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  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG






    A grand Project report submitted in Partial Fulfillment of award ofMBA Degree




    PARTH MODY (15)





  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector


    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% &

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    T'is is to certif( t'at Mr. Par! M"#$ an) Mr.H%&a'! R*##%art'e st!)ents of

    MB* &n) (ear of Som alit Instit!te of B!siness Mana"ement+ *'me)a,a) 'a-e

    complete) t'eir Gran) Pro.ect R"+* ", a+* -r"&"%"' %' FMCGin t'e (ear &//01

    &/22 in partial f!lfillment of G!.arat Tec'nolo"ical Uni-ersit( re3!irements for t'e

    a4ar) of t'e )e"ree of Master of B!siness *)ministration5

    D%r*"r Gra'# Pr"/* G%#*

    Prof5 Dr5 Ja")is' Jos'ip!ra Prof5 Ma'es' 65C

    Da*0 1342311

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 7

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector


    In t'is a"e of "lo,ali8ation '(per competition 'as ,ecome a re"!lar feat!re5 To)a( t'e

    mar$ets are no less t'en ,attle"ro!n)s an) one 'as to stri-e -er( 'ar) for s!r-i-al an)


    D!e to -er( rapi) in)!striali8ation all o-er t'e 4orl) t'e )eman) for t'e mana"erial

    personnel an) t'e a)ministrati-e personnel 'as increase)5 T'e perfect st!)( of

    Mana"ement in-ol-es ,ot' t'e t'eoretical as 4ell as practical aspects5 To s!r-i-e in t'is

    'i"'l( competiti-e mar$et 9Practical 6no4le)"e is as rele-ant as t'e T'eoretical5

    T'e si"nificance of MB* De"ree is t'at t'e T'eoretical aspects+ 4'ic' a st!)ent learnst'ro!"'o!t t'e (ear in t'e class sessions+ can ,e practicall( applie) t'ro!"' )ifferent

    pro.ects+ 4'ic' one !n)erta$es5 6eepin" in t!ne 4it' t'is )octrine+ 4e 'a-e trie) to

    appl( t'eoretical aspects t'ro!"' o!t t'e pro.ect+ 4'ic' 4e learne) !n)er t'e co!rse of


    In t'is pro.ect more emp'asi8e "i-en to t'e -ario!s tools of sales promotion an) its

    impact on cons!mers ,!(in" )ecisions5 *ct!all( in recent tren) to some e;tent t'is

    tec'ni3!e also ,ecome -ictim of cl!tter+ e-en t'o!"' it can ,e eliminate) ,( "eneratin"

    inno-ati-e an) more attracti-e tools to l!re t'e c!stomers5

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector


    E-er( st!)( re3!ires a "!i)ance of someone 4'o is 4or$in" in t'at fiel)5 Firstl(

    4e 4o!l) li$e to t'an$ Director Dr5 6a7#%! 6"!%-ra for pro-i)in" an

    opport!nit( of preparin" a Gran) Pro.ect Report an) allo4in" !s to !se t'e

    reso!rces of t'e instit!tion )!rin" t'is pro.ect5

    >e are e;tremel( t'an$f!l to o!r Pro.ect G!i)e+Pr",. Ma!*! K.C of SIBM for

    t'eir precio!s "!i)ance re"ar)in" t'e preparation of t'e Pro.ect Report5 T'eir

    "!i)ance 'as pro-e) to ,e !sef!l an) 4it'o!t t'em+ t'e preparation of t'is report

    mi"'t not 'a-e ,een possi,le5

    >e are also t'an$f!l to t'e ot'er fac!lt( mem,ers of SIBM for e;ten)in" t'eir

    -al!a,le s!pport for t'is pro.ect5

    >e also e;ten) o!r sincere t'an$s to t'e Respon)ents+ 4'o 'elpe) !s )!rin" t'e

    co!rse of o!r pro.ect an) for t'eir "racio!s attit!)e5

    >e 4o!l) li$e to ta$e t'is opport!nit( to e;ten) o!r 4arm t'o!"'ts to t'ose 4'o

    'elpe) me in ma$in" t'is pro.ect a 4on)erf!l e;perience5

    ast ,!t not t'e least? 4e 4o!l) also li$e to t'an$ o!r famil( for t'eir s!pport an)


    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% @

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    E8*%9* S&&ar$

    *s a part of o!r st!)( c!rric!l!m it is necessar( to con)!ct a "ran) pro.ect5 It pro-i)es

    !s an opport!nit( to !n)erstan) t'e partic!lar topic in )ept' an) 4'ic' lea)s to t'ro!"'

    to t'at topic5 O!r topic for t'e "ran) pro.ect is title) as 9St!)( of cons!mer oriente)

    sales promotion in FMCG sector in 4'ic' emp'asis "i-en to t'e effect of sales

    promotion on ,!(in" 'a,its of cons!mers5

    To start 4it' 4e 4ill "i-e ,rief information re"ar)in" FMCG sector t'en mo-in" to t'e

    main topic 4e 4ill e;plain 4'at is topic is all a,o!t5 Promotion is one of t'e pillars of

    mar$etin" mi; an) same 4a( sales promotion is also one of t'e elements of promotion5

    >it' respect to cons!mer oriente) sales promotion t'ere are certain t'eories narrate) as

    operant con)itionin" an) pro.ecti-e t'eor(5 Base) on secon)ar( so!rce certain

    t'eoretical aspects are also incl!)e) as a part of st!)( an) after concentration is "i-en to

    t'e primar( researc'5 It incl!)es t'e anal(sis an) res!lts of s!r-e( 4'ic' foc!ses on

    cons!merAs ,e'a-ior to4ar)s sales promotion campai"n5 T'e s!r-e( 4as con)!cte)

    4it' t'e 'elp of str!ct!re) 3!estionnaire5

    *t last concl!sion of report+ fin)in"s an) s!""estions 4ere "i-en+ ,ase) on st!)( of

    secon)ar( so!rce as 4ell as primar( researc'5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement


  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector




    TOPICS Pa7*


    1. R**ar! M*!"#"+"7$ ", !* #$

    2. I'r"#%"'

    ;. I'r"#%"' " !* "-% 2/

    4. Sa+* -r"&"%"' ra*7%* &=

    5. SOT A'a+$% &0

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector


    R**ar! O?/*%9*0

    25 To st!)( cons!mer preferences 4it' respect to sales promotion in FMCG sector5

    &5 To e;amine tra)eoffs+ relati-e importance of )ifferent attri,!tes 4'ile

    respon)in" to a sales promotion offer5

    75 To st!)( t'e effect of sales promotions in FMCG sector esp5 in soaps an)

    )eter"ent in)!str(5

    =5 To st!)( cons!mer ,e'a-ior in p!rc'ase of soaps an) )eter"ent

    Pr"# a*7"r%* '#*r #$

    DETERGENTS: >as'in" Po4)er for Clot'es


    R**ar! D*%7'

    Researc' )esi"n selecte) for t'is pro.ect is Descripti-e5

    Daa "++*%"' M*!"#0

    (a) Pr%&ar$ Daa C"++*%"' M*!"#0

    S!r-e( met'o) 4as !se) for primar( )ata collection5

    >e !se) 3!estionnaire as an instr!ment for s!r-e( met'o)5

    Str!ct!re) 3!estionnaire5

    T(pe of 3!estionnaire: Open en)e) an) close) en)e)5

    (?) S*"'#ar$ Daa C"++*%"' &*!"#0

    Reference ,oo$s5


    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement


  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    Sa&-+%'7 D*a%+

    25 Tar"et pop!lation: T'e pop!lation for t'is researc' st!)( consists of t'e

    resi)ence of *'me)a,a)5

    &5 Samplin" !nit: In t'is st!)( t'e samplin" !nit is in)i-i)!al cons!mer5

    75 Sample si8e: 2// cons!mers an) 2// retailers5

    75 Samplin" met'o): T'e sample is selecte) ,( !sin" con-enience1samplin" met'o)5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 0

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector


    FMCG C"'*- a'# D*,%'%%"'0

    T'e term FMCG #fast mo-in" cons!mer "oo)s%+ alt'o!"' pop!lar an) fre3!entl( !se)

    )oes not 'a-e a stan)ar) )efinition an) is "enerall( !se) in In)ia to refer to pro)!cts of

    e-er()a( !se5 Concept!all(+ 'o4e-er+ t'e term refers to relati-el( fast mo-in" items t'at

    are !se) )irectl( ,( t'e cons!mer5 T'!s+ a si"nificant "ap e;ists ,et4een t'e "eneral !se

    an) t'e concept!al meanin" of t'e term FMCG5

    F!rt'er+ )iffic!lties crop !p 4'en attempts to )e-ise a )efinition for FMCG5 T'e

    pro,lem arises ,eca!se t'e concept 'as a retail orientation an) )istin"!is'es ,et4een

    cons!mer pro)!cts on t'e ,asis of 'o4 3!ic$l( t'e( mo-e at t'e retailerAs s'el-es5 T'e

    moot 3!estion t'erefore+ is 4'at in)!str( t!rnaro!n) t'res'ol) s'o!l) ,e for t'e item to

    3!alif( as an FMCG5 S'o!l) t'e t!rnaro!n) 'appen )ail(+ 4ee$l(+ or mont'l(

    One of t'e factors on 4'ic' t'e t!rnaro!n) )epen)s is t'e p!rc'ase c(cle5 o4e-er+ t'e

    p!rc'ase c(cle for t'e same pro)!ct ten) to -ar( across pop!lation se"ments5 Man(

    lo41income 'o!se'ol)s are force) to ,!( certain pro)!cts more fre3!entl( ,eca!se of

    lac$ of li3!i)it( an) stora"e space 4'ile relati-el( 'i"'1income 'o!se'ol)s ,!( t'e

    same pro)!cts more infre3!entl(5 Similarl(+ t'e p!rc'ase c(cle also ten)s to -ar(

