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Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai

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Gov't of India affidavit in Priya Pillai case
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W"P(c)" No. 774 OF 2015 IN THE MATTER OF: PRIYA PARAMESWARAN PILLAI PETITION.DR VERSUS UNION OF INDIA & QTHERS .....RFSPONDENTS SHORT AFFIDAVIT ON BEHALF'Of'neSpONDeWl llo. [email protected] I, Anand Joshi, aged about 4$ ygars, soo of Shr:i' ,,4.. L. Joshi, Religign- Hindu, q '8. Sc. (HqnE.) Geolory re$iCsirt of 4P In{irap\ararn, Gaaiabad ff.n) affirrn and state that the ciepongnt pq$t9d as Vnder $ecretary (MY), Fgrsigners Divisio;e(F'CRA Wing), Ilinistry af lir;rne Affairs, GQvernment q1 india, NDQC-ll Building, Jad Singh RQad, New Delhi and is authprized and well conversant with thq facts and circumstances of the present case a$ per available office record$, during the ordinary Q9urge of rny of{ipia] duty and gs such I am Qornpetqnt tQ $wQar the present .A.ffidavit. A. That I have read flnd understoQd the contentp of the present affidavit. The contgntS thereqf 6re trUg and no part qf it is falEe and ngthing' rnaterifli has bppn concealed there from. K"WI:i'o\ //n+ -^.st.,"nfi , 4q" *:r",;;' *o':';",,1* l, i-"\ittl*:t"'I \orrr**o?)y'
Page 1: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai

W"P(c)" No. 774 OF 2015





SHORT AFFIDAVIT ON BEHALF'Of'neSpONDeWl [email protected]

I, Anand Joshi, aged about 4$ ygars, soo of Shr:i'

,,4.. L. Joshi, Religign- Hindu, q '8. Sc.

(HqnE.) Geolory re$iCsirt of 4P

In{irap\ararn, Gaaiabad ff.n)

affirrn and state that the ciepongnt pq$t9d

as Vnder $ecretary (MY), Fgrsigners Divisio;e(F'CRA

Wing), Ilinistry af lir;rne Affairs, GQvernment q1 india,

NDQC-ll Building, Jad Singh RQad, New Delhi and is

authprized and well conversant with thq facts and

circumstances of the present case a$ per available

office record$, during the ordinary Q9urge of rny of{ipia]

duty and gs such I am Qornpetqnt tQ $wQar the present


A. That I have read flnd understoQd the contentp of the

present affidavit. The contgntS thereqf 6re trUg and no

part qf it is falEe and ngthing' rnaterifli has bppn

concealed there from.

K"WI:i'o\//n+ -^.st.,"nfi ,4q" *:r",;;' *o':';",,1* l,


Page 2: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai

B. That ii is submitted that the contents of the Writ

Petition that have net been qpecifically admitted here

rf,nder mal/ kindly be deqrned ta have been ,,traversed

and {enied. The respondents qrave the leave of this

HonblE Court !9 file a shert affidavit gn merit, ,.. p.,

the qrder$ & directions of thiq FJpnrble Q9urt.


1. That the Qutsgt the deponent denies paeh And every

averrnen! made in ttrrp writ Fetitign $AVe and exqept whst

has been Epggificatly adrnitted herein belpw. The aqtion.

taken by the irnmigration qfficifl,l was a$ per Frgcedure

and bonafide. Il is submitted that the petitigner is not

ffintit1edforqnyre1iefaSpray9dinthewritpetitioir.That/:o*" ^ci\r

'Q\(.,+ ,,o.{,Yio-o,

$e wrlt petitior-r filed by the petitionqr is devoid gf q.ny

A 'l*$)llt'q{f .ffe"its and. is liabte to be dipmisspd.F" ;'$^u'' ,.V

2. Thp.t en 11.Q1.?015 at about 0500 ht$, thg p.rqqent

petitipner Friya Pqrarneswaran Pillai (Nafionahly-Inflian,

DQB: 13.03 .Ig77 & $ex-F qrnals; lrqlder 9f Indiarr

Pa$$pert Ng. Q4i3$783 approached imrnigrgFpn chqqk

pa$t at Indira Gandhi Internatipnal .AirpQrt, New DeihinA/< .r-

,'/ A* (IGL{.). $he was intending tp bqard fliglrt N9. AI'115 fgr

Page 3: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai

3" That while eonducting rqutine checks the iinmigration

officials at the IGI Air.port, Nev., Deihi learnt that the

petitioner Priya Parameswaran Pillai is an LOC SuSject

No, 44S63IIi

dated 10.10.20i4.

A numbered LOC was opened by Assistant Dir:ector, IB

regarding Priya Parameswaran Pillai on 10. O 1 .20 1 5 to:

"prevent her frorn leaving India since she was gaing ta

project the image of Indian Governrne

International 1evel". LOC is a secret docurnent

ema::.ating from a sec=*l3F base of IB and cAnnpt pel

shared. since the content, nature and data strue.ture. of

this data base is of huge interest to agencies inimical to

India's national interest. AImost all countries have

provisions like the LOC, termed as Ng_ IiV, !:i in

western countries, which are classified as secret,

as per LOC text, action to be taken on detection

That as per

of the LOC,



r::";siijf' * o.,l\"{l';1li:-o -69:_io.rtr)\..0?

