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GPN Spring 2009

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  • 8/14/2019 GPN Spring 2009


    Get Elected to Public Office!(see page 3 for how)

    Glen Park Association Spring MeetingWednesday, April 8, 2009

    79 p.m.Glen Park Recreation Center

    Elk and Chenery (past the tennis courts)

    The San Francisco Planning Department will give two presentations, withQ&A: an update on the work program for the General Plan Element andan update on the Glen Park Community Plan Environmental Impact Reportand Transportation Study. Supervisor Bevan Dufty also has been invited.

    In 1999 gas cst $1.22 a galln, vry-n was wrrid abt th Y2K bg and

    wrk was sppsd t start n th Sn-nysid Cnsrvatry.Fast frward a dcad:

    Planning fr th grandpning f th rfrbishdcnsrvatry is alradyndr way, vn thghth rbilding and r-

    landscaping wnt b finishd ntil thfall.

    Th tmbldwn cnsrvatry andits gardns hav bn a San Francisc his-tric landmark sinc 1975. It was taknvr by th Rcratin and Park Dpart-mnt in 1980. Bt a spcific plan fr thsit n Mntry Blvard btwnBadn and Cng strts gt ging nly

    abt a dcad ag.Th tw-stry ctagnal cnsrva-

    try was bilt in th 1890s by a Britishtransplant namd W.A. Mrralls, whhad mad his frtn invnting ndr-grnd systms, inclding a gas-pwrdmining machin and th cling systmfr Nw Yrk Citys sbway systm. Btdring th dcads aftr his dath, thsit sffrd nglct.

    Rsidnts f th Snnysid nigh-brhd lbbid t hav th City takvr th prprty, and thn lbbid smmr t hlp psh alng th rcnstrc-tingtting it n th civic radar, saidStacy Garfinkl, n f th Frinds f thSnnysid Cnsrvatry activists whhav nrtrd th $4 millin prjctach stp f th way. Th mny has

    CoNTINueD oN PAGe 4


    bn drawn frm City bnd isss tfinanc parks and pn spac.

    evn bfr BCCI CnstrctinC. bgan wrk in Dcmbr 2008,

    New Life for Sunnyside Conservatory

    SunnysideConservatoryis finallyunderconstruction.


    th Frinds hlpd rganiz a rang factivitis sch as art classs, Hallwn

    pmpkin-carving cntsts and cn-

    GPN g l e n p a r k n e w s The Newspaper of the Glen Park Associationwww.glenparkassociation.org

    Spring 2009Volume 27, No. 1


  • 8/14/2019 GPN Spring 2009


    Glen Park News Page 2 Spring 2009

    The mission of the Glen Park Association is to promote the collectiveinterests of all persons living in Glen Park, to inform and educate aboutneighborhood and citywide issues, to promote sociability and friendshipsand to support beneficial neighborhood projects.

    GPA Board of Directors and Officers for 2007

    President Michael Rice 337-9894

    [email protected]

    Vice-President Michael Ames [email protected]

    Treasurer Dennis Mullen 239-8337

    Recording Secretary Kim Watts 902-4767

    Corresponding Secretary Tiffany Farr 215-2320

    Membership Secretary Heather World

    [email protected]

    Health & Environment Volunteer needed

    [email protected]

    Neighborhood Improvement John Walmsley 452-0277

    Glen Park News Elizabeth Weise 908-6728

    [email protected]

    Public Safety Carolyn Deacy

    [email protected]

    Recreation & Park Richard Craib 648-0862

    Traffic, Parking & Transportation Lewison Lem [email protected]

    Zoning & Planning D. Valentine [email protected]

    Program Volunteer needed

    Glen Park News2912 Diamond St. #407

    San Francisco, CA 94131(415) 908-6728

    [email protected]

    Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Weise

    Deputy Editor Rachel GordonPhoto Editor Elizabeth Mangelsdorf

    Design Editor Mary Mottola

    Copy Editor Denis Wade

    Advertising Nora Dowley

    Reporters Gail Bensinger

    Dolan Eargle

    Ashley Hathaway

    Paula Levine

    Rebecca Murray Metzger

    Murray SchneiderEmma Bland Smith

    Bonnee Waldstein

    Molly Wright

    Columnists Vince Beaudet

    Susan Evans

    Alma Hecht

    Miriam Moss

    Michael Rice

    Denise Sanderson

    Michael Walsh

    Photographers Elizabeth Mangelsdorf

    Howard Rosenfield

    Ellen Rosenthal

    Michael Waldstein

    Glen Park NewsTh Glen Park News is pb-lishd qartrly by th GlnPark Assciatin. Signd articlsar th pinins f th athrsand nt ncssarily ths f th

    Gln Park Assciatin.T advrtis in th Glen ParkNews call 908-6728 r [email protected].

    from the editorsHw many f y hav hard f Fltn,Maryland? W hadnt at th Gln ParkNwsntil w lkd at th rtrnaddrss n a chck that rcntly camr way.

    Fltn, lcatd a littl mr than2,800 mils frm th hart f th GlnPark villag, is hm bas f th oakCrk Fndatin, a family charity thatsnt s a $1,000 grant.

    Did y apply fr a grant? Thatwas th qstin that mad th rndsin th small circl f Gln Park Nws

    ditrs. Th sam answr kpt cmingback: N.

    Apparntly, th oak Crk Fnda-tin fnd s. Ww. W didnt knwr qartrly pblicatin mad it mchpast Gln Park prpr, Inglsid plicstatin and City Hall.

    Mary Ackr, spkswman fr thrganizatin, ffrd a vital cl: onf th dirctrs f th fndatin livs

    in San Francisc. W wrnt vn tldwhthr th prsn livs in Gln Park;th dirctr wishs t rmain anny-ms. Bt if yr rading this Mr. rMs. Patrn, wd lik y t knw thatw apprciat th cntribtin.

    Again, thgh, why s? Ackr saidth missin f th fndatin is t givt rganizatins that [thy] fl bttrth wrld.

    Anthr ww. Wr prd f thGlen Park News, and s it as an impr-tant rsrc fr th nighbrhd.

    With vry iss w try t prvid

    Join theGlen Park Association

    Only $10 per person

    PO Box 31292San Francisco, CA 94131

    or online at


    radrs with th latst nws nt nlyabt th gings-n in Gln Park, btals abt th ppl and instittinsthat mak th nighbrhd n f SanFranciscs tr trasrs.

    What w s, har and fl whn wwalk dwn Laidly Strt, r walk rdg in th canyn, r wait fr a bs nDiamnd Strt r stand in lin at Tygrsn a Snday mrning hlps st th tnf hw w viw th wrld and what wwant.

    Saf and clan strts, frindly nigh-

    brs, sfl and intrsting shps, gd

    ats, an clctic mix f architctr, divr-sity in pplatin and a mix f rbanand natrall ths cm tgthr inGln Park t giv s ampl rasn t bastabt th nighbrhd, and t dmandbttr whn w fall shrt.

    Givn all that, th Glen Park Newsnw has $1,000 that w didnt havbfr, and w nd t dcid hw bstt spnd it tas Ackr pt itbttrth wrld.

    W dnt hav an answr yt . Spn-srd by th Gln Park Assciatin and

    spprtd by advrtising rvn, wran all-vlntr pblicatin, rlying nth gd will f r rprtrs, clm-nists, phtgraphrs, advrtising rpr-sntativ, layt gr, dlivry crw andditrs.

    Shld w xpand r circlatinara int adjining nighbrhds ands th mny t print mr paprs?Prhaps pgrad r nwsprint papr?or bank th mny and s it latr if

    th cnmy wrsns and w rallynd it?

    W hav r thinking caps n. Ify hav a sggstin, lt s knw.Wll lt y knw hw w dcid ts r nxpctd windfall fr thbnfit f th papr and r rad-rst bttr r crnr f th wrld.Fr nw, th Gln Park Nws vlntrstaff will cntin t smil at r gdfrtn, and thank r annyms


    One of twodeliciouscakes theParks broughtto the mostrecent GPAmeeting tothank thecommunity forits support.Photo byMichaelWaldstein

  • 8/14/2019 GPN Spring 2009


    Spring 2009 Page 3 Glen Park News

    On Aug. 29, 2008, Paul Park, the ownerof Buddies Market, was brutally attackedand one of his employees kidnapped andinjured in a r obbery at his familys store.The assault shocked and angered the com-munity. In the weeks and months after-wards that horrific event caused a cascadeof events that changed our neighborhoodin many positive ways. More than 500neighbors filled St. Johns auditorium tohear police discuss the case and crime issuesin general. A fund for the Parks organizedby the Glen Park Merchants Association

    raised over $14,000. Many more neigh-bors joined the Glen Park Association. Agroup of 20 businesses and neighbor s hiredthe Patrol Specials to walk the neighbor-hood (see page 8). An ever-changing groupsigned up to hang out at the store aroundclosing until everyone got home safely.And Paul Park has slowly healed from hisextensive injuries.

    Dar Nighbrs and Mrchants,

    W want t xprss r dpst appr-ciatin fr all th prsnal assistanc,warm wishs and prayrs, and manycntribtins nt nly f yr prcistim, thghtfl gifts and lvly flw-rs, bt als fr yr mr than gnr-s dnatins givn t hlp r family.

    Bcas f yr prayrs and spprt, Palis rcvring mr qickly than vn th

    dctrs xpctd. Lv has a way f mak-ing miracls happn!

    W ar s prd and gratfl t havy as r frinds and nighbrs. Smf th many blssings w hav rcivddring th past thr mnths incld nwfrindships with hlpfl nighbrs sch asAnn, Rn, Charls, Ricard, Lisa, Dav,Karn and a mltitd f thrs whmw hld spcially cls t r harts.

    W als want t acknwldg th

    lyalty and ncragmnt f r manyrglar cstmrs wh kp chcking ns and spprting s with thir cntin-ing bsinss.

    Finally, w wish t thank all f rmrchant frinds in Gln Park, and par-ticlarly thank Jant and Richard f Can-yn Markt, Kirklan Tabr f KiKi Yand Ric Lpz f Mdrn Past, fr thircntining and spcial spprt.

    W lk frward t many mr yars

    srving r wndrfl Gln Park cm-mnity.

    Yrs sincrly,Jnni and Pal ParkBddis Spr Markt696 Chnry Strt

    letter to the editor

    Groceries, produce, flowers, meat, deli,

    coffee bar, wine, beer, spirits, vitamins, gifts, preparedfoods to-go, catering, and fantastic sandwichesplus our own


    baked in the store twice every day.

    Hours 7am 8pmseven days Early closing on certain holidayscheck our website.

    Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, New years day.

    2 8 1 5 D I A M O N D S T. @ W I L D E R S A N F R A N C I S C O 9 4 1 3 1

    4 1 5 - 5 8 6 - 9 9 9 9

    I N F O @ C A N Y O N M A R K E T . C O M

    W W W . C A N Y O N M A R K E T . C O M

    glen park association news

    Michal, yr rally intrstd in GlnPark! Wld y lik t b an fficr f thassciatin? on day abt ight yars

    ag, I saw a Gln Park Ass-ciatin mting flyr, with anagnda itm t b discssdthat smd n-sidd. I calldp th thn-prsidnt, Zann

    Nrdstrm, and askd if I cld spak nth mattr.

    Zann crdially agrd, thn imm-diatly addd an ffr I cld nt rfs.S, nxt thing, I was vic-prsidnt, hlpingZann and thrs wrk with City planning,BART, pblic wrks, th plic traffic divi-sin, rcratin and park, and an alphabt fdpartmnts n all th prblms, qstinsand idas in th nighbrhd. I am writingthis clmn in my fifth yar as prsidnt fth Gln Park Assciatin, and in my ighthyar sinc jining th bard f dirctrs.

    My mssag this mnth is: Nighbrs,yr rally intrstd in Gln Park! Wldy lik t b a GPA [fficr] [cmmittchair] [cmmitt mmbr]?

