

. a W In German, 60-wo ■i-trarmai-oTler'fooda w ill conelet o f cWps

u tif^

tal >»«. mgntm.lit-S l!«ire»« “‘C * ’ *«•W nmrnfst. mu* b« Pl«Mr4

Knr^ttMk illsi.r-K-.T.'ffiV.s.-fiirrs s A - s r Z r i s , . " ~ ~

&n:-i.5r.’ ..’r « . S : : s r u 'l;

«»■■■«■ a* --Jlaa. fll»-now ox WITH TUB 8T0RT . . crflATmi XXIV

« V—.. ... — . '*'0'sbUon at Midway oad-Ted tookIt In with a glance.


Ted's cyes-ahone wllh renewed hope. HewenWiiJhBradio-*— fora


Th<cr brotieJit''hl'm another me** ea£c:...

'■The tl. S. S. Mississippi Is eom- tas in on the nidlel They’re AU- iogl"-Ted barked orders now. “Gel

tho-MIdwoy Statlaa Btrf. triangu­late. Find out p«amon and wellride the beam ,ta." ,

far from Midway." « wo can only Dnd Oio lagoon'

^ tbo Islaiid," Ted said hopcfnUy. can't como down In tbo open prilh warn plltas JOfeethl^ tb« reefs.">ea be came back to Eay. - Ho d her Into the crcw eompart- 1 whero they eooMbe alone., j , " ho'tald, “I simply want

[you to taow that I txiat you* and have always trnsted you. I don’t

tmsald to come be- Whatev«r hap-

Pot Shots: . ■• • •-You’ll remember, being such

old Rcnt (you talk aa though ^ou iwcrt, oayway), that in times , ^ e by we l]^a used to thrcntc t to run Bway from bom# overj-

me wo got mad aC Pa and Ma.' But naw, la- this trailer ose, ich lodfl hnvo to be careful that jme doesn't 'nm away froi

Zuyder, Zee

AN EVEN EXCHANOEI ot Bbotii:SoUy-nic Snooper bsil'ft clover

poem tbet« on Japan, and rd Uke ;to add my two'cents.

Uat i:iike.about'Japan, Fot Ur,- la tbc ejtremo.rao-’ --^- I'demandt.Wben Ifcom.. .. isfr .Uw or.'presmfi os cblns, a coes on :th# oW;.ttylng

kellelJtly,. T«vl9ed)r,.-,"Bolb ,;unpe- loDd lower plates tor one tooth,"

- FAMOUS’ UA6r t.lNS.

lowed by Kay.lUah brandished the automatic

in the radio blUcer'a face. She gave a call number. "Get In con­tact with that station immedi­ately,” she said. "It’s a pearling Spooner, anchored at Wako Is­land.',’

The radio cmccr sat down and tapped out Uie-cnll on the scndi *ct. After a moment ho ■'rhey don’t answer."•."youUcl”

•The radio officer protested.1 tcU you they don’t answer. Sinco you know Uic.posUIon of the ship, thouob. r can liroadcast the mes- sace on the wave-lcnBlh. They'll set it."

niah smiled. ‘.That is eood. That Is fate. Send the message at once."

When he had finished, Jllah shrugfied her.shoulders. "I die,” she said, "knowing my work Is well done. I onx a mysUc. I not afraid."

Slowly Ebe gathered tier wlille veils about her and woUccd back Into the passenger compartocnt

rPED rclurred to the chart room ‘and sent Kay Into the pas*

cengcr compartment to reassure the women. Tbc atoirn had abated. . .


©1936,NEA Ser/lce,.Jnc.

[•JCT- c


"The messages arc coming In strong now." the radio olllecr said. I "We can’t bo more than a hundred | mile* away from Midway. Ita Iry- • iK to reach the Mississippi."

*^ut wo can’t do much drcllng,'’ Ted said anxiously, "Wo’vccotto loAto tho island wllftout-s direc­tion flndcr. now."

He and the'navigatftn officer took up their poslllons on the bridge. The latter looked at the

- ■-and’lhensald,’TWalsone time tbe human element wiU hove to tako the place of tbc ma­chine. It’s your ship, Ted. X ask

• • ■ bring us In. One .......... ........ to lake the respon­sibility, and U’8 yours,"

No EOoncT had Ted taken tbc controls that the radio officer with another message. Ted opened

throtUcs of tbe four 800-horsc- fcr engines and ordered tho en­ter to change 'tha propcUer * . 'Hiey were steadily increas- speed.

Je scanned the message.

flndbJB his posUlon on the hnpro- Ivised "btam,"- H.wna not ea a&- i curate as fhe dircctJon Under, but lit might work to this emergcBcy.' Tho fmvifiatloa officer .'localed" tbo Mnrlncr, In short order. . Ebe wi« flying in Q tangent toward.Oib Islaad, and they were almost over: besdt

Ted's uncanny navigation bad 'brought them straight to tho Is­land. Hebadfclthlswaythrouih rihe.storml • . ^

down to 800 >e eciUnslow

___ .-Jrouttosea.d at the fuel tank and


Ted kept his face sternly to tho task, niere was no use taking a chsnee when they were so closo to safety. He came down to 800 feet abovo tho surfaco and oslced for his position on the triangle. The celling was stni too low. Dut sud­denly his face was Bel In n grim expression and ho decldcd to ride, tho improvised ■■beam" in.

Tiny beads of perspiration popped out on his forehead. His eyes were glued to tho InsUu- mcnts. Two hundred feetl On# hundred and eighty feet Ono hundred and flfty feetl .

Suddenly, before the eyes of ev-

black hiBOon. Ted’s eyes swept Ihe black fronds of tho pahns as ,h«i leveled off, and brought tho .shl^^wn In whn, fa^llOT vratery.

,.jtpo#, , dllc Occan.

Passengers cried out with Joy, and tears welled hi Kay’s eyes as she wcnt forward toward Ted., . ^ Bo Concloded) .

• ■ '. iahy, OetohcrrO, 1

PAD Ii*' M A.LB0N|S ; ,

N E W S . B E H I N D T H E '

N E W SAn Exclusive Evening Times

Ion's Capital

(Oopyrigbt, 183B, By Paul Uallon»

d Preai-I

0 fading.


Utude of tbo crowd onr dent Roosevelt baa cha cepUbly within tbe last

— .w_.» uie elecUon' bo foclintri

_e ffolnj to, us the most aurprUed jwUUcoa to the U. S. U tho UUraiy Digest poll la right

Thsff boys are too old to believe speeches. Their trust wisely

reals to such practical matters aa organtoatlon.

>Vhat makes them feel good right now la the accumulaClon of fcicb. earefuUy pbuined orpmla-

maneuvers aa these:.

alliuiee^^th^fi f^rmer-L^wi itea; the Ooui'ena conversion I Michigan; spUt of eleetors to Detcware* drafting and non ' emor Lthman to_,John L. LC' 'Its posfllble ...---------------gtoJa. imnols -and Pewwylwonl tie LaToUetU aUIance to Wlsce,. Bln! tha ditching of Goremor Da- vcy 'to OhLo.

Tbeso are not all, but tb«y at« 'i to eiplato why tbe White caterle now feete better. _!/

b«, effect ,0TV <bo London on ,„_._atlon is probably being over- • lesUmated.

a WHS no cboertog.l

In Italy until yoo roeeii-e tbo text of official ststcinents, and some-

n o ^eaIt Is> condode wbat bos bappi There->« an additional reason

why oHlclals bero first

0 part of Mussolini . . Irrelevant, If not Imaatertal, Mos- soUnl has a greater varloty of a«* sorted Ure than tbo avfrage candy abop has different htods of choco­late*. Urey aro not permitted to

terMUomlf « n ^ ^ * * a U e r ' iSs even a stronger baa on exporta­tion of marlu or gold. . ,

Ibe troth b tbeso two ecuntries dare not let their e np against the ; n-arld. Ibclr gold . .mits Uufn to adjost tbeSr currcn- ;clea to tbe dollar only artificially

___ ablo to calcutote tbe debttocnmse at •«,«»,000,000 to- stead of «n ,0fl0,000,000, aa car- ................ atatement,

Roosevelt wUI wto. ' . ' ',

Here Is Uis way osa of the workers around headquarter*

IWol • Hoover vote i poned EM for—033,955.

Laadcn'a straw Baln-16,6<0,. RoosevelVs Straw tolal-3fi2, 624.Total Roosevelt ’33 straw vot«

■polled so far-^2i»,075.Rooscvelt'a straw 1Ass.tt8.1B1.Now U you take the indicated

radio of Umdon’a gnto over the Hover straw vote and apply It to tbe 16,Bie,000 actual votes wbicb Hoover polled In-the 1032 election, you wQl compute the total indicated Landon-vote at

___ „ ____ amo thtofr with 'the Roosevelt loea wiU Rive you an indicated total of 22,182,013 votes for him this year. •

’Tho result Is a .popular'lead of 3,ldB,082 for Roosevelt out of a atraw poll which shows him to be losing 2 to 1 and no one can object to the logic of the deduc­tion.

And so on, far, for toto the nIghL : .


H I S T O R Y of Twin Falls City & County

f&utBy o liv e Rob<;rts Barton ’

one except tbemselree.

20,000 ANTS—Barnstormers wi t h Govemori

London conttouo to complato about personal friction within tbc top organization. What one emto-

child should know. Thtogs ho Is ever too little to inown. . | Jtzst about the first thinff Is his

jl6 7EABS AGO—OCT. 0, 1021

John J. McClclton .will tonight to ths Hctbodlst church an orean reduxi; 'Mr.-McClellani holds U)0 reputation of betog one

,of tho world’s sreatcst organlata knd has been organist of the great tobcmacle organ In Salt Lake City for ycaro. This Is. tbo greatest or­gan to the west and Mr. McCloUon, has gatoed a, world vrido rcputa-

local church has a splendid and wishes to demonstrate

to tho peoplo.of this cUy tbe-pos- slbUlUcs of this instrument

special request-of Mr. Mc- aellan,' Mrs. T. H. Masters wlU aUiE two-numbers tonight at the rccltal.

27 YEARS A d o — • oor. o.'iooD

Tlio Hollister drawtog w all of tho eaterprlsea lauoisouthern, Idaho, a great , i _____ _land tho now town of Hollister'will

boom -

oppcari More Important still, •however, urch to ffttbcr’a name. Full name,,

'And his.mothcr’BfuU nBJM.JUbe child ever wander* nway, lost, or abducted.and ‘

,___nr to ihoBo experienced'^,allItho towns to tho irrlgnted seetlon. iTUa excursion trolna runnlog from

■ Falla'were crowded and d esUmato of the crowd would

Ibrtog It to five or six hundred.'

You -May Not Know That-— j

WorliB progress odminis- '•'tration cxpenilllurca' 5n'- .Twin Falls county for tho period cnding July j ) , to-, tal- $280,121.04.- whilo in

•. the, BtQle the .total for tho samo period ' amounts fo $4,278,3M, these heing a part o f tlio total o f $4,-

.,.670,263'';'£edcial_..aid., c i . -: ‘v tciidca' tb'Alui' county dui-- •. '■injf 'tho, p^Hhr^fl'years,-'

ft?d; tho «122,172,CG4-:. : ’wliieh .caiao .’similarly. to;<

tho state.. .

, N ^ l y ■..10,000, .rlveU wor >i4cd'to constructtogr' tlis-bull'.o Itbd'Queen.'Moiy. ' ' r":

!, his cwill mean lltUe; especially

if ho cannot remember his sd- drcss.

The next tbtog be ^ould bo tought la to use A telephone. If this sounds.Billy, suppose' you live to the country, or any detached community and aro alone day af­ter day with him. If you aro tak­en suddenly ill, or are hurt, he could quite easily learn- to lift the .receiver, and-by p^arronged-lu- Dons; call tbo nearest neighbor or • iitor and summon help.'. The

1 of five-can dwlt nicely. - - •you have tt dial phone."Plait EmergToey A'clion

.j.many-aiothcrs aro alone all day. with- a .atoglo child In tho ibo^e that aome deCtoito emerg- lency plan shouTd be agreed upon.I He should, for cxamble, bo able to lunlock tho front or back door.'

......................1 be put on■'and aU sti. t motoring ■'

used a lltua fellow struggling up! ,, ItUl with a heavy basket In thel bot< sun. ., llo .was'so lltUo -and! looked so done. up. Wo. sldppedl Md I said, “ We.enh' take, you' homo if you-ore not afraid to goi .with us. I’m-mire.your toother Iwouldn't mind." ;

• He ws* ve^. polite, but said very positively, "No, thank you;

allowed to anyone’s car." y," I said,..“you sUck to

that Tou'ro a v«:y good boy to-

, I flatter'myself-that I flook ilrust'woriliy. And m do^ my.’hus- • ■, But no' one wbif did not

trustworthy, would ..be-.fool Sb-.to/try.;to enUce-a'child. . :• ! 'Tcpeat',;TeU eacb child

NEVER to go in .a stranger's car. And never to leave ,scbool with a stranger, so matter what he say*.•f-she saya.-......

. •Haka Snca Child Enons Most ol then

And.............. Ihey are. But hero U«a.ithe:troubb:r.ltis'm.ea«y.to «sy. tfi

-f. 'T-jaBBt Wl Johnny; .to-'

bO'know#-never *- ~

wait untU 1 teat him,

the child can bo

lotborlty said about It weeks ago stUI bolds true, name­ly: “There ore 20,000 antslog and each ono thtaks _____

the leg.*’- - ;^ •.-...... are lots of litlle stories—

ono telvlser pocketed' sotfio-speocbl recommcndations-of other ndvlo- aa and kept them from, tbe <dldate, tha.auperlor manner « f ___foremost adviser has discouraged his helpers, etc, etc.-These situations are always pre­

valent on tbe Inside of large cam paign orgonlzallons. They nre pre­sent wlthto the Roosevelt inner! circle, .where the President'

PublK Forumhappy.famllY from the beginning. —-^rae-cffeet-on-Whlto-Houeo-ef. flciuicy has not bees noticeable,

All contrlbntlcmi ahouia b* »4-

yOTEDEMOCRATlCI Bdltor'i^rening Times, ,

Dear Sir: In keeping wlth.thous- and.1 of Jdaboans, I want to :vote

Nov.- 3rd -for tho candidates Iged to liberal .and progresslrc

13 to tfiy, tbat moans ' ir •'Roosevelt, also Oark ' r, but r am ooreiy-pusled

lAQUt the U.-a.senatorahlp. I Ilka manymiether voter, I turn .. myiavorlto newspaper for advice; now.what 'would you do' to ray place, after' supporttog Roosevelt and Clark, w-miid you vpto for, the condldato for U. B. senator.who Is a known Democrat oh tbc Demo-| oratio ticl(et''orvotfl fee the Dem- ocmt'on Republican ticket;

man, but bis chief Interest.....-'to bo to the one-man party ho U ths bead of. •His liberalism leads him t* voU with the]Democrats.' he :eaU with the -Progresaivea and, alwps with the Old Guard after tChustog them aU'day,. ' '. 'Wbat would.you.doT Tip iwtok, 'or somethin In'the .way of la jdgn, so I can odviao my fellow iworrled voUrs-as -to the-alxulght 'and honest way.. •

NEMO.Idaho - ■•1858. - ' -

Bridge Party Given . By Rupert;'HosUi

My Idea ta'wilting Is .msrely A nut cupn WBSiderTO W K B BURBNOW ■ Prtoea . UiAt bo knows these'things. Tbe Hauim, 1

iat:;bridg« -Tuesday mSntag.'.'by.l Sunt: and Mrs. H; Carter atl their-home. Autumn uKd.wUh-bpuTMta or teftn'.'A'gtttoJt^a''*'-

2lr. and Mrs, I.' R. Peck and son, Jfalon Peck, and wife, Lehl, Utah, are~vlalltog this week with ilr. Peck's brother, M. Peek, and fam- .