1'\5g .i""i:',ti;3;'""t\l/


\*u,r,"nc"'"j);)/4wna AND 1FJGINATOR BE IIIF)RMED'. The originator-\J;=rr-

of the said LOC is/was , Joint nirectorj Inteiligencqi .." .-; ,

Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs, and Government qf


the instructions/directions of the originater

the present petitioner Priya Parame;waral:-r



Page 4: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai

1 1 "Q 1 .2Q 15 and was not allowed to leave indip, ThE

orisinatal of the LQC was duly infqrmed:='--1=:-

7 . That the LOC of petitiQner Priya Parameswaran PitrlBi

was opened in accordance \Mith the directigns of MHA

issued vide office lviemorandum No. 25A16 l3I l2o rQ-


Imm dated PZ.LO.2O1O ''in the light of directions d4'ted

26.07 .10 and 1 1.08.2010 passed by, Honble ,High court

of Delhi in writ Fetition (civiljlg: _19-1_?l_"r

2oQe titlQd

shri_y"@.Jrun"."{lg{l*" )Lllgl'INo. 1315/2008 titled Sulper Singh- S-g'lkan Vs. ASEtf ''

Director & others and Crl. Ref. 1 120o6-Court on'its Own----*"-


Motion Re: state vs. Gurnek singh etc. respecti.veiy. The

O.M. dated 27.tO.2A10 is enctrosed as Ann€xure'R-l.

That LOCs are issued on two counts.' Fi{;tly, byc)

investigating agencies when a person is involved in*'-^----(,)

, crimel'lSecondly, by Tthet security agencies including-...-.---

..a)-'. . \:,, jj ;,'t:: i.. "!\i?S' .'o,,p1telligence Bureau (lB) when activities of an individual


.tt+1' -'u,-ITlteIIIgeIICg lftllCaL{ llDl wr,I 4r r^'u^"ts6*-;., ,.1.. .ii ,./,. u

/,'t'o -t''.-'t ) it ,ll,,:'' , , i'''i'), .. ard found to be prejudicial to the nall '., :' :.ii..,..ii:.'t'., ..-.:' .'ti.'

\, ., "',u ''9.,,,,,.4x"at the Intelligence Bureau (IB) has been issuing LOCs',

for the last several decades for various reasons' all Af.

which pertain to concerns regarding national secYlitv.

The securitJr situation in India is threatened by the

\nl tb, { f):activities of ' militants, secessionists! insurgents and

other elements'' acting against nationai interepJ,

Page 5: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai


2n lh.WAFn

10. That Passports are issued by Government of india to

individuals pernritting them to travei abroad after

obtaining valid visa. However, if the purpose of the

specific journey is found to be with tlre obje_ctive gf

carrying out activities, which would harm the overCl

national interest of the country or create $trgjps in

continued to freely travel ad.

12. That the preserrt petitioner Priya parameswaran pillai

was travelling to uK to depose before a formal committee

of the UK Parliament with the clearly defined motive of

carrf ing out a campaign against the Government Af

India in order to impact lndia's image abroad, at a tirne

friendiy relations of India with another country, he/,she

'h otl is prevented from undertaking that specilic joUrney.

That the present petitioner priyra pararneswaran

Pillai has travelled abroad, oq ,8 sglqEions (during

January 2OO7 - June 2OI2; to UK, Srnitzerland,

Netherlands, Nepal, Bangladesh and Thailandj and was

f"T:'ker pre:ented as she was not known to b",

f- -X,l;$[ii^ 6$'uui,rg with any specific anti-rndia agenda"

e ^ gtt.;X;i"".#/*iiariy, other Greenpeace rndia activists have



when India is looking forward to foreign direct

Page 6: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai

inve s tments in I ndia's infrastructure .and gg:l"q_Uftt .g


--*13. That Greenpeace

Netherlands, has

internS.tiqnal, headqr:arlered in:

gerne tq Tth., during 1l1s last



years, tp be fqcUsed qn India'$ energr plans, suspected

to be at the behqst of foreigrt interegts inirnical to the

overall natiqnal interest of India.

14. That Gregnpqace- Intqrnational'$ --Y1

of{ice has taken

very keen interest in oro*oilr:* the growth of

Greenpeace India's ground-level protests. 13 gf

Greenpeace International's foreign activists have been

noticed to be closely involved in Gr,eenpeace Ind.ia

activities (9 UK, 3 USA and 1 Australian nationality).

15. Thdfffithein have been black-iisted as their activities(

\_-_-//were found to be in violation of visa rules and they were


nd to be training, motivating and organising'

npeace India's activists to create field leve1 protestq

ar thermal plant and coal mine locations, apart from

other activities that would damage India's ( enerry

security interestsJ:

That the Income Tax Department has also found lhat

both of Greenpeace India's NGOs, namely Greenp.eaQe

India Society and Greenpeace Environment Trust, werel

in violation of the Income Tax Act and were issUed


Page 7: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai

keeping with


the objectives provide-d in the registratiQn

L7 . That the main objective of Greenpeace's foreign and

Indian activists has been'to step up agitations in coa-i-

produciing regionq and at tlrenmal plant locations.

Gregnpeace India's fir$t major effont at 'prQteEt q,reation'

was al Mehgarr, $lglati distript (Madhve Pradesh)

agaln$t * 1=?00 MW Th*t* Pl t. In ry\2,it created a

fnsnt enti{y cailed Mahaan $angharsh $erniti (MSS),

t"dLj, and psstq4 Priya P+llai there to qrganise the


18. That $ingrsuli wa$ ckroqsn by a grsup of an$e?glg]_q!9]

NGOs, including Greenpeace Intqrnati?tta], 4t an'

international cqal otratery qonference in r,luly ?QJ-Z in

Turkey. It was qhoq,en sinqe it i9 thg heart of India's.f.-

t*al enerpi Bragranime and prpvides Tal fpr 15,QQQ

IffiiA plans tq expand its power prodrl$

*'!q+;:"d that region by alother 15,0QQ Mw.

That ail prpt$legtil'rlies of Sreenpeace India and MSS

were funded almost entirely (more than ?|e/o) by

Greenpeaee Internptianal. Pttye Pararnqswaf,A1r RillAi

acting fpr and qn behalf pf GreenpqAce Ipdi? (fup9 4 hY


GrEenpesqg Intennational) proceeO

. , rr- ^ r,r^1-^^; ^-^^ ",L'ink'lar{ tn ris'ir,ro leVelS Of

Page 8: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai


order situatiqns arose on multiile o_c-9195ns' Thes.e'w€re

dealt with by the local pgy and such situsliQ't*

included preventing government officials access to the

allocated afea.