    Thrs a lt ging n in th nighbr-hd. on th list: Th Gln Park Cmm-nity Plan envirnmntal Impact Rprt and


    BART Statin Ara Transprtatin Stdy;ptntial dvlpmnt f th BART parkinglt; th San Francisc Gnral Plan Hsingelmnt eIR; a stdy f mply shttlbss in th nighbrhd; bdgt cn-straints fr parkprgrams andlibraris; changin ladrship atth San Francisc

    Plic Dpart-mnt; and mr.W n th bardprbably gt nr tw -mails awk frm Citystaff r rsidntsasking fr nigh-brhd inpt rhlp.

    Rcntly, a Mizpah Strt rsidnt,Lwisn Lm, vlntrd t hlp n trans-prtatin isss. Lwisn is nw lking atth mply shttls stdy with th SanFrancisc Cnty Transprtatin Athrity.Richard Craib wrks hard kping an y nGln Canyn Park. Miriam Mss hads thGln Park Advisry Bard, raising mny fr

    rcratin prgrams. GPA rcntly mad a$700 cntribtin t th Advisry Bard frth Rcratin Cntr.

    Bt w hav slts t fill: RcrdingScrtary, t kp mints at bard and

    mmbrship mtings;Crrspnding Scrtary,nw mstly an lctrnicrl; a cmmitt chairfr Halth and envirn-

    mnt; mr mmbrs frth Zning and PlanningCmmitt and thTransprtatin Cm-mitt. Ths d havdfind rls, bt all fs n th bard wrk asa tam, bring a rang fpinins and idas, andlk frward t mr

    vics and pinins.Plas -mail m at prsidnt@

    glnparkassciatin.rg r call m at337-9894. n

    Michael Rice is president of the Glen ParkAssociation.

    Get involved!

    Do you care about

    Rec & Park budget cuts,employee shuttle buses at

    BART, police staffing?

    Then we want you.

    - The GPA

  • 8/14/2019 GPN Spring 2009


    Glen Park News Page 4 Spring 2009

    new classes in movement,

    pilates, yoga, dance

    visit www.kiki-yo.com

    get strong on the pilates ehs springboard

    sign up in march for 3 private sessions only $150

    In th last iss f th Glen Park News, wtld y abt Christin Brggnni, wh

    sd th skills sh acqirdin th Natinal Gard tdsign and cndct a fll-scal arthqak drill at St. Jhns elmntary Schl

    last octbr. Hr daghtrs, Cl andNatali, ar stdnts in kindrgartn andthird grad.

    Sinc thn, Christin, wh is a majr

    in th Army Rsrv, was bn calld pfr a 400-day tr f dty, which bgan Jan. 19. Aftr training at Frt Hd,Txas, sh will b dplyd t Iraq in thmiddl f March. Sh is schdld t bstatind in Balad, whr hr nit willprvid all spprt t th staff alrady

    thrprsnnl, lgistics, transprta-tin, qipmnt filding and training,and frc prtctin.

    on Dc. 19, th St. Jhns cmmnitygathrd fr a farwll and prayr srvic.Thy prayd fr Christins safty and frstrngth and spprt f hr family.

    Whil shs away, thr is lts f lvand hlp t fill th spac sh is laving:My frinds, parnts at th schl, arhlping with transprtatin, sprts and

    mthrly lv. My parnts, Cl and JKnndy, pick p th childrn vry dayaftr schl t tak thm t thir activi-tis. My hsband Dav is an amazingdad and hsband wh is chrgraphingall vnts and prviding tns f lv andcmfrt t r girls. n

    St. Johns Major Mom

    Headed for Duty in Iraq


    crts, trying t bring it aliv, Garfin-kl said. Th vlntrs hld clan-pdays, rmvd graffiti and maintaindth landscaping. Thy plantd a gardnf bttrfly-attracting plants n a smallstrip f City-wnd land acrss JstAvn frm th cnsrvatrys rarntranc.

    Accrding t Palina Araica, thRc and Park prjct dirctr, nw

    cnstrctin inclds a whlchair-accssibl ramp as wll as nw stairsand a plaza. Th cnsrvatry will brpaird and brght p t cd stan-dards, inclding sismic ns, and nwlights and fncing will b installd.

    Thr will b an irrigatin sys-tm, and nw landscaping will inclddrght-tlrant plants. A sparatstrctr cnnctd t th cnsrva-try by a brzway will gt a nw rst-

    rm and a prparatin ara fr catrd


    Thr will b nw windws, a nwrf, nw paint and nw gttrs. evnth finial at th cntr f th rf willb rinstalld, t giv th p-t-datbilding th sam lk it had dringth Victrian ra.

    on palm tr was rmvdbcas f xtnsiv dcay in its trnk,bt ths that rmain incld a rarcqit palm. Araica said that anybshs rmvd as a rslt f th cr-

    rnt wrk ar bing rplantd in thrCity parks.Garfinkl pldgs that th Frinds f

    th Snnysid Cnsrvatry wnt rstn its larls whn th pgradd parkfficially rpns. Thy hav bn brain-strming n ways t incras sag. Thpark is a niq jwl a pblic nigh-brhd gathring spac, sh said.

    And, sh addd, whn thy d hldthat grand pning, vryn frm Gln

    Park is invitd.n

    ConservatoryContinued From Page 1

    The woman

    in thepicture isMrs. ErnestVan Beck.She andher hus-band ownedthe prop-erty from19191952.The photoappears to

    be from the1920s.

    Courtesywww.MtDavidson.org andFriends ofSunnysideConservatory

    Food, Fairytales and FunThis yar n Martin Lthr King Day,thn-Prsidnt-lct obama calldAmricans t a Day f Srvic. Acrss

    th cntry, tns f th-sands f ppl tk pth challng. Hr inGln Park, tw mms, ahrd f kids and a lt f

    nighbrs did thir wn part t hnrDr. Kings lgacy.

    Th Childrns Bk and Fd Drivwas hld Jan. 19 in frnt f th GlnPark Library. Svral hndrd pplstppd by, rslting in 1,379 pndsf fd cllctd fr th San Francisc

    Fd Bank and wll vr 3,000 bkst b dnatd t th Childrns BkPrjct.

    W wr tld that th nmbr fbk dnatins was th largst thy havvr rcivd! said Mniq Alns,wh tgthr with Lxi olian rganizdth vnt. Thy had hlp frm thir kids,Jlian and Carlina Alns and eliasMaths, as wll as frm Gln Park lcalsMary Gilbrt, hr daghtr Grgia, andHward Rsnfild.

    Dnrs and vlntrs wr tratdt frsh cff and ht chclat dnatdby th Tarlvs at Canyn Markt. n


    From leftto right,MoniqueAlonso,Lexi Olian.In front,JulianAlonso,Elias Mathus.


  • 8/14/2019 GPN Spring 2009


    Spring 2009 Page 5 Glen Park News

    Citys Own Version of Law and Orderon day aftr that thr inagratinin Janary, th Gln Park Assciatinhad n f its wnrfrshingly, it was

    nminatin, campaign,lctin and inagra-tin cndnsd intarnd 15 mints atth bginning f th

    qartrly GPA mting. Th crrntfficrs sd th advantag f incm-bncy (aidd by a lack f ppnnts)

    t swp int ffic, yt again, in alandslid.Thr was n inagral ball, bt

    in an instanc f grat timing, JnniPark f Bddis Markt cam with twdlicis sht caks. Sh and Pal Parkwantd t thank th Gln Park cm-mnity fr all thir hlp and spprtin th aftrmath f th attack n Palin th markt last Sptmbr.

    Whn th mting prgrssd tits main tpic, criminal jstic in SanFrancisc, rprsntativs f th DistrictAttrnys offic gav a talk n smf th mchanics and isss. Thr waspprtnity fr ths prsnt t askqstins and bring p isss, whichthy did. Th tn was mr inqiringthan cnfrntatinal, prhaps bcasthr had bn n rcnt, galvanizingmajr crim in Gln Park.

    Assistant D.A. Jhn ullm bganwith th vry basics, th tw cmpnntsf th criminal jstic systm: First, thplic, wh arrst, invstigat, and pr-tct pblic safty; scnd, th districtattrny, wh dcids whthr t charg,prs and prsct th cas.

    Th plic hav a lwr standard

    f prf t mak an arrstthy ndnly th blif that a prsn prb-ably cmmittd th crim. Th D.A.nds t b abl t shw prf in crtbynd a rasnabl dbt. This diffr-nc ftn cass a discnnct btwnwhat ppl bsrv in plic activityand what thy rad in th nwspaprsabt hw a cas prgrsss thrgh thD.A.s ffic.

    Waltr Aldridg, assistant D.A. fr

    th Jvnil Divisin, prsntd a pic-tr f th jvnil jstic systm thatprhaps fw ar awar f r ndrstand.Fr n thing, it is nt gvrnd by thPnal Cd, which cvrs adlts, btby th Wlfar and Instittins Cd,which is cncrnd with ths ndingscital prtctin, sch as jvnils,snirs and th mntally and physicallydisabld.

    In San Francisc, jvnils wh

    ar citd fr crims ar assssd n an


    11-pint systm that was dvlpd byth Anni e. Casy fndatin in 1992.It ars t f th assrtin f dispr-prtinat minrity cnfinmnt, andaims t kp jvnils t f dtntinwhnvr pssibl. It is nt stat law,bt is pt in plac by pliticians whappint th chif prbatin fficr tcarry t th prgram. Th systm isals sd in Santa Crz, Vntra, SanDig, Chicag and Prtland.

    Sm crims atmatically rat 11pintsrbbry, rap, flny assalt,stabbing, shting, gang activity, andrcidivism. Lwr pints ar assssdfr lssr crims, and mitigating factrsmay lwr th pints, sch as familyspprt, first-tim ffns and schlattndanc. Ths wh rciv lwpints may b rlasd t hm dtn-tin with th prmis t appar latrat th Yth Gidanc Cntr fr dis-

    psitin. A jvnil might hav tw r

    thr cass pnding. In th mantim,h r sh may cmmit frthr crims.Bt ths with 11 pints ar pt intcstdy immdiatly.

    A middl grnd accnts fr800900 cass pr yar. Ths yths

    ar rfrrd t th Cmmnity Assss-mnt and Rfrral Cntr (CARC),which sks altrnativs t incarcra-tin; ths jvnils may r may ntb prsctd.

    Vilnt cass mst g t th D.A.within tw days and ndrg tw daysf scilgical invstigatin, aftrwhich th cas gs t th prsct-ing D.A.

    At th GPA mting, th assistant

    D.A.s acknwldgd that ppl arfrstratd with th limitatins f thcriminal jstic systm. Thy ntd thatth src f crim is scicnmicand th sys tm dsnt hav th pwrt chang any f ths circmstancslack f training, nmplymnt, inad-qat hm nvirnmnt. Thy askdth cmmnity t b patint with thsystm, and t b willing t g t crtand tstify if ndd.

    T fllw p n a particlar crim,it is bttr t cntact th plic dpart-mnt, which has gratr frdm tshar infrmatin than th DistrictAttrny. Y can ask th D.A. whthrth cas is in prgrss, bt if it is thycant rlas infrmatin abt annging invstigatin. n

    John Ullom,David Burkeand WalterAldridgeof the SanFranciscoDistrictAttorneysOffice dis-cuss thecriminal jus-tice systemin the city.Photo byMichaelWaldstein

  • 8/14/2019 GPN Spring 2009


    Glen Park News Page 6 Spring 2009

    Th nam cam t Max t f nwhr,vn bfr thy fnd th right lca-tin fr thir rstarant. Lrlla was

    ncnvincd that hisida snt th right ms-sag. Bt th nam grwn hr, and this April 9th cnvivial La Ciccia at30th and Chrch strts

    clbrats its third annivrsary.Max is Massimilian Cnti, thchf. His wif Lrlla Dgan is th gra-cis frnt-f-th-hs prsnc at thnly Sardinian rstarant in th BayAra, n f nly a handfl anywhrin Amrica.

