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GRACE PRESS Reflection from the Pastor · and friends of Grace to come together for fun social...

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Page 1: GRACE PRESS Reflection from the Pastor · and friends of Grace to come together for fun social interaction. Last year, besides coordinating potlucks after church, we hosted families
Page 2: GRACE PRESS Reflection from the Pastor · and friends of Grace to come together for fun social interaction. Last year, besides coordinating potlucks after church, we hosted families



“Bless the Lord O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” Psalm 103:1-2

Sad to report to you dear friends that my wife Joni’s mother, Jacque Thompson, passed away. It

is a difficult loss but one that is causing us to lean into God for our strength. God has not disap-

pointed us as we feel His comfort and peace. We are grateful for your prayers, they are lifting us up

and surrounding us with love.

We have spent time reading the scriptures and seeking God’s Word as we pass through this shadow

of death. We have also been singing the songs that God brings to mind for our comfort and peace.

One song that is especially on my mind is a praise song entitled, 10,000 Reasons, based on the

Psalm 103. The first verse and chorus are as follows:

The Sun comes up, it’s a new day dawning

It’s time to sing Your song again,

Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me,

Let me be singing when the evening comes.

Bless the Lord O my soul, O my soul, Worship His holy name.

Sing like never before, O my soul,

I’ll worship Your holy name.

As a new day, a new month, and a new season of life begins, no matter what happens we trust in

our God to lead us through life’s journey. There will be times of celebration, of plenty and want, of

trials and loss, but God will never fail us! Jesus said, that He would not leave us as orphans. He said

that He would never leave us or forsake us! He said, “My peace I leave with you…let not your heart

be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” When life throws us into turmoil and grief, God is there!

Great is His Faithfulness! There are more than 10,000 reasons to keep praising our God!

While we have suffered a great loss, we stand in the promises of our God. We find comfort and

strength to wake up on a new day knowing that God is with us and there is nothing to fear. God’s

benefits have been provided over and over throughout our years of life. Why should we not believe

that He will bless and watch over us through whatever may pass?

The Psalmist continues writing:

“who forgives all your sins, and heals all your diseases, and redeems your life from the pit and

crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your

youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” Psalm 103:3-5


Pastor Mike

Reflect ion from the Pastor

Page 3: GRACE PRESS Reflection from the Pastor · and friends of Grace to come together for fun social interaction. Last year, besides coordinating potlucks after church, we hosted families



Grace Church is blessed with the generosity of members who have a heart for programs that

will assist others who are less fortunate, while striving to obtain more intimate knowledge of

the guidance of our Lord.

The work of the Finance Committee is more than gathering budget requests from all the other com-

mittees and arranging them into a budget that will properly be covered by the anticipated gifts of

Grace members and others.

The monthly meetings of the Finance Committee are lively and interesting. The goal is to oversee

the work of the Teller Committee in recording the funds received and the work of the Bookkeeper in

keeping expenditures current and applied to proper budget accounts.

Over the past three years, it was our good fortune to have been able to finance programs above

our sustainable ability though a large bequest. Some of those funds are still with Grace and we have

established a LEGACY FUND with the New Covenant Trust Company. You will learn more about this

fund and ways you can participate later this year.

The members of the committee are Tom Bryan, Wayne Campbell, Michael Cooley and Patrick Ryan

with staff support of our Interim Pastor, Mike Wallman: Director of Church Operations, Christie Elliott:

and Bookkeeper Albina Lumetta.

Finance Committee Report

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GRACE PRESS Committees at Grace

Have you ever wondered what all the Committees are about at Grace? Perhaps you were asked

to be on one? Or maybe you would like to be more involved? Here is your chance to learn all

about the various committees at Grace!

Personnel Committee acts as the Human Resources Department. It’s responsibility is to provide

for the employment on non-ordained staff, for the establishment, review and revision of personnel

policies and procedures. For overseeing that staff performance reviews are conducted annually or as

needed and for overseeing the compensation of the staff. Contact Lou Drexel to learn more.

