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Gospel Connection Magazine-"The Word is Out...Were Anointed"

Date post: 09-Apr-2016
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A Word oriented publication straight from the mind of God.Addressing the issues and actions of the whole man in the body of Christ and the world. We are proclaiming to be a Major Voice for God to the World! thus publishing insight and information from the five-fold hand of God...the Apostle, Prophet,Pastor,Evangelist and the Teacher.
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Gospel Connection Magazine is the fulfillment of making my call and election sure in the Gospel of

Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God. We are a Word oriented publication straight from the mind

of God, through the Vision of my Apostle-Dr. M.D. Hill and the Success In Christ Ministries Interna-

tional. I was given “a hand full of purpose”, and a charge in my spirit to bring this assignment to

pass at such a time as this!

As I pondered on how long it has taken for this to be birthed, I would hear Habakkuk 2:3 say “the

vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie.” Then heard the Apostle

say ”It’s All About Time and Change.” From here I was given this editorial to start the flow of the

Gospel Connection Magazine to you<God has raised up a nation and is sending forth laborers that

are bringing glory to his name in the Kingdom (Joshua 1:8 / III John 2). We are to proclaim to the

still dying nations and the people of this world that Jesus Is Alive and It’s our Time< The Body of

Christ-The Last First, The First Last!

The wealth of the wicked has been transferred, all that is required is Change. We must change our

focus and allegiances from the world system to the principals and precepts of the Kingdom of God.

Whosoever Will- Believe and Change!

The dream of Dr. King has been made manifest< Opportunities are endless! It’s now all about Time

and Change! Our Time is Here and is Now<Our Due Season! As a-“A Major Voice For God to the

World”. Connect with us as a reader, subscriber, and advertiser as we connect you to the World!

This issue is just a taste of the Glory that shall be revealed through The Gospel Connection

Magazine! As He Is …so are we!

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I cried about my yesterday all day today… I cried about my yesterday today. I cried about my yesterday all day today… I cried about my yesterday today. Crying about yesterday has kept me from living today…I cried about yesterday today. I cried about yesterday all day today…yesterday is why I can not live today… I cried about yesterday today.

Yesterday is the reason that I’m living like I’m living today…I cried about yester-day all day today. If there had not been a yesterday there would not be a today… Yet and still… I cried about yesterday all day today. If yesterday is gone, why am I still living my yesterday today? If yesterday can’t hurt me and the people in my yesterday are gone, why am I still living in my yesterday today.

My cry is to get beyond yesterday…my cry is for my tomorrow to not be like my yesterday but yet I am living and crying about my yesterday today.

I asked God to deliver me from my yesterday, I asked God to help me to not hurt about yesterday today. Yet he has allowed my yesterday to be with me today to de-liver me from my yesterday, today… I cried about yesterday all day today.

My yesterday is yesterday and my today seems to be my yesterday and I’m crying about my yesterday still the more today. In order to be free of my yesterday I must cry about my yesterday today… I was alone, so I thought, yet my yesterday was still with me. I was living in today and my yesterday was my today. In order to be free of my yesterday I must cry about my yesterday today.

Although today I’m not in the place I was in yesterday… I’m not in the city, I’m not around the people that I was with yesterday… yet I’m crying about my yester-day still the more today… In order to be free of my yesterday I must cry about my yesterday today.

Crying about my yesterday is helping me to be able to live today… crying about my yesterday will cause me to see today… and I’m crying about my yesterday- still the more today.

God is a God of Eternity, a God of Mercy, a God of grace, God is a God of Today…He was God in my yesterday and he is God today.

Yet why am I still crying about my yesterday today? The Answer... came in me cry-ing about my yesterday today.

As I cried about my yesterday today, I was emptied of my yesterday today. I did not see it then… I did not know it then, but Today is Today for me Today… be-cause I cried all day about my yesterday today.

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“Since they took prayer out of the schools, all

kinds of things have been happening and kids

have just gone wild”! For years many have re-

hearsed this statement. The power and author-

ity of this supposed truth has been attributed to

one woman (out side the body of Christ) to

cause this to come to pass and be seemingly irre-


I submit to you that prayer was taken out of the

Home before the schools. If you agree that it is

still out of the schools, it is still out of the home.

(II Cor. 13:5)

How can I make such a claim and proclaim it

true? Let me expound further this way< when I

was in school (over 25 years ago) prayer was

supposedly still in the schools. I remember a

short prayer over the intercom, the pledge of al-

legiance to the flag (which you could be sent

home if you did not stand or put your hand over

your heart), and the song-my country tiz of thee.

And a short prayer over our food before lunch;

that’s it!

How dare we believe that a less than two-

minute prayer made the difference in the stabil-

ity, spiritually and naturally of the school sys-

tem and in the lives of our children. What a way

to cast off the responsibility of the work neces-

sary to shield and guide the lives of our next

generation and little ones. How soon we forget

from whence we have come.