    La Ciccia was dsignd t b aninfrmal nighbrhd plac whrppl njy fd and cmpany andgd win, Lrlla says. In Italy thrar a tn f placs lik that, whrppl can litrally at lik thy ar insmbdys hm.

    Wll, nt xactly lik mst pplshms. Bt th frsh safd dishs,nsal pastas and imprtd chssrflct th bnty f th Italian islandwhr Max grw p amng wmn: hiswidwd mthra vry gd ck,his grandmthr, an ant and a sistr.Lrlla is frm th nrth, brn in Vnicand rard in Pada.

    Lrlla bgan wrking at 18 at ahtl n Italys Lak Garda, thn mvdt Lndn t stdy english and latr tParis t stdy Frnch, spprting hrslfby wrking at htls r rstarants. Shmt Max n a cris ship, whr sh was

    th win stward and h was a waitr.Max had attndd a htl schl

    in Sardinia, cncntrating n fd andwin. H mvd n t managing rs-tarants in th Italian win rgin fMntplcian. Whn h tk a jb asa smmlir in Washingtn, D.C., hinvitd Lrlla t cm visit him. Thygt marrid acrss th Ptmac Rivr in

    Arlingtn, Va.Thy lvd living in Washingtn,bt hatd th wathr, s thy dcidd tchck t San Francisc. evntally Maxwrkd fr a distribtr f high-nd Ital-ian wins and Lrlla was cncirg atth Mandarin orintal Htl. Thy saythy did nt cnsidr wrking tgthrntil thy dcidd t start a rstarant.

    Wrking and living tgthr canb vry challnging smtims, Maxsays.

    Bt vntally th dram tk hld.Max had qit his jb and gn back tSardinia fr tw mnths t rcharghimslf and hlp with th liv harvst.Whil h was thr, h gt a cpl fjb ffrs. Whn h cam back t Cali-frnia, th cpl gav thmslvs twmnths t find a spt fr thir rsta-rant.

    othrwis, Lrlla says, thy wrging t lav Amrica prmanntly.Thy thght, If it dsnt wrk, wllmv n t smthing ls, Lrllasays. W hav rinvntd rslvs afw tims alrady.

    Thir sarch trnd p a rcntlyclsd pizza-Grk rstarant sit at

    A Taste of Sardinia Close to Home


    th nrthrn dg f Gln Park. Thypnd lss than tw mnths aftr thysignd th las. Whil thy and a cplf frinds wr painting and claning,

    Lrlla rcalls, ppl wld cm t thdr and ask whn thy wr pningand what kind f fd thy plannd tsrv.

    Max says h had bn writing fantasymns sinc h was 20 yars ld. Bt

    whn h drw p a prpsd mdrnItalian bill f far, Lrlla calld it ntinspiring. Sh rcalls tlling him, Thisis nt rally yand sggstd that hshld fcs n th dishs h ckd athm fr hr.

    Thy sttld n all-Sardinian fd,and Max dcidd t writ th mn inth nfamiliar Sardinian dialct (withenglish translatins) and an Italian win list with nmrs Sardinian

    ffrings.La Ciccia was a hit almst immdi-

    atly, drawing n bth Gln Park andN Vally fr rpat cstmrs. It jsttk ff n its wn, Lrlla says. Itis rmarkabl hw ppl hr ttallymbracd what w d.

    Th mn is sasnal, thghcrtain dishs rmain cnstant. Frxampl, th vgtabl sd in n dis-tinctiv spaghtti prparatin changs,

    bt th sprinkling f bttarga (dridfish r) rmains th sam. Thy shplcally fr frit, vgtabls and fish, btmany f th basic fdstffs Max ssin th kitchnliv il, chss, drid

    La CicciaownersLorellaDegan andMax Conti.PhotobyGailBensinger


  • 8/14/2019 GPN Spring 2009


    Spring 2009 Page 7 Glen Park News

    Your Neighborhood is Our NeighborhoodGlen Park Residents & Realtors since 1987

    Beth Kershaw

    [email protected]

    Don Gable

    [email protected]

    Your Glen ParkConnections








    pastacm frm Sardinia t maintaintraditinal tasts.

    Chics hav vlvd, with smthings disapparing altgthr and th-rs bing varid with, s ay, a diffrntsac. occasinally cstmrs havdmandd that drppd itmsthctps in tmat sac, fr nbrinstatd.

    Lik vryn ths days, Max and

    Lrlla wrry abt th cnmy. Btth dinnr rsrvatins kp cming andth prics hav stayd prtty mch thsam sinc thy pnd.

    Max says h ralizd that th fcsn n cisin wld nt appal t

    San Franciscs grim fiscal tlkwith a prjctd dficit naring $600millin vr th nxt yar and a halfisxpctd t hit nighbrhd srvics in

    Gln Park.As w mv int sm-

    mr, ppl ar ging ts a dimintin f sr-vic qality, said Sprvi-

    sr Bvan Dfty, wh rprsnts GlnPark.

    Rdctins in vrything frm scialsrvics and pblic halth t rcratinprgrams ar n th tabl. Thrs bntalk f dlaying nw plic acadmyclasss, and Mni ridrs may xprincmr missd rns.

    Althgh Mayr Gavin Nwsmhas ntil Jn 1 t sbmit his prpsdbdgt t th Bard f Sprvisrs fr

    th nw fiscal yar that starts Jly 1, halrady has startd making cts mid-yar. on f th mst nticabl tcity rsidnts was th dcisin by thDpartmnt f Pblic Wrks t parback wkly strt claning t twic amnth thrght mch f th city,Gln Park incldd.

    Nw, th hrs at th Gln CanynPark rcratin cntr may b ct.

    undr th prpsal prsntd by

    Rcratin and Park Dpartmnt ffi-cials, th rc cntr, nw pn svndays a wk, wld b clsd Mndays.Mrning hrs wld b wipd tn th wkdays it is pn. Th gymwld b pn 1 p.m.10 p.m. Tsdaythrgh Friday; crrntly, th facility ispn 9 a.m.10 p.m.

    evryns wndring, what abt

    th tiny-tt classs? said Miriam Mss,prsidnt f th Gln Park AdvisryCncil, which srvs as th liaisnbtwn th nighbrhd and Cityfficials. Sh said City fficials sg-gstd that th tiny-tt prgram cldb shiftd t th aftrnns. Bt that,ntd Mss, cld b difficlt fr fami-lis whs yng ns tak aftrnn

    naps.on Satrdays, th rc cntr wld

    b pn 8 a.m.5 p.m. ndr th pr-psal. As is nw th cas, Sndays wldb rsrvd fr lag play.

    Rcratin cntrs and clbhssin adjining nighbrhds als wldb affctd ndr th prpsd cst-ctting masrs, Mss rprtd. Hrswld b rdcd at Snnysid andMiralma.

    Th City is gtting strtchd thin,said Dfty, wh srvs n th Bard fSprvisrs bdgt cmmitt.

    H said City Hall fficials ar lk-ing at a shar-th-pain apprach tcls th prjctd shrtfalltax andf hiks, City mply givbacks andsrvic rdctins.

    Bdgt ngtiatins alrady arndr way, bt thrs still plnty ftim fr rsidnts t wigh in n th

    prpsals and mak thir vics hard.I want t har frm ppl, Dftysaid. n

    Supervisor Dufty can be reached at 554-6968, or [email protected]. ContactMayor Newsom at 554-6141 or [email protected].

    Glen Park Braces

    for Funding Cuts


    La CicciaContinued From Previous Page vrybdy, bt h has stayd fast with hisisland far: W knw frm th bgin-ning that it wasnt ging t b asy. Frm, th wrst thing that can happn ta rstarant is whn vryn liks it.Whn at th sam tim vrybdy liksit, yr nt kping yr idntity any-mr, bcas yr frcing yrslf tthr ppls tast.

    And th nam that cam t him tf th bl, th n Lrlla wasnt sr

    abt?La Ciccia mans th plmp girl in

    Italian. Bt Max says it has thr cnn-tatinscntntmnt, prsprity. Andn mr thing, h adds: I lik mat,and La Ciccia is mat. n

  • 8/14/2019 GPN Spring 2009


    Glen Park News Page 8 Spring 2009

    A grp f 20 Gln Park nighbrs andmrchants hav cntractd with th SanFrancisc Patrl Spcial Plic officrsAssciatin t hir a patrl fficr fivtims a wk. Th fficr, Cal Wily,will b walking th nighbrhd fivlat aftrnns r vnings a wk n a

    randm basis, th rganizrs say.Patrl Spcial fficrs ar indpn-dnt cntractrs wh war nifrmsand cndct armd patrls. Thy arappintd by th Plic Cmmissinand vttd by th SFPD, bt ar ntmmbrs f th Plic Dpartmnt.




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    *offer not valid with insurance and/or other offers

    Glen Park News Classifieds

    Glen Park Neighbors

    Hire a Patrol OfficerTh examinr rprtd last fall that thscrity frc, fndd dring th GldRsh, had 400 fficrs dring th 1970sbt had dwindld t abt tw dzn.

    Th Gln Park ffrt is bingsparhadd by th Cncrnd Chn-ry Nighbrs and Frinds. Thy hp

    mr individals will jin thmandhlp shar th cst.Fr mr infrmatin, sm mr-

    chants hav yllw brchrs abt thprgram, r y can g t http://rman-tasy.cm/SF/PatrlSpcialInfrmatin.html. n

    Officer Calvin

    Wiley greetsrestaurateurLaurentLegendre.

    Photo byMichaelWaldstein

    End HomeworkHasslesFamily times better spent!

    www.mystudybuddy.orgJane Radcliffe 415-586-4577.

    August Moon MassageJana Hutcheson, Swedish,Shiatsu, LomiLomi, Deep

    Tissue, Sports Massage. BernalHeights 415-647-7517

    Spanish LessonsBeginners, intermediate& advance levelsGrammar & conversationClasses tailored tothe students needsTraveling preparationCultural events,native teacher


    [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 GPN Spring 2009


    Spring 2009 Page 9 Glen Park News

    We Get theNews Outeach qartr, abt a mnth and ahalf bfr th Glen Park Newshitsyr drstp, r all-vlntr staffstarts t wrk.

    First, Nra Dwly, r ad pr-sn, maks sr th advrtising thatpays mst f th cst fth News is rcivd andpaid fr.

    Thn ditrs BthWis and Rachl Grdnassign stris. or rglarrprtrs, Gail Bnsingr,Dlan earg l , AshlyHathaway, Pala Lvin,Mrray Schnidr, emmaBland Smith and BnnWaldstin start intrviw-ing. Clmnists VincBadt, Ssan evans, Alama Hcht,Miriam Mss, Michal Ric, DnisSandrsn and Michal Walsh writ.

    As th stris cm in, cpy di-tr Dnis Wad gs vr all th txtwith a fin-tth cmb. Pht ditrLiz Manglsdrf srts thrgh th finwrk f r in-hs phtgraphrselln Rsnthal and Michal Wald-

    stin, and wrks Phtshp magic tmak it all lk gd n chap nws-print.

    or layt gr Mary Mttlaspnds mr lat nights than shshld making vrything fit.

    F i n a l l y, d i s t r i b -tin sprvisr GracClark p icks p 3,500r s cpis frm rprintr, Hward Qinn,and taks thm t hrtw dzn dlivry vl-ntrs, wh thn walkthir rts and gt cp-is f th papr t y,abt tw wks bfrach qartrly Gln ParkAssciatin mting.

    occasinally w gathr t clbratand hnr th tirlss wrk f thsvlntrs, and t lt thm all gt t

    knw ach thr. This pictr, taknn a balmy day in Janary, fatrsmst f th flks wh hlpd pt thisiss f th papr in yr hands.

    If y s thm n th strt, sayhithyr yr Newsstaff. n

    Thesemembersof the GlenPark NewsStaff aresome of the

    volunteerswho bringthis paperto you.

