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GRACEMOUNT HIGH SCHOOL _____ School Improvement Plan 2019-20
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SCHOOL _____

School Improvement Plan 2019-20

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Strategic priorities and key outcomes – 3-year cycle 2018 - 2021

Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy Year 2 (2019/20)

• Implement and review 5th period of English and Maths in S1.

• Use opportunity of international visit to Hong Kong to reflect on pedagogical approaches to teaching of Maths and Numeracy

• Further develop role of Numeracy DO to improve numeracy outcomes for P5-S3

• Monitor, track and plan interventions for young people at risk of not achieving level 3 by the end of S3 in literacy and numeracy.

• Ensure opportunities for staff are available to effectively moderate achievement if a level.

• Develop integrated language across the curriculum in partnership with EAL and ASL team.

• Develop approaches to analysis of data (achievement of a level and SNSA) to support intervention at whole school, faculty and classroom teacher level and set stretch aims.

• Embed literacy benchmarks across all curricular areas

Year 3 (2020/21)

• Continue to develop and review above statements.

• To achieve the following levels of literacy and numeracy (National Benchmarking – school leavers) o Level 3 Literacy 100% Level 3 Numeracy 100% o Level 4 Literacy 96% Level 4 Numeracy 96% o Level 5 Literacy 80% Level 5 Numeracy 55%

• To achieve the following: o 95% of pupils by end of S3 to achieved L3 in R, W L&T.

Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people Year 2 (2019/20)

• Focus on closing poverty related attainment gap by utilising PEF resources (Senior DO / PSO)

• Continue to develop and embed vocational course options (NPA and Skills for Work).

• Ensure coursing strategy links with school priority to improve attainment at level 5.

• Focus on Foundation Apprenticeship opportunities for those identified as suitable candidates.

• Improve L&T – focus on integrated language development, TACL and Lesson study. Embed L&T policy

• Improve attainment of disadvantaged children (specific focus on LAAC (MCR and Edinburgh matters), care experienced, bottom 20%).

• Implement our L&T policy to further improve learning and engagement.

• Sustain our drop in exclusion figures

• Implement clear QA calendar in line with key SQA dates across all faculties and whole school.

• Develop whole school focus on ASN learners to ensure appropriate levels of support are in place.

Year 3 (2020/21)

• Continue to develop and review above statements.

• Use of monitoring and tracking systems to focus on closing poverty related attainment gap to ensure improving attainment for all bottom 20% achieve a minimum of 5

qualification on leaving school with a minimum complimentary tariff points score of 150 (National Benchmarking).

• To continue to embed attendance procedures ensuring all year groups are 92% or above.

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• Improve outcomes for young people with identified ASN (improving attainment for all) – to be in line or above virtual comparator.

Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing Year 2 (2019/20)

• Implement school’s vision of excellence for 2023 with focus on Responsible, Respectful, Safe.

• Whole school focus on improving attendance.

• Continue to develop Rights Respecting Schools work to ensure all children feel safe

• In partnership with PIVOTAL education begin to implement updated Relationships for Learning Policy

• Develop approaches to support and improve mental health and wellbeing

• Evaluate children’s progress in H&WB as evidence d by wellbeing indicators

• Develop learners’ experiences through wider curriculum opportunities which support them to develop their talents, character and intelligence in equal measure.

• Further develop our approach to developing confidence and skills through our Pupil Leadership Team (House Team Captains, PLT, Pupil Council, Girls Group).

Year 3 (2020/21)

• Vison of excellence embedded

• Continue whole school focus on improving attendance.

• Sustain Gold Award for RRS

• Fully implemented Relationships for Learning policy in place

• Clearly evaluated H&WB indicators

• Continued focus on learners’ experiences through wider curriculum opportunities which support them to develop their talents, character and intelligence in equal measure.