That Greenpeace International's funding pattern in itself

raises suspicion. It claims that it does not receive funds

from Governments or Coqporations, but cpllect$

donations in sgal_l, -?mounts froqlm:llli-onp of national-p+%*-:


from various countries. This form of funding is ep,gqqq,

not available for scrutiny and is contrary tp the

tleltpg-.-t9v lhqv'' !r 4po:l _?11 g4ro_i: .?!rrig:9.94,

global donors and NGOs. For this reason, intelligence

agencies keep a close wq[|_99 t1139!:lt_t:f of NGos

such as Greenpeace.

2L That FCRA registration has been provided ta

.':t:it:t:i::l\,;"i]:.n,:rt:,fi"."approximately 45,000 NGOs by MHA and almost all of:r .. '.i:', --

'\,, t)

'eeiy since the# a4hlglg-lo

loca1 laws such as IPC, CrPC and FCRA. Greenpeace has

been found to have violated several such provisions and

was therefore piaced under close scrutiny.

22. That Greenpeace India's foreign funding was curtailed

by MHA in 2014 on the basis of a large number of

specific inteliigeirce inputs. The inputs had included a

comprehensive list of Greenpeace's plans to 'tak_e-dr9-YR'

I tn nnn r rrrt ^t --^-^^^l +L^*^'l -rnianf c


Page 9: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai

through foreign funded 'protest creation' activitieg.

These were:

a. Fopr UMPPs (Ultra-Mega Power Projegtsi,

would produce 16000 MW of power, at (i).--**_*_



\J1rye[MP), (ii) Krishnapatnarn (AP), (iii)

(Maharashtra) and (iv) Sunllggg1h (Odisha).

b. Specific coal-dependant industrial areas, which

would irnpact power production (nearly !5,000 _

MW), ot (i) Mundra (Gujarat), (ii) Korba and

Raigarh (Chhattisgarh), (iii) Jabaipur (MP) and

iiv) vqgnryf_(uP).

c. To organise construction workers l4ffbg4_are,as

of select metropolitan cities in India for hse in itrs


t apart from varied advocacy campaigns against coal

s and thermal plants, Greenpeace has also targeted

Kudankulum (Tamil Nadu) and Fatehabad (Haryana)

nuclear plant sites, genetically modified foods trials and...-j# --=:== ----_-.=-

India's tea export industry,

24. That after MHA action against Greenpeace india'$

foreign funding, Greenpeace Internationalls U.K. offiCe

decided to take up

the twin objectives

the 'cause' of Greenpeace India with

of (a) channelling funds and support

Page 10: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai

forums in order to


adver$ely impact lndiarq irBage

25. That this plan, at first stage, involved funding and


named Mahaan $angharsh Samiti (MSS; ."il"i"ts to UK

during January 12-14, 2OLS in order to meet UK htFs,

Ministers and pressure groi:ps and to address a UK

Parliamentary group. Since the others did pot posse$s--

passports, only Priya Parameswaran Pillai was abig tq

obtain a visa in time to travel.

26. That Friya Parameswaran Pillai's air travel expense$

were met by Greenpeace International's UK office (which


/ - ---\she has also admitted). That is 4- violationf'of MHA's

orders, which placed Greenpeace International on the

;91'l;"'r7. That, oo this occasion, there was specific intelligence

that Priya Pillai was going to testifyr before the All

Party Parliamentary Group on Tribal People,, a formal

standing cornmittee of the U.,K. Parliament (whieh

she has admitted to). She had plans to testi,f5r on tht

co-ordinatinq the t of Greenpeace I

alleged violations of forest rights of indigenous tribal

Page 11: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai

and the manner in which the Governmen-t t t{ allegedly

increased efforts to rob the tribal peopie of their rights,

which is an absolutely false allegation.

28. That this AjS is headed by lvlartin Horwood


(MP/Liberal Demosrat) and cp-chaired br- Virendra

$hsrma (MP/Labour) who is the Chai, of the APPG on

tndp -Fritish relatigns "


That national $equrity qenQgrns that qri;e orrt of priya

Fur***ffi'u deppsins before a foreign

Farliansentary Comrnittee ane : -

a. Priya Parameswaran Pitlai is one of the vgry fewj

Indian ac-tivists who heve agreed tp depose

befgre a fornral c,q,mmi-,ttee of + foreigp

Parfiament, whereas gthEr prorninent tndi+n

activists such as Medha Fatkar, PV Rp.1-4ggpal,

Nartdini Sundflr, AdmirAl Ramdag, .Arlma Rp)',

Fraful Bidwai, have never beqn knqwn to have dqne

sp. These activists have reli d 9n all the in+titutiqns

of india'$ vibrant de*oqtaly es puqvtdgd fp

Indjan Qonstitution. They havp pratestgd th,rqugh

'dhq.rna$', fa$ts, rnarehg$, Approaahed Indian: ' -':*:-----:-1'-

Courts at all levels, petitioned the ltate enC qqtrul*-P---t

Ggvernr,nent and its official$ and h,eve er ely

used the print and elgc-tronic medie- tq qaltg t\e! .

