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Grace & Strength€¦ · There is a beautiful quote that says, “Elegance is a glowing inner...

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TRANSCRIPT Grace & Strength SALON NO. 8
Page 1: Grace & Strength€¦ · There is a beautiful quote that says, “Elegance is a glowing inner peace. Grace is an ability to give as well as to receive and to be thankful. Mystery


Grace & Strength

S A L O N N O . 8

Page 2: Grace & Strength€¦ · There is a beautiful quote that says, “Elegance is a glowing inner peace. Grace is an ability to give as well as to receive and to be thankful. Mystery

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S A L O N N O . 8

Grace & Strength

Hello and welcome to Become A Modern Day Icon. This is Tonya Leigh, the creator and your hostess and you are listening to salon number eight. Grace and Strength.

There is a beautiful quote that says, “Elegance is a glowing inner peace. Grace is an ability to give as well as to receive and to be thankful. Mystery is a hidden laugh always ready to surface. Glamor only radiates if there is a sublime courage and bravery within. Glamor is like the moon, it only shines because the sun is there.”

So when I went to Paris for the first time, I remember looking around and seeing people living what many people referred to as La Belle Vie or The Good Life. Before my arrival however, I had been like most typical women. I was stressed, overworked, and full of worry and anxiety. And after visiting the city of lights, I began to explore what it meant to live a well-lived life.

And the one question that kept coming up over and over again was this. How do I balance ambition with ease? Now, I’m the kind of woman, I love having desires, and I’m very, very ambitious. I also understand the pain and the worry and the stress that can come when it doesn’t feel like life is working out in your favor. I believe however, as iconic women, we must learn the virtues of strength and grace. In order to weather those rough patches in life. To learn how to live our best lives today, not tomorrow and to constantly surrender to grace.

Through exploring the relationship between ambition and ease, I’ve learned that it basically boils down to strength and commitment towards living your desires. And also surrendering to something so much bigger than yourself. In other words, constantly taking inspired action in your life, while also learning to detach from the outcomes. And I can tell you that this is the most fabulous way to live, and it’s also not easy. Our minds will try to convince us that our best lives will happen one day when.

I mean how many times have we said that to ourselves? One day when I have a million dollars in the bank or one day when I’m a certain size or one day when the perfect partner appears. But as iconic women, it is up to us to make today the best day of our lives. Because you know what, we are not guaranteed tomorrow. And for myself and learning how to balance ambition with ease, I have discovered what I call the beautiful trilogy of creation. And it’s this.

Number one, taking inspired action towards your dreams. Number two, living in a state of appreciation for where you are, and the life you have right now. And the third one is constantly surrendering to what is to be. When you do this, you’ll find yourself living in this beautiful state of strength and grace. And it’s not that you give up. You don’t. And you don’t let fear stop you, but you do things every day that feel good, that align with your desires and your values and then you let go. You surrender.

The more I’ve learned to implement passionate doing with elegant surrender, I have created more success than I ever imagined possible. And here’s why. I have found that who I’m becoming during this process is so much greater than any outcome. I’ve discovered that the journey is as beautiful as the dream itself. And I’ve also realized that

anything that is not in this present moment is simply an illusion. This moment is where it is at. And while a life without dreams and desires I’ll admit would be absolutely boring. A life full of worry and anxiety and stress associated with too much emphasis on the outcome is miserable.

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Working with women around issues ranging from weight to money to business, I see the biggest sabotages of a women’s success, and it’s the dark trio of anxiety, fear and worry. If you don’t learn how to manage these emotions, you will forever struggle with cultivating your iconic uphill. So without further ado, I want to jump into this salon. Where I’m going to be sharing, number one, how to manage your emotions on the worst of days so that you can stay on course. I’m also going to be sharing the elegant approach to dealing with criticism and doubters. Also, how to instantly step into grace and create more joie de vivre.

What an iconic woman focuses on that makes her action steps much more clear. Why attachment to your dreams is dangerous and how I’ve learned how to detach from the outcomes and create more joie de vivre in my daily life. Finally, how to continually engage in life’s mystery to create your dreams. So as you begin to live your iconic life, it is going to happen, the dreaded bad day. And for this reason, I want to help you change your relationship with what people call bad days. Or as I like to call them, your not so glamorous days.