T l ......................d

Wyomtog. - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sears have

left for a month’s vacation to Utah with relatives and friends. Mr. Sear* runs one of tha pumps for the MUtaer Low Lift,. Irrigation „ company.

Mrs. Lloyd Urson and oon ars visiting her parents, Mr. and Mra. ' Dovld G. Moyes. She came from Vale, Ore, with her molher-to-law, Mr*. Alice Larson,-and daughter, 'Luvlno.. Mr. Larson Is expected to > I arrive-Saturday evening.,-The first Relief Society meeting for tbe wtotcr months woa-held on 'me«day at the L. D. S. .church with President May' Pcrkino pre­siding. Tbe "Thcolflgy 'Lcason"

,was given by Mrs. Minnie Pickctt Mrs. Goldie ’Toknan', Mrs.-Fay Per- kto8, Mrs. Robena Adamson, Mrs. May Perkins and Mrs. Geneve "■ yes took part to tbo lesson,

fra. Betty Uan entcrtatoed at borne Wednesday evening for ■•Pkinecr Bridge' Club" with

ne course lunchccn. High score*,, ro won by A. M. Hoover .'and Mrs. ESuest

I Joha______Roberts w____

, Mrs. -Winiam Ltodau anc iJoiies have returned from lu... .. ter sprin g two weeks .there" with their father whaj wss Ul. -

Blotttog-iby accident .. ..................miU-forgot- to-includo olztog li botch of ordinary rag paper.

t e l l y o u a b o u t i tHow, BO fnel.KiTCi motv >11'ucnsdiMatealeaos-iltn--^Tbe aew.CoU lUw hsadles eoU frtia-bln to firts s i '^ r M

RBtcoareniencciio’csUyou « t . Yoo uye ftfiai':i$%'to S0% '. orer'firioii.eosl b? hsnd, Cecsnsa tfa« Iron-Ttne^'-im .- firlog 1* »»eh ;«o r« ef£cleal,.S»Te»'I5-% 10 :. ,

73% ia foel'coit orer'oU or ^ ' sad sl«ei":.’TtUUAftO*Vi<> : . -you-mote-«e.drhe«. S«« * d ^ a jtr tto -n '- 'i^ - iii '^ iiii-- .

Pr«p«« for,»■ "itjximei ho»^” 6m '.vHaUr.- V =»7 ,;:.':.P rl«. sre towwf la Iron Kttom Ustoiy, g y ' j

> CMl.n««.'ud.iu«(u4'v-----


Page 5: G.O.P.CAN*, illilK E S...molo.aa he will no unablo.to i f«r personally with the senator. He will atop in Boise l*ut 15 min utes en route to the Pacide cout Won't Meet Dorah ' Plnchot

ITrldiiy;. Octolxir 0,1030 , TOAHO EVENING m fR S . TWIN FALLS. IDAHO

■ ^ . . S O C I E T Y . . .

GIRD PAETV •—«EU M tyrgi>B ttA 'noK_- • Twenty-cae toWea ct ploochie And B-cro at play yoJileraiiy

—4ifleniobn • at tb«- succtssful-oard party held at tha oad.F-ellova baU liy tho Uiiml FWICTaUon. ••The gm tu t numb«r o f Ubica was en-

^ memliera or tio Good

Bridffff prirca were «voa hy Mrs. H. H. Jcjucn nod Mrs. C. II. E3-

. dred; awnids at pinochle wen) r»' cclvcd by Un. JusUa Oaollltle one

Mrs. A. S. Poo. Door prlsca weal to Mrn. Prank Woymwi and iir* O. F. SlTObcclc nod tmTtliaf? prlici to jrnr. H. A. Glbb# etui Mrs. Lit- uiui. \Vllscin.. .

B>oUowbg the gota»» rcfrcsh- ments wor« mrvcd at tbe small Ublea.

_____ ... . - / .dub parUd-poCed In'a.tfcajun buot J&st cre~ -'• f ftt tJje Octobcr jnctttnc of

- ‘ M at th« borne of Watkins. Asslatant s Urfl. Aona WUjnn

- -and Mrs. toa Weldon.'yjrrt prias waa'tton by the group led .by Mrs. AnnctCa Malmlfcn «n<! seeootf Mr*.. Dorn Wllketf eroup.

nr. TTiclma Dean conduetcd t buslneaa session nod TClmh> Cs feaCurbier a HalJov/a'ca ac were served by the host-

ouimcn oo cN a L ATXENDS WKETING

Members ot tbe 'Wouen'a Coun­cil of Uio Christlaa church tael ytttoiday afteniooa at the home or Mrs. Dalo Bowman for tbelr rftnilnf sesiloa ftod tnode ior ft fried chicken dinner . held BntUKlay evcnlnff. Oct 17. In tho church oocial rooms. >CakrLst* maa cards to bo sold by members wer« dlstribnted. Mrs. .E. . O. Ralcu.led deVDtlona on "Friend' shin" and Ura. B. P. BKwn, pres- Weal, conduclKl the awaJoa..

nefrcshments were served t Mrs Henaan Itacroal’B division.


Miss Betty Jane CQtanan, who- expects to }eav« Monday for %{ore-head, la;, to rooXo her home,----guest or bonor last CTcoIng

1 Elrod 1.______________„ ___d)oir of thsMethodlit church foUowtoB choir rtheorsal at the church.

Thow attending wcw' Mlsues

• ty, EvcJyaBraAsfJeld. TDeom....• Bums,’Anna ’ J<j> Johnson, Mary

Street, "VnHrle Htrry. Doris ‘Wcbl' Jalb and Joaephlna Throckmorton.« ■Qtn VIVB C ttD 'MEFIB FOB QAME8

M«ml>er».'i>?',tlie QuI Vive club warcisat*Ja:yMlerday nftemoon of-Mr*.'W.. J. DU at n dessert

the group wan Mrt.'Wojno 'WcUy. Bridge' . occupied. tha . aftcmoon wlUx Uch #c— — ” E. Oouberly.

■■■Calendar_Slierman arcl«,

•Or-A.-R., Hanao-, ________Tuesday at th« home of Un. Tbercsa Cline, XItc and one- fourth inllea omith of liansiin. Offleers state that It la impor­tant for aJj mcmbcTB to attend.

The llrst regular meetlne of Twin Falls chapter, -AmerlCflu Association of Unlvenlly Wo- aen, wlU bo held tomorrow at Ji p. m. at tho borne of Mrs. C. A. North, 20« Seventh ave- noo north. Uiacbeon will prc- code thei'sMetlng.


Mrs. Helen Bechout............yesterday aftentoon to m c m ^ of tho lAOIea o i tbe Grand Army

lo RepubUc, at her boars In____-..The aessten was oondustodby Mrs. Tberew Olne. firat vice prcaldeat, and afterwajrds Urs. Beebout and Mrs. Harriot Henry urved ■ refreslimoit*. Tho next apcUng triU Iwla Twlfl J>Silo with tho.place- to be announced later.

P.-T .A iShare8Tn Conummity Chest

Teacher nasoclaUons hero In — . in with, the funda' derived tbe Community Cheat were I today by drivo-commit- ^

most____led in Wale children. Hot luncbc p ^b lo by thcso -fund# wero ed many children who were able to pay foe them.

By meaiw of the bith projcct, one of tho most ootstasdlns of tho acUvlUea ol tho P.-T. A.. .J.810 halt'll « c n j^ven htsl year.

At tha lujjlor and Benlot high schools Community Chest funds made posslblo this ecrviag of

irlrirf mliJt. IKoonto s________ .E mlUt. :Uiat 1.624 plnla-vi -|76toc--

_ . under _________per ccnt under welfiht abould havo ihla extra, nourishment but the P.- T. A.'councli was unable to flS'

Milk w>u proTlded Junior ind aenior high school students who aUeaded tho McOuaky health camp the samner before.


Mr.-and Mrs. I,. V. GuUu'fe nnd lomlL daughter, Barbara Ann, Cal< ifomln, who have been guo^ of Mr. aad Mrs. John- LcJchJeJtej-,

ivo returned to their liome.Jay Cobb io vlslling relatives la

Qllnols. .The W. a T. U. met Tuesday

nt tha heme ot Mrs. irvln Mots with Mrs. JI. L. Clark, president.I- ...---- Rjunsay led

. . .. lonals and Mrs.-J. Staf­ford' was Iq charge or tho pro- ffnun which Included a dlocusslon fh>m tha Union Signal. Those partlelpaUng were Mrs, Earl Ram- say. Mm. D. H. Show^' Mr*. Ray Shearer, JTra. t Jfbte and Mrs. Clmriu Orm. Tbe next meeting will bo held KoT. 3' at iho home or Mr«. Ilamsay.

•A birthday club was. organlicd Tuesday at tha home or Mrs.- H. O’. Munj-on.

Uar. H. a. Mcmyan and ifn. M. -French were surprised at the

homo. Tuesday wh :oup or friends gathered {---- worming; for Mrs. Mu

I Welcome for Urs. IFoUowJflff.a social nfteriioon freahments werfl served...

FUtr Chapter AH. P. E. O., held s initial meeting Mond

..ome of Mrs. ft. S. Anncu.orricera ot the high scbool Pep

club are: prcsldenl;, Nnoml Bu<;lc- : vJee prtsldrot, Mnrjorio Dc-

-----: Becretoty-treasurer. BemlceWolUer; reporter,. Zftda Hatch. New membera are Virginia V«e Ennis and Zoda HatcJi

Tho Ladles’ Aid society of the Methodist chur«sb met Wednesday or the Jiomo ef Mrs. J, Stafford. Mrs. F. Munyon, president, was In chargc. Hostesses were Mrs. D. N. EDglebrlgbt, Mrs. J. Edwards and Mrs. Sv/lsher. -


Sixty-Tlirco-Students Arc Bid ' To"Three Trateniii

iu. Caldwell

CAU5WELL. Oct. C ISpeclaJ) -1- Slxty-three students ot Iho Collcsc ot Idaho have been pledged ' " three fraternities as the clli• -10 annual fill rushing ae.isc...

Tho OHon club pledged 27 men, ..16 Bela Chi fruUmlly. - fiUl returned to local st maintaining a chapter In the Theta Kappa Ny, national social frater­nity, for several years, obtained 20 prospective members, wh/Io the Delta Kappa Phi f r a t e r n i t y

edged 10 newcomers'.The pledges were announced aa

follows: 'Beta Chi Fraternity

Olaf Bwgct, John Brody, Robert Grossflold, SbcUoa Carter, lav- rcnce Conley, Franklin Edwards, Junior Faylor, Foris Clbbs, Cor> don Horbert, •Walter McColm, Fcr-

Ricc. Edward Robcrtncm, Bob rer, Reed Sower and BUI With­

erspoon, all jjr Nampa; Arthur Batcff. Ralph Claybaugh, Jajneji - k, Uoyd Tcwell, and Reynold

)n. Caldwell; Paul Been and rt Godson, Homedalo: Ken-

___ Smith, Boise; toren Bclnap.Prairio City, Ore.; Raymond Tay­lor, Husion, and lx)uls Tliomos, Kuna.

Ddta Kappa rbl Fraternity Harold Shoulders, Boise; Nor-,

—an Boring, Buhl; Hor\-ey Gibbons nnd Wado Transuc, CaJdwell; Del­bert BurkhaRcr, Jeromo; Don Ertz. Bob Hamilton and. Arthur FJCtenber r, Nampar Haro l d Johnson J'oyette nnd William Bra­den, Welser.

. Orion Club• Clyde Cantrell. CasUeford; Ar­

chie Lowe, Buhl; Bill Duncan,

der; Robert Biggs, Bob Jobonne- son, Kennctli Ovrcgaan}. Bill Ran­kin, Robert Word. Norvoi Heath, Buck Seldern and Kermlt Fonidldt. CaJdwell; Bruco Bums, Jack Love,

Suyehini, Emmelt; Chester OrcUtt, Payelle; Art-Snyder, New PI— outh; Dayrcl Rowan. WenL.. . Chase and Leo Barr, Melba; Cecil McCllnUck. Huston; Melvin CaU- well, Hgrseshoo Bend, and Roland Z>oJ»oa, Cedar Rapids, Neb.

QIBLS FORM CLT7BH. R.'R. Is the name of a ___

Just formed by seventh groJo girls or tho Christian church, under

tho flower la rose. Next r 1 Ute of tb« group will be Nov. 2. with the following officers to charge: BetU Crydcr, .president; Vera Goodman, vice president: Marforlo DJamond. secretaiy; and Eleanor Atnlp, treasurer. '

t Lake City the first -of >eclc.

_ j . Edford Holbrook took htft son. Jack, to Twin FaOt Sunday «TenMg to play the -vloUn in the National JnsUtute of Muslo which

ava a recital over KTFI under le leaderolilp or Mr. CJyiia. Thro ere 40 children in tho orchestra Mr. aad Mrs. J. D. 8Hes hav«

os tbdr guiota a nep2tew of >!r Sides, Donald Gavalres, and'Mra Oavaires, Sorguit, Neb.

.....................Ing started thliarms reprllag s lif qntoity. ,. who has been U1

„ - ................ reported to tuv<recovered. '


l^'.COST-—It costs jc r y liitlc'lo rebuild your mattrcss.•'2, aEliVtCBWe-gJvo'oifo-tffly -fiaffflca-: ---..... •;S.- QU.A3lANTE&r-If -Xor, any'.ieaBbn work b.uirsatJafac-'

tory.wo AvilUrc-worklKso ol cyrgc. . ■i;-- CLEAKflNG—‘Oar Latest mocliincry itiiloTcs all dirt.-

C. WQRKMANSniP-^Tyo. w p loy only ;eip«rt Hvorkincn.' p.' DELIVEBYfi-'Wo pick np and -deliveif ireo ot cliarge.'

f A R W E St^JM A frri^^ 5

- f-

A L L A B O A R 0 1The *^Food Value Special'I s O n I t s W a y T o . . . . .

Z IP -W A YPhone270

; MocUCMcken

Beef RouU

bee of Liamb'

Sliced Bacon

P k s « 4 5 c

Dll’ Picldo

} { « Sc

SLhP]^. 29cTomato Juice


5 T a llC ^ „2 5 c~ Coffee

iPoiihd. 4 5 cOxyclol

1ig^kg I9 e i

, 'The Bcat of Fb^. '.ReasonaWe “Fare#”

And A ll the GonyeniM

Peanut fiutter.;)yifadc


L g . ..........2 5 c

'■■“ IfirkclaWiapV-.-''''

• S a la d v D re M iia gV X Ql:,Jar.~. ... **3 !


