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GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, KARADropune.org.in/ropune/circular/Quotation_Karad.pdf · I anli virus (10...

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s GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, KARAD GOVERNUENT Of MAEAR,{SSTR,{ Vidyanagar, KaEd - 415124, Dist.- Satara, MahaEshira (tndia) Dr. Vitthal S. Bandal M.ElEhd). Ph 01rrBomh, Principal Rel No CPK/WS,CS/Ay-2017-t8/O5O D"'", t,l JAr! znro Tcnder Forb Fe tu.- NII, INVTTATION OF QUOTATTON , qsled quoktions aE inqled t-om e.igib.e manlrdturmdeatets dishburou fo, r\e rupprJ or rorro inCeqirpm.nl/machmeryonlnekrms& comir.onsmeruonedbetos Nme olthe irem rith specificahons 40000/- Tiltins Ilme ADD atus 80000/- TERMS AND CONDITONS l) Irre quotalion should be submilied i. ..Two-Bid' Iomai. 2) IE 'First ENelope, should conraia rhe .Technical,Bi.l. and should be supa scribed as 'Eir.lole No.-l-T@hnical Bid., ,,euordion for lhe supply or rquip*"i,r, n"r l.Io_ G?(AVS/CS/AY-2OI 7- l 8/_ Dt. i l/0lro r 8, Du" dalior02/20I s-d ro 05:oo pM. Tb's env€lope should cobEio rte to[o$insdocurrnts, : a) Covenng lener ror submining lte do(unenr! on the lener head ofrhe nm. menr6ninr posr,l dddF$. erEfl M. Fmd,t addes & weosi,e.dores. ,tt^"r,,ri.r. u:ii "-.1 sremture Md smT oflhe fim b) limi. rg6Faliol en'Icde Eor qn) LoremeF. bo!j). c) GST eshEorrcn cerificate. d' I',.rlo o,)r0-r r ot Cs r tor rhe drl qudo. otrt-e chenl irdn!iat yedr 0 Origiml equiprent n ufaduMceaificate if the bidder is nMufaclwr g) Aulhori&tion/DisLablroFhip crrficaks bom rhe oriA.rt m dtdclJEi reerdinp suppon d]mB bdd.ngprcce.s& war ryper,od. rIfie bidder iq rcl I .*u(k,. " 1r te(hnQt tileEture'l$Jtet ot rhe.rem rccardns male & modet. rr Undedaking rhdr rhe bidd( r, rcr b.a.(.isled ald aboul r\e comp.iece o. t\e remr & condiriom ol lhe quohtion enquirv. l, lr (eco,d envetope shoulj c;nh,n lhe Findn.Et bid. o, he irem quorins rh. Ek. incluive of aU taxes qd LO.R DesriElion in fomai as per rhe Anoexm attacied on the leneilcdol6e-fm.Thisenveloms'roudDesu*rscribedas.Fn\etope\o2.tndciar bE . r,ro'dor 'br rhe supply of Fquipmena ReI No - uptc wS .CS q V-)Ot Z- t S. Dr JI.0t.2018. DLe &ie O7.O)20t8 Lp @ 05:00 pV. -
Page 1: GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, KARADropune.org.in/ropune/circular/Quotation_Karad.pdf · I anli virus (10 Usd) latesi Edition l0 user 0l 0l I gen boad - Iticlness l8m Lengths - 4x6 0l lrgrEl



Vidyanagar, KaEd - 415124, Dist.- Satara, MahaEshira (tndia)

Dr. Vitthal S. BandalM.ElEhd). Ph 01rrBomh,

PrincipalRel No CPK/WS,CS/Ay-2017-t8/O5O D"'", t,l JAr! znro

Tcnder Forb Fe tu.- NII,


, qsled quoktions aE inqled t-om e.igib.e manlrdturmdeatets dishburou fo, r\erupprJ or rorro inCeqirpm.nl/machmeryonlnekrms& comir.onsmeruonedbetos

Nme olthe irem rith specificahons

40000/-Tiltins Ilme ADD atus 80000/-


l) Irre quotalion should be submilied i. ..Two-Bid' Iomai.2) IE 'First ENelope, should conraia rhe .Technical,Bi.l.

and should be supa scribed as'Eir.lole No.-l-T@hnical Bid., ,,euordion for lhe supply or rquip*"i,r, n"r l.Io_G?(AVS/CS/AY-2OI 7- l 8/_ Dt. i l/0lro r 8, Du" dalior02/20I s-d ro 05:oo pM.Tb's env€lope should cobEio rte to[o$insdocurrnts, :

a) Covenng lener ror submining lte do(unenr! on the lener head ofrhe nm. menr6ninrposr,l dddF$. erEfl M. Fmd,t addes & weosi,e.dores. ,tt^"r,,ri.r. u:ii

"-.1sremture Md smT oflhe fimb) limi. rg6Faliol en'Icde Eor qn) LoremeF. bo!j).c) GST eshEorrcn cerificate.d' I',.rlo o,)r0-r r ot Cs r tor rhe drl qudo. otrt-e chenl irdn!iat yedr

0 Origiml equiprent n ufaduMceaificate if the bidder is nMufaclwrg) Aulhori&tion/DisLablroFhip crrficaks bom rhe oriA.rt m dtdclJEi reerdinpsuppon d]mB bdd.ngprcce.s& war ryper,od. rIfie bidder iq rcl I .*u(k,. "1r te(hnQt tileEture'l$Jtet ot rhe.rem rccardns male & modet.rr Undedaking rhdr rhe bidd( r, rcr b.a.(.isled ald aboul r\e comp.iece o. t\e remr &condiriom ol lhe quohtion enquirv.

l, lr (eco,d envetope shoulj c;nh,n lhe Findn.Et bid. o, he irem quorins rh. Ek.incluive of aU taxes qd LO.R DesriElion in fomai as per rhe Anoexm attacied on theleneilcdol6e-fm.Thisenveloms'roudDesu*rscribedas.Fn\etope\o2.tndciarbE . r,ro'dor 'br rhe supply of Fquipmena ReI No - uptc wS .CS q V-)Ot Z- t S.Dr JI.0t.2018. DLe &ie O7.O)20t8 Lp @ 05:00 pV.


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4) The two ovelopes should be sealed in a Third envetope, and should be sup scribed as'Quotation for supply of equipmot", ReI No,- GI,K/WS/CS/AY-20I7 t8/rrr I r/o1/:ot 8. ftE dare07/0?/2018 up ro Ot Ol] pM.5) T[e lar d.t. of submi$io! of bid ir 0702/2018 5:00 PM rnd dare of opming rhe bidis 08/0212018ll:30 AIL6) Finmcial bids of o.ly iechnically qulified bidders will be open.d.?) The bid should be if,clusive of all ldes, cartage, lacking, insh ation, commhsioning,

8) IE 6tes qnoled should be valid for l80 drys nom th€ last dale of submission of offer.9l The delivery of &e stores should be mde wil]iin 4 weks from the date of supply order,OtlreMise lhe ordd will be [email protected]) The bidd€! will have io submit bank eurety for lhe amolnt of 3% of the cost of rhe

I 1) IIe palm€nt will be mde only after delivery, suc@sslul installaiion, comnissioning &llainiog ofthe sto6 at ihis instinrle No advmce paymeol witl be nade beforc the detivery of

l2) the payme.i will be made by RTGS4{EFI/ECS.ll) nns insfture My call addirioml documenrs tu(yor infomation Equired for preessing

14) This inslitute esenes the right to reject ey or all bids vithout ssigning any eason

l5) If the stores is rcj4ted, the suppli€r will bavo ro repl&e and role back the defelive slores

16) E-mail quotatiom wiU .ot be acepted.

l. Directo. of Technical Education M.s. Mmbai (Desk No. I 1). rl is reqEsled 10 lublishlhe oquiry on websit,

2. Join Dirctor RO, ?une, It h reques&d to ?ublish the enquiry on websir,3, The Head of mrceoed Depaitnat for infomation.4. In€ H€ad of Compurer Dopartnai, for ?ublishing on the Institule.s w.bsite in iine libir_5. Workshop Superintendenl, to place on the Notico Boaid.

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AnnenrelTo be srbritted by Bidder otr Iitterbeadl

RefNo.! Date:

Govement Polrlechnic,

subr QuDtalion for supply oilquipmenl.

sir,[ tr subnit ou lfut @mp€tidve ofler i, EspoGe io you quolaion enquiry as

tulcrcd abore in accorda@ wiih lhe conditiofi of ttE contract. Ou quohtion is givo

Rel No.: cPKnts/cs/AY-20I ?-18/ 35.) Date: lrl JAN 2018

Name & Title ofsignatoryi

Nane of Bidder/Oflice Stamp:

IVe heEb, confm that ihis quolalion is valid for 180 days 6 requiEd in clause 8 of tbe


Re)roldh AppMtus- Swp Ta.1,550X430X100 lowde. Coared, now pipelength 700 mm a.rylic, Mqsuing fldk I Lt,,Dye mterial KMNO4, Pmp Submesiblet?e, pipine with ne@ssary valves, udfirinss with te.hniel mnud.aiting llme Apparatus Chamel size1000X250X200 mm. Test S€ction-'lmNperdr 1anl with Sluice gare, IeslS4t.acrylic. Tank,Smp Tek 100 Lt.,550X430X300 Capacity 50 Lr.,Stop warchdigital, Motor Poinr- ?mp notor 0.5 hpmonoblock lrpe, Selp piining, piping sitbnecessary valvesi and fitings with tecbnical


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GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, KARADvidy€nagar, Karad -415124, Disr.- Satara, Maha6shlra {tndia)

Dr Vittlal S. Bandals ElEehe)(Gdd 3ddG0

ME(Ebd),Ph o (,rr 8onba,Principal

Rel No. GI(/WS/CS/AY,201?- l8i 3 5 9 Date: 31liA^! Z0.t B


Seled quotaiions e inviled jion .ligible manufacturervd€alers/distributo.s for rh.:uppl) olfollolving equipmen/machinery o. rhe terns & coditions menrioned below,

Sr. Name olih€ ilem wirh sptrifi@tio$


03qgiral Elecronic Balance 60000/

05 Sphconeter: mngeForbidden energy bmd sap set up: Ov.n : 0l Nos 15000/-


08 DC Ann€ter 0,2 dp 12000/-Dqvolheter (0-5v)

l0 DisinlSro! Warch


l)Theqbra ron,holldberubmined in-lwo-Bid' tomcl2) Ihe 'In Envelope sbould @dain lhe .Tehnical-Bid

and should be suDer scrin€d asFnelope No.-l-Te,hnkal Bid' ,ejouiol ror rhe luppty oi tqlipre;. Ret No.

O!(WS7CS/AY-2017- 18/_ Dt_ 3 VO1/2018, Duc dare 0?702/20I 8 !p to 05:00 !M.This €nvelop. should conrritr lbe tolonioedoctrnent3, :

dr cor'enls lener for .ubmininB rhe doc;menr on lte lener head orrhe fim. melriol'ngposlaladdressj cont&t No, Email addre$ & websie addre$ (If availabl€). With mme:siE rrue nd.eal o'L\e l'rm.b) Fim's eeisharion certificate fton oy covemenl body.)Csl reE^F" ia- (edifica'e.

d) Proof of payment of GST for the lasr quarter of lhe cwent fimcial year.

0 oiginal eqlipnent meufacnE cenificare ifde biddcr is mnufachne!.g) Aurho zalion/DisiribDtoship .eaifiates tion ihe original tudufacnns, regardingsulpod during bidding p.ocess & wamt,, period. iflhe bidder is nol a manufactu;r.h) Techniql litennndleaflet ofthc item EgardiDg make & nodet.i) Undenaking fiat rhe bidd* is not blacklisted and aboul lhe comDlianc€ 6fthe rems &conditionsofthequotationenquiry.

Page 5: GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, KARADropune.org.in/ropune/circular/Quotation_Karad.pdf · I anli virus (10 Usd) latesi Edition l0 user 0l 0l I gen boad - Iticlness l8m Lengths - 4x6 0l lrgrEl

3) Tnc 'Sccond envelope' should contain the 'Fin cial bid' of 1he iten quotins rhe rat6'tlus.\e ols.l de! ald f,O.R De.firor,on ir tom.t s per [E Atrexf atu.hed; thrlener pad of th€ fm. mis cnvelope snouE be suld eribed s .Envelope No.-2-Fin cialbid'. "Quolaion lor the supply of Equipmeni, Ref No.- GPK/WS/CS/Ay 2Ol ?- 18/Dt.3ll0i/2018, Due dale 07/02/2018 up to 05:00 PM.4) The two envelopes shouLl be saled in a ftird envelo!€,md should be super scribol as''Quolation for supply of equiphenf', Ref No, CP&WS/CS/AY-2017-18/Dr I '01 )018. Dued!leo7/02]2018 L!roO5:OO PM.5) The lasl dlt€ of submtusioD of bid is 0?/02/2018 5:00 PM rtrd d.t€ of opening the bidi5 08/0212018 l1:30 AII-6) Fin cial bids ofonly tecblically qulired biddes will be op€n€d.?) fte bid dhould be inclusive ofall tdes, c€r.t!ge, packing, insrallalion, coniissioning,

8)'Ilt etcsquored shouldbev.lid aor 180 dals ftom lhe last date of submission of offq.9) The delivory of the stoe should be mdc wilhin 4 wek from tbe dale of supply o.der.OlhNise the order pill b€ cmceu€d.l0) The biddr will hale io submn b k gurdty for the amount of 3% of rhe cost of the

1l) The paymenl willbe nade o.ly after delivoy, sucestul instattaion, comhsioning &trainingofthe slores at this institute No adv ce paymeot willbe nade beIoE lho delivery of

12) The layment will b€ made by RTGS,NEFVECS.13) Tnis instituie nay call additio@l d@Ments md/o. infomaiio. required for lmc6sing

14) This iNlnuie rese €s rhe riehi to Ej*t any or all bds without ssigning any re6on

I 5) Ifihe sloEs is Ejected, the supplid will have to replace and take back the dofoclive stores

l6) E-mait quotations will nol b€ acc.pted.

l. DiEctor ofTechnical EdEation M.S. Mmbai @sk No.1 I ). It is Equested to pubtishlbe enquiry on websir.

2. Join Dnector RO, Pue. It is requesred to Publish rho onquiry on websit.3, lle Head of oncded Departnmt fc infomation.4. Tne Head of Compurer Depaflndr, lor lublishing on the Insritute s website in tim€ limit,5. Wo*shop Supuintendeni. to place on the Notice Bodd.