• Fully implemented Nurture provision

• Established Pupil leadership team roles

Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school-leaver destinations for all young people Year 2 (2019/20)

• Work towards target of 93% (National Benchmarking) of pupils in post-school positive destination < 7 % unemployed (seeking or not seeking)

• Develop pathways programme for S3 with a focus on key skills.

• Increase the uptake of level 5 vocational qualifications in the senior phase

• Further develop profiling in S1/2 related to My WoW

• Implement key strategies for our DYW agenda including more work that is effective with partners/employers.

• Further embed career education and work place standards

• Further develop wider achievement opportunities – Outward Bound, Fringe festival, DoE

• Review curriculum in relation to skills, IDL and language provision.

Year 3 (2020/21)

• Embedded S3 pathways programme and development of S4/ Senior Phase programme

• Consolidate level 5 vocational qualifications • Further developing proofing across S1-3.

• Work towards target of 96% (National Benchmarking) of pupils in post-school positive destination < 4 % unemployed (seeking or not seeking)

• Continue to implement DYW strategy, including CES and WPS.

• Continue to develop wider achievement opportunities.

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NIF Priority Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy

School Objective To increase the percentage of pupils achieving level 3 by the end of S3

Overall Responsibility R Hunter

Strategy Focus on whole school Learning & Teaching particularly differentiation in literacy

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s):

1. EdICT monitoring and tracking data (BGE stats) working level data

2. 93% of pupils to achieve level 3 by ened of S3

3. SNSA data (to be updated on receipt of current S3)


1.1 Self-Evaluation for self-improvement

1.2 Leadership of learning

1.3 Leadership of change

2.2 Curriculum

2.3 Learning Teaching and assessment

2.7 Partnerships

3.2 Raising attainment and achievement

Key Tasks Resources


Progress & Impact

November January March

5th period of English and Maths Introduced from June 2019. Data gathered:

1. P7 SNSA scores (2019) + S3 SNSA scores (2021). We will look at added value.

2. Pupil views – 5 periods 3. Staff views – 5 periods 4. Pupil assessment – (level 2 assessment) added

value in S1. 5. Achievement of a level data (S3) 6. EdICT database – working levels – S1 tracking

periods. Lead – D Scott

Curriculum time from ICT and HE in S1 given to maths and English to further develop literacy and numeracy skills.

From new timetable in June 19

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Integrated language across the curriculum Focus on differentiation in literacy across the whole school. Strategies given to all staff to support building literacy within pupils. Group of max 6 staff to work with EAL and ASL service to collaboratively focus on lesson planning with differentiation in literacy for specific pupils. Findings to be fed back to whole school in Jan inset. Lead – D Scott

DHT Dora Kollar Annie Page Annemarie Proctor 2 In-service days 1 x CAT SIG

August 2019 Inset delivered and

evaluation issued to staff. For January, staff to adopt one or two strategies to use in their classroom.

Monitoring and tracking of BGE levels Gather prior level so attainment in literacy and numeracy – September 2019 Identify pupils at risk of not achieving level 3 by end of S3 – September 2019. Plan interventions for support of pupils and review progress – November/ January / March. Lead – R Hunter

EdICT database Use of CL’s time – English/SFL/Maths

From August 2019

Effective moderation of achieving a level Use benchmarks in literacy to support teachers’ professional judgement of achievement of a level. Aim to to facilitate understanding standards and identify next steps in learning with a specific focus on writing across the curriculum. CL meeting – time used to guide CL’s. Ask to gather 3 examples of writing (definite, maybe, no). Discuss in trios and linking to benchmarks Moderation activity with CL’s that are then used in faculties within faculty meetings meeting. Lead R Hunter / B Foley

CL meeting time – 4th November CL meet 3 hours built into working time agreement for staff to work on this.

November 2019

Numeracy Development Officer (PEF) DO will work with primary class teachers (P5-P7) to support numeracy development. Primary staff to integrate second level resources into P6 and P7 courses.