Lr PkR iO c

IQt Ju, ‘ *isc

"Tka l-letl Pbm to Sbvp

Kitty Wilkins, ‘Horse Queen, ’ PassM A t 79

today mourDcd tho death of KUly WIIkln-1. 10. pioneer Ida- ho horse breeder, who died hero yesterday foUowlog 'n hcnrt attack.

Known Uixougliout Iho slotc os the ••idabo horse queen.” KltJy tWiklns bougJtt and sotd horses on n larRO scale. Her stock, composed ehWly of broncos, often numbered over 4,000 head. One of her regular cuslomers was the U, S. cav-

I'tiaecal ocrv/ces h I bo held

Deab Concluded by Agency at Rupert

llUPEJtT, Ckt. 0 (Special)—Sbc deals- were dosed- last month by Ihe N, K. Jensen real estate sficncy for tbe sale of homes and ranches.

The G. W. Brown home on Slith slrtct was purchased by 'Saturlna Bengoechea. Chauncey .Doane

homo of J. H. Sahllilnp,

A buUdlng- and loan house onl Uio cemetery road wms sold to A 1 E Merrill. Harold- Patchett pur-j ^ased tho Marlt Sullivan bom? on Fifth atrecL The Bcbofleld place

avenue went to A.'M.j

An Bu aero tract souUi oi View in Coaaia county'known as the Bailey place was bought by a. Haak, American Falls, for J6700. Hoak 1s to take possession Jan. 1.'

Jogfl H W

Appealby Borah Fa ils to Secure Woman’s PardonBOISB, Idalio. Oct. 0 (UDI—

Hfn. WHlJanj E. Borah appealed to the Idaho p'lirton board yes-

-TfTday JO gnmt-a-pareoir-to- Mm. Ifary .Hansom, Twin Fajj* Negress, coavlctcd of wluntary manslaunhter In ihc death of her common-law husband.

Boml) oald ho ,wa» making the appeal "aller Investlcntlon of tho mots and upon the re- <liiest or frleoda tn Twin Falls and Hagerman."

"It seems to mo that, assum­ing she was property convicted, jusUco has been done,” Borah wrote. "She U entlUed to tho favorablo consideration ot the board.”

Tho application was denied.

Filer Honor Society Membership Li»ted

.. thU year of tho Torch * ___society of tho hlgii sciiool Includa Ui<5 following: Sopltotnort*. Elea-*, nor Jamerison, BUI Luke. Merlo - Unrtline. OUs Ely. .John ZJfgJcr, ■ Ronald Krobn, Talmldgo Hawkins.

liarbara Deem, Liicy Adele Dill- ' In/fJinm. Slilnry WUson, Elmer Hoatr. John UcKny, Mary Ellen Davis;,

Seniors, Francis Anderson, Vir­ginia L.CO Ennis,’ Marfanno Bht- Btoclt. Paul Brown; IWchartl Gll- lUan. Irene Meyer, Mnrjorio Jane Johnson, Jack Ilamsay, Blleen Ramscyer, Cecllo Wilson, Benlrlco Wuetrlln.

U'o b

N e w a n d U s e d

S t o v e s a s s ^ H e a t e r sW e h a v e a g o o d s e le c t io n to c h o o s e fro m ', s o b e su re t o g e t o u r p i i c e s f i r s t . W e c a n s a v e y o u m o n e y . ■




BREAD SENSATION!. Housewives A ll Over Twin Falls Are Switching Their

Bread Orders to . . . ^

J a c k M o ss^ EdaBao M a M B r e a dTlie time is pnst %vhcii “ just broad” in good enoiigli. A trinl lont o£ Jack Mqm'

• Brcnd almost nhrnyti inakcK a permanent UKcr bccausc o£ its .boantiful tciturc. and dcliciou.i In.stc (Mode witli milk nnil lioncy). And don't lorgot to try it for toant in tlic inorfiing!

F o r Sale In Twirl F a lls at—■ZIP-WAY M ARKE T DRIVE-IN M AR K E T


(Ask Your Grocer—He’ll Be Glad to Stock It )Also On Sale In— _

Buhl| Filer, Bliss, Hagerman, Hollister Castleford


f c H O S T E S S

h ' } S f e ; 1

PREM IUM FLAKES ’ Y:to make soups a success[ ' ,\Vi'th.SDup, the PerfcctHostcss senrcs^^rcttl'^?;'f I-',;mm. Flakes— the WcsVs'inpst j»pu|ar’?oda:V^

; craciccr. She knows ilut ooljr a'ctisp aijd -fresh cracker cao bring the gfat«t-,c^oyoijfa^^■. fcoid this /avorifC:iVisy':ro,sMr£,a'p £ fc ;,.:'auturon-uinc.. in rs.;;And' sbc,.’ - .^reinium I^kcsiUw iys ita t^

• thcovcn8bf-nc^b7^^ation'alB^_ Wcst«n:'bafcwie, -thqtil'ttispji^^;V doublr t>;occctca

packages, 'For- th«;,daiatiiati\wsi ■ crackeft.it!yput:g;ti^tjfdr . P r c n ^ j^




Page 6: G.O.P.CAN*, illilK E S...molo.aa he will no unablo.to i f«r personally with the senator. He will atop in Boise l*ut 15 min utes en route to the Pacide cout Won't Meet Dorah ' Plnchot

_ iPridftV, Octolicr i), 1030 IDAHO-EVENING.TIME S; TWIN FALLS. IDAHO

K T F I PROGRAM1210 Uc. - Wtttlfl ■

■ rrirunsDAY, oc». 8

opuiur liTtlMtnnjt-thc-day- ,^1 K. BrlBbl's-.UBWoUnns'• 6:30 Evcnlns Times news riashcs

■•••' •OMS'BOjwell fllstcru............... -. 7;00 Pinto Pelo anti lib nonch-

’ 7:10 mib"lnoH and vloU" „' 7:30 WorlJ • WUo Tnm.i Hadlo

newa (laabc*'■ 7:45 Studebakcr Ctmmj)loaa

• 8;W Reno Rncketecra •' 8;30 Sanllono Swcclhcnrla

8:<5 Tho LoncsUr Cowboys . 0:00 EvcnlnK'requcst hour

- 11:00 Slfrnlni; o « time

. SATCnDAYrOCT. 10 f ■ P.! M.

: ' . o/oo ikllB Bol(c,r popular vocalist 0:15 Organ aenllmcnU 0:30 Evening Tlroca newa noaiiffl

■- ,8:45 Jttme* Melton vocalW r:00 Waiucs fay Marck \Vel«f r:l5 Atfvcnturco of JunRjo Jim r;SO Worlcl-wlilc iransradlo news

fUulita ■7:45 Sludebaker champions 8;00 Drama: .ncselllcmtnt Ad-

>' •rnlnlstraUon ; ■ 8:15 NoUonal Cavaliers

■- ■ 8:30 Atnerlean Katnlly Hobinflon ■ 0:00 AtDbnaaadora from , Rauio-

;■/. . .land' ■ 1Q;00 Evening -requeil hour

11:00 • • • --------

In (bo CuIbfrtflDD 8)>tcm an- nouncwl rrcenlly In Ely Cul- bcrtnon’* ' lalrat- bnok, - “ The GdM. Book of Hlddlnf and riny.")

. , i/caciic.In[tortny’a hand SouUi’a openlnj; d wna A inln!mura. .<iad North,

fcnrlnf: suchtechnicjlly e ___Howovor, Culbertson ..nRalns: following; the rules wockI* only, and nhows In his “GolJ

i : ;;s

rcquc«v iiour lors from Radio

; 12:00 Signing off tiwo

~ SCJfDAY. OCT. 13

IOim’ehtI Burtnetts nillinoro trio10:15 RcadlDB the comlca

‘ ,l0;30 Brtl>n Lawrcnce tiuartctto ■ - lO:46'Uack Rogtra and hla or

cheatra • '■ 11:00 Orpin sentlmnla '• ?-11:16 Blahnxv’s- Bcrcmidcra

11:30. SoIcctJons fro.m ''Sweet- btarla i Red Mill"

. 11:46 Berlin Stale Opera Co.- P. M.

12:00 Mildred Bailey popular vo callat

12:15 Arthur Po'or’a band hi 12:30 Blr Harry. Uuilcr vocnlUt

12:46-Ambrose and hla orchcatri- ,• 1:00 Vietor Snlon orchestra .:■ : 1:15 Girls of tho Golden West- 1:30 Concert Aires

1:4B PJeltcna Sinlen •.• • 2-.00 Gerry Moore pianist

' 2:15 Paul Robe.ion vocalist ,' .2:30 Bbtlicl Temple on the air ■

3:00 Sunshine Goapel Hour ; ' 4:00 Gene Arnold vocalist ' • 4:16 Benny Goodman and lila or

chcfltra V ■ 4:20 Trcoaured Strlncs

'4:48 Adventures of Jungle Jim : .-0:00 Morlo-Dunn Helm's. Klever

0:00 Popular it.............6:15 Vocals wilh fcla and I

.■0:30 Alfredo CamppU Salon r

East then led hcnrta imtll North took the oce. North returnee! ipadc.

With three rounds of trunspa drawn and all three spails cashed. East could count South's hand for

7:30-World-\\ido transradlo r . ' : • fjashco

7:49 Quartette BiUads .8:00 Reno " ' '3 RackeUers

,V 8:45___________■I. .'0:00 Amlmsadors from Radlo-

land■ 10:00 Evening request hour

,,11:00 Sljpibe off Umo ,

•!;'r ■ SJONDAY, OCT. 15

•rv •'•0:00 Formers breakfast club pr^ I-' ^ Bcnts Iteno Racketeera **■ 6:30 Form nnil home flashes

<6:45acneral market, quotations 7:OOMontlny devotlonals

.7:15 'Vvorld-wldo traasradlo newi ... :• flashes' '!:>' 7:90 Overly 'and 'Jimmy Long'

7;45-Bob. Pope and-hls orchcaUa ^ ' 8:00 Hilo Hawaiian* orchMtni

' 8:10 SelecUons f ronr.’ ;-RobUi ; Hood’’ & "New Orleans”

8:30 lUilh'Ettlag popular vocal. : ' i , 1st■ , 8:44 0penlnK market quotations

sum Hal Kemp and his orchestra; 0:ID Treasured Strings......... -

j-'. • 6:30 EvcotagTlmes'ncwB flashes 0:45 Morning melody contest

[;•';a0;00 Market program . i/ .jlOUO^ttUonal CaToUers ^'10:30 .Nckto melody slnRcrs J^.^iq:«;Edily Duchln and his orchcs

'■-■Li:00vRpmlnlflcJng with a. cowboy -;li;U .'^ in Falls market quota-■ .V i -Uona ■ ••. . , :1V.$0 Maurice, Chevalier popular

••••’ ' weals •^l:^^<^ccrt Aires . •

_2;60,SoptiUUcatet( Favorllcs . rlZrlB'nicbwd'Croolis, :;12iS0.Rcks'.Uerean'ni\;iIc.‘' '..I.

iv.' 1?;<0 Closing' market quotations

I'v''J:00.latest donee.rleascfl

••l:l8.^m Boyds.lUmhlers-. ';j:30;Vlctor-L!ght Opera Co. ••K48.G*orga Olseri'» music !-2:00 lidoir trrimnu'd ‘JosefiLb'

1..; V vlnnei' ‘ i i '' . 2:16-Bliijr Crosby Yocnllat 1,4' V,'Z;30-Evenlnff Times hews flashes

a:46 Dlx and Wilson •, ' a:Oa~Ait«nioon'request hour > •. V- 4:00, Ooliimbui. Day. addftas .;

«:S0 BdiUment & Sense y'ltli Ur. ' S t h i r e s ' ' , i

'.=.4:t8.Xcwl* James vocaUst .6t00 Ccncert .Alrca - - ,i

■ ” 'S'^aiid concert - . • ,' . ),;W*ridTWldo trin«rsKHo news

. . ................................y:5:M';'0wan bintlmenls: .. . •- Oa Po ular.Jlelodlea ot the day.

r Shipped to EaitM fe " ’

. _^fdoVa'.who it.;jleath ‘Hvo .Rnd- MS i-.,«)llUi«jrt of'.nupert “ ■mojm.-when-he 'ftH

l|i,of a..lM?!ed 'iJunip ...jehislutSb^atb tb« «V-wu' ahlppod to W* ■ W;'-York.City W«5tu^;

W; CWear J>eb«i, Now n- 'cK)W'Mend or Cot- “ 7--«inillef..: nwom-

P E R M I T S B ID T O G A M E(•niLi i» the second of n Bcrle*


♦ AKQJJO • •♦Q74

Rubber—None vut.Seulh IVcst Nerih Kast I ♦ Pass Pass Double P.1SS IN.T. Pnj3 2'- Pass 3 V Pass 4'

Opening lead—♦ K.


Sports 'Writers Pick Irlinnesota •Over Nebraskn hnd U.8.0.

Over Uli'nois

(CopyrlRht, 1030, United Prtu) NEW 'YORK. Oct. 0 (UEl—Ohlq

State. Minnesota and Southern California—three of 1039-a palei tlal gfldlrtm glnnta—will triumph In Iho njajor. games thU Saturday United Press sports writers pre­dicted today.

Ohio Stole, which meets the rugged put Panthers at Colum­bus. and Minnesota, which pitya a lough Nebraska team, will win by allhi marglna while ^utlrern CalifoiSila, bounding again into national prominence, should en­counter little trouble from Illlnola.

Among the other Belectioha ere- Uicso' on Pacific coaet

games;. California- wlU bounce back alter tho St. Msjy's deieat and crush. Oregon Slate; Wash­ington Statq-over Idaho; Wash­ing ^Wlll Uko \}.‘C. L.- A., al­though It might he-a tie; ' ' Stanford to-Avin It* first gan

;ear,.o>*er Oregon.

’i'oiJny's (jonlrnct i'roblcni Uslnc the Culbertson Sys­

tem. K Soiilti opens wllli a bid. ot two .'.pades, what response should Norlh make?

A A KQ0 4 . , •VAKO •♦.AKQ

. ■*62 None vul. Opener—AIC. Solution It icxt Issue.

0 heart andmost four spadea. Ho knew that South could notOiavo only, a four- card diamond suit,, -for if North had held 'four dlaioonda nnd on ice ho would not have passed the ipehlxie hid.

Therefore, In any case, South must have no fewer than three clubs, • Likewise South must hold

loea o f. clubs,' tor North not have passed thb opcn

Irijr bid with on nco nnd n queen.- Bast thereforo know.that,'If he

flncMcd for the queen of .clubs,. ' would Jos ft.' and thnC U ployed tho ace nnd Itlng. tho queen would not drop. Having lost three tricks,' Eant'tried to avoid tho 1033 ot the Betting trick by use ot tho backward tlnens.

