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GPO Fund Transfer Exercises 1 Record an Internal Transfer (Note: A transfer is classified as an internal transfer when the transferring user has access to both the sending and receiving departments. An external transfer alternatively, is one whereby the transferring user only has access to the sending or receiving department, not both) a. Go to this link: https://finance.ubc.ca/budgeting-reporting/hyperion b. Open this file “Grid for GPO to GPO transfers in Hyperion” and save the excel file to your hard drive on your computer c. Update the Department, Project Grant, Fiscal/Recurring, Description, Contact, Month and Year columns in the spreadsheet for the transfer and save the file
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GPO Fund Transfer Exercises


Record an Internal Transfer (Note: A transfer is classified as an internal transfer when the transferring

user has access to both the sending and receiving departments. An external transfer alternatively, is one

whereby the transferring user only has access to the sending or receiving department, not both)

a. Go to this link:


b. Open this file “Grid for GPO to GPO transfers in Hyperion” and save the excel file to

your hard drive on your computer

c. Update the Department, Project Grant, Fiscal/Recurring, Description, Contact, Month

and Year columns in the spreadsheet for the transfer and save the file

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d. For this example, the exercise will use Library as an example (D300100). Let’s pretend

that we are moving administrative activities from one project grant to another within

Library. Users please use your own Department and PG to record this entry

e. Once we are ready to record our entry in Hyperion, open FundPlan in Hyperion (we will

use this link to record our practice transfers)


f. Login with the user ID/Password handed out in the training class

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If you want to use the real Production environment, please type www.msp.ubc.ca, input your CWL

login/pass credentials to get into FMS, and then select Hyperion Planning.

g. Click on Applications and then FundPlan

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h. Expand to open Forms, GPO Funding, 2. GPO Transfers Folder and then open Form 2.00

GPO Transfers Out

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i. Use the drop down arrow to search for the sending Department, Project Grant and Year

and then click the Go arrow (wait for the form to refresh)

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j. Right click in the line item and select “Internal”

k. Update the form for the receiving Department and PG:

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Do not change Entity, Project Grant, Line Item or Year nodes on the form.

l. Compare/Review the transfer against the excel spreadsheet grid

m. Once the entry is posted, users will see a line in the form

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n. Record the Line Item and the Ref # into the spreadsheet:

The reference number is the 3 numbers in the line item and the sending department 6 digit numerical

department ID. Users will find this number in FMS when they look up the transaction:

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Record an External Transfer

a. Go to the External tab in the “Grid for GPO to GPO transfers in Hyperion” excel file

b. Now turn to your neighbor and ask them for a Department ID that you can use to send them

GPO funding. For our example, let’s assume we are sending money from Library to Faculty of

Arts, the grid below represents this. The Arts department ID will start with X_ to identify this as

an external transfer

c. Update the Department, Project Grant, Fiscal/Recurring, Description, Contact, Month and Year

columns in the spreadsheet for the transfer and save the file (note the transfer department

needs the “X_D” in front of the numerical ID)

d. Once we are ready to record our entry in Hyperion, open FundPlan in Hyperion (we will use this

link to record our practice transfers) https://cwbtrn.adm.ubc.ca:19000/workspace/index.jsp

e. Login with the user ID/Password handed out in the training class

f. Click on Applications and then FundPlan

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g. Expand to open Forms, GPO Funding, 2. GPO Transfers Folder and then open Form 2.00 GPO

Transfers Out

h. Use the scroll or arrow to find the Department, Project Grant and Year

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i. Once you have selected the Department, Project Grant and Year, click go arrow

j. Now right click in the line item and select Initiate GPO transfers – External

k. Copy and paste the information from the excel sheet to the form (there’s no field for PG, the

receiving Department user will enter the PG on approval)

l. Review the transfer for sending/receiving department and the fiscal/recurring amounts

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m. If everything matches, then click on execute

n. Notify the receiver (in this case your neighbor to let them know you have finished processing

the entry) and ask them accept or reject the transfer (please note – in the real production

environment, if the transfer is not accepted at Month End, the transfer will automatically be

rejected and will need to be re-submitted if still required)

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Accept/Reject Transfers

1. Open form 2.10 in the GPO Transfers folder

2. Right click on the department receiving money and select “Review sending Dept detail”:

3. Right click on the receiving Dept and select “Review Line Item detail”:

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4. Right click in Line Item and select “Review Transfer detail”

5. Right click on “No Project Grant” and select Approve transfer or Reject Transfer (for our

exercise , select Approve Transfer)

6. Enter the PG you want to receive the funding (or use PG_DEFAULT and allocate the funding to a

different PG at a later time)

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It should match your original PG you have from the spreadsheet:

7. Review the data and if everything looks good then click execute

Users will see a confirmation appear on the screen:

Now to review just go to form 2.11:

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Right click on the Department receiving the funding and select Review sending Dept detail:

Right click on the Department that sent the funding and review the line item detail:

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Right click on the Line Item and select line item detail:

And this is the end result:

Note: Don’t forget to collect your line item and reference number (Sending Dept was D300100, line item

is 014)

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Note: When using GPO transfers, only transfer GPO funding for chartfields associated with fund code

G0000. There are some ancillary and continuing studies funds that have moved from A and CS funds to

GPO. These funds are represented by G0200 and G0001, these funds and PGs do not work when using

2. GPO Transfer forms to move funding. Do not use any non G0000 fund chartfields to transfer funding.

Also, the system will accept Endowment, Specific Purpose and Non GPO PGs, please do not use them

to record a transfer in any form that starts with 2 in the folder 2. GPO Transfers.

