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3lffiT ~ GOVERNMENT OF INDIA mt" 34:4j dl 'Q'Ci" ~ ~ Ji:t 1(>14 MINISTRY OF HEAVY INDUSTRY & PUBLIC ENTERPRISES ~ 3c'. .'~0I1 d I fcmr;rr DEPARTMENT OF HEAVY INDUSTRY Udyog Bhavan ~~ New Delhi-110011 Ret. No. 6(01)/2017- NAB-II(Auto) Dated: 17thMay, 2017. To, As per list attached. Subject: Minutes of the Meeting with State Transport Undertakings and State Transport Secretaries held on 11thApril, 2017 at IHC, New Delhi Sir/Madam, I am directed to forward herewith a copy of !~Minutes of the Meeting with State Transport Undertakings and State Transport Secretaries held on 11thApril, 2017 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, under the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary (Auto) for information and necessary action. \j13]Y; (Aj umar Ga~r) . Under Secretary to the Government of India Tel: 011-23061340 (i) PSO to SHL (ii) PS to AS & FA, DHI (iii) PS to JS(VS), DHI (iv) Director(Auto), OHI 3J\.1Zl Wl1N TJK;/AJAY KU~v1AR. GAUR 3/"CR' ~~/Under SeC'~·t<jl:' ~ ;raPT 'tfCi "R'rcn ',3, .. ;: .::!~.{;q- Ministrv of ~le?.\:y Industries ;, ; ,,~ -rcuses ·~Tr.{:\)':"'\"1'1rt f4> fTTTl Deptt. ot i 'n,), '/ f lC!Ustry '3s."I'f >P,.1. ;or;l f<':~I·llu0d Udyog Bhawan. New Delhl·llOOll Copy to:-
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3lffiT ~

GOVERNMENT OF INDIAmt" 34:4j dl 'Q'Ci" ~ ~ Ji:t 1(>14



Udyog Bhavan

~~New Delhi-110011

Ret. No. 6(01)/2017- NAB-II(Auto) Dated: 17thMay, 2017.


As per list attached.

Subject: Minutes of the Meeting with State Transport Undertakings and StateTransport Secretaries held on 11thApril, 2017 at IHC, New Delhi


I am directed to forward herewith a copy of !~Minutes of the Meeting withState Transport Undertakings and State Transport Secretaries held on 11thApril, 2017at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, under the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary (Auto)for information and necessary action.

\j13]Y;(Aj umar Ga~r) .

Under Secretary to the Government of IndiaTel: 011-23061340

(i) PSO to SHL(ii) PS to AS & FA, DHI(iii) PS to JS(VS), DHI(iv) Director(Auto), OHI

3J\.1Zl Wl1N TJK;/AJAY KU~v1AR. GAUR3/"CR' ~~/Under SeC'~·t<jl:'

~ ;raPT 'tfCi"R'rcn ',3, .. ;: .::!~.{;q-

Ministrv of ~le?.\:y Industries ;, ; ,,~ -rcuses·~Tr.{:\)':"'\"1'1rt f4> fTTTl Deptt. ot i 'n,), '/ f lC!Ustry

'3s."I'f >P,.1. ;or;l f<':~I·llu0dUdyog Bhawan. New Delhl·llOOll

Copy to:-

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inutes of the meeting with State Transport Undertakings and State Transport

Secretaries held on 11thApril 2017.

The meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary (Auto) with officers of

State Transport Undertakings and State Transport Secretaries at India Habitant Centre, NewDelhi.

2. At the outset JS (AUTO) welcome all the participants. A list of participant is placed at

Annexure 'A'.

3. After a brief round of introduction of all the participant JS, DHI initiated the discussionstating that DHI is implementing a scheme 'Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &)

Electric Vehicles in India' (FAME India) with effect from pt April 2015 forthe initial period of two

years, which has been further extended for another 6 months till 30th September 2017 with slight

modification. Department has engaged M/S Strategy & to conduct midterm review of the FAME

India Scheme. One of the observations in the midterm review report submitted by consultant

engaged for the purpose is that the present scheme is more inclined towards private vehicles. It

was also stated in the report that that public transport would burn less fossil fuel and in turn

result into saving of more carbon dioxide and if shifted to Electric Mobility compared to private

vehicles. Accordingly, there is a general consensus that the phase 2 of the scheme should be

more inclined for public transport.

4. In this background, JS DHI informed that the main purpose of this meeting is to know the

preparedness of State Transport Undertakings for introduction of Electric Buses in its operational

fleet. In this regard, JS informed that during the discussion and by the end of this meeting DHI

would like to know the specific inputs from the participants on following issues:

• Whether STUs are under thought process for introduction of Electric Buses in its

operation fleet.