Ho led tho Jack of clubs. Southcovered with the queen and tlum' my took the ace. Mow the nlm of clubs wan led from-dummy, andwhen North played low. East flncaacd.

Tho nine won tho trick, nnd East made his contracL Copyright, lOSQ, NEA, Senlce.'Ii

Bor^h Schedules . West End Address

Sen. W. E, Borah la 'pcheduled • deliver a public nddrcjis at tlie

Buhl high school tho evening of Tliuraday, Oct.- 10, commencing at

In lOlh century America there as such n nhortnge ot legal ten-

.. r that Inns nnd taverns issued Uiclr own.

Postmaster Stronk Pobts Out Fast S e^ ce Ayo^bIo_

To A ll PfttroM

) Postmaster M.

Twin Falls citizens may. net rc- Izo it, but they now oro only

..ic-hhlf bualnnes day from'Call- tomla cltlea, tha midwest ahd tho Atlantic ceaboard.hy. raeana foflt and frequent air mail ' ' ules.. according '■ —A. Stronk.

So that olr mall uaera hero may enjoy (ull bcncflta of the’ service, tho. ]x>sthi(istcr atnu the girln'g attention, to closing. tlmw for let-

dcatlned both tor th6.south Intcd out that,ftlr ' experlencca

REMINDER"Kato rhyme* with hate,"

Jeff Uon-ftrd reoilndod him­self. Jeff decided be would.

to ais otm uitJi.micuiT en> --lortolalair rtwUog-xcsuJta. Tbe ne\» serbl story, "Saluto <0 Lon," deteribai ..M rs courtship. It bogtns Monday In tho Craning Ilmt*.-

W W V W r t f t f t i W W ^ W W W W V W V ^ A V W ^ <

.3 post their icnco la time to 'make o----------'ILh planes leaving tho north-■CBt, . • . ' 1

. . Schodolo. Olvcn ’ Those wishing to get air,mall

. i Calltonihi. tbo midwtat • and east-ln the fastest pbsalbl# should SCO that their. letters i tho .poalotflco not later than p. m. AJr mall thus posto< California wilt rcach point* os far south os Son Diego beforo ttje opening of buslncss nexl momlRg whllo-that Kolog to-the-east.'wlU arrlvo Ja .Chicago In. tho..early momfflg and.ln Netr ................

» 1:26

T York at the

Postmaster Btronk called,! tlon.to the fact that air m ItAS. expensive nnd generally mort

LOW PRKES y<iop. a i-■■"The..

I N D E P E p ) E N ^M E ^ e o .

Phones 162— 163

Buy Poor Grades o£ MeatsWhen you can' iu y .tiie beat'cuts .of steer and heifer meats a t ' , this market at very Ipw.pricesI Jt pays to buy the best!

Ohiokeis, Young' Hons and Orala Fed Enbblta •. « From'Oiu-Largo Supply.

Eastern and Wcstora Oyrtors-A« Now On-Tho Marketl

Four beKveries Daily ^ Phone . 162-163“ TODAT IT 'S T ITR IFrr TO B VY QUALITI’ ' ' . ,

iL- uiai txiiui, “special delivery frequently used to advantage tor mall sched­uled to reach lla dea imatlon ntter regular ilollvery houra.

If air or apcclal delivery letters -.0 mailed at the postofflco they ahould bo placed in tho drop mark- ed “Special delivery nnd air."

Trial Demanded By Shot-Gun Charges

Tom Samuel, 34, chimney sweep, who givcfl hla address as ICnusos City, is to bo .given' ft trial by Jury In Juallco court, following hla arraJgnment getora Juatlce If, II. Holler on charges growing out ot an Incident hcre Tuesday light when ho is alleRcd to have

Wcii: :i'm "-^Iiig'' to-;:.tlap *»Ay twnds.and.snap tny flafferal.Pftw’a gone away and bero'a my chance to wrlto'ftn;ad.'iUhouph l;<loii’t expect to do'as good os Paw ati wriUng-but-ono' thing I cOa assu you is plenty of ncUon'wlicn you como out here. I'can wiggle n ears and aland on ifly head,' dr# cars; sell goa and, oh boy, «h txy oh boy. can give you prlcca 'onl tires. Thia' is . Paw's above, but down, bele . , . -truly. I always have wanted r picture In the paper.but I'jiev coura nttohl to pay for It Ull U opportunity camo along to put in Dad-a nd at hla cxpenr- '• famous oil U still going . .. jugs,' tubs, baskets and barrels. Better than four barrels went'to the western part of the state after 8 p. m. Iast:nlght. TVo atlll have that good paint nnd wo havo that famous line ot U. S. L. Storogo

. Be^nning Thursday BUS TRANSPORTATION^

■Will bo available to Suffar Factory, mth lieadquitf- tcrs at Tbo White House, 211 Main South.

Phone 1771

Iwvc. Say, wo bUU havo'that good Axle Grease at &c per lb. It's not I good cbcap gnaso but a gwd Tcaiio cheap. A Xlaah from tho lepartment alore: Jim Nell we.nt to Salt l.al<c. Juot what he.'lntcnds to buy. down there nol>ody knowa, but you may-rest nasurred that whatever hQ buys , will >b« high grade merchandise at lower prices. WeU bo good to your throat and como in for some turDcntlno and lord.'-Well my head.U buzzlar now. rii have to atop beforo completely crack up, Kopo yoi

Girl Horse Tiiiei Escapes in Boise

' BOISE.-Octr 0 - tURl—Grace Marta Smith, first and only-wo­man 'bone thief -In Canyon couniyfl.hblory. grew tired,of living.at the.Salvation Army homo here and ran Away.

The -Pueblo. Colo., girl'was" ralsslng yestrday momlnfr. .She

' was .sentenced. to abc months. • and a day In the home folowlng her theft .convlcllgn a ,tew weeks ago.

Police believo ah« ; deserted' her lovo ofborae boclt riding

•In-her escape;-that she waa M- :tcBipUngilo hitcb-hlke >Out-of the sUte;



Two or More Tons—One Delivery Charge

Two Tons •; ---------------- -Delivered— --

L U M P ..................................-......$17.75- S T O V E .................................... 17.75N U T ........................................ 16.25

■ P E A ............................................ 13.75-.-S L A C K ........... .................12.75-

' IDASALES, Inc. :

patch'may causa by. throwini: •• tli*



g , ' Open Nighta — 143 Shoshone St.

' PHONES .SI 1-31Z

< Use oilivBasltets and make your owu sclcclions Tomorrbwi '.Tills ^vill help' iiB serve you fast(?r _/

\^c Will also have extra clerlis this .Saturday.

Watch For Real Specials ill .Meals f Groceries ■ Fruits and Vegetables

Iliglicst Pricc Paid for Yoiir Frcsli Eggs - - W cNecdTiicm ‘

Shop and Save at... ^ y 0 6 E L ‘*SV-; ' i - '- c V

Page 7: G.O.P.CAN*, illilK E S...molo.aa he will no unablo.to i f«r personally with the senator. He will atop in Boise l*ut 15 min utes en route to the Pacide cout Won't Meet Dorah ' Plnchot




H fca lUorn ia Plays Oregon auto,I Stanford Me'oto Oregon,

Idaho' Bucla Tff.8.0.

Oy JAMES e. 8HEEHY United PMti..-

I .'WMhlDBton’a• invftslon-loto BouUcm' CoUforoJa-lo mect.tho We. fomiiiftlil# U. C. ;L. A. t««mto the I/M AnB«lca cblUmih wlU;top the'Pttdlio eout, confcrcncoiM tb a ll---- -

Jlmmlo Pbtlon's HusUImI ■id BUI Bpauldlng'# BmlM wC"' rtied.s^M dcflnlU tliaojplDiuh eon !W «»- Th® B:“ >“ oppenrcd' twSup, .'wbat .. wllh ^Waahlogt«a-8 Willlttnl. baclcfleldrcombliuiUon ot By H»lacs. Elmer togs, .Jimmie Coin and Ed-Nowogrcokl. notcll' *4-by tt p o w e r f u l f o r w a r d I Jiiio and tbc Las Asgelu .beAt l which lui» 'willed raany vlBlUng'

*6i»rt VI. 0. 8. C.. California — bcalcn lO.to.OjjyBt. eoi)/cren«pdrivD.- BBolniit .Oregon ; Btato col- Jego' at-UuKMmah civic .eUdluml la .Portland. The Stan/ord. Card-; Inal*. tJe/eatedK-to ;S by Wm V, Ington Stnte. will try to loke-Uiel Vnlvcrslty of Orecon at Palo'Alto' aid W. 8. C. will play. Idaho at

oscow.Meanwhile, the potent South-

«rn California, team wUl play thc •Unlveralty of Illlnols.at Cham- wUgn. 111. The temporary nbaence « r the Trojaia from the coastl

le a. break for . other confer- tcamv. ' Southern California

easily beat Oregon State two weeka nj;o a t. Lob AnBCles .tmd Jollowid lata. Saturday with'a "■ to 0 win over OregOB. .

Independents Clash Top gaata amonc coajit Irtile-

pendent elevens: Include undefeat­ed St. Mary's of Moraga.vs-.Loy; cla'unlveralty/at Lo# Angeles and Banta Clara v*.-thO'8an Fran­cisco Oons -at Keiar . stadium. Both are-Sunday, games;- - -

•Tbe Btanford-Oreeon june may bo * brisUing battle—what .with the Cardinals peeve over tbelr «lef<at by Waablnston SUte aad Oregon eager to'show that ll has ai real football team. Gooch Cal- Uson- of Orecon- may. start' six •optaomere's Vlth - Jeoh l^cau.

■ OrcdiffBcra Arrivo Tonight for Big Homecoming Saturday

At Normal School

Mabo-Wwh,StaiQ - WMh.statc.iio Illlnola-U. 8. C. U.S.C.,20-0 .Ore. Bliitc-Callf.Stanforll-Oregon U. C. U A.-W(uili.Mont.-Idaho So. Ur.Alblon-Mont. MintsUtat

Inle^^imal norfara nailer tvay In earnest on alt football fronts 8atiirdny, .<play pwihlhenfiiarts.' tJpn«r. left l» Bart. Johnnon. Kcntucliy'* creat l>ack. v '

— loft;-#— — -----)ni-n.iciti ot r

V.vci, 10, nnd licio arc sonio of the grtd peats Avho’ll.. ------------ ------------------ fn«:«i Gtoigln Tcch nt .\tlanlo.- Ambroue •Srlilndlcr,

heads Southern Callfornla’a ln\-a»lon ot nilnoU nl Clfarapniiri. Crnter, WcUIng. Is Andj- Cnun, fleet -left half or MltihMOtO, who Is In great 'shapo for Kebnska's .Cornhtnkers nt MlnncajiolU. ln»rt In FranU I’atrick, rltt fnllback. who

. ... „ — .......... ono pa*scr from T7. C. L. A. h ........ .. -•■ ■- Southern Mell.odlat aWhc I’olo Orouiperforms-apilnst Ohio fitatb.at Columhin. Hal lleraban, upper, right, It

Los Angeles.- BetaW is Capt; frank Jllautte, hainnck of Fordh4m, which plays I lo around*, ^ •V ^orU.

CISl i iY iy s E

jHippo^ome W ill Be Jammed By T,000;;Alth;ough Brescia

'HaS'LitUo Chance -


ALBIOM, Oct. 0 (Spcclal) —I Monlona School of Mlnc-i football nqund, 22 Btrong, wM lo arrive here tonight for Iho 1030 Albion Normal homccomlnff g^mo Satur­day allernoon.

"Tio OrcdlKRcrii, under Ihclr vet- n coach, D, C. McAuliffo, hav( lettermen on llifl sqund am

'will be out to nvcngfl last year's l-Oviclbftck by Albion.

, Coach OrvlllS Hult linn , IdrlllL'ig h.i Normal Pantliera under] 'hiUldlcap this week. *lnce colds: land (lu cut out tlio practlcc turo- lout by one-half on two Buccf- Idayfl. lie has been slrcaalnfr with rcscrven In case tlio flu kec[).i| any of the regulars on tl '.nt game time. Pracllce o ing also lodmcd on the 'menu IhLi past week.

Albion Starlem SUirtlnB lineup for Albion in

the big homecoming balUc 'will be: Young and Thorc.wi, cniis;

iBcrgalrom and Hill,, lacklcai Ur- Inndo and Eamca, guar<U; C.hlld.% (ccnlor; Donjlna, ijuarlcrback: iCoopcr, fullback: Shorlhouifl and ' MacfarloDC. halfbacks. Other backs Hult said ho will use In- clude-Amcndo, McQuccn, RobcrtSi Hale, Beall and Bccaas. •

The opening lineup for Monlana Mines hadn’t been aclcctcd loiny.

llie veterans in the Orcdlggcr / nro made up of Capt. M.

Driscoll, guards; \V. Springer, cen­ter: J. Sulhvan.7 guarti: D. 11111,1

1: and G. Johnslon. D, Dunbar.' .,,,.,.1. . a,-.. T williams

Pltt-OhloSlato MVnn.-Nebraakn Fordbam-S. M. U.Ynic-Penn Alabama-Mlan. Blatc Alabama, lAubum-TcnnesBdo Aulium, 13-0 I Carncglc-Mlch. Stale Mich. Slate, 1 ' Columblft-Army Army, H-0

Cnhf;,!! Stanford.H-7. Waah.,13-0 MonUina, SO-ll Albion, H-0 Utah, 20-7 Pllt.H-13 . Mlnne.iotn. 13-0

. S.M.U..10-13 Vnle,2I-H

Geo. Tech-Kentucky Georgia Tech; C-0 Jllch.-lndbina Indiana, 13-7Nolro Damc-Waah. U. Notre Dame. 27-7 Purdue-Wioconolii Purdue, 21-0 ' rUcc-Tcx. A. Si M. Rice. 7-0

lliis Gaiicho Brescia Is Not A Menace to Louis

Jormer • Sna • Frtmcisco .- nll-elty pl«p sUr doing paH-tlme fullback

Other gaines scheduled Satur- djiy BfteRiOon'loelude: Uontons Mines vfl.'Alb!oa;N0Traal of.Ida- 1id; Z.O' Veme'vB. Saft Diego State; O^ilenUl vs. University ofMex- Im : -WJiltwortJi- ■™.,:„Whitmaa:, Utah Aggies y*. Wyoming: Col-:

. ;ho-is______________win' will I

_____ capacity.crowd ot;7,000lilo the.JUppodcome..toolght •

These., spectator.-will pay «P* prwHaatcly J50.000. to ;«e,-Wu|3,■sUll boxlng-s.magle. tuune,-.try tocrush. .Vounc-JorBe Bresei4 of] iArgeatlo*,. lie. third .aaerlflclal

lego of Padfie.vs- Ban Jom SUt«; snd Flagstaff - va.- New‘ Mexico Aggies. '. ' •,...

land university Ct,-CoUegaof Puget S«tM/»iid Ailjona.univer­sity TeaeSera,-,-:

P K l l E Z EB W m 0 l1 3 -1 2

fMtbaJI takes on ft wider In- ttrseetlonal aspect, and Saturday, Oct. 10. strikingly Illustrates that

• the lUt • of InleraectiODBl ciiahes are Fordham-Southern Methodist. Plti-Ohlo Stale, 1111- nol*-Southem California. Michlgnn State-CnmcRle Tech. Minncsota- Nebraska. Tcxas-Oklahoma, and

___b ln.Joe’s campaign to regali60md* or-thJi-l5r'C8llgo lost wbc: ha was knocked out.laat;Bummer by Max SclunellDg.'Thc wagering Jsicvea that he- kayoea-tbe South Amerlcjin -before.-Uie .halfway, mark. • • •

Louis Heavier . .It will be a heavier Loula who

ateps Into, the ring, In the nudllor- lum ‘coiivorled -by 20Ui Century! club PronioWr-Mlkc-Jaeobs. from

Ciltterlcg-polaco of :muslcal ;e avttgaiHM-tO' a-.pUficJiplaaa;

[several oUiers.,In jUlng up the Fordham-S. M.