Num DO (PEF) Time to work with primary staff – joint numeracy working group

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Ongoing meetings to discuss with staff: 1. Valid and reliable assessment 2. Effective pace 3. L&T approaches 4. SharePoint use and parental involvement. 5. Pace and challenge

Lead – A Koturbasz

Extra Maths sets Created in S4 and S5/6. Smaller classes are to support attainment and achievement within Maths. They should also be able to utilise the teacher creatively to support catch up unit assessment groups / focussed numeracy groups as required throughout the session. Lead – D Scott

CL Maths Numeracy DO DHT Curriculum time

From new timetable in June 2019

Hong Kong School Visit – Numeracy A key focus of the visit will be to look at strategies related to improving levels of maths and numeracy. Key finding will be presented to staff. Lead- R Hunter / M Yusaf

Trip to Hong Kong Partner School – September 2019

September 2019 onwards

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NIF Priority Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people

School Objective Further develop achievement at and development of vocational opportunities (NPA, S4W courses and City and Guilds) within the Senior Phase at level 5.

Overall Responsibility D Scott

Strategy Whole school focus on enhancing senior curriculum

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s):

1. Insight data – whole course summary on NPA and Skills for Work course. Number of passes 2017-18 (38 passes) 2018-19 ( passes) . Set targets

for 2019-20

2. Foundation apprenticeship uptake


1.1 Self-Evaluation for self-improvement

1.2 Leadership of change

2.2 Curriculum

2.3 Learning Teaching and assessment

2.7 Partnerships

3.2 Raising attainment and achievement

3.3 Increasing creativity and employability

Key Tasks Resources


Progress & Impact

November January March

Embed vocational options Develop further opportunities for NPA’s and Skills for Work courses to be developed and implemented within the school’s curriculum. Ensure they are appropriately placed on course choice sheets to allow for a variety of choice. Lead – D Scott



• Sports Leaders

• T&T

• Web Design

• Cr Industries

• Pr Science

• C Gam Dev

• Retail

From Aug 2019

Coursing strategy DHT Nov/Dec 2019

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Meet with PSLs to look at coursing strategy and ensure that they are fully versed in what the different levels on offer are. Ensure that they are encouraging pupils, as appropriate, into courses at the highest possible level to improve attainment - focus on level 5 courses Lead – D Scott


Parental Engagement – coursing Focus on new courses on offer at Course Choice evening – ensuring that parents and pupils understand the level and the course. Educate the equivalence and link to destination data. Support parents to support their young people when making course choices, Lead – D Scott


Jan 2020

Foundation Apprenticeships Promote opportunity and further develop pupil and parent understanding of these



Dec 2020

NIF Priority Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people

School Objective

Improve Learning and Teaching Overall Responsibility

Strategy Whole school focus on improving learning and teaching with a particular focus on developing integrated language and content teaching.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s):

QI 2.3 evaluation of learning and teaching. Aim to move from a 4 to a 5.


1.1 Self-Evaluation for Self-Improvement

1.2 1.3 Leadership of change

1.5 Management of resources and environment for learning

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2.2 Curriculum

2.4 Personalised Support

3.2 Raising attainment and achievement

3.3 Increasing creativity and employability skills

Tactics Resources


Progress & Impact

November January March

L&T Policy Focus on developing consistency of L&T approaches across the school by launching 2019/20 Learning & Teaching Policy to whole staff. Whole staff will self-evaluate against policy and identify an area for development.