Mission Committee: In verse one of the book of Acts, Jesus tells His disciples to be witnesses of

the Good News to their congregations, their neighborhoods, and throughout the world. This same

commission is the embodiment of all that is administered through the Missions Committee. There

are many facets to each component that offer many ways that you may serve.

In Your Church - Neighborhood Resource Center, Bread of Life Soup Kitchen, Creciendo Juntos

After School Program

In Our Neighborhood - Foothill Oak Elementary School, Operation HOPE Vista, InterVarsity Christian

Fellowship, Iglesia Gracia

In the County - San Diego Presbytery Shared Missions

Throughout the Country - through your giving to Special Offerings throughout the year

Throughout the World - Disaster Relief, Ecuador, Guatemala and Southeast Asia

Please join us as we work closer with our mission partners, we meet the third Thursday of the month

at 6:30 pm in the church office. Contact any committee member if you have any questions.

Current Members: Glenna Spindelman, Chair; Ken Bouchard, Representative from Session; Susan

Hiltbrand, Jim Borland, Annie Kumar, and Chuck Enger.

Fellowship Committee: Grace Church is a family, and families are strengthened when they spend

time together. The Fellowship Committee’s main goal is to provide opportunities for the members

and friends of Grace to come together for fun social interaction. Last year, besides coordinating

potlucks after church, we hosted families on the lawn for 4th of July fireworks, we held a big tri-tip

barbecue in August, and we went caroling in December. The committee welcomes new ideas! If

you are interested in joining us, contact AnnaBelle Beaman, Jean Compton, Ron Nolf, Jayne Parker,

or Patrick Ryan.

Worship Committee: What is the chief purpose of Man? It is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

The Worship Committee works to provide traditional and contemporary services in which we can

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FEBRUARY 2019Committees continued. . .


come together as His people, learn more about God, and glorify Him through liturgy, music, and

the Word. If you are interested in learning more about the work of this committee, contact Pastor

Mike, Jean Compton, Frances Hummel, Scott Huston, Jayne Parker, Marian Reed, Pat Sexton, or

Nancy Tiburski.

Deacons: The Deacons serve a role of sympathy, service, and witness. 1 Peter 5:2: Be shepherds of

God’s flock that is under your care-not because you must, but because you are willing.

The Deacons fulfill this role in many ways;

Communion Ministry prepares the elements for communion each month.

Card Ministry sends words of compassion and encouragement to those facing illness, crisis, or


Meal Ministry supplies meals to those experiencing illness or loss. If you would like to help prepare

and deliver a meal please contact us (info below).

Memorial Ministry provides a reception for families following a memorial service. If you would like

to donate cookies, sandwiches or help in any way please let us know.

Flower and Visitation Ministry provides flowers and visits to shut-ins and those in need during the

holidays and throughout the year. After services, the altar flowers may also be delivered to a mem-


This year the Deacons are reorganizing the Tele-Care Ministry. This ministry’s goal will be to reach

out, by phone, to every member of our congregation on a regular basis. We are looking for volun-

teers to be a part of this team, please contact Denise if you would like to join us!

For more information or to volunteer to help please call Denise Stockman @ 760-415-9624

Communications Committee is tasked with the responsibility of crafting and managing the mes-

saging of Grace Presbyterian Church, Vista to the community at large. This includes crafting and

managing the content of the GPC website, the GPC Facebook page, and all outbound communi-

cation and advertising to the community.

If you have an interest in communicating the great things happening at Grace to the communi-

ty and to be an integral part of GPC’s marketing, we encourage you to join the Communications

Committee. They will never know unless we tell them! Contact Patrick Ryan to learn more.

Discipleship Committee oversees the Bible studies, small groups, Men’s ministry, Sunday school

classes, and library at Grace Presbyterian Church, Vista. Grace Church currently offers a Women’s

Bible study on Tuesday morning, an expository discipleship class on Wednesday evening, a Co-Ed

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GRACE PRESS Committees continued. . .