First of all, life is a beautiful mess, and it’s not always champagne and roses. Sure, with the right attitude you’ll have far more good days than not so glamorous ones. But inevitably you’re going to have the rejection or miss out on the opportunity or have someone be nasty. This is life and each experience is meant to show you more of what you want and don’t want. So instead of letting a not so glamorous day take you off course, I want you to see this as a necessary part of your journey. It’s necessary because it brings you more and more clarity around the life you desire to live.

However, as you encounter your life challenges, I want to support you in how to manage your emotions on the worst of days so that you can stay your course. Again, I am a big believer in that part of the human journey is those not so glamorous days. Unfortunately, with all this new wave of personal development, I think negative emotions have gotten a bad wrap. We are encouraged to be happy 24/7 and if we’re not, then there must be something wrong with us right? Well, no. It’s not right. This is where the French taught me what true joie de vivre is, and it is not about chasing happiness.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I love being happy and I consider myself a very optimistic and fun gal. Yet, there are some days when I don’t wake up feeling like I’m on top of the world. And it’s a normal part of life. It’s the ebb and flow of emotions. Yet, I still get dressed and I still put on my lipstick, I still go for my workout. I still feed my daughter, I still show up for work and for my clients. And I still feel extreme gratitude for the experience of this wonderful thing called life. You know, I remember a Parisian friend of mine saying one time after her first trip to the U.S.

She said to me, “It was so much hard work, trying to be cheerful all the time.” And what I’ve learned is that joie de vivre is not about 24/7 happiness. It’s about an overall enjoyment and appreciation of all that life has to offer. And that includes heartbreaks, the not so glamorous days, the disappointments, and even the failures. In The Art of Being A Woman, A Simple Guide to Everyday Love and Laughter, Veronique, Veronique? I hope I said that right. Vienne. Veronique Vienne describes joie de vivre as, “A form of bliss triggered by the world at large, not by an internal reality.”

Unlike happiness, which can be described as an inner state of contentment, joie de vivre is not necessarily self involved. You derive this kind of joy from acknowledging the greatness outside of yourself, in nature, in things and others, in life experiences. And so, I like to say joie de vivre requires that you take the focus off of you and begin focusing on all that’s around you, even when your feeling less than stellar. As I mentioned in a previous salon, part of your feminine power is allowing emotions to flow through you, not grip you in a death lock.

And as you learn to feel deeply, while still engaging in life, you’ll find yourself moving in a beautiful direction, truly living, and feeling your way through the process. Regardless of your state of being, you can still live with joie de vivre. Isn’t that encouraging? You can still look outside of yourself and see the beauty in life with tears or a smile.

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And as you do, you’ll find that you feel better. Not by trying, but by allowing life to flow through you. This is a state of grace and strength. Bad days mean that you are a human. They don’t mean that you’re flawed. It just means that you’re part of this experience called life.

For me personally, I’ve been deeply emersed in personal development for well over five years. I mean going on a decade actually. And even with all of the tools that I have and the awareness that I have and the work that I’ve done, I still have those days where I don’t feel on top of the world. But as an iconic woman it is important to honor the ebb and flow of life and realize that a bad day doesn’t mean that you’re bad, weak, or anything, anything less than fabulous. It simply means that you are a beautiful feminine creature who is on this beautiful journey called life.

The problem isn’t a bad day, it’s resisting them. And what you resist persists. However, the iconic woman sees it for what it is. A clue that maybe she’s off course. But it’s not a death sentence, it’s a natural ebb and flow of emotions. So instead of judging your day, I want you to use these “bad days” as just simply data, to let you know where you are in relation to where you want to be. You can always choose to course correct in any moment. For me, a not so glamorous day simply means that I’m not in my truth. That I have veered from my intention of who I want to be and it may simply mean that I need to allow myself to feel grief or pain or whatever is present in the moment, so that it can pass.

Or it may mean that I need to examine the beliefs that are running through my head to see where I’m out of alignment. You see, there is no one formula for how to get through a bad day. It’s about just an awareness and noticing where you are, noticing what the true cause is, and then doing the work to course correct. So I’m going to share with you

what I do when I have a bad day. And again, there is no formula for this and I encourage you to find what works best for you. But allow my not so glamorous day strategy to inspire you to create your own.

So number one, I don’t pretend that I’m not having a bad day. You know, we hear this thing called, “Put on your happy face.” Well, I tried to do that for a long time and it simply doesn’t work. Sometimes all you need to do is just recognize and honor that you’re not feeling all that great, to allow it to move through you.