Page 12: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai

b. As expressly stated "core objective of .fgreign pg1iqtr/',

USA, UK and European Governments and

Parliaments have started issuing Rnnudl Reports on

their asses$ments of specific hurnan

violations in various qountries. In these Reports,

qvqntg related to a119ged hun'ran rights viplations are

nqrnstakingly recprdEd and test.iuroniep 9f globai

NGQ$ and think tank qxpertq are re'aorded. In-

persgn testimonies of human rights activists

from the country being reported uBon are

preferred. Qne pf trhe maQt frgquently rQported

uperx tdpic ie reiigigr:ltrggignr, w@t'EL pqgple and/a' indise

itf1qog-t.The US Govt., which has an extra-

tenritoriai law (lnternatipnal Religigirg Frggd,gnn Aqt

1999) provi{es fqr sanQtiong Aga"rngt o 'Qpuntry gf

Particular Qgncern' (QPC). India has been rated at

one ttotch abo"" ti.u CP S

Qpnnmipsien sn International neHgi+up, Fre-edgno in

itujeuiljO14 and thu usjt*tq i3t' R

2Qt4. The Report rnentipns l15i!g in a tis{ pf 19


countriss where it "urg€$ _tpqqfg-_ud ]S_igtattention'. The' UK Parliarnent'p f9r'mal co'mmitte'gs

.+,F- =r

IAPPG;) have begUn tq fpqug qn $irnilaf i$Eu-q$j1llff

Page 13: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai

in. In UK APPG's Report on, Reli'gilous Fr'eedom''

issued in 2AL4, various alleged v.iolations of+--1r'

religious freedom in India find de-failed merltion'

Simila'r1y, the . Eurorpean SfSqp:"t's -W,orking-

Group Report on Religious Freedqm (February

2OL4l places Ind,ia in the lowest categor5r

(alongside Pakistan) as 'a 'Country of Particular

Concern' (CPC). Within the CPC category, India

was labeled as a "sedous*xiolator-*ol-religgp*..9q


c. There are indications that the UK Pariiament'$:

APPG Report on Tribal Peoples wili use Priya

Parameswaran Pillai's testimony to rate India qt a

iow level, leaving India open to a potential sanctipn


The us 1aw gives powers to the us ,President to

issue trade, **u, and investment sanctions against:

CPC countries, which do not "perform" to its


with regard. to Religious Freedom, Tribal People,,

Indigenous People, Violence Against Women'

Human Trafficking and Dalit Rights, ali reports from







various Commissions and countries fggg-gn-.ggqh

other and quote each--o-ther, -th€-rgby ---"lgutittg


Page 14: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai

f. This APPG Report on Tribal Peoples is expected to /

Jadd to that documentation.

g. The US, UK and EU have cleariy mentioned in COttlI

documents and pronouncements that thesq Reports I

.\are made for the purpose of their being uQed as


J"instrurnents of foreign policy".

h. In line with this trend, since 2A06, European

Fariiament has already passed 6 Resolutions

against India on Dalit Rights and one on Viglence

Against women. The content of most Resolutions

indicates that the Govt. of India and Parlialnent

of India have not been able to protect Dalit

Rights or women Rights and call ,for EuroPean

union to factor in this so-called, fact in its trade

negotiations with India and Indian comp,anies.

This is a clear example of the use of human

rights by certain nations/gropps of nations in:

order to forrvard the "core objective of their

foreign policY".

i. The vast documentation created through this wide

international network, has the potential to be used

as a'regulator' or an 'instrument of control' tq


platforms. Further, these instruments have hisrr

,, ,- ^ ^L- ^,1.

Page 15: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai


.1 ,,

,ft i:ll 0iil .'i! r.\i




''"f"'1t''''t;''.r1',,r\'. '''\'

growth and development, which requires foreign /I

direct investment to create infrastructure and /--J

manufacturing capacity.

j " Theqe ivery instrument$, apart from some others,

have begn used vely recently against Iran, Russia

and North-Kerea, all qf wfrich have had serious

impact en the grgwth rates, well-being and

happiness qf the qiti:enq 9f thepe countries.

/That frpm the abevq, it is cigar that $eme foreign

nB.tiqnq/grouns qf natipns have evolved a system of

varieus 'instryrnpnts of contrQl' aS tpolq to furlhgr their

"cotre objectives of fQreign pqlicy", ma$ked in thg qL?,,,S*6 ofi

-,prctecting civil nights. The intention iq to use these;{'; .. ".

Rep'grts and related doqumsn"tation against talgeted

qeuiitrie$. An imBortant element in creati:$g this

: documentation is the in-psrsgn test:qs.onry{ l.?9al_

activists, which serse$ to add credibility tq theqe :

Reports. Unlike at the United Nations, these Reports

by US, UK & SB do- nqt provide eppcrrtuniW tq the

gsvernrnent of India er the local EmbassylHigh

Commissior.r to reca,rd their epinion e1rd A,re hg,avily

hiased agai4st the targeted country'

Page 16: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai

31. That the d,ocumentation that would be created by .

Priya Parameswaran Pillai's testimony before the uK :

Parliament's formal committee would have a global

cascading:'effect and serve only the for'eign policy

interest of a fqreign nation. It would lead to a false

and misleading ldepiction Cf India's mapsive efforts

to protect Tribel People',s Riqhts and su'bsequentl5r,

India,s image abroad, especially when Govt. of India

ip inviti:ag foreign businesses to invest in India.

Given that Priya Faramesw+ran Piuai has all

freedsms available un{er the India.n gqnstitution,

her depqsind hefore a foreign Parliamentar){

qqmmittee has been judged :to be p.rejudicial to

tig,nal interest. The LQQ wap iss,,ged q1gt te limit all

fiilo rruudsms, but was focused only on the prepoqed'

activity of her deposing before a foreign Pqrfi.a,ment.

32. That thqre iE suffisient materjal tq ind:isate th4t the

petitiqnqr's intqnded actiQn wa$ prqjudicial to nAti

^ ^ t( jntergst. 3 FIB ?$1


\$\'" \ .\ pd,'on6^ -4$*roilffi,W,$Xb *'/' (AslAND {osFll)

tsbv' , uffidfrtw

fr;;il\'.^^t(-..+'/\ \ VEBITICATIQI nuli'ir"tar,^

$o.l'gr0' '- I )

v fi'li''rl"'i'r-r -'-'ii ; ': Hfl tllffi'

,Mi-O atMw Delhi on this that

the egntents of thiq *5g1{3vit are true and cprrect to the beqt of

my knowledge, based 'I3::fT:i:::T1l^-:l nethins -flfi]ffi


Page 17: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai

A**F^u(E- Q|1@ No, 250 16 I 3I l20l 0'ln:in'

venrnent of India

try of liome Affairs

igners Division)