    Photo by



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    1990ES T:

    : :

    Canyn Markt has bn apprvd by

    Mni t sll Fast Passs. C-wnr Rich-ard Tarlv bgan wrking n this lastfall. In mid-Fbrary a Mni spksmantld th Glen Park Newsinfrmally thatth prcss was nt qit cmpltTarlv hadnt yt jmpd thrgh thfinal hp ndd bfr passs actallyg n sal. Sn, vryn hps.

    eric Whittingtn, wh frmrlysld Fast Passs at Bird & Bcktt Bksand knws a thing r tw abt th

    cnmics f rnning a nighbrhd

    bsinss, pintd t that slling th

    passs is n mr srvic Canyn Mar-kt can prvid fr th nighbrhd,bt crtainly nt a prfitabl n: Itsmstly a mny-lsing prpsitin.S if y gt yr Fast Pass at Can-yn Markt, at last by th ccasinalsandwich r laf f brad! And by allmans, pay in cashcrdit card cm-panis tak a prcntag f vry cardtransactin, far xcding th 25 cntsMni pays th Fast Pass vndr t sll

    a $45 pass. n

    If you see them

    on the street,

    say hi

    theyre your

    News staff.

    Fast Passes are Coming

    to Canyon MarketSlowly

    Shuttles at BART - Voice Your Thoughts

    The Glen Park BART station is a major hub of transit activity, and not all of

    it is public transit. Several private shuttle busses for local companies use it

    as a pick-up and drop-off point. Is that good or bad? The buses are meant to

    fill public transit service gaps but they can also cause congestion.

    The San Francisco County Transportation Authority is conducting a study

    that will investigate the attributes and nature of shuttle services within San

    Francisco. They want to know who is being served, who is contracting and

    what service gaps are being addressed by shuttles. What are the benefits

    and impacts of shuttles? What is a reasonable regulatory framework for

    shuttle management, as these services continue to grow?

    The Authority is asking Glen Park residents to take a few minutes to com-

    plete its online survey at www.sfcta.org/ shuttlesurvey2009.

  • 8/14/2019 GPN Spring 2009


    Glen Park News Page 10 Spring 2009

    If y plant it, ppl will cm.And cm thy did vr six days last

    fall and svral days thisyar.Sm cam by at-

    mbil, drpping dwnfrm Diamnd Hights,r walkd, climbing frm

    th villag flr, past Canyn and Bddismarkts. othrs cam frm farthr away:

    Chris Wrd livs in N Vally, ShawnCas in Brnal Hights.Dblina Dtta cam frm Jst

    Strt, whr sh and hr hsband rcntlymvd. Jasn and I ar xcitd abt rnw nighbrhd, said Dtta, a high

    schl scinc tachr, agr t vln-tr n th path sh has cm t knw

    as Pnny Lan.Mstly thy cam frm narby Sr-ry, Sssx and Diamnd strts, as JdyRsn, Grtchn LBhn, David Angland Ally, his 5-yar ld daghtr, did.

    Tgthr, nmbring in th dzns,thy assmbld alng Pnny Lan, n fth bst-kpt scrts in San Francisc, aback-rad byway, a narrw ally f gravl,rcks and pbbls nly a stns thrwfrm Intrstat 280.

    Thy cam t wrk bhind a cn-trys wrth f Gln Park hss, car-rying shvls, raks and gardn hss,bringing thir childrn, thir dgs andthir cmmitmnt t batify n f thcitys rban trasrs. Pnny Lan bganas a carriag path whn hrss and bggiswr mr cmmn than strtcars.

    W hav a gd thing ging hr,said vlntr Jli Whitcmb, a fr-yar Srry Strt rsidnt, as sh wrstldlast octbr with a 50-pnd plastic bag


    filld with shrbbry trimmings and ivyvins, an injrd lft wrist nt dtrringhr frm lnding a hand that wld vn-tally hlp fill 90 sch dbris sacks.

    What implmnts thy didnt bringthmslvs wr prvidd by th Dpart-

    mnt f Pblic Wrks and Frinds f thurban Frstpick axs, raks, lpprs,hdg shars, 15-inch tl bx saws,rfs bags and gardning glvs.

    Pnny Lan is tckd away amngQn Ann hss and hald by thsrrnding flds f hills that arly20th Cntry Gln Park bstrs ncdscribd as a vritabl Switzrland.

    Whitcmb and hr nighbrs labrdalng th sqstrd nclav, a 500-ft-

    lng swath f nighbrhd ral statthat cmpriss a wathrd, npavd as-mnt ff Diamnd Strt btwn Sssxand Srry strts.

    Altgthr, thy plantd 80 plants,ach carflly cvrd with mlch andcmpst, ach srrndd by a sclptdbrmarthn lvs t nsr that win-tr rainwatr will sak in.

    Hg Mdina cam t hlp thsrban rstics. ownr f Grn Grws th

    Gardn at McAllistr and Stinr strts,Mdina favrs a bl swat shirt, faddLvis and a straw Csar Chavz farm-labrrs hat. Wrk glvs pk frm hiship pckt and prning clipprs hg hisblt. Sn-tannd, h lks vry inch aman wh wrks with arth and plants ash pads n cshind wrk shs frmn frshly xcavatd hl t th nxt:Cm spring, h said abt th hiddnpath that vks a sylvan srnity, ths

    flks will hav addd clr and vgta-tin. Shrbs and plants will arch vrfncs, crating a littl paradis, thir wnscrt gardn.

    Jlian Grss, a thr-yar SssxStrt rsidnt, chd Mdina. Lkingat his 3-yar ld daghtr, h said, Katand hr frinds play rglarly hr with-t far f cars. Accssibl t cars nlyfrm Diamnd Strt, th blck-lng lansrvs a fw garags bt has littl vhicl

    Counseling to Adults, Couples,Adolescents, Children & Families

    Center for Child & Family Development36 Monterey Blvd., San Francisco, California 94131

    Conveniently located close to Glen Park BART station, freeway and MUNI lines

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    [email protected] Fees

    CoNTINueD oN PAGe 18

    Volunteer Spirit on Penny Lane

    Neighborswork tobeautifyPennyLane on aSaturday,one of sever-al work daysorganized toturn the laneinto a ver-dant, hidden

    byway.Photo byMichaelWaldstein

  • 8/14/2019 GPN Spring 2009


    Spring 2009 Page 11 Glen Park News

    N dbt y hav all bn strck by thprsnc f th rang and whit sawhrss

    f PG&e arnd twnandth parking thy displac. Mstprminntly in r nighbr-hd f lat thyv bn slwlymaking thir way dwn Chn-

    ry, frm th Park t th Villag.Thyr thr bcas PG&es 1910-

    ra irn gas lins ar aging and its timfr smthing nw. In thir plac, plastic(actally PVC r plyvinyl chlrid) gaspips ar bing brid . Im nt sr th

    nw ns will last as lng th ld ns,bt whs t knw? Thyr taking thisprjct n r tw blcks at a tim, sas nt t distrb t mch f r trafficand parking pattrns. (N smils, plas.)othr blcks in Gln Park hav alradybn rtrfittd.

    unlik thr srvic piplin installa-tins, this dig is spcial. First , a srvyrgs dwn th blck lcating thr linsint hms, marking thm ATT, PGe r

    uSA (unspcifid Srvic Accss, gnr-ally cabl TV lins).Thn a slt is ct thrgh th pav-

    mnt in tward ach hm. Th nw pipis installd with a thing calld th DitchWitchbrght in vry day frm afar.It brs hls latrally, nt straight dwnlik an il wll. on th tip f th drill bitthr is a transdcr that lts th gidprsn abv (n th pavmnt, hldinga rcivr) knw whr it is. If y hang

    Block by Block, PG&E Replaces Pipes


    Pacific Gas& Electricworkers

    replace1910-era gaspipes alongCheneryStreet.PhotobyElizabethWeise

    arnd awhil, y can watch th gys

    rading th cncrt with thm.Manwhil, th pratr back at thwllhad can thn instrct th drill bit t gp, dwn, right, lft. As th hl is drilld,nw pip frm a cil is attachd at thwllhad. Th nw pip is thn pircd bya crw at ach hm and srvic is rstrd.Th strt is rsrfacdvntallyas arward.

    Th nw gas lins ar high prssr,which ncssitats a nw gas mtr at ach

    hs. Bcas f th high prssr, th

    nw mtrs mst ithr b placd tsidr b xtrmly wll vntilatd. T h PG&e sprvisr has bn tlling ppln Chnry that if th nw lins fail thycan fill y hs p with gas in tn min-ts if thrs a lak.

    Anthr prk is that th nw mtrsar s-calld Smart Mtrs. onc PG&egts things p and rnning, thy will babl t rad th gas mtrs rmtly viaa wirlss systm. N mr mtr rad-

    rs. Th nw mtrs ar als sppsd t

    allw fr diffrntial pricing, s at smpint in th ftr y may b chargda lwr pric fr gas y s dring nn-pak tims.

    Whil th PG&e crws ar insid,thyr als swapping t ld lctric mtrsfr nw smart lctric mtrs. Ths arntwirlss, thy jst snd a signal back dwnth wir t PG&e. Again, n mtr radrs.And again, vntally, diffrntial pricing.And an asir hkp if y gt slar. n

    Vlntrs ar ndd fr th annalnighbrhd strt fair schdld frSnday April 26, 2009, frm 10 t4:30.

    As in prir yars, th fstival will pr-vid a grat day f ntrtainmnt andfn. Lcal artists and craftsppl willb slling handmad itms sch as jw-

    lry, handspn yarn, grt-ing cards, pttry, childrnand adlt apparl, sclptrsand phtgraphs. Svralcmmnity rganizatins

    and nighbrhd schls will als bin attndanc.

    Bring th kids n dwn! T ntrtainth littl ns, lcal rsidnts will prvidfac-painting and balln sclptrs. An

    ngin frm r lcal Diamnd Hightsfir statin will b n hand fr climb-abardfn. Thr will vn b a jmpy hs!

    Bt adlts arnt bing lft t. Asalways, thr will b liv msic thrgh-t th day, dlicis fd and a br &

    win gardn. This yars msical lin-pinclds th Jffry Gat Jazz Qartt,sl artist Brthr Dan Palmr, pwr-pp qintt Lit by Lightning, and amaz-ing 8-yar ld sl prcssinist LarsLapral. Mstiz will rnd t th daywith thir big, classic Latin rck snds.of crs, thr will b plnty f dancingin th strts!

    Vndr bths will b st p n Dia-mnd Strt btwn Bswrth & Chn-ry, as wll as n Wildr Strt btwnDiamnd & Carri. Strts will b clsdbginning at 5:30 AM and will r-pnat 6 PM.

    Prcds frm th fstival ar dnatdt childrns prgrams basd in Gln Park.Twards this nd, th fstival fatrs a

    fndraising raffl. Th priz list grwsdaily, and inclds smthing fr vry-n frm grmt dinnrs t ymmydssrts, msms fr all tasts, thrill ridst a visit with th animals. Tickts will bavailabl t prchas in advanc at: ey-

    dntity Visin (2786 Diamnd Strt),Prch (645 Chnry Strt) and GlnPark Dntal (590 Bswrth Strt).

    Th fstival cmmitt nds hlpt mak this wndrfl day pssibl.Vlntrs ar ndd fr 2-hr shifts

    thrght th day. If y ar intrstdin vlntring, plas cntact th fstivalcmmitt at 835-2112. Mr infrma-tin is als availabl n thir wbsit atwww.glnparkfstival.cm.

    S y in April. n

    Glen Park Festival Needs People Power


  • 8/14/2019 GPN Spring 2009


    Glen Park News Page 12 Spring 2009

    Th jazz nts flatd acrss th nigh-brhd stag n Jan. 4, s clarly thy

    might hav bn hard atYshis in th east Bay, rprhaps vn at th BlNt in Manhattans WstVillag.

    It was at Bird & Bcktt, hwvr,whr this msic playd, as 20 msi-cians gathrd t pay thir rspctst San Francisc jazz gitarist HnryIrvin, wh did Nv. 30 at th ag f72.