The second thing is I look at what the true cause is. It’s so easy to blame others or external circumstances for what’s going on internally. But when you do that, you take away all of your power. And here’s the deal, people will trigger in you what is vibrating. So let me give you an example. About six months ago, I received an email from someone who could not believe that I was going through a divorce. When I read that email, I wanted to blame that person, I felt hurt, I felt rejected. But what was really happening is that there was something that was triggered in me.

And what I discovered was that it was shame. She had held up a mirror to something that I needed to work through so that I could heal. It had absolutely nothing to do with her. What she thinks of me is actually none of my business. But what she brought up for me absolutely was. So I began to look at the root cause, the shame. And from there, I was able to acknowledge that part of myself and do the work to heal the shame. When you look at the root cause of something, you’ll always find a story full of beliefs that separate you from your true essence. And it’s within this knowing that you can begin to find relief, if you discover the beliefs that are at the root cause and then constantly reach for better feeling thoughts.

However, if you’re constantly pointing the finger or blaming others, you will never be able to uncover what is the true problem. An iconic woman takes ownership of her emotional life and that’s where she focuses. So I encourage you actually to do something pretty radical, and that is thank those people who trigger you and bring this stuff up for you. Because as you work on it, it will no longer become an active vibration within you. If someone would say something about my marital status today, I’d probably respond with, “It’s actually none of your business.”

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Instead of going to that hurt place and that place of shame, because that woman actually allowed me to bring up something that I was able to work on and to heal.

Another way that I deal with my not so glamorous days is actually through compassion. On those days when I don’t feel well or I’m not at my best is when I am actually the most compassionate with myself. I ask myself on those days, sometimes on a minute by minute basis, darling, what do you need? Now, this is very different from how I used to behave when I was having a bad day. When I would do things to sabotage myself. Now I’ve trained myself to really love and hold myself, almost as you would a child, on those days. Because that’s when I’m most vulnerable, it’s when I need the most attention, the most TLC, and who better to give it to myself then me.

So number four. When I am having an extremely bad day is when I often times indulge even more in these simple luxuries of life. Now, I love these on a daily basis anyway, but again, it goes back to that self compassion piece and when I’m having a bad day is when I tend to need even more comfort and more love. And so for me, it might be extra candles around the house or an extra bubble bath or listening to really beautiful music. Just really giving myself permission to take extra good care of myself by enjoying the simple things.

Number five. On my worst of days is when I am very intentional on treating my body with so much love. Eating nurturing foods, moving my body, and again, giving myself some major TLC. And again, you know, it used to be that those were the days when I would overeat and try to numb out and avoid my feelings and engage in those self-sabotaging behaviors. However, now a bad day is when I treat myself with the most love and respect. And this way, I don’t end up adding more resistance to an already resistant day.

Number six. I get dressed up. Now, I love to dress up anyway, but I have learned for myself when I am dressed in such a way that I feel better, it changes my mood. I’m a big believer in dressing intentionally and what I mean by that is choosing clothes that match how you desire to feel. So pick out your favorite outfit, put on some lipstick and add a little glamor to your not so glamorous day. Now, these are just some of the ways that I’ve found to move through those days with more grace and strength.

But again, there is no one strategy that works for everyone. I encourage you to play around with how you can really take care of yourself and take away the resistance and treat yourself with so much love when you’re having those bad days. So, while there is no one strategy or formula to navigating a bad day, there is one thing that I’ve discovered that every woman can do to instantly step into grace and create more joie de vivre. But before I share it with you, I want to expand upon the word grace. It’s something that we hear often, but what does it truly mean?

When you look up the word grace, you’ll find these definitions. “Elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion or action. A pleasing or attractive quality or endowment. Or favor or good will.” For the ancient Romans, Gratia, which is another form of grace had three distinct meanings. Number one, it was a pleasing quality. Number two, favor or good will. And number three, gratitude or thanks. And then when you look up synonyms for the word grace, what you’ll find are words such as ease, elegance, poise, refinement, and style.