WtJaisahner,House, 26 Mansingn nl1l

New Delhi, the27 October' 2010


Sullject: Issuance of Loo]r Out Circulars (LOC) in respect qf Indian

citizens and fgreigners

Undertheexistingpractice,theissuanceqfLOCsisgovemedbythisMinistry,sietternumbuzsozzttstTS-F.Idated5,g.IgTgandoMnum\er250221201 g8-F'iV date d 2i'12'2000'

7. it has, inter-alla,been stated inihe leterd-ated S'g'fSig of lifl{'{that

'aparl from the Cot uil indi'in the Mini$ry of qoT: Affairs' circulars are

issued by vuious ;;,ilil-roirurging a watch on anival/departure of

Indians and foreigners, These uutrroriti.i inciude the,Minisrry olfxtelf

Affairs, tt, crrtoo, J';pi i;;;; Tax f enanrnenrs, Directorale of Revenue

Intelligence, Centrai durruu of Investigation, I1,:To1: X'egional Passpotl

Office::s; poiice dJ;;il, in uurloo.r Sf,tes, etc.' It has further been stated

that ,unless othetwise specified io tftt *ooing eircUlar itself' ths sirculars

issued by urry or ti* uuious authorities specifi"ed above will be regaided as

invalid if it is *orc ttt* one Year ola uod the card rvili be'wet&l:iLY

thefuture,itisconsideredtiratwheneveranyar:tirorityissuesawarnmgcircular to the immigation authoritig!, ttt, period of

,vaiidity should be

clearly specified in-tf,, .ir.ular. if ,rrlr it not don., the circuiar will be

consideredtobevalidonlyfor"pnioaofoneyeartromtiiedateofissueand a rvatch will be mai*uin.a bi the ;e;;on .*..*ed at tbe immigration

check posts only for.that period"

i ,n. OM dated 27 '12'20000f rvftr't31':t'i,il'^:tens re3:r1'd 1o !:

taken for opening an LOC io. "'p'J-of

'un lnditn citizen' It has been

mentioned in the said oM rhat,the r.qu.riior opening l LOC tL tttqO:f

an Indian citizen is required to.9e palelo altr tire Imnrigration Check Posts

(tcp) in th. .ouoti'il;qr:*:b.d profonna. It has furrher been stated that

,the request for openiog orroc *ur, i*rrirbly be issued wjth the approval

of an offrcer nor beloi the rank ,f D;;;;;;ilny to the Govetnment of


Q 9 Uc' ?110

:.r, Io t*"--:"""'".]-

Page 18: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai



India. / hint Secretary in'the State Govemment / concemed SUperintendent

of police at district l;;.; Fufther, 'Care must b'e taken Ul ife


agency to ensure that compiete identifyiag p.articulilt,:i the per$on' m

respect of whom the LOC is to Ue optn'd, iaindicate{ ilthe Flolgrya-';:'

It ie tufthor providotl that 'an ioc ir v+lid fT o p^tfloo of onc'ygaf' Il canr

however, be extended further before thl expiry rl gr one year period' In

,ur. no iequest ror. .*t.nrion of LOC is received before expiry of one ye4r

period an LQC will automaticaiiy be closed by the immigration Officer

conrerntd aftu qxiiry ofone year period

4, The Hon,ble High Court of Delhi, u: WritPetition (Civii) No. 10180

of 2009 tslui Vikr;;Ih**u vs. Uniqn of Indid'and Ors'1, considered the

question whelher a iequest for the t:t-11"t of anioC oould be madb by the

National Conunission for Women (NCW)' f'Vli]e-{iyj.sing of the said Writ

i,;il;; irr. n,grr Court, in its order iated 26:] '2010, observed that 'a

;i;;r; ior the isiu*r" oi an LOC could not have en:anated froni the NCw'

It had to come from either the Central or the State Govem'meRt and that tQq

only in the prescribed form and then again only.lf tttt officers of a certaq

rank. In this context, while crimjrrai tcu*t dealing rvith cases of criminal

law errforcement can issue directior:s, rvhich may resuit in the issuance qf an '

;di;thil;;;; ;.dr;er vested ,ith.t under the ct.P.c' or the Passports'

.A,ct or under the lvftlA's circtilar, in statutory bodies like 'NCW' Being

;;;r.d iit. po*r* of a ciuil cou$ for a limited pqpgse does not vest the

NCW rvith:the po*.r, of a criminal courl and it his no authority as of today

lo matt, a request for the issuance of an LOC ' ' ' ''

5. The Court furlher observed, "thgre are a large Lu9bel of statutory

commissions at the level of r*he Centre unA tn. State;which perforyr,judicial

functions and ue u.rtJ with, for the purpose of3ondugqg inquiries upon

receiving complaints, the powert ol1 civii court. These include theNational

Human Rights Cot*iitilo 61RC), the NCW, the.National Commi$sioo

for protection oi CfrifAiro', iught ,'These statutory bodies, however' have

not been vested *iU tirc po*.rJ of a criminal courl and do not have powers'

to enforce *i*inui f.*. it is for the Government of India to takp a policy

;;il;" *[.irr* it wants to vest such srarutqry tribunais/conmissions

with criminal law enforqement powers' Since as of today' they have-no such

p.wer, it is imperative that tire M{A should issue further clarificatory

circulars or office memoranda clearly stating that the request for issuance of'

;ffid;ot i.*unute' from statutery bodies like the N9W'If at all' such

bodies should Urinftfr. necessary facts to the noticeiof .law enforcement

agencies like the poiir., which wiit thsn make the request for issuance of 4n

LOC upon * *r-.ri*; ; tird situation, and stiictly in tetms 0f th:

Page 19: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai

pro c e dure outline d, fo :

th' l:3""': ;:i' ::li:n!!: }i:JLI

- ilJJJI;

ffifi1"1'-l,l"l'ili'j;'i':iil";y;" ji1yll-r,',l'n,,'ff ':iT?Xffi.J|rJr"'it ri.,3'-r',^u*tory bod.ies refened to, within a p.n

*reks fiom today.,." .

