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GORDON WEST BULLETIN€¦ · our school Captains and Prefects attended a very successful Leadership...

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GORDON WEST BULLETIN VOLUME 6 2018 MAY 10 2018 Principal’s Report Ryde Road Pymble 2073 Telephone: 9498 4644 Fax: 9498 4436 Email: [email protected] Website: www.gordonwest-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Tues 15 May Reptile Park Yr1 & 2 Tue 15 - Thur 17 May NAPLAN Tues 22 May Interrelate Monday 28 May CB2 Syd Eisteddfod Tuesday 29 May CB1 Syd Eisteddfod ICAS Science Exam Tues 5 June Zone Cross Country Wed 6 June Grandparents Day K-2 Mon 11 June Queens Bday Public Holiday Dates to Remember Welcome back to Term 2 and we hope that your vacation was enjoyable. For the more adventurous I can certainly recommend night bike riding along the Parramatta River although you do need a good bike light and it can be a little scary riding through the mangroves. Thank you to all parents for your support of our School Development Day on the first day of Term 2 where a great deal of teacher professional development was achieved in a student free environment. We realise that organising child care can be rather difficult for some parents. And we thank you for your cooperation. On Wednesday of the first week of term a school leadership team organised a very successful ANZAC Day Commemorative ceremony where we acknowledged the enormous contribution of Australian men and women in current and past world conflicts who have helped to ensure the wonderful freedom that we Australians experience. Mr Pickup our guest speaker delivered a beautiful child centred address outlining the significance and relevance of ANZAC Day commemorative day services. Well done to Nick Jackson who played The Last Post and Melissa Duke-Yonge who played The Rouse. On Tuesday and Wednesday of last week our school Captains and Prefects attended a very successful Leadership Camp at Collaroy accompanied by Miss Archer. A small in numbers but very enthusiastic group of parents attended the Gordon West Parents and Citizens Meeting on Monday last. We are very fortunate to have such a talented group of individuals who give up their very valuable personal time to support the Gordon West School parent organisations.
Page 1: GORDON WEST BULLETIN€¦ · our school Captains and Prefects attended a very successful Leadership Camp at Collaroy accompanied by Miss Archer. A small in numbers but very enthusiastic

GORDON WEST BULLETIN V O L U M E 6 2 0 1 8 M A Y 1 0 2 0 1 8

Principal’s Report Ryde Road Pymble 2073 Telephone: 9498 4644 Fax: 9498 4436 Email: [email protected] Website: www.gordonwest-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Tues 15 May

Reptile Park Yr1 & 2

Tue 15 - Thur 17 May NAPLAN

Tues 22 May


Monday 28 May

CB2 Syd Eisteddfod

Tuesday 29 May

CB1 Syd Eisteddfod

ICAS Science Exam

Tues 5 June

Zone Cross Country

Wed 6 June

Grandparents Day


Mon 11 June

Queens Bday Public Holiday

Dates to Remember

Welcome back to Term 2 and we hope that your vacation was enjoyable. For the more adventurous I can certainly recommend night bike riding along the Parramatta River although you do need a good bike light and it can be a little scary riding through the mangroves. Thank you to all parents for your support of our School Development Day on the first day of Term 2 where a great deal of teacher professional development was achieved in a student free environment. We realise that organising child care can be rather difficult for some parents. And we thank you for your cooperation. On Wednesday of the first week of term a school leadership team organised a very successful ANZAC Day Commemorative ceremony where we acknowledged the enormous contribution of Australian men and women in current and past world conflicts

who have helped to ensure the wonderful freedom that we Australians experience. Mr Pickup our guest speaker delivered a beautiful child centred address outlining the significance and relevance of ANZAC Day commemorative day services. Well done to Nick Jackson who played The Last Post and Melissa Duke-Yonge who played The Rouse. On Tuesday and Wednesday of last week our school Captains and Prefects attended a very successful Leadership Camp at Collaroy accompanied by Miss Archer. A small in numbers but very enthusiastic group of parents attended the Gordon West Parents and Citizens Meeting on Monday last. We are very fortunate to have such a talented group of individuals who give up their very valuable personal time to support the Gordon West School parent organisations.

Page 2: GORDON WEST BULLETIN€¦ · our school Captains and Prefects attended a very successful Leadership Camp at Collaroy accompanied by Miss Archer. A small in numbers but very enthusiastic

One of the challenges we do face however is how we convey the wonderful programs being implemented at our school to the community that we serve given the everyday challenges in relation to time that parents have in a society such as ours. On Monday evening I spoke briefly on the School Annual Report and our Strategic Directions for 2018/2021 that were recently uploaded to our school website. Each year the school will assess it’s performances using the School Excellence Framework across the domains of Learning, Teaching and Leading. Please contact the school if you require any clarification after reading these documents.

Congratulation to Ms Papic for organising such a wonderful Cross country carnival on Tuesday of this week. We were overwhelmed by the number of participants in all age groups. For example there were over sixty participants in both the girls and boys 8/9 year old division. Participants did their personal best and were heartily cheered on by their peers and parents in attendance. Congratulations to everyone involved.

Congratulations to the Gordon West Senior Dance Group on their successful audition for the Sydney North Schools Dance Festival to be held at the Glenn St Theatre later in the year. The dance group have been working very hard under the guidance of Miss Hortense and Miss Wolujewicz.