And what I know is that when you set out to live your iconic journey, you are going to run into pressure. This is when grace comes in. There are many ways to live with more grace, such as, number one, being kind to others, reminding yourself to slow down. Being mindful of your poise and how you’re carrying yourself, choosing ease in the hardest of situations and simplifying your life. But I want to talk about grace under pressure. How to handle those tough situations such as when things don’t go as planned, you don’t get the promotion, your internet crashes and you lose the document that you’ve been working on for days. And yes, this just happened to me yesterday.

So let me give you an example of how I embody grace under pressure. It seems like most people are easily scattered these days and easily overwhelmed when things don’t go well. And what I’ve noticed is that this energy spills over into other people and the situation and it only escalates the already stressful situation. So last year, my team and I were in the middle of launching a program and we had been working for months on making sure every

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detail was covered. Low and behold the night before the announcement, everything seemed to be going wrong. We had technical problems, we discovered a few glitches in the backend system and it was clear that things were not going as planned.

My business manager at the time lived in Paris and it was 4:00am her time. She had been up all night and my whole team was exhausted, including myself. They turned to me for leadership and I realized it would have been very easy for me to scream or to cry or to blame. But I asked myself, what would a lady of grace do? And you could easily substitute the word grace for ease, elegance, or refinement. With a bit of laughter, I realized there was nothing really serious going on and truly there rarely is. And that the world was not going to collapse if we didn’t launch the next day. So what did I do? I told my team to go to bed and that we were going to delay the launch until we felt well rested and rejuvenated and excited about the launch.

The truth is we needed breathing space and rest and most of all we needed grace. So the next day, we reconvened and we started brainstorming solutions to the problems we had run into and we launched the program a few days late. Although we didn’t hit our deadline, it turned out to be one of the most successful launches in our company’s history. What I can say is that this is life. Every day we are faced with decisions where we can choose. We can choose to either create drama and react or to step into grace and strength and create. The later is so much more beneficial because where there’s grace, there is less resistance to life.

And when I find myself in life’s most challenging situations. I have one go-to tool that always places me back into a state of grace. It’s not fancy or something you’ve never heard of. In fact, I talk about it all the time because it is so effective. And that thing is appreciation. Remember at the beginning of the salon, when I talked about the beautiful trilogy of creation. The second thing that I mentioned was living in a state of appreciation for where you are and the life you have right now. Think about it, the law of physics says that no two things can occupy the same space at the same time. So it is impossible to be appreciating your life and resisting it at the same time.

When I’m having a bad day, and even when I’m not, I have cultivated a practice of appreciation. I realized that everything that I have right now, at one time I had simply hoped for. So instead of always wanting and hoping for more, I don’t want to disregard all that I’ve been blessed with in my life right now. And how often do we do that? We get the thing that we want and it’s no time before we’re chasing after the next thing without really stopping and giving celebration and gratitude and appreciation to what we already have in abundance. So right now, I want you to try it. I want you to think about five things that you want to appreciate in your life. Don’t just simply state what it is, but also state why you are appreciative of it.

So for example, instead of saying, I am appreciative of my health, dig deeper. I am grateful for my health because I can go on walks, I get to enjoy my body, I can live more vivaciously. When you state the why of your appreciations, you increase the energy of that focus. So when in doubt, what do you do? Go to appreciation. I promise you it works wonders. Okay. So now it’s time to talk about taking action. Because we are at the end of the Become A Modern Day Icon Course, and so I want you to have some framework as to how you are going to continue this journey.

And when I talk about action, I’m not talking about just any action. I am talking about inspired action. As an iconic woman, there is a focus that will make your action steps more clear. In studying iconic women, what I’ve discovered is that they have two areas of focus. Number one, they are clear on what is most important to them or what we’ve called your values. Number two, they know how they want to feel. I discovered many years ago that I value beauty, connection, and inspiration. So I began to explore ways to bring more of those things into my world. It turned out that food and wine was my entry point into creating these values in my life. Learning about beautiful foods and appreciating wine and bringing people together over beautiful dinners and facilitating inspiring conversations and experiences.

And from this point I kept following things that aligned with my values. I discovered that I was passionate about

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inspiring women to create beautiful lives. I also discovered my love of style and luxury and travel. So through building my life based on what I valued, I discovered more of what I loved. Second, I knew how I wanted my life to feel. After that trip to Paris, my very first trip that I’ve talked about many times, I knew that I wanted my life to feel full of ease and elegance and love. So in knowing what is important to you and how you want to feel, you can cultivate your life to be a reflection of those things.