Lead – D Scott

In-service time L&T SIG

August 2019

Lesson Study Introduction of Lesson Study programme supported by the Edinburgh Learns Team. Each trio, from L&T group will have someone who was part of the EAL/ASL programme to ensure the expertise is shared when working to further develop differentiation in literacy, which will be the focus. This will be phase 2 and will run from January 2020. Lead – D Scott

DHT Edinburgh Learns Jan INSET

Jan 2020

Evaluation of L&T - TACL and 3MWT Through implementing our QA calendar, we will continue to look at the quality of L&T across the school by evaluating teaching practice Lead - R Hunter

SLT time and volunteers from staff Teaching and learning fellow post

August 2019 onwards

Whole school focus on ASN support. Staff training and support to be put in place (how to make a referral, what to look for) around referral

Inset day 2 (August)

Faculty link for

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system. Faculty link identified and ASN support becomes standing item on faculty agenda. Lead - M Gordon / M Wilson

AAA identified –

standing item on

faculty agendas

NIF Priority Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people

School Objective

Improve attainment for key targeted groups. Overall Responsibility L Whale (Senior Do)

Strategy Rigorous monitoring/tracking and planned intervention with school and partner agencies so we have clear information on attainment across all curricular areas.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s):

1. S4 lowest attaining pupils (lowest 20%) to achieve a minimum of 100 complimentary tariff points.

2. Target groups (S3/4) LAAC – to achieve a minimum of 150 complimentary tariff points.

3. Target groups (S3/4) potential school leavers to achieve a minimum of 150 complimentary tariff points and move into a positive destination

4. S4 Middle 60% - Aim for 270 complimentary tariff points.

5. To increase the average complimentary tariff in S4 to above 250 (current 3-year data is 222, 237 and 225 – 2016, 2017, 2018)


1.3 Self-Evaluation for Self-Improvement

1.3 Leadership of change

1.5 Management of resources and environment for learning

2.2 Curriculum

2.4 Personalised Support

3.2 raising attainment and achievement

3.3 Increasing creativity and employability skills

Key Tasks Resources


Progress & Impact

November January March

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Identify target groups in S4 cohort: Use key data to identify groups:

• Achievement of a level


• PSL and SFL information

• Attendance

By August we will have a clear indication of those who are: Most at risk (lowest 20%) / LAAC /Potential school leaver /Middle 60.

Lead L Whale – Senior DO


August 2019 – Ongoing throughout session.

Introduce Pathways Programme for S4 pupils

• NPA in Enterprise and Employability L4/5

• NPA Preparing for Employment L4/5

• Personal Development Award L4/5

Identified pupils will be extracted from core subjects and placed into programme. Pupils do 2 periods of NPA in Enterprise and Employability L4/5 and NPA Preparing for Employment L4/5.

Further develop pathways options for S3 and Senior Phase in time for implementation into timetable for 2020/21. Pupils will be able to select this option from the option form.

Lead L Whale – Senior DO

Senior Do (PEF)

From August 2019

Monitoring and tracking of targeted group (lowest 20%) and planned interventions. Individualized trackers to be created and regularly updated. Reviewed immediately after senior tracking and faculty returns analysed. Lead L Whale – Senior DO

Senior Do (PEF)

From August 2019

Monitoring and tracking of LAAC pupils Planned interventions. Individualized trackers to be created and regularly updated. Reviewed immediately after senior tracking and faculty returns analysed.

Senior Do (PEF) IM – SFL focus

From August 2019

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Lead L Whale – Senior DO

MCR Pathways programme Improve outcomes in terms of attainment and destinations for care experienced and at-risk pupils. Lead - MCR Pathways coordinator

Senior Do (PEF)

MCR Coordinator

From August 2019

Monitoring and tracking of potential S4 school leavers. Identified and attainment and destination planned. Individualized trackers to be created and regularly updated. Reviewed immediately after senior tracking and faculty returns analysed. Lead L Whale – Senior DO

Senior Do (PEF) and 16+ data.



From August 2019

Monitoring and tracking of middle 60% identification of at risk pupils (not achieving 270 complimentary tariff points). Reviewed immediately after senior tracking and faculty returns analysed. L2L mentor in place to oversee 10 pupils (given 1ppw) to see 5 pupils each week to mentor for attainment and attendance. Lead – L Whale

Senior Do (PEF) – lead training for staff. L2L mentors – identified for 10 pupils

From August 2019

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NIF Priority Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing

School Objective Increase the percentage of pupils who have an attendance rate of above 90%

Overall Responsibility M Gordon

Strategy To develop a whole school tracking and monitoring focus on attendance.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s):

1. S1 – S6 Attendance rate above 90% for 70% of the cohort.

2. 95% of pupils with above 90% attendance feel more included (participation), respected and safe.