    Bird and Bcktt had prviddth Hnry Irvin Qintt a prmannthm sinc 2003, and Irvin prfrmdthr ach mnth bfr a chrs ffans. Bfr sccmbing t plmnaryfibrsis, Irvin ndd an lctric cartt gt arnd and was brdnd withan xygn tank. H prfrmd a finalAgst gig at th pplar ChnryStrt jazz vn.

    It says smthing abt him, saidBird and Bcktts Nick Whittingtn,

    that Hnry pickd p and playdndr ths cnditins.

    Mariann Addingtn, wh playdpian at th Janary aftrnn clbra-tin, chimd in: Hnry was rlntlss,willing t sacrific fr his art.

    Jimmy Ryan, wh playd drmsin th Irvin Qintt, als sang his fr-mr cllags praiss: Hnry hadhart, Ryan said, bfr handing hissticks t drmmr Bill Maginnis, whstppd n stag t pay tribt t afllw msician wh was a cmpsr,tachr and mntr. Clarly n n inth adinc, which nmbrd narly100 msic lvrs, fnd any rasn tdisagr with Ryan, wh frnts his wnBird and Bcktt nsmbl.

    Sqzd tgthr in Bird andBcktt as tightly as th paprbacks nwnr eric Whittingtns bkshlvs, jazz aficinads listnd t vcalistDrthy Lfkvits salt Irvin withhr rnditin f It Had t B Y.earlir, aftr harmnizing What aDiffrnc a Day Maks, Lfkvits,wh mt Irvin in octbr 1989 andhad bn a satin-vicd mmbr f hisqintt vr sinc, tld listnrs thathr ntir wrld and th Bay Aras wasabt t b shakn p that fall.

    Thr was a big arthqak twdays latr. It was lik that with Hnryfrm thn n, sh said f Irvin, knwnfr th sismic tinkring f his snd

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    Henry Irvin Tribute


    Henry Irvinplaying atBird andBeckett,Dec. 20,2002.



  • 8/14/2019 GPN Spring 2009


    Spring 2009 Page 13 Glen Park News


    on patrol in glen parkMy dad was a vry wis man, a fact ntqit s vidnt t m dring his lif, and

    an pinin nt likly t hav crssd mymind, lt aln my lips, whn I was a

    yng man wh thghtI had all th answrs.Dad frmd a habit f

    qitly listning, nt vn-tring int th fray f adiscssin whil his bril-

    liant prgny hld frth with all th slf-rights bmbast n can nly xhibitwhil yng, r as a mmbr f th Bard

    f Sprvisrs. I sd t think h was dis-intrstd ntil h wld wigh in with acrystallizd, minimalist smmatin thatwld mak th rst f s wish w hadkpt r big mths sht. Living thrghth Grat Dprssin, srving in th PacificThatr dring Wrld War II, wrkingtw jbs and raising fr childrn lndsprspctiv.

    I didnt rally larn t apprciat histacit wisdm ntil h was gn and I was

    appraching th ag at which I had cnsid-rd him ld. Nw his simpl, hmbl liflssns ar my gid. Smtims I fllwhis path and smtims I fllw my wn.Th dcisins I craft ar min. Th tlswith which I smth th dgs, plish thsrfac and wrk t mak my lif plmbar all his.

    Amng his many pragmatic apprachst lif, J Walsh sbscribd t n vryimprtant crd: Dnt sit by th sid fth pl if y dnt want t gt splashd.This was my dads rspns whn n f swld cmplain abt a chic w rgrt-td, r whn a crvball was thrwn whnw wr sitting n straight fastball.

    Yr wt nw, hd say, bt ylldry ff. W larnd t liv with r dci-sins and nt lt th actins f thrs dic-tat r apprachs t lif. Tll m tjmp p a rp, was my dads favritrspns t r cmplaints f pr prssrfr nt having th latst f vrything.

    Hr in Gln Park w hav all madth chic t sit by th sid f th pl.And smtims w gt splashd. Th cm-pact charm f San Francisc lnds itslf tth rality that w ar nvr far frm thscial lmnts that cmpl sm pplt victimiz thrs. Th cnditins ndrwhich ths wh mak th wrng chicsliv ar gnratins ld and will tak atlast as lng t ablish.

    Th qstin tday is nt hw d w

    stay dry whn splashd, bt, rathr, hwd w cm p with a bttr systm fpassing t th twls? Ths f s in thpatrl lvl f th Plic Dpartmnt archargd with th task, whil ths at thcmmand staff and cmmissin lvls try

    t rmmbr what thir missin is and twhm thy answr.

    Thy answr t y and m. Nt tth pliticians, nt t th myriad adv-cats f all strips and nt t th mdia.Thy answr t all th ppl wh xpcta rasnabl lvl f pblic safty and anaggrssiv, visibl and cntind rspnswhn that safty is cmprmisd.

    Within th last yar, Gln Park hasxprincd svral criminal incidnts ntin kping with r nighbrhd.

    Capt. Dnis oLary, th cmmand-

    ing fficr f Inglsid Statin, which hasjrisdictin vr Gln Park, has cbbldtgthr stratgis that hav bn cr-ativ in thir cncptin and ffctivin thir xctin. Rbbris hav gndwn, if nt diminishd. Graffiti rmainsa prblm, bt I can tll y that twhigh-prfil arrsts, alng with th parlmnitring f n flnis strt vandal,hav lssnd th impact ths criminalshav had n Gln Park.

    effctiv ladrship f this dpartmntis crcial t th path San Francisc ndst tak t addrss this mlti-gnratinalcrim phnmnn in th nxt fiv t 10yars. Chif Hathr Fng is xpctd trtir by this smmr. Th Plic Cmmis-sin is schdling mtings thrght thcity t har pblic cmmnt as t what cit-izns wld lik t s in thir nw plicchif. Th sal sspcts will b thr tlbby fr th typ f chif whm thy cancntrl, badgr and blam witht rtrt.In thr wrds, mr f th sam.

    Nighbrhds, sch as Gln Park,nd t hav thir vics hard rgard-ing this crcial chic. Mak it clar thaty wish t s a crim-fighting prfs-sinal wh ndrstands th nds f thlaw-abiding citizns wh pay th fright.This prsn mst als hav a cnnctint ths cps in patrl wh ar th fac fth dpartmnt. W d th wrk, w takth hat, w hav th impact. W nd

    smn wh can bridg th discnnctbth intrnally and with th pblicwhilhlding th pliticians at arms lngth,prfrably by th nck.

    San Francisc and Gln Park dsrva plic chif wh maks lgical dci-sins basd n pblic safty nds, ntslly plitical rspnss t this latstxprt stdy r that sprvisr witha nisy cnstitncy. Th nxt chif isging t spnd a lt f tim sitting by

    th pl. Lts mak sr its smnwh splashs back. n

    SFPD Officer Michael Walsh lives and worksin Glen Park.



    9am Sunday Family ServiceThis energetic celebration of God's inclusive love is designed to be

    child-friendly and is also widely attended by many who do not have

    kids. Coffee and refreshments follow the service.

    During the school year, Godly Play begins at 10 o'clock for children 3to 10. Based on a Montessori model, the children are invited to

    wonder about the meaning of Biblical stories.

    11am Sunday Choral EucharistFollowing the model of more traditional Anglican worship, incense,

    organ and choral music are used in this high-church service. While

    it is a very traditional service in most aspects we use more inclusive

    language in our references to God so that a

    wider variety of 21st century people may feel

    included and so that we can continue to

    expand our image of a loving God. Children

    are always welcome. Coffee hour follows.

    Holy Innocents Episcopal Church (415) 824-5142 455 Fair Oaks Street






    For more info, contact the Rev. Rosa Lee Harden: [email protected]



    celebratingtradition & diversity

    CoNTINueD oN PAGe 14

    qipmnt.Thr was a whl lt f shaking

    backing Lfkvits at th Janary tribt.Jazz singr ChristinaPrna tld listnrsthat th msicianswill swap t. AltSax playr BishpNrman Williams,a n t h r q i n t tstalwart and a BayAra lgnd himslf, jind Nw Yrk

    alt hrn playr Pt Ylln, ach jam-ming bhind Lfk-vits. earlir, pia-nist egn Plinrrplacd Addingtn, whil Bil l Ramstk his trn at thmicrphn, slingY G T My Had.

    Hnry Irvin is srvivd by his

    wif, tw daghtrs and tw grand-childrn. H was brn in Lbbck,Txas in 1936. A slf-taght gitar-ist, h bgan his msical jrny play-ing trmpt dring a tr in th uSArmy. Making his way t San Francisc

    in 1962, h xprincd an piphanywhn h hard icnic Charli Parkrplay Anthr Hair-D. Irvin nvrlkd back, wrking alng th waywith sch lminaris as Snny Rllins

    and Lna Hrn. Inth city, h prfrmdat th Bth/And nDivisadr Strt dr-ing th Fillmr Dis-tricts Harlm Wstwaning days, wrk-ing th sam rm asMils Davis and JhnCltran.

    Inflncd by J Pass and KnnyBrrll, Irvins wn35-yar crdntia l sand talnts nvr wntnapprciatd. Bass-ist Bish Chattrj,whs light-fingrdprcssin ftn backd

    Irvin, isnt rticnt in his prais fIrvins skills. Hnry was swift, Chat-

    trj said f Irvins gitar s pd anddxtrity. W all jkd abt HnryIrvins flying fingrs.

    His hrtling fingrs cam int play

    Henry IrvinContinued From Previous Page

    Making his way to

    San Francisco

    in 1962, he

    experienced an

    epiphany when

    he heard iconic

    Charlie Parker play

    Another Hair-Do.

  • 8/14/2019 GPN Spring 2009


    Glen Park News Page 14 Spring 2009

    Th nw Gln Park Branch Library cl-bratd its first annivrsary last octbr

    with liv ntrtainmnt,givaways, fr fd and araffl. It was a fn day, withmany ppl stpping byt say thy cldnt bliv

    it had bn a yar alrady r jst t hav apic f th birthday cak.

    W ar thrilld that ppl ar stillxcitd by r nw-nt-qit-s-nwlibrary. Still ppl cm in wh havnvr bn hr bfr. And w hav

    nticd an incras in ppl visitingth library, matrials chckd t andnw library card rgistratins. What wasnc a qit littl nighbrhd libraryhas bcm, at tims, a nt-s-qit hbf activity in Gln Park.

    In lat Nvmbr w addd anxtra day f srvic and ar nw pn10 a.m.6 p.m. n Mndays. What wriginally thght might b a slw dayhas qickly bcm n f r bsist.

    W hav trid t start 2009 ff witha bang, and hav alrady had tw vrysccssfl prgrams. Thanks t vrynwh attndd th Chins Lin Dancrsand th Shakspar Fstivals Rm &Jlit prgrams. Th Rm & Jlitprgram has trnd t t b n f thmst sccssfl adlt prgrams w havvr ffrd, and w will try t plan simi-lar prgrams in th ftr.

    I wld lik t a tak a mmnt thighlight f sm pcming vnts at thGln Park Library, which ar always fr.Ths prgrams ar in additin t r

    wkly baby/tddlr stry and playtims,wkly adlt cmptr classs and mnthly

    vning Family Strytim:Thrsday, April 16, 4 p.m.: Tn Gam-

    ing Day. Try yr hand at Gitar Hr andnn-lctrnic gams, t, inclding chss,cards, un, chckrs and backgammn. orbring yr wn gam. Fr ags 11-18.

    Wdnsday, April 22, 6:30 p.m.:Imags f Natr in Art. Jin Marln Arnas sh prsnts a batifl and inspiringslidshw f wrk by artists wh clbratnatr in thir paintings, phtgraphs and

    sclptr.Wdnsday, April 29, 6:30 p.m.:

    Cmpst/Grn Carts talk. This is a frmabt th grn bins and cmpsting frma San Francisc Dpartmnt f th envi-rnmnt rprsntativ. Y might larnabt things y nvr knw y cldcmpst! In th Cmmnity Calndar nPag 20 thr is mr infrmatin abtlibrary vnts. Fr dtails abt r

    prgrams and thr library nws, visitr Gln Park Library Blg at http://glnparklibrarysfpl.blgspt.cm/.