    ,eca!se of c!lt!ral factors5 Most In)ians+ t(picall(+ prefer fres' foo) articles an)

    t'erefore to ,!( relati-el( small 3!antities more fre3!entl(5 T'is is in s'arp contrast

    4it' 4'at 'appens in most 4estern co!ntries+ 4'ere t'e practice of ,!(in" an) soc$in"

    foo)s for relati-el( lon"er perio) is more pre-alent5 T'!s+ s'o!l) t'e in-entor(

    t!rnaro!n) t'res'ol) ,e !ni-ersal+ or s'o!l) it allo4 for income+ c!lt!ral an) ,e'a-ioral


    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 2/

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    C!ara*r%% ", FMCG Pr"#0

    In)i-i)!al items are of small -al!e5 B!t all FMCG pro)!cts p!t to"et'er acco!nt

    for a si"nificant part of t'e cons!mers ,!)"et5

    T'e cons!mer $eeps limite) in-entor( of t'ese pro)!cts an) prefers to p!rc'ase

    t'em fre3!entl(+ as an) 4'en re3!ire)5 Man( of t'ese pro)!cts are peris'a,le5

    T'e cons!mer spen)s little time on t'e p!rc'ase )ecision5 Rarel( )oes 'eHs'e

    loo$ for tec'nical specifications #in contrast to in)!strial "oo)s%5 Bran)

    lo(alties or recommen)ations of relia,le retailerH)ealer )ri-e p!rc'ase


    Trial of a ne4 pro)!ct i5e5 ,ran) s4itc'in" is often in)!ce) ,( 'ea-(

    a)-ertisement+ recommen)ation of t'e retailer or nei"',orsHfrien)s5

    T'ese pro)!cts cater to necessities+ comforts as 4ell as l!;!ries5 T'e( meet t'e

    )eman)s of t'e entire cross section of pop!lation5 Price an) income elasticit(

    of )eman) -aries across pro)!cts an) cons!mers5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 22

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector


    T'e importance of cons!mer sales promotion in t'e mar$etin" mi; of t'e fast mo-in"cons!mer "oo)s #FMCG% cate"or( t'ro!"'o!t t'e 4orl) 'as increase)5 Companies

    spen) consi)era,le time in plannin" s!c' acti-ities5 o4e-er+ in or)er to en'ance t'e

    effecti-eness of t'ese acti-ities+ man!fact!rers s'o!l) !n)erstan) cons!mer an) retailer

    interpretations of t'eir promotional acti-ities5 T'e st!)( 'ere pertains to cons!merAs

    perceptions re"ar)in" sales promotion5 Some past researc'es 'a-e s!""este) t'at

    promotion itself 'as an effect on t'e percei-e) -al!e of t'e ,ran)5 T'is is ,eca!se

    promotions pro-i)e !tilitarian ,enefits s!c' as monetar( sa-in"s+ a))e) -al!e+ increase)

    3!alit( an) con-enience as 4ell as 'e)onic ,enefits s!c' as entertainment+ e;ploration

    an) self1e;pression5

    Broa)l( spea$in" most of t'e companies !sin" Mar$etin" Mi; 4'ic' incl!)es


    Place #C'annel of Distri,!tion%



    T'ese are t'e fo!r ,asic pillar of mar$etin" mi;5 Most of t'e mar$etin" strate"ies are

    ,!ilt on t'e ,asis of t'ese criteria5

    Promotion is one of t'e important elements of mar$etin" mi;5 T'ere are so man(

    elements of promotion s!c' as


    Direct Mar$etin"

    P!,lic Relations

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 2&

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    Sa+* Pr"&"%"'

    Tra)itionall(+ sales Promotions 'a-e ,een !se) ,( mar$eter to increase sales in t'e s'ort

    term5 o4e-er+ in t'e last fe4 )eca)es t'is comm!nication tool 'as e-ol-e) an) no4 is

    consi)ere) from a strate"ic point of -ie45 For t'is reason+ it is necessar( to reali8e ne4

    st!)ies in t'is area an) st!)( 'o4 cons!mers e-al!ate sales promotions5 Sales

    promotions 'a-e "ro4n in ,ot' importance an) fre3!enc( o-er t'e past fe4 )eca)es5

    *lt'o!"' an acc!rate estimate for total sales promotions e;pen)it!res )oes not e;ist+ 4e

    can ,e s!re t'at t'e tren) is !p5

    Sales promotion ser-es t'ree essential roles: It informs+ pers!a)es an) remin)s

    prospecti-e c!stomers a,o!t a compan( an) its pro)!cts5 E-en t'e most !sef!l pro)!ct

    or ,ran) 4ill ,e a fail!re if no one $no4s t'at it is a-aila,le5 *s 4e $no4+ c'annels of

    )istri,!tion ta$e more time in creatin" a4areness ,eca!se a pro)!ct 'as to pass t'ro!"'

    man( 'an)s ,et4een a pro)!cer an) cons!mers5

    T'erefore+ a pro)!cer 'as to inform c'annel mem,ers as 4ell as !ltimate cons!mers

    a,o!t t'e attri,!tes an) a-aila,ilit( of 'is pro)!cts5 T'e secon) p!rpose of promotion is

    pers!asion5 T'e c!t t'roat competition amon" )ifferent pro)!cts p!ts tremen)o!spress!re on t'eir man!fact!rers an) t'e( are compelle) to !n)erta$e sales promotion

    acti-ities5 T'e t'ir) p!rpose of promotion is remin)in" cons!mers a,o!t pro)!cts

    a-aila,ilit( an) its potential to satisf( t'eir nee)s5

    From t'ese elements Sales Promotion is t'e element 4'ic' is in t'e foc!s of t'is pro.ect5

    F!rt'er Sales Promotion is 3!ite ,roa) term it incl!)es

    C"'&*r Or%*'*# Sa+* Pr"&"%"'

    Tra#* Or%*'*# Sa+* Pr"&"%"'

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 27

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    C"'&*r Or%*'*# Sa+* Pr"&"%"'

    Cons!mer Oriente) Sales Promotion is t'e main topic of t'is pro.ect5 ere emp'asi8e is

    "i-en to moti-ate cons!mer to increase sales5 Cons!mer Oriente) Sales Promotion

    incl!)es Samplin"+ Co!ponin"+ Premi!ms+ Contest+ Ref!n)s+ Re,ates+ Bon!s Pac$As+

    Price1off+ E-ent mar$etin" etc5


    For t'e p!rpose of t'is st!)(+ follo4in" )efinitions of sales promotion 4ere $ept in


    6otler )efines sales promotion as: 9Sales promotion consists of a )i-erse collection of

    incenti-e tools+ mostl( s'ort1term )esi"ne) to stim!late 3!ic$er an)Hor "reater p!rc'ase

    of partic!lar pro)!ctsHser-ices ,( cons!mers or t'e tra)e5 Ro"er Stran"'as "i-en a

    more simplistic )efinition i5e5 9sales promotions are s'ort1term incenti-es to enco!ra"e

    p!rc'ase or sales of a pro)!ct or ser-ice5

    ence+ an( forms of incenti-es #price c!t or -al!e a))e) nat!re% offere) for s'ort perio)

    eit'er to tra)e or cons!mers are consi)ere) as sales promotion acti-ities5

    Mar**r * "'&*r "r%*'*# a+* -r"&"%"' ""+ ,"r !* ,"++"%'7 r*a"'0

    To increase s'ort term sales To in)!ce trial

    To re)!ce in-entor(

    To esta,lis' a ,ran) name

    To ma$e cross sellin"

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 2=

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    To cope !p 4it' competition

    To a-oi) a)-ertisin" cl!tter

    T""+ ", C"'&*r Or%*'*# Sa+* Pr"&"%"'0

    T'ere are so man( tools or tec'ni3!e a-aila,le to t'e mar$eters for ac'ie-in" o,.ecti-e

    of sales promotion5 T'ese tools s'o!l) ,e !se) consi)erin" all ot'er factors affectin"

    s!c' as cost+ time+ competitors+ a-aila,ilit( of "oo)s etc5 T'ese tools are as !n)er

    25 Co!pons&5 Price1Off

    75 Free,ies

    =5 Scratc' Car)s

    @5 !c$( Dra4s

    5 B!n)lin" Offer

    5 E;tra !antit(

    etAs 'a-e loo$ at eac' tool

    1. C"-"'0

    Co!pon is t'e ol)est an) most 4i)el( !se) 4a( of sales promotion5 Co!pons 'a-e ,een

    !se) since 20@5 It is mostl( !se) ,( pac$a"e) "oo)s5 It is 4ort'4'ile to !se co!pon as

    a promotion tool ,eca!se )ata s'o4s t'at mar$et for pac$a"e) "oo)s increase) from 2

    ,illion in 20 to 72/ ,illion in 200=5 To ,oost !p t'e sales not onl( man!fact!rer ,!t

    retailers personall( can also !se)5 * co!pon lea)s to price re)!ctions so as to enco!ra"e

    price sensiti-e c!stomers5

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    * price1off is simpl( a re)!ction in t'e price of t'e pro)!ct to increase sales an) is -er(

    often !se) 4'en intro)!ction a ne4 pro)!ct5 * re)!ction in price al4a(s increases sales

    ,!t t'e !se of t'is tec'ni3!e s'o!l) ,e caref!ll( consi)ere) in t'e c!rrent mar$et


    Price1off is t'e most preferre) sales promotion tec'ni3!e ,eca!se cons!mers response

    -er( positi-el( to t'is sc'eme5

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    5. B'#+%'7 O,,*r

    Pro)!ct ,!n)lin" is a mar$etin"strate"( t'at in-ol-es offerin" se-eralpro)!ctsfor sale

    as one com,ine) pro)!ct5 T'is strate"( is -er( common in t'e soft4are,!siness #for

    e;ample: ,!n)le a 4or) processor+a sprea)s'eet+an) a )ata,ase into a sin"le office

    s!ite%+ in t'e ca,le tele-ision in)!str( #for e;ample+ ,asic ca,le in t'e Unite) States