1.1 Self-Evaluation for Self-Improvement

1.2 1.3 Leadership of change

1.3 1.5 Management of resources and environment for learning

2.1 Safeguaring for child protection

2.4 Personalised Support

3.1 Improving wellbeing, equality and inclusion

Key Tasks Resources


Progress & Impact

November January March

Introduce clerical assistant post.

Aim to implement robust tracking and monitoring of attendance. Key duties outlined below

o First contact home

o Update SEEMIS codes

o Track and monitor daily attendance

o Notifications home of absences

o Track period by period completion of

registers to ensure accuracy

o Highlight patterns or concerns to PSL /


o Provide stats for PSG and house team

Lead – M Gordon

Clerical post (funded through Inclusion Monies) SEEMIS

Appointed to take up post in August

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Establish clear and consistent approach for attendance Roles for each staff member clearly articulated. As a result all staff have increased awareness of responsibilities for monitoring and tracking attendance. Clear pathway of support for every young person in place with the aim of improving overall attendance. CL’s and subject teachers to consistently implement attendance monitoring procedures. This information will be gathered and shared with staff. Lead – M Gordon / S Ellis

Faculty DM’s – attendance is standing item

August Inset Update on attendance procedures 4 November CL Meeting Return on interventions that address attendance.

Staff updated on attendance procedures at Aug Inset. CL’s made aware of attendance interventions and CL meeting on 4th.

Critical Collaborative Professional Enquiry – Targeted Year Group – Positive texts Continue positive text home for attendance and punctuality. To further develop pupils’ motivation and self-esteem.

• Criteria to be set for receiving text.

• Agreed data to be captured – how many pupils per year receive text.

• Parents and Pupil views to be gathered on impact. Lead - M Gordon/ J Wilson / S Ellis

DHT (MG) Attendance lead (PSL) Attendance Clerical Parental Engagement lead


House Team Meetings Monitor attendance of pupils at monthly house team meetings and agree interventions. Rewards for attendance to be identified. Gold / Silver / Bronze awards. Interventions put in place at house team meetings to improve attendance. Lead – PSL’s

House team meetings. Admin Support

From Sept 2019

SEEMIS attendance checks As per QA calendar. Aim to ensure more accurate recording of individual attendance and staff developing clearer understanding of attendance procedures.

DHT Clerical Assistant

From Aug 2019

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M Gordon

PSL leading targeted interventions Related to pathway 3 and 4 supports. Monitor and record AAAG referrals. • 1:1 meetings with pupils/parents and partners

• 1:1 review with EWO

Lead - PSL’s

PSL time EWO

From Aug 2019

Higher levels of pupil and parental awareness regarding importance of attendance. Aim to raise profile of attendance across whole school.

• PSE attendance lessons and review (every pupil knows their attendance figure)

• Focus in house and year group assemblies

• Increase publication and communication of importance of attendance and sharing attendance data.

Lead – S Ellis / J Wilson

PSE time Assemblies Facebook

From August 2019

HT Daily dozen Includes focus on being included, respected and safe. Pupils seen in attendance groups of above and below 90%. Data collection strategy. Analysis of data to determine link between attendance and wellbeing indicators. Lead - R Hunter

R Hunter Clerical Support

From October 2019

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NIF Priority Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing

School Objective

To further develop the school’s positive ethos and relationships

Overall Responsibility R Hunter

Strategy In partnerships with Pivotal Education implement changes to approaches to relationships for learning policy with a focus on Responsible, Respectful, Safe

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s):

1. All staff are aware of wellbeing indicators and how they influence their practice.

2. All staff have a better understanding of their responsibilities in improving behaviour.

3. Almost all pupils respect each other’s right to learn.


1.4 Self-Evaluation for Self-Improvement / 1.3 Leadership of change / 1.5 Management of resources and environment for learning

2.4 Personalised Support

3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion

Key tasks Resources


Progress & Impact

November January March

Implementation of schools Vision of Excellence After whole school vote in May/June 2019 -

• Focus on Responsible, Respectful Safe – wellbeing indicators

• School Motto

• Vision, Values and Aims

Lead – R Hunter

Assemblies in August to launch Vision, Values Aims and Motto.