I was taught that the purpose of knowing our

history is so it will not repeat itself. The princi-

pals, precepts, and paths that were laid as our

foundation are to be passed on from generation

to generation (Joshua 1:8/ Deut 6:1-7). When

and why have we stopped the flow? How much

more has to happen before we wake up, take off

and take our families back to our knees?

I believe this is the message that was sent to us

from Satan, allowed by God< “You are not

watching or praying. You don’t know whose

you are anymore or your rights. You have

lifted the hedge of protection from around

your children! I (Satan) live but you make me

alive! As I am seeking whom I may devour, I

see your children unlearned and looking to my

world. I am the accuser of the brethren-as you

say- so I left the face of your God with permis-

sion to attack your children and cause them to

attack each other. Your disobedience in not

training up your children in the way they

should go from the home, and allowing the

book of the law to depart out of your mouths

and it never being in theirs( these are instruc-

tions from your bible) I found one of my own

to step in and deceive you through a technical-

ity-Organized Prayer? And you did not even

fight back! None of you saw me coming and

still have not come to yourselves.”

Continued on page 20...

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Mama never said she was broke or couldn’t afford it. She made it happen with what we had in the

kitchen. I was a picky eater and didn’t like this and that. She didn’t make me eat it anyway, again

she satisfied me with what we had in the kitchen that I liked and I still fix these dishes Today<

Lemon Iced Donuts / BBQ Sauce

*One can of biscuits *Del Monte ketchup

From the fridge *Worchester Sauce

*Syrup bottle cap *Vinegar

*Butter *Sugar

*One lemon *water

*Sugar from the table **Pour 2gether , shake well then pour

*Cooking Oil onto wings, bake.

Mash biscuits flat, cut a hole in center with syrup bottle cap, drop mashed biscuits into hot oil cook

until golden brown. Mix butter, sugar, juice from lemon, pour over hot donuts.

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Quinee’ and Teddy are on their second date go-

ing to the movies. Teddy reaches for her hand to

hold as they walk to the theater! Quinee’ pulled

her hand away and said “I don’t know you that

well yet ! But she was hearing from within “I

have read this book before < I should have known!

Teddy’s trips to Dallas are now every weekend,

which says to me that soon it will be over for us

and I’m still not financially able to get my own

place. On this particular Saturday morning I had

laid back down after seeing him off to Dallas for

the weekend again. I was awakened with the

overwhelming feeling of nausea and wanting to

cry. The nausea was not strange ( I had been feel-

ing nauseous for weeks but would go into the

bathroom and let the water run as I was washing

my hands so that Teddy would not know that I

was sticking my finger down my throat to throw

up and for the nauseated feeling to go away.) but

I could not think of any reason to cry. The feeling

was so overwhelming that I got up and went to

the bathroom and just started crying, real hard


I just sat in the bathroom and cried and cried and

cried, and thinking “why am I crying”. The more

I cried the less I felt nauseated. I got back in the

bed and just cried off and on all day and into the

night, through the night into Sunday morning. I

woke up Sunday morning still just feeling over-

whelmed with nausea and wanting to cry. I was

feeling weak so I got up washed my face, got

dressed and walked to the store to get some air.

After coming in from the store the nausea and

wanting to cry was gone long enough for me to

cook dinner and wait on Teddy to come back

from Dallas. It’s about seven o’clock and Teddy

comes in from Dallas. After getting all of his

things in and the extra stuff he brought back, he

is changing his clothes for dinner and says he

needs to tell me something...and I should have


So as I am fixing our plates he says that he

wanted to bring his son Lil Teddy back to Hous-

ton to live with him, but his wife said he could

not come without her and he felt he needed to

give his family another chance since he had not

seen his son in about two years. Well this meant

my having to go, which was o.k. I just wasn't ex-

pecting it to be in two weeks! ( he had just been

discharged from a drug rehab program here in

Houston when we met. And he did not know I

had read the letters she wrote to him. The letters

went from {I hate you” to “what about the vows

you made” because her mom had told her she

had to move out and she had no where else in

Dallas to go.) So once again I have to move and I

still have no where else to go and I did not have

the time to save to get my own place because we

shared a few of the expenses in the apartment

because Teddy had been telling me his checks

were short for the past few weeks( he did not

know I over heard him tell his sister on the

phone that he had been putting money aside

from his check to get a house for them). Not to

mention that the agreement that we made was

about to be broken, which was that we would

stay together until we both got on our feet and

was able to get our own separate places< but I

should have known!

TO BE CONTINUED< Go with Quinee’ to the

next Place on her Journey in our next issue. Email

us to find out how to get the book ...a reading

experience that takes Joseph, Job, and Jonah to

another level. /gospelconnectionmagazine@gml

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God made Money and the first thing he says is

pay me 10% FIRST; that there may be meat in my

house FIRST. (Malachi 3) Pay YOURSELF next.

It is a Biblical law that money will come more

easily to those keep and does not spend a certain

part of what he earns .(A law of the Universe)

Anytime God sees a person taking out 10% of his

earnings he blesses it, because he wants us to be

Wise Stewards. When he finds out we are wise

stewards he favors us with more Wisdom.

“More Wisdom, More Money”

Do not hear the enemy when he speaks to your

mind that you are going to lose what you have if

and when you commit to giving tithes as we are

instructed in kingdom covenant living. Over

spending and bad management causes us to have

a lifestyle above our income or not being where

we should be or desire to be financially.

God said" I know the thoughts that I think to-

wards you, thoughts of good and not evil”<

they are prosperity and hope! Don’t throw away

your dreams because people will not help and no

one will give you a loan.

We have to pull down this Mental Stronghold by

learning and putting into action taking what we

have and multiplying and utilizing our income

in a way that God can bless It.

Start by filling up your purse with practical


!. Take 9 parts out of the 10< In others words for

every $10.00 your have to spend put back $ 1.00.

IMMEDIATELY your purse is filled!

Gold avoids those whose purse is empty. A wise

man knows this. Money only responds where

there is an accumulation OF ITS KIND. (a univer-

sal law) Matthew 25:29.

Principle, Precept, law:

You Give God 10% = Heaven Opens

You Give Yourself 10% = Opportunity /

Favor Opens

Topic continued in next issue...

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In today’s society, people are becoming more and more health conscious than ever before. You find people dieting more and more in some form or fashion. They realize that putting their health in doctors hands alone is too risky. Being informed is what today’s people are all about. You hear sto-ries all the time about someone getting sick unto death, the doctor gives the person three months to live because the doctor or medical staff has exhausted his/her medical knowledge concerning the condition. After this information the individual is on a search for his/her “tomorrow”. He begins a private search into health, nutrition, spirituality and wholeness. He realizes you can’t harm your body for years (physically or emotionally) and expect a quick fix (especially expecting some new product in the market to instantly deliver total healing) You Can’t Put A Price On Your Health!

You can trust in the one who paid the price for your salvation and health. You can choose to live treating your body as a holy temple and vessel of almighty God, no matter what stage of life you are in. Choose a healthier way of living God’s way!

Let’s start by drinking God’s purified drinking water. You would be amazed at all the great proper-ties of Water. Drinking lots of water helps your body’s thermostat adjust. Drinking eight to ten glasses everyday through out the day keeps the waste products inside moving along.

What we often think is hunger, may actually be only thirst. As we grow older, the two sensations merge and become confused. That’s why you should always test what you really want; food or wa-ter. The method is simple. If you have the urge for a fat-filled snack, say chocolate ice cream; sip a glass of iced water instead. The cold is there. The liquid is there. After a few moments, you may find yourself completely satisfied, and you haven’t even taken in a single calorie.

In the same way, before you sit down to every meal, have a plain –water cocktail first. That’s a full glass of water. Get your liquid first, and your body will want less fat. After you’ve had your water cocktail, wait five minutes if possible, before you begin the meal. Especially if your drinking iced water. Do not take too much of it with the meal itself, it bloats you and weakens your digestive pow-ers. Try to skip all the sodas, diet or not, since they are either filled with sugars or unnatural chemi-cals. Our internal body is mostly made up of water. You have a little pure lake of water inside your cells. Like any other lake, it must have fresh clean rivers running in and out of it to keep it pure.

With this plan, which has been proven by nutritionist abroad, the fat floats out of your body. Your cheeks will Bloom again. The Freshness and Fullness of Youth comes back into your face and you weigh Less and Less!

FYI-Foods and juices that flush out Body Fat / All-Natural Diuretics

Beets, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Celery, Cucumbers, Endive, Garlic, Horseradish, Lettuce, Onions, Sauerkraut, Radishes, Tomatoes, Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon Juice Tonic…

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I believe this is the message that was sent to us from Satan, allowed by God< “You are not watching or

praying. You don’t know whose you are anymore or your rights. You have lifted the hedge of protection

from around your children! I (Satan) live but you make me alive! As I am seeking whom I may devour, I

see your children unlearned and looking to my world. I am the accuser of the brethren-as you say- so I

left the face of your God with permission to attack your children and cause them to attack each other.

Your disobedience in not training up your children in the way they should go from the home, and al-

lowing the book of the law to depart out of your mouths and it never being in theirs( these are instruc-

tions from your bible) I found one of my own to step in and deceive you through a technicality-

Organized Prayer? And you did not even fight back! None of you saw me coming and still have not

come to yourselves.”

There was a time that regardless of what was on television or parents working, any and everything was not

allowed to be seen, said, heard, or brought into the home. Words like Bible, Prayer, God, Morals, Respect,

The difference between adults and children, holy and unholy, just to name a few, were priority and


Stopping here, I want to flip and point out that prayer in school is also prayed by the children in the school.

So, if it’s going to get back into the schools from one angle, the children that know Christ and are in the

schools will have to pray at school. How much more has to happen before this happens?

To the Teachers, Administrators, and staff< have you put prayer back into the school were you serve and

oversee? Or are you waiting on the children to do it?

Now<to obey a rule of thumb in journalism -never say too much about too little: too little about too much,

I will stop here. But I am not finished with this issue and I hope this has sparked something in you! Is

prayer back in your home? Do your children pray at school?

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