    "enerall( offers man( c'annels at one price%+ an) in t'e fast foo) in)!str( in 4'ic'

    m!ltiple items are com,ine) into a complete meal5* ,!n)le of pro)!cts is sometimes

    referre) to as a pac$a"e )eal or a compilation or an ant'olo"(5

    Fa"r I',+*'%'7 C"'&*r Or%*'*# a+* -r"&"%"'0

    Mainl( fo!r factors s'o!l) ,e ta$en into acco!nt 4'ile )eterminin" t'e sales promotion


    L Tar"et mar$et

    L 'ile )oin" sales promotion+ mar$eter m!st $no4 4'o t'eir tar"et mar$et is? ot'er4ise

    t'ere is no !se of all effort ,eca!se it lea)s to no 4'ere5 * tar"et mar$et can ,e in an( of

    t'e sta"es of ,!(in" 'ierarc'( i5e5 a4areness+ $no4le)"e+ li$in"+ preferences+ con-iction

    an) p!rc'ase5 Eac' sta"e )efines a possi,le "oal of promotion5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 2

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    2. Nar* ", !* -r"#0

    T'ere are -ario!s pro)!ct attri,!tes 4'ic' infl!ence sales promotional strate"(5 >'en

    t'e !nit price is lo4 t'e man!fact!rer as 4ell as t'e c!stomer 'as lo4 ris$ ,!t 'e can "et

    t'e ,enefit of mass mar$etin"5 T'erefore+ mass mar$etin" re3!ires mass sales promotion

    sc'emes5 Sales promotion sc'eme )iffer for pro)!cts li$e its )!ra,ilit(+ peris'a,le "oo)s


    ;. Sa7* ", -r"# L%,* C$+*0

    Sales promotion strate"ies are infl!ence) ,( t'e life c(cle of a pro)!ct5 >'en a ne4

    pro)!ct intro)!ce)+ prospecti-e ,!(ers m!st ,e informe) a,o!t its e;istence an) its

    ,enefits an) mi))lemen m!st ,e con-ince) to stoc$ it5 ater+ if a pro)!ct ,ecomes

    s!ccessf!l+ competition intensifies an) more emp'asis is place) on sales promotion to

    increase its sales5

    4. B#7* A9a%+a?+* ,"r Pr"&"%"'0

    T'e f!n)s a-aila,le for promotion are t'e !ltimate )eterminant of t'e promotional

    pro"ramme5 * ,!siness 4it' ample f!n)s can ma$e more effecti-e !se of salespromotion pro"ramme t'an a firm 4it' limite) financial reso!rces5 T'e ,!)"et for sales

    promotion can ,e prepare) ,( t'e follo4in" met'o)s

    Percenta"e of Sales

    Fi;e) f!n)s a-aila,le for sales promotion

    Follo4in" t'e competition+ an)

    B!)"etin" ,( o,.ecti-e5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 2

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    Sa+* Pr"&"%"' ,r"& !* C"'&*r -"%' ", 9%*

    %++%'7'* " ?$ "' a+* -r"&"%"' ",,*r

    Si;t( per cent of t'e sample )i) not s'o4 4illin"ness to ,!( a ,ran) )!e to promotion

    4'ile 7/K s'o4e) 4illin"ness an) 2/K 4ere not s!re5 T'is in)icates t'at 4'en 7/K

    s'o4e) 4illin"ness an) 2/K cons!mers 4'o 4ere not s!re+ t'ese "ro!ps mi"'t ,e l!re)

    t'ro!"' inno-ati-e an) l!crati-e sales promotion offer5

    A?%+%$ " %'#* r%a+

    Fort( per cent of t'e respon)ents 'a) sai) t'at sales promotion 'a) t'e a,ilit( to in)!ce

    trial 4'ic' reinforces t'e a,o-e inference5

    L"'7*r& %&-a

    In or)er to !n)erstan) a,ilit( of t'e promotions to increase lon"1term sales+ respon)ents

    4ere as$e) a,o!t contin!it( of p!rc'ase of a ,ran) after t'e 4it')ra4al of promotion5

    Ei"'t( per cent of t'e respon)ents in)icate) t'at t'e( 4o!l) not contin!e5 B!t &/K sai)

    t'e( 4o!l)5 T'!s+ it co!l) ,e inferre) t'at promotions in t'is cate"or( #lo4 in-ol-ement

    pro)!cts% mi"'t enco!ra"e trial an) ,ran) s4itc'in" ,!t not lon" term lo(alt(5

    Pr*,*r*'* ", S!*&*:

    Price off 4as t'e most preferre) t(pe of sc'eme5 Ma;im!m c!stomersA ran$e) price1offs

    as n!m,er one or t4o5

    P*r*%9*# @a+%$:

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 20

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    Ma.orit( of respon)ents 'a) a perception t'at t'e 3!alit( of t'e promote) ,ran)s

    remaine) t'e same )!rin" promotion+ 4'ile some of t'em felt t'at it 4as inferior t'an

    ,efore5 It can ,e inferre) t'at promotions 4ere not lea)in" to ne"ati-e ,ran) 3!alit(

    perceptions5 It is fo!n) t'at some c!stomer stron"l( preferre) to ,!( t'eir re"!lar ,ran)

    an) sai) t'at sales promotion 4o!l) not 4ea$en t'eir lo(alt( to4ar)s t'e ,ran)5

    P*r*-%"' r*7ar#%'7 '#*r+$%'7 "&-a'$ &"%9a%"'

    On tappin" perceptionsA re"ar)in" !n)erl(in" compan( moti-ations for sales promotion+

    9to increase sales 4as ran$e) 'i"'est follo4e) ,( 9to attract s4itc'ers an) 9to sell

    e;cess stoc$s5 >'ile pro-i)in" -al!e to c!stomers an)

    9To reinforce compan( ima"e 4ere ran$e) lo4est5 T'is in)icates t'at cons!mers

    ,elie-e) t'at companies 4ere !n)erta$in" s!c' acti-ities onl( for t'eir o4n ,enefit an)

    not for t'e ,enefit of cons!mers5

    Fin)in"s from retailer an) cons!mer perception st!)ies+ it is e-i)ent t'at t'ere 4as a

    matc'in" of perceptions re"ar)in" nat!re of sc'eme #price offs as most preferre) t(pe of

    sc'eme mentione) ,( cons!mers an) retailersA perceptions a,o!t cons!merpreferences%5 Since retailers o,ser-e cons!mers in store ,e'a-ior 4ere fre3!entl( an)

    )irectl(+ t'eir perceptions re"ar)in" pro-i)in" cons!mer ,e'a-ior are li$el( to ,e

    acc!rate5 S!c' inp!ts from t'e retailers 4o!l) ,e !sef!l to companies5

    T'e retailers 'a) t'e perception t'at t'ose sc'emes 4'ic' 4ere anno!nce) t'ro!"' mass

    me)ia 'a) ,etter response5 T'is 4as reinforce) ,( t'e cons!mer s!r-e( 4'ic' s'o4e)

    t'at recall in case of 'ea-il( promote) sc'emes on T 4as fo!n) to ,e -er( 'i"'5

    RetailersA pre)iction of companiesA moti-ation for offerin" sales promotion 4ere

    matc'in" 4it' t'e cons!mer perception re"ar)in" t'e same5 T'!s ,ot' -ie4e) t'at

    companies 4ere !sin" sales promotion acti-ities mainl( to increase s'ort term sales or

    enco!ra"e s4itc'in" or sellin" e;cess stoc$ an) not reall( to "i-e -al!e ,enefit or

    en'anceHreinforce ,ran)Hcompan( ima"e5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% &/

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    Tra#* Or%*'*# Sa+* Pr"&"%"'

    Tra)e Oriente) Sales Promotion aime) to moti-ate c'annel mem,er of t'e compan( an)

    to enco!ra"e t'em to p!s' compan(As pro)!ct5 Tra)e Oriente) Sales Promotion incl!)es

    )ealer contest an) incenti-es+ tra)e allo4ances5 Point1of1p!rc'ase )ispla(s+ sales

    trainin" pro"rams+ tra)e s'o4s+ cooperati-e a)-ertisin"+ an) ot'er pro"rams )esi"ne) to

    moti-ate )istri,!tors an) retailers to carr( a pro)!ct an) ma$e an e;tra effort to p!s' it

    to t'eir c!stomers

    Sa+* -r"&"%"' ,r"& !* r*a%+*r -"%' ", 9%*0

    P*r*-%"' "' S!*&* Pr*,*r*'*

    It 4as fo!n) t'at retailer percei-e) price offs as a ,etter form of sales promotion

    acti-it(5 Price offs in t'eir opinion 'a) relati-el( a "reater impact compare) to an( ot'er

    form of sales promotion acti-it( li$e Bon!s pac$s+ Premi!m+ Contests etc5 Retailers

    preferre) price offs t'e most+ t'en ,on!s pac$+ premi!m+ contests+ in or)er of


    P*r*-%"' a?" B$%'7 R"+*

    Retailers -ie4e) t'at t'e person 4'o came to t'e s'op #4'o ma( ,e a mai)+ son+

    )a!"'ter+ )a!"'ter1in1la4 an) c'il)% 4as t'e )eci)er of a toilet soap ,ran) an) not t'e

    Income pro-i)er #e5"5 'ea) of t'e famil(%5 It co!l) ,e inferre) t'at -isi,ilit( of

    information a,o!t t'e sales promotion acti-it( at t'e point of p!rc'ase co!l) res!lt into

    t'e p!rc'ase of a promote) ,ran)5

    P*r*-%"' a?" !*%r r"+* %' #*%%"'&a%'7

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% &2

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    Retailer 'a) relati-el( -er( lo4 infl!ence in affectin" c'oice5 It co!l) ,e inferre) t'at