6. In a related judgement delivered on l1'8'2010'Uy'tlt Hon'ble High

court of Delhi * *rlti;)N;,liiiTzios-srmer singh salkan vs' Asstt'

Direcror & Ors'aiid iA)nriilZOOO+ou* o" iu O*o frotionRe: State Vs'

Gunrek Singh etc','the Court ttu' *'*'itOiout questions raised by a lowet

couft on the LOC' These questions are as below:

a)t/hatarethecategoriesofcasesinwhichtheinvestigatingagencycanseek recourse of iook-out-circulrt u"J""o.r whlt circumstances?

b) w-nat procedure is requireci ro o, ioiio*.dby the investigaiing agency

"' iriott'opening a Look-out-Circular?

c) what i, tt,. ,.?or;j availaulr rn.ilr.'p.rson against whom such Look-

out-Citcular has been oPened?


7. The l{igh ccuc has ansru:ered these questions in its judgem:lli:l

li.g.Z't0 which;;;;trdrr.O Urtonu ior guidance of all concerne.



. offences unJ'i IPC or other ffi r^*t' *[ttt tht accused wps

deiiberate,ly evading anesr ., "iit.ppi.li"g in th1_triai court despite

NBws and other coercive m.*urri'*d there was likelihood of the

accused leaving the country to evade triaVanest'

b) rhe r"".rti;"1iil- $r;;;;ug a written request ior Loc to the

officer as notijieci by the ,ir*i;;;iirfuisry of lionte Affairs' givirrg

rietails & reasons for seeking-L;a:ir,. ootpttent officer alpne shall

give directffi;;;;;'nine i9b";t p*'i1s *:11:'t" this respect'

c) The p*r.n"rg.mrj;ffi r,oc i, issued n'rust join investigation by

appean'g itr?"'i'o' o' srroutf ;;;;;; utrott the court concemed

or should satisfy the court thd Ld; ;^, *roogly. issued againsthim'

'He nray also approach the 'fr;;;; orderei.issual}ce of L'C &

:explain that L'dc ,uu, *onjrv"'irru.o.ugainst,hirn' LOC can be

withdrawn by the authoriry tn?ii,,u.a and can,also be rescinded by

rheirrial courr where case J;il*g or having jurisdiction o.ver

coricerned police station 0n an;;litt{t" by the person concerned'

Page 20: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai


til LOq is a cQqrcive .measure to make a persQn sunender to the

investigating agency 0r Court of law. Thb subordinate :o.ury' fh,jurisdiotion in affirming or canceliing LOC is commensurate with the (r-D\jurisdiction qf cancellation of MWs or affinning NFWs' V

8, In egcordango with the qrder dated26.7,2010 qf the High Court of

Delhi, the rnattpt:ha$ bgsn discUSsed with the cpncorned ageacies an! the

fqllowing guidelines are hereby laid dqrvn regarfling issuanqe of LOCs in;- ,. ''t. ,

re$pect of Indian citizens and foreigners:

s) The reque5t fpr opening an LQC wquld be made by thq originating' agroryig Deputy Direqtor, $urequ of Inrnrigratign @ol), East Block-

VIII, R.K, Puram, Nqw pelhi * 66 (Tslefax: Qi I-2619244) in the

Frsfpmia gnoloiee.

b) The requqst for gpeniag 0f LQC rnust invariably be isEued with the .

approval qf an officer nst belorv thq r'anh pf"i. UepW $eqretary to tite GquotAnlentrgf fu{ig; 9r

ii. Joint Seprgtaly in the $tate Qqver{iJt1$Ilt; gr

iii. District Magistrate qf the Distriqt qqqcpmsdjqr ;

iv, $uperintendent of Polipe ($F) pf the Diltrier qoscqmsd; qr

v. $P in QBI or an officor of equivalpnt'levelwgrking in CBI; pr

, ;vi.'ZonaiDirector in Narcotics ControlBureau $lCB) qi an Qfficer

ot equivalent level (includtng ,Asqistant Duectqr (Qps.) in

Heaoquarterq of NCB) ; or

, vii, DsBUty Cqryhsioner Qr an officer of equivalent level in

the DiresJoratq of Revenue Intolligqnoe gr Central Board of

Diregt Tgres or CentralBoatd of Fxcise and Custonns; otviii. Assistant Directqr of IBEoI; qr

ix. Depufy secretary of R&.A'W; qr

x. An qfficer not belqw thp iqvel of Superintqndent of Pqlice in

National Inveotigation Agenoy; or,xi. Asslvtant Dilqctoi' qf Enfprqpiitent Pirectqratp; or' .

xii, PrqleptQr of Ennigrants in the qffige pf the Ptotqotor,4te pf

Enigr4nts or an qffiqer not below the rank of Deputy $ecretary

of thq GQvernnrent of India; orxiii. Designeted officer of Interpgl

Furthsr, [0Qs ean also be issued a$ Bqr dirgqtiqns qf any Citntnal

Court in India,

c) The name and designation of the offrcer signing thg Prpforma fpr

requesting issuance pf an LQC must invariably be mentigned withgut which

the reque$t fpr ipsrlance qf !0C wquld not be ontsitaine{.