    Glen Park Branch Library2825 Diamond Street (near Bosworth)

    Monday 10-6Tuesday 10-6

    Wednesday 12-8Thursday 1-7

    Friday 1-6Saturday 1-6

    Sunday Closed

    check it out at the library


    Ddicatd bicycl lans n srfac strtsar nthing nw t an rban nvirn-mnt. Thy sm t b ppping p with

    gratr frqncy as itbcms mr dsirablt s a bicycl fr rcr-atin and transprtatinin an ag f hightnd

    nvirnmntal awarnss.

    Riding a bicycl in San Franciscprsnts challngs, particlarly n bsy,ftn cngstd thrghfars lik CsarChavz and Markt strts. Bing anavid cyclist, I can rlat t many fths challngs. Bicyclists in a bstlingrban city ftn can find thmslvs inan awkward plac, smwhr btwna pdstrian and a car. A bicycl sallytravls mch fastr than a pdstrian, btnt as qickly as a car; as a rslt, cyclists

    sing bth th sidwalk and strt canftn find thmslvs n an nsaf andstrssfl bstacl crs.

    Ddicatd bik lans n city strtssrv t cmbat sm f th isss pr-sntd t th rban cyclist, pdstrianand atmbil. Bt San Francischas nt had a nw bik lan rt, nrany bicycl prjct, implmntd sincJn 2006.

    A dtaild plan fr ddicatd bicy-cl lans is part f a mch largr pr-psd plan alng Csar Chavz Strtthat incrprats a swr prjct, awidr rdsignd mdian, additinallft- and right-trn lans, nw trs,and vrall imprvd strt dsign. Thbik lan prtin f th Csar ChavzStrt plan is n f apprximatly 56bicycl imprvmnt prjcts (stripingbik lans, installing bicycl racks andsigns, tc.) fr San Francisc that havbn n hld sinc 2006.

    That was whn a prliminaryinjnctin was issd against th Cityf San Francisc by Sprir Crt Jdg Jams Warrnth rslt fa lawsit initiatd by n individaland ptitinrs rprsnting th Cali-tin fr Adqat Rviw, and a grpcalld Ninty Nin Prcnt, which saysit rprsnts th 99 prcnt f SanFranciscans wh dnt rid bicycls inth city.

    Th fficial San Francisc BicyclPlan, which inclds th 56 r s prj-cts, was draftd in 1997 and pdatdin 2005jst bfr th lawsit wasfild. Th sit criticizd th plan fr ntcnsidring th nvirnmntal ffcts

    f ach prjct, and calld n th crtt frc th City t d s. Aftr svrallgal skirmishs, th City finally bganthat prcss.

    Th San Francisc MnicipalTransprtatin Agncy is nw wrkingclsly with th SF Planning Dpart-mnt, th offic f Majr envirnmn-tal Analysis and thr lcal agncis t

    prcd with an nvirnmntal rviwf th Bik Plan.

    Andy Thrnly, prgram dirctrf th San Francisc Bicycl Cali-tin, dsnt fl th lawsit is jsti-fid. Thrnly is n f many bicycladvcats wh is xtrmly frstratdwith th crrnt sitatin. Hwvr, hmanags t maintain a sns f hmrabt it all, saying, Its th kind fthing that maks an nly in San Fran-

    cisc stry: ths crazy San Franciscanshav prvntd [implmnting] biklans n th basis f nvirnmntallaw.

    Nbdy is xactly sr whn thnvirnmntal rviw will b cmpltdr whn th handcffs will cm ff thCitys bik plan, bt its stimatd thatthings will gt rlling smtim thissmmr. Mr dtaild infrmatinis availabl at ths wb sits: http://csarchavz.sfplanning.rg; http://www.sfmta.cm; http://www.sfbik.rg; andwww.ccpd.rg. n


    Cesar Chavez Bike Lanes:

    Small Part of Bigger Plan


    Henry IrvinContinued From Page 13

    whnvr Irvin prfrmd Chrk,a favrit tn, and thy fnd yth-fl rapidity in th irn digits f lctric

    bassist and prtg Attila Mdvczky,wh prfrmd thrgh th ntir tw-and-a-half hr st in Janary withtrspit.

    Victimizd by painfl arthritis,Irvin nithr slwd dwn nr stppdbnding with his apprciativ GlnPark adincs. His grandsn, Grg Waltn, vlntrd, Grandpa stillflt lik h was 15 yars ld. All thbttr, thn, t tak yng artists ndr

    his wing.Prna cmpltd th last bars f

    Misty, tlling th adinc sh mtIrvin at Piaf s Rstarant and Cabartn Markt Strt dring an pn micsssin in 2001. Lking fr an accm-

    panist, sh fnd a willing candidat inth vr-kind Irvin. Hnry was gnr-s and nrtring. said Prna, whrchstratd th aftrnns prgram,annncing a sbsqnt clbratry

    tribt schdld fr Vlmas SndayBls & Jazz Clb, a Bayviw bistrn Jrrld Avn.

    Stphn Shapir, Dirctr f thCapp Strt Cmmnity Msic Cntr,tk t th kybard, playing CharliParkrs Nws th Tim. Rminisc-ing abt Irvin, whm h wrkd withbginning in 1978 and wh taghtjazz and bls gitar t childrn andadlts, Shapir said: Hnry was a man

    with batifl nrgy whs msic hadimmdiacy. H rachd t t his st-dnts in warm and gnial ways.

    Givn Irvins clctic msical tasts,th aftrnn tribt was bk-nddby a flt rnditin f Jy Spring,

    playd by Barbara Hntr, and mzzspran Rsal Szab, wh sang Sch-brts Av Maria, anthr Irvin favr-it.

    Irvin tld hr, Prna said, that h

    wantd t b rmmbrd as a rallycl cat. A band f brthrs and sis-trs bars witnss that h was that andmch mr. Switching n a rcrd-ing f Irvin accmpanying hr singingGd Mrning Hartach, Prna lftn dbt that Hnry Irvin was a vir-ts gitar playr.

    earlir in th aftrnn, jazz vcal-ist Tina Marzll prfrmd SmnT Watch ovr M. Whn sh pt th

    micrphn dwn, sh smild, tllingth ppl psitind n flding chairs,sitting n th flr, and crwdd amngth bks in n f San Franciscs fwrmaining indpndnt bkstrs,Hnry is watching vr all f s. n

  • 8/14/2019 GPN Spring 2009


    Spring 2009 Page 15 Glen Park News

    Gln Canyn spprts tw nativ bck-ys: Ascls Califrnica trs and Jnnia

    cnia bttrflis.Bcky trs mbrac

    r rain/drght pattrnby bing first t laf tin th spring and first tg drmant in th fall.

    Raching 25 ft in hight at matrityn smth, light gry trnks, thir lng,fiv-tthd laflts mrg chartrs andmatr int a lstrs dp grn.

    Bckys cram-clrd fathry flw-

    rs ar fragrant arly blmrs. Thir largfrits ar par-shapd. usally nappalingt wildlif whn matr bcas f thirnatral txins, bckys ar grazd whnthr fd srcs ar scarc. Scarcity fprfrrd fds als drv Nativ Califr-nians t add mashd bcky sds intthir dits aftr laching t th pisns,and thy sd th sds as a pltic frsnakbits and as a way t stn fish frasir catching.

    onc plntifl alng Islais Crksdwnward slps, tday thr ar nly twlarg xampls in th canyn. on is nth wst sid f th crk blw th climb-ing rcks; th thr is t th right as ywalk p th stairs t Sssx Strt. Svralsaplings ar fast bcming yng trs inth ara whr th crk gs ndrgrnd.Additinally, tsid th canyn at thDiamnd Strt/Diamnd Hights B-lvard Mni stp y can find tw matrbckys.

    Spiny rang-hadd, black-and-whitstripd catrpillars mrph int CmmnBcky bttrflis arnd this tim fyar. Flating thrgh th hillsids, adltbckys alight t fd n sticky mnkyflwrs, b plants and many thr nctar-prdcing flwrs in th canyn. Thystp t sip frm md pddls.

    easy t rcgniz, th bttrflis havdistinct whit yspts t intimidat prda-trs, rang and prpl bars n th lading

    dg f ach ppr frwing, and wavyrang, black and whit bands arnd thdgs f thir brwn t tan wings.Eco-Notes Things y can d t b a Frindf Gln Canyn Parkwitht actallywrking in th fild r writing chcksarin yr wn gardns. If y hav rm,and particlarly if y hav a natral sp,plant a nativ bcky tr abv it.

    usfl t chck rsin n slps,

    always batifl t lk at, and prfctfr ct flwr arrangmnts, bckytrs njy r clay sil and dnt rqirspplmntal watr nc stablishd.

    In gardn sttings th frits ar fwand far btwn, s thy ar asily kpt

    frm bcming prblmatic. Srrndyr tr ndr th canpy with cmpan-

    in plants sch as sp mnky flwrs andclmbins; in drir patchs, intrdcnctar prdcrs sch as sticky mnkyflwrs and Califrnia fchsias and pp-pis. Thn stp back and njy th hmshw f bttrflis and birds.

    Rmmbr Frinds f Gln CanynPark mt vry Wdnsday mrning andvry third Satrday f th mnth frm 9a.m.nn. Jst shw p with wrk glvsand njy anthr way t b part f yr


    Alma Hecht is a Friend of Glen Canyon Parkmember, neighbor, and owner of SecondNature Design. She looks forward to answeringyour garden design questions. Please enjoy herweb site, www.secondnature.bz and e-mailher at [email protected].

    in glen canyon park


    digging the dirt:news from the garden club

    By nw yv rcivd th plant cata-lgs. Y knw th ns.oh, thy lk s gd.Jst lking at pictrs fflwrs in th dismal win-tr is thraptic. Gingt th nrsry is, t, bt

    nc th battl f srvival happns athm, I smtims dspair. Its all anxprimnt. Prhaps y ar lking frnw cncpts fr yr yard.

    Rcntly, a mmbr f th Gln ParkGardn Clb, Kat Bnn, rsarchdancint Prsian gardns, which had astrng rganizing principl. Th fr-bars f tdays gardnrs wr amngth first t dmsticat plants int a vryfrmal layt. Th gardns inspird th

    orintal rgrflcting idas f para-dis and havn. Thir idas cld bn a big scaly can actally s thrins f sm in satllit viwsbt wcan apply th idas thy sd in clsdcrtyards in smallr scal in r wnyards.

    Watr was spars and smtims cl-lctd in a crss-shapd trgh with asmall fntain at th intrsctin. Latr,mnks sd this plan in thir clistrs.

    This is an ida y can s. A bbblrfntain in yr gardn is a grat fatr:It dsnt dminat, bt it dircts attn-tin with mvmnt and fcs. It wrkswith a flat r hillsid spac. Its asy tmak n, bt asir still t by. Hr,


    th trgh shld b mlch r stnsfr prmability, with n standing watr.Its a grat cncpt t kp watr sdwn.

    Th annal Flwr and Gardn Shwwill b hld at th San Mat evnt Cn-tr this yar, March 1822. Bqtst Art, a fndraisr t bnfit th FinArts Msms f San Francisc at whichmr than 150 flral xhibitins willb n display, taks plac March 1722in Gldn Gat Park. Bth shws willgiv y many idas fr yr gardn. Byth way, th dirctr f th Flwr andGardn Shw is a nighbr, Gln Parkswn Kay Hamiltn-ests.

    on April 26, dring th Gln ParkFstival, Th Gardn Clb will hav a

    tabl in frnt f th Villag Gardn,bynd th Fstival primtr. Jst crssChnry Strt and walk a fw stps pDiamnd Strt, past Bddis markt.Bfrhand, tak a fw mints t lkat all th things grwing and blmingin yr wn yard; yll n dbt cmp with qstins. Visit r tabl, andwll tll y abt r Villag Gardnprjct and try t answr yr lcalgardn qstins. W might vn hav

    things t giv away! n

    Susan Evans is a member of the Glen Park

    Garden Club, which welcomes new mem-

    bers. E-mail her at [email protected].