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AnrexurelTo be submitted by Bidder on Lelrerhedl

coverment Poblcchnic,

Snb. Quptation for Supply ofEquipment.

Rei Nor GP&WS/CS/AY-2017,181/3:tS Date: gl rAN 2of,6

Si.,l,^Jye suboit ou nGr conpetitive otrer i, respou€ to you quotaion aquiry as

rcfmd above in lmrduce with 0E conditiom oi the conaact. Ou quolalion is giv€n


(Rs.) (Rs-)I LED screen TV- Technical Derails poductDimensioG 18.3 x92,4 x 56.8 cm Resoturion1920 x 1080p Included Conponents lU runii){contai6 also wmnly Cad([D, ACAdapE ( lU), Ac Power cord(l U). RemoreConrrcl(lU), Bareies(2u), Table-Toosta.dou), rnsruction Mtuuh(3rD)Dhplay Technology LED, ScEn Sia 40Inchos,IDage Asp*t R.lio 16:09 DisplayR6oluiion Mdimu 1080p Speaker SuoundSound Ch nel Con figualion Dolby Drrrtat,sEndrrd. Mrsic C nema Came. Sno.rs, AudioWatrage 10 Wans, Bafleries Included No,Bafieries Requn€d No. Toiat Usb porrs r .


I anli virus (10 Usd) latesi Edition l0 user 0l

0l I gen boad - Iticlness l8mLengths - 4x6


lrgrEl E eoronrc oatuce - cap;., ojtE;500& Altomaric Powerotr, Opmtins Temp-Oro 40 C. Overload ed low power indicator.PMer AC/DC adapto., LCD DisDlav.


Spheroneteli !dge: l0to+l0nm. LC 10

noruiaaen en+gy una gap siiupr Ovin-temlelalue roce up io I Oo0c, dEmometer,nicro ammeter. Ge di.de



Eleclric oven inf,er sir l8"xt8 xl8'.itenpeoture mge I O0 ro 250! C, with the 03

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Digftd Stop warch , Digir.l Ruming Ti6erCko.ogpph Stopwaich with Stap is Snalled lightweieht, portable ed fashionable. Withhou. ninule, socond. AM,IPM indicator.montL dai4 md day ofth€ week fuctionl2l24lDu display, eey to use dd rcad l/100


We hftby confim thai this quoratioo is valid for 180 days as rcqun€d in claue 8 oflhe

Nane & Tiile ofsie@iory:

Nme of Bidde/Olice Srep:

Page 8: GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, KARADropune.org.in/ropune/circular/Quotation_Karad.pdf · I anli virus (10 Usd) latesi Edition l0 user 0l 0l I gen boad - Iticlness l8m Lengths - 4x6 0l lrgrEl

T02164 - 2t1462


Vidyanagar. KaEd-415124, Disl.. SataE, MdharashtE (tndi", \H#Dr. Vitihal S. Bmdal

B E (E edi€U Go d ftda Gr)M E (Erd) Ph D 0rrBohey)

PrincipalRef, No. GPKAVS/CS/AY-2017 IR/ 3ao s I J^r, ttr 1d

Tender ForD Fe Rr.- NII,


Ssled quoulions e in\ned from etigible tunuIa(lm$dslqedislrlbutoB tor rle,LpDlyor lbllowing equipmm/mrchiner] on Lte rems& mr diriotu mendoned hetnw

Sr. Name ollhe nem with sp€cincatons

0l 24 po.t network SwitchsKvA U?S wilh talreries, I hor backuDSp.ed conhol ofDC hotor lsine Dt"E**bt" Dri* 48000/-dB Mel.r/Sou.d trv€l Meter 6000t-

05 DC Tehoneier 10000/-30000/-

07 I 01No. 10000/-Air CmpresmRID Interf@ing moduh lin ?LClLC based Elevator system 25000/ll PLC bded sashing machioe conlrol sysleo 25000/-


) The quoEtDn should oe submiGd r -IqGBrd tonar2) I]E 'FiBl Envelope' should cof,tain the .Techniel-Bid,

aod shoutd be super scribe,l as'Eftelole No.-l-Technicd Bid., ,'Quoraion tor rhe supply of Equipm;{ Ref No.-G?pwS/Cs/AY-2017,18/_ Dt. 3llo12o I 8, Due .lare o7lo2ro I s d to o5:oo pM.This cnvelop. should contdn thc lottowingdocuncnrs. :

a) Covoing l€ft€r tor subminine the docwmrs or dre lelrer headposlal addrcss, contact No. Emil address & websire addiess lrIsignatm sd rdl ot fie fimb) Fim's Egisiralion certifi@le flon my covemenr body.c) GST reaisEalion @dificate.d) ?rcofofpayment ofGST for lhe lst qulter of the cMent fi@cial yed.

D Origiml equipment nduactuB cenificate if the biddor is Mnufacuot.s) AuthoriaiionlDisrlibutdship cenifiotes ftom the original mdufadwr, rcgddingsuppon duing bi.lding prcces & walfury period, if the biddn is nol a hmufactu;r -

Page 9: GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, KARADropune.org.in/ropune/circular/Quotation_Karad.pdf · I anli virus (10 Usd) latesi Edition l0 user 0l 0l I gen boad - Iticlness l8m Lengths - 4x6 0l lrgrEl

h) T( hrical hud@ leald of lhe ikm reg& dile male & model.

'r utufndArlg lxd rhe bidder is nol bldcLti$ed ed aboul rhe comptim e of,h. Em Econdir ioB ot rhe quo@tior mquiry.r) Ihe secold m\e.ope.shoulj c;nram Lhe .Fi@(ht bid. or he irem quorins fie rares

'nllucik olalt l.x6 trdf.O.R Des@rion in tomdr or per rh" a***,"-f,.a

",,r,"rhB enrebpe slould b. suN- "cribcd as .En\etope \o.-2.!hecrc,brd -QLobro-n lor he tupptJ otLguipnen" Rer i\o.- CpK/WS.cSrAy-)0t7 18.tx rl/0120'8. Due dare 07.02,20I8 iD to 05:00 Plr44) Tt_eNo eNetops shNtd be kahj in a .Ihid

envetoDe dn<J shoutd be suDer qre.l as$ppry ot equrpmenr.. R.t \o. CpK,,wS.CS.Ay-2017:tB/Dr I l/0'4018. Due dareoT02?0t8 uD D O5.OO pM5l The trlt d,r. of!ubDireiotr otbij ir 07/0240r8 5:00 pM lnl drte or opetriIe thc bidi.08/022018 lI:30 AM.6) l-irM,sl b.dJ ol oniJ recmica I y qua.ified biode

" I il. be opmed4 rne bd shdtd be incrLsive or.'l r es. !mse. pact in;. .tuhrhuon. colmiss.onine.mnne& \lnlmry.8) T_he rcrB quored shoutd be vald ror I80 d,ys rroh the td ddre o, subni.cion otoner9).Ih. delivery or Lhe stoEs shoutd be mde'x,rrin 4 qe;ks eo, r". a,".i*ppi1

",a.-.othwise rhe ordn will be ctueltedl_0, rle uode sr m\e b sbnn b€nt 8uafury tor rhe Modot ot Joo ot lhe 6e of fieI I) The paynent will he nade onlvtrainins ofthe stors at this imtitu;

afte! delivery. sucesstul insra alron, conmissonino &No advance layment siI bc made berore $e detive; ot

I 2) IE palbenr wil be nade by RTG$NEFI/ECSlITnis imtiruk may * addirionat dochenls tu(,or inlomadon requiRd tor pMNing14) Thjs institute reswes the dght 10 rcjat ay or lll bids wilh@r asigning dy M$nl5) lfrhe sloEq is ejerqj. rhe supptier siI have ro Eplae dd ale back $€ defmive stoEshrs om risk ed o$16) E,@il quohtioc will .ot be acepted

L Dnecror of Techiicat Educarion M.S. Mumbai (Dsk No. I r ). rt is rcquqGd to ?ublishthe enouiw." w.lNn

2. Join,Di;;-r RO, Iue. t! is r€queskd to ?ubtish rh€ enquiry o. yebsir.3. fte Head of.orcemed Deparrrnqi for irfomaiionI lhe He4d o I ( omprei DepafmtuL ror pubtishrnson lhe Inrir,ei qebsirein rine.mn.5. Workshop Supuintenden! io ptae on the Nodce


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ArmxurelTo be submitted by Bidder ob tcrt rberdl

Govment Polytecbnic,

Sub: Quptation aoi Supply olEquipmcnt.

i.!r \. ulk \r5 ' \ q\ n,--.8 ,6 Dck. ,.., I . ,.., .iJ rd

l e submil our most competitile ofer in response ro your quotaion enquiry !srct ftd above in accordane lvith lbe conditioN of lne contrad. Our quoratio. is given


(Rs.) (Rs.)

5KVA LrPS Nith banoies, t hou. backup

03 Sp*d contol of DC motor uingpDg.annable Ddvq: DC Motor contol:180 V DC pemane mgnet MotorMotor speed 0,1500 rph, Thlrislorised DCdrive having 4-20 nd speed co.trot signatfmn PLC. Motor enahle/disable controlsigal for renot€ conllol. Iabricatedqglos@ wir,\ Acrylic insDection window.

01 No.

01 dB Meler^ound tf,vel Meter-Mes@ment Rdge ',A,' Weiehled :

35dB(A) to I3odB(A)"C" weishied :

40dB(C) lo l30.lB(c)Rms€ Seleciion L(Lotrl =.l5dB(A) ro loodB(A)H (Hieb) =65dB(A) to l3odB(A)Frequmcy weishtingA" ed "C" Weishtins , <lB(A) & dB@


DC TmhoneleF optical pickup |,pe, speed

I to I Convrle!- outpur 4 io2ofrA input : 3 ro15 PSI, ai! pessurc regulatorr ge:04.1Kg/cn2 wilh Presue cauge, digital cEntindicator: Supply: lq 230 VAC Range :0-20EA, Cuftni Sowe: Supply : lp 230 VACrage : 0-20 nA,Pressu€ Vessel: Capeiiy :

2-l kg/cm2. Presft caleq R ge :0 2.1Ke/cn2

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o7 I ro ? ConvrreF Inlul; 4 to2omA Outpur : 3to l5 ?SI, air pressEe regularo. rmgq 0-4.1Kg/m2 wirh lEssN Cauge, digiral cEentiidicator: S$ply:lq 230 vAC R geIO-20nA, Cuent Sorce:Supply : 1o 230 VACrmge : 0-20 mA,Prcsre V€ssel: Capaciiy I

2.1 kglcn2, Pr*sr cauge: Rage | 0,2.1

Air Comprcssor- oil lube direct driven aircompessor, 1.511P,220V, 50rL6.5A,24LT,nax presw I l6psi, cuti, pressw: 90psi, airdispleenenn: I ?3ltr/min, motor sped:

09 RTD Interfacing module for ?LC; Rmse O

1000C, RT D PTIoo withheter & warerbath- sinsle conprssion cable gland.2 wi!e,4-20mA oueurs. 24\aDc@ 30mA supprylith Zerc& sp€n eltins.ILC b6ed Elcvator system : Control p el,or elevalor contol, [floor rcquesr, dooropen/close, fd, rube light @nirol, emergencyet -1. Linit switches to derecr posilion ofelovator. Elevator with suitabl. motor, pulley.couEru€igh. srudy stup for PLc intertace

ll PLC bded washing hachine codtml system-Study €tup with PLC interface add mntrol.Close loop lomp. Conrol system. Withprcvision of sludy of individul conrrclelemenl Water conrrol and speed control ot

\ve horeby confitu that this quoblion is vatid for I80 days as &quired in cla$e S ofthe

Nde & Tith of sigmlory:

Nde of Bidde./Ofijce $aap:

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* GOYERNTIEIfI 0F IUETR,{SE rRA Af noJ",.""T,|.*:L',,r,,?l,I*g"r#l1k.I*.Tf ,mDr. Vitthal S. Bandal

B E.(E e, e ) lcoh MeddbuM.ElEbd) Ph.olrrBomba,

PnncipalRet No. GIK,/WS/CS/AY,2017-I8l/3 4 I Date3 I JA zi.llg

Tender Forn F.. R,.- ML


Sealed quourioro m m\ ired trom etiSibte aanutacml deatets diviburors tor the\ipply olfol.o$inE equipmenuotrhinerr on the rems & cond.lioDs mentioned betow

Sr Name ofrhe iem with specificanons


02 Aoalog Galvmomeler 22NU-0l 52110/

Amtoe Milliam'neer 0,50mA 4500/-Amlos Milliamneter 0-l0ondAnalos Llilliammetcr 0-250mA

40000/-a, lPh. Dignal power factor meld 0l No. 2500/l0 Sinxle phase Electronic Etreryy mete. 900/-t1 4!ql!g ciip On meter 3000/-12 Sinsle Alto{rnsfomer 16000/

Pr8glrycEcl, _vanable tEque4cy Drile .25000/-


l) The q@l!tio. should be subnined in .Two,Bid., forral2) The 'Firsl Envdope' should @ntain rhe .T@hnicalBid,

and sbould be supd snbed as'[Nu]opr No.-l Teduical Bid.' .euolaion for the supply ot Equipn;f, Ref No.-GPKTWS/CS/AY-2017,l8/_ Dr. 3 VOy2O 18, Du. dare o?i,o2lu o t t up to os;oo rv.Thb eN(lope should .oot iD the tottowitrg docu menr, :

a) Co\ering lefie- lor suominine lne doclnmr. on rte 'ere, head ot.he lm. meFrioningpostal addiess, @ntact No, EEail addre$ & rebsiie addre$ 0r u"aitaote;, wirr, nmelsiEro,ure and cedloihe fm.b) Iimt @giskation @nilicare froE any covemmeht body.c) GST Egistntion certificate.d) Proof ofpayment of cST for the last qMrir of the cEcntO PAN card copy.0 Original equipmenr na.ufactuer ccniicate ifihe bidder is manufactuEr.

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gr Au o.iar.on/DirrribrLo6hip fnificak) &on rhe o c.ral mtuLtactuer. Es",dinospDon drrn6 br'ldmE pro(ss & weqng per.od, irrhe biddo .s mta otuutmtu;, -r,.l(nn.nt tite-ank/l€afler o-rhe ien e8rding mdle & modeJ.rr un maxrrg rur .he bidder i. nor btackli)bd ed abou, the comp,isce ot rhe remq &condilions or fi e quoiarion enquiry.

i' I ".-.,a i..ctopc' "hoJ.o con.ar , r\e Tinatujdt bid. o. he iEn qLorins he mresim sir of all Dx* dd T.O.L Deiindr.on ir fomar 6 pelh" e***

",r*_r,.a *,i,.