    -isi,ilit( an) a4areness a,o!t t'e sc'eme 4ere t'e critical s!ccess factors so t'at p!ll

    co!l) ,e create)5

    P*r*-%"' a?" R*-"'* " Sa+* Pr"&"%"' O,,*r

    T'e( ,elie-e) t'at (o!n"er a"e1"ro!ps 4ere more e;perimental in nat!re+ amena,le to

    tr(in" ne4 ,ran)s+ an) so!"'tHloo$e) for or as$e) 4'et'er t'ere 4ere an(% sales

    promotion sc'emes r!nnin" on an( toilet soap at t'e time of p!rc'ase5

    P*r*-%"' a?" C"&&'%a%"' ", Sa+* Pr"&"%"' S!*&*

    Retailers percei-e) t'at role of 4or) of mo!t' an) tele-ision a)-ertisin" pla(e) an

    important part in pro-i)in" information inp!ts to cons!mers re"ar)in" sales promotion


    ar%a%"' %' I',"r&a%"' F+"

    Smaller #non1s!permar$et+ small format store% retailers recei-e) relati-el( less s!pport

    compare) to s!permar$ets in terms of ser-icin"+ mar"ins+ information a,o!t salespromotion acti-ities from t'e )ealers5 Man( a times small retailers 4ere onl( informe)

    -er,all( a,o!t sales promotion sc'emes ,( t'e )ealer salesmen )!rin" t'e sc'e)!le)

    4ee$l( -isits5

    D*a+*rR*a%+*r D$'a&%

    *t t'e time of sales promotion acti-ities+ )ealers 'a) ten)enc( to p!s' !n4ante) stoc$s

    onto t'e smaller retailers5 In fact t'ese retailers preferre) to stoc$ -ariet( of ,ran)s an)

    4ante) pa(ment for s'elf an) 4in)o4 )ispla( to increase traffic into t'eir store5

    o4e-er+ s!permar$ets an) ,i" retailers 4ere pampere) an) "i-en special ser-ices an)

    "i-en ,etter mar"ins an) ,etter allo4ances5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% &&

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector


    It 4as fo!n) t'at in sales promotion sc'emes mar"ins -arie) from to2@K )epen)in" of

    t'e si8e of t'e retail o!tlet+ ,ar"ainin" po4er of a retailer+ 3!antit( or)ere) ,( 'im etc5

    Mostl( mar"ins 4ere lin$e) to si8e of t'e -ol!mes t'at 4ere or)ere)5

    P*r*-%"' a?" *r& a'# "'#%%"'

    Retailers 4ere not fo!n) to ,e 'app( 4it' sales promotion sc'emes 4'ere t'eir mar"ins

    4ere c!t on t'e prete;t of .!st fast mo-ement of in-entor( of t'e ,ran) ,ein" promote)5

    *lso if a))itional incenti-e 4as offere) it 4as s!,.ect to minim!m performance


    Nar* ", POP

    Retailers in)icate) t'at most of t'e POP #Point of P!rc'ase% materials 4ere meant for

    ,ran) a)-ertisement an) not for "i-in" information re"ar)in" t'e sc'emes5 T'!s it co!l)

    ,e inferre) t'at compan(As follo4 !p 4as not a)e3!ate5

    S*r9%%'7 #r%'7 #ra%"' ", S!*&*

    In stoc$1o!t sit!ation )!rin" t'e r!nnin" of t'e sales promotion sc'emes+ smaller

    retailers 'a) to 4ait for replenis'ment of stoc$s till t'e ne;t sc'e)!le) 4ee$l( -isit ,(

    t'e )ealer salesman ,!t ,i" retailers 4ere ser-ice) on telep'onic re3!est for

    replenis'ment of stoc$s5 T'is clearl( in)icate) t'e )isparit( in treatment5

    Pr"?+*& ", +*,"9*r

    * lefto-er stoc$ at t'e en) of an( sc'eme 4as re3!ire) to ,e sol) ,( t'e retailers ,efore

    t'e( or)ere) fres' stoc$s5 In case of ,on!s pac$s sc'eme+ lefto-er stoc$ 4as often

    )ismantle) #c!t open ,!( one "et one free% an) sol) t'em in)i-i)!all( as a re"!lar soap5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% &7

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    T'is approac' of t'e compan( lea)s to misappropriation 4'ic' in t!rn co!l) res!lt in

    a)-erse ,ran) ima"e5

    G%, ,"r R*a%+*r &"%9a%"'

    Companies at times 4ere re4ar)in" retailers ,( "i-in" free "ifts li$e t'ermos flas$s or

    cloc$s if t'e( sol) more t'an certain 3!antit( in a "i-en perio)5 Companies 4ere ma$in"

    a 'alf1'earte) effort to moti-ate retailers5

    P*r*-%"' a?" &a &*#%a a''"'*&*'

    Retailers -ie4e) t'at 4'ene-er sales promotion sc'eme 4as anno!nce) on T+ it

    create) p!ll an) t'e( 4ere more t'an 4illin" to stoc$ s!c' ,ran)s5 For e;ample

    Me)imi; an) Dettol contest 4as not a)-ertise) on T+ 'ence t'ere 4as -er( little

    a4areness lea)in" to !nsol) stoc$ till mont's5 >'ile !; Gol) Star 4'ic' 4as 'ea-il(

    promote) on T55 is recalle) e-en to)a(5

    P" Pr"&"%"' B*!a9%"r

    Retailers o,ser-e) t'at in most cases sales promotion sc'eme on a ,ran) mi"'t

    enco!ra"e a ,!(er to s4itc' a ,ran) temporaril( ,!t 'e 4o!l) re-ert ,ac$ to ori"inal

    ,ran) after promotion5

    Ha'#+%'7 Pr"?+*&

    Man( a timeAs retailers 'a) to 'an)le -ario!s sales promotion offers sim!ltaneo!sl( in a

    cate"or( an) also across cate"ories an) t'ere 4as no formal comm!nication plannin"

    eit'er from t'e )ealer or t'e compan(5 Remem,erin" eac' offer an) 'an)lin" 4as a

    pro,lem especiall( for a small retailer 4'ic' 4as often an as one1man s'o45

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% &=

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% &@

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    !$ #" Sa+* -r"&"%"' !*&* a,,* a+*

    T'ere are t'ree mec'anisms ,e'in) t'ese facts5 It is P!rc'ase 3!antit(+ Bran) s4itc'in"

    an) Cate"or( e;pansion5

    1)Cons!mer can increase t'e 3!antit( t'e( ,!( .!st ,eca!se t'e pro)!ct is on sale5

    2)Cons!mers are in)!cin" to p!rc'ase anot'er ,ran) )ifferent from t'e one t'e( 4o!l)

    'a-e p!rc'ase) 4'en t'ere is no promotional incenti-e5

    ;)Cons!merAs total cons!mption of t'e pro)!ct cate"or( is increase) ,( t'e promotion5

    o4e-er+ in t'e lon" term t'is positi-e effect ma( ,e )il!te) ,eca!se a promotional

    campai"n 'as no permanent effect in t'e sales of t'e firm

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% &

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    Sa+* Pr"&"%"' Sra*7$

    Sales are t'e life,loo) of a ,!siness+ 4it'o!t sales t'ere 4o!l) ,e no ,!siness in t'e first

    place? t'erefore it is -er( important t'at if a ,!siness 4ants to s!ccee)+ it s'o!l) 'a-e a

    sales promotion strate"( in min)5 T'e primar( o,.ecti-e of a sales promotion is to

    impro-e a compan(As sales ,( pre)ictin" an) mo)if(in" (o!r tar"et c!stomerAs

    p!rc'asin" ,e'a-ior an) patterns5 Sales promotion is -er( important as it not onl( 'elps

    to ,oost sales ,!t it also 'elps a ,!siness to )ra4 ne4 c!stomers 4'ile at t'e same time

    retainin" ol)er ones5 T'ere are a -ariet( of sales promotional strate"ies t'at a ,!siness

    can !se to increase t'eir sales+ 'o4e-er it is important t'at 4e first !n)erstan) 4'at asales promotion strate"( act!all( is an) 4'( it is so important5

    * sales promotion strate"( is an acti-it( t'at is )esi"ne) to 'elp ,oost t'e sales of a

    pro)!ct or ser-ice5 T'is can ,e )one t'ro!"' an a)-ertisin" campai"n+ p!,lic relation

    acti-ities+ a free samplin" campai"n+ a free "ift campai"n+ a tra)in" stamps campai"n+

    t'ro!"' )emonstrations an) e;'i,itions+ t'ro!"' pri8e "i-in" competitions+ t'ro!"'

    temporar( price c!ts+ an) t'ro!"' )oor1to1)oor sales+ telemar$etin"+ personal sales

    letters+ an) emails5

    T'e importance of a sales promotion strate"( cannot ,e !n)erestimate)5 T'is is ,eca!se

    a sales promotion strate"( is important to a ,!siness ,oostin" its sales5

    >'en )e-elopin" a sales promotion strate"( for (o!r ,!siness+ it is important t'at (o!