    Th Gln Park Advisry Bard thanksth Gln Park Asscia-tin fr a $700 grant, which a l lwd s tinstal l a trphy cas.Nw w ar abl, fr thfirst tim, t display th

    many awards that Gln Parks basball,basktball and vllyball tams havwn.

    Big thanks, als, t Gnsalvs andStrnck Cnstrctin C. f San Car-ls fr th dnatin f th cas, andt Cltic Mving and Strag fr thirmch-rdcd f t mv th cas frmSan Carls t th Gln Park RcratinCntr.

    W als plan t d a histry wall fsprts and th dvlpmnt f th Gln

    Park sit n ithr sid f th trphycas. If anyn has any phts f thld sit, r th bilding, r any rlatddcmnts, plas cntact m s w canincld thm n r wall. e-mail m [email protected].

    Th rmaindr f th gnrs GPAgrant will g fr prgramming ndsat th park, sch as an activ play kit,qipmnt cart, rplacmnt f wrn

    tys fr Tiny Tts and rbbr mattingfr th stag play ara.

    Nw fr th bad nws: Bdgt ctst th San Francisc Rcratin andPark Dpartmnt ar xpctd t blarg. T rdc th fnding gap, thdpartmnt is handing t abt 55pink slips t fll-tim rcratin dirc-trs, t tak ffct May 1.

    Th prpsd bdgt-balancingmasrs ar still in flx, as ngtia-

    tins cntin t tak plac at CityHall n nw taxs, layffs and srviccts.

    City nins als hav bn askdt pitch in with givbacks. Th mayrsprpsd bdgt mst b prsntd tth Bard f Sprvisrs fr cnsidr-atin by Jn 1.

    As it nw stands, City fficials arlking t cls sm rc facilitis andt rais fs fr rcratin activitis.Th fll dtails hav yt t b dis-clsd.

    Th sad part is, thr is n gar-ant that th mny th Rc and ParkDpartmnt savs r th additinalrvn it raiss will b fnnld backint th dpartmnt. All th mnygs int th Citys Gnral Fnd,and thn it is p t th mayr and thBard f Sprvisrs t dcid hw tspnd it.

    As Rc and Park grappls with th

    grim bdgt prjctins, thrs a nwmanagr f nighbrhd srvics frth dpartmnt. eric Andrsn has bnwith Rc and Park fr tw yars bfrbing lvatd t his nw psitin.Prvis ly, h wrkd fr 14 yarswith th Brklyn Btanic Gardn. Hhas a B.S. in plant scinc and an M.S.in clgy and vltin. If y hav anycncrns abt ithr Gln Canyn Parkr th nighbrhd rcratin cntr,

    y can cntact eric at [email protected]. n

    Miriam Moss is president of the Glen ParkAdvisory Board.

    Rec and Park News:

    Both Good and Bad


  • 8/14/2019 GPN Spring 2009


    Glen Park News Page 16 Spring 2009

    Free Electronic Waste Collection

    On Saturday, March 21, 9 a.m.4 p.m., drop off e-wasteitems free at Commodore Sloat Elementary School on OceanAvenue just east of Junipero Serra Boulevard. Theyll takeTVs, computers, printers, monitors, cell phones, stereo com-ponents, power supplies, fax machines, radios, microwaves,DVD players, etc.

    Just drive up and your items will be unloaded for you. Itemswill be fully disassembled and hard drives crushed with a30-ton press. This free event is sponsored by St. Francis Epis-copal Church, with the help of Hi Tec Recycling, an electronicwaste recycling company.

    on Dcmbr 7, 21 childrn and thirparnts and gardians gathrd at thGln Park Rcratin Cntr t larn

    abt th bgs and bsf Gln Canyn. Thishr-and-a-half vnt wasth first in a sris f frnatr wrkshps that will

    b ffrd t nighbrhd kids agsfiv yars and ndr thrgh a grantfrm First 5 San Francisc. First 5 isfndd by th 50-cnt-pr-pack ciga-rtt tax passd by Califrnia vtrs in1998.

    Th days activitis bgan with KllyHrbinsn, an ntmlgist frm thCalifrnia Acadmy f Scincs, wh

    shwd th childrn pictrs f diffr-nt bgs and thn ncragd hr st-dnts t walk, hp and crp lik achbg. Th kids (and sm grwn-ps!)happily bligd.

    Nxt, th childrn larnd abthny bs frm Karn Ptrs, GlnPark bkpr and mmbr f th SanFrancisc Bkprs Assciatin, whhad carrid hr dmnstratin hiv intth canyn fr th vnt.

    Th kids clamrd arnd thhiv t watch th bs g abt thirdaily wrk. Ptrs hld p frit andxplaind th intgral rl bs playin th livs f friting trs and thrplants.

    using cls-p phtgraphs f bs,Ptrs dscribd hw hnybs cllctplln in tiny bckts n thir lgs tbring back t th hiv. Sh thn tratdth childrn t straws filld with hrscrmptis hny.

    Aftr ths indr act iv it i s ,Hrbinsn prvidd ach child with abg cllctin kit, and vryn haddtdrs t cllct spcimns, sch asrly ply bgs (pill bgs r, mr pr-cisly,Armadillidiumvulgare). eachchild tk hm a bg cllctin kitalng with a pstr frm th Acadmyf Scincs.

    Th Gln Canyn Natr Prgramwld lik t thank Ptrs and Hrbin-sn fr gnrsly dnating thir tim,

    xprtis and matrials. W als xtndr thanks t First 5 San Francisc frits spprt.

    Th Natr Prgrams nxt vntwill tak plac in March and will fcsn Islais Crk, which rns thrghth canyn. Ths wrkshps ar frand ar pn t nighbrhd childrnags fiv and ndr and thir parnts/gardians.

    Annncmnts and sign-ps ar

    pstd n th Gln Park Parnts list-srv. Sign-ps ar n a first-t-RSVP,first-srvd basis. If y ar nt part fthis listsrv bt wish t rciv ths-mails, plas snd an -mail t [email protected]. n

    Learning the ABCs of Bugs and Bees


    Kidshunt forbugsin GlenCanyonNatureProgram.



    Th tmprary signag with nams fmajr dnrs t th Gln Park BranchLibrary Campaign will b rplacd inJn with a prmannt plaq.

    If y wld lik t jin thswhs gnrsity is cmmmratd nth plaqn th pillar at th right asy ntr th scnd flrth dad-

    lin fr adding nams is arly April. Adnatin f $1,000 r mr by thn canassr nighbrhd rcgnitin fryr family, a dar frind r dpartdrlativ.

    Fr ths wh find participatin inth plaq a bit pricy in tdays cn-my, smallr dnatins t th library arals vry wlcm, ntd Mary Ablr, anighbrhd library campaign assci-at with Frinds f th San Francisc

    Pblic Library.Fr infrmatin abt dnating tth Gln Park Library Campaign, cn-tact Mary Ablr at 626-7512, xt. 107,snd -mail t [email protected], r writ hr at 391 Grv St., S.F.CA 94102. n


    Still Welcome

    for Glen Park

    Library Drive

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    real estate in glen park

    Glen Park E-mail ListsTh Gln Park Assciatin hsts a fr lctrnic mail list pn t all GlnPark rsidnts. It is mdratd by mmbrship crdinatr Hathr Wrldand cnsists f a wkly calndar and nws pdat, with vry ccasinallat-braking nws stris and plic pdats. T sbscrib, snd -mail [email protected]. Als, dnt frgt th all-nw Gln Park Assciatin wb sit at www.glnparkassciatin.rg.

    othr nighbrhd lists incld:

    Inglsid Plic Statin Crim RprtStraight frm th dsk f Capt. Dnis oLary, via -mail.T rciv th daily Inglsid Statin Nwslttr plas snd an -mail t:[email protected]

    Gln Park Parntsovr 700 familis in Gln Park and nvirns. Inclds grps fr nw parntsand parnts-t-b. Mdratd and spam-fr.http://grps.yah.cm/grp/glnparkparnts/

    Gln Park expctant Parnts grpe-mail [email protected] for information.

    Gay Gln ParkA lw-traffic list fr gay and lsbian rsidnts, thir frinds and familis.Mdratd and spam-fr.http://grps.yah.cm/grp/gayglnpark/

    Gln Park Dg [email protected]

    Gln Park-Fairmnt Hights Nighbrs [email protected]

    Fairmnt Hights gay [email protected]

    Activity in th ral stat markt is pick-ing p in Gln Park. In lat

    Fbrary, thr wr svnsingl-family hms listd frsal, with th asking pricsn th prprtis ranging

    frm $896,000 t $2.4 millin.At th sam tim, thr wr six Gln

    Park cndminims and TICs (tnancisin cmmn) n th markt, ranging inpric frm $319,000 t $995,000.

    Raltrs ar sing incrasd trafficat r pn-hs shwings in th nigh-

    traffic; paths at its astrn nd lad p tSssx Strt and dwn t Srry.

    Tdd and Amanda Rnschlr, whbgan xplring th path in 2004 and

    vntally mvd t Diamnd Strt, arth brains and mch f th brawn bhindits flral transfrmatin. Bth hav gnth distanc.

    Nt jst th lans shrt xpans whrthy walk Milli, thir 2-yar-ld brdrclli-mix, bt th distanc it taks t halclgical and lw-maintnanc nativplants frm th Califrnia Nativ PlantScity and Pacific Nrsris t thir lan.

    onc, cming pn ppl dmping

    fl n th lan, Tdd Rnschlr cn-frntd thm: I dcidd th bst way tprtct th path was t gt ppl tgthrt hlp flfill its prmis as a cntrylan. As a rslt, last Sptmbr Rn-schlr was instr-mntal in havingth San FranciscParks Trst accpta nighbrhdapplicatin tcrat Frindsf Pnny Lan,which nw actsas a fiscal agntfr dnatins.Richard Craiband Frinds fGln CanynPark dnatdplants.

    A m a n d aRnschlr waxdp t i c w h nthinking abtths wh cannjy bing partyt Gln Parks cntry in th city: Tddand I lv th lan bcas it cnncts swith r nighbrs. Its nt nly abt bingt in natr, bt fling th intimacy fgtting t knw vryn and pitching intward a cmmn prps.

    Sn, n snny spring days, th Rn-

    schlrs and thir nighbrs will bgin njy-ing th frits f thir labr as blackbrrybshs ar jind by ncklacs f scarltbgainvilla, rs-clrd bttl brsh andprpl wistria. Rd admiral bttrflis willflttr frm a Califrnia liv ak t an eng-lish walnt tr whil fragrant hnyscklprfms th air, all vidnc that HgMdinas visin is prphtic.

    Nighbr Tiffany Farr rcalls hwprsrvatin-mindd Sssx Strt and

    Srry Strt nighbrs bandd tgthrin 1996 and namd thir bclic pathPnny Lan, aftr a plic cmmnityrlatins fficr sggstd that firfightrswld nt b abl t lcat th narrwcrridr in th vnt f an mrgncy.

    Jan Cnnr, wh has livd n SssxStrt fr 35 yars, watchs sqirrls scr-rying n fncs fstnd with flwrs,alng with th ccasinal raccn hp-sctching alng th lan. It is rstic, shsays.

    Thr is prcdnt fr ths Hrc-lan ffrts alng th lan. Fr yarsag nighbrs gathrd fr arlir labr-intnsiv Pnny Lan maintnanc.organizd by Adam King, a rsidnt fDiamnd Strt sinc 1995, that wrkparty laid gravl, prnd hdgs andrpaird fncs. A participant in thpaths naming, King and his family tkpart in a crmnial ribbn ctting,nding th days fstivitis by jining

    nighbrs in singing th Bat ls PnnyLan.originally frm th unitd King-

    dm, King is nt nfamiliar with mws.In english parlanc, h ffrd, sch

    paths ar calld twit-tns. H addd: Itis a bclic lan thatpp l c an s t r l lthrgh r s as ashrt ct, rcalling

    pssms h has snrmmaging thrghblankts f ivy.