Page 21: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai


. 'i.

ii J:il;::T!i:'fi i#'l;:",lTi:i ii$'i;;ii:iililfr'tri^1i 6)respectivq cpntrol room sho-u].0 tt? bp'rntntioned to ensure proper \-.':"tfi;;"iio" rot effectivc fcllow up action'

hat complete

e) Care must be tiil;;lt ttili"tti"g'uet"tv'o^tn:l: that complete


i1:';y'*';rugi:j ll',ffiil ;Hi'#'#!Tff ili-j:be xloted *r,u,'rn l6C ;*pqt uu oe*to uniesrl'T11*u* of tluee

identifying e*rfiiru, *!1u*n in,tlre enqloEed Prqfenna, apart fiorn

sex +nd nutionuitv,;; ;uJii'uL'gt-t"t iqc can'also be issued if

nanrs and ourrpon particui+rs ti'rtu p*tt* gqni**O utp avaiiable' lt

is the ,urponsiu'iiid";;;; o'i,sin'dJtg ifii'*ttv lu-uiury

s: !9c

requests urO OiriJ,tr-'t it;;fe a4ditiqnai'parameta$ tP runrust

0 +illffii,l j! f'il:'li': T;11i""-;, b r F :,ry] f-ltr

auth o riti e s in

pur$uanQe ot u"ibC 1e515 with the originat|g--S:::1,

s) Recours.,o ,dJ[L Uriifi. in oodlizabl"o-ffeno1,s under iPC or

qther penal'r+*i iit-autuil' in 'qrul]lw in the encloied Froforma

re garding' ru.ron' h' lp *t g -L^QU"

**i' inuutiub'ly be provided

rvithout whicli ihe subjecl of an L't nviii *qt be anosteddetainEd'

hereisnocognilab;ffi;;;undqrlPQ'orstherpenalh) In ca;os \"theio"' ru,ui, the LI c Jbj.i ;:::l *-*li, :fi til:i;il11i1'Tfif-Tl5Jl;ffiffi iHi,'fr

'll'#f,-:lffi iili"6jl'ti"suqhc'a$es'

r) The LQC wrilbe vaiid fqr u prrloini oo; yttt'ftom the dets of issue

and naroe of the iubjoot;liaii ire uuto*u'i'dry "Y1-1d

fiom the LQC

;,*ft i,'1''-"'i'J**?*-.1'Ufr-l*1TST'T'itffi :HiilHlif ':f I 3f Jitr;*X f,'fi I'm'+-.,- r";; t';il unre$s the

agencies oonl*"il+"iu'n"uv ;iliilt f::-t:ti"uatien of the

namqs in u*"ji]d. ilq*uu*r,-u.is-pr*iiiol.for autsrn+tio deletipn

after snq ,uu' i''lriooilt *ppiioable in follq*ins qases::

a, Ban-entry LOCs is1e{ for watching anival of wantqd persons(

which h'u' u sPecific duration);

c.lQssofpassportLoCs'1',I,tii,t-,ordinarilyoontinuetiilthevali4itY qf the documPnt ) ;

I iiiJ


lltffl; .'

Page 22: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai



In exceptional cases, LOCs can be issued without complete

parameters and /or caSe details .against CI suspeets, teporists, anti-

national elements, etc in larger national intbrest,\

Thc following proccdurc wlll bc adoptod in gase statutory bodles like

the NCW, the NF8.C and the National Commission for Ptotection olChi.ldrenls zughts request for preventing any.Indizu:/ foreigner from

leaving India.'Such requests along \ivith fuli necessary facts arelfirst to

be brought to the notice of law enforceqent agencies like the police.

The S,P. concemed wiii then make the request for issuance of an tQC

upon an assessment of the situation, and strictly in tenns of the

procedure oqtiined for the purposi, The irnniigration/ernigraiion

authorities,will strictly go by the communication received from the

officers authorized to open LoCs as detaiied in the para'8 (b) ai:ove.


9, It is requested that the contents of this 0M rnay

notice of all concerned for strict compliance.

Encl: As above

be brought to the

(A:ruj Shanna)

Director (l&C)

Tel: 233892E6

to', . an,rf Secretaries of all State Govemrnents / UT Adminisirations

2, Ail Secretaries to the Govemment of India

3. Director, IB, Norih Block4. Secret4ry R), Cabinet Secretariat, Bikaner House Aruexe5. Dir,ector, CBI, North Block6, Directol Genqral, Narcotics ControlBureau, R.K. Puram

7, Chainlan, CBEC, Department of Revenue, lvllo Finance, Nortb Biock

8, Chainnan, CBDT, Department of Revenue, NI/o Finance, North Biock

9, pG,Direciorate of Revenue liitclligence, CBEC, 'D' Block,IP Estaie

10.$irector of Enforcement, Enforcement Directorate, Lok Nayaa

Bhawan :

i l.Additional Secretary, D/o Legal Affairs, lWo taw & Justice, Shastri


I 2.Additional Director, Bureau of Imnigation, R..K. Puram

13.ShriJ,P, Meena, Joint Secretary, NIIRC, Nerv Delhi

l4.lvls. Sundari Subramaniam Pujari, JS, NCW, 4-Deen Dayal' Upadhyaya Marg, Neiv Delhi

i 5.Shri g.f. Sahu, i.egistr.ar, National Commission for Protection of

Childreu's Rights, New Delhi


Page 23: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai

@,, J) In exceptional cases, LOCs can be issued without complete

parameters and /or case details .against CI suspects, tep'orists, anti-

nationrll elements, etc in larger national inttrest,

k) Thc fotlowing proccdurc wlll bo adoptod ln gase statutory bodles like

the NCW, the NFEC and the National Commission for Proteclion of

Chi,ldrenls Rights request for preventing any.lndian/ foreigner from

leavirig India.'Such requests along with full nebesqary facts areifirst to

be brought to the notice of law enforceryept agencies like the police.

The S.P. concemed willthen make the request for isSuance of an tQC

upon an assessnent of the situation, and strictly in tenns of the

procedure oqtlined for the putpori, The immigration/ernigtaiion

authorities,wili strictly go by the communication received from the

offrcers authorized to open LoCs as detaiied in the para'8 (b) above.