    $eep t'e follo4in" points in min)5

    Cons!mer attit!)es an) ,!(in" patterns

    Yo!r ,ran) strate"( Yo!r competiti-e strate"(

    Yo!r a)-ertisin" strate"(

    Ot'er e;ternal factors t'at can infl!ence pro)!cts a-aila,ilit( an) pricin"5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% &

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    T!*r* ar* !r** $-* ", a+* -r"&"%"' ra*7%*0

    * p!s' strate"(

    * p!ll strate"( or

    * com,ination of t'e t4o

    A P! Sra*7$0

    * Np!s'A sales promotion strate"( in-ol-es Np!s'in"A )istri,!tors an) retailers to sell

    (o!r pro)!cts an) ser-ices to t'e cons!mer ,( offerin" -ario!s $in)s of promotions an)

    personal sellin" efforts5 >'at 'appens 'ere is t'at a compan( promotes t'eir

    pro)!ctHser-ices to a reseller 4'o in t!rn promotes it to anot'er reseller or to t'e

    cons!mer5 T'e ,asic o,.ecti-e of t'is strate"( is to pers!a)e retailers+ 4'olesalers an)

    )istri,!tors to carr( (o!r ,ran)+ "i-e it s'elf space+ promote it ,( a)-ertisin"+ an)

    !ltimatel( Np!s'A it for4ar) to t'e cons!mer5 T(pical p!s' sales promotion strate"ies

    incl!)e? ,!(1,ac$ "!arantees+ free trials+ contests+ )isco!nts+ an) specialt( a)-ertisin"


    A P++ Sra*7$0

    * Np!llA sales promotion strate"( foc!ses more on t'e cons!mer instea) of t'e reseller or

    )istri,!tor5 T'is strate"( in-ol-es "ettin" t'e cons!mer to Np!llA or p!rc'ase t'e

    pro)!ctHser-ices )irectl( from t'e compan( itself5 T'is strate"( tar"ets its mar$etin"

    efforts )irectl( on t'e cons!mers 4it' t'e 'ope t'at it 4ill stim!late interest an) )eman)

    for t'e pro)!ct5 T'is p!ll strate"( is often !se) 4'en )istri,!tors are rel!ctant to carr( or

    )istri,!te a pro)!ct5 T(pical p!ll sales promotion strate"ies incl!)e? samples+ co!pons+

    cas' ref!n)s or re,ates+ lo(alt( pro"rams an) re4ar)s+ contests+ s4eepsta$es+ "ames+

    an) point1of1p!rc'ase )ispla(s5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% &

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    A C"&?%'a%"' ", T" Sra*7%*0

    * Ncom,inationA sales promotion strate"( is .!st t'at? it is a com,ination of a p!s' an) a

    p!ll strate"(5 It foc!ses ,ot' on t'e )istri,!tor as 4ell as t'e cons!mers+ tar"etin" ,ot'

    parties )irectl(5 It offers cons!mer incenti-es si)e ,( si)e 4it' )ealer )isco!nts5

    T!* S!"r *r& I&-a ", Pr"&"%"'0

    etAs 'a-e loo$ at t'e impact of promotions on p!rc'ase ,e'a-ior )!rin" t'e

    promotional perio) i5e5 t'e 4ee$ or t'e mont' 4'en t'e promotion 4as ,ein" r!n5 T'e

    ma.orit( of t'e empirical st!)ies 'a-e foc!se) on t'e impact of promotions in t'e s'ort

    term5 T'e $e( fin)in"s across t'e st!)ies are )isc!sse) ,elo45

    T*&-"rar$ -r%* r*#%"' (-r%* ",,) ?a'%a++$ %'r*a* a+*0

    T'ere is ample e-i)ence to s'o4 t'at promotions lea) to )ramatic increases in sales of

    promote) ,ran) in t'e s'ort term5 St!)ies 'a-e consistentl( reporte) 'i"' sales effects

    an) 'i"' price elasticit( of ,ran)s 4'ic' are on promotion5 T'e economic rationale for

    t'e promotional response is clear temporar( price c!ts increase t'e -al!e of t'e

    pro)!ct to t'e cons!mer an) it lea)s to imme)iate action5 Sales ,oost can ,e 3!antifie)

    on t'e ,asis of ,ran) s4itc'in"+ primar( )eman) e;pansion an) cons!mer stoc$pilin")!rin" a promotion5

    Sa+* Pr"&"%"' +*a# " ?ra'# ?%%"' %! !* -r"# a*7"r$0

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% &0

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    T'e sales N,!mpA )!rin" t'e promotional perio) into sales )!e to ,ran) s4itc'in"+

    p!rc'ase time acceleration an) stoc$pilin"5 St!)ies on ,ran) s4itc'in" 'a-e s'o4n t'at

    ,ran) s4itc'in" effects 4it'in a cate"or( are as(mmetric s!c' t'at promotions on 'i"'er

    3!alit( ,ran)s impacts 4ea$er ,ran)s )isproportionatel(5 D!rin" a promotion+ 'i"'er

    3!alit( ,ran)s in)!ce a lar"e n!m,er of cons!mers to s4itc' to t'em as compare) to

    lo4er 3!alit( ,ran)s5

    Sa+* Pr"&"%"' +*a# " -r!a* a*+*ra%"'"-%+%'7 *,,*0

    In response to a promotion+ cons!mers ma( ,!( more 3!antit( of t'e pro)!ct cate"or(

    or ,!( at an earlier time t'an !s!al #p!rc'ase acceleration effect%5 If cons!mers ,!(

    e;tra 3!antit( )!rin" a promotion or earlier t'an normal+ t'en t'e( are not in t'e mar$et

    to ,!( pro)!cts once t'e promotion is o-er5 * len"t'enin" of inter p!rc'ase times after a

    promotion5 P!rc'ase acceleration 4as more li$el( to ,e e;'i,ite) in increase) p!rc'ase

    3!antit( t'an in s'ortene) inter p!rc'ase times5 Res!lts s'o4e) t'at cons!mers mostl(

    ma)e !p for t'e lar"e 3!antit( p!rc'ase) ,( 4aitin" lon"er !ntil p!rc'asin" a"ain5

    Res!lts in)icate) t'at 'ea-( !sers ten)e) to accelerate p!rc'ases more t'an li"'t !sers5

    T'ere 4as ne"li"i,le )ifference in t'e acceleration propensities of 'i"' -ers!s lo4income "ro!ps5

    Sa+* Pr"&"%"' +*a# " -r%&ar$ #*&a'# *8-a'%"' ,"r a a*7"r$0

    >'ile it 4as tra)itionall( ass!me) t'at cons!mption rates remain fi;e) )!rin" an) after

    a promotion+ ,!t from t'is pro.ect I came to $no4 t'at promotions also 'a-e a primar(

    )eman) e;pansion effect5 >'en a primar( )eman) e;pansion occ!rs+ promotion

    in)!ce) increase in p!rc'ase 3!antities )oes not si"nificantl( e;ten) t'e time till t'e

    ne;t p!rc'ase in t'e cate"or( occ!rs+ t'!s in)icatin" t'at t'ere 'as ,een an increase in

    cons!mption promotions in)!ce) cons!mers to ,!( more an) cons!me faster5 It is fo!n)

    t'at promotion in)!ce) in-entor( temporaril( increase) cons!mption rates 4it'in t'e

    cate"or( e5"5 in cate"ories s!c' as ,acon+ salte) snac$s+ soft )rin$s an) (o"!rt e;'i,ite)

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 7/

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    primar( )eman) e;pansions as a res!lt of promotion 4'ile ,at'room tiss!e+ coffee+

    )eter"ent an) paper to4els e;'i,ite) stoc$pilin" onl(5

    Sa+* Pr"&"%"' a,,* a+* %' "&-+*&*'ar$ a'# "&-*%%9* a*7"r%*0

    From t'is pro.ect it is fo!n) t'at promotion not onl( increases sales of main pro)!ct ,!t

    it also lea) to increase in sales of complementar( cate"ories5 Fo!n) stron" cross

    relations'ips ,et4een pro)!cts of t'e promote) pro)!ct cate"or( in)icatin" ,ran)

    s!,stit!tion ,e'a-ior5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 72

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    T!* L"'7 *r& I&-a ", Pr"&"%"'0

    Strate"ies are ,!il)s to reap t'e ,enefits for lon"er perio) of time? same is tr!e in sales

    promotion strate"ies5 et !s see impact of promotions effort an) st!)( t'e impact o-er a

    lon"er time perio) e5"5 =1 mont's or e-en a fe4 (ears after a sales promotion


    T'e res!lt s'o4e) t'at cons!mer promotions for lea)in" ,ran)s of esta,lis'e) pac$a"e)

    pro)!cts 'a) no after1effects on t'e ,ran)As sales or repeat ,!(in" lo(alt(5 T'e e;tra

    sales of a ,ran) 4'ile promote) came -irt!all( all from t'e ,ran)As e;istin" lon"1term

    c!stomer ,ase for 4'ic' t'e e;perience of ,!(in" t'e promote) ,ran) 4as not'in" ne45

    It is fo!n) t'at alt'o!"' t'e s'ort term effects of promotions are stron"? t'ese

    promotions rarel( e;'i,it lon" term effects5 It is o,ser-e) t'at eac' sales component

    "enerall( lac$e) a permanent effect an) t'e effect of promotion 4as s'ort li-e) an)

    increase in promotions affecte) cons!mersA stoc$pilin" )ecisions in t'e lon" r!n5 T'e(

    fo!n) t'at t'e com,ine) s'ort an) lon"1term elasticit( of promotions 4as 8ero5 T'e

    stoc$pilin" in)!ce) ,( a promotion 4as essentiall( offset ,( re)!ce) )eman) in t'e

    lon" term5 T'!s increase) sales 4ere more a res!lt of sales ,orro4e) from t'e f!t!re

    t'an increase) cons!mption

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 7&

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    SOT A'a+$% ", FMCG S*"r


    >ell1esta,lis'e) )istri,!tion net4or$ e;ten)in" to r!ral areas5

    Stron" ,ran)s in t'e FMCG sector5

    o4 cost operations5


    o4 e;port le-els5

    Small1scale sector reser-ations limit a,ilit( to in-est in tec'nolo"( an) ac'ie-e

    economies of scale5

    Se-eral me1tooAA pro)!cts5


    ar"e )omestic mar$et5

    E;port potential5

    Increasin" income le-els 4ill res!lt in faster re-en!e "ro4t'55



    Ta; an) re"!lator( str!ct!re5

    Slo4)o4n in r!ral )eman)5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 77

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    D*T* *

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    @1. !%! ?ra'# ", S"a- D**r7*' #" $" *

    Ba!%'7 "a- R*-"'#*'

    !; =2

    amm 7ife,!o( 2=

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    D**r7*' -"#*r R*-"'#*'

    'eel 2=S!rf 7@

    *riel 2

    Ot'ers 2=


    Form t'e a,o-e res!lt it is clear t'at o!t of 2// c!stomers 7@ are p!rc'asin" t'e same

    ,ran) of )eter"ent+ 4'ereas all ot'ers are on same le-el5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 7

    D**r7*' P"#*r









    Respondents 19 14 35 18 14

    Nirma sup hee! "urf #rie! Othres

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    @2. D" $" a+a$ ?$ !* a&* ?ra'# ", S"a- D**r7*'