Ilf,,r5 -.1 ,I". i""1 r,":"vdope sholro be aper *-,be ^

.e^a"p. r.".-i-ii,*"i,ibr.. quouron ror the swplv otLqujpned,,Ret.Jo. Cpr,$S.Cs,ly-)Orr tSD Jl Ol20t8. Due oak O?,02rOttiuo ro Or.OO mr4, Tt.e No erelops sh(td be *a'ej in a .l.trnd eivetope, dnd shodlo be .Lpn (ribed 6vuorahor lor supDtv o, equipmenf.. Ret \o.- OpK WSr(S Ay-lot7:i8/D. ll/01.2018. Due oaEOT'0220.8 up to 0\.OO p\4.5) The lst dlie of rtrbDLsioD otbid is 07/02/20tE 5100 pV ,hrl dlle ofopenirg rhe bidis 0U02/2018 11:30 AM.6)Iimi"lbid. olonl) trchnic.l ty quatified biddeB wi be opened.x The bid shoLld be inclGive or a hxes. cdase. packm;. insklarion. @mrissioning.

8) Tnc rates quored should be valid tor t8O davs aron9) IE delive,t, of ihe stores shoutd be Md;wnninOthe ise the ord* witl be cancelted.l0) The bidder will have lo submit bant

lhe Ias t dale of slbdission ofoffer,4 s*ks from rhe dale of supply order.

ll) The palm€nr witt be nade ontvlrainms of the $ores al this iG tu;

l2)The pa)mentviJtbe made by RTGS,^EFI/ECS.ll) Ihis ituutur€ msJ call additionat dochenrs:nd/nr

afrer delivery, succesju insrr aiion. comissiome &No advance pa)mentw, be made beiore ure detjve;or

guamqr for t\e anouot of 3% of the cosl .r rh.

infomarion required ior proc$sing

14) This iroEture rc*nes the rish b rj(t @y or aI bds $irhou ossietuE oy resontIEml'r) Il'te qare. h rejected. rhe supptier qi have ro Rptar ed rate bcck $e deteclive sloBhis oM risk ad cdrr16) E-mil quoiations wilt not b€ &ceFed.

l . Dnecbr ol Techn ica I tnra ion M.s MmLEi r Dert No. I L. Ir .s equene ro pubt.sn

2 rohDirecbrRO. Pue,lr h Equesed ropubthh.heenquiD oo sebsir.l. TleHeod o'conemed DepMenr forinlomlion.4. The H@d of Compdtr Deparmenl tor pubtshilg on rt-e Ins ture.s websie in tihe tim). worr,shop supennkndenr, to Dteon dENotice B6ard

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Amen.eITo bc subnitted by Bidder on Letterherdl

The PrincipalGovsnmeit Polrlcchnic,(dad 415 124

Srbr Quptati@ for Supply ofEquipmqt,Ret No.: GPKTws/cs/AY-20r7-t*/3<l Dare,J / ,A,. ZU16.

Sir,,l e submit ou rot .mpetirive offer in Espome lo you qDorai@ tuquiry as

rcfered alove in ac@ddcc with the @nditio.s of the conrlct Ou $oiali@ is givd

Sr. Qtv.


lAu@cy clas- 5, Sledard IS, L7P- IOA AC.o/P ,5A ACI


Analog calvanometer [Centre ze@,

Thmometerftmometer I u?1o soodeeree elsiu. tSI

04 Fir MaEncr [4Ln.h 5/8, ]/8lAmlog Millidmete! 0-50i{A-

-[qJoDA, Accuacy cl6s l.0 t03

06 Aualog Millianneter 0-100Ma[0-100n, Accuacyc]a$ l.0l


07 Analog Miuiamnet€r 0-250mA-[]L?50mA.

^ccu'!cy class Lol


08 3Ph vaiiabte lnduclor| 204, 50H2, 3phasq 500V ISI MARK I


09 l?h. Digilal power facto. nerr-I Ranse 0.00 to 1.00lad ed lead.ISl nark I

l0 Sinele phde Elelronic Enersl nete.[ 104.250V, siAle phse.50Hz ISI mdk ]


IAC curent 6n 5/60n50A00 A + 5%. ACvolts 150/300/600 + 5%. DC volts 6OV + 5%with ovelload prcte.lion l


t2 Singl€ Aulo-tmsfomd-I l0A, 50Hz,3phse, I?" 0,270 v ISI

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Digital negg€r- [ Insulation rcsistance lestnnCe- 0-200Mohm. 2000Mohm,20000mohm, 200000Mohm,,{muacy+5%,IR voltase 1000V. DisDLy 1999counrs.l


Vdiable IEquency Drive- ValiableIrqEncy Drive I AC D.ive, thp 1 l sv,Sinsle lhae. Medium Duty I

We heFbJ confim that this quohiion is valid for 180 days as requiEd in claue 8 ofthe

Nmo & Titlc of Sienatory;

Nde of Biddq/Offi ce Stanp:

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EDr. Vitthal S. Bandal

B E (Ekddca ) tcod Medde)M.ElEed). Ph Dl rBdhba,


GOVERNITIENT POTYTECHNIC, KARADVdyanagar, Karad - 415124, Dist.- Satara, l4aharashtra {tndiai



Rel No. G PXIWS/CS/AY-201 718/ 3r z- D"'"3 I JAi,l 201p

Tender Form Fe R..- NII,


Se.led qu.r.tims e inviEd from eligibte @ufactufrs/dqlqvdisFjburo6 ror rhesupply ot iollowing eqdphqumachirD on $e tem3 & condiriom meolioned belov.

Nane ofthe item wilh specificaiions







l) The qrotarion should be submitred in "Two Bid" tomat.2) The First Envolope should co.tain the .TechiicalBid, ad should be suEr scribe.l ,s'. nvelope No.-i-le-hnjca. B.d. ,Ououion tor rte supptJ ot rquipne;l. Re. \o.-cPKiws/cs/Ay-2017-18/_ Dt. 3I /O t/2018. Due date O?/02l2018 ut io 05:00 pM.TbL ebrelopc lhould conl.in rte tottowiDg docuDenh. :

a) Coleing letier for submifting lhe docunents on the leler head of the fim, mentioningpostal address, ontact No, Enail addrcss & websile address (If available), Wirh nahe,sisnllur an! s.aloI dre llnr.b) Fimt rcgGtration @ftificare lron any covernment body.c) GST registhtion cenificale.d) Proof ofpaynent of GST for the lasr qurrer ofrbe c!ftenr fimncial vtr.c) PA\ !drd.op)f) Origi.al equipmenl manufactur$ certircaie iftho bidder is mmufactuer.E) Authorization/Dhtribuiorship cerrificates from rhe originat nanufacturer. regardingsuppon dunrg bidding prc.ess & weety period, iflhe bidder is not a melfacturer.h) Technical lirraturc/leafler ofrhe irem regardins narc & modet.i) Unde.hking that the bidder is nol btacktisted and about lhe comolituce ofthe lems &condiions or lr qrotdrion cnqu D.

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3) The Second envelope should conlain the .Iinancial bid. of th€ item quoting the rarcsinclusiye ofall laxes and I.O.R. D6tinalion in fomat as p.r the Amexue athcied on tbeletler pad olrhe fim. This €nvelope should be super scrib€d as ,Envelope No.-2 Financialbid'. "Quotaion Ior the supply of Equipnent,' Ref No. cp&WS/CS/Ay-rOl7-18/Dt,l1l01/20r8, Due date 07/022018 up to 05:00 pM.4) The nvo envelopes should be saled id a .Irird envelope, md should be sups soibed as_Quolation lbr supply of equipment., Rel No.- 6pI(/WS/CS/Ay-2017,t8/Dr. 3ll0ll20l8, Dn dat&7/02/2018 up ro 05:00 pM,5) T[e l.st d e of rubmilsioo of bid is 0702/2018 5:00 PM rDd d,reis08/02D01811r30 AIL6) Fimcial bids ofonly techni@lly qualited biddes will b€ opened.7\ T\e b.d should be'rclEtre olall .de' cese. pac(irg. rmla auon. commBs.oning.rrl nin & \v^mnr!8) The nl6 quot€d should be valid for 180 days fiom the lasl date ofsubmission ofofler.9) fte delivery of the stores should be rade wilhin 4 weks from the dale of supply order.OlheMhe lne ordq wiu bec elled.l0) The bidd€r will have to subDit bant gu&miy for the dount of 3% of i]1e cost of the

ll) I]re paymenl will be made only aner delivery, succestul inshllarion, conmissioninA &

'Buug ol dre stors ar rhis in$irule No adlece layment wiU be mde betor the d€livery of

12) The p.ym€nt will b€ made by RTcS/'llEFT/Ecs.13) Ilis instilule nsy call additional docmenls dd,/or infomarion required for

14) This institure resry$ lhe dshl to Ejcn drl5) Ifihe sloN is Ejected, ihe suppli* will have ro !€ptace and rake back the defective sbres

l6) E-@il quolatiou will not be accept€d,

or all bids wilhout assisnins any een

l. Dnector of Technical Education M.S. Mmbd (Desk No.l D. n is requesied lo publishthe enquiry on websit.

2, Ioin DiEctor RO, ?uq It is rcqusrd ro lublish fie enquiry o! websir.3, The Head of encemed Departndi fo. infomation.4, ]t€ Head of Compul.r Departmeni, for ?ublishing on the Irtstituie.s websile in iine linii.) workshop Srpuilrerdenl. ropLeol L}e \o'ice Boad.

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AnN!trrclTo be subnitted by Bidder on Letterheadl

Govcmment ?olr,1echnic,

Sob: Qupiltion for Supply ofEquipn{t,Ref. No.r crK/\xs/cs/A.i.-20u-18/s< L D"t",LI.l JAlt Z0lg


- VWi sbmit ou n6t conleritive of&r in resloDse to you quot ion squiry sE&red above in aeordme wilh the cordiioc of the conlr&t, Ou q@iatiotr is givo

i: Descnptionofrrem Q,).

(Rs.) (Rs.)


DC REGUI-ATED POWER SUPPLY30V, o-sAmp dual power sup!,ly, Line

Regulation CVi 0.5% + 5mV CC: 0.5%+5mA. Load Regulalion CV: 0.5%+5nV CC:0.5%+ sDA DisPIay:Foux 3_Digit Red IED Displars Outpur I ; V & A

simulianeousltr Ourput 2: V & A displayed


MICRoCoNTRoLER DEVE oPMNi-BOARD-MicrocontrollcrDMaees,ULN2803 To D ve Srepper, Moior&Relays,Qurtz cryshll I r,0592Mn2, Reset bulioo.Powd plus-in lack, Exletuion slot on everuuC pin, CND bu.!* bu.Ioumounln!;hoks l,l mh (0.I]'rllo Fshxs- tgvstin)Elash* firou8h Rsit.z uinsrhsh maBicsoUME. On boad Reeulated ?owerSupptv5v,l2v supplrs, Esy to r€st wirh BugComecles wiEs, A Seriat ?on for ISp, AnRS232 Serial Port, ?Seg Mulirptexed Display,DC Power Supply CoMeclo(l2v Ac orDcl,Ready lnErface FoTLCD disptay2line\ I6Chotscls. 24Cxx t2C EEpROM,RIC DSll07.8 LED bay, Matrix Key ?ad, ]a InnuptSwnche$, EMple Proarams for ILED,7seg,lCD,RS2l2 .Matr* Xel pa4ADC, Eas) To fash 89v5IRD2/8oE5 tRDzIhtrousl Flash Masic Softq&e


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lDrac.tcBr.scR-Tieset up @hes in to Danswih prcvieon lor nrsh votrage !&abt;pows supply (0 b500 volB), o ro I o voltswith volrrnetermd provision tor sare cnentneasurement dode cwnt nasuremehr inlhe mge ofO to 20 nLA& oto 50OnL{respecrively.The per (A) Iouses veiabtepowu supply od p t B Drcvides facilirv tocomeci veios sCR or MOSTET, diac, tiac.IGBT along with l@d. Vaious chad isti6oI rhe device with measuemmt of Tatchxrscuftnr. holdinA(urent forSCRce be





lsu,rabk ro heasue the kmpemture usins pTI 100 rype RT D. houed 0 S.S tyDe

industrial hoEing. Sd up should be Dovidedwnh Healer which (an eo upto 200 jes Cwith iirciTirf 10 vff, heaier power. Requredrrorrufrmlatron cororanl cEent souce silhdplifier.TEiner ldt suirable b neasw lhetenpentue using K q?. Cr-AlThemo@uple housed m S.S rrle induskiatho6in8. Setupshould be pmvided withHeakrwhrch can go uplo 200 des C wrrhlacil iry io vary hqrer power. ReoutredinarumenEton$ilhmptilter,I l/2drlndi8iral rndrcoror orEmoe6m, ln buitiDCregulated pow* supply €lc,


DISPLACEMENT TR,qNSDUCERIi"iEPEIWITII INSIFUMENTATION AND DICITAIlNDlcAroR. l ainer kir @nsisls ot indusEiatg6de L\.DT oI+/, 20 mn withisl.uieniation,Micrcmet€rwirhresolutio.of 0.1 m, Digir.l itrdicator in tems ofvoltage. Buil! in Excitation sigml, DCEgulared power supply. Iacitjry lo varye\cnatnn [i.quency and amptitude a0dobsre ih effed on LVDT perfomece.


, wr hereby confim that tlis quotarion n vatid tor i 80 days as rcquire.l in clause 8 of lhe

yous aailhfuly,

Aulborizcd SigmnueNahe &,t.itte of Sienatory:Nahe of Bidder/Ottce Sranp:Addre,.

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\dyanagar KaHd - a15124 D st.. Satara. l4aha'ashtra (hdra]

Dr. Viithal S. BandalB E (E dr € ) lcoh M3dd6r)

M E lEEd) Ph olrrBdme,Priflcipal

Rel No. G?(TIVS/CS/AY-2017- l 8/ G f3 D't"i t r,,,, l:18.T€trdcr Forn F€e Rs- NIL

INVIIATTON OF QUOTATIONSqled quoradons are inviled froh eligible mnufactufurdalervdistributos fo! the

supply offollowi.g equipnenumachinery on the tems & conditions nentioned below.