Assemblies in August

Review Relationships for Learning policy with pivotal education Focus on staff development and revised procedures.

• Visible adult consistencies

• Social goal focus for S1-2

• Rules of RRS • Over and above behaviours (class charts)

• Agreed area of focus with staff after Pivotal WHOOSH inout

Inset / CAT sessions Pivotal Education resources and instructor training

August 2019 – ongoing.

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Lead – R Hunter

Rights Respecting School Gold Award We will continue to develop our approach to being a RRS. We will aim to clearly link work to wellbeing indicators of Responsible, Respectful and Safe. Projects based on:

1. Rights respecting language - Respect week. 2. LBGT charter 3. 1 in 5 (opportunities fund) 4. Ongoing focus on linking rights to curriculum

Lead – L Whale

SIG group

NIF Priority Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing

School Objective To improve mental health support for pupils across the school

Overall Responsibility M Gordon

Strategy Introduce key supports for pupils through PSO and mental health first aid training for staff

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s):

1. Almost all pupils feel that access to mental health supports across the school have improved.

2. Almost all pupils improve their confidence and motivation through participation and recognition of wider achievements and success.


1.5 Self-Evaluation for Self-Improvement

1.3 Leadership of change

1.5 Management of resources and environment for learning

2.1Safeguarding and Child protection

2.4 Personalised Support

2.7 Partnerships

3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion

Key tasks Resources Time Progress & Impact

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November January March

Introduce PSO role As part of SFL faculty with a clearly defined focus to support:

• SEBN pupils – emotion talks /LIAM

• Flexible timetable support

• Extraction based support

Lead – M Gordon

PEF Funded Post Ongoing

Whole school focus on Mental Health including:

• Training for staff in first aid mental health as part of SIG group.

• Deliver mental health wellbeing award in PSE

• Continued targeted support (HOTS) / Liz Godek School Nurse.

Lead – M Gordon

Sig group EP Mental Health First Aid training -

From August 2019.

Aim to improve wellbeing of S1/2 pupils Identification of how the school celebrates success to improve the wellbeing of S1/2 pupils using the wellbeing indicators and pupil prolife. Pupils recording successes and contributions to school in PSE through wellbeing indicators which is part of pupil profile. Pupils will evaluate how they have improved their wellbeing through opportunities available to them in and out of school. Lead – M Gordon

Wellbeing indicators Pupil Profile Time in PSE

From August 2019

Continued focus on recognising and celebrating success Tools used: 1. Class charts to recognise over and above

behaviours with a focus on achievement, resilience and contribution. Develop staff understanding of over and above behaviours. Opportunities in school – linked to over and above behaviours:

Class charts EdICT CL Lead

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• Dance show

• Expressive Arts show

• Sports awards

• Outward Bound

• End of term shows

• School teams

• School committees (pupil council/RRS)

• Pupil leadership opportunities 2. EdICT reporting – focus on behaviour, effort and

attendance awards – clear calendar and use of admin team to support house team.