    Par%+ar R*-"'#*'

    Yes @

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    @;. !%! ,a"r #" $" '"r&a++$ "'%#*r !%+* -r!a%'7 a

    -ar%+ar ?ra'# ", S"a- D**r7*'



    "a- D*.-"#*r

    Fra"rance 20 2

    !alit( 77 7

    Compan( ima"e 2 27

    Price &7 20

    Pac$a"in" 22

    Ot'ers 7 7


    T'e o,.ecti-e ,e'in) t'is 3!estion is to $no4 t'e effect of infl!encin" factors in t'e

    p!rc'ase )ecision of t'e soaps an) )eter"ent po4)ers5 It mainl( contains t'e factors

    li$e+ 3!alit( 4'ic' pla(ers an important role in t'e p!rc'ase )ecision of t'e soaps an)

    )eter"ents ,ot'5 If 4e loo$ at t'e "rap' of t'e soaps an) )eter"ent it s'o4s 3!alit( as t'e

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 7

    Fa"r a,,*%'7 -r!a* ?*!a9%"r






    &athin' soap 19 33 1$ 23 $ 3

    (et)po*der 18 3$ 13 19 11 3

    +ra'ran,e -ua!ity.ompany

    ima'e/ri,e /a,a'in' Others

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    most infl!encin" factors in t'e p!rc'ase )ecision 4'ile price is also an important for

    p!rc'ase )ecision5

    @4. D" $" "'%#*r -r"&"%"'a+ !*&* !%+* -r!a%'7 a

    -ar%+ar ?ra'# ", S"a- D**r7*'

    /: Gen)er is in)epen)ent of promotional sc'eme

    2: Gen)er is )epen)ent of promotional sc'eme

    >e 4ill !se C'i1S3!are test to test t'e a,o-e '(pot'esis5

    T'e o,ser-e) fre3!encies are

    Daa0 C"'%'7*'$ Ta?+*0

    Respon)ent Male Female Total

    Yes &7 2/ 77

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    *ss!min" Q /5/@+ 4e 'a-e from c'i1s3!are ta,le+ C=57%/@5/#&

    2 = 5 Since t'eo,ser-e) -al!e of c'i1s3!are /5/= is less t'an t'e critical -al!e of c'i s3!are 75= t'e

    n!ll '(pot'esis is not re.ecte)5 Concl!sion55

    @5. !%! ", !* ,"++"%'7 -r"&"%"'a+ !*&* $" !a9* "&* ar"

    " ,ar

    Pr"&"%"'a+ !*&* R*-"'#*'

    Co!pons 2

    price off =

    Free,ies &=

    scratc' car)s 2&

    l!c$( )ra4 0

    B!n)lin" 72

    e;tra 3t(5 ==


    T'e a,o-e state) 3!estion clearl( states t'e a4areness of promotional sc'emes offere)

    in t'e mar$et ,( t'e mar$eters to attract more an) more cons!mers5 T'e res!lts s'o4

    t'at price off an) e;tra 3!antit( is t'e t4o main offersHsc'emes 4'ic' cons!mers 'a-e

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% =/

    Fa&%+%ar%$ ", -r"&"%"'a+ S!*&*







    Respondents 1$ 84 24 12 9 31 44

    .oupons pri,e off +reebies s,rat,h

    ,ards !u,y dra* &und!in' extra ty)

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    came across at t'e time of p!rc'ase5 It 4ill 'elp t'e man!fact!rers an) mar$eters too

    'o4 too la!nc' t'eir ne4 pro)!cts in t'e mar$et 4it' 4'ic' sc'emes5


  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    t'e -ie4er s'ip5 On t'e secon) place it s'o4s ne4s papers as t'e me)ia to promote t'e

    pro)!ct in t'e mar$et5

    @=. I !*r* a'$ *8%%'7 !*&* "' !* S"a- D**r7*' $" ar*

    rr*'+$ %'7

    Par%+ar R*-"'#*'

    Yes @

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    sc'emes 4'ic' contin!e in t'e mar$et it ma( ,e ,eca!se of t'e present stoc$ of t'e

    pro)!ct at t'eir place5

    @. I, $* -+*a* -*%,$

    Par%+ar R*-"'#*'

    72HOt'erFree 7

    Disco!nt &&

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    4'ic' are more )eman)e) in t'e mar$et5 T'e res!lt s'o4s t'at 22 or &2 or ot'er free

    sc'emes are more )eman)e) an) more a4are sc'emes in t'e mar$et5 So man!fact!rers

    ma( "o for t'e same at t'e time of la!nc'in" t'eir pro)!ct5

    @>. I, $" 7* a' ara%9* -r"&"%"'a+ ",,*r %' !* -r"# "!*r !*'

    ", $"r !"%* %++ $" %! "9*r

    Par%+ar R*-"'#*'

    Yes 7

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    It s'o4s t'e le-el of ,ran) lo(alt( amon" t'e cons!mers5 T'e res!lt clearl( s'o4s t'at

    o!t of 2//+ 7 people are rea)( to s4itc' o-er to anot'er ,ran) if t'e( fin) ,etter

    promotional sc'emes 4'ic' s!its t'eir ,!)"et means more 3(t less cost 3!alit(5

    Com,ination of all t'ese sc'emes 4ill r!n ,etter in t'e mar$et5

    @13. G%9* r*a"' ,"r !* a&*

    Par%+ar R*-"'#*'

    Cost3t( 2

    !alit( 2

    Satisfaction &

    Bran) lo(al @

    More ,enefitH,!)"et &&

    Season c'an"e &

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector


    *,o-e 3!estion it "i-es specific reasons for s4itc'in" too ot'er pro)!cts5 It s'o4s t'at

    e;tra 3!antit( 4it' less or same price+ more satisfaction+ 3!alit( an) ot'er factors

    infl!ence cons!mers to s4itc' o-er too ot'er ,ran)s5

    @11. G%9* 77*%"' a?" ,r%% -r"&"%"'a+ !*&*

    T'is s'o4 t'e cons!mersA f!t!re e;pectations from t'e 4'et'er compan( to come 4it'

    ne4 sc'emes or contin!e 4it' present one5 It s'o4s cons!mers )eman) 4'ic' t'e

    man!fact!rers 'a-e to meet5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% =







    Respondents 1$ 1 2 5 22 2 3$

    .ostty -ua!ity Satisfaction&rand !oya! 7ore



    ,han'eNo ans*er

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% =

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    D*T* *

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    @1. S%'* !" +"'7 ar* $" %' !% ?%'*

    Par%+ar R*-"'#*'

    21@ Years &=

    @12/ Years &

    More t'an 2/ (ears =0








    "eries1 24 2 49

    185 %ears 5810 %ears 7ore than 10 years


    T'is 3!estion "i-es i)ea a,o!t t'e ,enefit to t'e retailers 4'o are on t'e mar$et from

    lon" perio) of time an) t'e ,enefits t'e( are "ettin" more as compare to ot'ers5 It also

    s'o4s t'eir e;perience in t'e fiel) an) t'e ser-ices t'e( are pro-i)in" too t'eir ne4 an)

    re"!lar c!stomers5 It also "i-es i)ea a,o!t t'e ,enefits t'e( are "ainin" for 4'olesalers

    an) )irect from t'e compan(5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% =0

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    @2. Na&* !* S"a- D**r7*' (C"&-a'$) $" " ,"r.

    C"&-a'%* R*-"'#*'

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    @;. Ra' !* ,"++"%'7 ,a"r !a "&*r +"" ,"r %' !* -r!a*

    ", S"a- D**r7*'. (Ra' ,r"& 1 "

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    an) price oriente)5 On t'e ot'er 'an) people are also conscio!s a,o!t t'e compan(

    ima"e5 Beca!se sometimes t'e cons!mer remem,er t'at name of t'e pro)!ct ,( t'e


    name an) also from t'e past performance of t'at compan(5 Fra"rance an) pac$a"in" are

    not infl!encin" factor as per t'e respon)ents5

    Fa"r 1 2 3 4 5 6

    Fra7ra'* 22 1 41 21 3

    @a+%$ =7 34 1$ $ 1 0

    C"&-a'$I&a7* 27 2 & & 22

    Pr%* & 28 14 9 $ 1$

    Paa7%'7 5 2 33 43 11

    O!*r / 0 0 5 32 $3

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% @&










    +ra'ran,e 11 1 41 21 3

    -ua!ity 43 34 1$ $ 1 0

    .ompany =ma'e 13 1$ 2 2$ 11

    /ri,e 2 28 14 9 $ 1$

    /a,a'in' $ 5 2 33 43 11

    Others 0 0 0 5 32 $3

    1 2 3 4 5 $

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    I'*r-r*a%"' 0

    It "i-es an i)ea a,o!t t'e priorit( t'e infl!encin" factors too t'e cons!mers an) also t'e

    4ei"'t a"e of t'at factor o-er ot'er factors5 In t'e a,o-e res!lt people are more 3!alit(

    an) price oriente)5 On t'e ot'er 'an) people are also conscio!s a,o!t t'e compan(ima"e5

    Beca!se sometimes t'e cons!mer remem,ers t'at name of t'e pro)!ct ,( t'e compan(

    name an) also from t'e past performance of t'at compan(5 Fra"rance an) pac$a"in" are

    also pla( important role for p!rc'asin" )eter"ent po4)er5

    @4. D" $" 77* "&*r " -r!a* a *ra%' ?ra'#

    Par%+ar R*-"'#*'

    Yes 77

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    T'is co!l) ,e a -er( 'elp 3!estion to !n)erstan) t'e role of retailers in t'e p!rc'ase

    )ecision5 In a,o-e "rap' K of retailer are not s!""est to p!rc'ase partic!lar ,ran)

    ,eca!se of personal relation or t'at c!stomer are ,ran) lo(al 4'ile 77K of t'e retailer

    are s!""estin" t'e cons!mers to ,!( partic!lar ,ran)5 T'ere co!l) ,e man( reasons li$e+

    e;tra mar"in+ relations 4it' cons!mers an) 3!alit( of t'e pro)!cts 4'ic' retailer ma(