Name ofthe item wnh sDecinc'rinnq

0l 90000/

Model of coctum, Loeinor. La noui Babcox adwilcox boiler with all ee$oies (sooden or sleel

03Model of economizer, air peheater, superheater, springIoaded safety valve,lever loaded safety valve, dqdweishi safety valve. tusible Dlue.


05 Cah ch+ing & counrinsmochine. 26000/-


I) The quotaiion should be submitted in T{o-Bid'fomat.2) The lirst Envelope' should mnlain lho Technical Bid sd sLould b€ super scribed as

'Envelope No.-l-Technical Bid.' "Quoraion for the supply of Equipdenl" Ref No.,GPK/WS/CS/AY,2017-l 3/ Dt,ll/01r018. Due date 07/024018 up to 05:00 PM,This €nvelopestould cortlin the folloiitrg docuo€nrc.:

a) Cov..ine lette. for suhnifti.g lhe docments on the letler head ofthe fm, nenlioningpostal addess. @ntact No, Enail addfts & website addrc$ (If available), Wiih nmqsignaue sd s.al of lhe fm.b) Fimt Egisiration cedincae from dy covement body.c) GST Egislraliotr cerrifiqte.d) P@fof paymot of GST for the last quand ofthe curen1 inancial y@,

0 Oriciml €quiplnai lmulactu€r certitcare if the bidd4 is mmufacnueig) AuthoriaiionTDisl butoEhip cenificates ton the original ntuufdcl@, rcgardingsupporr duirg bidding prcces & mty plnod, if lhe bidd* is nol a nanufactuer.h) T@hlical litealure/leaflet ofthe item Eguding Dake & model.i) Underlaking ilEt rhe biddd is not blacklisted and about rhe @npliece oftbe te@ &conditions ofthe quotaliof, oquiry.

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) The Second ovelo!€' should .ontain the .Fituncial bid, of the iten quoting the Ialesirclusive ofall taaes and Lo.R. D*tinalion in fomat as per lhe Atuex; attac;ed on lhetrer trd nl |ne-fi -T fl1i! ervctooe st-o I d be rrper.cnoed a. .Ln, etole \o.2-t_ mcLlbd Qiokio for rhe supp.y otTquipmenr RetNo.-cpK\\S.\.a\.20t7-t8/Dr Jt'0t.20r8. DLe.Lre 07.02.20t8 up b 0r:oo pM.4) I@ iwo envelolEs should be satc.l in a .Tnird envelope, and shouh be supd scrib€d s''Quot lion fo. suplly of equipnend'j Ref No.- CpI</WS/CS/Ay-2Ol?_,rs/Dt 3ll01D018, Due dste07/02016 up 10 05:00 pM.5) T[e l,rl date of subhissior of biil i! 0?/0212018 5:00 pM .nd d,t'eh 08/02/1018 ll:30 AM.6)Fin cial bids or only technicall) qutified7) nr bid should be inclGive otaltiues.

8) The mies {ruorcd should be valid for l80 davs from9) ]]1e delivery of the slorcs should be nade-wnhi.Otheeise the order will be cecelled.l0) 'Ihe bidd{ will have to submit bant sumry

cartage, Idcking, inshllation, comissioninsl

the lasl date of submiss ion of offer.4 weeks from dre dale of supply order.

for lhe orounl of 3% of the mst of rhe

ll) the pdyment $illbe made only aner deliverr. .Lcce,sflt innollar.on. commisionjS &rrqining oi$e iroe. a, rhis.n$iture No ad\ ce paymenrsit. e made b.tore uE dehe;or

12) Tle payment will be nade by RTGS,NEFIIECS.I:l) This instilute may call additional docments md/or intomadon

14) Itis iGtilute resw*

l5) Itrhe otoRs E Ejrcred. rhe suppl.s wi't hde b rcpL.e and k\e bdck he detec,ie srores

16) E nail quolalions will nor be accepted.

the right lo rcjeci tuy or aU bi.ti without assigning ay Hson

1 . Direcbr of Techdcal Educalion M.S. Mumbai (Desk No. I I ). It is requested to ?ubtishthe enquiry on websit.

2 Join Direcror RO. Pune.It h rcquested to pubtish the enquiry on websit.l. The Head ofconccmed Deparrment for informaiion.4. The Head of Compuler Depaftnenr. for Publhhing on Lhe Institutet websie in tine limir.<. \vo.k.hop \ pe-r cndenr. ro plo"e on rhe \ori.\ Bodd.

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AbnexureITo be subnifled by Bidder on Lelterhedl

Coveim€nl Polytechnic,

Sub: Quptltion for Sulply of Equipmeni.

Rel No.: GPK/WS/CS/AY-20t?-l8/ z6 3Sr,

D 'i I Ja,', Z0lB'

- I,rve bmrt or ms compernne otre|n responF @ )ou quokion enourry a"eGred dbore jn accodace $iJ rhe condir.ons ot lne coo@cl. Ou quorariol i. g.ver

\ve hercby confirm lhat rhis quoration

yoB faithtuuy,Althorired SiemtureNade & Tilte ofSignatoryiNme of Biddo/Office Stamp:Addre$:


is valid for I 80 days as r€quned in clause 8 oflh€

Sr, a'y

Icc planr rs ris- Conp€ssr Hcmjtioart;;Gf.ompresoi, Evaporaior Made ofsrainle$ Steet.Insuialed lirh cem ic woot/puf E\pans on DeuceC:pillar) Trbe Compatible caprc ry prcsueCru!(s: N.s sJfe\ Conrcl Olertoad Jnd oL eouffit pDlectos for oom!re$! sd Tihe det&voncuil. Tnt Tle inrer Lnl shal be f.bisted ;rof Skinles Sreel, Elecrric supply Singte phrse,volnnerer0100vDiEiratAnme.o-5 AmD.Conden5er Ar 6l.d cmpadbte b compresorCotulenser Coo ing Fan CompahbLe capsc,O wirh094!nef l h'bricared moror


Model of@tuan, Loeflo( k mod 8,6".. ",,1Nil6x boiler wilh all a@sodes (wmden or sleel

4!{el)Moder or econom ia,, air pEheitei:up;h;Espnns Ioaded solew vrlve. leler loaded qrdvvalye, dead weighl safet valve. fusibto olusworer coorer I oo ln€ - s6ase ct;;Er i00Ll.CoolineCapdci9:20l7H.Po\er Conehption (In Wans): I - ,50 WCash cha*i.e & cou.tins machine Couinng speed' 1o0o/pcrminure,H.ppercrpaoo : t50E.St!(ker.speity. 150 pcs, ?oBer6nsumplion: q30W, B:nk nor \ia Min 50nm r t00mm Bitrl n^rsi?e Min 90mm x t90mm,Thiknsee ofcounlabtelqq: 0,0756n - 0.l5nn


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5- *J.-'r!,y,u:Ir r,lr,:s,l,r*,m#, ffiDr. Vitthal S. Bandal

B.E.(E edi6L) (6dd ftda isDM E lEkd) Ph D (llT Bonb,y)

Principaln t r.to. CPr;VSrCSley-ZOtZ-tel a 5 \ D ": Fl JAIJ 20tE


, Sealed quohrioG 4 uvikd rom ehgibtc manulrch4rc/dq.rs/dsribJlou tor lhesupplyol lollowingequrpmenl7mach,re4 01;erem&@ndiioromenuondbetoL

Nme of the ir€m with spdicatioos

1s000/-{gqerecision raboratwEiEii


4lparatus for cementSou ;; 610A1-Behavior of cotmn and st,rut iomG 3000/-nenaios nonent ana she;L;;;;;;;4000/Law ofnonents ADodarrr2500/-qlc base ald ruase ro.aai;; 5000/-st ea. uox apoaatu ro. ui foiir,-iiGsr- onmbr.

i000/-measuios cy[naen : neach ofi;;;

1991s for cement restine tawJi


l)1le qLolarion +outd be .ubm.fled in . TwGBid.. ,omar,rrFeri.rIn\ropes\oud,oorainrhe.leclnrcalB.d.and.houtdbfsuperscr:beo,stnvetope No.-t-Telhnicat Bid.,OuoEion f.r ihe !cr*,w'cs.ei ionii,-"'-,,.;fi ';J,;:'"',:i"1rJl,r;i.lrr:X[Ti

r.^J,l *-

r Dr!.rleropcshoutd cotrtsi! tne fo[owins docuEenk. .a, ( o,n'ne telq iorsubmiflinS *e docmmh on the teier head of lhe tum. mendoninrporrar dddrs. con*c, No. Fmair adar.s a reuire aaarcs rri;;;]ffi;#il

"il:,:srensn{e and seat of lhe fimb), m i re8$dhn cenifc e lom eJ uoveme,r bod).o u5 r resLsEarion *rtificated\ Prolt ot panenr ot CS I tor fie tN oher or lhe cumlr trmria, yea,e) PAN c.rd copyt Odginal eqlipDent neufactubr cenificate if rho bidder is DeufactuE











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g) Authoriation/DisrribuloBhi!' ceitircates ftom the original mdufactEr, (gardinsslppon dLrirgbrddfs p-ocers& weMu pei@, r,lhe bido. .s mra Tanuhlru;r


h)Tectl.kl liemrure'leafe otlhe.tenreAaoinEnake& Todel.i) Undenaking that the bidder is not btacklisted and about the cooDliance ofthe temr &!. . Li -.',, trl.- quohlio' cnquiD.

3) The'Second envelope' should contain the .Financial bid,oflhe iteh quoting rhe Ialesinduive of all laxes ed I.o.R. Dstinarion in fomar as per ihe AmexuJ attac;ed on lhel-er p!'l or Lte t:m. lhir envetope shoutd bc luper ".lo.a ,.

.en,"top" No-:-r.n-,iuibid. Ouohon lorrhe srpply of Equipmeni' Ret \o CpKl\sCS/AY-2017 ts,Dt. 3 l/01/2018, Due date 07102/2018 up to l]5:()O pM.a) The two envelop* should be seatcd in a .Third envelope. and should be supd scribed s"Quolation for supply of equipheni,,, Ref No.- cpK/WS/CS/Ay,2Ol?-18/Di.ll/01/2018, Due date07/02/2018 up ro 05:00 pNI5) Th€ last datc olsubnission ot bid is 0?/02/2018 S:00 plu and dnr€h 0E/0220r8 rr:30 AM.6) rbancial bids of only t€ctuically?) IIe bid should be inclusive of

8)'Ille rares quoled should be valid for 180 davs fron9) The delivery of lhe sto!€s should be made yithinotbeMire the order will be cmftlled.l0) ft€ bidder will have to subDit ball gurer),

qualified biddes will be op.!ed.all ldes, canage, packing, ilsrallation. commhsioning,

lhe Iasi date of submi ssion of ofer.4 weeks nom the date of supply oder.

fo. the mount of 3% ol the cost of the

I l) Tle payhenr wilr be made onl) aner de nery. sLclesstut rn"rd|a,ion. conmisioring &mDrng or rhe.bres al rhis insrtuk \o adv&e paymenr sit' be made betore Ur delnw ot

12) he parrot will be nade by RTGSA.EFT/ECS.l) This iulitute my @ll additional docm€nls dd/or intom.don

14) I]iis inniruF rsNs Lhe n8hr ro rcJecr ) or aI biG wirhoJ a$icnDe ) reaenrh..eor1t\ lltne noFs 6 Ejecied. lhe.upptF wi ha\e !o replace.nd Ete back rhe detecri\e sbres

16) E,mil quotatiotu wilt nor be acepted.

1. Di rcclor of Techn ical Ed ucati on M.S. Mumbai (Desk No. t ll.It is rcouesLed b publish

'leenqr D or uebsl2. Join Direcior RO. Ihe. It is Equested ro publhh the .nqui.y on sebsit.3. The Head ofconehed Depar.ne tor infomation..1. l l qcJd o. / oroure. Depdmenl to- pdbt."n.,E oi'te lnr tuk s seb".k o l:ne tim.t5. Vorkqhop Super ntendenr.ro Flde on tneNorR Boani.

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Arne!trr.lTo be suhmitted by Bidde. oE Iftterhedl

R€fNo.: Dale:

covemenl Polrr@nnio,

Sub: Quplation for Supply ofEquiDmenl.

Rcf.No.: cpuws/cs/ay 2ot7 l3/ 3sr D"G, J I JAN 20ls

l,We subnn ou mosi onpdnive ofTer in response lo your quotaion enquiry as eaeredabole in ,ccordan@ Nirh lhe conditions ofrhe conract. Our quotllion is gilen below.