9, It is requested that the contents of this 0Mnoiice of ail concemed for strict compliance.

rnay be brought to the

Encl: As abqve(Arluj:Sbanna)

Direitor 0&C)Tel:23389286


1. Chief Secretaries of all State Govem-rnents / UT Administrations

2. All Secretaries to the Govemrnent of India

3. Director, IB, North Blpck4, Secret4ry R), Cabjnet Secretatiat, Bikaner House Aruexe5. Dire ctor, CBI, North Block6, Director General, Narcotics Control Bureau, R.K. Puram

7, Chain:ran, CBEC, Department of Revenue,I'4lo Finance, Nortb Biock

8. Chainnan, CBDT, Department of Revenue,lvflo Finance, North Biock

9. pG,Direciorate of Revenue liitclligence, CBEC, 'D' Block,IP Estate

I 0.$irector of Enforcement, Enforcement Directorate, Lok Nayak

Bhawan .

i l.Additional Secretary, D/o Legal Affairs, lWo taw & Justice, Sira$ri


I 2.Additional Director, Bureau of Imnigation, R..K. Puram

13.SlTiJ,P, Meena, Joint Secretary, Nm,C, Neiv Delhi

14.lvls. Sundari Subramaniam Pujari, JS, NCW, 4-Deen Dayal' Upadhyaya Marg, Neiv Delhi

15.Shri n.f. Sairu, i.egistr.ar, National Commission for Protection of

Chiidlen's Rights, New Delhi

Page 24: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai



frxHrixUdr@SECRET+#qw, u,.'

'lN o.tl t21 A22t sB (0 4s3) t z0 1 2_FCRA(M U)

. .. Government of india/Bharat Srrfrr-'

Ministry of Home AffairstGrih fuf .riirf.r,(Foreigners Division) t -'

A:\\ ,, , \ - 'A'V!ing,1'l Floor, NDCC-ll Building,

Y,\L,\* (Opposite Jantar Mantar),JaiSingh Roai,t l \.\ i New:Delhi*it0,Oqf .

To ,/ Dated: tgh June 20ig.

./' : ' 'i .l Jlll'l ?011,: / Shri .Frakash Chandra Sahoo,

Chier aeneial M;;;;; _in charse(DBOD)O rl:1,

ln r o f Ba n k iir g o p. i, ti oi r,r,l-#u,

r op m e n r,R es e rve B a n k o f I n dial C e n r ru r O rri..' g i;itd,h;: ! i il I l; r,Shahid Bhagat Singh IVarg, Fort, Mumbai _ 400 001

$ubject: Reque'st to ptace 9r.,:l

peuc. lnternational and climate worksFounda tion u nder watch,list r.gillin g',.",,,Iblr,


Ministry of l"iome Affairs, Foreigners Division (FcRA wing) administersthe Foreisn:,:.itjib*i:n (Regulatiolr nglrioio're6nn, zolo) for resurarins rhereceipt of foreign contributii iry tne rvcbiliJ' t-hat the sarne is utilized forbonafide werfaie acrivities *itrrrri rorolpiri.i, ,,' concerns for natiQnarinterest and security.

2' ln this iontexl, il l;l been dec,ided to keep watch on all the activiiiesfunoed by Green peace lnternation.f ,nO-'US,based Climate WorksFoundation (cwF) which contribures to r.rcorliiro-rirtions in rndia.

3' rn exercise cf the powers conferred under seclion 46 gf F'RA, z01p,Reserve gank of rndia is, requested ro instruct ,rr rne Banks and theii b'anshesto ensui:e rhat any fund frow rio, in. ,n;;;;r;;nor ngencies to any person,NG0/ 0rganizations in lndia may oe brought to Lu notice of this Ministry $0ihat the funds are allowei-to o. .rloit.i'into the accounts of therecipient onlv after clearance, of thii rvriririrv G^overnment organiza-tiolscan avair of foreign funding onry with .t.rr"n.i of Department oi EcongmicAffajrs' Anviinslance of Go-vern;.;i ;d;;lltir". leceiving firnds direcgy fromthese Agenci'es may be withherd'.no uioig;il'il; noti.. of this Ministry.

4. This has ihe approval of the Compete,nt Authority,

^ (AshgtoshKurnar$inna)

q _ Djrecror (MU&ljIr Tal.fll ,l.)el1ot.tE


(,. (u\l

Page 25: Gov't Counter Greenpeace / Priya Pillai



DBOD. AML. No. 2045211 4,0Q.001/201 3-14 June 20, 2014


The Chairpersons / Chiei Exetutive OfficersAll Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs)


Madam/ Dear Sir,

Foreign contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010. Receipt of forgign contributionby lndividuals/ NGOs/ Organisations from certain donors '- ,

Under section 46 of the Foreign Contribution ( Regulation)Act, 2010, Ministry of HomeAffairs

(MHA), Government of lndia has directed Reserve Bank of lnd.ia to instruct all banks to qnsure

that any fund flow from Gieen Peace lnternational pnd US,based Climate Workp

Foundation (CWFI to any individuaUNGOiorganization, should be brought to the notice of

Ministry of Horne Affairs so that the funds are allowed to be credited to the accounts of 'therecipient individual/ NGO/ association onlv afiei clearance from Ministry of Home Affair,s,

Foreigne/s Division, FCRA Wing,. Further, Government organizations can avaii of foreign

funding only with clearanee ri Dgpartment of Economic Affairs and any instance of Government

organization receiving funds directly from above mentioned donor agencies may be rvithheld

and brought to the notice of lr4FlA

2,, All banks are accordingly aciv;seii l"'scsure compliance to the dliections issued by the

Government. ;

3. These instructions are issued under Section 35A of the Banking Regqlation Act, 1949. Any

contravention thereoi or non-compliance shall attract penaltLs under the Act.

t.i. Compliance Officer/Principal Officer should acknowledge r.eceipt of this circular.

Yours faithfully,

Chief General Manager

t*4 cftrrln-{ Jik Feiil-{ FilTT, +fiT fiqtrrq', t-fiq qdqiirq :rdra, l3{' *fr-fr,.1rfic r4d Fr6 srd, g*$ - eoo oot

std: 022-22701203. hrs: 022-221qa3g,ftr;r-; [email protected], tuot", wr,u.v.rUiorg.inoer '

Phone :0Zl-2270lllJ, irr l0t].22701239, e.mail : grmicjbojio@rbt,orq.in. webl;re iwww.ibl.org.;

i pgffit.';;;i;-.;;-]