    "et t'e ,enefit of t'e same5

    @5. I, Y* !$

    Par%+ar R*-"'#*'

    i"' mar"in 0

    !alit( 2Relations'ip

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    ,(e partic!lar ,ran)5 For t'e compan( it ma( ,e 'elpf!l to tar"et s!c' retailers to sell

    t'eir pro)!ct in t'e mar$et easil(5


  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    @=. I, $* !%! !*&*




    Co!pons 22

    Price Off &

    Free,ies 7@

    Scratc' Car)s &

    !c$( Dra4s 20

    B!n)lin" Offer @

    E;tra !antit( 0


    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% @

    !%! !*&*







    Respondents 11 82 35 2 19 $5 9

    .oupons /ri,e Off +reebies ",rat,h.ards




  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    T'e a,o-e state) res!lts s'o4 t'e )eman) of -ario!s t(pes of promotional sc'emes in

    t'e mar$et ,( t'e cons!mers5 *lmost all t(pes of sc'emes are ,ein" )eman)e) ,( t'e

    cons!mers in t'e mar$et ,!t t'ere are t'ree ma.or sc'emes 4'ic' cons!mers "enerall(

    loo$ at t'e time of p!rc'ase or ,efore t'at5 Price off+ pro)!ct ,!n)lin" an) e;tra 3!antit(

    are more )eman)e) ,( t'e cons!mers o-er ot'ers sc'emes5

    @. !%! Tra#* Pr"&"%"' #" 9ar%" "&-a'%* ",,*r

    NIRMAPr"&"%"' R*-"'#*'

    E;tra Mar"in =E;tra Units 7=

    cre)it facilit( @@

    Gifts &=

    Promo5 E;p5


    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% @

    Tra#* Pr"&"%"' ?$ N%r&a








    "eries1 4$ 34 55 24 8

    >xtra 7ar'in >xtra nits ,redit fa,i!ity 'ifts promo) >xp)

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    From t'e a,o-e "rap' s'o4s t'e tra)e promotions offere) ,( t'e

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    HULPr"&"%"' R*-"'#*'

    E;tra Mar"in =

    E;tra Units 7=

    Cre)it facilit( @

    Gifts &@Promo5 E;p5 &&


    T'e a)-anta"e of o-er xtra nits .redit fa,i!ity ;ifts /romo) >xp)

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    P GPr"&"%"' R*-"'#*'

    E;tra Mar"in =/

    E;tra Units 77

    Cre)it facilit( @@Gifts &/

    Promo5 E;p5 2&


    PG is also a ,i" pla(er in t'e FMCG mar$et5 It is also pro-i)in" all t'e facilities 4'ic'

    ot'ers are pro-i)in" to retailers5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% /

    Tra#* Pr"&"%"' ?$ PG








    "eries1 40 33 55 20 12

    >xtra 7ar'in >xtra nits .redit fa,i!ity ;ifts /romo) >xp)

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    GODRE6Pr"&"%"' R*-"'#*'

    E;tra Mar"in =

    E;tra Units 7&

    Cre)it facilit( @

    Gifts 20

    Promo5 E;p5 2


    Go)re. is a ,i" pla(er in t'e FMCG mar$et5 It is also pro-i)in" all t'e facilities 4'ic'

    ot'ers are pro-i)in" to retailers5 B!t it is lac$in" in ,earin" e;penses 4'ic' U is

    pro-i)in" to ma;im!m n!m,er of retailers5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 2

    Tra#* Pr"&"%"' ?$ G"#r*/








    "eries1 4$ 32 5 19 18

    >xtra 7ar'in >xtra nits .redit fa,i!ity ;ifts /romo) >xp)

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    OTHERSPr"&"%"' R*-"'#*'

    E;tra Mar"in 7/

    E;tra Units 2

    Cre)it facilit( 7

    Gifts 2@

    Promo5 E;p5


    Ot'ers incl!)e local pla(ers+ as 4ell as 4e esta,lis'e) pla(ers li$e+ 4ipro ,!t t'eir

    pro)!cts are not in )eman) li$e ot'er pla(ers ,!t still t'e( are pro-i)in" all t'e facilities

    to retailers to attract to4ar)s stoc$in" t'eir pro)!cts5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% &

    Tra#* Pr"&"%"' ?$ O!*r










    "eries1 30 18 38 15

    >xtra 7ar'in >xtra nits .redit fa,i!ity ;ifts /romo) >xp)

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    H$-"!*% *%'7

    /: Effect of tra)e promotions for all fo!r ,ran)s is similar5

    2: Effect of tra)e promotions for all fo!r ,ran)s is not similar5

    GODREJ allis test+ 1&5&02%7#nn





    2. .


    . =+


    =5For Q /5/@ an)

    )f Q =12Q7+ t'e critical -al!e Q 52= #from ta,le%5


    ere 6 Q 1&5&0 is less t'an t'e critical -al!e of c'i1s3!are Q 52=+ so 4e )o not re.ectt'e n!ll '(pot'esis5 Concl!sion

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 7

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    @> G%9* r*a"' ,"r '" "%'7 a -ar%+ar ?ra'#.

    Retailer stoc$s all t(pes of soap an) )eter"ent ,eca!se of competition5

    @13 A'$ S77*%"'.

    Retailer s!""este) t'at pac$a"in" s'o!l) ,e f!rt'er impro-e) an) !se) as promotional

    tool+ to enco!ra"e sales )!rin" certain perio)s t'e compan( s'o!l) pro-i)e price off or

    e;tra 3!antit( ,eca!se t'at infl!ences )irectl( to t'e cons!mer5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% =

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    F%'#%'7 ", !* r*-"r0

    Sales Promotion+ a s'ort1term in)!cement+ offere) to a cons!mer or tra)e 'as "aine)moment!m as a promotional tool 4orl) o-er5 It represents nearl( t'ree fo!rt' of t'e

    mar$etin" ,!)"et at most cons!mer pro)!ct companies5 Sales promotions can en'ance

    cons!mersA self1perception of ,ein" 9smart or a 9"oo) s'opper

    FMCG are s!c' a mar$et 4'ere t'e le-el of lo(alt( remains lo4 an) t'is is

    ,eca!se of man( reasons5

    !alit( as t'e most infl!encin" factors in t'e p!rc'ase )ecision 4'ile price is

    also an important for p!rc'ase )ecision5

    Sc'emes al4a(s attract more an) more cons!mers to4ar)s partic!lar ,ran)5

    Sim!ltaneo!sl( it "i-es i)ea a,o!t t'e factors 4'ic' cons!mers loo$ most in t'e

    pro)!ct ,efore t'e( ma$e final )ecision

    Price off an) e;tra 3!antit( is t'e t4o main offersHsc'emes 4'ic' cons!mers

    'a-e came across at t'e time of p!rc'ase

    T as t'e ,est me)ia to mar$et t'e pro)!ct 4'ic' 4ill co-er ma.orit( of t'e

    -ie4er s'ip5 On t'e secon) place it s'o4s ne4s papers as t'e me)ia to promote

    t'e pro)!ct in t'e mar$et

    People are not m!c' a4are of t'e sc'emes 4'ic' contin!e in t'e mar$et it ma(

    ,e ,eca!se of t'e present stoc$ of t'e pro)!ct at t'eir place5

    22 or &2 or ot'er free sc'emes are more )eman)e) an) more a4are sc'emes

    in t'e mar$et5

    People are rea)( to s4itc' o-er to anot'er ,ran) if t'e( fin) ,etter promotional

    sc'emes 4'ic' s!its t'eir ,!)"et means more 3!antit( less cost 3!alit(5

    E;tra 3!antit( 4it' less or same price+ more satisfaction+ 3!alit( an) ot'er

    factors infl!ence cons!mers to s4itc' o-er too ot'er ,ran)s5

    Retailer stoc$s all t(pes of soap an) )eter"ent ,eca!se of competition5

    People are more 3!alit( an) price oriente)5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% @

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    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    Cons!mer remem,er t'at name of t'e pro)!ct ,( t'e compan( name an) also

    from t'e past performance of t'at compan(

    Cons!mer remem,ers t'at name of t'e pro)!ct ,( t'e compan( name an) also

    from t'e past performance of t'at compan(

    Retailers are not s!""est to p!rc'ase partic!lar ,ran) ,eca!se of personal

    relation or t'at c!stomer are ,ran) lo(al

    Mar"in an) of ,etter relations 4it' cons!mers an) too pro-i)e 3!alit( pro)!ct to

    cons!mers t'e( s!""est cons!mers too ,(e partic!lar ,ran)5

    C!stomers are loo$in" for an( t(pe of t'e promotions on t'e pro)!ct ,efore t'em

    "oin" to p!rc'ase5

    Price off+ pro)!ct ,!n)lin" an) e;tra 3!antit( are more )eman)e) ,( t'e

    cons!mers o-er ot'ers sc'emes5

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    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector


    T'e fin)in"s of t'e empirical st!)( in)icate t'at !nless t'e ,ran) to ,e promote) is in

    t'e consi)eration set of t'e cons!mer+ sales promotion ,( itself is !nli$el( to 'a-e an(

    ma.or impact5 Clearl( t'is s'o4s t'at mana"ers nee) to in-est into ,ran) ,!il)in"

    e;ercise so t'at 'isH'er ,ran) appears in t'e consi)eration set of t'e tar"et cons!mers5

    Onl( after t'is s'o!l) 'e spen) time+ mone( an) ener"( on sales promotion acti-ities5

    Sales promotion s'o!l) not ,e !se) in isolation ,!t nee) to ,e inte"rate) 4it' ot'er

    tools an) in line 4it' t'e o-erall positionin" of t'e ,ran)5 *lso t'e importance of t'e

    role of mass me)ia came o!t clearl( in t'e st!)(5

    Companies nee) to create s!fficient a4areness a,o!t sales promotion sc'emes t'ro!"'