U.ailt. It appears .to mi.that the iMuslangs are below their 1035 par Iwhlle Fordham Is rated tops Ir ' the east. Jimmy. Crowley's fined.-f«

crashlnp. the ..llao .ogai ■ to' eoi: Wllaon,-.;

Iinck,. pulled'bla U m

—Rupert pirate* took..breaker. JStl2..ln)m.tlie:BUel[(00t »roacos here ycsterday;ia a clas-i oio ' grid :-batUe.; By.butJting; through center for pay.dtrt d.urtng, the last roiauto.of .play, and by

• - again .with -10 .Affl.'.Plrat(f-niU- team through to

yictory*' • j v .■. I>ut1ng tlie lint quarter of the] JiiS ilS.conference, arld.;,battle the Muads were-held »eorelcM..but!ihs tUm b£'.Coach.Brt.tMy;d«W. «w t blood lit the early part of the

. *e«nd qudttet-wbert .Wil»i)iv:pa^ .•*d...«v<a- goal.; to •.Th»ek>no rt9^.Omvetff........... ........... -MAddy

.- the : poundaire-.Iuffged-. by 1 Jorge,'a'21-year-old Oertnan-Ar-1 'genUnrf’nnitt^.hM. won , eight straight flgbtaSlnce anlviag In the United SCatfia.in-June,' 1Q39.- • -- tt-iU.UaVp Um . beat-

fine Oa>tbe'

Ur. BgBlB-flcored-tcr. Slve them -

-•“ • ^ w r ^ o f Uio torth^^OT :;jdah6.-dljlrJirt. «afl?*Mott:..M90:^-• tion: meetlBI-lhp CTae ------

ItfroddcesanUptat^ I

(much for • tho lighter, Hanover Jttam.■ I Brown la hnvlnp Iroublo' again. ' llnrvani will ndrt a lltUc-----to TuM MoLnuchry'a worrie

L. S. U- Worries •' Several key battles arc due In

I Iho south. Louisiana Stale. sUlI looking like a champion,' has a de­cided edge over Georgia: Kentuc­ky, with Birt Jolmsen leading, should win over Georgia Tech. de­spite'the Engineers’- lnipro\'tment;

r. offcn____ _ Andy. Palau, will, bo

little' loo mueh for a M. U. ■ Ohio- roworlul

As for oiir own tangle with the Buckeyes. footUll aathoriUes who

the Columbus situation havene that Ohio State has the

beat team in the. country this Wl.• Coach Schmidt haJi B squad that

U aclually,thrc«.Bnd,four deep In,nrh position.. Pitt, never has had such; ft stem' early, test. . This. Is -T experimental gome for us., Our records show • that, wo better by November, although |hav6 ft£je'.no spf,clal:'effort to-

.^^t^Ul^be^ntcKstlngJio ■ ;* « :wheUiee.wc!CW' inffeaae Uio speed

tc.-im, and may Ipse lla third in n row.; ’ There arc few. crucial.8“ "* '’'Iho midwest. Purdue and Wiecon- sln meet, and tho Boilermakers, should win. ', Indiana meets a teat in Mlchi- 1 ^ . Right now tho IK^lcrs..... the choice. Noire Dsmc , ,have lUtlc trouble with Waehlng-! ton university of St. Louis.

Selects Husl(lei>Iitfi tna i:jicmccr3 ii.ip.o...mv...,., On the Pacific, coast, two .con- id Alabama and Auburn ahouldiferenco favorites will continue to

„ t byicoraing'baek to win from U. C. U, iA, Stanford will get back in thcj mnnluc by beating Oregon.

ElKS'PIN S i i k .


SATUHDAY. OCT. 10 (H<iDo:Tettmt I'jsted.First; lOSBl

. Scorc* Follow Camea) . '

. Mines, 15-0.Ainhatmt NorjTlch.Arkjinsaji vs.. Baylor, 0-13.CftthoUo Dnlv. %Ti. LaBalle, 41-7. CbioMto >•». Dutler.•ClnclnnftU ti- Ocorgctown. •Colorado JlUnes vt. Regl*. *7-6 Colaiablar rV.^B. >,tl!.,,Ae~I. Crelghtoai (T». ■ Grlwiell,, 7-0,.

FortThS S !K e ib e d l « t -GeotsU ‘r.>el»>-s. Kentucky. 6-28

'HBTVnrt" M.-Biwn.-.-od-O.-.-:'r ’ M»hd-VB.,Wadi.-8tate. 0-6- : lUlnois v«l:8.'’CiilUoml*i-»-0.

i lowa fltate



• — DoyrtiB Chevrolet ;:'

.iriaatacxefl'S-lvvlctorles .In'.bow?- Itog'.lMtralsht.- *4ui'«i6,>uit9:»ea ' ■ ’ig.-JSIks. nMha:.CommeK!lBl,


yotifl 5» topW^ «!>

lilig-Bnybad;4rfbcla, ' I bavB..no[hMit«acy'in“ i -drcUngr-a:-:liar<i:‘

• nilnoia U tryioff for.iU secondSS&.-S&o’S't.t/Zi'SS.....year; and. IHiriols'BPMd.wlU not be eaough;-. .-, • .i ‘wiehlganTSUteigetsv,Carnegie Tech.f«towlnK:tho-'Kame;ivlUj N6-tre' Owne,' aad-'despito; the. fftCl that’ the-Irish took .soteethiuc.QUl, SFtiid;'8klbob.',U»e-:Spart4ns..;whp' alM'tad * tough: battle' with Wch-, iBUJ .-.are .llheiy-ao'‘ meet -..defeat;


*” *.v..V;:'r«ek».'!M|oBcaoU • u: . ”• ,■ ■, N«y-yotS-U w.-Penn MiU » 7 .• ^ O o n e g e . ' - ' O t M / • '

MrtJf^abetUo ot;twa B ant uams, -•.thlnk-Nebr»jika:.|»-.te6M,weine itor 'ln'the i -vtW.-J b one' of •. the


N o ^ ’esterh;,^ North Dakot#

Vj5til^5Be,'w.:WMUnjcloa V.

-SM^^oee-Nermal-Ww peUefe;et

;Drivers 'of Five' Natlona Roar; Around Pcriloos Track in

Qualifying Runs

WESTBURY, N. Y.. Oct. 0 (UEll [—Daredevil racing drivers of five nations, pitting' their ekill and courage ogalnat-the mUHon dollar

•made harards of Roosevelt racefeay. drove their pbwertui pa-1 chines around the, fouf-i^le maiC; again today to qualify for 49' places In Monday’s JOO.OOO Van­derbilt cup race.

Bo dangerous is the course tbut lh0-«0Dleat board of- tho American, AutomobUe association • ordcrcd( tho raceicut from-the original 400| mlica to 200 miles. ••

- Average 60.SZ Tado Nuvolari. of Italy. Eur, pa’s aco driver, .who registered J . victories in 153 ’ road races

against Buropo-s. leadias pUota, averttfied only.00.02 miles aa.hour on- tho 20-mlle qualifying teat, al- thiugh h« Wt ' l t up -to nearly '.OOion tho one •‘1ong”.rstraight-, iway-^eeven-tcnths of>a ihlle.

fallly Win of Datrtltr in > — In Special,-was eloeked la 18 mln- iutw’ 1.77 aeconds.for., an.average lof|-oa.B5-to:i«ad-American-.quali-l Iflers/ '

Coach Ap Berg's Orcw Bumps Into Stiff OlMh Today

Against Filer

. GOODING, Oct. 0 (Special) —A squad of 25 determined Good­ing high school grldators journey-, ■eil to Filer t^ay to'tangle with' Ithe powerful Flier Wildcats who 'nro reported as unusually strong this year.' Last year the Senators pound­ed out a IB to a triumph ovci, tieTViklcaU.but tbls year things look.toughcr for the Gooding crew as they !oat,12 vetcrars by e q ­uation while the Wildcats i«*ti

Anticipating a tough battle. Coach ”Ap” Berg drovo his chargcs-in long pracUce BCa.Mons all week, developing a. against power pbys.'

' Hutton In Shape Coach Berg seems cheerful rer tho fact that hU boys arc

,.11 in good shape and not ham- ipered by injuries. Harold Hutton,quarterback,,has recovered .from

' 1 early seoson Injury and wUl| ;c action. . •Probable starllog lineup: ends.

IM. Alexander.’ "Nair rl' tackles K. Webb, O. Knight; Kilards/ W. n !'

HyHKNllY5IrLi;«0Kn (Cojiyrlght, 1030, United I’fcwi)

NEW YOniv, Ocl.. 0 il’.l!l Joo Loula fiRhtn a gauclio from tfjff pamp.TJ n-mied Jorf^ Brrs- cla m Mike Jacob.!’ very plu.ih Hlppodromo club lonlcht, nnd the nnalytJcal minds aniang Ihe boxinc gentry think Joo very . foolish lo have singed for the

Tliclr line of reasoning- Is that bccauJi'e of Ihe limited cn-' p.iclly of the Hippodrome (it scats fewer than 7.000) Joe's 30 per ccnt,of the gate can’t po.islbly cxceeU 515,000, and that he la foollah lo rUk hb million <l<Jlar repul.itlon nnd po.'slb'ly hCp chancc for a title fifihl. for such a paltry sum. To b.ick up their argument, the critics point out that Brea- cla Is tough aa the sleers which range in hi* native Argentina, and a right hand capablc of do­ing every bit as much damage lo Joe's chin m did Schmel- ing’/>. which heaven Icnowa was plenty.

Not Paltrj- Sum I don’t agree wllh the crit­

ics. lt',1 hardly to be expected that 1 would for, as I said, they arc analytical, whloh makes me ns different from them as wat­er i.a from wine. 1 couldn't na- alyie a one-way otrect on a bet. But that’s not here or there. The point la I think they're wrong. In the first place. J!5.- 000 Isn't a paltry sum, It’s not haircut money In any language, speelaly for fewer than 50 min­utes' work.- In the second, Brescia does

-not consUtuto a genuine men- ;c. He’s big, yes. and. ha.5 a ng reach, but *> did Camera, Id if boolsle was a mcnaeo

then Welntcr's definlllon ot the ' word is as wrong aa a broken walch.

Deadly Klghtf Pooh!Iuch has been sold of his

deadly right-hand purchlny, but don't believe It. Ho’s a fair hlltcr. and that’s all. A read- Ing of his record doesn't leave you wllh a picture of a trigger man on the looae. Moreover, Drcscla is no gazelle on tW « feet of his. HI* footwork is a bit on the latMrious side, as Is hl.1 thinking. When things gel a bit.tough for him and he U forccd to throw his mental ma­chinery Into operation, the creaking 1* ' reminiscent of a haunted Iwuse.

My gueaa Ls that he won t be around for the fifth round. If he is he’ll probably be one of the moat surprlaed persons od the premlacs. >

C U B S L O S E , 6 - 0

T O B U H L R I V A L S ;'BUHL, Oct. e (Special) — A one touchdown via tho aerial ; route lifter a stubborn goal lino v stand by tho visltorsmve Floyd - Lutt’* Buhl schoolTlrosh-soph aqund a 6-0 win hWe Thursday . over John Flatfs Twin Falls „■ Cub frosh-sophs.I With both teams using under- , [classmen exclusively, the Ude of j 'batUe was on a par until » e ‘hlrd- , .quarter was nearly over. OA i^s- .. 'plays at that point gove Buhl a . thuiee to scot?, tut the- visitor , stopped the threat on the one-yard -, line os the period closed.-In the .fourth Btanin, Buhl tossed a poas • [for the touchdowa.- '

Max.Croft,-T«rt» Fallft-received ,•. fractured ahoulder .during *th# _,

game. . ,


■ center, d ; Ikard:'haL.-..-. - Bowler. G. Proctor: quarterback. Bob Vought; fullback.- ItaymoiidEnauea* .. .■ "-lIEAVy-BAOQOEr-HKLTS.

I LOS ANOBLES (NBA)-^ Don Budge, red-haired wcsl.ooast.tcn- nlee ace. whose «howlng..lhls year Is almost cer,taln to. gain.him No,, Imnklng In the-United-States,'

tho- havlesl. wcqiiet ^ lie- 1814 ounces.... EUswortliformer- amateur chompto'

....... „.a of the greatest drivew;tn[.the sport, usei only « 13«i-onnee] 'recquet. , ;

i « ;

BEN’S-DACK , ]. DETROrr (NEA)-— Be^m W Fi*nkl6t -ls'.ft -candUftte..for - theUiSvcr^y ■ of Detroit- -----isquad.T ■-

Reliable Spbrtmg Goods, . for . . .

p T h e S p 6 r t s i n a i i |

P H E A s A N T S E A S 0 I . 1 0 P E N S O C ^ ' l l i. Wo ffiiTfl th6-.Kkd.of & Shot ann Vou .W a a i-a t . t fe

PRICE You Want to Pay r ...................

“ A r S P E C I A L ^ . . . ; - ; .

i*'410 Bolt Aclion'Bepoatef Shot dniiisfnglfl Barrel Guns ___________

Shot ataiBjAutomatlo C


Diamond Hard\vare C r



------- ***■

Page 8: G.O.P.CAN*, illilK E S...molo.aa he will no unablo.to i f«r personally with the senator. He will atop in Boise l*ut 15 min utes en route to the Pacide cout Won't Meet Dorah ' Plnchot

i f . rag8 g g « . ' IDAHO EVENING ™ e s , TWIN FALl^, IDAHO" ■•v)j iaa!y'''dbtotor r

It's Easy to Buy, Rent, Sell or Trade With


WANTED TO BUY-1000 eai to Breck. Fanners' AWo 8uppl; Died Pnrta. Dept Pbotia 225-W.

S p o t C a s h f o r U S E D C A R S J n o . B . W h i t e

14-1 Sccond Avc. North

lyinHir Bftnimiui, Crimes. Golden JonaUuini asd Snow applea. Ilatca to trxiekort Itobertaon, 1% aw of lilmbcrly.


around noor Bpariroent wljh yrlvau bath, BduUo only at Juila- ncre .Inn.