Bible study on Thursday morning, Sunday school for each service on Sunday morning, and a Men’s

breakfast on the first Saturday of the month. In addition, Grace offers its members a comprehensive

library with Bible commentaries, dictionaries, and books on Christian formation and spiritual develop-


We encourage those members of Grace who have an interest in building up the body of Christ

with the Word of God to join the Discipleship Committee!! 2 Timothy 3:16-17; “All Scripture is God-

breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the

servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Members: Will Bynagte, John

Earnest, and Patrick Ryan.

Buildings and Grounds Committee: The Buildings and Grounds Committees is responsible for the

management of the facilities of Grace Presbyterian Church. The committee is composed of people

who share a concern for the facilities and a desire to make the campus beautiful, functional, safe,

and secure. The committee has church workdays, in which members and friends come together to

fix issues, make updates, and to beautify the campus. The next work day will be coming up soon so

please look for details. If you have skills that could help around the campus or have a desire to be

part of this committee please contact any of our Committee members; Duane Weston, Bill Eldridge,

Ron Nolf, and church staff, Pastor Mike Wallman and Christie Elliott.




Unbroken: The Path to Redemption When the war ended, his battle began. Based on Laura

Hillenbrand's bestselling book, UNBROKEN:PATH TO

REDEMPTION begins where Unbroken ends. A Billy Graham

tent revival changed Louis Zamperini’s life forever!

Fel lowship Event

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FEBRUARY 2019Grandparents@Prayer

Generation G: Leaving a Spiritual Legacy (or Hot Topics on Grandparenting)

-by Gramma Pat Whisler

This month’s GP Hot Topic: G O D L Y V A L E N T I N E S Do you remember buying those little valentines for your children to distribute to their classmates? They would put such thought into which valentine would go to which friend. It was serious business to the children, both as a giver and receiver. I believe that feeling continues today for the school children as well as those growing older. In February that valentine becomes a symbol of love. We all want to be loved and in February we accept a piece of paper as a symbol of someone’s love for us and, in turn, give one as a symbol of our love.

Did you know that Scriptures tell us many ways to send valentines? Reading above from Deuteronomy, there are lots of ways to show our love. Can you think of more? It is important to always show love and to our grandchildren it is important to be very visible with that love. That’s what makes Valentine’s Day so neat. With our piece of paper we can show them love and create a heavenly excitement in them. Why heavenly…because God is love. We probably will send a paper symbol of love to our grandchildren in a week or two. Yes, there a many ways to show love but that paper ‘love’ is an easy way to show God’s love. But what about God? Does He get one too? Prayer: Oh, God of love, help us to have the time, commitment and courage to show our love to our grandchildren and their families, even on paper in February. Happy Valentine’s Day to you, our God. Thank you for your valentine of love all year round. Action: Encourage your grandchildren to send a Valentine to God. Then, pray your valentine to Him.

A thought: Grandchildren don’t stay young forever, which is good because Pop-pops have only so many horsey rides in them. ~Gene Perret.

Join our Grandparents@Prayer meeting on Feb 24 in room 10 a half hour before the traditional service begins.

God’s Word: 5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength. 6 Always remember these commands I give you today. 7 Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and walk along the road. Talk about them when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Write them down and tie them to your hands as a sign. Tie them on your forehead to remind you. 9 Write them on your doors and gates. - Deuteronomy 6:5-9 (International Children’s Bible)

In 2013 Russ and I took a cruise where our last stop was Istanbul. While standing in a bazaar, the Muslim ‘call to pray’ rang out from a nearby mosque. I have never in my life, in a place literally full of people, heard such a loud sound. This happens 5 times a day, so loud that all in the surrounding area can hear. It makes our sirens sound like a whisper. I think about how loud our Christian ‘call to pray’ is. What if we were reminded to pray in such a ‘stunning’ way? Since we are nearing Valentine’s Day, can we give our hearts to God in prayer?