    mass me)ia in or)er to create a4areness5 FMCG pro)!cts are lo4 in-ol-ement pro)!cts

    c'aracteri8e) ,( s4itc'in" ,e'a-ior5 *lso t'e person "oin" to t'e s'op for t'e p!rc'ase

    of soap is t'e final )ecision ma$er of t'e ,ran)5 ence it is essential t'at companies

    nee) to )esi"n attracti-e+ stri$in"+ -isi,le POPs for sc'eme anno!ncements5

    >it' respect to nat!re of sc'eme+ t'e fin)in" s!""este) t'at premi!m #free "ift% 4as

    pop!lar 4it' companies5 >'ile ,ot' retailers an) cons!mers preferre) price offs5 So it is

    necessar( t'at t'e percei-e) -al!e of a free "ift 'as to ,e appealin" an) 'i"' for t'e

    tar"et cons!mers5 Repetiti-e !se of t'e same premi!m for a prolon"e) perio) ma( 'a-e

    ne"ati-e effect on t'e lo(al c!stomers5 >'en t'e compan( is "i-in" its o4n pro)!ct free

    as premi!m+ it nee)s to ens!re t'e 3!alit( of t'e pro)!ct from it as it is li$el( to

    .eopar)i8e t'e ima"e of ,ot' its pro)!cts5

    T'e fin)in"s e;'i,ite) t'at ,ot' t'e retailers an) cons!mers percei-e) t'at salespromotion acti-ities carrie) o!t ,( t'e companies for increasin" sales in s'ort term an)

    clearin" e;cess stoc$s5 >'at it implies is t'at companies nee) to !se sales promotion

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement


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    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    s(ner"isticall( an) comm!nicate so t'at t'e( pro-i)e -al!e to t'e tar"et a!)ience an)

    en'ance ,ran) 3!alit(Hima"e perceptions5

    Companies nee) to s(stemati8e information flo4 re"ar)in" sales promotion acti-ities

    partic!larl( at )ealer an) retailer le-el5 Ens!rin" proper information flo4 an) )e-isin"

    c'ec$s an) meas!res to re)!ce misappropriations an) implementation flo4s s'o!l) ,e

    consi)ere) critical aspects for t'e s!ccess of sales promotion acti-ities ,( t'e

    companies5 *s retailin" is fra"mente)+ )irect reac' ,( companies is ne;t to impossi,le5

    T'ro!"' )ealers an) proper fee),ac$ mec'anism+ companies $eep in to!c' 4it' t'e


    From t'e st!)( it 4as fo!n) t'at smaller retailers felt ne"lecte) an) not ent'!se) to

    implement t'e sc'emes+ partic!larl( 4'en a))itional 'an)lin"+ stoc$in"+ acco!ntin" 4as

    re3!ire) on t'e part of a retailer 4it'o!t compensator( mar"ins5 It can ,e seen t'at t'e

    retailer an) cons!mer perceptions matc'e) 4it' respect to preferences of sc'emes+

    !n)erl(in" moti-ations an) role of mass me)ia5 T'is implies t'at t'e retailer 4o!l) ,e a

    ric' so!rce of information a,o!t t'e cons!mer an) t'e li$el( response to sales

    promotion acti-ities5

    De-elopin" a s(stem to tap s!c' responses from time to time ,ot' at retailer an)

    cons!mer le-el 4o!l) ,e 'elpf!l for plannin" f!t!re sales promotion acti-ities5 In or)er

    to ,!il) tr!st an) commitment companies s'o!l) tap preferences+ perceptions of retailers

    as 4ell as cons!mers5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement


  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    L%&%a%"' ", !* #$

    >e consi)ere) *'me)a,a) re"ion onl( ,eca!se of limite) time )!ration5

    D!e to t'is+ o!r sample si8e is onl( 2//+ 4'ic' is not -er( lar"e5

    *ll t'e respon)ents co!l) not fill t'eir 3!estionnaire on t'eir o4n )!e to

    lan"!a"e pro,lem an) also pro,lem of time an) lac$ of positi-e ,e'a-ior5

    Respon)ent ma( "i-e ,iase) ans4er )!e to some lac$ of information a,o!t ot'er


    Fin)in"s of t'e st!)( are ,ase) on t'e ass!mption t'at t'e respon)ents 'a-e

    "i-en correct information5

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 0

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    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    E&*r7%'7 Tr*'#

    So far asFMCG mar$et is concern t'ere is ne4 tren) is emer"in" $no4n as.oint sales

    promotion5 *ct!all( it is ol) concept ,!t it 4as more pre-ailin" in )!ra,le pro)!cts no4

    it is comin" intro non )!ra,le "oo)s also5 >'en an( sales promotion sc'eme eit'er fortra)e or cons!mer is anno!nce) ,( more t'an one compan( an) Hor more t'an one ,ran)

    of t'e same compan(+ it is referre) as .oint sales promotion or 'ori8ontal co1operati-e

    sales promotion or cross promotion or !m,rella sales promotion5

    C+a%,%a%"' ", /"%' a+* -r"&"%"'0

    Use complementaril( )!e to nat!ral !se

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    C"'+%"' ", !* Sr9*$

    T'e st!)( reflects t'at t'e !se of sales promotion !n)enia,l( 'as increase) o-er t'e

    (ears in In)ia5 F!t!re 'ol)s lot of promise for s!c' sc'emes across 4i)er ran"e of

    pro)!ct1mar$ets5 Sales Promotion 'as cease) to ,e ma.or )ifferentiator at least in t'e

    metros+ 4it' almost all companies offerin" similar free,ies an) "ifts5 *s a res!lt no4

    mar$eters 'a-e to fin) o!t some inno-ati-e 4a(s of sales promotion to )ifferentiate

    from competitors5 C!rrentl( Price off an) B(e one "et one free offers are -er( effecti-e

    to attract t'e cons!mers to4ar)s t'e pro)!cts5

    >e 'a-e note) t'at t'ese $in) of promotional tools are !sef!l for s'ort term increase in

    sales an) to in)!ce first trial5 T'ese t(pes of promotional sc'emes s'o!l) ,e consistent

    an) c'an"e) from time to time )epen)in" !pon season an) competitorAs sc'emes5 >it'

    t'e Increasin" n!m,er of s!permar$et+ t'e ,ran)e) pac$a"e) "oo)s 4or$ as silent sales

    person5 So in s!c' stores+ sales promotion pla(s a more effecti-e role in stim!latin"

    cons!mersA )eman)s5

    One of t'e -er( important facts 4e came to $no4 from t'is pro.ect is t'at sale of "oo)s

    4'ic' contain lar"e 3!antit( an) 'a-in" ,i" pac$a"in" e5"5 )eter"ent are sta"natin"

    ,eca!se cons!mer prefer to ,!( small pac$ "oo)s+ t'e reasons are: small pac$ "oo)s

    re)!ce ris$ of ,a) 3!alit(+ It 'a) lo4 cost or sa( price+ an) last ,!t important factor i5e5

    mentalit( to p!rc'ase .!st to tr( first5 Sales of small pac$ "oo)s are 3!ite 'i"'+ ,!t from

    t'e compan(As point of -ie4 small pac$ "oo)s is less profita,le compare to lar"e pac$


    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 2

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    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    So 'ere mar$eter tries to increase sales of lar"e pac$ "oo)s ,( !sin" sales promotion

    tactics li$e price off an) percenta"e e;tra5


    P'ilip 6otler+ #%9Mar$etin" Mana"ement+ 22t'e)ition+ Pearson e)!cation *sia


    C5R56ot'ari+ #%9Researc' Met'o)olo"( met'o)s Tec'ni3!es+

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector


    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% 7

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    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector



    >e are st!)ents of MB* st!)(in" in SIBM *MED*B*D an) carr(in" o!t a s!r-e( for o!r

    aca)emic pro.ect to9Role of sales promotions in FMCG5 So please fill t'is 3!estionnaire5

    25 >'ic' ,ran) of Soap H Deter"ent )o (o! !se

    &5 Do (o! al4a(s ,!( t'e same ,ran) of Soap H Deter"ent

    Partic!lars Respon)ent


    'ic' factors )o (o! normall( consi)er 4'ile p!rc'asin" a partic!lar ,ran) of Soap

    H Deter"ents



    soap Det5po4)er



    Compan( ima"e




    =5 Do (o! consi)er promotional sc'emes 4'ile p!rc'asin" a partic!lar ,ran) of Soap H

    Deter"ent Partic!lars Respon)ent


    'ic' of t'e follo4in" promotional sc'emes (o! 'a-e come across so far


    sc'emes Respon)ent

    Som alit Instit!te Of B!siness Mana"ement

    #Mar$etin"% =

    Deter"ent po4)er Respon)ent





    Bat'in" soaps Respon)ent




  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector


    price off


    scratc' car)s

    l!c$( )ra4


    e;tra 3t(5

    5 >'ic' me)i!m )o (o! feel is s!ita,le to promote t'e -ario!s promotional sc'emes

    So!rce Respon)ent



  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector



    Bran) lo(al



    Season c'an"e

  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector


    >e are st!)ents of MB* st!)(in" in SIBM *MED*B*D an) carr(in" o!t a s!r-e( for o!r

    aca)emic pro.ect9Role of sales promotions in FMCG5 So please fill t'is 3!estionnaire5 Yo!ri)entit( 4o!l) not ,e re-eale) an) information 4ill onl( ,e !se) for aca)emic p!rpose5

    25 Since 'o4 lon" are (o! in t'is ,!siness

    Partic!lars Respon)ent

    21@ Years

    @12/ Years

    More t'an 2/ (ears


  • 8/13/2019 GP ON FMCG


    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector

    5 Do c!stomers loo$ for -ario!s sc'emes in t'e pro)!ct





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    Role of sales promotions in FMCG sector


    Promotions Respon)ent

    E;tra Mar"in

    E;tra Units

    Cre)it facilit(


    Promo5 E;p5

    0 Gi-e reasons for not stoc$in" a partic!lar ,ran)5

    2/ *n( S!""estions5