Six roomn and baili o

POH, BENT—ROOMBNice front bedroom, downstairs.

iSteom beat. bath. 334 Second No. Phone i m .



• JM Eighth Ave. Eaat.Mlddle-B^ed

work. 1202 8 Pbono 280-J.



:t elder for aale. Twin Falls' Estlnuites plodly given oi. kloda of Job prlnllog at office of Idaho Erenlsf Tltaes.

•, mb. ThOMeU Top & Body Work*.!

CARBtJRETOKS — Carburctorl ,^jrU nnd service. F. O H. Uotor| IServlce. 230 Shoflliaae St. WesU, Twin Falls.

For Sale — Hcntrola, alzs for ., rooms txeellenl condition. CaU714i SteoncJ avc. eart.

OooJ htavy-duty wood lotho-li

WANTE33-TO TUADB —Good '20 model A Ford ior cow

. tlOO.ei). 211 Sydney. -j 3S0 tons of choice hay and .200, screo of good 'aUalfA pi«tur«.i Tumpa Ranch (old Smith & Hitch-

• cock ranch). 7 mllia N 4 E. of. , Gooding. Idaho. It- P-.D. 2. Owners,'

CutmlnKhaai & Martin;1 irURNlTUllE FOR SALE—New i and used furniture of all Woils.• Coal rang»a. clectrle range*, coal

jtoves. circulator* and other bouse- ' hold funlsblngs. Moon’*, Phone C.| - Stora.No.1; Phone3lOSU>r«No.2.'

FOR 8AIX—A carload of Mi , rtseo 10 bulk. Buy what you need, I trlBg'back what you have left. We| loan you a liruaU to put It on free.;

' - le Paint. •i-Hour ind-Lboleum.Var-i

_ ^ ...o hour*. ,W© also T osve a: lofge stock.of Wall Paper

and Wnoleum Buga Why pay .,pclcc. PUnno-B- Moon'a.

land papein. while doing thls>n-

•l-Best In the West” '

H 2—Phono—ita

PAfiMS yOE BALEPer aalo 160 acre Improved farm

n C-ostleford road; ld;al stock irm, «s pifft of the land Is In

n M ^ ^ m ta n c e U deep soil free'from rock. All In h'e'h

of cultlvaUon. Priced ... Bilt, at *110 per acre. J600C Sea H.-W. Barry. Buhl

•• SO 'a c r e s — S. E. of-Twin ; Falls;,All. cast slope.' Fair •.,ijnproverarjits..PriceH3S.00':;.per-ftcre. T«nns,,;• -auD Li^’ \vegener co.


i . ’i S. '•■Two rancM.. ' ’Good condlUoa.

cheap,. ISOl.Eleventh Ave,• ••.

r iS30'jao<Jei BuIoV Sport Coupe. ■ wJer-'Well '-»«“ »«:• Very eood

';t6Sr-TbIrf;,AV«.::JCaat Pbop«


Delicious, Jonathan nnd Stay> ,on Wlnesap apples. Wiped, notl

washed. Passed Inspection. Ken-' — Green.

Dellcloua nOc up per b o x ___Romes bulk. Rates to truckera, Hydo Ranch. 2 ml. E. 2^ So. from IClmberly. Phono Kimberly Si-R-if

Wo don't know our onions—Dut ■0 know our apples.- KesUer's Lit-

tie Orchard, H mile South Slio-

D e l ic io u sAll Grades •

I Miie South and West from South Park


Highest prices paid for your fat ehlckens <ni turUeya. Indei |ot Meat Ox

LOST AND FOUNDFound—Poland-Chlna hog. Own-

Found — suay buck sheep. ^ |No. 2',4 W. Filer.. Phone 31-J-12

Four- uJid llve-room houses f( sale, modem cxcepl heat. Cash < terms. Call at 277.Harriaon St f( particulars._______


Top Si Body WorliaCustom lillUng, curing and

-.oolLlng meats. Phono 25. Inde­pendent Packing Plant

acres adjolalnjf Kimberly—...... oom dwelling.' Rarage, fruittrees, nice lawn, J2000. Peavey- Taber Co. Inc.. 202 Shoshone St

fenced, high fertility, electricity,, deep well with jircasurc sj-stem.l Close to school on gravel road.' Write C. T. 100, cara of Times.

SPRING FILLED JiATTBESS- ES UADB FROM YOUR IONES. Mattresses renovated___,recovered. Wool carding. Twin Falla Moltrcaa Factory. Phonel OIW.



WINDOW GLASS •No charge for labor selUcg glass If.you will bring your sash or drive your car In. Get ready lor winter before

M O O N ’ SPhone 6

Wanted —XJpholsterlng,. repair­ing. furniture refinlahlnif, window sbido work. Cress & Brulcy Furni­ture Co. Phono 655, 130. Second St Eaat


Federal - fann .loans, .See

Lowest rates. Long terms. Quick Service.

••SANGER-JONES ' Real Estate — Loans

123 Main E. ' Phooe’.<27


isqdrcaiUng cards -engrated iptliitei - .Many 'correct i(yle« w c l^ o hom.' CoU at tbs Evening Smes &fW^.223 Mala A- f ssL- Telephone '32.

jjeOAI^ A D '^ T I g E ^ N T f l

Ifaet with- the. Triangle Ct .Uon Co.-of Bobe. Idaho, covering the constrjjctlon of roadbed, drain- kge structures on-7.^2.miles of Ihe Idahi>-Cfntral lUsbvrojr . be­tween Corral and Fairfield known

u a w .p . HlchwaV Project • WPH 127-C b Camaa

as completed' and ac- .OctobefTSrlOSO.

.person; company o r.....______\ .wbo baa. fumlahed labor,Imaterials or supplies used oo the iwork, payment, for which has hoi

made, ahall file wlUi the Oe- nent of PubUc Works, Boise,

____J, within ninety (80).. daysfrom tho abovo date, an Uemlwd atatenient of. hla. claim. for. oil aaounts duo and uniald -by the contractor.

of any- claimant to (lie . . jvlthln ninety (90) days from th« above date shall constl- tule • a -waiver aa

i s

R E A D T H E W A N T , : A D S


One day, I _8c.


lum Two IJqm........um Chargn 25o

aoaslfled Dl^lay Ratss oa quest

la accepting copy for claasl- ed advcnlsamentj for publlca-

..on ia the Idaho ^aln& TUnea. tho -Imes PubUshlog I Company asrr.M to avoid errors as far as possible, but'when a typographical cm r does occur

aponnibUlty of tlM Times Pub- lishbs Company ceMcs after tint publlcalloa If the adver tlser &es &ot call Ita attention V) tho erwr;

All - Clasained Ads are r atilcted to their piuper clasi flcauoa and the Idaho. ESrc'flJD Tlmca recenres tbs riffhtV change the wording of an sl| vertlscmeat If by doing #o | .Icarer tseaolng will result

ClaAslfled Ada which carry . letter and box number Instead of the name of the advertiser must be answered by letter PleaM do not ask for the Dani of the advertiser which U obso lutclr ooaadtatlH ia tuei euot ■ TO PL/.CB YOUR CLASSI- F iro AD. CALL S3 AND ASK FOR TKE AD-'iAKER.



Special Oil Permanent, tl.OO. 1.00 Oil Pcrmanent.vK,00. Klaas

Beauty Shop, 230 Sixth Ave. r Phone 1J35.

PermanenU Jl.50toW.00 Sham­poo and finger wave 60c. Mabel Marie Beauty Shop. 130 Main No. Phone 447.. l*crmanent waving, flngerwav-

ing, marcelling, hair dying, facials. Individual .hair cutting, Oil per­manents from JlJiO. Artistic Beau­ty Salon. 2nd noor. 133 Main W’eat Phone 190;



ICalsomlnlng and general paint- lag, E. L. Shaffer. Phone ,1293-J.

Wanted— Painting and kalao- mining with guarantee. 932 Blue Ukea.

Cold weather Is'at !r. Let us repair your family's

..loes at a rcasonabls price. TwinFalls Shoe Repair. ------ •street.

T I M E T A B L ESchedules ct paasongcr tralaa

and motor stages poaslng through Twin Falls dally are os follows:

OBBGON snosrc IJNB . Eastbound

No. 8M. leaves______ Q:60 «.'niNo. C72, leaves _____ _ 2:1S p. m

WealboundNo. S71. leaves ___10:00 a. oxNo. 60S, leaves — 1:50 p. m

Sontliboana . Daily Cicrpt Soaday .

No. Sip, to Wella. !v. _ 0:30 p. m

No. 340, rrocn Welts, or«2:D0 p. m



Notice, Fai-mers!We have Just received two

more car loads of New Idea Spreaders. ^ Is makes five

:ors since January 1st 1030. See them before you buy!

W i l l i a m s T r a c t o r C o m p a n y

; F O R S A L E1—15-30-MeCormlch-Deering-

Tractor.8-10-20 McCormlck-Deerlng

Tractors.1-10-20 McCormlck-Deering

Farmall Tractor?1—F-20 McConnlck-Deering

Farmall Tractor.2—F*12' llcCormlck-Deerlng Alr-lired tractors, like new.Tlie above tractors are

priced to sell.

W i l l i a m s T r a c t o r C o m p a n y

WANTED TO BUYp Coro on cob.. Clobel

1. 1301 Eleventh Ave.



■Buller 02 score 35; #1 »cor*) score 34: 89 scoro 32.

. , Cheese, flats 13%, triploU 14.: Eggs, large 30) : medium 20 ; iimall 17«. . - ■

L03 ANOBLES I LOS ANGELES, Oct. 9 (ttE>— iButter: Eetni p r li^ fln U

I1S>5.'1eeae: Triplet «1 IS 19, loafs 30.

iMarket firm, receipts' 4,819 ywa.

Butler.market,)rt*»dy,«coIpt# 7,083 tub8i « t « - . f i » U I extra. flrstx 29-sm} <p^ls|





fl:l0 a0:20 I

Arrives via Nortbsido _ i 1:20 p. r 1:80 p. r

. -...... ...........8;25 p. tLeaves ____ 8:S0 p. t

Weatbound0:45 a

Leaves via Northslde^ 3:00 p. iArrives______ _______ 2:08 a. iLeaves _____________3:03 a. i

TWIN PALLS-WELLS ■ves -• ■ 8:00 a. i Ives-----------------6:45 p. I

OAFITAL AIB UNE3 Dally Except Sunday

Westbound Arrives-— -l :.;::::-— 8:io a.

SPECIAL W IRECourleay of

SiuUer, Wegener ft Company Elks Bldg.— rhoae 010

Funit Tnut, A _____Corp. T rust______Quar. Inc........ :...

BONDSHOLC 2H P e t ____FFMC 3 tc t „. .._1»1W.U5-101J(1


at 41K '

'(BAH SILVER r. YO^ Oct.-9

A fine' ouDct.

LONDON. Oct-9 (UZ)—B&rsU ver wu fixed at SO peaca ob oubu today, off penny,-Forward sU ver was quoted at 20 psn<- - »,;off

NBW ''T0BK,"0ctf*?

jTprk JW per cent..; ■,

!day:was quoted at U 1 eUUlngs lp«ne« 'wltb ' sterllns', « t llOOi.. The«.wM X785.000 m gold on'tin

■'.Automoblle-.tlre.'- casing*.; aai; (ubea fr^ueot^ -1»eoom» ivu eaz Ized.UUdly tocetUer. durtns. tlK bigh-'tpotd drlvuiK In flulo'raccs.'

T o d a y ’ s M a r k e t s a n d F i n a n c i a l N e w sLIVESTOCK


100; steady; beef steers $0-(9.6Qi: MWB and heifers $4-S0: calves |5- ;9; feeders and stockers }4-$7.25; Dulls J4-S4.40..

Hogs: 1.700; steady-10c lower; ip $10.45; bulk S10.25-S10.40;

packing sows JD-J9.75; plga »7-

Shiep: 13,500; asking Wgher, bid steady: fat lambs »4J.7S;


anCAGO UVE5TOOK CHICAGO, Oct 9 (ILRI—Hogs; 000; butchem .mostly steady, tc > loR-er than Tliura. average; otji- s steady to a shade higher: 160

..< 2<0 lbs. »0.20 to $10.46: top J10.50; 160.to J80 lbs, largely $9.50 to JIO.IO; 120. to 140 1'-' $8.75 to 59.26; light plga: down ;7 and less; all light add tned. v t sows $0.20 to 19,45; best light wta. J9.C0; extreme hCAvles un<l;r $9,

Cattle: 2,000, calves 600; geoer- rUIy steady on catcA-as-catch can basis; killing quaUty very plain; mostly fed heifers at S3 to'JO; and grass cows and cutter flesh at $4.50 down to J3.50; no relUble outlets for weighty fat cows or for med. w t and'weighty steers suit­able for shipping outlets; absence If kosher klllingB a weiklng fac- or; market In heavy range bul .irflciJcaU/ everj-lblng cJcan up ex- cept few loads $9.10; odd lots, ■earilogs up to $9.70; cleamip on; ausag and fat hulls at 26c .to 60c|

lE A T G lS O N M

, CHICAGO,. Oct 9 «!£)—Wheal futures wdrked higher on the Chi­cago board of trade today as the moderately bulUah nentlment .In foreign markets filtered through to tho wheat pit Boy beans boom­ed the full 4 cent limit In late trade. . - • .

At the ctoBo wheat was up *4 to Ti. .Deo. 1.16, com was up H to 1^. Dec. #614 cents, and oats-----

I top SS.op; mostly $4.76

icnt cattle due to winy weather., Sheep: 8,000; opening trade,

moderately active on native and; ' ■■ r laraha; steady to atrong;;

t no fat western sold; early irood to choice natives $8-60 to $3.86; few to small killers $8.00; best held around $9; sheep steady m top feeding lambs $3.06; new ilgh for season.


—Iloga: 3.000; steady-i5c lower;, •.op Off^a at $9.85; bulk deslrablel J8O-2T0 lbs. $9.50-$9.8G: good to :liolco 140-170- lbs. $8.25-J9.50;' triclly choice 170 lbs. $9.05.C.ittl»: 1,300; calves 300; feiJ

teem and yearlings obout sUady; leifcra steady; cows steady-weak;, -calcrs fully steady; atocUers and feeders s«arce..-:Btfady; few lots' noilum to good fed yearllngx ;7.S0-S8.C0; light stocUers held nbove $9; practical top voalers S7,

Sheep: S.OOO; lambs Btrong-26c higher; other classes steady; bulk sorted native lambs $8.25-$a.60; top $8:bO; no fat range lambs

Choice 03 lb. fed dipped I $S.25.

(logs: 290. Slow. No top butchenj

t N. Y . STOCKS ~J

NEW .YORK Oct 9 (UB—Theluarket closed higher.' 'Alaaka * -

by firmness in Llverpool-and Win­nipeg. Additional rains in the southwest winter wheat belt Im­proved crop prospects In' that area and dlacoumged buying of July, - .... . .............. ............ crop.

lAtlanUc RcflnFng ............I Atchison. Topeka & Santa FolAuburit Motors -------------Baltimore! * Ohio---------- 25%Bendl* Aviation----------- - 31%Bethlehem SUel__ -------- 74»iBorden Co. ----- —j. I. Case Co. — ......ChL, Ma, St Paul & Pao— iChrysler Corp. .---- CoU .......