Page 8: GRACE PRESS Reflection from the Pastor · and friends of Grace to come together for fun social interaction. Last year, besides coordinating potlucks after church, we hosted families



In Matthew 14:13-21, Jesus performs the miracle of the loaves and fishes. Over 4,000 people had gath-

ered to hear and be healed that day and it was time to eat. Instead of sending them to town, Jesus

told His disciples to feed them. When they could only come up with five loaves of bread and a few

small fish Jesus gave thanks for what was there and had the disciples distribute the food to the people.

Through this miracle over 5,000 people were fed.

Under the directorship of Felipe Huguet, Grace Presbyterian Church’s Neighborhood Resource Center

experiences its own such miracle. We are a small church with a big heart. When your hearts are moved

to give of your time, talents and gifts, God multiplies it all beyond our understanding.

One undeniable fact of our neighborhood is that of food insecurity. Here’s where the miracle occurs

each and every month. Through shopping local food banks and partnerships with

local charities, we are able to gather and distribute 15-20 bags of groceries to those

in need each week. In addition, food is provided to augment the meals provided

each week through our Bread of Life Soup Kitchen, as well as two full dinners each

month to the clients at Operation HOPE Vista shelter. We have recently become a

local distribution site for the Emergency Food Assistance Program. Holiday food,

including turkeys or hams and ingredients for side dishes, were distributed to fami-

lies at Foothill Oak Elementary Schools as well as families from Gifts from Grace Christmas event. All in

all, food was received into the hands of over 4,500 friends and neighbors in 2018.

Our Community Garden falls under the guidance of the Neighborhood Resource Center. Angel Pinedo

spends countless hours bringing this valuable resource for outreach back into shape. Volunteers are

always needed in the garden.

There are many other ways we touch and support the community through the center. Classes are

offered in Nutrition, English as a Second Language, and test preparation for the written portion of the

California driver license exam. Vouchers for gasoline, emergency overnight shelter, bus passes, and

referrals for shelter and rehabilitation programs are provided on a case-by-case basis. All those who are

served by the Neighborhood Resource experience the love of Christ in action.

The true heart of the resource center is the opportunity to build relationships

with each other and our neighbors. Over the years we have been in operation

we have witnessed the crossover of those being served to now serving oth-

ers. Parents from Foothill Oak Elementary and Creciendo Juntos After School

Program as well as participants in our classes are now volunteers with food

distribution. Volunteers from Grace work alongside neighbors as we share the

Missions: Neighborhood Resource Center

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FEBRUARY 2019Missions: NRC continued. . . joy of serving.

How do we do it? First and foremost it is through the thoughtful, gener-

ous giving of the members of Grace Presbyterian Church. When you give

to the Neighborhood Resource Center your dollars are multiplied by the

access we have to other programs. When your giving is designated for the

Neighborhood Resource Center, Felipe has the opportunity to use those

funds as specific needs arise. Sometimes it is a meal that is needed, a bed

for the night until a referral can be made, a bus pass for a job interview, a

gas voucher to get to a medical appointment. Felipe has also developed partnerships with other North

San Diego County Presbyterian churches that bring in needed funds as well as volunteers.

Our current need is for a grant writer. There are grant funds available to help us continue our mission

to the neighborhood of Vista. If you know of someone gifted in this area and interested in working on a

percentage basis, please have them contact the church office.

God has planted us here at 1450 East Vista Way for a purpose. Through our own version of the miracle

of multiplying loaves and fishes we are able to experience God’s love, mercy and compassion. All the

Glory and Honor of this outreach belong to Christ, our Lord and Savior. We praise God from Whom all

these blessings flow. And look forward to the ways the Holy Spirit moves throughout the people here

at Grace to truly be the hands and feet of Christ in our church, our community and throughout the

Kingdom here on earth.

Thank you Angel Pinedo, our Deacon. Angel has been working for

about 6 months, renovating, repairing and beautifying our Commu-

nity Garden. He is already in the final stage after having repaired almost

all the plots, replacing the fence, and painting the fence, and being the

main communicator with our clients who rent the spaces in our garden.

We are ready for new clients and very grateful for the immense volun-

tary work that Angel provided to the Church and our Community Gar-

den. Thank you very much Angel and may God continue to bless you.