The National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy tests (NAPLAN) will be conducted next week. These assessments provide comprehensive information on

achievement of our school and students in Australia. This will provide excellent information to guide student learning and to support school planning.

We look forward to working with the results of these tests to improve student learning at our school.

Council Rangers have been “booking” parents for traffic infringements in the vicinity of the school. For the safety of Gordon West children please adhere to traffic regulations.

Congratulations to the school community for your support of the school uniform policy as determined by the parents of Gordon West and monitored by the school staff . The children will wear full winter uniform from next Monday.

Adherence to school uniform policy has many positive features in relation to developing school tone and culture.

Thank you to Mrs Jang and her helpers for running the Uniform Shop so efficiently to ensure that uniforms are readily available.

Parents are reminded that tracksuit tops and sports jackets are not part of the winter uniform and are only to be worn for sports activities.

It is that time of the year again when we request that parents of Kindergarten children for 2019 ensure that their enrolment forms have been submitted.

It is crucial that projected numbers are available for 2019 school planning. In the past three years we have been unable to offer placements for new out of area applicants. However this doesn’t mean that there won’t be places for new out of area applicants next year. It all depends on numbers so please get your enrolment application forms submitted as soon as possible.

J Huckerby Principal

Opportunity Class applica ons for 2019 

Last term notes were sent out to all Year 4 students providing them with informa on for how to apply for Year 5 entry to an opportunity class in 2019 if they were interested. The applica on website closes on Friday the 18th of May 2018 and no late applica ons will be accepted. Detailed instruc ons on how to apply online are available at  

h ps://educa on.nsw.gov.au/public‐schools/selec ve‐high‐schools‐and‐opportunity‐classes/year‐5  .   

There are no paper applica on forms. Please see Mrs Garland or Mrs Ryan if you have any ques ons regarding the applica on process.  Donna Garland Assistant Principal 

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Page 4: GORDON WEST BULLETIN€¦ · our school Captains and Prefects attended a very successful Leadership Camp at Collaroy accompanied by Miss Archer. A small in numbers but very enthusiastic
Page 5: GORDON WEST BULLETIN€¦ · our school Captains and Prefects attended a very successful Leadership Camp at Collaroy accompanied by Miss Archer. A small in numbers but very enthusiastic

Apology from the Uniform Shop To all parents who have ordered and paid for Winter Jumpers, sizes 6 and 10. They have been delayed again and are now due to arrive next week. As soon as I receive them, they will be sent home. Apologies for the inconvenience caused. If you have any questions, feel free to email. Kind Regards Ruth Jang Uniform Shop Manager [email protected]

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Page 7: GORDON WEST BULLETIN€¦ · our school Captains and Prefects attended a very successful Leadership Camp at Collaroy accompanied by Miss Archer. A small in numbers but very enthusiastic

Library News

HELP NEEDED! This term in the Library we are working towards making our masterpiece artworks in celebra on of the 2018 Short Listed Books.  For one of our artworks we need to collect ‘MANY’ plas c screw bo le top lids of all colours and sizes. Examples of where those bo le top lids come from include – milk bo les and fruit juice bo les.  Please, please, please start collec ng your plas c lids. Please wash your lids and bring them to the Library.  Let’s work together to re‐use materials to create a magical art masterpiece and help our environment.

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Congratulations to the following students who have completed the challenge:

Megan L KP Liam B 3/4F

Ashwin S 3/4F William B 4E

Vivienne E 3/4F Tiffany F 3/4F Tabitha R 4E Heather Z 4G

Charlotte F 4/5D Jasmine K 4/5D

Eleanor B 6S Eva C 1A

William M 2K Jai A 4G

Macey B 4G Omran D 4E Harriett L 4E

Jack P 4G Nina S 4G Skye W 4G Oliver B 4E Zara D 1F

Andy C KD Max H KP Raik K KT Snow L KH Vienna R KP

Maya W Alexandra L 1S

Karina S 1W Lavena C 2G Daniel G 2B Serena C 3G Angie H 3G

Natasha M 3H Caitlin V 3/4F Victoria W 3G

Rainbow W 3/4F Vanessa W 4G Isabel P 4/5D Jules K KH Leo K KH Gus B 2B

Archie T 3/4F

Page 9: GORDON WEST BULLETIN€¦ · our school Captains and Prefects attended a very successful Leadership Camp at Collaroy accompanied by Miss Archer. A small in numbers but very enthusiastic

Congratula ons to Noah M, Tom P, Summer M & Tom R who swam at the NSWPSSA swimming championships at Homebush on Wednesday 11 & Thursday 12 April.  Both Noah (11’s) and Tom P (12’s) swam in the 50m backstroke races.  Summer swam in the 9’s 50m freestyle.   Tom R  swam in the mul  class 50m freestyle, backstroke, 

Soccer Results 4/5/18 Div 1 vs St Ives Senior A won 1-0 Junior A1 drew 1-1 Junior A2 won 2-1 Div 2 vs St Ives Senior B drew 1-1 Junior B1 drew 1-1 Junior B2 drew 0-0

Netball Results

4/5/2018 No results friendly games.

Girls Soccer Results

4/5/2018 Jnr Girls vs West Pymble lost 0-2 Snr Girls vs Roseville won 7-0

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