Iwhlch ) Is the net

Itlve intereat 'to restrict price galni.I An excellent shipphig demand land adverse weather conditions jrallied coin prices.

^Vbeat-Open High Low Close

■Dec____1.14H 1.15vi 1.1414 1.15«|"Tay ....;1.12T4 I-I3}i IJSs'l.lSu'Jly-----J8H .07%Com—■ec. .B5U .98?; ,.05H .90*4

J a y -----OOTi .91V4 .90»i .91»-87H, .87h .87*4

Dec.-----41Vi • -«Ti

Icommonwealth ic Southern., iCouUneiftal OU of Delaware 341iiCOm Piquets .. ......... — 60V*,Du Pont de Nemours .........108Eastman. Kodak ..........—J-176Electric Power & Light -----ISHlGeneral Electric ... . 48S|General Foods---- ----------30 ;'

- 71''i...... ..................... .............2714,

IlntcmaUonal Harvester ---- 68141

.. 32>4

May... . .42.41U .41»i

.82 .82«.80 4 ..8O14

.12 .73

I Montgomery Ward .............

National Dairy l^ u c ts ....25'.iPackard Motors__________13New York CenUal ......... . 48?iParamount Pictures .....13ViJ. C. P^ey^Co, _.........— 04

pS?Tbii is??

May .80 4July...... 72U

Barley—Dec. . 81V5A

CASH GRAIN CinCAGO, Oct 9 (tuy- -Wheat;

:No. 1 hard 51.22|T; No. 2 bard $1.18: No. 4 mixed SI.171.4: sam­ple grade mixed $1.16.

Com—old. crop—No. 1 yellow $1,09 to $1.00%; No. 3 yellow at ".09 to $1-00 ;; No..3 yellow $1.09

Jl.09%: No..4yellow $1.08; No. 6 yellow jl.00y; No, 4 .white $1.20; aamplo grade $1.04 — all llllnola proportional , Oats; No. Iwhlto 46c to4S?ic; No- 2 43*4C to 4<14c: No. 3 431/lC! " 0. 4 43c; sample 40 ,c lo 41&;c.

Rye: no sales.Barley: feed 74c to 85c; malt­

ing Jta2 to Jl-47.Cloverseed $18 to .... .Timothy seed: old crop $5.60 to

$5.75;. new crop $Si3 to $5,00. '


Reynolds Tobacco B. ........ 50*i! Safeway Storei

.ra fc>ebuck

Isocony Vacuum ............ .. 16^

Standard Oil of Calif.........38tilard Oil of N. J, ......04?i

;Texa» Corp.' ... ......... 42*4:Traas-America ................. 14*4

United Aircraft ......... .....24*JUnited Corp............. ... ... . 8U. S. Steel, com....... 70%Warner Bros...... .............. I35iWestern Union __________ 88UWestbghouse Electric____ 150^P. W. Woolworth Co...... B7iiAmerican RolllDg Mills____

rff?«d'Vuotably ’arounS 25’ cdnta' FALU8 POTATOES .ower at JIO,-mixed drivelna-$9.85|' IDAHO FALLS. OctjO (USDA) down, few good smooth- sows —Upper valley Twin Falls-Burley; ■arly $7.76-J8. ...................... - ,

Cattle: 240. Slow, few chrly sales steady to weak, odd lota local steers *5.80 and $6.85, few plain Holstelna $4-$4.75, few lots med- nnd good cowa 5456-$4.60; cutter grades J2.60-$3.60, med. to good veolers W-JSSO. com. calves down to $5.50; auction aale Thurs­day's offerings mostly plain of feeder quality, single . Future Farmer steers $7. sevetal lots and part loads plain, feeder steers $4-25 to }6.26,,part load heifers $4.40, 98 cows and calves by pair $40 and $41, car 848 lb. Idaho cut- ■ r cows $3.35, few loads and — ‘

ads Idaho and Montana me ad good cows $4.25-$4.70, fewl ads medium and good stocki lives $5.2S-to $&25. , I Sheep;- 3,200. Stow, early sales.

jimitod-to-odd-lot3-tocaUfeeder»: at $7 and downward to $0.


Hogs: 600. Including, 203 ' direct and ufoimd. 300 from, livestock flhowr Steady..-Good-choice drhre- 1ns $10.25. Other welgbts. scarce. Choice feeder plga quotable to 1$8.7B.' CattU; 25, calves 26, Nominally

eady, Medluta steers-• saleable ro\sni $3.75-$0.75,-Good load lot

-raasers to $7.50.-Com.-med. twif ors »4-$3.76. Lew cutter ihd eut- Ur cows $24W-$3.29.: Good beef cows.quotablc.$l.WJ-$0.:Vealer8 $9

. Sheep: 300, Including 200 from lllvestock show. Steady with weak ■undertone on oflrt*'-itedluin fat larnhj 1840-57. StricUr-good quot- abl«'to''W ,^i YeariWgs 'around $4-50-$B. aood<bol9e ewes aalableup;t0 IS.'.’./;-, V £ - ‘


-None.- tioldoyera.- few • ■ --------- -»10,75;

............................. „.od --iedsteers »7.75, • bthtrs , |£35-$7J5.

belfen'M.dMrnj cows $«£0- --^-•,irrades'.52.75.S4.28:

' colvts .300,. /ully steady; vealen -$7,7IS-$9.&0i calvu ,»0-Jtt.75. atockcra J5-$a.BlJ.

S S ;

S I "

tombs $8.76, common $0.76; «

WOOL, BOSTON..Oct.9aU3^ScatUre<l I iota of., greasy: domestic tWOoIs wore being aold. In Boston at fully

y priees,:.the V , -------------

* mo5l^ pade': fleece wools, slmilu. In Mellon t» Ohio

comhtaff,eluded .-L______ _______bright fleece :wooU 8wwa in New

* * ........« > r . _

secUon bulk per cwt Russel* U. S. Na I'a moatly $1 to $1.10. U. a No. rd mostly. 70c to 75c. :

(QiiotaUoiis furnished by Sudlor.M'egner £ Co.) '

CmOAGO PRICES October deUvery: B cara 52-lB;

5 cara $2.16: 7 ooi* $2.17; L,au $2.18; 2 cars J2J9; 2 cara $2.20.

Closing bid and asking price $2.16 to $2.18,

January delivery: 1 car $2JH; 0 cara $2.03; •« cars $2.60; I 'c f - $2.07; 1 car $2,68; S cara $2.70. , - aoalng bid -and asking pricel $2.03 to $2,00...

March'dellveiy: 2 cars $2,90.: I Closing bid ahd asUnp price

shlpuenU’ 888, '.triwk 171, ------light, marl--------- . .. . .-.-day Idaho Russet Burbanks B cars hdVOfto" medium . 52.10,- mosUy rccelven holding, sacked stock for higher price*, lato Thun. l:car $2.0B, No. 2 l air ptactJcally Am from- cuts $lit0: Wash. Busaet Burbonka. early SViday 1 ,car fine quaUty.'bfllcera $2JW; ^ car. :»2:35j 0 )10. UcClures. cotton sacks; i car washed fhlr quality ahd 'szis/bQriap sacks tinwashed gw-l crally lalr qusHlyand.color 1 earl $2.ia », 2 car* $2.10; 6 cars » t 08, 3 ears ialr to otdloary $2.00. aoii;e|

-------- —,-Tirtcelvett holding-best'stock ■for,^ . . iTedlm fatLigtep prices: Wla; Round Whlteslairirtlv. rood ouot.1, ,1 J.riday 1. car $ m 2'can

$1.70.-.:ialr-qtnaily ,med.. 1 'car, il.nv,,'. 1 'ear :$L70. '1 'car, *L6S,'

car rtOO/coumerclal 1 car $L6S.' . car mli^-BUss Triiinplu $L80.i nnd'ltound 'Whites $t70. - •

: . ONION MAIUmX CHICAGO, Oct 9 <n£)-^ton,

prices (M-lh. sacks) I .IU- yetktwaj ase to 40o;;ind. yellows and Mlch.| yellows 45c.-"'.' , .

LI0N8 HEAR 8^AKBr ' ,. .t- a ’ well-otteccted' ueetiag'-to*

day of the Uons cIuh.!md Meteh gave a Ulk oh bis recent trip to Eflffland'-nnd HeoUaniL A em -mlUee: lbs -

tee: was -appointed, to' w Community Chest drive

- 27H .._159


----- 10%Kcim Otpheum ....

-~r" 33H

• ChlMgo PneumaUc !^ol 18^ Curtisa.Wrlgbt___________ o2National DlstiUei North Am»-!can AviatUm -Sec. Auto Lite ___Clark Equipment ________' ■ ley DUtillera ____

N. Y. CURB EXCHANGEAmerican Sup« Power__2HaUM Se^lce/co^.

.'e 'A

SAKBBANCI800 , S OUT H SAN FRANCISCO, O cf 9 flIB—(USDA)—Hoga,' iro, nominally steady, odd lots -180 to ;00 m Calif $10J5rtop: few 233 lb wcIghU $10J3; packing sow* ab- senf quoUd 17,50 -to $8; late Thursday haU-toad local butchors $10J6. •

Cittlp: 100: eteerssteady: twq.rtiort-......... ...........to l,0C0'lb, Ore. srau ,«teers; $7, aOTt«d .thre4 btha to tlie load; bet-

I'nura around 200 h ler. «w«: l»mb»'-?7.{ii Icholce up .b

Beal fur is iiot’-blactc, buVi'ro^iii The sloasy;bl4ck tkaliskia'oflcdm- mma'-has; Meh'.nlaclced-Rt; IIIX ftjase onter .M^o^-dyetL*. i;:

NEW YOIUC, OeL 9 (ttO-Th« stocU market • today scored lU eighUi consccuUve ■- "ilumo around tho 2,000,000' .'

Heaviest trading waa In tooay- acuum. which opened on a blocs

of 24.000.shares. General Motort M next In activity. . - -

175.10 up 0.28: railroad 59,03 up

shares compared with 2,223.090 _ ahares yesterday. Curb salts ap- iiroxlmated 539.000 ahares com­pared with 047,000 shares >'cstcf <iay. _________ _ _ _ _ _ _

Markets at a Glance *By Onlted Press

Stocks hlchtr in acUve trading. Bonds hlnhtr under lead of rolls. Curb stoclu higher la falriy ao« .

Foreign exchange Irregular,CDtton higher.Grains higher, wheat up s

com up S to IH!

Rulfbcrhighcrr ,

Local. Marketsra corrected dally by the Idibo The (oUowlng market qt»talIon« ,

Evening-Times and represent the average prices.pald. according to- the best available inforroatloa Tbo prices ace subject to changs with­out noUce by the dealers, however. Readers are tirged to watch the natloiuil 'markets with which these local markela will rise and fall

B0TINU riUCESSoft wheat----------------------8^OaU, a hundred ,......... ...... $U0Barley, a hundred ............ ..$1.50

- 'Deans '(Market furnished 'b y R. E. U Gamand,’ U, 8,. Bean Inspector)

- me dealers out of market)

Potatoes' -No. I ’s, Bulk to Grower---- 65c-$lNo. 2's, Bulk to Grower ._i~70-75o

PooJtTT at XbutcbColored beas’r-'DVer' .'Jbs........15oColored hens,'4 to O-lbs....... .IBc

Color^ roaat(?t over 4 ,Ibs. _J3«.

L?gh oS ^ lB ,'a 'H -to 2 lbs._mCoTortd fryeM.:2<4 to 4 lbs___lloOld cocks.’ • : • - ---------40

Na.2 battertat— Egffs.'ap«clAl — E x t r a s " ^ „ White*,; medium Stoodatda _23o

PuUola ___ -----------------------ISOEggs ungraded, , in trade __..2So . . . - . Umtoek'Choice Light-Butchors, 160 to -

SOO.poundetB.___.-.jo-eo .Overweight. Butobors, 210 to,230 1

I. 2S0.to

,Underweight Butchers, 13S to .I .180 poundera ---------u ;;.$9.00P i^ n g so^, light ------

8t«Jc;feed.r5.-_____ui.-.. ,8Md -.



.HO,E^'rj'\ocjvre —■^imae,had-noQB -'simply Benrtc^.wVp^'fw.-t^ii' eiS '

' IDAHO HIDE «nd T a !lLO W CO.

• , ^ * o S K £ ' « 2 r ' ’.mgbest.Frlora Fald-lof 01DfiS~>'PEl{r ----

. Bounty on FUc$NBPia Utah nm-^ephl'fam:

Jes are w«rklDg,at« -^sw-loduc-,

, Tho - high for ono weeJt waa jM I- • ..... ...............*


,2 ^ a p S 'o f * ^ ownod“by;;iI l^tna -OandU, -lodUn'-IeadM-, t UDpald.(>xe&-.TliB'IaAd>inf mu. 10*0! ^ ky (h» UM.-Muv I

8txv«»y, oeuibtf ite,rnaaMft Tvibnr

' y OorryJWiyer i'Iifcv# been m-heavy-

• fuU.-

.b«.:«peB n li i l '




Page 9: G.O.P.CAN*, illilK E S...molo.aa he will no unablo.to i f«r personally with the senator. He will atop in Boise l*ut 15 min utes en route to the Pacide cout Won't Meet Dorah ' Plnchot


Page 10: G.O.P.CAN*, illilK E S...molo.aa he will no unablo.to i f«r personally with the senator. He will atop in Boise l*ut 15 min utes en route to the Pacide cout Won't Meet Dorah ' Plnchot

-'.pAge.Ten' in A H O EVENING T M E S : T W IN F A U ^ . IDAHO m m

W H «

• ricUng and Pacidng IB MajorActivity o f Orchardista

In Idaho How

: Moacow, Oct 0 (apeclal) —

' ' u l^ n tto 'lS te fsu tMvojllmf and pacHlnK.",. Bays Dr,

r U rf VcjTior, hcftd of the Iw^ • cullurftl depnrtmeot. of Ibo uni-

•• vorelly. af Haho collcgi.of ^ 1 - ‘ cujluro." VOrowers aoil . orcham

intwaBors.^ «u rv^ K th6 fmU• M It'comei to tha gituilnB tables,

• • • cBllm'allng tho iptrcenUge of low : trom’lwct:*t!opr, <ltem«. P »r

-^color.itmd a hoal of other cauaca.■ AtMha aanio- Umo; picking and. packJDB.crcns are bard nt, wojk

; : nuiklnff more eiilla out of p«rf«cl;• 1» sound ■ apples by rough and

■ carclcaa KandlUitr; Thla la ooo ol• the' totally 'lDc»cuaable., twDgi•i aboiit Inilt ^w in g that contln-

uo» year oftcr^^ear."; Cilllirpere*ntaa«.; ' Dr. Verier saya reporU wveal

- ■ Uisi frbm -« to aa'HlffJi M pet . • cent of tha .-cuU apples la-some “ ' -dlBCricta .aro-culta -bocau»- ol

■ brtitsca stem punctuwa. and oth-• :• cfklada of taechanloa Injury duo

■ ■ to carelesa handling. "Moat of thefncct\ai>lca«■ In..the.orchard during harvest

' ha cxplalna. ‘■LaihScra are ballcrcd agaJast the fruit: picltcra drop their apples Into picking l>a8»

: atedd of laying tlicin In carefully and bags aro emptied Into, boxes

:SfK5«2.tSs: =•C« all.over Ujo orchnrd."