Reboud Hammer (c..crer. rd H m*) N -Ty?e sidl aluminum body cs. Btib6ld in Kgf/ cm(Analog) Impd Eneqy: 2.207 Nm , A..uhcylBener lhm + 2 Reboud NunbE6 uhm rsbd onCalibration ANi1, R*olulionr 2 Reboud NmbeB,I0lo 50 MPa Uniuial Cdnprc$ive Slrcngth,Range:I0 ro I00 Rcb.ud Numbei, Confoms ro Bs 1331:Pan 202.rS l]]r Pd r, w.igh!: 1.5 k, rhconveBion chatu, in aTEvel cq os.Hish Prccnion rjb.rdory Bdocs -ol capaciry 220 Eh wilh l@r @uni 0.001g. Pd sizI00 md wilh wind shield, rcsp.N rime 2-5 $@nds,ooenrins bm! l0 - 45 De.rcc Cenli@deAppmr6 ror aggregde dushins rer,consisb of c6. hsrdened Mild s@l cylindricalco aind or r50m dia 0.5mmr Bo'n'! ro l40mmhigh wirh bde plrb 200 b 230mm squm x 6m'nL\ick. A ,lung* of l43nn ojnn dia r 100 ro

ApponrB for ceme.r soundre$- L+ chdeliersAppanru! webhinE h6lm.q me6uiins cytinder.hwel mixinc pans hqrr, themomebr, srandldRefeEnce Te*ispe.lomed 6 psrS: 4031 (pan t)

Behavior of.olumn md stui app€6tu$AppaBtus consisr of tur spdng slct olunns

'hichft pul slong a vdical moden b.rd. ft.* fourmlu'nns hav. ditreMt end ondirions s below: LBorh dds pimed 2. Both mds fixed 3. one dpinf,rd od oll* fixed 4. One e.d lixed 6d orhs ddrR

^rrmhr Nill hc n'tpliod .omphr wnh a

supeonina s6nd and d $r ofw.iPhs.Bending mom.nl and shea fdce dppmtu*A igid, rluminium bem h cur i o so uequatlengrhs, oaling ! cul s{rion.Ieh bem is rhensinply suppoded on letical suppoB. E .h supponcm b. eoled along rhe b.d sdion lensrh creatitrBu ei suppon posnions. Ai lho cut $dion, a deep

sroov! 6aLl bearing iD one b.d rE wilhin a bLock inihe olhq bean. This allo*s for borh vedicalmovem rGhed d o@lion lbedin!) ro o.cur.IrE

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shsr Fo@ h meNured using , veni.al .i.losueb.lane. A se.oM mdocE slnng balace mealBrhe dird load @ted in ihc b6n .cuf

=crion dilt 6eciated mechdicrl noment levd m *radGs rhe ':cuf rciin allows lne boiins momelr lobc calculatd Speial load hmse6 !rc pbvided nrdfit ov rhe beams. 'Ih. load hogeu 6 he pNilioneda@uddy ,lons rhe be6 l.ngrh by uring ihegdrrlld $als aG.hed ro rhe sld. ofrhc bmms.Atull st of slotud, aLibmrd reighb shzll be in luded.ldft th aconDrchensiv. ins dioi m,nulI-ry of monents Appmlu$ Cotundns of - a) TezIVood p.d ( Los m long. 2s mm uide ed 3 mm lhkwnn o sl sndnarion 2 mm deep ar evry I cm onwidrh d one side md 6B$ @lchcd pie@ ar cenh onothe. side). b) voniel sand ( 20 mm sorid or miHrecL trnf lnansuiar bms rop 2i mm tong, 20 mm*ide rnd 10 mr hich for woodd sBk to 6r sscesq) widr tipod baqc) rcclanCular aluminiumhoEds 4 nc,for 5 doh.d wisha, d) sroned weiChtsl0 nos ol100 ms d l0nsof50mMasn*io bs dial guage (0.001 ]m!Cotrsistiu ola) Dial indicabr wirh - Revolution

counrer, Hardmed ud sound conrad poinr,sarinchmme plded cise,Hard chmme phrcd st m, dial dia50 nn, e.din8 63c 0 l0 m4 l@l counl0.0lnn, b) wr magneric b&r- Fine idjushenl, o ofilever b rtle6e masnet 60 kgf roEq pemmdimasnet, Ac.epE oll AcD dial indicalor hacks ads@mt Ac.ep6 sbms 3 l0 mm dimerer, univeMlldjuhent; horianlrl md redical movm.ni of

Shed box appmtos tu UIM lor shea at onnebk- sh@ i6r (cuneratuchnent for uTM, M.deup df hzrdened sle.l. Bush6 for shee rsr ol Dia 5, 3.

spanner Scl md Tool kir for mairenace of.quipmenlsand mchin*- Spannq Set ( Conhinarion sp6nne6 oftrgc 6 nm ro 13 m 13 no, and hexagon rins!pam.6 5d 617 ro l4 x27'nm 10 no) nade up olctuome vmdiu ned ohrcm. pbtn, ) in a ptaticspe.ial @. (fo mirdG ol .quipmens md

BoGil dN mesuiiig cylindeB 2 nea.h of capaci!,I00 ml, ?50 m|, 500 nl and l000rl-T@ls for enent reting Fa@k - sainlss *d oflengh 170 mm and widrh 60 mm virh w@dfr

We heeby otrnm that this quotation is valid for 180 days d rcquircd in cla6e 8 oft\€

Name & Tnle of Signabry:Nee of Bidd*/Ollce stahp:

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t021€4 - 271462


"I,f T*.Vidyanagar. Ka€d-415124. Disr.- Salala, rMaha€shra (hdr"l lg€#

Dr. Vittllal S. BandalB E.(E ed,6 ) (Gord Meda b0

M E (Ebd) Ph o 0rr Bombay)



sealed quokrion. ue in!.led ftom etrgibte mdlufatu-ets.dealets di.Fbutors for lheslppl) o.iollosirg equ.pnefi,maclxlef on tu Elm & @noit ons oenrioned betoq


l) The quotauon rtould be subminN m..Two Bio.' tornat2) The 'Insl Envelope' should mnrain lhe .Ttrhnicat-Bi.l.

and shoukl be suer *rib€d as'Fi\el.oe No-'-le(larical Bio ,Ououron io he suppl o" Equpnelr,, Rel \o.-GP(/WS/CS/AY-2017- t 8/_ Dt 3 VOtl2018, Due dare 0?ii02l20l8 u; to 05:00 ?M.rhisctrvclop.ihould@nt io lhefo[o*irgdocuoetrrs. :

Ret No C PK/WS/CS/AY-201 7- 18/ 352_

4 Covering l€fter for slbmining the documots on the letter headposial addEss, contact No, Email addre$ & website addEs flfsigrunE md seal ofthe fitu.b) Fi@ s rgisiralion ceflificar Aon my covemeni body.c) CST reAisraion enificare.

Date: 3l JAN 2018

Tendo Fom F.e R&- NIL

d) ?loofofpa)ment ofcsT for ihe ldr qurter ofthe cBent finmcial ye _

f) Origiml equipneni neufactuEr cenificate ifthe bidder h nanufactm.g) ArthorizlionlDisributorehip certificates fiom ihe original manufaduEr, regarding,lppon durins biddingpGess& watury perod, rt he bidoe, $,.1".*urdr.;,. -t) fahnica'llmtuE led4erofthe nm reearoinErake& modr'i)U erlalrng thd rhe odder ic nor btac isred do dbourrtecotopti ceotrhekmq&condiiions of the quohtion enqut ,

3) The'Semnd envelope'should co.iain |he .Fineciat bid,oflhe iteb q@ting ihe nt€sinclusive ofall tdes and F.O.R Destioation in fomat s per the ann*uj atracied on tr:e.no pad o t $e fim. n b ervelope shoutd be super s, 6eo as .Ln,etole No.-2-r,rn. idt

bid'. "QJotaior br rhe suppl) olEquipmtrt" Rel No.. cpK/WS.cq.Ay-20t7-18/Dr.lt/01/2018, Duc dale 07/02/20t8 up to 05:00 pM.

Sr. Nameolthe item wth specifica(ions

0l l'1oor Slanding Seper RackCooputer !,Iulrinedia Spiakes 12i00/

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4) Tle No fl velops +outd be sedted in d .ftud errctope.and rtoutd be.uper n,.oed s'Auorarior for upply ot equpmeli., Ret No. ciK WS/CS/AY-20 t 7'- ts

Dr. ll/01/2018, Due dareoT/02/2018 uD to 05.00 !M5,1hc las dore olsubEhriotr orb h07,0120t8 s:00 t,M rnddlteis08/02201811:30 AM.6) Iinmlial bidsofo y r€chjli.ally qualified bidde.s wil be opened.-l The bid .h"r d bc n(.hie oI att .a$. cm.ge. pdltini, .n.h.tar on. comirs.onin8.

8) The Ees qrored shoLld be \atid tor t80 day\ rrom rr tan oak ot srbh.sion ot offd.c) lhe deheD olde s@es shou.d be raoe k $'14 weeks rrod rhe ddre ot . upply oroerOtneNise the order will be cdcell.d,l0) The biddd will have to submit b k Cuenry for ihe amounl of3% ofrhe cosl ofnhe

I l) The pclmer wr.t be rude onty aRcr detivery. )ucces.rur iniralarion, commhsioling &rMinE otrhe slo6 a l[s rriare No advtuce pdJ nenr wi be ma.e beroR rhe detive; or

l2jTle parmen wnl be made by RlcS\Et tfCS.13) llis institute may call additioml docmefls ad/or infomation

l.l) Tl,is inr rd. ,e'{\s rlk riah ro eed e!lt) Ulhe sroEs is Eje(.4 llle s,pplier wil h,!e ro

16) E-@il quohrions will nor be accelte{

or all bids wilhoul a$igning ey Ea$n

replace and lale bacl the dofeclive sior€s

lD.re(ro'olTe(hni-attducar.onM.S.v@bai{De.tNoll,.trisrequesedropLo,iihme enqury on websrt.

2. Join DiBtor RO, ?me. Il is reqEsGd lo ?ublish the enquiry on websit.3. IlE Head of encmed Deparrmot for intomation.4 ahe l-lead ofConpl tr Depairnsr. tor pub'ilhins or he ln.titu,e.s web.ne in rime nnn.5 wor*shop Superintendenr, ro ptace on rhe Norke Bord.

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AnnexurelTo be submitted byBidder on L.fierheadl

Coveme.l Polytechnic,

Sub: Qupralion for Supply ofEquipment.Rei: No.: cPK/ws/CS/Ay 2017-18/ft1 Da&:31 t^l! 2018

i Ve submit our mosl compeiirive otTer in response ro your quotaion enquiry stfered above in accordance wilh rhe conditions ofthe contEd. Our quotarion is given

, We b@by contum lhd fiis qDtation b valid for l8(] days as required in claue 8 oflhe

yous faithfully,

Authorized SigmrueNane & Title olSignatory:Nme of Bidder/Omce Sramp:Addre\.

,il t Desciiplion or lten Qr).

(Rs.) (Rs.)


Floor Sthdins SeN€rBackside with a pair of verticat @btehanaeenent - With e.nhing kii -AdvancedLock. Adi$iable feet and heavy duiy castore available at lhe smq sraric l@dinr 1000kg. - Standard Access.ies: t9.,HorircnratCable M ae6, 19" Horizontal lowdDislribution Unit, 19" Cmtilever Shelf. 19.cooling Fd TEys with 2 f& qEciiy, Cstorwheel rvilh two t'eats. carive i*a*ae(pack of 20). Dioension: USABLE HEIGIiTTOTAI WIDTH TOTAI DEITI] USABLEWIDIII US$LE DEPTH 2'IJ 600 650 ] q'5?0 27U 600 800 19" 720 2?U 600 IO0o 19"920 2?U 800 800 19" 720 2?U 8oO t0o0 19"920 .Black colou with Nwder mali.


Comoter tr,tuttimeaia SoeatF4.1 (hmel mulriredia sp*neE Compalibtewith USB, SD tud FM Aux mprcohparibtewith D\aDs. PCs dnd I aD TvcL,ll!nrclion l remote conEol Rotary volme bdbass conLol Power indicator LED Powtr


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r GOVERNMENT POTYTTCHNIC, KARADVidyaiagar, Kanad -415124, Oist.- Sataia, l4aharashna (]nda)

DL Vitthal S. BandalB.E lEb.d*D(God M6dard)

M E (63d), Ph. o ( r Boibay)Principal


Ieleohane: A2164 - 271462Mobile : +9i -9421017462Email : gpkarad dt€@Amait.comWob :w.opk.ac.in

Ret No. cPKrwS/CS/AY-201h8/ 35 n Dar?l rr il ,nrg

' T.nd.r Fom Fe R!,- NIL


Ssled quoriod m invikd ftob etisible hsnuractueB/dsaleBdisrriburoB td lhe(upply or lolloqng equipmoi/machinery @ $e lms & condirioN menrioned h€tow

N.meafthe iten wilh spe.rfica ons

DiAilal Tachomerer Contact tyreDisiEl Tachoheter Non Conra.t rypeItes lomer Oil Tesrins kirRbeostat (500O8M,3A)



0l r0000/04



I ) Tlt quolation should be sbmined in ..Two-Bid., fomar.2) The 'In$ Envelope' should conlain lhe .T(hnicat-Bid, .nd should be super *ribed asFivrlolE N.-t,T{hrical Bid., ,,euorlion fo! the suppty .f Eq,ip.;l,, R"f No.-crK/ws/cs/Ay-2017- 18/_ Dl. 31/01/2018, Due daie d77orr2ot 8 u; to 05:00 ?M.Thheovclopcshouldcont.ttrrbeloltowinqdocum.lls, :

a) Cording lener for subnining rhe d@umenis on lhe lexer hea.t of the nm. nendoningpostal addB$, coniacl No, EDail.ddre$ & websile addE$ (Ir available),-Wnh ;;:signatre dd *al ofthe fim.b) Fim's regisimrion cenificate fron e! covement body.!) OST retsisLrarion ceniiicare,.l) P_oot of pa)ment ot CS I tor rhe ta{ qbGr o.,\e curelr toancia,)e.r.et PANcrd 6py0 Ongiml equipoenr @ufacn{er cerrircare ifthe bidder is nanufacturer.g) AuthoriarionrDhr bulorship ceitincates fror the origiml m ufacturer, regddingsrppon Jxring b.dd ng procsq & wMtrry period. ithe bidder is no a mdltacruEr.1' rechrlat rte6h -e tecfld ot*e rlem rcsardirqmake & modeti) UndetuIine lnar rhe bidoer,s nor btd.\'i.'e snd abour l\e compli ce or he rens &condirions olthe quotarion qqunr.

'1) T\e'Secord en\elob. shoutd conldir L\e.Finaft.dt bid..r Lhe iem oLorig te rak"inclusive of all laxes od F.O.R, Desti@rion itr fomal d per the AmexE atilcied or theletier pad ofthe fim. T1 s envelo!. should be suler scdbed d .Env€tope No__2-Fitunciai


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bid'. "QDtaion tor the supply of Equipment, Ret No.- GPK/WS/CS/AY-2O1 ?_ l8/n r 0l \nl8.D.d_r..0-.02.,t0l8LproO).0OpV -a) Tne Mo en\e oper sho.nd be rated il a .lhnd o\e,ope. and +outd De sJpo. lcnbed r."OdoErDn ro- lpp) ol equipmeni', Re- No- Cil./$SCS/AY-2017:tsDt, 3 l/01720 t 8, Due dale07/02/20 t 8 uo to Os:00 pM5) Tie l$t d.re of submissiob of bid tu 07/02,2018 S:00 pM andb 08/02,2018 1l:30 AM-6) Fimcial bids ofonly l{hnielly qutilied biddos wilt be opened.7l The b.d should be mclGive olall bes. cdag.. pal'na insElatiol..onmFsionilg.