Felipe Huguet

Bridge Ministries Director

(760) 978-0920

Community Garden Update

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1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28

If you have a birthday or anniversary in February and your name does not appear above,

please contact the church office at 760-724-0077 to update our records. Thank you!

8am Men’s Breakfast


6:30pm Missions Committee

6:30pm Spanish Min. Leader Mtg.

6:30pm Worship Committee.

10am Congre. Meeting

6:15pm Fellow. Committee7pm Deacons

8:30am PEO

1pm Finance Comm.

1 Bill Greenway

Sue Weston

5 Diane Felthous

7 Bob Dusang

Nancy Tiburski

8 Ken Bouchard

Jaretsy Solano

11 Fanny Aliaga

Finleigh Enger

12 Valerie Allen

14 Phil Sparkman

20 Carolyn Greenway

21 Helen Frederick

28 Cleta Corum

15 Bob & Pyong Dusang (16 years)

Office Closed

6:30pm Session8:30am Grand.@Prayer

8:30am PEO



9 & 10:30am: Worship Services

9 & 10:30am: Adult Studies

10:30am Iglesia Gracia

10:30am: Children’s Sunday



1pm: Knitting Ladies

7pm: AA meeting


10am Women’s Bible Study

5:15pm: Soup Kitchen


10am: Staff Meeting

2pm Creciendo Juntos (no 2/6)

6:30pm Growing in Grace

6:30pm: Spanish Bible Study (IG)

7pm Deep & Wide Class

7:30pm: Worship Band Rehearsal


10am: Bible Study

2pm Creciendo Juntos

6pm Hand Bell Rehearsal

7:30pm Choir Rehearsal


12-2pm EFAP

3pm Personnel Committee

9am Discpleship Class (IG)

6:30pm Reunion (IG)

5pm Dinner & a Movie (Fellowship Event)

Page 11: GRACE PRESS Reflection from the Pastor · and friends of Grace to come together for fun social interaction. Last year, besides coordinating potlucks after church, we hosted families



Alice Nolf

Apollo Bostian

Bill Greenway

Bob Wilson

Carole Wolf

Chris Nolf Family

Cleta Corum

Dickson Family

Dick Woolsey

Elizabeth Johnson

Erin Eldridge

Fanny Aliaga

Grigorii Kirillov

Jan Patterson

Judy Ambrose

Judy D. Kirkland

Judy Woolsey

Maxine Fox

Mike Cooley

Neil Kirkland

Parker Family

Paulina Cooley

Rex Bassett

Rita Sinatra

Scott Brady

Stamm Family

Terry Breen

Trisha Roest-Sinatra

Wallman Family


Punch/Coffee Flowers

February 3 Fellowship Available

February 10 Fellowship Pyong Dusang

February 17 Fellowship Available

February 24 Fellowship Ken & Sue Bouchard

Punch/Coffee Service and Flowers for February

(Bill Sinatra’s sister in law)

(Bill Sinatra’s brother in law)

(Elizabeth Bostian’s son)

Page 12: GRACE PRESS Reflection from the Pastor · and friends of Grace to come together for fun social interaction. Last year, besides coordinating potlucks after church, we hosted families

Church Staff


1450 E. Vista WayVista, CA 92084

Phone: 760-724-0077

Fax: 760-724-2534

E-mail: [email protected]


Address Service Requested

W H E R E G O D ’ S F A M I L Y G R O W S


Interim Pastor/Head of Staff Rev. Dr. Michael Wallman

Director of Church Operations Christie Elliott

Bookkeeper Albina Lumetta

Secretary Veronica Campos

Bridge Ministries Director Felipe Huguet

After School Program Director Maria Haigh

Sunday School Coordinator Hannah Foster

Chancel Choir Director Jayne Parker

Organist Frances Hummel

Hand Bell Choir Director Pat Sexton

Facilities Jim Aliaga


That Jesus Christ alone is Lord of all and the way of salvation.

That Holy Scripture is the triune God’s revealed Word,

the Church’s only infallible rule of faith and life.

That God’s people are called to holiness in all aspects of life.