3. End of term shows /Celebration evening.

Lead - Class Charts (R4L) / EdICT reporting (House Team) / End of Term/Celebration Evening – CL lead

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NIF Priority Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school-leaver destinations for all young people

School Objective Increase the number of pupils moving into a positive and sustained destination

Overall Responsibility D Scott

Strategy Increase awareness and engagement with career education standards

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s):

1. Work towards target of 93% (National Benchmarking) of pupils in post-school positive destination

2. Less than 7 % of pupils unemployed (seeking or not seeking)

Key Qis:

1.3 Leadership of change

Key tasks Resources


Progress & Impact

November January March

Further implement career education standards Faculties to build on 3-point action plan (RAG progress) in order to better prepare pupils for life and work post-school. CL discuss action plan with support from AB at CL meeting. AB to meet with all faculties (if required) between September and November to support and finalise CES action plan.

CAT Session (3) November – SDS Amber Beatson. Share best practice and revisit action plan.

Action plan progress report submitted by March 2020 to demonstrate impact.

Lead – D Scott

Career Education Standards and evaluation materials from Education Scotland SDS Partnership Amber Beatson Market Place

CL Meeting (1) 2 September.

CAT Session- 8 November.

March 2020 to demonstrate impact. Action plan green in all 3 points.

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Careers Event Held on 9 January. Improve awareness of post-school opportunities for young people and their families. Offer faculties the opportunity to engage with industry partners. Lead – D Scott

Kay Hannah (SDS) Support DYW officer (LT) Time to Plan

September to January

Community Partnership Approach SDO to identify young people at risk of not moving into a positive and sustained destination through 16+ and house team meetings. Aim is to work with identified partners to access supports. Lead – L Whale

16 + and House Team meetings

Partners as below: 1. Dunedin Canmore 2. Cyrennians 3. Access to Industry 4. Action for children 5. Enable Scotland 6. Fair Start Scotland 7. Rathbone 8. JET programme /

JET + 9. Cannongate Youth 10. Bridgend

Farmhouse 11. RUTS

Monthly 16+ and House Team meetings will occur.

Career ready 4-6 Pupils involved in career ready programme Lead – L Taylor (1PPW).

Career ready programme

1PPW – teacher lead.

August 19 onwards

My World of Work Ambassador Programme Pupils to be trained by SDS to support roll out of My World of Work in BGE. Develop pupil leadership opportunity.

My World of Work

1PPPW teacher lead.

August 19 onwards

Page 22: GRACEMOUNT HIGH SCHOOLgracemounthighschool.co.uk/resources/School-Documents/... · 2019-09-05 · NIF Priority Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged

Lead – L Taylor

NIF Priority Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school-leaver destinations for all young people

School Objective Develop and increase awareness of essential employability skills in young people.

Overall Responsibility D Scott

Strategy To develop and begin to implement a skills framework within L&T for S1/2.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s):

1. Key skills framework is established and ready to be shared with staff for session 2020/21

2. YPI takes place for all S2 pupils

3. Curricular review taken place


Tactics Resources


Progress & Impact

November January March

Establish key skills framework for employability:

• Literacy

• Numeracy

• H&W

• Creativity

• Digital

Lead – D Scott

Time Looking outwards – partnerships with other schools.

August 2019

From the key skills headings further develop: 1. What employers want 2. What that means 3. Success criteria – to be used in lessons

Lead D Scott

Time Looking outwards – partnerships with other schools.

August 2019

Page 23: GRACEMOUNT HIGH SCHOOLgracemounthighschool.co.uk/resources/School-Documents/... · 2019-09-05 · NIF Priority Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged

Embedding YPI S2 RE curriculum to build on pupils’ skills and citizenship. This will offer pupils the opportunity to lead their own learning within a community and charity context and develop our partnership with YPI. Lead – D Scott/A Fleming

YPI A Fleming

August 2019

Curricular Review Analysis of curriculum:

1. Impact of 7 /7 model on total and complimentary tariff

2. Review of language provision in S3 and impact on curricular model

3. Analysis of BGE class size reduction 4. Development of IDL strategy within BGE to link

to skills framework

Lead – R Hunter / D Scott

Insight Stakeholder views School visit (IDL focus) Education Scotland resources - IDL

September 2019 October 2019 Finished by December 2019.