For me, when I write, when I get dressed, when I plan my retreats, my programs, when I have dinner with my family, basically anything. I focus on what I value and how I want to feel. So if you’re in a place of not knowing what you love, it’s okay. Everyone starts at that point. That’s just part of the fun of the journey, it’s a discovery. However, you can decide how you desire to feel. So spend some time thinking about that question. How do I want to feel in my life? And then begin to ask yourself things, such as what beliefs do I need to nurture to create those feelings? What are things I can do to create those feelings? Who are the people that express those feelings? What books can I read that create those feelings? What music can I listen to to create those feelings?

Begin to create your external world to be a reflection of how you want to feel. As you begin to follow what lights you up, you’ll be on the path to discovering your dream life and this is exactly how [inaudible] life was born. I kept following what felt good. Over time, the pieces of the puzzle began to come together. But when I first started this journey, I had no idea what it was turning into. It felt like a complete fog, but it was fun one. I just trusted that if I honored my desired feelings and kept taking action steps towards them, that the universe would support me and I promise you it has and it will do the same for you.

However, when you step into your iconic power, it probably won’t be easy. If you’re like me, you’ll have doubt and worry. You will have challenges to overcome, and one of the biggest hurdles will be those people who doubt and criticize your choices. You know what? It’s understandable. As your energy shifts, it will make those people around you uncomfortable. And so they will do and say whatever they can to try to pull you back into what they consider to be normal. But do you aspire to be normal? Do you aspire to be like those people? Do you want to live a life like them? Do you want others to dictate who you are to become? Of course you don’t.

Fortunately, there is an elegant approach to dealing with criticism and the naysayers. And here it is. It’s none of your business what people think of you. What matters is what you think of you and what you think of others. That is the only thing within your control. So that is where I want you to focus. When a woman steps out of her business and starts trying to orchestrate how other people behave, she has stepped out of her own grace and strength. If you stand for something or you represent something in the world, part of your iconic journey is understanding that not everyone is going to agree with you. And also realizing that that’s a good thing. It means that you are not vanilla or a people pleaser. You are a woman living your own truth and doing it in your own style.

So instead of trying to gain everyone’s affection, accept that part of this journey is not needing it. Once you begin to shed this need, you will feel this deep, internal freedom to honor yourself. I’ll admit that this one was a tough one for me. I was raised to be the nice girl and I wanted everyone to like me. If you’ve ever been there, you know how exhausting and soul sucking this behavior is. I also knew deep down that if I wanted to create a life I loved, I would have to be willing to not be liked and be willing to be rejected. What I can tell you is, when you do, you can love and appreciate people even if they don’t like you. You can offer compassion and still remove yourself from certain energies.

What I discovered is that when I stopped needing people to like me, a couple of things happened. First, I learned to love me and that inner strength has supported me as I have created a life that I love living. Second, I realized that I could truly show up and support people in a very sincere and genuine way, because there was no longer an agenda on my end for their approval. Talk about freedom. Now, you may be wondering, as I have, how this type of mindset works with the concept of charm. Well, I just want to clarify, charm is how you show up in a room, but it’s also being detached from what others think. It’s about being genuinely interested in others, not because you need them to like you, but because you’re a woman who is curious about life.

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As an iconic woman, you must let go of what you don’t have control over, including people’s opinion of you. Because if you want to create an iconic life, you will be asked to follow your soul. And I can promise you, it’s probably not going to be very conventional. So finally, I want to talk with you about how to move forward in your iconic journey. When I’m working with women around their desires and creating a life they love, one of the first questions that pops up is how do I do it? I remind them that the how is none of their business. Their business is simply to embody the essence of their desires and the

woman they want to be. And to continue to take action towards their dreams. I want you to let the universe piece it all together for you.

It’s important that as an iconic woman, you live intentionally and that you take control of the grand design of your life. However, the details of how it’s going to come together will often lead to overwhelm, stress, doubt, and worry. Because most of the time, you’re not going to know the details. Your job is simple. Keep taking action towards your desired life, don’t worry about the details, don’t worry about the hows. Simply embody the woman you desire to be and dance with life and surrender to the universe.