8) The 6tes quoted shodd be valid for l80 days Iion dre last date ofsbmission ofoffer.9) The delivery ofth. storcs should b. made wirbin 4 weeks 6om lhe date of sppg order.OrheNise the order w,ll be c&cerhd.I0) The bidder will have lo submil bank gurdty for rhe anount of 3% of the cost of the

I l) Tle polmeor u ,l be mde only afier detden. src.es.tut jr\u cnoo. .ommiJs.oninE &

u,ioing ol rhe nors ar rhis ftlitu.e No dd\arce pqJmefl q be made bc,ore rhe dehe;.tlhe sroE\l2) The payneDt wiu be made by RTGSA.IEIT/ECS.13) Ilh i.stitule nly call addirional documents an or infomation

l.ll ltB rnsuture ernes rhe lrehr b -ej(r &) or alt b,o. wirhor bsrgning ey e6onrh.Enrl5) Illhe s,ores is el4red. the supplis qilltu!e

'o rept(e d Bte back Lhedefecrr\estoEs

his oM nsl d cosr16) E-mail quolanotr will .ot be acelred.


l. Dilecto! of Technical Educarion M.S. Mmbai (Desk No. I D. Il is reqEsled to }ublishrhe enquty on websn.

2.loir Diecror RO. Pxe,lr h reqlesed ro pubtish.heenquil onweosn.l. fte Hedd otconcmed DepanmeDr torintomatiol.4. T\e Head olCompurer Deparlmenr. rorpubtish.ngon rhe ln"rrk\ rebsik m line tim.l5 rr/orkshop Superinrendenr, bptace onrhe Norice Board.

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Atr..xurelTo be submi$ed by Bldder or Leterbeidl

Govem@t Polyrechnic,

Sub: Qupt6lion fo. Supply [email protected] Nor GPIV,!VS/CS/AY-2017-18/ 3s3 Date 3r.Or,r_ora


_ LWe Nidir ou mo$ @rnpeririv. ortr 'n

Esponse ro )ou quohion oquiD srelened abo\e in ecordqe rirh the mrditotu ol rhe.onEact. Or q@6tioo is givm

oisiur rachoneter -onr-iGiil5ii;6.digir hghr LED. Speed Bnle -O 50O0ODm.Accu&y + 0.0 t,,/q Resotunon O.LDn I



Di8ilal Tsohoneter Non- CoD6c! Vpe tDisplayIEDdisplay w rh brttighr, Spe.dmnse-O-99990em, Accu@y+ 0.05qa Reetuuon0-ll}m.l


Transfomer Oil Tesling kit-I Inpul230V] l0%.50H2, Singte Dhase AC.Oulpul 0 to 50/60/70/75l30/9onO0/l20kVAcZcm naddoor inre.l@k ove.load pmrectio.,

Rheoshr (500oHM,3A)- l vEiobte soGlm-lA si.gle tuhe with 6x€d and voriabteponits(Niohmfte wirel


Rhco*r (50o1ifr. i0A)- Ivariarrc sa;t;;ltAsin8le tube with fixcd .nd vdable

Di8ibl Muni-mde!- D( votrog. Rafge:200ruro 1000v w !h Reetuuo. 0.lm V.{C volDoeR'nee:uDroTtovwirh resolutio.0 tmvD:ourent Rlngq2oonA to toA wilh Esolution0.1frA Reshta.ce Rlnse2oo ohm ro 2oMohmwithBolulion 0. t ohm_ Abte lo len Diode,continuily Tansnbr, frequenc)l, rnd Dara HotdFearure, WeighrAppm.cBlerrlan toolms


, We hmb mnlim that th.s quohlion i. \atid,or t80 day. *,.qr."d i, "t* S.t,l,"

yoN faithtulty,

Aurhdzed SignalwNme & Tjtle of SigEloryNme of Bidde/Of:tce Sranp:Ad.tess:

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Vdyanagar, Kalad -415124, Disl.- Satara, lrahaEshira (tndia)

Dr Vitthal S- BandalB.ElEbcbBD(codMda d)

M E.(Ead). Fh o ( r Borbay)

PrincipalRet. No. CPIi/WSTCS/AY 2Or7-13/ 35\ D"t ,3 1 ,- 21l1tr

T€nder Form F€e Rs.- NtL

Se€led quorarons m irvikd fiom etgibl€ manu ra< l mrydeatea ,l -trib(ors for rhesuopl) ofIo lowing equ ipmenumo.hoeD on Je rems& cordrrioru her,joned belou



l) The quoErion shoutd be submined m,,Iro_Bid.. tom,r2l The Fnr L elope shoutd @nErn lhe .l*hricdt-Bid. rd lhoutd oe ,upe! sribed a"'LNebpe \o,-l-Terhricrt Bid ,Ouobiol lor rle suppl) ot r q,ip*""r n, vo-cP('$s-cs.Ay-20t,7-r8 _ Dl..il.ot.)0t8. Due dare 07 or2o, 8.u; b 0) oo pvrh^ cn\ct^nc should contain rhe foloqins,tocuhetrrs.:

dl (-orsilC kner tor.ubmirine rhedo.;menrs on Ue terer neod ot l,re [m. rmuoninspo,rar dddreqs. (oru, No. !m,,r "aa,*, a ."*i",a.i.* r ri;;"rl"rlil,.'iiiij'i.l..isisroture ad sed of lhe 6mb) !im s egismr.o fnrfimE tumdnj bovemenrDody.) cST resistrarion cerrificare.d) Pmololpatmed ol CS r tor fie ta{ quftr o.lne Menr t.Mcidt \e,,c, /A\ car,l coo\

Name ot the iteo wi$ sp€cii:c;lio;-

r0 MHz cRo 2 Chamet 4 Tnce

ioweR EL-EcrR-Nlaairra- CHEK EEFmG-vARhnoN oF R, c rN R aNDRcrzuccerrG, cricr rn9H_!!r*=rygE8!q _ _







pow-ER aiEcrR6i! rcs Rrrs SnERlFy oani




ii^ri?;i;;;i,"i;,lH$#:,li;:51i: :lt'::I"gt-09


q Origi.al equipment nanufactEr cenifiate it the bidde! is nanutaci@r,

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g) AuthondionDishibutoship ceniflqtes non the origiral msufacturcr, regardingsuppondutuBbiddngploce$8 udJtr-ypenod. itrleb.dde, isnorcmdLtac;. . -" i.!ld i.d l.rercrue,ealelJrrhe rLetu re.,aJdrlsnd^e& model.

i) Undertanins that the bidde! is nor bladristed and about the conpliuce of rhe tem &condnions of the quotalion enquiry,

3) The 'Seond €nvelope' should contain the .Finmcial bid,ofthe ilem quoring lhe nresinclusive ofall tlxs and F.O.R Desrimtion ,n fomal s Der the AMexuiaftached.i thehis pid ol he fm. rris envetope shoutd be slper fribed s .Enretope No.-2-FL cia.I id' "Quordron lo- r\e suopl\ ol Lquipren., Ref No.- CpK/wS i S.Ay tot T-t8Dt. ll/0120r8. Due date o7l02/20t8 up to 05:OO ?M,4) The lwo ov€lopes should b€ sedd in a ,Third envelope, ant should b. supd srjbed as"Quot tion fd supply of eqnipmot', Ref No, c?(IWS/CS/Ay-2017--is/Dt, 3 V01,201 8, Due daie07/022018 up io O5:OO pM.5) Thc lrst daie of srbnbsion of bid ir 07/022018 5:00 pM andis 08/0212018 r r 30 AM-6) fh uial bids olonly rechnically qutitied?) The bid should be incluive of all rax€s. qdagq pacling, ictallalion, comissioning,

dlle ofopenins thc bid

8) The 6tes quored should be valid for 180 days fron rhe l6t daie ofsubni$ion ofoilo.9l IE delivery offie siores should be made within 4 weeks frch ihe dale ofsupply ordef;Otnwise the ord* wiu be .e.elted.l0) the b'dd( will ha\e ro submir bank &atrry tor $e anounl ot roo otrhe cost ot rle

1 l) The pryme.t will b€ tude only after delivery, succsstul ituhllation, cdbissiolins &h'ainine oflhe sloEs ar this iBtilule No adv ce paynenl willbe made before rhe detivqt of

12) Ihe payment will be made by RTGS/NEFI/ECS.I 3) Itis iGritute tuy can addiiioml docme s or intomalion

14) lxis isriiute Eserve

I5) Iflhe sbEs is rcjected, ihe supplier will have to r€Dlace and rakehh own risk and cosr.l6) E mil quolations will not be accepted.

tne igh' !o Ejecr e) o, all bi w hor sngtuns s) rc,son

l. Director of Technical Education M.s. Mmbai (Desk No. I I ). rr is requesred io publishlhc cnqr ir_v on n cbsil

2. Ioin Director RO, Pu.. lr is requested to Poblish rhe cnquiry on websit.3. The Eead ofconcetued Depanoent for infomalion.4, The Head of Conputer Deparrmen! for Publishing on tbe Institule\ websnc in lime limii.5 wor\stoo SLpe'inrcndenr. loplace on rhr Noric. BodJ._

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AnbexurelTo besubmitted byBidder on Leti€rhe.dl

Covchmenr Polyl*hric,

Snb: Quptalion for Supply ofEquipneDt.Ret No.: cpK/ws/cs/Ay-20r7-18/3 st D"t",J I JAN 201g

^ I\,. .,lmir irr rno.' (orpor .\e ons ,r F)DoNe ro )ou quokion enqrif ds

.elmed abo\e in aclordee q$ rhe condnions or rrre cJnhcr Our quoulion ir $re1


tRs.) (Rs.)ru Nlhz LRU I Lnmel - 4 Tr&e _ 2Chmel4 TEce wiih digital rcadout disptaxl0 MHz Banduidih, rl0 Ma$ificalo..Ahmale TriscsinE. Sha@ iru CRr.Builrin-Component & Conrrnuiry Tes[(Opemtin8 Mod$. Chtuett, Ch;mllt.Chamel I & II allemato or chopped, X-yoperatio4 Ad Sub CE I + CH II, tnven CHIorIIM imum Input volrage:300V orabove Souu : CE l, CH II, AIICE I / CH ILLine, Exi. Amessories: Leeins Maieriat -0l Nos. BNC - CNodile CahE: 02 N^" i"


r uNc r loN (TLNERA ToR- l0Hz- l0 MIIZSh.. Squarc, Tlilnele, Ramp, pulse dTTLoutpurs, 20 vpp ouFul tud Dc otTirel, Dc-40Mliz llequency Cout€r, Rise iine & FaUtine 50 B, LCD displayconbolled bv nenukers, TIL output, 50 ohn Outp l;ledmce.AM, !M, ASK,IS( & IWM modutations,20 dB/ 40 dB (fixed) & 20 dB vari,hte


ANATOG MIJTI,TIMETER. suiiable Ioneasure AC/DC volt ge j Clr@t tudResisrance DC vollage Range 4OOmV to lO0OV AC Voltage Radge 4V to 750 V DC curenl4 mA lo 10AAC c@nt 4 nA to 10 ARcsisldrcc 400 Ohm to 40 Mohm or anv o6erbefte. specificatioff End facilities





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S I RAIN GAUCE TRAINER WITHINSTRUMENTATION AND INDICATOR.Trainer kit mnsisB of W!€Etone bridseCanlilever irTe loading etusemenr, ;nwhich 2 skain gauges e mou ed, Weighsup to 2Ke, DC anplifid, Digilal indicator inlems ofgms, F&iliiy to seled Quaner dtlalfbrids€ mode. should be housed int aularent acrylic ovd so tlEt skain g.usesaE visibl€ to siudmrs. Inbuilt Dc regulated


Nm€ & Title of Si$atory:

Name of Bidder/Omft Stmp:

. We hercby confirn lhar this quotltion is lalid for I 80 days s required in clause 8 of lhe

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GOVERNIT{ENT POTYTECHNIC, KARADVidyanagar, Karad -415124, Dist., Salara, [4ahaEshtE (lnd]a)

Dr. Vitthal S. BandalB E (E edica ) lcoh M3dd6r)

M.E lEhd). Ph D 1 [ Bonb,'Principal


Ret. No. GPK/WS/CS/AY-2017,18/ 3 5 5 D"i"J I .il t^J 2019T.nd€r Forn Fec Rs- Ml,

INN'ITATION OF QUOTATIONSedled q@urion. re Drited Irom etigibte malu fc(tueB deateB dishbuLol for fierdnplJ ol lollorinSequ:pmer/na(hineryonr\erefts&.ono jonqmendonedb€toq

Dt. ll/01/2018. Due aite 07/0220t8 up to 05:OO pM,4l The No ervelops lholld be ka,ed in a .thnd cnve.ope.and shoutd bc sup. rnbed b.auoErior lor srppt) ot equipnni., Ret No.- CiK/Us.CSAy-2017:rs


l) The q@raron should be sbmined h ..1 wo-Bid.. to,mal4 Tbe'Iilst Envelope sbould coniain the .T4hnicar_Bid, tud shor{d be sups s bed as'Eivelope-No.,1-Technical Bid. .euoraion for rhe suplty of Equipm;l, Ref No.-G!K/WSrcS/Ay-2017- 18/_ Di. 3 VOll2018. Due date 0?70212018 ui to 05:00 ?M.Thbebvclop€ihouldcotrhiD thetoloniDsdocumeni3..

dl Co\e''nC leGr lo- )ubmihing lne do.dmenF on.he .der head ot he lim. mennoninr

posEl address. conkcr No. fmait addre,s & rebsire addrs 0l ar'ditabte), wirh ;;:sig)atue dd sal of the fim.b) Iim's resistration certificare ftom sy Coaement bo.ly.O GST rcehrralion cerrincre.d) Pmolorerhtrrot CS r,or rhe lo{ quder otrhe !rcr. ftnrcjat)ea.

l) Original equipmenr mmutrduEr cerdlicate it the bidde. is DanufactuEC) Authoriadon/Dislributuship ceniticares from lhe original manufactuEr, regardingsuplon dui.g bidding pMes & wmaty pqiod, irthe bidd* is not a manufactuir. 'h) Techni(a' l:rmruErted0ei ot rte .rem EEaromamale & modclil Undeaa.krng rtar lhe biddcr rs no. b.rc( i.red d;d dbou,lhe.onp.iece o-r\e rem. &condilionsof lhcquotationenquiry.

1) ]_he 'Second envelope' shoutd contain the .Iinancial bid. of6e iten quotinB lhe niesinclusive of all hxes and !.o.R. Destinalion in fomat !s per the Anndu; .tucied on rheledtr pad olLhe-fim. This mretope rhou'd be super s.nbed as .tnvetope \o.2-tir cialbrd Quola on lirr lhe \upDly ol Fquipmelr. Ret No.- cp!'/ws CS.Ay tO 7-t8

Name of$e rem $irhspecif.rrm

Digital SloEse O$illo*opes tOO MHz Color?ID Temperatu.e Conrrol Tniner 10000/-SMART TehDemhe Tmsmirer 50000/

Dr ll/01/20t8, Due date0?/02/2018 up ro 05.00 pM.