• How STUs would like to get support from DHI i.e. Direct Capital Subsidy or

operational support for running of electric buses through operator.

• What is the average length of one per trip of city buses in their respective


• What is the average total run of a bus per day in their respective state/city.

• What should be the minimum range of the Electric Bus for operation feasibility by


• Availability of land for parking of Electric Buses.

• Availability of quality power in their respective state/city.

With this initial


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5. To start with some of the STUs, which have already taken steps in Hybrid and Elect.

mobility, shared their experience with all other participants.

o Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) informed that they have already

ordered 25 fully Electric 9 Mtr. long buses to be operated on Manali-Rohtangroute after successful trial of the same on this route. They are expected to get

delivery of all the buses by July 2017.

o MMROA informed that they have already ordered 25 Hybrid Buses to M/s Tata

Motors and they are expected to get delivery of pt bus by June 2017. They

informed that they have not gone for fully electric buses because at the time ofsanction, it was not included in the scheme.

o BEST representative informed that they have already placed an order for 6 fully

electric Buses and they need to increase it to at least 10 with the support fromOH!.

o Telangana State Road Transport Corporation informed that they have already

submitted a proposal to OHI for 100 numbers of Electric buses to be deployed

under aPEX model for their city operations in Hyderabad.

o Bangalore Municipal Transport Corporation (BMTC) informed that they have

already taken the approval from their board to deploy 150 fully electric Buses

under operational model and accordingly submitted the project proposal to OHI

o Representative from Gujrat Government informed that they have already got

Rs.25 Cr through state budget for purchase of electric Buses.

Similarly, representative from Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh

and Tamil Nadu informed that they are at various stages of getting approval and finalization of

project proposal for deployment electric buses.

6. After detailed discussion with all the participants, following issues came up for discussion

and the decision taken are as given below:-

a) All the participants expressed that financial position of State Transport Undertakings are

not very sound to purchase the electric bus on their own without substantial support from

the Government of India. As such, STUs is of the opinion, to begin with OHI needs to

provide 100 viability gap funding.

b) Since this technology is comparatively new and unexplored till date, STUs are of the

opinion that it will be better for STUs to deploy buses on operational model from

interested operator rather than direct purchase of such buses.

c) With regard to viability gap funding there is a general consensus that Government of India

may consider funding of gap of running of Electric buses over and above the running of

normal diesel/CNG buses per KM basis for a specific period of at least 7 to 10 years.

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d) In order to decide the viability gap on per km basis, ASRTU volunteered itself to help OHI

for finalization of viable gap funding per km basis. For this purpose EO,ASRTU informed

that they already have the data of operational model for diesel /CNG buses for various

states which is obtained after calling with a expression of proposal and finalizing the same

for various STUs. ASRTU can call similar tender for deployment of Electric buses on per

km basis and this tender process is expected to be completed within a period of one

month. Once the tender is finalized they will get the estimated cost of running of electric

buses on per km basis. With this ASRTUwill be in a position to inform the actual difference

of cost running Electric buses versus Oiesel/CNG buses on per km basis, which can be usedby OHI for deciding the viability gap funding.

e) As far as range of electric bus is concerned, most of the STU informed that since buses

come back to the depot after they start only in the late evening, they need at least 200

km range for electric buses. However, if operator is willing to provide fast charging facility

in between on its own cost STUs may not have any problem for having buses with lower

range also. But in this case bus would at least run 200 km per day.

f) Most of the STUs were not aware of the possibility of battery swapping for buses and

were hesitant to support such a proposal.

g) JS (Auto) requested to STUs to expedite submission of any proposal they are already

preparing and under final stage of preparation to OHI so that a view can be taken on theseproposals by OH!.

h) JSrequested EO,ASRTU to expedite the submission of Viable Gap funding requirement to

OHI within a period of one month.

Meeting ends with thanks to Chair.