, ‘There ore very few apple or- ■charda or packing houses In which

Gplouial Scout

XllnUiaiion of the itlrring tala 'of-ad\Tnture and romiuica In acountry In the making bexlna a

day cngneeroent Ifterti. -... -.Iph Bcott heada the Im­posing cast os nairkeye, tbo handsome luid .daring Colonial Bcout hero ,ot the story. ivhUo oppeorlag In Important featured roles an DInnIe Barnes, Henry

Druce Cabot, Heath* •• -ee<J, Eobcrt Bar-

kler and mUard

injprovemcnt InhandtlogUiefrulL The fault Iloa In carclesanesa onthe part of the employees ratherthan In faulty equipment."

Applo growers desiring to-eheelc ; their pracUces for poaalblo Im-nrovemcnfaro urged by Dr. Ver-'jier to study Farmer's BulleUn

•• 1400. -Tho Ripening. Stomgc. and HuadUng of Apples," Thla pubU-

, cation is IsJued by the U. 8. de­partment of ngricuUurc. Cpples

• may be secured, from tho Unlver- ■ . sity o f Idaho collegc of agricul-

. turo.


• . Members rind Ihclr fricnda were • • preacnt at tho ‘3i class reunion

•. held Saturday evening. Tha prpup ! cblectcd at Uio Fay Slicelaoy home.

•. then they attended the dance at nadloland In Twin FalU. At tho

.•Shecsley borne they were served

. a two course luncheon. The-home , . , ■wu'.dKOrated In the <*la» cotons.! - ' Marooa and Gold, .with the clfias

niotto and the year of graduation!•• placed-above the largo.n-todows.j

■ Jir.'and.Mrs.'Ed. Clsh. senior ad-,- :vfsor9 nftho time, of, gnuJuaUon,

' were guests of tho group, Mr. and, .Mr*. Fay .Sheesley also .were' guests. ’

- • Paul Sleders.'wbo has .been VU'• nine-and workliiR hero for the

Eisl few months hsff returoea to s home' In Rodsvllle. Mo.

, ■ Mrs, AUBust Nelson was UVen• sertoualy 111 Monday cvwlng .-at

lier-bome-hero...Sb6 waa taken to ,tho 'hospital .Tyeaday • aft<imoon

■ trip S*'jacicson Hole country, «•. tvmed'homo^Tvtsday evening fo ’

••' lowing notUlcfttlon of Mrs. Nel- •’ «on-a Illness.: Bh« Is -»

tlayifiond Browns, who luisj '• ■bein'scriouslyi'Jll with pleurisy. U •..reported;to:bo Improving. .. . .1 •' -ia Ne#;coal,«htd« are.In construe-, :':;tton at the Hanacn elevator taking ■nlho .' place' o f old, onw recenUy

:Th« mcmbera 'ol tho Senior l i t - - -•' aet.Tuesday at the homo of

____ J. L. ‘filMmoro with : Mr*.i- virgu^vniso^ aa BsslstaBt hoalMs.': .Kt». BoVlDurk hnd cliarps of .tha,:• .-pwCTain and.Intreductd A^,‘ r jK>}d.-:KSmborly. ’ who - playrf - two, '.vipl^o ieleeUens.. Ur*. M..P. ,Ken*

! iett’i:v'.;<drK«'tdiito'whereMr.IJ«m plans,

r!&Wg^elfrt»>at_Wcdncsdajr at^^^

—Jock, lOng Ccorgo’a ___has been retired and pei----with a bunch of carxola dally.

It waa on tho 13-year-old ponyl that ^0 late King took hla last' ride, r *• .1

Jocic will not be shod and hla, inno will bo allowed to grmv. To;

afford tho " ............company two of hla old friu.--., riuff and Wondo. also have been! retired to tho same paddock with' Jock. Tho two marcs are quartered at night In thatchcd roof boxes, oimough Jock usually spends the night In tho open.

III New Picture

. Qulcf' «llh IJonel At- >vlU, .RaymoRd Wolbum i and Ann LoHng.. It Is the draikaUo story of un airliner crasb, ea* capcd ItlUer*. and other tcnso, taut altuaUons that make iho picture odrcatorously exciting. ‘Tho program Includes "Undcr- seo lUngdom." No. 7, tauloon and ncii-a. Beglnhlng Sunday nt tho Idaho is *'Uidy Be Cans ful," ivlth Ayrc«, MaryCarLUla and Larry Crabbo.

Curwood Tale Now On Roxy’s Program]

with the screen's gslar. galloping, fighting, shooting trooper Kormlt Maynard given

rein for his prowess oa a crlm- - hurrlcano- of Juatlcc,' James

[Oliver Curw-ood’s mighty saga of :the northwest Caoadlon 'provlnccs, "Phantom Patrol,” will roar ncross the screen of tho Rojcy theater to­night and Saturday and , carry its audlcnccs to new entertainment delights.

As a sergeant In tho Royal Cana­dian Mounted Police, Kermlt May. nard romps whimalcally through,

dlcBt ncttoQ and Iho most Aiiuatloaa oVer devised,

lero ftro rollicking songs, too, 'Phanconi Patrol," with now

land then a liberal sprinkling of comedy to relievo tha

,. fighting, tcnso melo­drama j»nd terrific suspenso of tt'- outstoadlng nnd. never - bcfoi equalled octloa picture.

Fisol Tribute Paid at EaUojr To Marita Malloiy, Wlio

Died WcdEcaday

HAILEY,'OcU 0 (Special) - Final tributo waa paid Martln.Mal- lory, prominent HaUiy 'business man and county assessor, at aerv- ivlecs held this afternoon at the family home. Rev. James Opio lEplscopal rcctor, officiated nt the riles. ,

PaUbenrcra Included Johnny Bol., llffor,' Jr., • Leon Friedman. Oscar Thomm. 'Eddie Foster, S. J. Ben:> son and Tom Bailey.' -Inlcnncnt

- la Hailey cemete^. . , ,•. .MaUory died Wednesday at

the Hailey hospital from a blood clot on tho henrt.,Thko weeks ago ho sustained a' fracturcd bip wheri -B was atruck.by a trailer.'. ' .Hero for tho services was hts

alitcr, Mrs. Mabcl Hame, Spokano.

2,60irM U eTripTo Dentist

day, tho Blue Triangle t lU regular meeting. Tha : in charge of Marjorit Jan* was an imitation of Vajo, . amateUr hour with Jean.aark in- personalnlg Major Bowes,

The Bello sUtert, Jeann!aon, JEnSi Richards, and Elli, , .White, were voted tho most popu­lar. Other numbers were:'Botta


______icetiri^f.tho high ochool'Science club.TtiurBday.nftenKSp.n.

HONOLULU (llEI — Twenty-six hundred miles ocros tho Paeifle to have a tooth pulled Is the lord of James Kamakolwl, on. tho youthful colonlzera of Jarvis Island for the govemmcat

After spending three months tho island which some day may becomo an airplane baso In south PacUic service, Kamakalwl gave In to a toothache, boarded tha coast guard cutter Itasca and -was brought to Honolulu to a dentist.

High^Sch66l- N e w s :,

U. Acyono wtahlnii.to jo lp ^ .....o must write a Uicals' on isclentUio mibject, which ihust,b« acceptcd by a commlttea arid'ap-

Verm. Beua. Natboa ■Klberl, and Hugh' Joslya were, a; an a program conunittec.Uon with tho sational society discussed.

Prefers Home, PASADENA; Calif. (ttE> — Thla city will.lose lb chief pollco wo man. Miss’ Euellna - Elizabeth Jones, when nhe • marriea' 1 ^ . Frcdcrick Moaoa Cbaca, inter­nationally known Harvard Ceolo- ' ■ . Desplto the marriage tho

____will continue her police durties for tlio peHdd required

'epartmcnt nilta. '

All anthracite col mine at Sum­mit Hill, Pa., has been burning continuously since ISOO. .■


< i>oii :8ct>tt____

*fl „.,paslcf ’ fbe 'riv;

____ _ tinff'm«Uh tjarge crowd at- Jib^fte6er»-and pastor

________ ^uced in .novel : deserip;

vrftwn of.tw RUdUfflCB-took part In a ■ I' lrtcUW sontsat, with-tho p.artfci :.;lnftnti;:dlr«cllnff-songs of -Ihtlf

tyIa.Oa«wt ,wori .lb« oon-

,; Uw 'lKM -o/ "Olv Suaannah,'-

6f .alr.?Jaylor. Oti-i ^ap - /d; .Saispaon and: Arthur

“ 't'-•anjr-'two aumbeta-ftci rtby.Slot.'ai.A.Ilol}l6oa; . ,, Kiihd • profframi'TefrealanenU


d just teley W .0

W e e t E n d S p e c i a l s

Great Values in Women’s


\fro have jiiat ncelvod

120 F r ^;valnes,to-»l-fi5 w6ich-«6 aw loiferloff Fri y ;Salurday,.for •»O l/•SUmaiag atyles.^r^. gar-, !iaent guaraatoe^;; "■

'. Candy Special

Peanui BrittleMado by McDonald Cboc. Co.

15c lb

Fail BulbsDarwin Tulips'—Paper white -Narciasuo— Daffodils— Hy-

1 0 c .

Pillow Casea98c

Matching Scarf FR£B

M O E E H E A DPhono. I L f f A D W * ! * lUSocond

7U A Steiot Hut

Loin Steak -»S<!Roast Prime Rib>Veal Steak 1 2 « i

Sliced BaconMinced Ham •— J4<rFresh Fish 1

Oysters -»5CTomatoes -10<S

GoSSee -2 *< 5

Many Other Unadvertised Specials!

R&g^Rugs18K30 Inch . I l l

■ 1 2 c

T u m b le r sDrccn — Pink — 'Crj

S 02.'Table aizD

2 ; for 5C -

Crystal White , Soap

1 0 . . „ 2 5 cCannon towel ^ ;fot.‘ 10 •oap •wrappers.'. Um it,. 10 bara to ouatotner.' . . . .

' Spud Gloves' ■ Elsallc- 'iVrist,

2 , 25 c

■ , ; 8 Quart '.,,. ,

Galvanized Pails

1 7 c Each

Decorated Salad Bowls-■-■7 Inch

l O c

’ - Green 'Olosa ~

Mixing Bowl Sets

. - OPIcccs


MJ. King Co.St.oo.Storei.

, SAI/r tu^KB.CITY,.Oct D (OB |—lUgh'Dchool fMtbaii rivalry cul; alnated In a'neat'riot'on city

U here last slght.and result* 1 the arrest' of im atur '

able property ilamoga...... . . TUlARB,,.CBllf. -,niE) .-.JVijca ••ThB' two. Injured in fighting City-JOdgo Fred

were t^en to Emergency bospilal toded a^w^uartcp.ofa'peuBd., ‘ v. ; for treatJnGnt of .facTai lacerations lemon th ^ wero.AO ImpUcatloai. and bnilses aa the result of n>ck-aiim^bcd to It -It'was’Uuwrtng. -. .. example of what 'a

Radio patrol .caw were »wamp-|t«m<in trco —

itho city as Btodenlfl of the West In Uw'polar regions. complcUly high and Sut high schooU clash- dark nIsbU are:an exception,- the led in tha strceU; Th# two teajos horlion usually, being , Jlghtctf-by • • ' .................. tha l)Idde«-sun.., >

U S E D C A R S■36—PLYMOUTH OOOPB. O X guarantee ____„ . .^ 3 S

:.'34-r-PI.'yiaOUTH OOAOH. O.K. gnirtnUo

'34-FOED OOAOKO.K. guorantw:______________94B 5

'SS-POBD OOUPE. 0.K, guarantee ____ ^ 0 0

’S1-M3HEV30I.ET OOUPE: O X Sfi&rAntOQ ^.UJ.-$28S

.'SO-CHEVBOLET OOTJPE,'.OX guWLBtee ^ _ „ . .$ 2 a S '

!SO-OHEVEOLET OOAOH, o x guaraiite6‘ ______ % t7 S

:'30-CHEVH0LBT SEDAN, 0 .X guanmtes

‘aO ^H BTO O LET SEDAN ----------------- :____$ 18 S ;

'SO^PORD OOAOH _____ ____ ' -■

so- t-f o e d o o o te ____

•Zi^TOSD :0 0 U P E ________ _____ .........i -

.'29—POBD S E D A N ^ ___________

'28-DODOE SED AN________



$16$ JS fis


'31—NA8H SEDAN ____ _____" • '


: ? o - p o N m o s e d a n :..:.:— ::— .-:....

■'27--NASS SEDAN ... ............



’2B-0HEV.;lVa*WN TRDOK, with'bBol body ;

'SS^OHEV.-lVi-TONJPIOK-UP, 4-«peo(I Xsias.

GLEN G. JENKINS____________________TO iiirAa .



j& des O n S k l e 8 A , M . S a t u r d a y' I 100 Piecra First Qii.Tlity

' Alutnittuin W are• . 8-Oup Penolatcr \dtii Ohor-proof Handl«'• 2-Ot. Double BoUer ^

: 5-Qt. Tea-Kettle .•, 4-Qt, OoTered Pan ■ '• fl-Qt; OoTcfed Kettle

8-Po. Windsor Poa Sot

Pine quality; aluminum — beats quicblf, cleans cosily and lasts a Jong time, Tabii ndronbij^ o f this spccial icature pdcel SaVoJ

Silk and Wool Pilled



50 c



2 sr 14cNone sold to dealers. We reserve th'e right to limit {uantlty.

New Shipment! Children’s

P I . A Y S U I T S; •^Kne,-TM,^arey 0o7 ^ .or Stripe's!.' ; • '"Sturdy fabrics, xnado up ' t « Pensey’s ' rigid standards! Ont roomy for' comfortJ

, Strongly sewed for servicel • .

21, BoyB,’ ,BlanlMt.Lincd


S1.50• Shoii comck stylol• Talon fastener fronti O 36% wooMlnineU -

,-v aSiese.WIU Oo PastI .„Hur:y!’ a- r.j

. .;Soyb^S54.wool;


SOc::Just 25 sulis M fati}(<!n:alW' -fPOM'a.to lB at thls mpney-.eavlns prleei.-nieyUl, gorto';

,-eat<y .«hopfer8!

100Beys’ Blonlict-Ilned ,


$ 1 . 0 0Good heavy, blub d^m.



.aUiiiy.'-blue ■ deni*.':,Triple 'Stitched .and-bwitaokeai;.'

BOYS’ Woric Shirts

Boys' .‘ -Duke of Kent''