One of the best examples that I have of this is my weight loss journey. There were those years in my life where I obsessed with what the scale said and was so attached to an outcome of a certain size and a certain weight. And I lived in a constant state of fear and lack and worry. I was constantly trying to figure out how I was going to make it happen. And as a result, I tried every diet known to man and I went through bouts of trying to whip my body into shape at the gym, followed by being a couch potato. When I finally made a decision to surrender and just focus on how I wanted to feel in my life. And I also kept my desire to live in a happy and healthy body, my body began to respond in such beautiful ways.

I would ask myself, how would a happy and healthy woman think, eat, and live? With this question the how’s began to show up. First of all, my visit to France was one of the ways that the universe supported me in showing me another way of being. I also began to call in people into my life who didn’t struggle with weight and they showed me by example how I could begin to think like a naturally slim woman. I set my intention and then I let go of the outcome. I just showed up and I took actions that felt good and aligned with the woman that I wanted to be, instead of forcing myself to do things that didn’t feel good.

Another example was my desire to spend more time in France. You know, looking back, had I tried to orchestrate every detail of that journey, it would not have turned out as beautiful as it has. You know, by me just setting the intention and letting go, I had an opportunity to work in Monaco, run my retreats in Paris. And just a couple weeks ago, I was able to spend nine days in a beautiful chateau in Bordeaux at my friends wedding. The universe has given my desires in ways that I could have never imagined. You know, when I think about iconic women, there is not one of them that I can think of that knew the how of her journey when she began. She just kept taking inspired action based on what she loved and her values.

I encourage you to constantly look towards the horizon of your vision and then bring your gaze back to the present moment and ask yourself, what’s a step that I can take towards that dream? Just one step after another. It’s like a dance. And just keep showing up to engage in the magic of life and then let the universe support you and choose which opportunity is best for you. You’re probably going to be amazed at what shows up in your life when you surrender. Your only job again, is to show up and embody the essence of your desires and take inspired action. Now, when I talk about

inspired action, what I mean is action taken out of the feeling you think you’ll have when you achieve your goal.

So for example, if you think having a successful business will make you feel abundant and secure. It’s important to align you energy now with those feelings, not when you get something in the future. So ask yourself, when I

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have my desired outcome, how will I feel? Then do the work to create those feelings for yourself now, and it will always begin in your mind. If you’re wondering how to create your desired feelings, gratitude, celebration, and appreciation are always good ways to shift your energy. If you knew that you were going to achieve your goals, how would you feel? Now, create that feeling now.

The truth is that you don’t need the middleman of getting something to feel the way you want to feel. And by aligning your energy you are more likely to attract what you want with more ease and more joy. So as you move forward in your iconic journey, I have some words of advice and encouragement and I’m just going to download them. So first, focus on your natural gifts and strengths. Try a lot of things, experiment with life, enjoy the process as much as the dream itself. Follow what feels good. Embody the essence of the woman you desire to be. Let go of everything that doesn’t align with what you value. Don’t let the hows stop you. Let go of the outcomes and don’t stop when it feels hard, but do choose ease. There is a difference.

Allow yourself to feel life fully. See the beauty in life and yourself. Do something everyday that delights your soul. Be an original, make art, live with style, create, and most of all, love. As we end this eight week journey together, I want to invite you to think about your past and your future in a new way. I want to use the help of one of my favorite icons. A woman who for decades has known what she wants, hasn’t been afraid of what people think of her, and has reinvented herself many, many times to iconic status. I’m talking about Madonna.

As for how to view your past, she said, “I think the ultimate challenge is to have some kind of style and grace, even though you haven’t got money or standing in society or a formal education. I had a very lower, middle-class sort of upbringing. But I identify with people who’ve had, at some point in their lives, to struggle to survive. It adds another color to your character.” As to your future, she said, “I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art.” And she also said, “No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always change, become a better version of yourself.”

There is no better time in your life then right now to begin to see you as a modern day icon. To make your life experience a piece of art. You get to decide who you want to be and your past is just a beautiful part of your journey that has shaped and added texture to your experience. You are an iconic woman. Now go out there and use your natural gifts and strengths. Indulge in your dreams and desires. Turn on your charm and confidence. Live with ease and elegance. Believe in your own self worth. Enjoy your beauty and femininity and live with grace and strength. Cheers to you becoming a modern day icon. I am so honored to have spent these eight weeks with you, in supporting you and watching you step into your iconic power.

I certainly hope that our iconic journeys will cross paths in the near future and until they do, I’ll be [inaudible].