    Jasn Mickl-sn, a gradat stdntat th Califrnia Cl-lg f th Arts, livsn Jst Strt. PnnyLan, h said, tryingnt t snd t pr-fssrial, mixs privatand pblic spac in away that allws pplt think f Gln Parkas a cmmnity, whichis why I chs t liv

    hr.Th nnprfit sctr has pitchd

    in: W ar xcitd that w can hlp,said Karn Kidwll, exctiv Dirctrf San Francisc Parks Trst, thinkingf hr frshly mintd partnrship withFrinds f Pnny Lan. Grning city

    blcks affrd an pprtnity t bringnighbrs tgthr t batify a cm-mnal spac.

    Svn-yar-ld Madlin Abry fSrry Strt gav hr assssmnt. Askdwhat sh liks abt th lllaby-liklan jst vr hr backyard fnc, shpndrd a mmnt, almst prmptingn t think sh may ask a pnny frhr thghts. It is my scrt plac,Madlin smild.

    Mayb nt a scrt plac fr mchlngr, thgh, bcas if y plant it,ppl srly will cm.

    Frthr infrmatin abt Frindsf Pnny Lan can b btaind by -mail-ing [email protected]. n

    Penny LaneContinued From Page 10

    brhd, indicating byrs ar gttingsris abt prchasing a hm, and ar

    finally gtting ff th fnc. Cnfidnclvls ar incrasing with th passag fth fdral stimls packag, as wll as thlw intrst rats bing ffrd by manylndrs.

    Sals vlm f prprtis tndst slw vr th yar-nd hlidays, andDcmbr and Janary wr n xcptinfr r nighbrhd.

    Th fllwing fr prprtis sldsinc lat last fall, all blw asking pric:

    Addrss List Pric SoLD Pric

    526 Arlingtn St. $649,900 $605,0001027 Bswrth St. $620,900 $600,000158 Laidly St. N. 1 $729,000 $699,000201 Migl St. $795,000 $700,000

    Realtor Vince Beaudet works for Herth Real Estate. He can be reached at 861-5222 x333 or [email protected].




    to protect

    a bucolic lane

    in the middleof a city.

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    National Association of Realtors

    Glen Parks #1 Community Involved RealtorOver 50 years combined experience with business partner Suzanne Boyle.

    Vince Loves Glen Park

    Call me for a Complimentary Consultation!


    HERTHR E A L E S T A T EAs unique as San Francisco

    Vince Beaudet415.861.5222 [email protected]

    Glen Park News Page 20 Spring 2009

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    Glen Park News Page 20 Spring 2009

    community calendarGlen Park AssociationQartrly mtings ar hld in Jan-

    ary, April, Jly and octbr. evry-n is wlcm, mmbrs and nn-mmbrs alik. Annal ds f $10spprt th Assciatins imprtant

    wrk n bhalf f th nighbr-hd. Next meeting: Wdnsday, April8, 7 pm, Gln Park Rcratin Cn-tr, elk and Chnry strts.

    Friends of Glen Canyon Park

    Meetings and Plant Restora-tion Work Parties: Third Satrdayf ach mnth, 9 amnn. Nxtdats: March 21, April 18, May 16.Mt bhind th Rcratin Cntr.Tls, glvs and instrctin pr-vidd. Larn abt btany and cl-gy, xrcis yr grn thmb, njycamaradri, xamin pblic-landsmanagmnt isss.

    Weekly Work Parties: evryWdnsday, 9 amnn. Fr th cr-rnt wks mting plac cntactRichard Craib, 648-0862.

    T jin Frinds f Gln CanynPark r larn mr abt thir activi-tis, cntact Richard Craib at 648-0862 r Jan Cnnr at 584-8576.

    Return of the Spiderman: Sat-rday, April 4, 10 am (pstpnd t

    April 11 if a dwnpr), bhind thRc Cntr. C-spnsrd by Cali-frnia Nativ Plant Scity. Califrnia

    Acadmy f Scincs ArachnlgistDarrll ubick pints t th canynsvarid cmmnity f ight-lggd

    wndrsspidrlings crawling in thvgtatin, wlf spidrs rnning insarch f pry r mats, jmping spi-drs clbrating snshin, and manythrs. Earth Day Celebration: Satr-day, April 18, nn. Gathr bhindth Rc Cntr and mt sm f th

    flks wh vlntr t mak r can-yn a viabl, njyabl, sstainablcmmnity n this aftrnn f frfd, drink, and cnvrsatin. Glen Park Festival: Satrday,

    April 26, in th Villag. At th Frindsbth, vlntrs will hav histricpark phtgraphs, maps and answrst qstins abt hw t gt invlvdin spprting and njying r incrd-ibl natral rsrc.

    Bird Walk: Snday, May 10, 9 am,bhind th Rc Cntr: David Arm-strng nc again shars his xprtisn r rsidnt hawks, fldgling wls,scrtiv twhs, sasnal migrants,and thr flying visitrs t th canyn.

    evry lvl f bird lvr is wlcm.Binclars ar highly rcmmndd.

    Glen Park Branch LibraryDnis Sandrsn, Gln Park

    Branch managr, lists a varity fcming vnts in hr clmn in thisiss. Y can always chck with thlibrary fr all schdld prgrams andvnts.

    Fllwing ar sm f th pcm-ing vnts plannd at th library,2825 Diamnd St.

    Baby Rhyme & Playtime: Frags 03. Tsdays, 10:30 am, March17, 24, 31; April 7, 14, 21, 28; May5, 12, 19, 26. Preschool Videos: Fr ags 35.Mnday April 13 and Tsday May12, 10:30 am. Family Storytime: Fr ags 5 andndr. Wdnsdays, 7 pm, March 18,

    April 15, May 20. Teen Poetry Slam Workshops:evry Friday, 4 pm, frm March20April 3.

    Make a Button: Fr Tns.March 26, 4 pm. Its Yoga: Fr kids. Plas call trgistr: 355-2858. Ags 25, Ts-day April 21; ags 3 mnths3 yars,Satrday April 25; 4 pm. Computer Class: Msing andkybard intrdctin. Tsday April7, 2 pm. Call t rgistr: 355-2858.

    SFPD Community ForumsThird Tsday f ach mnth,

    7 pm, Inglsid Plic Statin, JhnYng Way ff San Js Avn.All rsidnts ar ncragd t par-ticipat in th infrmativ mnthlyCmmnity Rlatins Frm hstdby Capt. Dnis oLary. Drp in andgt acqaintd with th ddicatdppl wh kp r nighbrhdsaf. Mtings ar sbjct t avail-

    ability f th captain. Fr dtails, callth statin at 404-4000. Next dates: March 17, April 21,May 19.

    1906 Earthquake SlidesThe San Francisco Earthquake

    of 1906: Mnday, April 6, 7:459pm, Miralma Park ImprvmntClb, 350 oShaghnssy Blvd. atDl Val. A fr Lssns in Ladr-

    ship slid-lctr prsntatin byNil Fahy. Fr inf visit miralma-park.rg r phn 281-0892.

    St. Aidans Food Pantry Food Distribution: evry Fri-

    day, 12:30 pm, St. Aidans episcpalChrch, Gld Min Driv at Dia-

    mnd Hights Blvard, fr lw-incm and disabld clints wh livin th 94131 ZIP cd.

    Kiki-Yo Meditation ClassesWdnsday Mrning MditatinSris: 77:45 am, $20 fr a 4 wksris starting April 1 r May 6.Drp-in classs at Kiki-Y0, 605-BChnry St. cmpris gidd mdi-tatin, dharma talk, and discssins

    inclding what is mditatin andmthds t rliv strss and clti-vat innr pac dring mditatinand in r daily livs. T rgistr, call587-5454.

    Bird & Beckett Books & RecordsBird & Bcktt Bks & Rcrds,653 Chnry St., prsnts a ptprrif litrary and msical vnts ndrth aspics f th nnprfit Bird& Bcktt Cltral Lgacy Prjct.

    Admissin is fr, bt dnatins hlpmak th sris pssibl, and yrprchass hlp kp th bkstrpn. Tax-ddctibl cntribtinst th Cltral Lgacy Prjct hlpkp cltral prgramming aliv inGln Park.

    Chck nlin fr th latst infrma-tin at birdbcktt.cm, r call wnreric Whittingtn at 586-3733. Shphrs ar 10 am9 pm vry day.

    Liv msic ptins ar xpand-ing in Gln Park. Friday vningliv jazz, a bkshp fixtr fr sixyars, is nw spplmntd by rglarSnday aftrnn cncrts with anclctic array f prfrmrs.Coming Events: Thr bk grps mtmnthly, at 7 pm:

    Bird &Bcktt Bk Clb: 1stWdnsdays. A bk is discssd ach

    mnth; participants chs th nxtmnths slctin.

    Plitical Bk Discssin Grp:2nd Thrsdays. Call fr th titl.

    eminnt Athrs Birthdays: 4thThrsdays. Fr ths pn radings,bring a shrt pic frm th wrksf a favrit writr brn dring thmnth t rad ald. Liv Jazz in th Bkshp:evry Friday, 5:308 pm. A rvlv-

    ing rstr f bands.1st & 3rd Fridays: Dn Prlls

    SaBp ensmbl, fatring schmsicians as drmmrs Chris Bjrk-bm, Art Lwis and Gln Iwaka,pianist Michal Parsns, gitarists

    Sctt Fstr and Bb Brmbl,rd playrs Jrry Lgas, Jim Gran-

    tham and Danny Brwn, with bassistDn Prll.2nd Fridays: Th Jimmy Ryan

    Qintt: Jl Ryan, trmpt &flglhrn; Rick elmr, trmbn;Sctt Fstr, gitar; Bish Chattrj,bass; Jimmy Ryan, drms.

    4th Fridays: Chck PtrsnQintt: Hwi Ddn, rds;Glnn Dardrf, gitar; Dan Rilly,bass; Tny Jhnsn, drms; Chck

    Ptrsn, tnr sax.(5th Fridays): Flatist Jhn Cal-lway with a qartt f yng playrspickd fr ach dat. Which Way Wst?: evrySnday, 4:306:30 pm. This cn-crt sris fatrs Amricana rtsbands, jazz grps, wrld msic pr-frmrs, classical msic, and mr.March 15 - Th Lwll Tri classi-cal chambr nsmbl fatring SFopra orchstra english hrn slist

    Jant Ppsc Archibald and bari-tn William Tllbth Gln Parkrsidntswith pianist Margart

    Wng Fndbrtass, in a prgramf Bach, Brdin, Pnchilli, Rach-maninff and thrs. March 22 -

    Algrian mndl playr and vcalistMh Alilch & ensmbl. March29 - S.F. Schl f th Arts Vcalsensmbl fatring Gln Park st-dnt Michala Spatt and classmats.

    April 5 - Th Randy Craig Triwith Stvn Strass, bass, and PtrTckr, drms. Randy, a wll-knwnpian tachr, has prfrmd at thGln Park Fstival. April 12 - DavidMltzr and Michal Rthnbrg.

    April 26 - orfa Rt Prjct. May3 - Liam Fry. Ptry with opn Mic: 1st& 3rd Mndays, 79 pm, radingsfllwd by pn mic. March 16 -

    Jssica Ls and Ji Ck. March30 (spcial 5th Mnday) - H. D. M(Ambrsia f th Nthrwrld) andBlak Mr (Gdmat). April 6 - BillVartnaw and Kim Shck. April 20- Ana elsnr and Jrry Frraz. May4 - Gary Gach and Gnin Lntin.May 18 - Lrna D Crvants. Litrary Talks: Last Sndays,2:30 pm. March 29 - Walkr BrntsIII spaks abt th lif f th Bd-

    dha.Special Event:

    Snday, March 22, 2 pm: Tn-nss Rd rads frm and signshr nw bk, Spll Albqrq:

    A Mmir f a Difficlt Stdnt.