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Record a Multi-line Transfer

On the Excel Grid, click on tab “Multiline Transfer”

1. Update the Grid for 3 PGs in your own Department, and then change the amounts so that the

first line is the sending department and the next 2 PGs are the recipients of the funding. Also

update the Description, Contact, Month and Year

2. Once updated, open form 2.005 in the folder 2. GPO Transfers in FundPlan

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3. Use the scroll to pick your Department and Year and then click “Go”:

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4. Right click on Line Item and select “Add Transfer Line”:

5. Copy the 2nd line of data into the fields in the form

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Once the fields are updated as desired, click on “Add”

The line will appear at the bottom of the form:

6. Now repeat step 4 and 5 to add the 3rd line:

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Now review the lines in the transfer form:

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After comparing the form against the entry, if the data agrees, let’s finish off our transfer.

7. Click on the Line Item and select “Complete Multiline Transfer”:

8. Copy the PG, Description, Contact Information, and Month for the transfer from our grid.

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9. Once everything in the form has been completed, then click on Execute

A confirmation should appear once completed:

Remember to collect the line item number so you can have a reference to FMS:

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Fixing/Removing Lines from a Multi-Line Transfer

In order to fix/edit or remove lines from a Multi-Line transfer, add a line to your transfer with the same

department and PG that you would like to change. If you want to edit the amount, input the corrected

amounts into the Fiscal and Recurring fields. If you want to remove the line from the transfer, leave the

Fiscal and Recurring fields blank.

Here’s an illustration using the existing multiline transfer from above:

Let’s say we would like to adjust the line for D300100/PG 30G55107 to read $5000 fiscal and $10000


In Line Item, right click and select “Add Transfer Line”

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Input the line details (Dept/PG, fiscal and recurring amounts); remember to put the Dept/PG we wish to

adjust. And then click “Add”:

Now the line has been updated:

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If you want to delete the line from the grid, then right click on LINE_ITEM, add line, re-enter the data

and leave fiscal and recurring fields blank:

And the line will vanish from the transfer grid:

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Some things to consider:

1. Users must have access to all the Dept/PGs in a multi-line transfer. It cannot be an external

transfer where someone has to receive the money.

2. Do not use non G0000 chartfields when transferring funding. If you do, someone from the

Budget office will contact you to reverse your transfer.

3. Users do not have to wait for processing to finish when completing the multi-line transfer. Once

execute is pressed in step 9, users can close the window and work on something else.

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Record an Interfund Transfer

An interfund transfer is a transfer from G0000 funds to non G0000 funds or from non G0000 funds to

other non G0000 funds. Interfund transfers initiated/recorded in Hyperion and are for planning

purposes only (i.e. they will not be reflected in FMS). If users would like to initiate an actual interfund

transfer to be reflected in FMS, users must request and initiate the transfer via a journal voucher.

Note #1: Initiating an interfund transfer in Hyperion via FUNDPlan is only done for those interfund

transfers between a G0000 Fund PG with another G Fund PG that is not G0000 (e.g. a G0000 PG to a

G0002, G0003 PG etc..)

Note #2: For interfund transfers between G Fund PGs to a non G Fund PG (e.g. a G0000 PG to an

Endowment PG), or from non G Fund PGs to other non G Fund PGs, users do not use FUNDPlan but

instead record the anticipated interfund transfer using the corresponding Hyperion numeric accounts as

per below for the forecast or plan scenario.

488200 - Transfer in from End Capital

488330 - Trsf in from Spec Pur-Trust

488340 - Transfer in fr Endow Spending

488350 - Tfr in from Spec Pur-Awards

488500 - Trsf in from Sponsored Researc

488700 - Transfer in from Capital

Transfers in from other Funds (A)

988200 - Transfer Out to End Capital

988330 - Trsf out to Trust

988340 - Transfer out to End Spending

988350 - Tfr out to Spec Pur-Awards

988360 - Tfr out to End Stab-Ongoing

988500 - Trsf out to Sponsored Research

988700 - Transfer out to Capital

Transfers out to other funds (A)

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Record an Interfund Transfer for a G0000 Fund PG with another G Fund PG that is not G0000

a. Select FundPlan

b. Expand to open Forms, Plan,Fcst,LRF –Interfund Transfers, and then open Form 3.00 GPO

Transfers Out

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c. Using the drop down arrows, update the corresponding Department, PG, Fund, (the Fund

providing the fund transfer (e.g. G0000), Fiscal Year, and Version as applicable. Once complete,

click go arrow (wait for the form to refresh)

d. Next highlight over the Line_Item section, right click and select “Initiate Interfund Transfer” –

External (In this example we are doing an external interfund transfer)

e. Update the areas highlighted in red. Once you have completed updating the fields, click execute.

In this example we are transferring $5K to Department D322005 in the month of July.

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f. The transfer will now be in a pending status. The other party will have to go into Hyperion to

accept the pending interfund transfer. At this point, the transferring department should contact

the receiving department so that they can accept the transfer in the system.

g. The receiving department would go to Form 3.10 Pending Interfund Transfers In – Summary in

FundPlan to locate the pending transfer requiring their approval.

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h. Right click on the corresponding department and select “Review Fund Detail”

i. Right click in the Fund and select “Review sending Dept Detail”

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j. Right click in the Transfer Dept and select “Review Line Item Detail”

k. Right click in the Line_Item number and select “Review Transfer Detail”

l. Right click on “No Project Grant” and select Approve transfer or Reject Transfer (for our

exercise, select Approve Transfer)

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m. Enter the PG you want to receive the funding (or use PG_DEFAULT and allocate the funding to a

different PG at a later time). Do not change anything else in the fields. Once you have

completed updating the PG, click on execute.

n. If completed successfully, users will see a confirmation on the screen:
