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GPS Spoofing

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GPS Spoofing Attack on Time Synchronization in Wireless Networks and Detection Scheme Design Qi Zeng, Husheng Li and Lijun Qian  bstract In this paper, we introduce a GPS spoofing attack onthe timesynchronizationinwireless networks.Asa casestudy, the frequencyhoppingcodedivision multiple access (FH-CDMA) based ad hoc network relying on the GPS signal is investigated. The GPS spoofing attack, which is more malicious than other attacks such as jamming, could lead to the loss of network-wide synchronization as well as the loss of synchronization in FH code. The performance degradation in terms of symbol error rate (SER) of the FH-CDMA based ad hoc network under such an attack is evaluated. Then, o detect the spoofing attack ~ f f i i e n t l y we propose to employ a quick detection technique, i.e., CUSUM test algorithm, by observing the dynamic range of the successful detection rate. Simulation results show that GPS spoofing attack on network performance is a long-term impact an d more perni cious threat comparedto the jamming; moreover, ou r proposed CUSUM scheme is an effective method to detect the GPS spoofing attack.  INTRODUCTION Global position system (GPS) has been widely employed in a variety of wireless applications, e.g., mobile ad hoc network, cellular phone network, smart grid and so forth, since it could provide many desired features, including localization, navigation and time synchronization. However, GPS signals are susceptible to jamming and spoofing attack. Compared with jamming, the spoofing attack is a more pernicious attack because it makes the GPS receivers i the attack range to believe the fake GPS signals sent by the spoofer, without any alert to suggest that an attack is underway. GPS sp oo fing attack is becoming a hot topic in rec ent yea rs. In [1] and [2], the authors demonstrated a experiment and a practical GPS spoofer to test how easily a civilian GPS receiver could be spoofed, respectively. In [3], a low cost GPS spoofer is designed and the performance effect on the carrier and code level is analyzed. Besides civilian GPS receiver, spoofing attack is also a critical problem for the military GPS receiver. In [6], an attacker can man pulate the arrival times of military GPS signals by pulse-delaying or replaying individual navigation signals with a delay, although advanced cryptography and new keying architecture are employed in the modernized military GPS design known as M code [16]. Re ce ntly in [4], the requirements for successful GPS spoofing attacks on the military GPS receiver are investigated. From the Q. Zeng and H. Li are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 (email: qi.zeng82@gmail.com; [email protected]). L. Qian is wi th the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Prairie View A M Univ ersity, Pr ai ri e Vi ew, TX 77446 (email: liqian@pvamu. edu).This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grants CCF 0830451 and ECCS-0901425, and  y the US  rmy Research Of fi ce under gra nt W911NF-12-1-0054 . 978 1 4673 3/12/ 31.00 ©2013 IEEE Fig. 1. The model of FH-CDMA based ad hoc network relying on the GP system. wh ic h ra ng e from the cr yp tographic authenticati onto modifi cations of the GPS signal or the infrastructure are proposed in [5], [6]. However, such approaches are unlikely implemented in the near future due to the high cost and the long deployment cy cl es, and sp oofi ng mil itary GPS is nonetheless a concern in additi on to ci vi li an GPS spoofing. In this pa pe r, we investigate the impact of the GPS spoofing attack on wireless communication networks. As a case study for military communications, we focus on FH CDMA based ad hoc networks [7], [8], where al nodes usually need to synchronize to an external clock, such as GPS signal. The network infrastructure is shown in Fig. 1. In this network, we propose to employ a novel general orthogonal FH code, i.e., no-hit-zone code [13], to the neighboring nodes i order to mitigate the interference, which is similar to the idea of [8].The impactofGPS-basedsynchronizationdegradationon othercellularnetworks (i.e., CDMA, GS M and UMTS) could be found in [17]. The network-wide time synchronization isextremely crucial for successful transmission in FH-based ad hoc netowrks, because it renders the transmission pair to simultaneously switch to the next frequency channel. In order to achieve the accurate network-wide time synchronization, we assume that each node is equipped with a GPS receiver and is synchronized to the GPS signal, Due to the GPS spoofing attack, the FH

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GPS Spoofing Attack on Time Synchronization inWireless Networks and Detection Scheme Design

Qi Zeng, Husheng Li and Lijun Qian

  bstract In this paper, we introduce a GPS spoofing attackon the time synchronization in wireless networks. As a case study,the frequency hopping code division multiple access (FH-CDMA)based ad hoc network relying on the GPS signal is invest igated.The GPS spoofing attack, which is more malicious than otherattacks such as jamming, could lead to the loss of network-widesynchroniza tion as well as the loss of synchronizat ion in FHcode. The performance degradat ion in terms of symbol errorrate (SER) of the FH-CDMA based ad hoc network under

such an attack is evaluated. Then, to detect the spoofing attack~ f f i i e n t l y we propose to employ a quick detection technique,i.e., CUSUM test algorithm, by observing the dynamic range ofthe successful detection rate. Simulation results show that GPSspoofing attack on network performance is a long-term impactand more pernicious threat compared to the jamming; moreover,our proposed CUSUM scheme is an effective method to detectthe GPS spoofing attack.


Globa l posi tion sys tem (GPS) has been wide ly employed

in a variety of wireless applications, e.g., mobile ad hoc

network, cellular phone network, smart grid and so forth, since

it could provide many desired features, including localization,

navigation and time synchronization. However, GPS signals

are susceptible to jamming and spoofing attack. Comparedwith jamming, the spoofing attack is a more pernicious attackbecause it makes the GPS receivers in the attack range to

bel ieve the fake GPS signals sent by the spoofer, without any

alert to suggest that an attack is underway.

GPS spoofing attack is becoming a hot topic in recent years.In [1] and [2], the authors demonstrated a experiment and

a practical GPS spoofer to test how easily a civilian GPS

receiver could be spoofed, respectively. In [3], a low cost GPS

spoofer is des igned and the performance effect on the carrier

and code level is analyzed. Besides civilian GPS receiver,

spoofing attack is also a critical problem for the militaryGPS receiver. In [6], an a ttacker can manipula te the arrival

times of mil itary GPS signals by pulse-delaying or replaying

individual navigation signals with a delay, although advanced

cryptography and new keying architecture are employed in the

modernized military GPS design known as M code [16].

Recently in [4], the requirements for successful GPS spoofing

attacks on the military GPS receiver are investigated. From the

Q. Zeng and H. Li are with the Department of Electrical Eng ineeringand Computer Science, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996(email: [email protected]; [email protected]). L. Qian is with theDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Prairie View A MUniversity, Prairie View, TX 77446 (email: [email protected]).This workwas supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grants CCF0830451 and ECCS-0901425, and  y the US  rmy Research Office undergrant W911NF-12-1-0054.

©2013 IEEE

Fig. 1. The model of FH-CDMA based ad hoc network relying on the GPSsystem.

view of countermeasures to the spoofing attack, the approacheswhich range from the cryptographic authentication to modifications of the GPS signal or the infrastructure are proposed in

[5], [6]. However, such approaches are unlikely implemented

in the near future due to the high cos t and the long deployment

cycles, and spoofing military GPS is nonetheless a concern in

addition to civilian GPS spoofing.

In this paper, we investigate the impact of the GPS spoofingattack on wireless communication networks. As a case s tudy

for mili tary communications, we focus on FH CDMA based

ad hoc networks [7], [8], where all nodes usually need to

synchronize to an external clock, such as GPS signal. The

network infrastructure is shown in Fig. 1. In this network,

we propose to employ a novel general o rthogona l FH code ,i.e., no-hit -zone code [13], to the neighboring nodes in order

to mitigate the interference, which is similar to the idea of

[8]. The impact of GPS-based synchronization degradation on

other cellular networks (i.e., CDMA, GSM and UMTS) could

be found in [17].

The network-wide time synchronization is extremely crucial

for succes sful transmis sion in FH-based ad hoc netowrks,

because it renders the transmis sion pai r to simult aneously

switch to the next f requency channel. In order to achieve the

accurate network-wide time synchronization, we assume that

each node is equipped with a GPS receiver and is synchronized

to the GPS signal, Due to the GPS spoofing attack, the FH

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code s of v ic ti m no de s will be out of syn chronization, w hi ch

leads to the serious collision of hopping frequency. Therefore,

one of the is sues in this p ap er is to evaluate the pe rf orma nce

degradation in terms of symbol error rate SER) due to the

GPS spoofing attack.It sh oul d be noted that jamming   or poor channel quality)

c ou ld r es ul t in p er fo rm an ce d eg ra da ti on s as well as the GPS

spoofing attack does, although there exist some critical diff er ences. J amming only impacts a s mall por tion of s pectrums

due to the random h op pi ng , w hi ch will lead to the s ho rt -t er m

impact on the performance. As to the GPS spoofing attack,the t ra ns cei ver s c an no t d et ec t such an a tt ac k and still fa ls el y

trust each other. The re fore, the spoofing attack is usua lly al on g- te rm and more p er ni ci ou s thre at. T hu s, the o th er i ss ue

in this p ap er is to find an efficient method to detect the GPS

spoofing attack and to distinguish from the jamming, To theauthors best knowl edge , t he re ha ve not b ee n any studies on

the GPS spoofing in communication networks.Based on the idea similar to the quickest detection for

the abrupt changes, we adopt the well-known cumulative

sum CUSUM) testing a lgorithm to detect the GPS spoofing

attack by observing the fluctuation range of the succ essfuld et ec ti on r at e [9]. The CUSUM detection method has been

extensively studied in a variety of applications, e.g., detecting

selfish occupancy of wireless resource [10], detecting the datainjection attack on s mart grid [11] and so forth.

The r em ai nd er of this p ap er is orga niz ed as follows. The

s ys te m m od el and s ign al a na ly sis are p ro vi de d in S ec ti on II.

The CUSUM test for detecting the GPS spoofing is discussed

in Section III. N ume ri cal s imulati ons and con clu si ons are

provided in Sections IV and V, r es pectively.


In this section, we focus on FH CDMA based ad hoc

wireless networks, where the network-wide time synchroniza

tion is achieved by relying on the GPS system. Firstly, we

introduce the basic infrastructure of FH CDMA b as ed ad hoc

network and analyze the impact of GPS spoofing attack on FH

code s ynchronization. T hen, we inves tigate the per formance

de gra dation in terms of SER due to the GPS spoofing attackon the time synchronization.

A. The System Model under the GPS Spoofing Attack

The structure of FH CDMA b as ed ad hoc n et wo rk is s ho wnin Fig. 1 In this network, the nodes are dis tr ibuted in the plane

accor ding to a Poiss on point process . Each node synchronizes

to an accur ate clock which is provided by GPS. We only focus

on the next neighbor trans miss ion to inves tigate the impact of

the spoofing attack on the system performance.In the p hy si ca l layer, all the c o- lo ca te d n od es in the n ei gh

bor ing area are ass umed to have been pre-ass igned unique sig

natur e FH codes which they use to modulate their inf or mation

symbols. The signature FH code of node k is denoted by CCk 

To mitigate the multiple acces s inter ference M Al) r es ulting

f rom the neighborhood nodes , a novel gener al orthogonal FH

code, i.e., no-hit-zone NHZ) code, is proposed for FH CDMA

Fig. 2. The model of FH-CDMA transc eive r.

bas ed ad hoc networks in this paper. The r eason for using such

an FH code is t ha t NH Z c od e c ou ld i mp ro ve the i mm un it y to

the slight time impe rfec t sync hroniza tion due to its specific

Hamming c or re la ti on p ro pe rt ie s, c om pa re d w it h o th er FH

codes. Some des ign algor ithms of gener al orthogonal codes

and their Hamming c or re la ti on p ro pe rt ie s c ou ld be f ou nd in


For the ad hoc network inves tigated in this paper , a s poofer,

whi ch is pl ac ed near the target nodes, receives the ge nui ne

GPS s ignal and forges the fake one. The vi cti m nodes c ou ldfalsely track to the forged GPS signal via the spoofing attack

method s tated in [2]. We ass ume that the time s ynchronization

of nodes within a cer tain area near the s poof er , which is s hown

as the da she d circle in Fig.l is a ff ec te d by this spoofer. The

size of such a re a dep ends on the power of the s poof er. The

area of n ei gh bo r t ra ns mi ss ion , w hi ch is d en ot ed by the s ol id

cir cle in Fig.l c on ta in s the n od es s uffe ri ng or not s uf fe ri ng

from the spoofing attack. Each paired source-destination nodeemploys the unique NH Z c ode to r ed uc e the MAL

The paired transceiver structure for source-destination nodes

in the p hys ic al l aye r is s hown in Fig.2. The wire less c ha nne l

b et we en two a rb it ra ry n ode s is a ss ume d to be a slow R ay le ig h

fading.   the transmitter, the information bits are firstlymodulated by l v1-ary FSK and the central frequency of MFSK

s ymb ol then h op s to the d es ig na te d fr equ en cy slot a cc or di ng

to the pre-assigned FH code. In the receiver, the received

signal is orderly processed through the dehopper, non-coherent

demodulator and decoder . The non-coher ent demodulator for

the MFSK signal is specified in detail in [14].

B. Signal Analysis   r SER performance

In this subsection, the expressions of SER analysis are

derived for the FH CDMA bas ed ad hoc network with l v1-ary

FSK modulation. By using these express ions , s emi- analytic

Monte C ar lo s im ul at io ns are then p er fo rm ed to e st im at e theimpact on e rror probabili ty due to the GPS spoofing attack.

B efore we analyze the signal model, some definitions of thenotations are firstly listed as follows.

• K: the total number of s ource nodes in the neighboring

area, i nc lu di ng the n od es w hi ch are s yn ch ro ni ze d to the

genuine GPS signal and the victim nodes which are

s ynchronized to the fake one.

• dCk n : one l v1-arysymbol transmitted by the k th node

during the n th symbol interval.

• c ~ ~ : one f requency hopping slot used by the k-th node

dur ing the n th s ym bo l int erv al , w hi ch d ep en ds on the

assigned NH Z FH code set.

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• 1]: the complex additional white Gaussian noise  AWGN)

with the two-sided power spectral density of N o/2.• J2S k : the received signal amplitude of the k-th node

under the independent Rayleigh fading channel with the

mean square value 20.• Tk: the t ime off se t of the k-th node caused by the GPS

spoofing attack. Actually,  Ti is restricted by the maximum

value D which depends on the resolut ion of the crystal

oscillator of the local clock [2].

For the simplicity of ana lysi s, it is assumed that one AI

ary FSK symbol is sent per hop in this paper. In order

to mitigate the inter-symbol interference, the frequency of

signals maintains the orthogonality by setting the minimum FH

f requency spacing to AIITs, where T; denotes the duration of

one AI-ary symbol. Then, the complex received signal during

the n-th symbol interval can be written as

r t) =   V2SCk FT s  t-Tk -nT, exp[j 21T de ;;n t

+271 t c > ~ ] + ,.  1

A non-coherent demodulator is adopted in the paper. Then,

in the receiver of the destination node, the decision variable in

the l-th branch of the AI matched filters   l == 0, 1, . . . ,A I  1

observed during the n-th interval is computed as follows [15].

f r C S ) \ 7 ~ ~ ) + ~ ~ 1 ; l q S I 1 C k ) n ) + V 1 1 , dCk l

IWl n)I==)   K  k I   k) ,  2l Lk:=l;k;fS I l r i +V l , d   l l

where re fol lows i .i .d. Rayleigh dis tr ibut ion with PDFfrCk :£ == 2:£ exp _:£2 for k == 1,2, , K. \7 \S ==8 , Pk+8 ~ ~ L 1 - Pk), which r e p r e s e ~ t s the

impact of GPS att ack on the de sired signal. The maximum

time offset D caused by GPS spoofing attack is equal toNkT+PkTs, where Ni. is an integer and Pk follows a uniform

distribution within [0,1]. For the special case when there does

not exist any GPS attack and all nodes are well synchronized to

genuine GPS signals, \ 7 ~ ~ is constantly equal to 1.  l k == rt+Nk

is the symbol interval index of the k-th interfering node after

suffering from the spoofing attack, which depends on themaximum time offset D. The function  z ,y) == 1 for a: == y;

otherwise,   :£, y) == O. Vl is a complex AWGN with mean zero

and var iance NolE s and the average energy of one symbol

E; == Tn. The total MAl Il k) due to the k-th interfering node

could be rewri tten as



  k} k) k) . . .Il_\n == t1h r sznc Pk }l-)Pk exp J   7rPk }l_+cp k))), 4)

I l ~ )  n = = L l ~ ; l l r k sinc }l+  1 Pk))  l-Pk

X exp j   1r }l+ Pk+1)+cp k)))_  5

Fig. 3. The impact onSER performance due to the jamming and theGPS

spoofing attack.

I 4 d 5 A   k)_ S _   k)n an   h   uC h ,C n , }l-==ri  nk - land

  }l+== ri k) nk + 1 - l . The function sinc :£) == sin 7 X   I  7rxif a: =I=- 0 and sinc :£) == 1 if a: == O. The detailed derivations

of  3 - 5 are s imilar to the work in [12], which is omitted in

this paper due to the l im ited space .

In order to demonstrate the performance difference between

the GPS spoofing attack and the jamming, the SERs of FHbased ad hoc network with AI-ary FSK modulation for AI == 4

and 8 are shown in Fig. 3. We assume that the GPS spoofing

attack occurs at the t ime ins tant t==

100 and the jammingoccurs at t == 50. Besides, the number of victim nodes is equal

to 5 and the maximum time offset D due to GPS spoofinga tt ack is assumed to be 3 chip-slots. From the simulation

results, it is obtained that the system performance under

jamming is temporarily degraded, then will likely get better in

the next t ime slot due to the fact that f requency is hopped from

the jammed channel into the good one. However, under the

GPS spoofing attack, the system consistently remains at thepoor performance level. The symbol detection rate obtained

f rom the simula tion is u ti li zed as the observa tion in CUSUM

testing algorithm in the next section.

III. DETECTION OF GPS SPOOFINGThe CUSUM al gori thm is a promising method to quickly

find abrupt changes in a process when there is an unknownparameter in the post-change distribution and this parameter

may be varying duri ng the de tecti on process. Due to the

abrupt GPS spoofing attack, the time when the GPS spoofingattack occurs, which is denoted by to, is unknown. The other

parameter, i.e., the probability of frequency collisions hit-rate

) after spoofing, is unknown as well. The nodes which sufferf rom the attack are out of the FH code synchronization. It will

r esul t in the increase for MAl and the abrupt degradation for


For the simplicity of analysis in detection scheme, it is

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The standard statistical approach is to use the maximum

likelihood estimates of these two parameters , which leads to

the decis ion funct ion given by

By using the proposed CUSUM testing algorithm, the net

work will raise the alarm at the to- th time instant to inform that

the network is a tt acked by GPS spoofer. Also, the estimated

value of another parameter  ) after change is denoted by {}

which can be obtained from  10 .


In this section, we present the simulation results to demon-

strate the performance of the proposed detection scheme. In

the F H CDMA based ad hoc network, the NHZ FH code

set, which is designed via the algorithm in [13], is preassigned to the neighboring nodes and binary FS K modulation

is considered. In all the fol lowing results, it is assumed that

the GPS spoofing attack occurs at the l th observation i.e.,to   100) and the time offset due to the spoofing attack couldgo beyond the no hit zone. The performance for the proposed

detection scheme is considered in terms of the false alarm rate

and detection delay.

Fig. 4 shows the false alarm rate versus the CUSUM

decision threshold   h) for the var ious s ignal- to-noise rat ios

 S Rs . As observed from the figure, with the fixed S R in

each curve, the false alarm rate deceases when h increases. It

is also found that, as the false alarm rate is fixed, the detection

scheme for the system with large SN R needs a lager thresholdh t han that for the small S R system. It is due to the fact

that the sys tem with large SN R resul ts in the increase of gk

in  10 , thus increases the threshold h as well.

F ig . 5 shows the relat ion between the threshold hand S R

for some given false alarm rates  0.01 and 0.001 . From this

figure, we could obtain the optimal threshold for the CUSUMscheme corresponding to the S Rs so that the false al arm

rate reaches the expected level. For the given S R, the false

al arm rate wil l become a sma ll er va lue with increase of h;

however, it will result in the degradation of another detection

performance i.e., average detection delay, of which results will

be specified in Fig.6.

Fig. 4. The false alarm rate versus the CUSUM decision threshold h for thevarious S N Rs.





unknown O ,  8)

to   n1in{k:   h}.


reasonable to assume tha t the detec tion for a packet is fai led if

the frequency hit occurs during the packet interval; otherwise,

the det ection is successful. Wit h this assumption, we can

obtain the acceptable level of detection performance. Denote

byY i E {

I}  i 

1,2, ...,N) theindependent


detection for packet at the i th time slots in the FH CDMA

based ad hoc network , where

{I , successful detection

Y i   0, failed detection  6)

The probability of Y i, which is denoted by PO Y i), belongs

to an unknown h it -r ate ) with a space 8. The space 8

is determined by both the pre assigned FH code and the

maximum time offset D.

N HZ FH code has the capabil ity to combat the slight time

offset, which l eads to hit -free )   0); however , as the GPS

spoofing attack occurs, it will result in the severe hit-rate dueto fact that the time offset exceeds the no-hi t zone . When

spoofing attack occurs, the hit-rate is denoted by  )I. As stated

above, the probabi li ty densi ties PO Y i) for these two cases

could be written as, respectively,

{Poo l PT

  o   0 ,POo O 1 - PT

{PO  1 1 - OI PT

POI  0)   1 - 1 - OI PT

where PT denotes as the rate of correct detection when there

is hit -f ree  00   0), which depends on the fading channel

and noise . Actually, the value of PT depends on the channel

condition, the characteristic of the spoofer and so forth, which

is obtained by observing the symbol detection rate in thereal tes ting or the exper iment. From the above equat ions , we

assume the distribution of Y i is changed from 00 to  }I at the

unknown time instant to, where  }I is unknown as wel l but lies

in the space 8. We propose to adopt the CUSUM algorithm to

estimate the unknown parameters to and  }I. Correspondingly,

we compute the log-likelihood ratio with the CUSUM method

for the observation   i f rom time j up to time k, which is given


gk   max sup S] OI)I::;j::;k 81  

Then the decision rule is wri tt en as

{Ho chosen;   gk < h 11HI IS chosen; If   h

where h is a pre determined threshold. The alarm time for

the GPS spoofing attack is obtained by the following stoppingrule:

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Fig. 5. The relation between the threshold hand   R for some false alarmrates (0.01 and 0.001).

Fig. 6. The The average detection delay of our proposed scheme underdifferent threshold hs.

The average detection delays of our scheme under different

thresholds are shown in Fig. 6 for the various SNR== 10 15

and 20dB. In the simulations, the average delay is defined asE{lio-tol}. It is observed that, for the small SN  <15dB

the detection delay increases with the threshold; however, fora larger SNR 15dB), the average de tection delay is only

marginally dependent on the threshold. It should be noted that

the above phenomenon should exclude the range of smal l h

 h< 1


In this paper, we have studied the impact of GPS spoofingattack on the performance of FH-CDMA ad hoc ne twork.

This network relies on the GPS signal to realize the network

wide synchronization. The GPS spoofing attack is a type ofmalicious threat, which leads to the loss of the network

wide synchronization. Under such an attack, our investigated

network suffers f rom more severe performance degradation

than the jamming does. Then, we have proposed the CUSUM

detection s cheme for determining the occurrence of GPS

spoofing attack as quickly as possible. Finally, we presentedsimula tion results that demons tra te the performance of the

CUSUM based detection scheme. It should be noted that the

proposed CUSUM scheme and framework of analysis are still

available for other wireless communication systems which are

vulnerable to the GPS spoofing attack, not limited to FHCDMA based ad hoc network. Based on the resul ts obtained

in this paper, the countermeasure to the GPS spoofing attackwill be s tudied in our future works.


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