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5) The last d.ie of srbnixsion of bid is 0?/02/2018 5:OO rM ard dat'€is 08/0212018 l1:30 AM.6) Fiodnci3 bidsotonly rechnrcaly out/ied7) The bLd shodd be nclusive.rrt i:!esrraioins & varmry.

biddeB wiu b€ olened.cartage, packing, iDtallarion, conmissioning,

8l The rates +ded shdld e val.d for r80 oJ)r troh rt e Lr dare o.submhsion ol oTer9r lhe delns ol rhe $oRs shoutd e mde wiLhin 4 seel\ .rom l\e dde otsupp,J orderOthwise the oder will b€ cmcelled.l0) The bjdd€r will have ro subnit banl gu.aniy for dre anolnt of 3% oI th€ cost of the

ll)TlepJymenrqil'bemadeonl)lneroeNery,\1.\e(s[t,rk..a,joncomnisionne&rhis inj:ture No "dv&e paym(nr {it. e rade before r\e deh,ei o,

12) Ihe paymot will be nade by RTGS,,NEFIIECS.13) ftis i.stitute hay call additional docmenrs qd/or i.fomarion

14) This in$ituF re* 6 the ngir to Ej(. My or d bids wrthour arsigu8 n) reasor

I5) IlL,te stoq is Fjared, rhe supplier tri have to r.p.a!e md tat\e back lhe detqli!e {orcshisoMrisktudmsl16) E-bail quorario.s witl noi be acepred.


I D,Ecior ol I ellxlicdt Ldlsrion V.S, Mhbai I Dest \o I L tr is -eqGsEd ro pubtn,rrhe trqurry on webrt.

I l:,,1 * "p" p'- I trieq,Esredioprbilhrhee,q;.D onuobyr3. The Head of @ncmed Depairadr for infomation.a lhe Hcad olcompurer Depanmnr. torpuo.hhirg on lhe Inqiru.e.s rebsire in rime'inn.J worksho! Superinlendent, toptace onrheNoice Board,

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lTo be submifled by Bidder od La(erherdl

Govement Polra@hnic,

tub: Qult riotr for Supply ofEquipoent.

Rel No,: GPK/WCS/AY-20U-18/ zry Dat: gt.or,Z01A

sirIa € submit ou @st compeliiire offer in iespons to you qwtdion enquny as

ref@Ed 6love in a.cord.e€ wirh the @nditioB of the coniract. OE qmration is given

lxs.) (Rs.)Digital Storage OscilloMp€s l0O MHzcolor-Badpidth: 100 MHz, Conlet Oscillos@pewilh 5.7" Colour Dhplay, FFT lbcrion, I GS6ec R€ltim€ Smpli.g Rate, EighResolution lFT Display, Auto MedLnmenlsAcihies, Built in Multimth Fedion (+. .:, IED, cu4or M*NEmt : Auro.Manual, Tncls Trigserins Mod$ i Alremre/ Edge / Puls / Slope / Vid6, Min lOWavelbm c b€ srored, Buill in USB orRS232 Intcface with PC.



IID Tmp@ture Cont ol TEin€r -ON-OiI & PID op@rion, Auro runin!.scADA study. MODBUS @mnuicatio;.Multi drcp nd poinr to pointConmuicarion, T)Te of conEol: SCADA.Conrol un: Diei!.I indialing onlrolle!wilhRS485 @mmicatio4 Comnmicarion:USB port using RS485,USB convener.Tenpemtue semor: T)Te RID, PTl00,geating control: Prcporrioal powerconbolhr (ssR), Inpul 4 20 nA, Capaciry 20A, Heater: TlTe Electrical 2 @il, Capaciry 3Kw' t nk Capacity 02 lil, iDulated


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SMART Temle8tue T@mittecUnivdsal Inpua RTD, TC, Ohm & 6V

Inputs, Itrput: UnivmalRID, Tq

Outpur Two-wne 4-20 DA scalable/\ccufu):+0.089n ofspe rrpical, see table

Temperaturc D.ift: RTD: +0,004"cfci TC:+0.03.cPcUndeJmge: 3.8 Ma, Oveimge: 20.8 nASemor Break Sel6iable 3.6 mA LosAl@ or ,2 rA Eigh AlmRespome Time: I scondLong T€m Stdbility: Bette. thm 0.05% lerye , Start U! Tine If,s tha 5 secondsNoise Fiher: Progmble 0 to 85 pADeling Tine ?rcgmmable 0 to 30 secOutput Resolution: 0.3 !ANon-volatile M€nory: All p.ogmedwttings e storEd in non-voladle nemory for


We hercby onfim that fih quotation is valid for 180 <tays a lequir€d in claue 8 ofthe

Nme & Title ol Signatory:

Nme olBidder/OfEc€ Slmp:

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r GOVERNIT,IENT POI.YTECHNIC, KARADyldt?nagat. Katad - 415124, Disl.- Sarara, Maharashka (tndia)


Dr Vitthal S. BandalB E lEcdrcd)icdd Meddr)

M.E.(E ed), Ph. o ( r Bnba,Principal

Rer. No (rPUw s/L s/A Y -2ait i8/ 356- Dde:J f .iattl 2616Terder


Se,-cd qLorar.ons m invied iiom etieibte i anutacrurej..deater. d sriouro6 tor *e5uop y olfo lowinjequipmenunachineD on;e.em. & cond rons mfluoned be 6wNameofthe item uirh sp(rficdim

R{iprccalins pump Tesr .Gi0000/

Murrid,Eirat stroboeope.um;o;;;if;;;@d90000/,

Windo* an conditioning40000/-


l) t he quolarion shouto be rubmir ed in -.1 wo-B:d.. forndl.2) lhe 'riN Flvetope' sholtd contdin fie .lechni(at-Bid.ald

sholtd be slper soibed as'tN.lope \o.-t-r*hnical Bid.. ,Ouolaion tor rhe ,Lpptr or r_q,ip".;.i. n"r No-cpKlvcrcsAy-20, r-t8._ Dr.l t.0t 20 8. Due &re 07 02 20t8 u; o o).oo pI4.r brs .trvctope sboutd conrritr rh( toloq ins docu Denc. .

,) (-o\ ennB eler to- suomining Lhe doc;nmr" on ihe le rer heao or rhe fn. md.oninoposahddre.s. antacr \o. Ena.t addre.s & qebsne addrels 0t a.abk/. wtrh rame:siEnaluEandsealotrhe fimb) fimt reghmLon cetuficaE Eom eJ Go\eMe bodyc) GSI reAkEalion (enilcare.d) ?rcofofpayhent ofCST fd lhe tasr qurter ofthe cuent finmcial ycd.e) PAN cdd opy.I Or rEind equipmml manuhmrer celri:!are itlne bid,ter rq mdLtacrurer.g) AurhoiEtrorrDisibulouhip cenfi!d,es ftom lhe or:simt m"nutamrer. Eoa,dinosLppol du

'c b,doine po*$ & sam) penod. ir d e b,d;er is r",

" ";;i;.;:.--'rr t elrrcit tiFrolm/t.afler ol .he ir.m regudrnsrdke& nooet.rr undend{rng Lha rhe lidder is nol bhckhjed

"nd abour rte comptiece ot rte rem. &Lonu rcn! or he quoralron cnouirv.

1' the Second envetope shoutj c;nEin rhe .Fidn.iat bid. ot ine irem qLo.irg the mrcsindusive ofau taxes tud I.O.R. Destin don in fomar as per the Anoexm anacied on dETel1er l)ad .frhc fim This envelope should be super *riU.a

^ .e.*r"o. r..-i+i,_a"i

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bid -Qldatr tor lhe spptJ o.Lruipmenr,,RetNo.- Lp(/ws.(s.Ay-20t/ 18,ur 1l Ol20'8 Due dale 07/0) ?Ol8 rh r.0s.o0 pM4r ft-eru! elos +old be seate.t ih o Ttid erLetope.ard.holtd be:upd scr.bed tu-(Juo'alrcn tor $pply o- equipneni.. Ret No cpL^xs.s.Ay-2017'18Dr rr o,/2013. Due dareo7 02 20'8 iD ro ot o0!M5' Thc lasl d,rc otsubhLsion ot bil is 07/02/,20t8 5:00 pM rod ditc of openiog lbc bidis 08/0212018 I130 AM.6rf nd!kl brcsotortylect q vqut.fiedbddeBqr eopened.

: rrr b.J trUb.:(tr.i.eofd L\(..-addt(.p".,.ni.in,urrurio.(orris.rcnirs.

8) The r"ks quoled.houtd be va.rd tor lSl)dats rom rte lqsa) The del:veD oldr srores sholtd be mde wirhir d $etrOthe ise lhe ordd sill be cdcelled.l0) The biddq will have to submir hank

dat€ of submissiod ofofer.fron the date of alply order,

1l) The plyment wili b. m.de on!l&ini.g ofthe stoB st rhh insritud

l2) The payment will be made by RTGS,IEFT/ECS.13) Ihis instiue nay call addirion.l docunenrs ao,j,/or

afte! delivery. suc(sstut itrraltabon, cotomhsiotuns &Noadv&ce poynentwill be made befoft fiedetiv; "r

guMiy for the amoml of 3% of rhe osl of the

infomahon required lor procesing

l ) Tl,i. i\rirdc 'GcrLe.

rhe ridr, !o Ejc,rdnj or alt brdr wirholr tueCninC ey Eson

l5l lfrhe {oB is Fjecled. Lhe suppud wi,t have 1o reptae ud la*e back rhe detecuve no6his om rist ad 6<16) E-@il guolatioG wiu not be acepred.

L Diredor of Technical Educarion M.S. MEbai (Desk No. I I ). rr is requ.sled to ?ublishlhe e.ouiw.n weh(n

2 JoinDiFc; Ro. Pue. tr i. reqleq,ed ro pubtishheenquq o.{ebnr.l. Ihe Head ol (onemed Depanmenr for rotomatiotr.4. Thc Htud d Compd( Deparenl tor pubt shile on rt-e tn r.tne.s seb: k .r lime lmirr. wo*shop supsinkndcnr. ro pt&eon fieNonce Bodd.

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lTo be submitted by Bidder on Lelterhcadl

GovmeDt Polytechdc.K@d-415 124

Sub: Qupadon tur Suppty of Equipm€nt,

,n *""o

' GPK/ws/cs/AY-201?-18/3 s. oater3 I JAN 201g.

- L e submn ou Eost @bperiLjve ofls in rcspon€ ro you quo@ion ftquiry sefenEd abo\e in a*orda@ wilh lh. conditioB of Lte coDlrad. Ou qelarion is gj\en

, We heEby conlm tbar lhis quolalion is valid for 180 day. ",.q,1-d

h "t".*

I "fth"

yo6 faithfullxAuthoriad Signarure

Name & Tnle ofSigmtory:Nme of Bidder/Office Stamp:Address:



rccrprocrr nB pmp terrig- Puop.DoubteacrinE SingleCrlinder,C.piciry I Hp Speed 250RPMimax.)and Hesd 5 ks/c'n2(ma\ )Mediuo Flowr clear water Drive: IHPcrompron m.ke motor ha!in8 srep cone pulerforThrce drffnenr speed Sump Tant: Md.natShinle$ S@1, Capeity 65 Ltss FlowMeasuEne : Using MeasurinATant (made ofsrainles sleel & cop. 40 LEs.)and ElecnonicSlopwarch Prcsurc cluse: Bourdon iv!e.Multidlsilal srcbosope cum lacomeleitoasp;;meGuremennshbo(ope use high inRnsirJLEDamy Skobosoperonre t0ro99.999RPM. E{emal uigger for $rdboscopc. phototach. rege I l0 b 99,999 RPM. Photo rrchometeruse rhe lasr light b6m. Power suDpty : 1.5 V(UM-l )x4PCsDCVpowersupptyvi!exhatACaOC ad.pter is avaitabte_ ACIDC adapts is

winaow an oonanioning res r;9 Compresoi-ISI Hemclielly sealed comprcsor shaU beprcridcd with its standardiad acce$ories.Conden$ : Fined Tube VDe an oooicdcondenser with varisble spced tan Bc* I.diannake.Evaporaror : Slilabte for above compE$orimeEed'n ducr. Frns md Copper rube rJp€coolinE.oil of suibble apaciq Reft ineEriorFr6. R 22 Fan Blose! Set :Shndard m,k.

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t G0\mRNUENT OE UAEALSE"Tn I .&,GOVEBNMENT POLYTECHNIC, KARAD ^rffi),Vidyanasar, &rad -4i5124, Disl Satara. Mal-arashtE (hdio lr=f

Dr Vitthal S- BandalB.E.(E e.6sU (Go d M6naL{)ME{Ed) Ph o 0 r &mbay)


Rel. No. G?K7WS/CS/AY-20I7-t8/ 3S7 DareJ I .. I2018

T€trderrorn F€e Rs.- ML


Sealed quolarioro e in\i'ed from etigrbte mdnula! rws <te.eF.dirnjbubu ,or rhe\upplvol tollowine equipmen/ruchinery on *e remr & condilior nenrro.ed het.wSr. Nme ofthe item wilh speciltcatio.s

t rcen- -. --R"frismto.Ts5n sine d@-0l 17000/

0:l Micrcheter scrcw gluge 18500/-0.1

Searle's $cmEl conductiviiy aDparatus : 21000/


r Tn" ouorarioi shoutd be submined.n - Iso BrJ.. to-nar2) fte Fi$l Envelopt shoutd contai. the .Technical-Bid,

and should be super scnbed asEnjelole No l-Trchnical Bid, ,euolaton tor the supply of Equipd;e Ref No.-

GPK/wS/cS/Ay,2017- l8/_ Dt 3 l/or /2ots, D@ date dro2l2018 u! ro 05:00 pM.Tbi..nvclop. qhould cob|!itr rhe to[o*hsdocuDenr!. :

a, co\ennts lener ror . ubrining rte do(;merts on.he te,e. heao o. F fi nn. i.n.oninEposal addB$, contact No, Enait addre$ & website addrcss (tf avaitabte), Wih nme:sigmture ed seal [email protected]' l-im'q re8r.Farion (enificd,e fiom dy Co\emcnl bod).

. -q 1.."'.uJr.-.'., r i.'crrd) Proof ofpayment ot cST for the last qurter of the cunent financial yed.