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LIST of Participants

" •.••• &..AU"'L.. - ,.,

1. Shri Vishavjit Sahay, Joint Secretary(DHI) In Chair

2. Shri Pravin Agrawal, Director(Auto)

3. Director MORTH)

4. Shri M. Malakendaiah, VC&MD, APSRTC

5. Shri Anand Rao, ED ASTRU

6. Shri R.Chendra, Director(Tech) ASRTU

7. Shri Vijay Nehra, VC&MD, GSRTC

8. Shri G.A. Soj, MD, JKSRTC

9. Shri M. Ravinder, TSRTC

10. Shri S.c. Deshpandey, Jt.PD, MMRDA

11. Shri S.A. Pawar, BEST, Mumbai

12. Shri M.L. Khatri, JCTSL

13. Shri Sandeep Trivedi, OM, AICTSL, Indore

14. Shri Ajit B. Torgal, ASRTU

15. Shri C.K. Goel, Ass. VP-RT, DIMTS

16. Shri Manpreet Singh, Chief RT, DIMTS

17. Shri B. Lakshmikanth, Addl. Director(T) ASRTU

18. Shri Soju. A, Asst. Liason Officer, Govt. of Kerala

19. Shri Sheikh Hassan Khan, Asstt. Liason Officer, Govt. of Kerala

20. Ms. Anupama Saraswat, CM(DLH) RSRTC

21. Shri Chandra Veer Charan, Enggr. RSRTC

22. Shri Ajay Kumar Shrivastava, DIMTS

23. Shri A. Rahman, Lucknow Transport

24. Shri Yogesh Sharma, SNT

25. Ms. Sonam Piniso Sangdagpa, Sikkim Transport

26. Shri Manish Pradhan, Sikkim Transport

27. Shri Vipin Kumar Gupta, Delhi Transport

28. Shri Shailendra Singh, RCTripura

29. Shri K.C. Gupta, Dy, CGM, DTC

30. Shri V. Krishnamurthy, MD, Chennai

31. Shri R. Anandeepadnanabau, Director, Instt. of Road Transport

32. Shri A.Dharamraj, Spl. Officer, Tamil Nadu

33. Shri Jaspal Singh, Head of UITP/JCTSL

34. Shri H.K. Gupta, GM, HRTC

35. Shri B.C. Gauganna Gowds, Chief Engineer, KSRTC

36. Shri Yasjeet Gupta, GM, Chandigarh Transport

37. Shri Samir, CIRT

38. Shri Devesh Pareek, DM, !CAT

39. Shri Kishore Nathan, UNTC

40. Shri Hemant Kumar Sharma, J&K Govt.

41. Shri Deepak. N, STU, Karnataka

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F. No. 12( 47)2015-AEI /7706Government of India

Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public EnterprisesDepartment of Heavy Industry


Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi.Dated: 19 /04/2016 ~


Subject: Forwarding of Minutes of the Meeting with State TransportMinisters held on 9th December, 2015, reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Deptt letter of even no. dated14th March, 2016 conveying the "Minutes of the Meeting with State TransportMinisters" held on 9th December, 2015. They have requested to replace

"The state govt. of Gujarat proposes to arrange 8000 e-vehicles in the Stateand have earmarked Rs. 25,000 crores for e-vehicles in the State."

with following sentence

"to arrange e-buses in the State and have earmarked Rs. 25 crores for e-vehicles."

rs faithfully,

1/~ J~fb

y K6~~(Gaur)Under Secretary to the Govt. of India


As per list

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1. Shri Anant G. Geete, Hon'ble Minister of HI&PE In Chair2. Dr. Rajan S. Katoch, Secretary(HI)3. Shri Ambuj Sharma, Additional Secretary4. Shri R.K. Singh, Joint Secretary5. Shri Pravin Agrawal, Director(Auto)6. Shri Sanjay Bandopadhyaya, CEO, NATRIP7. Shri Antony Chacko,CMD, KSRTC8. Shri Mayank Jyoti, RTO, Ghaziabad9. Shri G.S.Bali, Transport Minister, Himachal Pradesh10. Shri Chandreshwar Prasad Singh, Transport Minister, Jharkhand11. Shri Vijay Rupani, Transport Minister, Gujarat12. Shri Abdul Ghani Kohli, Transport Minister, J&K13. Shri Jomde Kena, Transport Minister, Arunachal Pradesh14. Dr. Rakesh Sarwal, Tripura15. Shri Sunil Sharma, Pr. Secy (Transport), Telangana16. Shri Raj Gopal, Pr. Secy (Transport), Gujarat17. Shri Itrat Husain Rafiq, Spl. Secy (Transport), J&K18.Shri M.S.Narang, Spl Secy (Transport), Punjab19. Shri K.Ravinder Naik, Transport Commissioner & MD, UPSRTC, UP20. Shri Umakant, OSO, Mizoram21. Shri Sanjay Rastogi, Secretary (Transport), Odisha22. 8hri A.K.8inha, 080, Urban Development, .lharkhandr/,,~ Shrl' Rakesh PInta PR(\ I'T,'~:;;"-~kh;~!')(1_v.\..)., I.. .•• ,::}j.rl..) Jt/vJ,-,~lUI ,d.~{i,,-\

24. Shri Ashok Tewari, MD, HRTC2~ c;h"', fV1l'a'jinder Ex 0;1' r::ngg Ieiancana. V.V I1 .f\. 'I I 1'-" I. i-.I 1" ,C;IC:U.~O i

26, Shri Suneel Pandita, Dy, Director, J&K27, Shri Sangeet Dubey, Arunacnal Pradesh28. Ms Neha Bhatnagar, information Officer, (30\1'[, of Gujarat