0 Orieinal equipmenr naulachner enificare ifthe bidd* is nanufactlrer.d Authorizatior/Distdbutoship ftniicales froh the origi.al nanufacturcr, Egardingsupportdlrinsbiddingprccess &wmerypenod, if thebidderisnotaDanufadu;.'h) Technical liEmture,,leaflet ofrhe iten resaidins Dake & model.i) Undonaking that lhe bidder is not bt@ktjsted d about tbe conpliance ofthe lems &conditionsof rhequotarion enquiry.

3) The'Second env-"lope should contain r,\e ,Fin cialbid.ofthc iren quoting the Eresinclusive of all hxes and LO.IL Destimtio. in fomat d ler the Amex@ atrached on th.'c4.r p d ot fie lm . tt-ir entetope sDutd be qlDer :--ibea * .LrLetopc

No -2-F.rnci"t


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b'd "ouokion br rhe suppl) ot lquipmtrt Ret No . upK/w\.CS Ay jotT-t8Dr ll/01/20t8, Duedatc0T/02/2018 upo 05:l]O pM.4) The two enlelops should be *aled in a.Thnd envclole and shoutd be super scribed as"Quoladon for supply of equipnof,, Ref No., cpI<_?WS/CS/Ay-2Ol7l8/Dt. 3ll012018. Due dare07/02/2018 upto05iOO?M.5) Th.last date ofslbnision of bid is 0rl0r2018 S:00 pM ud drr€b0&02/20181r:30 AM.6) limcial bids of o.ly ishlically qualincd biddes will be opened.7) -the bid should be inclusive oI all taxes, canage, packing. installatioa, commissioning,

8) The Btes quoted should b€ valid for 180 days nom the last dare ofsubmhsion ofotr€r.9) Thedelivory ofthe stoEs should b€ nade wirhin 4 weeks nom ihe date of sulply order.OlheNise the ord€r will be cecelled.10) The bidder will have 10 submit bank gulmty for rhe adount of3% of the cost oi lhe

I l) The paymenr will be made only after detivery, sucft$tuIlraining of lhe stors at this iDstilule No advece payndl wil

12) TIo payoe will be nade byRTGS/NEFI/ECS.13) This inslitute may call additiotul d@uments ed/or

installaiion, connissionins &be made befoE lhc deliven 6f

infomalion lequned lor prccessing

or all bids without ssiAnins any re6onrhe bid.14) this iElih(e EeNes the rishr to rej€ct oy

l5)Iirhe sores k Ei4red rhe supplier siU hdve b Eptace ed rake bact Lhe det(tive stoec

16) E-mail quotalioN will .ot be accepred.


1. Dirccior ofTechni@l Edumtion M.S. Mmbai (D*k No.I I ). It is requested to pubtishthe enquiry on websit.

: JoiI Dirccror RO, Iune. Ir h rcquested roPublishthc enquiryonwebsn.I The Head oa concemed Deparrment foi inforurion.4. The Hqd of Corputer Depanment, for Publishing on rbe Institutei websiie in tine lihil,5 wor\.\opSLloin ender r. ro!'a.e on.he Norice aoard

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ArDenreITo be submltted by Bidder oo Letterheadl

Govemnent lolrlehnic,

Sub: Quptalion for Supply ofEquilmeni.Ret No.: GlKnvs/cs/AY-2017J8/3 s + D"i",J.l JAN 201g

Sir.I,'!Ve suboit ou mdt @mperitive otrer in rcsponse to you quotaion enquiry 6

rcfened above in a@ordan@ with the condidons ot the conhact. Ou q@lation is given

We heEby.onfirm thal this quohtion is valid for 180 days as reqlired in ctaus 8 oflhe

Nde & Tille of Signatory:

Nme of Bidder/Of fi ce Stamp:

Sr. Qty.



D6iel CeI - comprises a 6pper vssel, withreminals and pnlorar€d shell thick zinc rodwith br4s temimls ad porou pot, capaciiy


02Reliigentor 155 lt - Single door, DefrostinA 01

03Micronet€r screw gauge : Rnge : O-25nm,

Resoluion: 0.018n Accuocy +0.02mn or 05

04Joulet calorideter : well insulated

' n4hdical equivalol ofh€r appdalu. inaooden box, . digilal / malos lhemometer,


Serle! themal conductivity appaatu :

Cyliod.ical copler, alminum,, b6s, glasand non md. sbam chambo, digilol/analogfietuomeler,mgenent for fitling rubes sd


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GOVIRNIT,IENT POLYTECHNIC, KARADVidyanagar, Karad '415124. Disl.- Satara, lr/aharashl6 (lrdia)

Dr Vitthal S. BandalB E (Erdim0 (Go d Medar i)

M E tEE'). Ph Dt r Boh6ay)



S€aled qDtations e i.viled fron eligible manufachnerrd€alervdiskibutom for rhesupply of following €quipmo/n&hinery on lhe lems & condirions Dentioned below,

Ret No. G?KIWS/CS/AY-201?-18/ g 5g D"t..J 1 JAN ZO]8'

T€trdcr Forn F€.Rr-- ML

Sr. Name ofrhe ilM with specillcalons Qmtiry

Chinacla) conta neu lorsorltesnng 1500/-


On. Second Microptic Theodohe 94000106 Elcrrroni(s Dakn.e McreF 16000/a7 Eleclronic Digital Theodohe - (l wond AccuEc,


'\ nte rioklio ' *ould G submi'ed in-lqo-B'd" lomdr

2) The FiBt Envelole' should co.tain the .Technical-Bid. dd should be super sqibed 6'Envelope No.-l-Tehnical Bid. "Quotaion for l[e lupply of Equipment' Ref No.-GPK_rWS/CS/AY-20 r ?-1 R/ Dr.31/01/2018. Due dare 0?/02/2018 up 10 05:00 ?M.Thtu eDvcloDe should cotrr.in the follosirg docuncnts.:

4 Coveline lener for submiting ihe docunenrs on the lctcr head of the tum, menlioninspostal adde$, contact No, Enajl addrcss & websne addres (rf availabte). With nahe.ncldure a1o $a ol.he rim.b) Iim's iegiskation certificate tom any Covenment body.c)GSTregi"mr.on cd.fi,arrd) loofofpaymenl ofGST fo! the l6t qurter ofthe cunent fimncialycar,

l) Origiml equipnenl manufactuier ceniicate if the bidder is hanufacturcr.8) urhoriationtDislributoship certificares lron the original manuhduEr, regedingsuppon dring bidding process & w ty perio4 ilthe bidder is nol a manutacturcr.h) Technical lileotue/leafl€t of the item regardine nake & nodel.

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i) Undenaking thar lhe bidd* is not blacklisled and about lhe conplim@ of re rms &condir,onq ot rhe quoh,ion enquiry

3) 11'e Seond ovelope' should conlain the .Iimncial bid, of the iten quoiing the Eis -inclusive ofall tdes ad F.O.R, Destinalion in foftar as per the Am*u; attac"h€d o! theknc pid ol rhe nm. Ihi. envetope shou.d be sups ..,i*a " e,,"rop" i.t..-Z-f.*,.i"i',1' "O

' ..ior o' rt( .jp!l).or I qjipncni' Ret \. CpK/\[S/CS Ay-2Ot7.ts

Dr .)l/01/20r 8. Due dare o7l02/20t8 up ro 05:oo pM.4) Irre iwo envelo!6 should be ealed in a .Thnd envelope, anil should be super scibed as"Quotadon fo supply of equipmenr.,, Ref No., cpK/WS/CS/Ay,2Ot?:18/Dr. 3 V01/2018, Due date0702018 up ro 05:00 pM.5) Thc l8l drie of subnbsior ol trtd ir 0?/02/2018 5:00 pM andis 08/02/1018 U:30 AM,o) fin cEl bklsoronly Echnicallyquatified7) The bid should be irclurle ot all tues. caltage, packing, inslallation. comissioning,

d.re ofopeninA lhe bid

8) The nles quot€d sholld be valid for l80 days from the la date ofsubmhsion ofoffer.9) ft€ delivery of the slores should be nade wirhin 4 yeeks from the date of supply order,Olheeise ihe order will be tucelled.I 0) Thc biddcr \ ill havc lo submit bant BuaBnq for the .dount of 3% ot the cosl of [Le

l)'lhe payrent will be maoe onl) aFer de.ivery, succsstut irrul.auon. cosm.sroning Ah.nrng olrhe noes ar Lhis insuure \o adrse palhenr si bo nade betor rhe del_\e oIdre $ores12) IrE paymol will be made by RTGSNEFI/ECS.13) This iNtitut€ may.Ell addilioml documents a or i.fomalion

4) ThB iBritule erns he rigtL ro reJecl ) or aI bids wihour asiigning dn) rusontheEofl5) Itrh. sloe is Ejeckd.lne supplr wi t have lo repldce ond Ele back rhe deteclive s@reshis oM risk &d mst.16) E bail quotatiors will not be ac@pted.

l. Direcior of Technical Educatio. M.S, MMbd (Dcst No. I l). Ii is requesled ro pubtishlhe enquiry on websii.

2. loin Director RO, P6e It is requested ro Publish the enquiry on websit.3. The rbad ofconcemed Departrnent for infomation.4. The Head of Computer Depanment, lor ?ublishing on rhe tnstirule,s websire in rime linil.j. Worlshop SupcrnncndeuL, ro pldoe on rhe Norice Board

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An0exurelTo be subDitt€d by Bidde. or Letterh. rl

Sub: Qupbtion for Supply ofEquipmenr.Ref. No.r GPK/wS/CS/Ay,2or?-13/3.,3 Ddq 37lAN zotg/Wc sub'nil our most onpelilivc offer in iesponse to your quoiaion etuiuiry 6 retcred

above i. occodan* with ihe condi.ions ofthe conlmct. Our quolation is givsn below.

Chi,ra &, onb neu losorrkric wilhtdloretreiins or,orune appmrimrlety 2sa (vabr MeE, appmr:%r4r;i;Dkr-deel s@ rsl/4' ln.h disneter p'p! Sp*'fi@uM d \,r'okrMdeE.Woltum tpt Bull wakr M.ar for cotd& Hor warer As pft sbddds rs-779 & rso !064cr4 Bsprci:tModetsfor triEdLo4 w6re w q&ETr Phir! Oprid,t- pulse ouour ror R.mohDig'br tndtrdion a Tob,ar rumrioiAccMcy /- 2% used in pRnpAID / posl?ArDv/der MeEmE Sy*ms for R6idenoit comDhr /ap,m 6l.doGrope Digibtwi6,lt@5e eechbnn,uon of wbr h or h'Bh p onty rhen ir.oma 0 disinferio'lonbm,nrion chlorine s wider usd adisinfecidn use d* b

'E e6e of oomuon md

hmdliis. lr is.rftmy imoonor ro'monkor echlorine d6c l*ek 6 to mzre sure il .hloriredosng i3 efiecnvet, pe omed. chtorcsDe r onEluch hn kir whrch ,loq feLrd me6;md or.hlorire by oror ompri5on mdhod us&odlroioludine rosd

'n v. shon Den.d of hn;

sirhou st,ll.dopmroA chorc*op;E6r b Nd simple.htorine Brer fua tutchlonni shich

i\ ilso more *oiomGt optr6 for.hlorine En,nssp.Lifidron or Res du, Chtonm Tsr K

' Arv".";

xir. coror ompdorNmbdorresE Der Kiri200!L.ar couni 0.t ppm rto stoE)M@s;nE mF 0

coD Appantus_ coD DisesG;7;;G6;;id;lls.eson6 ..FearuEs .Temp. Rqge. Abor md br30'c or hjsjrsResotubonDkphy: DigEl 12 nm Red LED Conrrot. DputElehik T6p comir-H6rer Rating : 750 Wani Se6or : pT, rOO Tifrs :Selechble 15, 30, 45, 60,90 or t2O nb wirh damHole Sia 40 mm dia. x 30 m deph ctss rube :13 mm. dia, ts oos i5 ^ I r.s.smd. vorume.20mt. ah Di.-"- 5nnw"4qqx 2r0 nm H

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lotr( srroid M i(rop'i. rhdotire re s.oo/cI msnine on. erobjc\fi eappmarusro\4o,nmshodst to.usine drtuce 2mder Mulrjp otronfcor r00 Bddirile.onn z..o [edor\;*, ]m^24 m TribE.h rorced ortd bubbte*nnrvd! n&2mmd rui.irul&rRel3 nhrc e ro"\n;:lcide hdcr 10, \ enist ind$ r) p. hcnuit

I !iinc dei!r h hbre {i nca( m.y tortinE,rae+ll Glascrcero00griduiboiinkNitorHZandv(]tr n 20 smallen n@mrl ofoorL€lmicrcmeh..i(kdmer.rl rrz orreeo;. v.,-h

l_?0mmopr,(arpu4me,m,eiEd on@ulalndd

trectunic Distu.e MeEF Helshlaouay(Er4roni() | m rwirh fib€prE, RA R .odesravs) sundard deviarion to; tkn doubte runI.velling Disbna A.cuEcy Elerrcnic X<l l]m+/l0mm)l0h

'o ton+/-. tod Dtp50m=.2..xD]

Dkpray colurion (HeiEhl).ootm. M6lrins R El6b loom Mognifi@tioi l2\ ComFEstorPendu unCmpmqorsirh mre.ri! ddD nesynem Dala slomse 2000 poinb communierionRs.2l2C DErD erprcredion tPXa OpeBrngrrnprdm!.:0 ro +j0'c (-4 ro t22 FJoDeBr iaTimc moft uu 3,5 houN sirwll3\D257rH ] 32'nnaw6 llDt 0. r rH7.2,nr*eiphr2 4kgr5llbrEDM w

'h LCDdisptay, mponed m; !

Electunic DiSnal Inodotit - (l seondA(uEr, rh oll rc$on6 Maeniic ion torobrrdive.penm45 mm Esh,n; pownr, rEdofVie$ l0 30 minmum ro(uinEdrhnc. trj msLdia i Btio 100 shdia @nsbnt o fo.usinE 2 s.eloele meamm(ntg!. nemhhl md,ns 5vj.mk^.a ensre hofD u Id8r m,n mum di;r;r,/|mson (lrs'seleclable) 0,2/r maso) ac.umcy bernr 3721 2'0 o Mason uir or angte 160 deaE / 400 p/6400mi1 rypedotmrir


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youre ioirhttrIy,ADrhoria,l Si8mrureName & TiilE ofSjgDarory:Nlme otBidder/Oitcc Sramp:AddEssl
